The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 02, 1905, Image 5

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    Reduced Rates to Denver Colorado
Springs, or Pueblo, via P. R. R.
On account of the Grand Aerio, Fra
ternal Order of Eagles, on August 14 to
24, the meeting of the American Ostoo-
pathlo Association on August 15 to 19,
and the meeting of the National Asso
ciation of Local Fire Insurance Agents
on August 16 to 18, at Denver, Col., the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell round-trip tickets from all points
on Its line to Deuver, Colors 3o Spring?,
orFuoblo, August 11, 12, nrd 13, good
returning to reach origlr al starting
point not later than Auj ust 28, at
greatly reduced rates. For specific in
formation concerning extent ion of final
limit, routes, rates, am; Btop-over
privileges, consult nearest t cket agent.
You Have Been Looking or This.
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg R'y
excursion to Ontario Peach and
Rochester, Sunday, Aug. 6t l. Special
fast train will leave Falls Cr ?ek at 6.10
a. m. Round trip tickets, pood two
days, and including admlsi ion to On
tario Beach Park, only 12.50.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word f r each and
every Insertion.
Six rooms for rent on Mnin St. ; In
quire of Mrs. R L. Taafe.
For SALE Two shares silic mill stock.
Inquire at Star office.
FOR Rent Good eight room house
in West Reynoldsviile; also full blooded
Jersey cow for sale. Inquiro of G. G.
FOR Sale By E. Nefl, 30 lots on
easy terms ; 110.00 down and $5.00 per
For Sale Lot on corner Eighth
and Worth sts. Inquire of L. J. Me
Entire. For Sale A No. 1 investment prop
erty. Centrally located. Great bar
gain. Inquire at Star offlc3.
' WANTED Girl to do gereral houso
work for small family. Iniuiro at E.
Boy about 16 years of age to
do clerical work, Must be good
at figures. Address in own hand
writing :
BOX 357, Reynold svillc, Ta.
We take care of trusi funds for
trustees, for guardians, etc.
We will attend to all the bus
iness, if you wish, and see that
all deeds and papers aie correct.
We pay interest on deposits.
We act as trustee, as guardian
for infants, and can take care of
the business better than any in
dividual can.
Reynoldsviile Trust Co.
The Peoples National Bank
The Oldest Established Bank in the Town
arnold block, corner main and fifth streets.
Capital $100,000. Stockholders' Liabilities $100,000
Has had the patronage of the citizens of Reynoldsviile and
vicinity for the past thirty years. Gives the prompt and
careful banking service every one should have.
Interest paid on time deposits and savings accounts.
W. B. Alexander, '-ros. F. K. Alexander, Ca-hior.
F. D. Smith, Vice Pres. . F. P. Alexander, Ass't Cashier
W. B. Alexander L. P. Seeloy F. D. Smith
H. Alex Stoke August Baldauf Amos Si.rouse
Dr. J. C. Sayerg Dr. II. B. MoGarrah W. C. Murray
Capital . $75,000
Surplus $7S,OOQ
Total $150,000
Boott MoOlelland, Pres.
8cott McClelland
Jobn U. Kuuclier
J. 0. Kin it '
G. W.
Reported That a Twelve Bart.l Well Has
Been Struck.
It has now been proven beyond the
possibility of doubt that there is oil in
JelTersou county. But whether It
exists In paying quantities Is another
question. In years gone by there has
been much speculation on the subject,
and a great deal of talk. Several wells
were drilled iu search for oil, but they
were all reported to bo dry 1 oles. Some
peoplo believed that sotm of theso
reports were untrue. And seme persons
expressed a belief that one (r two, or
more, of these holes were nr t as dry ns
they were reported. And It is positive
ly known that one well near the Clarion
river mndo a good showing of oil. It
was afterward destroyed by .Ire. How
much truth there was In tlixo stories,
outside of what related to the one well,
we know not. Some who knew the
facts aro dead, and the knowing ones
who are alive won't tell.
But the last few weeks h iro demon
strated the presence of oil in t he north
end of the county. Two wells wero
drilled within about a mile and a half
of Sigel, and both ate producing oil.
