if Star Subscription $1.00 peryearin advance. 0..V. TKFIIKNSON, Editor aud Flih WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905. Entered at the postofflce at Reynoldsville H., iwuauonuciusii mini nimier. SUMMKKVll.! I'RI.KPHONENO. 81. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.TS:tcs;.::i:aj:xj CUT GLASS A nice assortment of rich cut glass and Fine China. Call and we will tell you all about it. G F. HOFFMAN, The Jeweler. BAY RUM In glass stoppered bottles holding A Half Pint 25c This is the use to which we put our empty per fume bottles. It's All Your Gain as we don't charge any thing extra for the bot tles and we fill them with bay rum according to the United States Pharmaco poeia. The Reynolds Drug Co. fl Little ot Everything. A now barn is being built lit Thi Mansion Inn. Tho date and place of holding th Elks' picnic is still uncertain. There will bo no preaching aorvice In tho Presbyterian church Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Johns, ol Reynoldsville, a son. August 14th, 100.1 Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Borgeeon. of West Roynoldsville, a Bon, August 4th. Adam Kline has purchased a property In West Uoynoldsville from Jaool Booth. The Jcfforson Traction Company It . considering tho extension of trolley line to Rathmel. The Mammoth Park baso ball team dofeated a down town team 6 to 2 one day last week. The Enterprise Athletic Association orchestra expects to hold a picnic In the near future. A barborshop l's being erected on the vacant lot above the Moore house In West Reynoldsville. Mrs. Clara M. Shick is moving into the house on Fifth street reoently vacated by Prof. C. V. Smith. John M. Read Lodge F. & A. M., of Reynoldsville, will hold a picnic at Wisbaw park to-morrow, Thursday. The Baptist church will be plumbed ' with gas In the near future and the church building will be well lighted. Dr. B. E. Hoover is making exten sive improvements on the Dougherty residence which he recently purchased. The annual conference of the Erie district of Methodist Episcopal church will be held at Ridgway September 6th, , The ice cream social of the Lutheran ladles at Henry Swab's home on Fifth street Friday evening last was well patronized. The Rov. Harry G. Teagarden will conduct religious services in theWIshaw park pavilion Sunday afternoon, Aug. 20t.h, at 4.00 o'clock. The pienlo of the Baptist Sunday scnool at Wisbaw last Thursday wap v.sry well attended and the weather wag ideal for the occasion. George Woodford cut a deep gash In bjs loft forearm Monday morning while handling some pop bottles. A bottle exploded under pressure. - ' There were about 250 tickets sold from Reynoldsville to Brookvllle at the Pennsylvania railway station Monday. ' on account of tho opening of court. The Reynoldsville Water Company t laying a four inch water line up Ohio street, in Wrest Reynoldsville, connect ing with the main Hoe at Brown street. A monster sea turtle on exblbitloi, before the Imperial restaurant one da; last week attracted much attention. It weighed about one hundred pounds. Twenty-two persons were recolved in to full connection in tho Methodist Episcopal church Sunday, twenty In the morning and two at the evening ser vice. A call has been Issued for a meeting of citizens in the West Reynoldsville town hall Friday evening, August 18th to reorganize the Citizens' Hose Com pany. Dr. J. A. Parsons, of the M. E church, was at Wishaw last night and hold a meeting at the reldenee of Joseph Reed, baptizing a number of children. An Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. N N. Borkhouse, of Pleasant Avenue died Saturday, August 12th, and was burled at Cemetery Hill, near Knox dale, Sunday. A searchlight attached to tne of the streetcars Saturday night pretty near made amends for tho lnck of olectrio street lights on Main street while tho car was in town. The second annual outing of the Roy noldsvllle Koon Korn Klub will be held Tuesday evoning next, August 22nd, at the Beech woods camp of the Reynolds ville Camping