7 FUL Suggestions How to Suffering. &felissJVelie folmesjj$M )MnTitlie Hart Sjjj ,. While no woman is entirely free from periodical suffering-, it does not seem to be the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. Menstrua tion is a severe strain on a woman's vitality. If it is painful or irreg-ular 'something is wrong wnicn should be Met right or it will lead to a serious do- irangement of the wholo female organ ism. More than fifty thousand women have testified in grateful letters to Mrs. ?l'i till ham that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound overcomes pain ful and Irregular menstruation. It provides a safe and sure way of es cape from distressing and dangerous weaknesses and diseases. The two following letters tell so con vincingly what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will do for women, they cannot fail to bring hope to thousands of sufferers. I miss ieuie noioni oi ou a. uavi- I alon Street, Buffalo, N. Y., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: ' "Your medicine Mndeed an ide medicine for women. I suffered misery for years with painful periods, headaches, and bearing-down paint. I consulted two different physicians bat failed to ret any relief. A friend from the East advised me to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. I did so, and no longer suffer as I did before. My periods . are natural ; every ache and pain is gone, and my general health is much unproved. I advise all women who suffer to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Tillie Hart, of Larimore, N. D., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I mleht have have been snared manv months of sulTering and pain had I onlv known of the eOlcacy of Lydia E. Pinkham's thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. Ask Hrs, Pinkham's Advlce-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills. GUARANTEED CURB for U bowel troubles, appendlcitte. Mlloueneaa, bed breath, bad bleed, wind on the stomach, bloated bowela, foul mouth, headache, indigration, pimples, pains alter eating, liver trouble, eallow alcln and dlztlnesa. When your bowels don't move regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It Jfr chronic atilmenta) atnil long years of suffering. No matter what nils you, etart tr.klng CASCARET3 today, for you wffl never get well and stay well until you get your bowels right Take our advice, start with Caacarets today under absolute gusrantee to cure or money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chirego or New York. 50s" Fate of a Man Who Ran a "Comer." Edward W. Mitchell died in Chica go a few days aso, and the members of the Chicago Board of Trade made up a fund to bury him. Mitchell died a pauper. Mitchell was once a great man. Where the names of Gates, Morgan, Armour and other stock plungers are now printed Mitchell's name was printed 3u years ago. Mit chell was a big grain operator in Chi cago, when Fisk and Gould were pil ing up money in railroads i New York. In 1S68 he "cornered" the wheat market in Chicago. He had a company of fellow-conspirators against consumers. They shot the prices skyhigh. Mitchell made a mil lion or more. Then he went into the market as a bigger plunger. He was betrayed and sold out and found him self penniless. That was 35 years ago. Mitchell for 10 years sought to Regain his fortune, but he was out classed by keener minded men. Then he became a pauper. And every man that has tried to "corner" a food product has died poor. Ivory Congratulations. A very famous American dentist met the English husband of an American friend of mine with the genial congra tulation: "My dear sir, I wish you Joy! Ton have married a flisst-rate Bet of teeth." Fortnightly Review. Tesfnes Cannot Be Careil by local applications as tbey cannot reaoh the diseased portion oftheear. There Is only one way to oure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness Is cansed by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whenthls tube is in flaaed you have a rumbllngsound or imper fect hearing, and when It is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the Inllam matlou can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine rases out of tan arefeauseu by catarrh, whloh Is nothing but aa inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars' for any ease of Dea tnoss (caused by catarrh jthat can iiot beoured by Hail's Cutarrh Core. Bend for circulars free. F. J. Crchxt t Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. English Shopkeepers. The tipper class In England is sink ing; the middle is rising rapidly, and those who belong to the former keep bops in assumed names, while those who belong to the latter endeavor to conceal that they themselves are con nected witb trade. The conversation of both, however, betrays that they are-shopkeepers. London Truth. PERIO Find Relief from Such Vegetable Compound sooner; for I have tried an mnnv remedies wirhnnt taelD. " I dreaded the approach of my menstrual period every month, an it meant so much rain and suffering for me, hut after 1 had used the Compound two months I Iwame regular and natural and am now perfectly wull and freo from pam at my monthly periods. I am very grateful for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has done for me." Such testimony should be ncccpted by nil women as convincing; evidence that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound rests upon the well-earned gratitude of American women. When women are troubled with irreg ular, suppressed or painful menstrua tion, leueorrhnea, displacement or ul ceration of the womb, that bearing down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatu lency), general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about your sickness you do not understand. She will treat you with kindness and her advice is Iree. Ho woman ever regretted writing her and she has helped The Diet of Nations. The German, after all, is not the champion beer-drinker. That honor rests with the Britisher, who drinks three gallons a year more than the Teuton. On the other hand, the Frenchman eats nearly twice as much bread as the Britisher and an Ameri can JO per cent more meat than a citizen of the United Kingdom. The English are, however, the greatest tea drinkers and sugar-consumers in the world, though they only drink two quarts of wine a head where the thirs ty Spaniard imbibes 36 gallons. Cnnnot Rerince a Knte. It is stated In Washington that un der the Towcscnd rnt bill If a rate is fixed by the commission it cannot he lowered by a railroad. Should an emergency arise calling for a decreased rate the railroads or shippers would have to appeal again to the commis sion, there being no latitude allowed, whatever the circumstances. Hitherto a maximum rate has been the rule, but no such concession is made under the PMposcd legislation. America Found Too Soon. Christopher Columbns made a mis take in discovering 'America in 1(92, according to Prof. J. Paul Goode of the department of commercial geography of the University of Chicago. In an address before the seniors of the mid way institution, says the Chicago Chronicle, the geography expert told the collegians that the turbulent con dition of Europe at that time regard ing religion- end morality was a set back to the progress of the new world. "It would have been much bet ter had this great discovery came a century later," said the professor. "Then the European countries would have been better prepared to develop a new country." Growth of Peabody Fund. To the sum of $2,000,000 left by Geo. Peabody between 1802 und 1873, out of which the Peabody buildings for the poor were erected in London, there has since been added 14,793,255 received for rent and interest, making the total fund, according to 'a report just issued $7,293,255. As more money comes In more buildings are erected. A monument in honor of the late M. Waldeck-Rosseau Is to be erected in the Tuileries gardens In Paris. It is to take tbe form of a bust. WHAT TATE ATE. There was a young fellow named Tate, AVho ate with his girl nt 8.(18. Since Tate did not state, I cannot relate What Tate at his tetc-a tete ate at 8.08. LOVE. "Love," said the beautiful one with noetic fancies, "is a rose." "Yes," replied the grizzly bachelor, "and marriage is the wind that blows the petals off." Chicago Kecord-llcr-aid. IlUXnilED-MILK DASH. Johnnie "Paw, this paper says the nntos made a century run down in Florida. What is a century run?" Paw-"It all depends on how It Is spelled. Some of tliem make secntury runs." Dallas News. DEAU OLD LADY! "Ycr," remarked Mrs. Malapwp, was a grand night. First came the King, carrying a spectre in his hand, and wealing a beautiful red mantle nil trimmed with vermin. It was a grand sight." London Tit-Bits. - VF.I5Y APPROPRIATE. "I have been eating onions," con fessed the pretty girl in the dim parlor, "Then I will tell you a ghost story," whispered the suitor. "But why n ghost story?" 