The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 27, 1905, Image 4

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    .s.tixcripfion Sl.uo per veur in advance.
' k-NrKPIIICIMMtlN, Editor ami Pub
tymliittMluy ill iynolilHVllU. JHTi-rmin t'o.
I'll., (iHvnlftl m I hi. liiK'trstNof Ifc.ynnliNvlllo
imlJi'lTortMincounly. Nim-polltlcHl.wllltn'iit
iin wii ii luirncHH, mill wllllmiHiuelullyrrliid.
I v tuwunls I In- hilmi'liiir irlims.
I'dimiiiinlciiildiiM hniMnhd for tiulillcutloii
hi UHt Iw iii'i'iiinpiiiiliMl liy Din wrlinr'H niinii,
nut for piiulli'iil Inn, hill, ns 11 uimrimli't) nf
Ailvcrt Inltiif riili'n tnailii nnwu on upplli'ii.
I Ion ul t his nlllr.n.
LhiikIhv I'imiiiiuiili'iilliins nnd rlmtiue nf
i.ivcrii!.iiiiuMiis 8IIOHIU re nc n una oimco by
Monday niMtn.
Siilwurlpllon prli-rf l.00wryi'nr,ln ndrnnrn.
miuriiHH hi irnimuu mentions to u. A.iupn
eiiHou, UoyniililHvlMo, I'u.
ThkPtak In jtlml tit nil tlnios In nlvn spiiro
to contrlbiitloiiH of KiMionil inlori'Hl from Hm
rotulorn nml Invite tlui free expression of
uuntotitii opinion.
Why Some Farmers are Not Successful.
"Flotsam," In the ri!nifpT, says ho
novor expuct9 to bo reconciled to the
,wriy ho finds farms anil gardens on his
travels out of town. It Is usually tho
women who keep tho gardens up and
they aro tho oiios who should have the
credit or blamo. There are a groat
many so-called successful farmers who,
if they had to got their farms by the
sweat of tholr own brows, would have
neither farm nor pardon. Now If "Flot
sam" would go to tho trouble to try and
get our law 'makers persuaded to enact
laws for tho stato to loan money to tho
farmers to tho amount of fifty per
cent of tho value of their farms
at lj per cent interest, ho would bo
rendering moro practical service I
boliovo such action would cause the
greatest boom in agricultural develop
ment that evor was. Tho stato has
plenty of money scattered around In the
different National banks that would as
sist many a man to become a successful
farmer. There aro plenty of men who
have novor had a fair chance to prove
to tho public what kind of farmors thoy
are. Some of them have money out of
the building and loan and possibly just
about the timo their crops should be
planted thoy see a placo where a little
money can be mado to pay up the
monthly dues, and that oftontimos,
through wet wotitbut setting in, de
prives them of any crop at all. Then,
thore aro othors who must borrow
monoy from a classof people whocharge
the full rate of intorost and have it go
through tho third man, and ho will
trfiffgo an additional two per cont
'brokerage. So you soo thore Is a cor
taln per cent of farmers who could make
a success of farming but, never having I
received financial nid from homo or
through the wifo, aro handicapped.
And to roturn to the garden again,
whon you find a poor one the chances
aro there is no woman thore at all or
elso is Bickly and unable to attend to
tho work. F. P. Best.
An Important Reynoldsville Organization.
Tho Koystono band is an organization
that many a city would feel elated ovor.
It is an organization that strangors
from sfar discuss its morits. The Koy
stono band is an advertisement to lioyn
oldsvillo, as tho engagements played' in
other towns this sumraor was evidence
of that fact, especially the trip to Buf
falo, with the Elk delegation to the
Grand Lodgo SosBion of that order.
The unfair troatmont tboy got at the
band contest in that city caused a gen
eral comment on the matter all about
tho city by strangers and citizens of
Buffalo. Many strangers, and in fact
all would say, "Where is Uoynoldsville?
What is tho population ? What main
tains your town ? " eta., etc. Of course
an explanation followed such nuimttona.
Tboy would say that thoy never henrd
ol npynoldMvilli) b-foro ami that tlin
band was a fine organization. Thus it
can be booh that the Keystone is an
advertisement to our town.