Club. William Copping, tax collector of Reynoldsville borough, moved from the Nolan block Into the Cartin property, on Jackson street, which he recently purchased, this week. While F. S. Hoffman was driving down the grado on Main street, neai the iron bridgo Monday morning a bolt fell out of tho shaft and Mr. Hoffman was thrown from the wagon, injuring one leg slightly. The Ladies of the Clearfield Bible As sociation, representing various chur -lies will hold a basket picnic in the parlors of the Baptist church in this place to day, Wednesday, In tho Interests of wo men's home and foreign missions. Trolley tickets for the Masonic banquet at, Wishaw park Thursday will be sulil at rate of 13 cents fop round trip and can bo obtained from L. .7 Me- F.ntlre. Charles A. Ilerpol or W. C. Smith. Special cur will leave at 2.35 p. m. The Keystone band gave a concert on the balcony of tho Jefferson hotel in Brookvllle Wednesday evening. They report, being royally treated by the Brookvllle people and while they play ed the street was packed in front of the hotel. Tho following porsons wero in Reyn oldsville last week attending the Herpe'-Kirk wedding : Mrs. Chris tine Ilerpel.Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Herpel. Mrs. Anna Annes, Christ Bower, of Fairmount City, and Charles Kali, of New Bethlehon. The Cherry Run eampmeeting Is now in progress. Among other eminent speakers present, at the meetings is Dr W. II. Crawford, president of Alle gheny Colleg?. Dr. .1. A. Parsons, of Reynoldsville, expects to go to Cherry Run this morning. A basket picnic will be held in Mam moth Park on Labor Day, Soptomber 4th, under tho auspices of tho East End Fire Company and Young Men's Danc ing Club. A good program of ad dresses, ball games, races and dancing has been arranged. It is free to all. The members of tho Protected Home Circles of Reynoldsville and Sykrsvllle will hold a picnic in Sykesville park to-day, Wednesday. It is said that one of the interesting events on the pro gram of amusements is a ball game botween the ladies of Reynoldsville and Sykesvillo. For some time back the electric light company has boen unable to furnish street lights owing to trouble with their power house engine. Tho past few days efforts have been made to put tho engine in repair again and it is hoped that tho light service will be up to the standard from now on. Georgo Roynolds, newly appointed mail carrier onoute No. 3, made hif first trip over tlio route In company with John M. Hays Tuesday, and to day Mr. Hays will make his first trip over tho new route assigned to him, No. 1. Walter Reynolds made his last trip over routoNo. 1 Monduy, tho sub stitute, Jamos G. Muir, making the trip Tuesday. A special train will be run to DuBols from Rathmel, Reynoldsville and Sher wood Thursday, August 24th, over the Reynoldsville and Falls Creek railroad to accommodate all porsons who want to attend the State Camp of the P. O. S. of A. at that place. Train will leave Rathmel at 8:45, Reynoldsville 9:00 and Sherwood 9:05 a. m. Returning will leave DuBois 11:00 p. m. It Is expect ed that a large crowd will go up from Reynoldsville. Dr. A. J. Meek, pastor of Reynolds ville Baptist church, will exchange pulpits with Rev. Charles H. Fitzwll liam, of Punxsutawney, next Sunday morning and evening, and each pastor will preach morning and evening sermons in the other's church. The morning subject of Dr. Fitzwllliarn at Reynoldsville will be, "Is the Bible In fallible?" Evening subject, "Is there a Hell?" Ho will also preach in tho church of God at Rathmel at 3.30 p. m. Sunday. Do not fail to hoar him. Arm Broken. William Crissman, son of Mrs. Lottie Crissman, of Fourth street, fell from ft load of hay last Wednesday afternoon and broke his loft arm below the elbow. Hip Dislocated. Henry Wilds, of near Prescottvllle, had his right hip dislocated by a fall of coal in a country bank above Rathmel last Saturday. Admitted Partner. N. A. Headley, the East Main street merchant, has admitted LeRoy Murica as a partner in his