'Because It will take your breath away." Chirago Xcws. IX CONFIDENCE. Stranger "So tills Is the Slieep-Blaelts mansion. Have they many family se crets?" The Butler "Yes, indeed, sir. Why, they liave so many skeletons In their closets the place looks like the cata combs." Detroit Tribune. IX INSECT LAND. have, Mr. Bookworm "Let. me have some new dictionary, some Kipling, a bit of llowells, with Conati Doyle, and a des sert of Longfellow." OUTSIDE THE CIIURCn. Waiting Swain "Let's walk dow to the river and back." Second Ditto-"Itll take us an hour. We ain't got time." Waiting Swain "Yes. we have. Th parson has ,1nst said, 'One word more and I am done.' "Houston Chronicle. PISArrOlXTMENT. "You said the house was only five minutes' walk from the station," coin plained the victim. "To say the least, I'm disappointed in yon." 'And I'm disappointed in you," re plied the agent. "I thought you were n very rapid walker." Philadcipnia Press. THE IDEAL SPOT. "The doctor told Senator Tillman that he must go to.some quiet place where he could have n complete rest and ho beyond harassing distractions of tele grams and newspapers." 'Where did he go ;" 'To Philadelphia." Cleveland Tlaiu Dealer. GETTING THE AVERAGE. "The work of the world should be distributed around so that each man could have a fair share." T believe in averaging it around. My father, for Instance, did so much work in his generation that we don't have to do any in ours." Cleveland riain Dealer. JUST A LITTLE SLAP, Toss "I thought j'ou weren't going to send Marie Mclnncs an invitation to your tea?" jess"Oh! I decided that I couitin 1 hurt her feelings that much." Tcss "So you sent her one?' jcss"Yes, bnt I addressed It to Miss Mary McGlnnis."-Phildelphia Tress. ALL IN THE WORDING. "We've been trying for the last two weeks to get a girl," said the passenger with the ear muffs. "We advertised for one, but It didu't do nny good. . We got three or four nnswers to the adver tisement, and none of them was satis factory." "I guess you didn't word your ad. right," said the passenger with the scarlet tnufiler. "I advertised for a girl a few weeks ago and got sixty sevrm replies." "Ilow did yon word yours?" " 'Wanted To open a correspondence with a good, amiable, heallhy young woman, with a view to matrimony. Address "Middle-Aged Widower. P. O. Bos Ba-aud-So." " CIiIcjibo Tribune. Waiter-"Well, whafll you sirr The Stomachless Man. Tho stomach proper has ceased to be a serioua problem to the surgepn. Ho can invade and explore it with im punity. He can even, if circum stances demand, relievo tho owner of it entirely, and so arrange tho loose ends that the functions of nutrition are successfully maintained. To bo sure, the patient can never thereafter derive much pleasure from his meals; he miiRt restrict himself to a rlcid diet; but for all the other affairs of life ho may bo as competent as be fore. There are today several stom- achless men who are earning their dally predigested ration in occupat ions varying from clerk to express man. FITS permanently 'Mired. Koflts or nervous, ness after flr.: (lav's use of Dr. Kllno's Great Kervcllojtorcr.iatrlaltpottlciind treatise free Dr.K.H.KLiSK,I.tl.,fllll ArchHt.,rhlla.,Pa, In some of the London schools the boyi take lessons in cooking. Ask Tour l)e:iler Fur Allen's Font-Eno. A powder. It rc3ts tho feet. Cure? f!orn, llunlona. Swollen, Sir3, 'lot. O-il Ions, Aching Bweatlcg Feet and Im-rowlnc; Nails. Allen's Foot-Ea?o makes new or tl-;!its!io05oasy. At all Druggists and Shoo store-', 25 cents. Ae ecpt no substitute, t-'iimi'lo mailed FriES, Address, AiUn S. Olnsted, I.elloy, X, V. The crown fnre!s nt Kusr-ia comprisa 30,000,00:1 ac-i-rs bcionzins to the Czar. I'opiiliir C"nr. The 1'opc-ll.irtfnrd and Pope-Tribune gasoline car a!'il runabouts meet the spe cific demands of a larpc class of automobile users. They arc simple in construction, free from compiirationnn-l efficient. Prices from ."00 to S10;U. For finely illustrated catalogues and d'-'Fcrintive matter, ad dress Dept. A. I'opc Manufacturing Co., Hartford, Conn. Glass houses may soon be made stoD. proof. Tiso's Cure Is the'oeit medicine we evernsed lor all nffoatiom of throat nnd lunqs. Vf. O. Endblev, Vanbure 1. lnd., Feb. 10, 1000. A former army oftirer plays a tland organ on the, streets of Sheffield, England. Mrs. Wlnslow'sSoothinitSynip for children tecthinir.softea thcKumi.rediicos inflamma tion.allays pain, cures wind colic,25c,abottle. Fruits