One is roportod to be about a seven or
eight barrel well, and the other Is a
little bettor than that probably good
for ten or twelve barrels.
This discovery of oil was mado by tho
JelTersou Gits Company, when sinking a
gas woll. So far tho find is not a very
rich one. There Is no cause for excite
ment, and we will wuit for further de-
volopemonte. Brook ville Ikmocrttt.
Reduced Rates to Bradford.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the meeting of tho Northwestern
Pennsylvania Volunteer Firemen's
Association, at Bradford, Pa., August
8 to 11, tho Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell round-trip tickets to
Bradford from all stations on the Phila
delphia and Erie Railroad Division,
west of and including Williamsport,
and all stations on tho Uuffalo aid
Allegheny Valley Division in tho Stalo
of Pennsylvania, also from Buffalo and
intermediate stations and Portage and
Intermediate stations, August 8 to 10,
good returning until August 11, in
c'.urfive, at rate of singlo fare for t!,o
round trip (minimum rate. 25 cents.)
Af,bury Park Booklet.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has just issued an attractive booklet
doscriptive of Anbury Park. The
publication is designed to present the
attractions and claims of Asbury Park
as a Summer seaside resort.
Persons desiring information con
corning this popular resort may obtain
a copy of the booklet by enclosing two
cents in postage stamps to Geo. V.
Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Penn
sylvania Railroad, Philadelphia, Pa.
You'll Think You'r " Going Some. "
If you take a ride on the jreat $75,000
circle swing at Ontario Bi loh Sunday
Aug. 6th. Buffalo, Roche; ter & Pitts
burg R'y special fast exclusion train
will leave Falls Creek at fi.lO a. m.
Round trip tickets, good twj days, and
including admission to Ontario Beach
Park, will be sold for 82.50.
Woman's Judgme: it.
The woman-who exercises good every
day common sense, and profits by her
own experience and that of others, will
recognize in the Prizor Ranges, a per
fection in stove construction that is not
found in other makes. We would be
ploased to have you examine them and
we believe you will confirm this state
ment. Sold and guaranteed by Royn
oldsville Hardware Co.
White goods prices cut 15 to 35 per
cent. Bing-Stoko Co.
Botter than a Bavlngs bank ! What ?
Buy a lot at Point View, sure to double
in value in less than a year. Plot and
plans of lots ready soon.
J. O. Kino, Vice-Pres. John H. Kacchek. Cushlor.
Daniel Nolan
John M. Corbett
K. 11. WIUud
Floral Tribute for Jy McOsw,
Following" Is the floral tribute for
Jay McGaw and list of tho out of town
peoplo who attended tho fu lie nil :
Broken circle, family ; sleklo of sweet
peas, Mrs. I, 0. McGaw; broken ladder,
Homer Bossier, Percy Pnivons, Fred
McEntlre, George While, Harvey
Deter, Arthur Tyson ; basket, of sweet
peas, Margaret and Vera Applegato ;
bouquet of roses imd eiiruatlons, G. K.
Society of Presbyterian church; bou
quet of roses, Class of 11MV.1 ; houtpict of
carnations, Miss May K. Miller, Wind
ber, Pa. ; bouquet of roseH, Charles G.
Mohney, Pittsburg, Pa. ; bouquet, Mrs.
C. R. Stevenson ; bouquet, Mr. and
Mrs. J. 1C. Johnston ; bouquet, Mr. and
Mrs. M. E. Weed ; bouquet, Mrs. G. W.
Sykes ; bouquet. Miss Olive Reynolds ;
bouquet, Pearl Rarto ; bouquet, Mrs.
Charles MeSherry ; bouquet, Mrs.
Thomas Hlaek ; bouquet, Mrs. C. S.
ArmngoHt ; bouquet, Mrs. .1. V. Voting;
bouquet, Mrs. G. B. MeKee ; bouquet,
Mis. Flora Ward ; bouquet, Mr. and
Mrs. IT. F. Lavo.
L. C. McGaw and wito, Samuel States
and wife, Miss Margaret Farrit, Punx
sutawuey, Pa : IV. C. R. Stevenson
and wife, Adrian, Pa. : J. V. Hunter
and wife, Big Him, Pa. ; Mrs. Hindis.
