Stan .iubscription $1.00 pertearin advance. 0.1. STEPHENtON, Editor Had Pnb. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14, 1905. Entered at the postotllce at Koynoldsvllle a., HAiocond class mall matter. SDMMKItVII.I.i TELEPHONlNO. 01. Alonij with the cumins or the beautl (ul Mpi lnu comes the demand lor Spring Sewing. If In your case this callsfor a new ma chine, look ttie line over lit llotfmtin'ti, ti-oml.U0up. The WHITE la King. C. F. HOFFMAN, The .lowelcr. rxxrrxTcrrrxrrrrrrxxxrxm t j Are You i Particular ' about the kind of medicine f you give your horses or H other stock? They deserve j the best. For years we have 1 , paid particular attention to i the preparation of veterin- ary remedies. We use the 11 purest and best drugs. We jj have mills for grinding and j j mixing the drugs, and every ti care is taken that would be j for man. You very likely have a good receipt at home. 54 Next time you need one ri filled let us attend to it for j you. j The Reynolds Drug Co. fl LluleotEv6rutlilnQ. Threo weeks until the Fourth of July. G. T. Woodford-, tho pop miin, reuont ly received half a car load of bottle. Walker Adam vixited his mother in Brockwaj ville tho first of this week. Ben Hur in monologue at the Baptist church on Friday evening. June 16. Cpngr.-sKmiui W. O. Smith has our thanks for a large map of the United States. Mrs. Janvs M. Moorn has been ap" p intod district d puly for tho Daught ers of Robe k ah. Communion service will bo held in the Presbyterian church one. week from next Sunday, June 25h. Tho I'ost-IHspatch. any & that a lodgo of Improved Order of Red Men will soon ba organized in Sykesvllle. The Helping Hand Society of the M. E. church took in $85.00 serving lunch and ice cream last Thursday. T. .1. Nowcome, of Wisbaw, has been appointed deputy game warden. His commission dates from May 29h. Tba Miss Dorothy Sutter elected teacher in DuBois public schools Is not Miss Dorothy Sutter of Reynoldsville. There will be a citizen' meeting in the chapel of the Presbyterian church on Monday evening of next week, June 19th. The Reynoldsvslle second nine will play Pardus ball team at the latter's grounds on Thursday afternoon at 3 00 o'clock. The annual reports of the West Reyn oldsville and Winslow township school district will be found In this issue of The Star. The F.irelgn Missionary Society of the Baptist, church met at home of Mrs. J)r. A. H. Bowser last evening. Lunch eon was served. Miss Effio Clark entertained about fifteen friends ut her home on Main street Thursday evening. Fine refresh ments wore served. The Childrons' Day exorcises In the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist churches last Sunday were attended by large congregations. Hear Mini Glllum's rpcital of Ben Hur in the Baptist church on Friday evening, Juno 10 Tickets on sale at Boyle-Wood ward Drug Co. store. The Elk Tanning Company has bought a new "dinky" engine for placing cars at the tannery. The old "dinky" will be sent to a repair shop to be over hauled. On aocount of tho meeting of the Clearfield Baptist Association at Sykes. ville there will he no prayer meeting in the Reynolds v llle Baptist ohuroh ibis evening. A number f Daughters of Rebekab of Falls Creek visited the Rebekah lodge in this place last evening. Sand wiobes, coffee, ice oreara and cake were served after lodge. j a ,1 i aanm The wind blew a telephone pole over the trolley wire nearPrescottvllle M on- day about 5.00 p. m. and broke down the wire and tied up the trolley line over an hour. Sylcesvllle ia ahead of Roynoldsvllle in one thing at least, and that is a ludy notary public. Gov. Pennypacker has appointed Miss Ruth SykeB to the hon ors of that office. The DuBois Courier is authority for the statement that John Reed, of Reyn oldsville, will build nineteen modern and substantial brick houses in DuBois this year for rent. Tho "Actives'" played another juve nile ball team Monday and defeated the latter 21 to 3. Battery for "Actives," Shuttand DeHart ; for the picked nine, O'Brien and Williams. The Ladles' Work Society will sell ice cream, Btrawberrles, cake and coffee at the Presbyterian parsonage on Fri day evening of this week. A liberal patronage is solicited. At a special election held in Punxsu tawney last Thursday the people of that town voted to bond their borough to the amount of $65,000 for the purpose of erecting additional school building. At the convention held it. Beech woods lust week Miss Elsie Ross, of this place, was elected