At the Urookville fair after tho band
finished playing, tho judge of tho horse
races called to the manager and told
him to express his congratulations to
the band, as it would causo qulto a
search to find a band of the Koystono '
equal. lie said, "I am a musician my
self and know whereof I Hpeak. My
wife Is ono of the leading singers of
Cleveland, Ohio." The lady trick
rider asked hor horso to make a bow to
tho good band. She stated afterward
that tho band Is far ahead of the' aver
ago band she meets.
The band has running expenses t
keep up in order to mako it permamiut
and in order to make up money for oj
penBes, have arranged a series of diuieww
for the winter season at Reynolds l'aitlc
pavilion. Tho first danee will be Thurs
day evening, October 5th. It wouU be
very encouraging to the band to. have
a largo turnout and It would bIiow what,
estimation thoy are held in. Tell all
your friends to turn out to these dances
and help tho band. Unfortunately both
headB of tho bass drum were brokem
out at Brookvlllo and several member
of the band have boon indisposed or
Beveral Btreot concerts would have boom
given of lato, but tho concerts, wU). Urn
glvon before cold weather arrives.
W. W. Wir.EY, Manager:.
Disposed of Store.
Scott MuClolland, who has been r-
gagod in the mercantile business at.
Ueynoldsvllle lor soveral vears. ilttriiu
which tiuio his clothing and gouts' fur
nishing goods store, which was ur.lor
the managomont of W. II. Bell, receiv
ed a liberal Bhareof the publlo patron
age, disposed of the same last Week to
Mr. Bell, and hereafter ho will cUo his
attention to other business pursuits.
Mr. McClelland is president or the First.
National Bank of Hoynoldsville. with a-
capital of $75,000 and a Burphis fund
equal to the full amount of tt canltal.
and this institution on account of its
constant growth and expansion in vol-
umo of business Is calling, for more of
his time; then ho has extensive coal in
terests in that section nd other busi
ness pursuits that require personal sup
ervision, bo that ho kas numerous en
terprises that aro locking up to him for
buccoss and he could well afford to be a.
little genorous Md) turn over the store
business to Mr.. Boll, who has been a.
very valuable imdl most trusting worthy
assistant. Rssokvlllo Itepuhliran.
Mr. McCUilnnd should, fi. iMsnlilnnlr.
of Boynohl3vllle Instead of Krqokvillo;.
. t
Reduced Rates to the Pittsburg Exhibi
On Wednesdays, September , 13, 20;.
and 27 and October 4, 11, and 18, 11105,.
tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion tickets fi-om points"
on the Low Grade Division, includlng;
the Sligo Branch, to Pittsburg, at re
duced rates, including admission to th
Those tlokots will be pood going on
regular trains on day of Issue, and will
be valid for return passage within four
days, including date of sale.
Quality and Excellence.
Tho Prizor Stove and Ranges ao
evidence of loadorshvp in style and con
struction. Thoy contain all the latest
Idea3, and will please tho house-keeper
who desires the best results in baking
and cooking. High in quality moder
ate in price. Sold, guaranteed and
rocemmonded by. Roynoldsvill' Hard
war '6 Co.
"Visit MlllireoB for your new fall suit.
Don't miss H. Miller's monster munu
fJicturing sale, orioning October 2nd.
fjyery thing goes regard ess of cost.
Soothe nowfaL'l raincoatsatMilllrens.
85c to $6,00
The Home of Honest Shoes. .
That's all.
, li
7 1
JWUmmxrtiirvmmwMmk,mmmBMim , m m , rn.
Capital J475.000
Surplus . S7S.OOO
f 150,000
Scott McClillakd, Pres.
Pcott McClelland
John 11. Kaucher
J. 0. Kino, Viee-P res,
3.0. Kin T)a iBiNolM
a. w. Fui jer
Jam II. Kauchkii, Cashier.
John IT. Oorbotf.
li. H. Wilson
The I
ioo! Bulletin
Edited by Members of tlio Reynoldsville
High School.