business. Mr. Merlca comes to Reynoldsville from Cairo, Illinois, and the public will find him an enterprising and courteous gentleman. Married at Salamanca.. I. F. Miller, of Knoxdale, and Mrs. Esther Junnlngs, of this place, wore united in marriage at Salamanca, N. Y., Friday, August 11th, by Rev. Mr. Trippe.' Tbey are now spending a few days at Warren and upon their return will reside at Roynoldsvillo. Important Reel Estate Deal. Friday of the past week an import ant real estato deal was consummated whereby Arthur O'Donnel, Sr., became the owner of the large business block near the Pennsylvania railroad Btatlon formerly owned by H. Alex Stoke. The consideration was 15,500.00. Appointed by the Court. Monday of this week Judge John W. Reed appointed L. L. Oourley chief burgess of Roynoldsvillo borough, to succeed L. M. Simmons, resigned. The appointment was made with the approval and upon the recommendation of the Reynoldsville town council. Business Block Sold. A. Kntzen, proprietor of the Peoples Bargain store, has purchased the bus iness block now occupied by Breakey's racket store from Robert Bone, Sr. Tho deal is now undor way but will be finally closed this afternoon. The prloe was $4,500.00. Miss Snedden Resigned. Miss Janet Snedden, who was recunt- ly elected a teacher in the primary grade of the Reynoldsville public schools, has tendered her resignation to the school board to accept a position as Instructor in the schools at Patton, Pa. Her successor In the Reynoldsville schools has not yet beoD elected. Right of Way Not Granted. A meeting of the officials of Wlnslow township was held at Frank's Tavern Saturday to consider, among other things, an application for a right of way for a trolley line along the public road into Sykesvillo, being part of the proposed line connecting DuBois and Sykesvillo. After long discussion the officials voted to refuso the right of way. Conference of Prohibition Workers. There will be a public meeting hold n tho opera house at Reynoldsville at 1:30 Friday, August 18th, in the in terests of temperance. County Chair man McKolvey, of Stanton, will be present and preside. Stewart H. Whiiehill, of Brookvllle, Democrat lo Prohlbition candidate for president uflgo of Jefferson county, will also be iresont and speak. Every person In- terosted in prohibition is invited to be present. An Early Benediction. For several weeks past the Baptist congregation In this place has boon greatly inconvenienced at their even- ng services by thj trouble with tho electric lights. Sunday evening there was no electric light and they bad but two gas jots at the sides of the organ to illuminate their church. Semi-darkness may add a Uttla to tho solemnity of a religious service, but it Is almost mpossihlo to preach effectively when tho minister and his audience car scurcoly soe each other. After the usual opening services of singing and prayer the pastor, Dr. Meok, quietly but firmly remarking that he would borrow no mora lamps and preach no more sermons in the dark, pronounced the benediction. Quiet Morning Wadding. A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Davis, on Jackson street, Roynoldsvillo, Thurs day morning, August 10th, 1905, at 6.00 o'clock. Their estimable daughter, Miss Anna Ordelle Davis, was united in marriage to LeRoy Merica, of Indi ana state. The ceremony was perform ed by the bride's pastor, Rev. Dr. A. J. Meek, In the presence of the immediate family friends. A splendid breakfast was served at 6.30 o'clock. The bride and groom left on the 8.08 a. m. train over the Pennsylvania railroad for Chautauqua, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Toronto and other points of interest Mrs. Merlca Is well and favorably known In our town and was one of the teachers in our public schools the past two years. Mr. Merica Is a partner in the mercantile business of N. A. Head ley in this place. The STAR joins with their many frlonds in wishing tbom a happy voyage over the sea of life. G. G. Williams is moving from West Roynoldsvillo to his new residence on Main street in this borough. 