secretary of the Jef ferson County Sunday School Associa tion. Miss Ross will make a good sec rotary. The Pardus ball club and tho second nine of Roynoldsvllle played a game on the ball grounds at this plaen Thursday forenoon of last week. Score 6-7 in favor of the Roynoldsvllle boys. It was a good game. Tho Original Star Bloomer Girls Champion Ladies' base ball club, sup porting Maud Nellson, lady pitcher, will play the Reynoldsvillo ball club on the grounds at this place Friday of this week, June 16th. J. C. Norris and P. S. Hauck will soon open a first-class meat market In tho room now occupied by J. E. Mitch ell in tho Syndicate building. These gentlemen have both had experience in this line of buslnes-t. S. M. Siple has bought N. T. Rhodes' right, title and claim to the street cleaning business in Reynoldsville and began the work Monday morning. Mr. c;n) . - i . . . cjipio ojijieuiB uj Keep main street as clean as possible all the time, Mis Julia Kirk, of this place, who was elected by ReynoldBville school board as one of the teachers for next term, has also heen elected by the Punxsutawney school board as teacher n the schools of that borough A mass meeting in the interest of Judge Reed's candidacy was held at Wishaw Monday night and one at Elesnora the same night by Ed. A. Carnmlt's supporters. A numher of Reynoldsville people attended the meetings. J. Waterhouse, of Beechwoods, start to morrow for Lancashire. England, to get his portion of a laree fortune he has fallen heir to. Lawyer H. H. Brocius. of Brookvllln. Will IA. company Mr. Waterhouse to look after the legal part of the business. Mrs. William Gaylev, formerly of Nebraska, Forest Co., Pa., visited her sister, Mrs. W. A. Leech. In Wi Reynoldsville, the past week. Mr. Gayley has moved to West Va.. and Mrs. Gayley stopped off here to see her sister on the way to her new home. Sixty members of the Protected Home Circle of Reyno.dsville visited the SykesvilleClrclo last Friday evening, going and returning from Sykesvllle on special trolley cars. The Reynoldsville degree team conferred a degree on eight candidates. Lunch was served before the visitors started for home, which was midnight. The annual meeting of the Clearfield Baptist Association will be held In the Bethel Baptist church at Sykesvllle to-day and to morrow, June 14 and 15. Three sessions each day. The first session begins at 10.00 a. m. to-day. This evening service will be dovoted to the B. Y. P. U. At 8.20 Rev. A. J. Meek, Ph. D., of Reynoldsville, will preach a sermon on "Soul Winning." Ex-Postmaster E. T. McGaw received a telegram Sunday from State College, Pa., that his son, Jay McGaw, student in State College, was very 111. Mr. Mc Gaw started for State College on first train Monday morning and returned yesterday morning bringing Jay with him on a large rocking chair. Jay had not been well for several days, but was ablo to attend college and be around until Sunday morning when be became seriously ill. Mr. Vinoent Gerald Reynolds Is one of the best-equipped and all-around most popular of the younger drug clerks in Johnstown. Reoent dispatch es from Harrlsburg have told of his being passed for registered pharmacist with flying colors. Mr. Reynolds, whose borne Is In Reynoldsville, bas made a host of friends since ooming to Johns town. His position as in obarge of Mayor Young's drug store, brings him in touch with all kinds and classes of people and on all of them this young man has made the uniform impression of unfailing courtesy and Industry. Johnstown Cor. to OriL v Married at Buffalo. Miss Vera May Burns, of Reynolds- ville, and Fred Nollen, of DuBois, were married in Buffalo, N. Y.,on Thursday, June 8th, 1905. Moore-Strang. Walter Moore, son of M. M. Mooro, of Washington township, and Miss Eliza Mabel Strang, daughter of 'Squire A. T. Strang, of Rockdale, were married at the Piesbyterian parsonage in Beech woods on Wednesday afternoon, June 7, 1905, by Rev. G. H. Hill. Both young people are popular and highly esteemed in the Beechwoods, where they are well known. Died in Coal Mine. George Tovey, a coal miner of Anita, formerly of Roynoldsvllle, died sudden ly In the mines yesterday from heart trouble. Mr. Tovey was about 70 years old. He was married to a sister of J. P. Haskins, of this place. Funeral service will be held at Anita Friday afternoon and Interment will be made in Boulah cemetery at this place. For President Judge. In this Issue of The Star will be found the announcement of