The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 03, 1905, Image 1

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    . An independent journal devoted to the f
1 interests of Reynoldsville.
Published weekly. One Dollar
strictly in advance.
Kilute of Jumps McGhee, lute of Wlnslow
Township, Deceased.
Notice ! hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the estate of the iihove
iiiiineil (lecetlcnt, have lu'en iininlcil to the
iiitdcrluntt. All persons Indented Ut said
CMlute are recpicMtetl to pmUe imymenlH. and
thine havltiK clalnm or di-niiimls ugalnHt the
suine will make them known without delay, to
Annih McUiikk,
B. M. MoOrkiiiht, Administratrix,
Attorney for Ad'trlx. Bandy Valley, Pa.
In the Mutter of the )
Kttale of KliKiiwiii
1U:kty, ltite of Wlns
lnw Township, Dihtiis
ert, for DlHijhiitm of J.
M. Norrls, Ailminls
trntor In the
Court of
I'ounty. April Tern
IWH. No.:i7.
And now. to-wli : April 10, V.m, nt the In
Mtwreof M. M. Davis,, Attorney for the
t'dliloner. tail mi the lu'lrt timl liutil
1 .pfi'ftuntnllvf"; of Rli7.:ilHMll Ihrknv.' Ittlt) of
Wtnslow towii-liit'. Ici'ttiiscil. lit hi' ii ml up
penr In IliH iifotv-mld Court on Micmiy, May
I", H) tit ID H) o'l'lou'k ii. in. and Uow ciiiism
why J. M. Nnrrltt, ndrntnlHi ruior of wild
i -tittle, rdiould not m dUrlmtrd. Nottrn t
m tflven hv imhlirtit Ion In Keyiioldsvllio
fcTAU. I'erllhYil from the Ktvord.
(iir. V. Kkitz, Clerk.
Hrookvlllo, Ph., April 10, I'M. -
David Wiikki.kk.Tics.
John . MowAitn,
Scc'y and Treas.
Paid-Up Capital
Trust Company
Open for business Saturday
nights for one hour,
from 7 to 8.
""." We offer our service to act as agent
for guardian, trustee or administrator.
Trust business is best entrusted to re
sponsible trust companies. .
We solicit the accounts of treasurers
of societies, organizations and all others.
Treasurers who are required to give
bond should see us. We will go on your
bond at a minimum cost.
We will look up the title to your
property and insure same against de
fect. Interest paid on time deposits and
saving accounts. Call and get a little
savings bank.
Reynoldsville Trust Co.
Next door to postoffice. ,
For Reynoldsville High School. No doubt you will want a new pair of
shoes or oxfords to go with your new suit or dress. We invite you to
come and see our shoes before buying, for we feel sure that, we can please
you and Bt your feet right. We have the nsw shapes In every kind of
shiny leather. ' Tans and browns of different shades. Tho price for a
good pair is from $2.00 to $4.00.
tbelr whits dresses. Price $2.00.
Tho summer normal to bo hilc in
thit) place beginning
Monday, May 15, 1905
and continuing for a term of six
weeks, oilers t lie following: four
course tt:
Grammar Grade- . $5.00
High School . . $(1.00
Teachers' Preparatory $11.00
College Preparatory $7.50
(Including two subject.)
For further particular address
r S Mac'ON'
In iMixixtxrmjxi ran xtj
Oeo. W. Hykks, V. Pres.
lioiiKitT Hahiiihii,
Asg't Hec.
TIES for the girls to wear with
iooil Money In Mnny Old Things
Thnt Are Thrown Aivny.
"I get," said a Philadelphia dump
boss, ,-!I u week, free rent and the dis
posal of any dump of value.
"Till onus, for Instance, belon:; to mo
If lliey are dumped here, and I make
a pretty penny out of them. Tliey are
turned, you know, Into tin soldiers mid
so forth.
"Corks are another perquisite of
mine. Many and many an old broken
bottle on this dump had a ?ood cork lu
It. I get 8 cents a pound for nil the
corks 1 find.
"Old shoes are never too oM to be
sold. They have always one (food
piece the piece over Hie instep-that,
can lie used again. The smaller pieces
of good leather cut out of them nre
made Into purses and wristlets.
"Kggshells also have value. Some
thing like 1,(KI.()00 pounds of eggshell
are used every year In the manufacture
of kid gloves and print calicoes.