grown in China arc usually in ferior in flavor. Automobiles in France. The French manufacturers of automobiles assert that they have no present cause to fear American com petition, nlthough they admit that the parts of the machine can be made cheaper here than elsewhere. Our trouble appears to be that "the same enre in assembling the parts is not shown in America as In France," the latter employing costly skilled labor and doing by hand work what is done here by machinery. In 1898 the num ber of automobiles made in France was 1,850, valued at $1,002,000, while last year the number reached 22,000 and the estimated value 134,000,000. BABY'S AWFUL ECZEMA Face Like Kaw Keel Thnucht Rlie Would Loae Her Ear Ilenleil Without a Hlemlih Mother Tlianki Cutlcura. "My little girl had eczema very bad when she was ten months old. I thought he would lose her right car. It had turned black, and her face was like a piece of raw rfneat, and very ore. It would bleed when I washed her, and I had to keep cloths on it day and night. There was not a clear spot on her face when I be gan using Cuticura. Soap and Ointment, and now it is completely healed, without scar or blemish, which is more than I had hoped for. (Signed) Mrs. Rose Ether, 201 Eckford St., Brooklyn, N. Y." Fate of the Chess Player. So Plllsbury succumbs to the bane of great chess playing overstrain of brain force. He follows Steinitz, the marvelous analyzer and strategist, an6 Paul Morphy, who was probably the greatest genius of the three, having an unexplainnble Instinct toward suc cess. In power of instantaneously photographing on his brain and retain ing there the pictures of many games as they simultaneously developed Pilsbury, no doubt, excelled his great predecessors, and this gave him pre eminence where other and greater masters could not follow. It Is a brain and nerve destroying game when over indulged. Boston Herald. Pipe in a Cane. Walking sticks are made to suit all tastes, but one owned by Health Commissioner Darlington serves a double purpose, Its second use being unsuspected even by the most care ful Investigation. The cana is of dark wood, with a heavy carved head. Should the owner desire a smoke while out walking, he has only to un screw the head. This is found to be nothing bnt the bowl of a pipe. The stem is hidden in the hoilowed-out stick and can be assembled with the bowl in an instant. Tobncco may be obtained by unscrewing the ferrulo, The interior of the stick holds a quarter of a pound. N. Y. Sun. cima Toon kidneys. When the Bek Aehea ami Hl.iM.r Trouble get In, Get at fh,e Catue. Don't make the mistake of bellevins backache and bladder Ills to be local aliments. Get at the cause and cure the kidneys. Use Doan's Kidney Pills which have cured thousands. Captain S. D. Hunter, of En gine No. J4, ritts burg, Pa., Fire Department, and residing at 2719 Wylie avenue, says: "It was three years ago that I used Doan'a Kklney Pills for an attack o? kidney trouble that was mostly back ache, and they fixed me up fine. There is no mistake about that, and if I should ever be troubled again I would get them first thing, as I know what they are." For sale by all dealers. Price CO nt. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N.X. London fogs are of local origin, al. though their cause seems to be not fully understood. Kew loses only ten pvr cent, of the annual sunshine through fog, while Westminster loses thirty-six per cent. Two London Investigators are seek ing persons, who in the dark, can see colored rays from the human body and Hashes from a magnet. Professor Relcheubach is said to have proven that thirty persons in every one hun dred can see the latter. The trustees of the Percy Sladen Fund for the assistance of -scientific research, the establishment of which with an endowment of $100,000 wns recently noted In science journals, will hold a second meeting in November to consider applications for grants. The ingenious adulteration lately de tected by a French chemist, consists in the addition to poor or skimmed milk of cheap fats such as cocoauut butter or pork dripping and thus bringing the proportion of faty mat ter up to the standard required by the inspectors. The foreign fat, which may be dissolved out by benzine with out affecting the natural fat, is appar ent when a clean glass rod is dipped into the milk, imperfect cumlsllica tlon producing small granules that ad here to tho rod. A now adhesive that has gained pop ularity In France is a mixture