3 S The KEV. J. W. MYERS, Pastor of the Trinity S g Lutheran Church. g MRS. ELLEN EVANS Died at Her Home on East Main Street Friday Morning. Mrs. Ellen Evans, widow of George Evans, died at her late home on East Main street, Reynoldsville, Pa, on Friday morning at 8.00 o'elock, August 11, 1905, after a lingering illness of months. She was born in Warsaw township, Jefferson county, Pa., Feb ruary 26, 1852. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bullers and was married Septembor 16, 1809. She was the mother of eight children, seven of whom are still living, viz : four sons and three daughters. She, with her husband, came to Reynoldsville about thirty-one years ago. Her husband died October 22, 1891, and as a mother she bravely fought the battle of life and always kept a home for her children. She made a profession of religion when about fourteen years old and has since endeavored to live for her master and to do his will. She was a faithfu1 member of the Reynoldsville Baptist church and died trusting in Jesus ac her Savior and Lord. She was con scious that the time of her departure from earth drew near and was resigned to the Master's will. Funeral services were held at her late residence on Sun day, August 13, at 3.30 p. m. by her pastor, Rev. Dr. A. J. Meek. The services were largely attended. Many neighbors and friends followed her romains to the Baptist cemetery where she was laid to reBt at the side of loved ones who had gone before. Bosides her children she Is survived by her aged father, six brothers and two sisters, her mother having died March 3, 1892. She was an excellent neighbor and highly respected by all whom she met. The family have the sympathy . of a large circle of friends In tboir sorrow. Picnicers. Two big four-seated hack loads of ladies drove out to Amos Doemer's, at Deemor's Crdss Roads, yesterday morn ing, all taking well-fillod baskets, and in spite of occasional showers had a jolly good time pionicing on the farm. The ladies were as follows : Mrs. A. H. Bowser, Mrs. A. J. Meek, Mrs. J. A. Parsons, Mrs. John Wagner, Mrs. J. E. Mitchell, Mrs. L. Lloyd Gourley, Mrs. C. R. Hall, Mrs. A. Keith, Mrs. Mary Strong, Mrs. T. C. Shiolds, Mrs. Annie Winslow, Mrs. J. W. Dawson, Mrs. B. E. Hoover, Mrs. M. E. Weed, Mrs. C. P. Koerner and friends, Mrs. Henry Herpel, Mrs. Charles Horpel, Mrs. II W. McGarrah, Mrs. Ilodson, Mrs. My ers, Miss Myrta Boyle, Mrs. Isaac Swartz, Mrs. M. G. Swartz, Mrs. Wal ter R. Reed, Mrs. Harry Peters, and Mrs. Warren Dolble, who arranged the affair. Emerickville Ox-Roast. Six acres of ground have been cleared In Peter Baum's grove at Emerickville la preparation for the ox-roast Thurs day of this week. The Emerickville band, under whose auspices the affair will be held, expects to furnish a first- class day of pleasure for the visitors. Two games of ball will be played, Brookvllle vs. Emerickville in the morning and Reynoldsville vs. Emerickville in the afternoon. There will also be plenty of other sport and an abundance of things for eating and re freshment. Court Opening. At the opening of court Monday of this week the following gentlemen were appointed to the places named. Fore man of the grand jury, Dr. W. D. Kane, of Pine Creek township; constable In charge of grand jury, H. E. Barger stock; tipstaves, W. B. Glenn, of Corsi ca, B. F. Caylor, of Brookvllle and W. N. Agnew, of Barnett township. Save money I Quite a long time yet to wear oxfords. Save 15 to 35 per cent by buying now. Bing-Stoke Co. THE LUTHERANS WILL BUY A PARSONAGE. An Effort Now Being Made to Raise Necessary Funds. Church in Good Condition. Tho members of Trinity Lutheran church are now making an effort to raise sufficient funds to purchase a parsonage in Roynoldsvillo. The local membership of this congregation is comparatively small and the contem plated purchase of a parsonage is a heavy undertaking for them, but by their combined efforts and whatever the public in general may extend to them, they have good prospects of