W. L. Mc Cracken, Esq., of Brookvillo, asacandi date for the Democratic nomination for president judge of Jefferson county. Mr. McCracken is woll known to the people of Jefferson county, having practiced at the Jefforson county bar a number of years and was district at torney one term. .Good Game of Ball. A large crowd witnessed the gumo of base ball at this place last Thursday af ternoon between Brookvillo and Royn oldsvllle clubs. It was a fine exhibition oi oase oan skih ana tlioro was no jangling to mar the pleasure of the game. The Brookvillo" boys were very gentlcmenly. It was generally pro nounced an excellont game from start toSnish. Cummlngs and McClaln, of Ridgway, did the battery work for Reynoldsville and that Is what won the victory for Roynoldsvllle. Home Candidate. iThe only candidate from this section -.-Jefferson county that is seeking nom ination at the Republican primary election to be held on Saturday of this week, is Grant Scheafnocker for sheriff, and for this reason Grant .should get the nomination, and, no doubt, will got it. Grant has the ability to fill the office craditably and the voters will not make a mistake in nominating him. Grant should get a large vote in Reyn oldsville, West Reynoldsville and Wins low township, boing a home candidate. Co-Operative Manufacturing Co. Reynoldsville is to have a new In dustry to be known as the Co-Operative Manufacturing Co. Dr. J. C. King is president, James A. McCreight vice president, C. H. Moore treasurer, M. C. Coleman secretary and .Hon. Jacob Truby manager. They have leased the building on Railroad 'street formerly occupied by the Reynoldsvillo Milling Co., which will be used for a manu facturing plant for the present. Tho company offices are in rooms 4, 5 and 6 in the Syndicate building, Main street. One of the patented articles to be manu factured by the Co-Operatlve Co. is the Extension Stoel End Gate, claimed to be the best end gate on the market to-day. Large Black Snake. Th ursday morni tig of last week Homer Sherwood, four-year-old son of H. A. Sherwood, who resides on the Coax farm near this place, ran into the house to his mamma with the words, "Mamma, a big garter snake out at the swing." Mrs. Sherwood hastened to the door and was horrified to see a large snako lying whore her children had been playing but a few moments before. With the aid of a small boy, Charlie Barry, she succeeded in killing the rep tile, which proved to be, a black snake and measured five feet five Inches in length. The snake was hung by the road where it attracted much attention from numerous passers-by who wore on their way to attend the K. of P. reunion at Reynoldsville. At the Gates of Death. Albert Reynolds, one of our well known and highly esteemed citizens, who has been hovering near the gates of death the past four or five days, is still living when we go to press thib morning, but the doctors have given up all hopes of bis recovery. He will not live many hours. Weak heart Is the trouble. Mr. Reynolds called a doctor in to see blm one week ago last Monday. He continued to grow worse and four or five town doctors were called in for con sultation on Thursday and they all agreed that his illness was caused by some obstruction in the intestines and an operation was the only hope of sav ing his life. Friday morning a telegram was senttoDr.Stewartof Mercy Hospit al, Pittburg. He arrived here on the 6.15 p. m. train and l he operation was per formed about 9.30 that night. A gall stone about the size of a bantam hen egg was found in the small part of In testine, plugging the intestine tightly. New neck wear at Milllrens. See the Milllrens. new shirt waist silks at See the spring hats at Milllrens. Meeting of Town Council. The regular monthly mooting of town council was held on Tuesday evening of lost week with all the members presont, They had a long session and adjourned about midnight until Friday evening and adjourned again until Saturday morning. At the Tuesday night meet ing thoy heard reports from commit- toes, considered several petitions for opening Btroot extensions, &e. Among the reportB of amount of money recoivod was one for 8108.00 from the Summer- ville Telephone Company for three years' taxes on telephone poles. One of the wise things done by the "boro dads" was to order a large safe to keep the borough records In. If a fire should occur and destroy the records It would be an irreparable loss to tho borough, and for that reason it does seem that a big