ANNOUNCEMENTS. PROTHONOTARY. Fore Prothonotary and clerk op COURTS CYRUS H. BLOOD, of Rmnkvllle. pulijeet to notion of tho KnuuliHi-ansnf Jef ferson county nt Ilia primary eluctlou Sutur day, une li, 19iM. PRESIDENT JUDGE. For President judge JOHN.W. REED, Of Brookvllle BnmiiKh, Subject to arttnn of tho Republicans of Jef ferson county at the prlmury flection Satur day, une 17, way For President Judge EDWARD A.CARMALT, Of Brookvllle. Subject to tho action of the I!f nibllransnf elTerson county at the primary election tine 17, 19W. For President Judge W. L. McCRACKEX, Of Brookvllle Borough. Subject to the action of tho Democratic voters of jeflorson county at lie Primary Election, June H, 1H05. SHERIFF. For sheriff grant SCHEAFNOCKER, Of Wlnslow Townshl)), Subject to the action of tho Republicans of Jefferson county at tho primary elect on Sat urday, June 17 lutfi. For Sheriff W. A. SUTTER. Of Clay vllle. Subject to the action of tho Republicans of JclTeraon county at the primary; election June 17,1905. COUNTY TREASURER. For county treasurer IRA J. CAMPBELL, Of Punxsutawney Boroutrh, Subject to the aetlnn of the Republicans of Jefferson county at the primary election Sat urday, June 17, 11103. For County Treasurer .T.W.CURRY, Of Snyder Township Subject to the action of the Re mbllcans of Jefferson county at the prim ry election Saturday, June 17, 1W." COUNTY COMMISSION -R. For County Commissioner HARVEY D. HAU JH, Of Union Township Subject to action of tho liepuh leans of Jef ferson county at tho primary el' c.tlon Satur day, June 17, 1M05. For County Commissions t J. S. COOPER, Of Brockwayvllle. Subject to tho action of tho Republican voters at their primary election, fune 17, HKVi. For County Commissioner -. J. N. KELLY, I Of Perry Township, Subject to the action of tho Republicans of rrfferson countv at the urlmnrv election Saturday, Jun 17, 11105. For County Commissioner -ROBERT F. MORRISON, Of Washington Townsh p, Subject to the action of the Republicans of Jefferson county at the primary election Saturday, June 17, IlKfi. For County Commissioner JOHN S. BARR. '' Of Brookvillo, jttibject to the action of the Rc oublicans of Jolforson county at the primary election ' Saturday, June 17, 10H. For county commissioner. A. F. REITZ, Of Ohls, Beaver Townsh ip, Subject to the action of the Repuhllcnn voters of Jefferson county at thoir primary election June 17th, MU5. REGISTER ANO RECORDER? For register and recorder, JOS. B. MEANS, Of Brookvllle Borough, Subject to the action of the Republican voters at the primary election June 17, 19(15. JOHN C HIRST, CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER, Surveyor and Draughtsman, office In Syn dicate building, Main street. L. JOHNSTON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office four doors from Ross House, West Keynoldsvlile, Pa. "pRIESTER BROS., UNDERTAKERS. Wnck and white funeral cars. Minn street. Keynoldsvlile, Pa. H. HUGHES, UNDERTAKING AND PICTURE FRAMING. The D. 8. Burial Leaeue has been tested and found all rlKlit. Cheapest form of In surance. Secure a contract. Near Public Fountain, Keynoldsvlile Pa. J)f H. YOUNG, ARCHITECT. vlUeTtt Grant RDd riftst- Ecynolds- -yyiNDSOR HOTEL, Philadelphia, Pa. Between 12th and 13th Sts on Filbert St. JF,hJ?e ?.,nute,, Wft'k from the J.eadlnir Ter d iha minutes walk fron the Penn'a Si;!ri ""a" J't''noan plimjl.o pordayand upward. American plan SJ.oOpe day. Prank M. Schoiblej , Manuger. The Peoples National Bank SiuxetiHors to 1 eeley, Alexander tC Co., Hankers. The Oldest Established Bank in the Town arnold clock, corner main and fifth streets. Capital $100,000, Stockholders' Liabilities $100,000 Has had tho putron ge of the citizens of Reynoldsville and vicinity for the pa-t thirty years. Gives the prompt and careful banking service every one should have. Interest paid on tiajq deposits and savings accounts. '. OFFICERS. W. B. Alexander, Pros. F. K. Alexander, Cashier. F. D. Smith, Vice Pres. .. F. P. Alexander, Ass't Cashier. DIRECTORS. W. B. Alexander . L. P. Seeley F. D. Smith H. Alex Bloke . August Baldauf Amos Sti ouse Dr, J. C. Sayers Dr. H. B. McGarrah W. C. Murray ANNUAL DISTRICT ;iErOHT OF W1NSLOW TOWNSHIP SC -TOOL DIS TRICT FOR YEAR ENDING FIRST MONDAY IN JUNE, 1905. Whole number of schools W Average numberof months tauKbt 7 Number of male touchers eniphn etl... 9 Number of female teachers employed. 