of ca seine and tannate of lime. In prepar ing it, a solution of tannin is precip itated with nilMc of lime, the Ihiuld is poured off nnd the precipitate is slow ly dried. This dry calcium tannate is then ground In a mill with dry caselne in the proportion of one to ten times Its weight, hceordlng to the use to be made of the adhesive. The compound dissolves in water, petrole um, oils and carbon bisulphide, ad heres very strongly, and is applied as a paste with water. What seems to be true mimicry in plants has been pointed out in South Africa by Dr. R. Marloth. Of font singular species belonging to the gen us Mesemhrlanthemum, two resemblo both in form and color the quarrz peb bles among which they grow, and the others have each two leaves about the size of a duck's egg, with a surface like wentliorodtstone and a stone like brownish gray color tinged with green. At least two of these species do not change their characters under cutiva tion. A species of the genus Anacamp seros has leaves covered with white papery stipules, and also resembles the surrounding quartz pebbles. California, thnt wonderland of vege tation, has also produced for a num ber of years, in a commercial way, silk worm eggs that find a ready mar ket In Europe. The California Ex periment Station has recently taken up anew the problem of silk worm culture, with the Idea of divising n method which will reduce the cost of producing raw silk. The European market absorbs all the silk worm eggs California produces, but the expense of producing the silk is too great to enable the silk worm growers to com pete with Crieutr.l or European grow ers. Wluit Mnkei the Sky lllnc? The sky has beea a puzzle to physi cists. There are two mysteries to ex plain It its reflection a:id Its color. The old view was that tie blue of the sky was duo simply t3 ntrjDsphei-lc oxygen Oxygen has a faint Llue tint, nnd thf idea was that several nlles of gas, even When diluted, 83 it is in the air, would have a bright blue color. But this did not ncc3ti:it for the intense Illumination cf the sky, nr.d of recent years Tyn dall's "dust theory," cr souio modlfica- tioa of it, has been cor.ernll? aceepted. Ihls regart.8 tJ3 blue cdIct cs an op tical effect, like the eoler of very thin rniDke, Cue t.i excessively fine particles floatkij 1 1 the r.ir, which would also account for tho largj proportion of re Cec'.ed light from tho sky. Esccnt calculations by Trofcssor Spring, rf Llece, Belgium, however, In- dicata that tho dust in the air is not sr.f.lclent in niucunt, nor Crcly enough divided, to sjpnort this explanation, cnl ho reject! It fcr ttia ntf. otter reason.:;. He I:a.i gone tack to t!ie old onygc:i tlieory, raid ncecvuts for the general illumination of the sky on tho uypotneois, nvs: cdvanceC by Hagen bacli, t!ir.t lnteiTJinglet: layers of dif ferent f.cnsity in the atmosphere give It the power of reflecting light. Sue cesj. Life as It Really la. The tin:i of grand impulses sheds a lustre on all r.round him. Wheu a woman says she is of little consequence she does not expect she will be tak:n ct her word. A man usually estimates his value nccordluj to the scale of his own mak ing. Men speak of women's vanity as something which is part of every worn ail's make-up. The kiss of love lingers long in the memory of a woman. When a man undertakes to prove his importance he is inclined to overstep the mark. Every woman feels she knows just how far to go in the matter of assist ing nature -with her face and figure. .Many commanding men are easily controlled by those who seem to be other than commanding. The woman who thinks aim age ber husband's affairs never make known how she would do It Pixai,.,.. Dispatch. I CUBAN MINISTER Recommends Pe Senor Quesada, Cuban Minister to the United States. Senor Ouesada, Cuban Minister to the United States, is an orator born. In an article in The Outlook for July, 1809, by George Kennan, who heard Quesada spealc ' at the Estcban Theatre, Matafizas, Cuba, he said: "I have seen many audiences under the spell of eloquent speech and in the grip of strong emotional excitement; but I have rarely witnessed such a scene as at the close of (Jucsada'a eu'ogy upon the dead patriot, Marti." In a letter to The l'eruna Medicine Company, written from Washington, V. C, Senor Quesada says: "Pcrunci I can recommend as a very good medicine. It is an excellent strengthening tonic, and it is also an efficacious cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh." Gonzalo