risk has been run all these years without a fire proof safe to keep the records In. Council has accepted the petition for pavlnR Jackson -street, from Seventh street to Bradford, or Ninth street. An ordinance for paving the street has been passed by council and will be found In this issue of The Star. The street is to be paved with repressed brick, same as Fourth street is paved with Wedding Bells. Monday evening, June 12, 1905, Harry L. McEntlre, P. D., son of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McEntire, of this place, and MissVadada Maris Hatten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hatten, of DuBois, were united in marriage by the grooms grandfather. Rev. J. C McLntire, at borne of tho reverend gentleman in West Roynoldsvllle. Two or three members of Rev. McEntlre's family wore the only persons who wit nessed the marriage ceremony. Dr. McLnti-e, who graduated last month from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, has acceptod a good position In Philadelphia. He is a bright young man with a promising future before him. The bride is one of Du Hols' handsome young ladles. The Star joins with their friends in ex tending congratulations and best wishes. Announcement cards will be Issued to-day. Ben Hur Friday flight. Miss Mildred Glllum last night at the Chenango st. M. E. church gave a re cital or Ben Hur In monologue. The audience was thoroughly appreciative and all enjoyed the evening. Miss Gll lum is an elocutionist of rare merit and oer work came up to the expectations of all who had heard the words of praise of her. Her recital covers the whole book and is very realistic. Her work was especially fine in the scene describ ing the fight of the Roman vessels with tne pirate ships and the rescue of the Roman centurian by Ben Hur. The chariot scene was also very strongly given. Miss Ulllum received words of praise for bor fine work. Bingbam- ton, N. Y. Miss Gillum will be at the Baptist church t riday evening, June 10. Seats on sale at the Boylos-Woodward Drug Co, storo. Teachers Elected. Last Wednesday evening the Reyn oldsville Bchool board elected the fol lowing corps of teachers for next term of school : Principal, Prof. Clifford Scott, assistant principal, Norman Blsh, Catherine D. Dowey, Anna Kunes, Julia Kirk, Lulu Black, Blanche Thornton, Margaret Butler, Ollie Robs, Susio Scbultz, Edna Lewis, Elizabeth Baugh man, Edith Clark, Janet Sneddon. Two additional rooms will be opened next term and Misses Baughman and Clark, of this place, are the now teach ers for the new rooms. Prof. Scott and Miss Dewey come from Moadvllle and Prof. Bish from Butler. For the Convenience of the Public. The Pennsylvania fast train from Pittsburg Is due at Falls ' Creek at 105 p. m. and the B., R. & P. "flyer" from Pittsburg Ib due at Falls Creek at tb'e same time, but If people from this section want .to go north on B., R. & P. "flyer" they have to leave here on the 11.42 a. m, train to run no risks in catching the B., R. & P. train, f the Pennsylvania would make its train a couple of minutes earlier, or the B., R. & P. would make its train a couplo of minutes later, it would make it much pleasanter and more convenient for pcoplo from New Bethlehem, Brookvillo and Reynolds ville who want to go north over the B., R. & P. Practical Plumber. M. J. Evers, formerly of Ridgway, a member of the Union Plumbing Co. of Reynoldsville, has come to town to devote his time to the interest of this new plumbing company. Mr. Evers Is a practical plumber and steam fitter, having been employed in that line of work the past fjpur years with. Hyde, Murphy & Co., big contractors of Ridg way. Mr. Evers and his partner, Ralph D. Albright, who is alBO a practical plumber, are prepared to do all kinds of work in thoir line. Parochial School Closed. The parochial school closed last Fri day with a special program In the after noon consisting of songs and recitations. The closing exercises were very good. Reliable styles in jackets for spring at Milllrens. 