Mis Myrtle. Miss Kdnti and Fred John
son, Frostburg, Pa. ; William Steven
son and wife, Mrs. Lizzie MeCullough,
Miss Lotta Stevenson, Miss Lizzie
Thompson, Closson Farra, Hurry
Stevenson, William Mcintosh, DuBuis,
Pa. ; W. C. Bush and wife, Mrs. J. II.
McClelland, Falls Creek, Pa. ; F. B.
Harvey, wife and family, John Hunter,
wife and family, Henry Hunter, wife
and family, MeCurdy Hunter and wife,
M. C. Kllngensmith and wifo, Miss
Mary Stevenson, Misses Mary, Nellie
and Eva Smith, Messrs Walter and
Merrill Kllngensmith and Clarence
Stovenson, Beechwoods.
Among a number of letters of con
dolence that E. T. McGaw end family
received after the d 'al'.i of Jay MoGuw,
was the following from n fcn'mer teach
er, Mrs. Margaret Bailey Leavenworth,
who now resides in Boston, Mass.:
"We are very, very sorry to hear of
tho great grief and heavy less that lias
como to yon In such sorrow as yours
must bo there is little can be said to al
leviate the pain ; yet we want you tn
realize that wo aro sorry with you in
this time of grief.
"From my association with Jay, as
teacher and pupil, I havo always had
the highest regard. In all my exper
ience In the school room, I havo had no
other pupil more reliable, trustworthy
or satisfactory than Jay. It was always
a pleasure to meet him, in cluss as out
of class. We, of course, feel that he
Bbould havo been allowed to live and
continue his student life, but how much
he knows now in the great school wboro
a "thousand yearn uro as but a day,"
where ho is under the Great Teacher,
the Great Physician. It mint bo a great
joy to you to remember how truly good
ho was ; I am sure it Is to us."
Great Annunl Reunion end Picnic of the
Buckwheat Club.
On account of the Eighth Annual Re
union atid Picnic of the Smickfeburg and
West Mahoning Buckwheat Club at
Coleman's Park, Goodvillo, Pa., Thurs
day, August 10th, tho Buffalo, Roches
ter & Pittsburg Rnilwuy will run tho
usual low rate excursions to Goodville
on that day. Excursion tickets will be
sold from Punxsutawney for train leav
ing 7.30 a. m. at round trip faro of 50
cents. Do not miss this opportunity for
having a royal good time with the many
old friends you aro sure to meet among
tho thousands of people who always at
tend the "Buckwheat Reunion."
Letter Lint.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in post office at Reynoldsviile, Pa., for
the week ondiug July 2!t, 11)05 :
J. B. Aliny, Simon Deomor, Joseph
Dupon (2), John Foltz, Martin Foltz,
J, C. Huffman, Jos. Loninger, William
Remert, Miss Grace Smith, C. E.
Schuckers, H. G. Snyder, F. O. Stout,
M. Schoonmaker. Samuel Tildon.
Foreign Alexander Nedwadny. '
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns, P.M.
Northwestern Penn'a. Firemen's Assn.
Bradford, Pa., Aug. 8-n.
For the above occasion the Buffalo,
Rochester & Pittsburg R'y will soli
excursion tickets to Brdford at a
single fare for the round trip. Tickets
will bo sold and good going' on August
8th, Otb, and lOtti, good returning until
August Hth, inclusive.
The presence of ('resident Theodore
Roosevelt on tho platform of Chautau
qua Institution Friday morning, August
11th, will be of great note to all visitors
at the Assembly. President Roosevelt
is to speak on "Popular Education and
Democracy" in the Amphitheater and
8iecial arrangements have been made
for his reception and entertainment
during bis very brief three hours' visit
to the grounds.
For the "Buckwheat Pcunion" at
Goodville Thursday. August 10th, tho
Buffalo, Rochester .St Pittsburg R'y
wi:l sell excursion ticket's' Ui Goodvill
arid return for train leaving Punxsu
tawney 7.30 a. m. at fare of 50 cents.