Wo, as pupils, are all glad to say t hat
thus fur this has heon the most prosper
ous term fur years. The onrnllnr'nt
having passed the 700 murk, the board
of directors have decided to open nn
otlier room to relieve the overc.rowdi d
unndltion existing In several of the
rooms. With this aildllioii. we have 15
rooms ami a faeulty of 111 teachers,
Tho present senior class U unusually
large, numbering 1,1. On the whole,
present Indications point to a highly
successful year.
Tliis year the High School boys mani
fest considerable Interest In football.
An organization was affected and a good
schedule arranged. Uert Hoffman was
elected manager ami Leonard Harris
captain. Owing to a mutual misunder
standing the first game of the season,
with Duilols High School was canceled.
There have been ninny changes made
In tho lino up and strenuous practice
ontercd Into tho result. Iteynolilsville
High School will be well represented on
the gridiron. The (Irst gaino will bo play
ed Saturday on the local Held, when
llrookvillo will bo tho victims. A largo
attendance is asked in that tho boys
need both tho money and the encourage
ment. x
Tho members of the High School
classes met and organized tho High
School Literary Society I'Vlilay, Septem
ber 15, electing Carl Kirk president.
The first regular meeting was held Fri
day afternoon, September 22, In the
Auditorium when nn excellent program
was presented. Tho importation of the
literary society In school work cannot
be over-estimated and 'tho members of
tho faculty arc enooiirHglng tho work in
every way possible, In the hope that tho
pupils tills year, n9 never before, may
take an added Interest in things liter
ary. x
Tho patrons ami friends of our school
will give a reception to tho teachers In
the Assembly hall on Friday evening,
September 2!).
Ono nf the notlcablo features in the
High School is class spirit nnd class
rivalry. Tho Seniors having won their
way to the top havo takon on reserve
and dignity and look over tho bonds of
the Insignificant)?) Freshman. The Jun
iors, so near the goal, feel tholr import
ance. The Sophomore strives to show
his pro'iilnoiico over tho Freshmnn.
Class prldo and competition but heigh
ten the stnndard of work and. conduct,
so we welcome It.
Following are tho class presidents:
Sonior class, Carl Kirk; Junior class,
Joanno Milllron; Sopbomoro class, Ed
gar Shields; Freshman class. Leo Nolan.
AJioiii Truolcts Sa!o
Want Column.
Uatra: One cont per wnrd for eucli and
evory lusertlun.
For Sams Mrs. P, K. Arnold -.vill
soil at once at prlvato salo h'r house
hold guods consifltinc of bod vnom nots,
carpets, curtains, stoves, chairs, tuhles,
two sowing machlnoH, cupboard, refrig
erator, lawn mower, otc.
For Rknt Offlcea and lodo rooms
In Boyles building. Inqulro at otllco
over drug store.
Lost Ton dollur bill, lost between
Railroad or Tenth an 3 Main stroets.
Finder will bo rewarded by leaving
same at The Star o(H co.
For Sale Two Jar go boating stoves;
coal burners. Inquin i at The Star of
fice. For Sale Two h ouscs and lots on
"Worth street. Mra . Margaret McICoo,
For Sale Second -hand buggy cheap.
L. M. Snyder.
For Uent Furr.Ishud rooms. In
quire at The Star olDoe.
Eor Sale House and lot in West.
Tteynoldsvillo, Inquire- at THE Star,
For Sale Ono lor oncornurof Brad
ford and Thompson strwt, Pleasant
avenue. Splendid, "building location.
Inquire at Star oflice .
For SALR Good Jersey cow. In
quire of H. A. Swab, .Fifth street.
For Sale Lot on corner Eigbtb.
and Worth sts. Imqulro of L. J, IMc-Entire.
T It I' ST K F.'H T 1 1 K lA IHPUE HAI.E.
Tor the purpiwiMjf futrrlnMin In rutix'
(liirncc nf iw lirrach of tlit I'nvcninttM mul
hiikIH Ioiim of rrrtulii mm I ui r (!ut-d tlm
lnt (tiiy or .luTiuitry, A. !, t!'!t(. in:ulc hy I li
KrynoUlsvlllc KIciMrlc ruitijumy lo M Ah'V.