success. There is possibly no church in Reyn oldsville more deserving of help and support from the people than the Trinity Lutheran. The Reynoldsyille charge is composed of three congrega tions, Reynoldsville, Emerickville and Chestnut Grove, and to keep in close touch with tho people and preach regularly at some, and frequently at all, points, requires long and ceaseless work on the part of the pastor. That the present pastor, Rev. J. W. Myers, has been doing this successfully is apparent by the gratifying growth of both church and Sunday schools and the revived interest of the old members of the con gregations. The church has never had a minister more earnest in hie labor, or more eloquent in the pulpit, norone who has stood higher in the estimation of the public than its present Incumbent. Undor these favorable conditions the appeal for monoy from members and the publio should meet with a prompt response. Surprise Party. Mrs. N. T. Rhodos, of West Reynolds ville, was given a "berry party" last Friday evening which proved to be a very pleasant affair. When some of her friends asked her the date of her birthday she had laughingly refused to toll and said it came about blackberry time. Taking that as a guide about twenty-three of her neighbors and friends attempted to guess the datelmd surprise her, and they succeeded admir ably for they missed the right date by five days, but the affair was none the less enjoyable for that. Refreshment!- and fruit were served and the evening vory pleasantly whiled away. Thi guests were as follows: Mrs. Josoni McKernan, Mrs. W. A. Leach, Mrs. S M. Siplo, Mrs. R. S. Williams, Mis Clara Siplo, Miss Emma Minneweasor Mrs.G. R. Yuongort, Mrs. C. G. O'Don no!, Mrs. R. A. Fergus, Mrs. O. H Johnston, Mrs. W. P. Woodring, Mrs W. W. Drake, Mrs. J. M. Stophanson Mrs. Barbara Dunkle. Mrs. N. Ander son, Mrs. C. Shannon, Mr. and Mrs W. W. Faies, . M'-'," Albert Warden. Mrs. J. Cooper, Mrs A. Cable, Mist Katie Snyder, Mrs. Nora Wayland. Mrs. W. Z. Burris. Quarterly Meeting. The fourth quarterly meeting of the Methodist Episcopal church in Rey noldsville will be held in Centennial hall Saturday and Sunday next. Ses sions as follows: Saturday at 8:00 p. m preparatory sermon by Dr. A. R. Rich; business meeting at 9:15 p. m. Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Sunday school; at 11:00 Bermoo by Dr. Rich, followed hy the commemoration of the Lord's Supper. Epworth League at 6:45 p. m. and at 7:00 quarterly love feast. You are In vitod to all. Every person welcome to these services. Dr. H. P. Dietrlck, who has been an assistant of Dr. J. H. Murray at Soldier for a number of years, has resigned that position and Dr. Roy Young, of Punx sutawney, is now in charge of Dr. Mur ray's work there. During his stay at Soldier Dr. Dietrlck proved himself a physician of exceptional ability and a gontleman whom it was ft pleasure to meet. THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AND FRO. Miss Tea Evans is visiting Id DuBois. J. F. Siple went to New Kensington Monday. Mrs. James M. Mltcholl spent Sunday at Clearfield. Miss Daisy Strong visited In Brook vllle this week. N. T. Rhodes and family spont Sun day In Falls Creek. M !ss Cora Mltcholl has gone to Clear field to stay a short time. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns were at Houizdale over Sunday. Miss Notta N. Wilson, of West Royn oldsville is visiting in Sligo. John M. Coleman went to Clarion Monday to visit a few weeks. R. H. Longwell, of Brockwayville, was in town a short time Monday. Hai ry E. Arnold, of Philadelphia, is visiting relatives in Reynoldsville. Mrs. S. T. Dougherty went to New Castlo Tuesday,-where she will reside. Henry I. Wilson, Esq., of Big Run, was in Reynoldsville one day last week. Mrs. John H. Kaucher and daughter, Miss Laura, visited In Clarion last week. Chas. M. Feicht, tho Punxsutawney druggist, was In Roynoldsvillo Monday. George Hughes was in Butler county on a business trip the latter part of last week. Mrs. Clarence Lierd, of DuBois, visit ed in