9 THE K. OF P. REUNION WELL ATTENDED AnJD ABLE EVENT. ENJOY Parade Was a Mile Long and Haifa Do en Bands Made the Welkin Ring. At DuBois Next Year. Tho twelfth annual reunion of the First Reunion District of the Knights of Pythias of Pennsylvania, hold in Reynoldsville on Thursday of laBt week June 8th, was the most successful and pleasant K. of P. reunion ever held in this district, and it brought to Reyn oldsville one of the largest and most or derly crowds that ever visited our town. The day was an ideal one for just such an occasion, the town was nicely dec orated, our townspeople extended the visitors a cordial woloome and every thing was favorable for a day of pleas ure for the Knights of Pythias- and the Pythian Sisterhood, and judging from their actions and the happy ex pression that was continuously conspic uous on tne laco o most every one as they passed up and down the streets, they had an enjoyable time. It is esti mated that there w.ere about five thous and strangers In town that day. The early morning trains brought In a number of Pythlans and friends and the trolley cars on both Punxsutawney and Sykesvllle branches were well filled every trip during the forenoon. At 10.45 a. m. a special train of nine coaches came in over the R. & F. C. R'y bringing a largo number of Knights of Pythias and friends from Clearfield, Curwensville, DuBois, Falls Creek Jobnsonburg, Ridgway and intermed into stations. The 11.42 a. m. train on IJ. R. R. brought in a largo delegation from Brookvillo. There were six bunds in town and from 9.00 a. m. until late in the evening the welkin rang continuous ly with band music. The delegates reported at K. of P ball during the (orenoon and at 1.30 p m. Wis Knight of Pythias and Pythlun Sisterhood formed in line for the parade, which moved up Main street about 2.00 m It was a large and nice looking parade, about a mile long. Thoy marched up Main to Seventh, up Sev enth to Grant, down Grant to Fourth, out Fourth to Main, down Main to Frank's Tavern, where the Keystone band, which headed parade, opened ranks, allowing tho following lodge to pass through and fall in behind and open ranks for next lodge, and so on un til the rear end of parade had to walk over P. R. R. in West Reynoldsville to get through the open ranks. Postmaster E. C. Burns was chief marshal and J. W. Gillespie and C. PI. Murray assistant marshals. After the parade there was a band tournament In the park, In which the DuBois band won first prize, $30.00, and Johnsonburg band second prize, $15.00. Later in the day the following prizes were awarded to lodges participating in the parade : Lodge having largest percentage of members In line, Sykosville lodge, Dis trict Banner. This is the third time this lodge has won the banner and will keep it now. Lodge having largest numborof mem bers In line, Brady Lodge, $15.00. Lodge bringing most members longest distance, Chestnut Ridge lodge, $10.00. Lodge of Pythian Sisterhood having largest percentage of membership in line, Rathmel, $10.00. Lodge Pythian Sisterhood having largest number of members in line, Du Bois, $10.00. Best marching by Pythian Sisterhood, Punxsutawney, $15.00. Uniformed Rank, K. ef P. having largest numbor of membors in line, Du Bois, $20.00. The DuBois Degree team conferred the Third Rank on several Esquires. The next annual reunion will ba held in DuBois the second Thursday In June, 1905. The committee having charge of tho reunion and the other members of Valiant Lodge, are very thankful to the merchants and citizens of Roynolds vllle for decorating for tho i ccasiou and helping in other ways to make the re- nion a success. Mass Meeting. Friday evening' of this week a mass mooting in the Interest of Judge John W. Reed's caadidacy will be held in Frank's Park at this place. Addresses will be made by Bernard Rice, of Du Bois, C. Z. Gordon, C. C. Benscoter, of BrookiIle, M. M. Davis, Hon. S. B. KUlott, of ileynoldsville, and Judge Red. Congressman Burke or Con gressman Dalzell, of Pittsburg, are expected to be present. The Key stone band will fu'-nlsh music', and there will likely be one or two other bands hare. Special trains will be run from Brookville and Falls Creek. Still a Candidate. Some parson or persons have circu lated the report that I have withdraws as a candidate for the democratic nomi nation for sheriff. I want to say to my friends that the report is false. I have not withdrawn and bava no inteation of doing so. I am still a candidate. r . P. ADELSPHHOHR. "It Is Up to You." If you wish a day of rare enjoyment t Is up to you to eo on the Buffalo. Rochester fc PlttBburg R'y excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls Sunday, June 18th. . Special train will leave Falls Creek at 6.35 a. m. and the round trip fare will be only $2.50. Tickets will also be good leturning from Buffalo on regular trains Monday. June 19th. ' THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AND FRO.' Miss Tacy Dempsey spent