Stiikt. Trusd't', to t-rcutf 1 1 pi Inrlpul mil
lnltiirsl of t lit tiotnlH of Ihr khI'I UcviMiio!
villi KliM'tiii: roinp!iny, Ityti lntr iliih- I In l t
nf .luiiimty, IJHKI, iitnniintliiK l ( I" ii'SW ''mill!
lo tho suiii of $.'0,1110, which Mild mort u'ML'f
w duly tvi'nnliMl nt Itrnnkvitlr.'l'u., lit Mni t
Kiio Huitk M. piiLT -H.', In piit-uiuici of tltn
power nf siile in xit iiiurU'iic emit ulncil, and
by v I it tio of tin riitK'st of ti imijorlly in
nuiiilirr jinil Inturcst, of IIicmhIU hontls lieu r
Inir dutu the LMlh iluy of Muy MKi, srttln
fnrthlhut iw nuld li-yiiohhvll!t' Kh-rtrh!
Compiiny hud dcfaiilti'd In piiyinctit nf (hi
Hi'int-itiiiuuil InstiillmrtitH nf Interest for
nmrethiin thrco nmntliH hh widl tin In not.
rninptyltiK with tin rondittoii In Hitld ttmrt.
KW, In Hntl h ik out and deposit hurt o t lie sink
Inn fund for the puytneiit nf Niild hnndrtthu
Hum Hpeellled In mild rnnrtHHue, tin undt!
HUnetl trtmlei will stdl by puhlir auet Ion lit
the power hoiiHe of tho Heynolr.uvlllo MkIiI A
Power Comimny In t ho llorouu'lt nf Key nolds
vllle, (.'niinty of .letlorson and Htalo of Penn
Mylvnnlu, on Tliurmltiy, tho fit li duy of Oeto
her, II'D", at two oVIoek p. in., all tho fnllow
ItiK deserlhed property In wit.
A leaMc-hcdd oit that cnrtnln lnesMiiiiifo or
pi ere of land situate in tlm Hnrniich of Keyn
oldMvllle, t'niiuly of JetTerson and Htntcof
I'ounsylvanla, deserltnul in folloWH: lielni;
known hn lots Hltualo In Alhert HeynoldM1 ad
dition nf tho Poioin h nf Iteyuoldsvlllo as
surveyed and platted liy JatinM B. t'uldwell,
and known as lot No. H7 In mild Addition, Iw
K'ltinln at a post on .larkson street and ror
neroflot No, Hi) owned hy M rs. Whit I itker;
tlienre alonif nald .laekvui Street HuulhWU
decrees pii-( lift y l.'iO) feet to a post corner of
lot No. tH thenee south fiU4 dejzfees west otio
hundred llfiy (l.'itn feet to a jiost nt an alley;
Ihnnee nloni! said alley north 'tOU (h-ttrees
ivest llfty (fiO) feet to post'; thenee north MI'-i
flt-Kiees eiist one hundred (Iffy tlUh feet to
1he plaee of heixltitiln. Itelnjx t he same piece,
of laud which hecnuio vestfd In II. Alex
Htoko and who hy lease dated tho Mth of
Noveniher, Is'ji), and recorded lit Itrookvllle,
Pa., In Deed Hook 1N0 H7 pao 17.", leased the
anio to said iieynoldsvlllo Klecti-le (Jotnpany
for tho term of ninety-nine years. Having
erected thereon a hrlck and frarno power
And a No, a contract for the rnrnMilnn of
idectrlr Huhl inadn and entered Into ly tho
Horouch of Key noldsvlllo, Pa., by Its Town
'ouiicll, with II, A. I'errlii, his wm-ces-ors
and assigns, ami which hy assignment duly
made and dated the llth day of Novomhr,
IHlt'.i, was assigned by t he hald E. A. Fori In to
the Keynoldsvillo Klectilc Company; and al
so a certain contract for the furnlshlnj; of
electric iniide and entered Into by tin
UorouKh of Went lii-ynoldsvllle, Pa., through
ItH Town Council with E. A. Forrln, his muc
i'1'ssors and assigns, whh h by assignment
luly made and dated tho llth day of Novem
ber, ISH'.l, was ansiirned hy said F. A. Ferrin to
tho Keynoldsvillo Electric, Company. To