29 Avertttfe salaries of males tier month.. flfi.H7'4 Average salaries females per month. flO.53 4-7 N umber of male scholars attending all the schools In thetllstrlct 713 Numberof female scholars ntteiulliiK all the schools in the dirtrlct 1KB Whole number In attendance (Wholo number at tending parochial school Ml additional) '1 Average daily attendance of scholutu In theillstrlct 8 Avei-ajzo perceiitane of attendance.... w t'ost of eai'h pupil per month No. of mills levied for school purposes. 9 No. of mills levied for hide, purposes.. 3 Amount levied for school purposes. ...S8,IR3."S Amount levied for bullillnu purposes..f;.47.TS Total amount levied $U,031.M ACCOUNT Or TllKASlTMKll. RucEtrrs. State appropriation for year ending June, mi $ I S7 From collector, taxes of all kinds. .. 8,5:fi 05 From County Treasurer, for unseat ed lands since last report fill 1; From all other sources 19 50 Total receipts $14,7tltl 74 EXPENDITlTHEfl. RentlnR, repairing, etc 2" K Teachers' wnites S10, 110 Amount paid teachers for attendlnir atiiiual teacliers' Institute I'HO 00 School text hooks 3il 117 School supplies, other than toxthks. 770 110 Fuel and continitcncles 4ii8 40 Fees of collector, ;NI .", and treas urer, IIK7.0K 47J 13 Salary of secretary, poslaiiu and stationery 120 39 Debt and Interest paid 2,0(W S3 Otherexpenses 218 1. Total expenditures $U,lMi SH Amount due treusnrer to 92 KttSOrllCKS AND LlAUIMTIRH. Kksouiicks Amount due district f'm all soui ees f!,(Wt 8J Total resources 2,tirl 3.) LlAMMTlKg. Amount, due treasurer .. I 3S7 92 Amount borrowed and unpaid, or debt of district 2,000.00 Total liabilities 2,;if7 9i Resources in excess of lliiblllties i 203 4.1 Estimated value of school urounds and buildings 825,000 00 Witness our hands this eluhth day of Juno, 1905. A. L'. MmtilAY, President. Georub E. Num., Secretary. FINANCIAL STATFMKXT OF WEST REYNOLDSVILLK lOOL DIS TRICT FOR THE YEAR I DING JUNE 5, 11)05. Wholo number of schools , 4 Averajio numberof months t:iuf it H Numberof teuelierH employed 4 Nutnherof pupils enrolled 20t Average attendunce 1 1W Amount levied for school purpo es...Sl,lJ.0l) 27 Treasurer's Acc't Monky ikckivkd. Am't from State appropriation $ 04 HS A m't bal. from last year .. .. MM Am't from collector, taxes all k ids.. 1,1M 09 Am't from all other sources 17 01 274 29 T. Treasurer's Acc'T Money Paid Or Ropalrlnir, etc $ (1(1 00 Teachers' Wiikos 1,519 00 Textbooks 149 90 School supplies 91 04 Fuel and Contlmrencies 37 57 Salary of Secretary 25 00 Fees of Collector $.13.02, Trens., $25.00.. !VS 92 Other expenses , 11(1 75 2,004 1R Cash on hand 210 11 Resources. Amount cash on hand $ 210 11 Am't due district f'm other sources .. 82 80 $ 292 91 JjiAnn.iTiES None. Audited Juno 5th, 1905. P. A. llAllOMAIt, I ,,,,,.,. J. W.UAMPIIKl.t. f AUdltOlS. KPOUT OF THE CONDITION REYNOLD SYILLE TRUST CO. OF REYNOLDSVILI.K, Main street, of Jefferson county, Pennsyl vania, at the close of business May 29th, 1905. kksourcks. i'lW Cash on hand I 8,121 7(1 Checks and other cash Items . ... 924 21 Due from banks and bankers 87,042 38 Commercial and other paper pur chased 24 OS0 95 Time loans upon collateral 13,050 00 Loans upon bonds and mortiziiKes. .. 5,000 00 Real Estate, furniture and fixtures. 3.244 09 Miscellaneous usscts 2.34(1 5(1 4145,029 95 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $125,000 fO Undivided prolits 845 83 Deposits, subject to check. $10,494 87 DopnsltM, special 2,30ii 00 18,794 87 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding 389 25 . $145,029 95 Dtttt of Penmylvmii, County of Jeffenon, : I, J. 8. Howard, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. 