"Do yon see those e'ghteeu barrels
behind there? Well, each of those bar
rels contains Its own variety of assort
ed marketable tlumpage. Kaeli will
sell when (Hied at u good price. There
are, I believe, llfty-seven varieties of
marketable (lunipnge, and some damps
yield all the varieties. Mine yiolds
twenty-seven." Philadelphia Press.
In Ilia I.IUIiik For Suit nn Acquired
or a Nuturnl Tantef
Some men who were camping lu the
Adlronducks several years ago on
breaking camp lu the autumn left nn
old tub which wns saturated with
salt brlno. On returning to tho same
rump the next year they found that
the tub had been gnawed until little of
It was left. They were not long lu find
ing out what animal hail done the
work, for the camp was overrun with
Canadian porcupines. At night they
became such a nuisance that the camp
ers were obliged to kill them to protect
their property. The handle of a pnddle
was gnawed half through.
The explanation of their presence in
such numbers during that year, when
they had not been noticeably abundant
In the previous year, Is that they had
made a rendezvous of the camp, being
attracted by tho old brlno tub. On
this they feasted all winter and for
that reuson were greatly pleased with
m Ieeallty.
An Interesting query Is this: Is the
liking for salt an acquired or a natural
taste? Were they ever ablo to gratify
that taste to any extent before man
Have them a chance to do so? St. Nich
Cartons Lain That Prevailed In (lie
Florentine Ilcpuhllc.
The Florentine republic had n unique
method of dealing with Its too ardent
democrats. In 12U3 the state passed
the famous "Magna Chnrta of Flor
ence," to curb the cruelty and rapacity
of the lawless nobles, who, lu deOanco
of tho law courts, were accustomed to
flog and torture their dependents at
will. The act practically disfranchised
these titled harpies by a clause which
excluded them from tho Bignory a
body in the state correspondjiitf to the
British cabinet unless they renounced
their nobility.
This curious provision prepared the
way for a still more extraordinary
clause, which enacted that any member
of the democratic party who made
himself obnoxious to the government
and was by them declared to be "guilty
f treason to the common wealth" ahould
be given a patent of nobility and thus
at the same moment be raised lu the
social scale and reduced to a political
nobody at the will of the state'. Lon
don. Telegraph.
The Nonrlahlno; Chcatnut.
The London Lancet finds that the
chestnut Is the most digestible nut and
cannot only take the place of the pota
to, as In France, where chestnuts, boil
ed and mashed like potatoes, make a
doliclous dish, but In reality they are a
more perfect form of food. According
to the Lancet's analysis of the potato
and the chestnut, the latter contains
less water, more proteld. more fat and
starch, but less mineral matter, than
the potato and Is more digestible than
the latter. Like the potato, also, Its
nutritive and. digestive qualities are
greatest when baked or roasted.
When It opt Ilea Die.
A Viennese naturalist declares that
nearly all reptiles that dlo from nat
ural causes close their lives between
nightfall and midnight, only a few be
tween midnight and morning and few
er still In daylight. Most reptiles seem
aware of their approaching death, seek
ing out particular places and tliere
awaiting the end, while thoso whoso
lives are spent underground come to
the surface before death.
Wnntr-d a Chnnire.
She Why did that brilliant woman
marry surli u stupid mau? He Be
cause her llrst husband was a genius.
Detroit Free Press.
In and Ont.
"I notice you never wear a, watch
with your evening clothes."
"No. I never have both out at the
same tlme" -Cornell Widow.
The Verdict.
Records of tho ancient city of Gor
ireana, founded In 1040, better known
at the present time as York Harbor,
Me., contain many quaint and unusual
stories of the early life of tlie town.
At tho entnthee to York harbor a
bold promontory known as Stage neck
extends some distance Into the sea,
from which formerly lu stormy weath
er a temporary light in the form of a
lantern hoisted upon an uptight pole
was displayed as a warning to marl
uers. One dark winter night a sloop was
wrecked on these rocks. A survivor on
being questioned about the catastrophe
"The vessel struck, turned over on
her side, and the skipper and another
barrel of whisky rolled overboard."
The local coroner was summoned,
anil tills somewhat startling verdict
was returned:
"We find that the deceased fell from
the lirastheatl and was killed, ne
rolled overboard and was drowuetl. He
Hunted ashore and froze to death, and
tho rata eat him up alive!" Harper's
Loonier Mortality IIIh.