gether with all the machinery, entfine.H.bullers,
poles, wlrcH, coiivoi'ters, motors, property and
franchises and contracts with tho Borough
of Ueynoldvllln and West. Hoynoldsville of
! Maid Keynoldsvillo Klectr4r Company, In tho
Borough of Keynoldsville and West. Heyn
oldsvlllo, Jetrorsori County, Pi'tinsylvaida'i
and also tho plant tools, machinery and
materials now owned or used in connection
with the property and franchises above des
cribed. Excepting and reserving, however,
.0110 dynamo nhd exciter, a pair of scales In
and about mud property, not the property of
Miild Keynoldsvillo Fleet tie Company. And
also, all tlio other machinery, materials,
tools rqulpemonl and property of every kind
or sort now owned by the ald Keynoldsville
Klectrlt Compuny or Its Mieeessors or assigns
or which has been subsequently acquired, to-
Knther, with all ami singular tho ways,
water-courses, rights, liberties, privileges,
Improvements and appurtenances thereunto
H in-Vi!'! ' 'ii u 1 1 y wir t! appe 'taliilnn. u' d
Ihu iijvcistnu ami inujaliiders, rente, ilyhi
I- nies and profits thereof. Together with I'll j
i-siit s, piollls, rredllH and cIkmisom In action
now bchumlnn to or whlchmay hereafter
crue tosahl Iteynoldsvllle Floctiic Company.
And also, the entire corporate rinhts.propet ty
and franchises of the Hald Key iiohNvllle
Fleet rlc Couqiany, which It now 1ms or hhull
hereafter in quire.
The said rights, franchises and property
w ill he sold ell her In hit k of such fin rin lis t
said Trust en may deem !tet. in l-o anuotiM. t d
at t lie time oT I In- sale.
Siiid Tl usli e leierves t he right to n'l.) nn u
said sale ftoni time to t bee at his dNn el luti.
If the preml cm lit! sidd as a hulk or In t;uis
the liiirehieer or successfttl bidder will be
uqiilred to pay In ca-h the amount of hi- bid
tit Hitch niiIo, or tho property will he immedi
ately refold at hN expense, and such pur
chaser will ho held for the dllleronce in his
bid and that at which tint pi open v Is Icno k
ed o'V. Bids of unresponsible persons will not
lie accepted.
Keynnhlsvllle, Pa. II. ALEX. STOKE,
August l:!th, H'Uii, Tim:htkk.
Voimg man fihout 17 or 18
yuarsof fijc ns shijtpi nclcrk.
State wfigcs required and
ri'lcrcnrcs. Address in own
liaiidwritinff 1. O.IJox721,
Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania.
nt: LiiViM.i':, vi:sn'.
Our nf thu liirp.ut riiiii'iiriml fiicloili s
llll In- slntr. ((KhrH Hcnl ( '. O. I. (tt nn
fiiiid rcfrri-rn'c liny a liens in I In,
Hulled Sillies. Mo whiiles;iU) :i(T(,'ntH
fur (ho well known linuid of
Premium Rlour.
i (l.&.l. MAKINAKCI,
Practical Horscshocr and Gen
eral Blacksmith.
Hepulrlnit nf nil kind prmnplly mid ciirefiil
ly dnno. Wund simp In euiirieeilon. When
you need ynur tire yet, i-iiil and li'ive It dune
with the Schiiu Tiro Setter, "the nim-hlne
tlutt does It, rliflit. Keineiiiher the plnee
Heatino gook stoves
Moore's Fire Keeper.
A high grade stove beautiful in appearance,
practical in construction. Also Moore's
Air Tight.
2,000 yards Ingrain at a bargain.
1,000 yards Tapestry at a sacrifice.
1,000 yards Velvet cheaper than ever.
snoes mat
Wear . .