8. Howard, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn U before me this 6th day of June, 1905. Alhekt Reynolds, Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 3, 1U09. Correct Attest : D. Wheeler, Andrew Wheeler, Rout. 'L. Pahiiish, Directors. L. M. SNYDER r'iri:.e Practical Horscshoer : eral Blacksmit Gcn- Repairing of all kind promptly i nd careful ly done. Wood shop In conne Hon. When you need your tire set call and 1 ave It done with the Schau Tiro Setter, " he machine that does It right. Remember tl c place JACKSON ST., NEAR F FTH. nd i. Metedeth-Bteakey Wed ling. A beautiful home weddinc was cel ebrn tod at Stanton Juno 7, vhon Miss Mupgle Breakoy was unlU'd In mur riHgo to Nell Meredeth. of Kersoy. at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Telford McGautruoy, who reside on the old homestoud whore tho bride had spent her childhood and youth. It was a beautiful afternoon and tho lawn in front of the tveidonee had been taste fully arranged for the ceremouy, and when the clock struck the hour of 4.00, tho bridal party appeared to the strains of a wedding march played by Mrs. French, of Brookvllle, arid took their places under a largo evergreen arch trimmed with roses and surrounded with ferns and potted plants. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Mattle Ureakey, and the groom by his brother, Will Meredeth. The "bride wore a beautiful white costumo of "lands down" and carried a boquot of white carnations. The groom was dressed in the usual regulation black suit. In a very beautiful ceremony the Uev. J. T. Adams, of Brookvllle, pro nounced them man and wife iji the presence of a large assemblng j of guests. After congratulations all sat lown to an elegant wedding dinner. l!ach plate hud placed beside it a f juvenlr of wedding cake folded in a Japanese napkin and tied with wh te ribbon. Dinner hav ing been finished tho party was again arranged upon the lawn where a picture was taken. The bride received many handsome and useful presents In linen, : ilverware, &c. One worthy of specii I muntion was a souvenir bed spread from the fathor and mother of tho groom, Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Meredeth. This spread had wrought in fancy needle work upon it the names of 810 of the bride's rela tives and friends and was valued by the originators of it at $102. The usual Berenado followed in the evening and after the serenaders had been invited Into the house and treated to refreshments they departed with best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith attended tho K. of P. reunion in this place on the 8th nnd left on tho 5.27 train for a wed ding trip to the west, after vhlch they will reside in Ceuterville. Eik Co!, ffhe'fl Mr. Meredeth is in ,th ) employ of the U. S. mail service. Guests were present from 3rookville, DuUols, Kersey. Pitt.sbur j, Spring dale, Cool Spring and Ke noldsville. The bi ido was well kno vn In this place having stayed with hi r brother, 1). II. Brenkey, during tho iiinuner of l!ox . Guest. GRANT SCHEAFNOCKER Possesses Necessary Requirements and Kepresents a Worthy Community. Grant Scheafnocker, of Winslow township, spent several days of last week in this section In the interest of his candidacy for the Republican nomi nation for sheriff, and we are glad to see him so kindly received by the Re publicans at the county seat. Mr. Scheafnocker is a loyal Republican, one who has never found it a hardship to pull off his coat in the interest of othor members of the party, and now when he is asking help for himself we feel like giving him our assistance. If anv one interested cares to make an investi gation they will find that the commu nity back of Mr. Sclieafnockor's candi dacy furnishes about one-sixth of tho Republican vote of the countv. and tho only recognition it has in the distribu tion of the county ollices is one Jurv Corr.missionor. That he Is cotnpetent to periorm