Reynoldsville a few days last week. Miss Grace Schuler, of Warren, Pa., is the guest of Miss Cornelia Deible in this place. t-G. W. Swartz, who has been at Con nellsvillo, Pa., several weeks, is home on a visit. Mrs. John Fox, of New Bethlehem, visited her brother at Reynoldsville the past week. Charles Huber, wife and daughter, of Butler, visited friends In Reynoldsville last week . Miss Agnes Doversplke, of New Beth lehem, was a visitor in town a fow days last week. Guy Putney, of Greeley, Colorado, is tho guest of Mr. and Mrj. A. F. Yost in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Orr A. Hough, of Areola, Illinois, are visiting in this sec tion at present. Miss Maude Smith, of Punxsutawney, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henry in Reynoldsville. Mrs. W. H. Karns, of Oakmont. spent Sunday with Mrs. A. B. Weed in West Reynoldsville. Miss Fanny Foster, of Smethport, is tho guest of Mrs. D. M. Dunsraore in West Reynoldsville. Mrs. John Allen, of Pittsburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. TJ. G. Scheaf nocker, in this place. Leon Ferris, of Pittsburg, is visiting in Reynoldsville and other places in this section this week. Rev. D. J. Frum, pastor Sykosville M. E. church, went to the Cherry Run eampmeeting Monday. Mrs. H. P. Means, of Frosthurg, is visiting at the home of her son, Dr. L. L. Means, in this place. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frank, of Pitts burg are guests of Owen Edelblute and wife at the National Hotel. Todd Soeley, of DuBois, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seeley, in this place. William and Albert Stump, of Al toona, visited their sister Mrs. Wesley Motter, in this place last week. William Shobert, who has boen at Ridgway the past year, is visiting at his home in West Reynoldsville. C. N. Wiso, an employe of the Dun can Printing Company in Pittsburg, visited in Reynoldsville this week. Joseph Macro, who has been spend ing the summer at Creekslde, Indiana county, is visiting in Reynoldsville. Fred K. Alexander, cashier Peoples National Bank, and wife, went to Cam bridge Springs Tuesday of this week. Mrs. J. L. Graham and son, Corbett, have gone to Grayling, Michigan, to visit a few weeks with Mr. Graham. Mrs. Fred J. Butler, of Carnegie, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Clara M. Shick, and other relatives in this place. Mrs. Alex Riston and son, Paul, went to Erie, Pa., the latter part Of last week to visit an aunt of Mrs. Riston. Miss Sara Friedman went to Cleve land, Ohio, Tuesday of this week to visit until fall with a brother In that city. Joseph McKernan is off duty this week at the Pennsylvania freight station and Is at Brookvllle serving as a juror. Miss Adaline Bryant, of North Adams, Mass., is visiting at the home of her uncle, Thomas E. Evans, In Rey noldsville. Mrs. Annie Winslow and daughter, Miss Ethlyn, will go to Atlantic City, N. J., and New York City this week on ft pleasure trip. Mrs. J. C. Norris wont to Butler, Pa., the past woek to remain some time. She also atended the Masonlo picnic at Conneaut Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roed Slaughonhaupt, of Fairmount City, were guests at the home of J. K. Womoldurf, near thiB place, last week. F. K. Diotz, proprietor of the St. James Hotel in DuBois, spent Friday in Roynoldsvillo .and mado The STAB office a pleasant call. Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Neff and daughter, of Pittsburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Neff in this place several days last week. J. A. Myors and daughter, Miss Grace Myors, returned Friday from Cambridge Springs, Pa., where they had spent several weeks. Mrs. L. Myers, Mrs. L. Pohl and Elmer Hammerly, of Pittsburg, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Koern er in West Reynoldsville. ' Miss Margaret McKornan roturnod the past week from a visit of several weeks at Bradford, Pa., Olcan and other points in New York state. Mrs. D. B." Stauffor and daughter, Miss Hannah Staulfer, expect to go to