De Qaesada. Congressman J. H. Bankliead, of Ala bama, one of the mist inlluential mem bers of the Hou.se of lleprisentntives, in a letter written from Washington, 1). C, gives his endorsement to the great ca tarrh remedy, l'eruna, in the fjllowing words: "lour Venina in one of the hef medlcineH 1 ever trlrtl, and no fam il 11 should be irifftoiit your vemarl, aule rented i- An a tonic and catarrh cure I know of nothing better." J. H. liankhead. Fasts Are Stubborn Things Uniform excellent quality for over a quarter of a Century has steadily increased tho sales of LION COFFEE, The leader of all package coffees. Lion Coffee is now used in millions-of Lomes. Such popular success speaks for itself. It is a positive proof that LION COFITE has tho Confidence of the people. rm. : v a . 1 ttat xus uuiionn quuuiy 01 ui.jjx a ml mill w& -iiv COFFEE survives all opposition. f fAwv'Hfi1 LION COFFEE keeps Ha old friends and makes lew ones every day. LION COFFEE has even more than It Strenath. Flavor and final. lty to commend It. On arrival the plantation, It Is carefully ed at our factories and securely "HHiiV&r1, packed In 1 lb. sealed packages, and not openea again nnm neeaea ry lor use in me nome. inis preciuaes the possibility of adulteration or contact with germs, dirt, dust. Insects or unclean hands. The absolute purity of , LION COFFEE Is therefore guaranteed to the, consumer. Bold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package. Save these Lion-heads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE The Greatest Smokers. For1 some reason or none most people have hitherto looked upon the Germans as the most Invenerate smokers In the world, although lew will be surprised to learn that the Dutch are a little ahead of them as consumers of tobacco, since pictorially a Dutchman Is always associated with a pipe. But none will be prepared to hear that the Swiss smoke 50 per cent more than either, still less that the Belgian burns more than double as much as the Dutchman. THEJilGHEST AWARD AT THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S PAIS WAt OIV6N TO C0TOJ?J WATERPROOF !a3! CILCD CLOTHING !7!gz2t SLICKERS, HATS 'SiaJW POMMEL SLICKERS A- O. TOWER CO., ESTABLISHED 1636 ROTOM- MW YORK- CMCACO TOWU CANADIAN CO.. laM, TOBOHTO. CAN WE MANUFACTURE Gas Saving Gas Burners For Boilers and Hot Air Furnaces. Write for Catalogue. STANDARD HEATING AND RADIATOR CO., PITTSBURG, PA. Baal f "ui, li TlVHm In tlm. Wold by dnifrgNa. 1 here is but a single medicine which i a radical specific for catarrh, it is l'eruna which has stood a half century test and cured thousands of cases. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of l'eruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case und he will be) pleased to give you his valuable advtcs gratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President of Th Ilai-tman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. All correspondence held strictly confidential. Mm I it ff.-.'i from fe-te roast WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. UNION MA f ri'Mi! a l . " TNT W V. nOTTflT.AB WAWB . im .ii . m OTHER HAHtTPACTinUt IN THB WO RAO. I.. Donitlns S3.S0 lines are Hm areiN4t ... 1 1 r 1. 1... 1 .. i. canne of their excellent ntyle. n Titer are JiHt na aroort aa those lhitt-ot L,r'.ir. ' lrlre. avi.nn ,tina ., riW.'" l. W. L. Ilonclaa M.ilO hoes col mora to make, hold their haun hotter, wear longer, anil ir,e.f PTr'r value than a. it oilier JU.no .hoe on the market to-dar. w. J UoiiKla Kuarnnteea their value by tHiniilnzltl. name and price on hi bottom of ench ehoe. Look for It. Take VS. """: v. I., iioufaa :t.no "hl" "re ji.ld throna-h hia own retail tores i In the principal rltlr., and br shoe dealers evenrn here. No matter ril'IS.?'."" ,,v" w. I.. Doughu auoea re wltlUu jour reach. "Tim Bmmt I Frew Worm." "I terilt In ,ny ll , fgni 1 Air IDe pail ft yrari. and Jul tlirm l -"','"' ""ri.' t. SM EutJiMerttnat.,LoiiiivMt,K. Bey wear W. L. Doiirle II.SO and 2.00 hoea becauaa they fit better, bold their oap and wear longer thaa other nukes. ew Po im Cnrima Collstnt tm ' ..V) i&.im. (V-i! Colt II ronr' tn tlu flint patent UaHer prainet. Fait Color EyiMi will not wear army. W. I., ftoutlaahaathe laret,hoe mailorder Bualnaw n 111, world. No tmuhle to get a Ut Br mall. J cent, eitra prepar" aellrerr- JlltilrMltd Catolcru e Sprit StU. W. t, DOUIUS, Iradrtaa. Maaa. D RO PS YHWiiJi" : irwiat Free. Br. a. a. nui lNn.tUMM.kv r i a u 3" I i X