And Othtr Atlantic Conbt Results vn
Pennsylvania Railroad.
August 10 anil 24, and Sept
ember 7 lire the dates of the Pennsyl
vania I (ui In mil annual low-rate excur
sion for Innr, to Atlantic City, Capo
May, Ocean City, Hea Isle City. Aviihin.
Anglescn, Wlldwoiul, Holly Pencil, N.
J., Ilehobiilli, Del., or ()ee,.n City. Mil.
Tickets good to return within sixteen
days, Incl nling ilnte iif excursion,
A spichil train of Pullman parlor earn
and day Clinches will leave Pittsburg on
above-mentioned dates at. 8.55 a. in.,
reaching I'liilmlclpliiu II 25 p. in , In
time for r-upper. arid arriving Atlantic
City, via the Delaware River Hihlgo
Route, the only all-rail line, at 8.35 p.
tn. A stop will be made fir luncheon
en route. Passengers may almi -pond
the night In Philadelphia, mid proceed
to tho there by any regular train from
Market Street -Wharf or Hnmd Struct
Station on the following day.
Passengers for New Jersey points
other than Atlantic. City will spend tho
night In Philadelphia, and iho regular
trains the next day from Market Street
Wharf. I'assenecrsfor Rehoboth, Del.,
or Ocean City, Mil., will u-e regular
trains the following duy from Broad
Street Station.
Tickets will a'so he sold for regular
trains leaving Pittsburg at 4 55 anil 11.1)0
p. m. from all stations at which these
trains stop, and frou stations from
which regular connection with them Is
made, and -it the higher rate only on
train leaving at 10 00 p. m. Pullman
sleeping cars through to Atlantic City
on tho 10.01) p. in. train, am to Phila
delphia on tho 4 55 and 1) 00 p. m trains.
Tickets good only In coaches, $10.00 ;
tickets good in Pullman cars in connec
tion with regular Pullman tickets,
$12 00. Train leaves Reynoldsviile
1.2!) p. in.
Passengers will take ovenlng trains
from Pittsburg.
Returning coupons will he accepted
on any regular train except, the Penn
sylvania Limited, the Chicago Limited,
the St. Louis Limited, mid tho Pennsyl
vania Spi elal.
A stop-over within limit wil. ho
alluivc.d at Phllad"lphlu returning, if
passengers will deposit their tickets
with the Ticket Aenl at B-oad Street
Station, Philadelphia, Immediately on
arrival. Tickets must he deposited
with Agent on arrival ut seashore
destination and properly validated for
return trip.
For detailed information in regard to
rates and time of tridns apply to ticket
agents or Mr. Thomas E. Watt. District
Passenger Agent, 300 Fifth Avenue,
Special Low-Rate Excursion via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
On Saturday, August 12, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will run a
special low-rate excursion to Niagara
Falls from Pittsburg and principal
stations iu its vicinity. Excursion tick
ets, good for return passage until Au
gust 10, Inclusive, will be sold from tho
following stations at the rntos quoted,
good going only on trains specified:
Brookville, leaves 8.35 a m , rate $4 511.
Reynoldsviile, " SUM " " 4 50.
Fails Creek, " 7.55 " " 4 50.
DuBois, " 7.30 " " $4.50.
Passengers change at Red Bank to
through train leaving that point ut
10.50 a. m.
Returning tickets wilMjo good for
passage on all regular trains except
Limited Express trains.
A Double Hrnntna-.
A good story Is told of a famous
English engineer. An attorney went to
him when he llrst began his career to
ask him an opinion ns a civil engineer.
After the opinion was given he in
quired as to the fee and was told It
was 25 guineas, which he accordingly
paid. Some years later, when the civil
engineer had acquired a reputation
.nd been made a fellow of the Royal
society, the same attorney went up to
him for nil opinion, anil when he had
received It mtid, "I remember the lust
time I was here I asked your fee, an I
foil r.ald It war, 25 guinea, and so I
anve brought a cheek for that
imoimt." The engineer looked lit him
ind asked him If he knew what F. R.