Sunday in DuBois. Mrs. John McDonald visited in Du Bois thlB week. P. S. Hauck and wife are visiting in DuBois this week. Mrs. Clara M. Shlck is vUiting her parents at Worthville. David Sowers and wife, of Ohls, visit ed in town over Sunday. Mrs. Milford Kunos, of North Bond, Pa., visited in town last week. . John Broad, of Rosebud, visited his parents in this place the past week. Miss Minnie Wagner, of Worthville, visited relatives in town the past week Al. H. Fasenmyer, shoe merchant of New Bethlehem, was in town yestorday. W. J. Norris and sister, Miss Eliza Norris, are spending this week In Pitts burg. Clarence Stephenson, of Pittsburg, is visitiog his mother in West Reynolds ville. Mrs. Jennie Rider, of Trade City, 1b visiting her father, A". C. Pierce, in this place. G. W. Miller and wife, of DuBois, were guests of Miss Bertha Copping Sunday. Mrs. John R. Elder, of Boechtree, viBlted in Roynoldsvllle several days last week. J. L.. Gilford, pf Curwonsvlllo, was the guest of Benjamin Sykes one night last week. Mrs. Atmore Shaffer, who visited in Coalport, Ky., two months, returned home Friday. Harry F. Lord, of Johnsonburg, visited his mother, Mrs. Mary J. Lord, in this place Thursday. Fred Smith, student in Dickinsoa College, Carlisle, Pa., is home for the summer vacation. Mrs. W. S. Wick, of Butler., has been visiting her father, James Lusk, in this place the past week. Mrs. E. C. Davis Is expected home to-day from a four weeks' visit at Clarion, Knox and Edenburg. Charles A. Stephenson and wife, of East Brady, are visiting the former's mother in West Reynoldsville. Robert Stephenson, who was In West Virginia a few weeks, returned to his home in this place last evening. Miss Bertha Bowser left here last evening to visit in Kittanning, Ford City, Pittsburg and other places. Arthur Hasklns, a student in the Hathorne Piano School of Potsdam, N. Y., la home for the summer vacation. Harry Herpel, student in Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., came borne last evening for the summer vacation. Mrs. J. T. Coax, of Allegheny City, and her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Johns ton, of DuBois, were in town yesterday. S. W. Karstetter and wife, of Cur wensville, formerly residents of this place, were visitors in town Thursday. Miss Nelle Sutter, of New Bethle hem, spent Sunday with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. J. J. Sutter, in this place. H. T. Jones and wife, of Corsica, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore in this -place. The ladies are sisters. Mrs. Kate Burns was called to Ham- monton, V. J., the first of this week on account of the Illness of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Scott. Dr. R. W. Norris, of Waynesburg, was called to Paradise last week on ac count of illness of his mother, Mrs. Robert Norris. Misses Edith Herpel and Irene Phil- lippi went to State College, Pa., Mon day to attend the commencement at State College. Ed. L. McConnell, who has been at Auburn, N. Y., two years, is visiting his brother, Frank A. McConnell, at Frank's Tavern. Mrs. James Hanley, who was in Kane two months, where her husband works in glass plant, returned to her home in this place Saturday. Miss Harriet Worrls returned Satur day from (Cambridge Springs, Pa., whore she had been three weeks for benefit of her health. Mrs. A. F. King, of Brookvillo, who was the guest of her sister, Mrs. David Postlethwait the past two weeks, re turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Snyder, of Clear field, and Miss Ruth Snyder, of Pitts burg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gillespie a couple of days last week. Charles Hirst, student in State Col lege at State College, Pa., was at home several days, returning to State Col lege Monday to attend commencement. J. S. Howard, treasurer of the Revn- oldsville Trust Company, Is at Fair mount, W. Va., this week attending meeting of the Bankers' Association. Rev. T. M. Gladden, of Houtzdale. pastor of the Methodist Protestant church in that place, was the guest ot George Johns in this place one night last week. Mrs. Charles Montgomery, of Sligo, was called here Friday by the serious illness of her brother, Albert Reynolds. Paul Riston, studont in the Medical Department of the University of Penn sylvania at Philadelphia, is home for the summer vacation. S. M. Wray and family and MlssOlh-o Schlablg are at Richmond, Indiana Co., to-day attending the golden wedding of Mrs. Wray's parents. Charles