tno unties 01 tlie ollleo Is ad mitted on every hand, and if nominated his election by a large majority is as sured, and there will bo no need of apologizing for his administration. With such an acceptable candidate bo- roro them, would it not be wife for the Republicans of the county to recognizo tho claims of this strongly Renuhllcan community by giving Grant Scheaf nocker tho nomination for sheriff on tho 17th Inst. "Rf.puhlican." Brookvillo, Pa., June 0, 1005. Reduced Rates to Niagara Falls. On account of the Imperial Council, Ancient Order of the Mystic Shrine, at Niagara Falls, N. Y., June 20 and 21. the Pennsylvania Railroad Conpany win sen excursion tickets lo JNiagara Falls from all stations on l is lines at greatly reduced rates. from Bradford, Pa., Sherman, Port ville, Black Creek, and Salamanca, N. Y., and intermediate stations, tickets will be sold and good goinir J ino 1!) and 20, good returning until 24, in clusive. From all othor stations on the Penn sylvania Railroad tickets will be sold and good going June 18 and 19, good returning leaving Niagara Falls not later than June 24, Inclusive. By de posit of ticket with Joint Agont at Niagara Falls not later than Juno 24 and payment of fifty cents, an extension of return limit may be obtained to leave Niagara Falls not later than June 30. A stop-over will be allowed at Phila delphia and Baltimore on return trip within final limit of tickets on all tick ets good for parage via these cities. For specific rates, routes, and further information, apply to Ticket Agents. Request. , All depositors that have not presented their bank books for settbment and transfer will confer a favor by doing so at once, as we are desirous of getting our business closed up. Yours Respectfu'ly, Seeley, Alexandbr & Co., Bankers. Makes Home Bright :r. Nothing Is left undone to make the Prizer Stoves and Ranges perfect kitchen appliances. They make friends wherever given a trial, and are sold and guaranteed to give the best results in baking and roasting. Reynoldsville Hardware Co. Greatest values ever offered In white vests, S2.00, at Millirens. Garden seeds and tomato plants at C. P. Koerner's grocery store. Shoos for the whole family at Millirens. Interest paid on time deposits at The Pooplcs National Bank. New wash goods ready for your In spection at Millirens. See the 25o corset cover embroidery at Millirens. ' ' Wooltex suits for spring at Millirens. A HOME ENDORSEM SNT. Neighbors of R. F. Morrison F ecommend Htm for County Commissioner. As his neighbors, it is only natural that we should be well acquainted with the personal life and business career of Robert F. Morrison. As a neighbor he has always been kind and helpful, and this letter would demonstrate thut ho commands the confldnce and respect of us, his neighbors. As a business man be has been successful, in his different business engagements be has heeen a great stickler for system. As a farmer, we note that some years ago, when he purchased the farm on which he now ilyo-, it was known as the "brier patch." To-day It is one of the neatest and best kept farms between Brockwayvllle and Brookvillo. He has farmed with method and system, has been a hard student of scientific farming, and has done much to raise the farming in terests of this community to a higher level, lie has always been a clean, straight Republican and a leader in his voting precinct. His public record has beon flawless, he having held many township olllces In which he has given the best of satisfaction to all. In bis private life at his home be has always been a goneial entertainer. The latch string is always out nt Morrison's, and it Is a common saying thut "it is a good place to go." He Is in every way worthy to be commissioner of Jefferson county, and as his neighbors, we would entreat you to aid us by helping to elect him to that office. We well know that If elected he will not only do the work of the office In a systematic way and with good judgment, but will give