3. meant. The answer was: ''Why,
:ertnluly. It means fellow of the royal
society." "Yes," said the engineer,
"and It menus also, 'Fees raised
sluee.' "
ITunm:; :'.oil.
I don't like to talk mreh with people
who nhvaya ntrree ;' u Is amus
ing to eon:e!to w'ih i eel'.i for u little
while, hat one som ! ef It Carlylo.
Mother (reproachfully, to her small
son) Jamie, where have you been all
nf tertiDon ?
Jamie (uneasily) At Sunday school,
mamma. ,
Mother Then how Is it you aro wet
and smell so of llsh?
Jamie (In desperation) Well, you
see, I've been studying about Jonah
and the whale, and well I guess it
came off on my clothes. Harper's
Lock of Perception.
"Dut dog o' mine," said Erastus
rinkly, "keeps on a-tryhi' to whttp
cv'y four footed critter dat comes down
"He must be a fighter."
"No, nub. He n!n' uo fluhter, but ho
don' seem able to reeo'nlze do fack,"
Washington Stur.
Chimney Ktiifka.
T!r.' h-r'.l hv!:.:-;'.ed ct me rn l
capping which one sees on tho chim
ney st.tckt In iniinufaeturliig districts
hit not there for mere ornamentation,
for they serve an important purpose
On the opposite side of the stack to
that upon which the wind may be blow
ing a purlin! vacuum Is formed, down
which the sum!;:.' would d"cud were
It not for the hrlin of the cup blocking
the way. A chimney stack without a
hrlin on the top would dlsrharge Its
smoke In huge guslM for some dittitnoo
down one side.-Pearson's Weekly.
JiiJh "WnrNlif per.
The Aro tribe, liihnliitant-t of south
ern Nigeria, worship the "Isiug Juju."
This is n Jealously guarded circular
pool of water to which sacrillecs of hu
man beings and nnlmals are niiule.
Eneh hottHO has nlso Its own private
"Juju." The boys of this tribe on reach
ing n certain age nre put through va
rious tests of physical endurance, one
of which Is to run twice round tho
town, about four miles, without stop
ping. in put.
"I was surprised," said the' Rev. Mr.
Goodman sternly, "to see you playing
golf last Sabbath. I should think you'd
do better"
"Oh," replied Ilnrdense, "I usually
do. I was In wretched form Inst Bun
rtny." Philadelphia Press.
Itenoonnni'lrt's Severent Crllle.
The grateful iilTectlon which Lord
llcaconsllclil entertained for his wife,
whom he always esteemed ns tho
founder of his fortunes, Is well knowu.
She was In the habit of traveling with
blin on almost all occasions. A friend
of the earl was dining with him, when
one of the party had no better taste
t grace than to expostulate with Dis
raeli for always taking the countess
with him. Disraeli lixed his eyes upon
him very expressively and said: "I
don't suppose you can understand it,
I!. I don't suppose you can understand
It for no one could ever, lu the last
ntid wildest excursions of nn Insane
Imagination, auppust' you to be guilty
of gratitude!" On another occasion
P.eaconslleld des- fibed his wife ns "tho
most severe of trtlcs, but a perfect
Odd Itorne Feed.
"What do you think of feeding horses
sii ogyf?" m-'lts an Australian
backwoodsman. "That wns done by
n party who wore stuck rp on the Ade
laide during the wet season. Tho na
tives used to bring In canoe loads of
eggs, which were broken Into buckets
and supplied to the horses."
First Rurglar Why not try to rob
the bouse of that plutocrat? Second
Burglar Never. He'll make good by
rttlng the money back from the poor
people. Let's confine ourselves to the
middle classes. Life.
Lieutenant (showing party of visitors
over bnttlcshipi This Is the quarter
deck. One of the Tarty Gee! I
thought It was all free! Pittsburg Dis
patch. Tnlentn nnil Cnnflilenre.