Cambridge Springs, . Pa., ' to-day for benefit of Mrs. Stauffor's health. Joseph Noale and daughter, of Stan ton, and Moade Nealo and wife, of Punxsutawney, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesloy Mottor the past week. Mrs. Margaret Williams, of Taren tum was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Smail in West Reynoldsville the past week. She wont to Brockwayville Monday. Grant Pierce, of Pittsburg, came up to this section to attend the Buckwheat Reunion and is now visiting at tho home of his father, A. C. Pierce in Reynoldsville: H. M. Burkett, a former resident of Roynoldsvillo who has boen living at Darlington, Pa., and Caloutta, Ohio, he past two years, moved back to this place the past week. Miss Minnie Keck, who has been stenographer in M. M. Davis' law office in Reynoldsville' several years, has re signed that position and gone to Norristown, Pa., to resido. Mrs. John Mitchell, of Seattle, Wash., visited her tistor-in-law, Mrs. Cora Mitchell, on Grant street, several days last week. This is her first visit to Reynoldsville for eighteen years. Fathor Edward M. Driscoll, of Now thlohem, Father George Winkler, of Brookyille, and Fathor John Murphy, of DuBois, were guest9 of Fathers Brady and Lynch in Roynoldsvillo Thursday. Rev. J. L. Fisher and' wife, of Beaver Falls, Pa., were guosts of Rov. and Mrs. J. W. Myors it. this place a few days the past week. Rov. Fisher preaohod two excellent sermons in Roynoldsvillo Trinity Lutheran church Sunday, speaking German in the morning and English in the evening. W. J. King, who has been bookkeep er for Reynoldsville Hardware Com pany, resignod that position and went to Indiana, Pa., Saturday to accept a position as bookkeopor for tho Indiana Produce Company. Mr. King moved his family to Indiana a couple of months ago. Mrs. M. H. Marshall of Butler, Pa., and her daughter, Mrs. R. W. McGran ahan, of Knoxville, Tennessee, were tho guests of the first named lady's sister, Mrs. John H. Corbett, in this place a few days last woek. Mrs. McGranahan is the wife of the president of Knoxvillo College and 'a daughtor-in-law of James McGranahan, the famous composer. J. C. Williams, of Ridgway, was the guest of Kov. and Mrs. J. E. Dean near Reynoldsville a few days the past woek. Mr. Williams was once a photographer in Roynoldsvillo but for many years past has boen an economic geologist and his work has taken him into many sections of the eastern and southern states examining mineral and clay do posits. First-Class Show. Tho C. W. Park Stock Company opened their week's engagement in Rey noldsville Monday nitjht, pitching their big tent on lot at cornor of Fifth and Mabel streets. Tne attendance has been very,,od and the plays all that the past reputation of this company led tho people to expect. The troupe is far above the average in ability and their repertoire includes a number of plays seldom seen produced outside the largo cities. To-night the bill is "Esmer alda." "Human Hearts" and "Moths of Society" are to be put on later, but the evening for each has not yet been decided. A matinee will be given Sat urday afternoon at which one of the most popular plays will be reproduced. Public Sale. Jamos M. Moore will dispose of hia household goods, Including organ, beds, stoves, etc., at publio sale at the Moore house, In West Reynoldsville, Tuesday, August 29. Sale commences 1.00 p. m. The Keystone band will hold a dance to-morrow (Thursday) evening as usual. And the next dance instead , of a box social, will be hold Friday evening, Aug. 25, as the band has an engage ment at DuBois with tho P. O. S. of A. on Thursday, the regular scheduled dance evening. Please bear tills change in mind and toll your friends, as a lurge attendance encourages our band. We are in receipt of tho annual catalogue and premium list of tho Brookvillo fair, to bo held September , 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1905. Tho catalogue is of unusual . merit typographically and n credit to the Ih publican olllco,' which printed it.