you a full measure of attention and ap preciation. Nbicihhors. Allen's Mills, Pa.. June 0. Sykesville. Earl Long has purchased a lot on Main street, where he is preparing to build. . A iss Jessie Richer left on the early train last Thursday morning for Butler, where she visited with friends a few days. Samuel Roltor, who has been at Ros sitor for sometime, visiter with his parent", II. B. Heifer and wife, last week. Our town quite dull las tTliursday as nearly all of our people wi re attend ing the Knights of Pythias reunion at Reynoldsville. A stranger made its rp ?arnnce at Thomas Zimmerman's the o her morn ing. Thomas has been weat ng a sinlla ever since. It's a girl. I. G. Mansfield, win) Is ei iployed at Creeksldo, clime homo to attend the reunion of tho Knights of I'ythlas re union at Rej noldsvllle last Wednesday evening. C. A. Humbort, deputy sheriff of Somerset county, left on the early train Thursday morning for Meyersdale, after spending ten days' of his vacation with Jacob Smeal and family. A number of the members of the Pro tected Home Circle of Reynoldsville at tended a hanquet in our town last Fri day evening and helped to initiate six teen people Into the order. Excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Tho Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg R'y will run its first popular low rate excursion of tho season to Buffalo and Niagara Falls on Sunday, Juno 18th. Special train will leave Falls Creek at H 35 a. m., and returning, leave Niagara Falls 7.00 p. m , and Buffalo 8.00 p. m. Tho fare for tho round trip will be only J2 50. Tickets will also be good for return passage from Buffalo on regular trains Monday, June 10. The House-Keeper. The Prizer Stoves and Ranges repre sent the best of every thing in stove making. They please the house-keeper because they are what they want at prices thev can afford to pay. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by Reyn oldsville Hardware Co. New ribbon at Millirens. Start your son or daughter In banking experience by giving them a book for savings account at The Peoples Nation al Bank. Trunks and suit cases at Millirens. Go to C. P. Koerner's grocery store for fresh garden truck. New laces at Millirens. Want Column. Rates: One cent per word for each and evory Insertion. For Sale At a bargain ; a good building lot 50 x 150, near school house on hill. Inquire at The STAR office. . For Sale A No. 1 investment prop erty. Contrally located. Great bar gain. Inquire at STAR office. For Sale Good buggy, Inquire of Wm. Copping. Fon Sale Two horses ; will weigh twenty-eight hundred. Inquire of Amos Strouse. For Rent Store room with show cases, scales, scoops and jverything comploto. J. C. King & Co. ordinance;. ( No. 105. ) AN ORDINANCE providing for the grading, paving, curbing, etc., of that part of Jackson street which ilea be tween the west side of Seventh street on the west and tb'e east side of Brad ford street on the east. ' Whereas, A large number of per sons owning real property abutting upon that part of Jackson street in the borough of Reynoldsville which lies between the west side of Seventh street on the west, and the east side of Brad ford street on tho east, which is now laid out and opened in said borough, have presented to the town council of the said borough- a petition of two thirds of the owners of property, repre senting not less than two-thirds in number of feet of the properties front ing or abutting on that part of Jackson Btreet aforesaid proposed to be graded, paved, curbed, etc., requesting that the borough by an ordinance require that part of said Jackson street aa above designated to be graded, Eaved, curbed and macudan ized with rick or othor suitable, mater. al (to the width of eighteen feet bet.veen curb lines,) and that the council assess and collect in the manner rtqulred by law, iwo-mirus or the costs and expends iu the said grading, paving, curbing, etc., from the owners of the reai estate bounding or abutting