A single talent man, supported by
great self confidence, will achieve more
than a ten talent man who does not
believe lu himself. The mind cannot
fct with vigor in the presence of
doubt. .V wavering mind makes a
avering execution. There must be
'ertaluty, confidence and assurance or
there eiin btf no elllclency. An unedu
cated mail who believes lu himself and
who ban faith that he can do the thing
he undertakes often puts to shame the
average college bred man, whoso over
culture and wider outlook have some
times bred Increased sensitiveness and
n lessening of self confidence, whose
decision hns boon weakened by con
stant we'ghlng of conflicting theories
and whose prejudices nre always open
to conviction. Success.
The defendant, who was held on tho
charge of keeping n dog without a li
cense, repeatedly tried to Interrupt the
evidence, but was hushed each time by
the court. Finally the clerk turned to
"Do you wish the court to under
stand," he asked, "that you refuse to
renew your dog license?"
"Yes, but"
"We want no 'huts.' You must re.
new your license or be lined. Y'oa
know it expired last month."
"Yes, but so did the dog." Harper's
Worth Willie.
Whatever adds in even the smallest
way to the world's brightness and
cheer Is worth while. One who says
an encouraging word to a disheartened
neighbor, gives a look of love to a
lonely one or speaks a sentence which
may become strength, guidance and
comfort to another does something
worth while. It is always worth while
to live nobly, victoriously, struggling to
do right, showing the world even tho
smallest fragments of divine beauty.
IIIn Sew Vocation.
"John's home from college?"
"Yes." 4,
"What's ho goii),' to do now?"
"Well, 'twixt you uu me I think he's
Jest about decided to loaf around an'
be one o' these here ineonipreheuslbld
geniuses!" Atlanta Cotislitutlon.
Home Sense.
"Notv, he's got what I really call
'horse sense.' "
"How, for Instance?"
"He never bets on one." I'hlladel
phla Tress.
Be kind to the rich: They may not
be rich always. Florida Times-Union.
I have taken the agency for the
The Punxsutawney Steam
which has the reputation of being one of
the best laundries in this part of the state.
I have arranged to keep my basket in HILLIS &
laundry left there will be carefully looked after.
The Marvel
of Marvels
Marvel Flour.
The bread maker. Made from
best clean spring wheat in and
absolutely clean mill by scrupu
lously clean workmen.
Try it.
Robinson &
Sell It.
Will sell all r
Summer Goods at Less than Cost
Batiste, 15 and 18c for 10c.
Gimp, lOo kind for Tie.
Embroidery 3c.
Percales 10c
Nice In VVini 50o kind for 'Mia. Nice now Waists $125 for 85c.
Nice new Waists
Skirts 7oe grades 50e.
Skirts $2.50
Lice Curtain were 45c now 30c. Lace Curtains were 75c now 55o.
Lie Cnrtaint were $1.0d now ti'.lo. Laeo Curtains, $1.50 now 95c.
Lace Curtain- wi-ro If 2. 75 now $2.00.
Suit were ti .50 mm- $4 25. sliits were $7.50 now $5.00.
' - were $S 00 now $7 25. Suits wero $10 and $12 now $7.75.
Pants that were $2.00 now $1.25.
"tyiTH the present
" street car fa
cilities I will be able
to collect and return
your work to you
promptly. Special
packiigetf left with me
in t he evening can be
returned the follow,
lug day. Special at
tention, will b paid
to LHdieb'FiNE Wash
Trio Punxsutawney
StcamLaiiudry makes
a specialty of Lace
Curtains and Fam
ily Washes, and
washes OVERALLS,
Rao Carpets and
laundry of every de
scription. Also DYE
ino and Cleaning.
Special rates given
to hotels. Hotel linen
left with me In the
morning can be re
turned in the even
ing. Persons having
laufUry (an find me
at J. R. Ilillis&Co.'s
store or any calls ov
er the telephone for
laundry will be
promptly attended to.
No Tkrkorb FOIt
tiie Man,
Woman or
W no Wears
Oxford Shoes
Properly Made
and Fitted.
We sell
that sort and
that only
Dollar to
Shoe Company
Reynoldsviile : Pennsylvania
Lawn, 10 and 12c for 7c.
Nice pink Gimp, 5 to.
Luc , 'ns kin. I for :!c.
kind for 74c.
l 00 for 75c.
Skirts $1.25 grades 90c.
grudes $1.50.