(l.ilili'i ti titku twli.'o iw many
mLi- ii iih uinwii tinnplu and
tlien fiiri! wcur out elioeu a
Itn ut di.'iil quluk'tr, unlebs you
buy tlio food kind Unit aro
undo by workmen who undor
Httind how to make a hIioo that
will wear. Wo buy our nohool
shoes direct from the maker
and wo havo eorofully selected
tho stoek that will wear und had theni.'maduj over laHts that look good
and rIvo the rlht Bliupo to tho Krowlng feet. We guarantee every pair
to ho right. Try us and wo will prove to you that what we say about our
Bohool fihoes la true.
The price Is from l .00 to $2.50 the pair.
A 'J'.
t . i- Se;,ii:il I '
M ix FIIKR with Every Pair,
ri it
r.lakc Winter Uryers
of Your lions!
HOW ? ?
Groen Hone
It saves grain.
It produces results where grain
It cures the evil habit of feather
It helps the hens to molt and
makes them winter layers.
It grows young chicks to ma
turity find productiveness
A postal card to
The Poultry Food Co., .
P,..x :J7,
Keynoldsville, Pa.
ubscrlbp for
The & Star
Ifyou wnt thf Nw
. f, j . ; i
J' ..,'4
A newer, better, larger stock than ever
c. k. mil.
him i.
lie stew
und tho oriln ii are 1 1 r r'( tiiii care of
The Reynoldsville Trust Co.
It look-) aftf.r llr ii- ii !Tai rs tn no relative
could do. I, 'iiinii 1 '. . r Interests
zottlotinly. It. I ;u dis 1.1:, ir p;-(it rty
wisely iiml c!i;...rvii!ivl.v. ii. fed it
HCts as ii guai' tvhiv fi 1 1 ; i i .v cannot
hi? qti-stlom-il II 'J i vpiii-ed u unih r
take trusts of any kind. Can it.strvo
you ?
Reynoldsville Trust Co.
The Marvel -of
Marvel Flour.
The bread maker. Made from
best clean spring wheat in and
absolutely clean mill by scrupu
lously clear, workmen.
Try it.
Robinson &
Sell It.
Estate of Ludwfnk FVIcster, Dt ceflsrd,
late f f Hendi'rsin Townnhip. .
Nnllnp Is h-oljy nlvn that lottors ti
tamPtil:try ii)on'tfiO p-ttit nf tlio Huld (it
rt'd' tit h;tv ln-cin unf ( to t ho iifidoi-si'iHMi
A II persons who an- indi'htfd to titfd ostuH
uio miiimt-d to mako piiymrnt, Hnd all pcr
snns haviiitr any loiil rlaimH or domamU
nalimt said ostato shall niawr tho nanii!
known without (May. I'liii.ii1 S. (UrCK.
IioynoldHvlllo, Ta. Executor.
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
We Are Exclusive Agents for COLE'S HOT BLAST
Holds Fire 36 Hours
Burns any Fuel
Cole's Hot Blast heats perfectly
"'with hard or soft coal, slack, wood,
lignite coal, cobs, any kind of fuel
without change of fixtures. This
wonderful heater gets the same re
sults from soft coal that expensive
heaters do from hard coal.
Cole's Hot Blast is guaranteed to
hold fire 30 hours with soft coal or
hard coal without attention to the
stove. Another point, the rooms can
be heated two hours in the morning
with coal put in the stove the night
before. Simply open draft.
Most Cleanly
Cole's Hot Blast is air-tight
with a smokeless feed door, allowing
the use of the cheapest fuel without
gas or smoke escaping. The removal
of ashes by the dustless ash remover
prevents dust or ashes getting on the
Cole's Hot Blast is guaranteed to
remain absolutely air-tight; to main
tain uniform heat day and night, to
heat rooms in morning with last
night's fuel; to hold fire 30 hours;
to save one-third fuel over any lower
draft stove same size.
If you enjoy the luxury of dressing In warm rooms without having to get up In the cold to build fires, you will investigate COLE'S ORIGINAL HOT BLAST to-day. '
The Keystone Hardware Company, Sole Agents, Reynoldsville, Pa. I
mr "i m vAKcriL DAnrvinu.
aiaaiwiiiMgiHMtei.T- inmi!.fciiB-.CTn-tcmM mM