thereon, by an equal assessment on the f..ot front, bounding or abutting as aforesaid, which said petition has been verified by the affidavit of one of the petitioners. Now therefore be it ordained and enacted by the town council of the borough of Reynoldsville. Pa , and it is hereby ordained and enacted by author ity of the same, Sec. 1. That the above mentioned petition of property owners he and the same is hereby accepted. Sec. 2. That that part of Jackson street in the borough, which ilea be tween the west side of Seventh street on the west and the east side of Brad ford strtot on the east, now laid out and opened in the borough, be graded, curbed, and paved with paving brick within one year from tho date the passage of this ordinance, as directed by the council hereafter in accordance with the plans and specifications here tofore prepared and made by James B. Caldwell for the grading, paving and curbing of parts of said Jackson street (subject to certain changes and altera tlons made by the council, previous to the passage of this ordinance, which are hereby approved as changed and altered, and are as changed and a'lored hereto attached and made part of this ordinance, saving and excepting that, said paving is not to exceed to the width of eighteen feet hetweon curb lines as prayed for In said petition of property owners ; ) that two-thirds of the costs and expenses of the same are to be collected from tho owners of the real estate bounding or abutting there on by an equal assessment on the fee front bounding or abutting as aforesaid. In accordance with thf. provisions of the Acts of Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, relating there to and regulating the same; John C Hirst is designated by tho council to estimate said equal assesimont. the remainder of such cost to le horn hv the borough of Heynoldsvilh . S- c. 3. The" President ant Secretary of the council are hereby 'lireeted to advertise in one or more rewspupers, published in the borouch of Reynolds ville, and by hani bills for h ds or pro posals for the grading and C irhliig and and paving of said part if Jackson street in accordance with tin provisions of this ordinance and the plans ami specillcatior.B hereto altnc led. All bids to be for the completed work in cluding all materials, and to be ac companied with the samples of the brick proposed to be used by the bidder. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. See. 4. The bids to bo mndo shall be for the completed work by tho square yard, measurements to be made from the inside of both curbs, Said bids shall be sealed and filed with the sec retary of the council, not later than 4.00 o'clock on tho 25th day of July, A. D. li)05. Sec. 5. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a contract In writing to perform tho said work and furnish the materials therefor, in ac cordance with the provisions of this ordinance and tho plans and specifica tions hereto attached. The said con tract shall provide for the commence ment of the work on or before the 14th day of August. A. D. 1005. and the final completion thereof on or before the 1st d'ty of November. A. D. 1005 ; tho suc cessful bidder will also be required to file with the Secretary of the council, within forty-eight hours after the ac ceptance of his bid, a bond with sureties to be approved by tho council, in the sum of five thousand (J5.OOO.O0) dollars. conditioned (1) for the faithful perform ance of the work within tho time above mentioned, and In accordance with the plans and specifications, and (2) for the payment to the borough or Reynolds villo of any nnd all sums which may be recovered against it by reason or on account of anv carelessness or negli gence on the part of the said contractor or any of his agents, servants or em ployecs, together with all fees, costs and expenses Incurred hy said borough In defense of any and all suits or actions brought against it on account or by reason or such carelessness or nogll gence. Sec. 