Montgomery ong'.neer on Sligo Branch of P. R. R., was in towns short time yesterday to see his brother-In-law, Albert Reynolds. Thomas Plfer, who resides near Big Run, was in town yesterday and called at thlB office and renewed bis subscrip tion to The Star for anothor year. F. C. Wilson and wife, of Brookville, spent Sunday in this place. Mr. Wilson returned home Monday but Mrs. Wilson Is spending the week with friends here. Rev. A. D. McKay, Misses Olive Reynolds, Edith Clark and Elizabeth Baughman went to Ridgway yesterday to attond the Christian Endeavor con vention. Pearl Barto, student in Stato Col lege, who came home yesterday morn ing to assist in bringing bis schoolmate, Jay McGaw, home, will return to Stato College to-day. Mariano Cancelliere, publisher and proprietor of La Trinocriu, a weekly Italian paper published in Pittsburg, has been in town the past week and was a collor at The Star office. Mr. Can collerie edits a largo weokly newspaper. Andrew McGinness, who was workinp; for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. in Philadelphia since last fall, spun Sunday at home of his parents at Pre cottville and on Monday went to John sonburg to accept position as assistant ' superintendent of ' the Metropolitan work at that place. Mrs. Harriet Atchison and daughter, Miss Viola, of Curvine, Kan., Jacob Hopkins and wife, of Knoxdale, John Geistand wife, of Brookville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Haugh, near this place, last week. Mrs. Atchinson is a sister of Mr. Haugh and this was the first time they had seen each other lor ttilrty-tnree years. Because hewas told of some of his tricks of bovhood days, Mr. Haugh thinks some people of iiansas nave pretty good memories. Mrs. Perry A. Reno and daughter, Miss Amy, of Sharon, visited in Hevn- oldsville several days the past week. They were returning from Baltimore, Md., where Miss Amy graduated from the Women's College. Rev. Rono also attended the commencement at the Women's College, but had to go to Sharon Saturday to fill his pulpit Sun day and could not stop at Reynoldsville. Alter tno commencement Kov. and Mrs. Reno and Miss Amv spent a few days in Washington, D. C, Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Fence in Ball Ground. There is material In Revnoldsville for a good base ball club and we havo good ground to play ball on, but the ground is not fenced in and a ball club caunot raise enough money by collec tion to pay tne necessary expense to keep up a club and pav the expense of having other clubs come here to play ball, but if the ground was fenced in so that an admission cruld be charged then Reynoldsville can have a base ball team. The ground can be leased for a small sum per year and it would not re quire a great outly of money to build a nign rence around it. There Is some talk of organizing a stock company to lease the ground and fence it in. Board Re-organized Teachers Elected. The West Revnnldsvilln ohnnl re-organized last week with W a Leech as president, O. H. Johnston secretary and Charles A. Herpel treasurer. The following Ipnehera ma .; Principal, J. It. Wilson, Mfsses Anna A. Flemming, Marv I. Cowan oni Maude Meek. Miss Wilson, nh last year, did not make application. The millaca laid wan ft mill- and 2 mills school building. Reduced Rates to Indianapolis, Ind. On ftoeonnt. nf t.liA WaiMnnnl n,m.n.t:. -t - jr .uuaomj Union, to be hold M Indianapolis, Ind., June to za, too Pennsylvania ,Raii road Company will sell round-trip tick ets to Indianapolis, June 19 and 20, good returning to leave Ind iaoa polls tint later than June 27 inclusive, from all stations on its lines at rate of single fare, for the round trip plus 81.00. On all tickets good for passage via Philadel phia, Baltimore, and Washington, u stop-over within limit, will ha at either of these pluces. Letter List. List of unclnlmail loff - " a iciuaiuiuit in post office at Reynoldsville, Pa., for vuo hot emuing june iu, jJ05 ; Peter -Griffin. -TnVin Tjnnn it:, Bella Menerley. say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. l. c. Burns, P. M. Notice. All ladies' ind Childrnn'a tan nhnoo sained to a Queens taste at Clt.w Hnt.1 W. N. Kinney. i i Wooltex garments at Milllrens. Cut flOWHrfl. ITAriln a,!,, 4mn.n ' I "J V Ij Lt O , W.luaiAS plants, green groceries, &c, at C. P. Koerner's. Goods alwavs freah. Spring hosiery at Millirens. . OlUn tin " n n . . m, Peoples National Bank. Interest paid See the Bpring dress ' goods Milllrens.