6. Tho succcossful bidder will also be required to furnish within five days from the date of tho acceptance of his bid a written agreement on part of tho manufacturer of the brick to be used in said, paving, warranting all brick to be used in said paving to bo equal in all respects to the samples submitted to the council, and warrant ing that said brick will, if laid in ac cordance with the plans and specifica tions, withstand all the ordinary and usual exigencies of travel upon said streot for a period of five years from tho date of the completion of the work. The said agreement shall also contain a stipulation to the effect that the said manufacturer will replace at any time. during said poriod or five years, upon notice by the council, all brick which shall not withstand the ordinary and usual travel on said street or which may disintegrate or break up on account of heat, cold, moisture or defective or Improper material In or work upon the brlcK themselves. Sec 7. If the successful bidder shall fail, nogloet or refuse to sign the con tract, file the bond nnd agreement mentioned in sections (5) ano (f) of this ordinance1, his bid shall be r jected and tho council snail no at linen to artver tiso for new bids or at its op ion to ac cept any bid filed by the person who shall comply with the said provisions of this ordinance. Seo. 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict horewitb be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and enncted finally at a regu lar meeting held at the council chamber on the 10th day of June, A. D., at 10.00 o'clock a. m. J. C. Sayers, Attest : Pres. of Council. L. J. McEntire, Clerk of Council. Juno 12, A. D. 1905, the foregoing ordinance is submitted to me and read. The fourth line in the second section reads, "paved and curbed with paving brick" is changed to read "curbed, and paved with paving brick." With this change the foregoing ordinance is ap proved. L. M. Simmons, Chief Burgess. a a a a a J. R. Hillis & Co, a a DEAI.EnS IK a a a a Furniture, and Sewing a The Largest and Most Com plete Stock fN the City : : : : And Our Prices are Right. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Our iron beds are fine. Plain white and colors at $3.00 to $22.00. Bed Room suites $10.50 to $92. Dining room tables $4.50 to $32.50. Couches from $6.00 to $36.00. Parlor suites $28.00 to $52.00. Go-Carts $3.00 to $20.00. Rockers 75c to $20.00. Come and see our stock. It is no trouble lor us to show our goods. Never before have we been able to show so choice a variety of Floor Coverings. Designs are especially beautiful. A a a a a ft Branch Store 0 a a a The Secret of Success The secret of success is not to make money as in the We assist people in their this matter concerns you, me Repidsviiie Trust go. Next door to Postoffice. N. HANAU OME to the cheapest store in Reynoldsville. You can buy the same goods for less money, you can save from 15 to 30 per cent. I am getting new goods every day. MOHAIR In black, brown, grey, blue, red. Prices from 48o to 11.35 WASH GOODS Butterfly Batiste, In blue, brown, tan, linen color in dots and figures. Prices 10 and 12c JACKETS Ladies' spring Jackets ; tan and blacks, covert cloth from - - J4 75 to $8.50 SKI UTS Ladies pleated Skirts, tan black, blue and brown. COLLARS Ladies turnover Collars at 5 cents PERSIAN LAWN LACE CURTAINS Lace Curtains from - 40c to $5.00 CLOTHING CLOTHING SUITS Men's fine suit Fine Suit for Suit for - BOY'S SUITS-Same reduction. KNEE PANTS for 19 cents. We give Trading Stamps with every IO cent purchase. N. HANAU. Single Copies of May be Secured at The ' quantity. Price per copy, Three Cents. a a a it 1 a a a a a a a a Carpets Machines a a a a a a a a a a a a & a a a a a a a a a a a a at Sykesville. a so much in knowing how ability to hang onto it efforts to save money. I call and see us about it If CLOTHING 5.00, forrher price $7.00 $6.00, former pric- $9.00 $7.50, former price $10.00 The Star Star Office at any time and in any