A lobster lays thousands of eggs, .1
most of which hatch, but few ever live
to grow up. This Is not the fault of
the mother, for site carries them about
with her for nearly a yeur and with
admirable Instinct guards them as she
does her own life. When tho young
are sot free her duty Is done, for they
must then shift for themselves. Though
hardly largor than mosquitoes, being
about one-third of an Inch long, the
little ones leave their parents on the
bottom and swim toward the light to
the sttrfaee, where from one to two
months, If fortune favors thorn, 'they
lead a free, roving life. The open sea
Is a poor nursery for such weaklings,
which become the sport of every storm
and the prey of numberless hungry
mouths. Out of a brood of 10,000 It
would -be a rare chance for more than
one or two lobsters to reach maturity
or Anally to end their career lu tho
kitchen or the chafing dish. St. Nich
olas. Imprisoned In the Wind.
Butterflies tuny be Imprisoned and
uninjured In the midst of a whirlwind.
Ctoilcs In a genulno typhoon are so ter
rible tlje.t Hie outet ships can scarce
ly bopu to weather them, but there Is
9i at Ik very center of the storm
wrier aonieXMug Ilk a Acad calm pre
vails. From the outer edge of the dis
turbance, which may be 3tW mllus
OroM, the wind velocity Increasos to
ward tho center until within a few
miles of that point there comes a sud
den lull. There tl? rain ceases and
the sky often clears. In this little
calm nrea, which snllors cull "the eye
of the storm," a group of butterflies
has frequently been Imprisoned, and
their dainty, delicate forms nre as safe
in this aerial cage as If hovering lu
suutiy meadows, but as helpless as In
a collector's bottle.
CnlTee and Smoke lu Sualn.
Kveu of wine, so cheap uud abun
dant in Spain, the natives seem to use
very little. They are frightfully In
temperate, however, lu their use of to
bacco and coffee. They drink coffee
at all hours and apparently every hou.
The clerk who takes his morning cup
at !) has another at his dejk an hour
luter, purchased from a street vender.
Tho business men passing through the
streets pause while a fellow who enr
rlei hot coffee, hot milk, sugar and
spoons harnessed upon hini serves
them on the sidewalk.
If fhe Spaniard does not smoke lu his
sleep It Is hlB only respite from the
habit. Hosiiry Magazine.
Stale Ilrcnd Una;.
A traveler says that a curious weak
ness of grownup Moors Is the love of
eating newly baked bread. The cald
of Azemmoor, In Morocco, discovered
that okl bread wus thrown away as
wuste. To waste food Is a serious of
fense In the eyes of a Moslem. The
cald of Azemmoor therefore issued a
bylaw prohibiting the baking of bread
upon ono day In each week. The citi
zens, he declared, must eat up the
bread already baked, and ho fixed
Wednesday as the "bltalah," or holi
day. The I.oniret Novel.
The "Story of the Eight Dogs" la the
longest novel that has ever been pub
lished. Fortunately, perhaps, It Is writ
ten in Japanese, so no one will set
himself tho task of reading It It con
tains 100 volumes, several hundred
characters and numerous dogs, all of
which are successfully disposed of by
the time tho last chapter Is reached,
.lust Imagine reading through that
one book that would last a lifetime!
True Hcrolnm.
The hero fears not that If he withhold
the avowal of a Just and brave act It
will go unwitnessed and unloved. One
kiuws It himself and Is pledged by
It tj sweetness of peace and to noble
ness of aim, which will prove In the
end a better proclamation of It than
the relating of the Incident Emerson.
Hi Hitter Experience.
I "Can't you swallow even a sugar
i coated pill?"
No. Yon see. the blamed thing
.. ms to bike Its rout off befort start
ing on Its trip."
' Tlie Blanilllnh Ceremony.
A little Moslem when she Is four
years four mouths old goes through
the "name of God," or Blsniillali, cere
mony, which begins her real life. She
Is cloth of gold, with a veil
iimiI wreath of Dowers, and friends tiro
iuvited to salute the little queen. She
alls on a gold cushion, which must be
borrowed If she hasn't one, and all tlie
rest sit on tho floor. Then an old mol
lah recites very slowly a certain verse
from the Koran, which is also written
In salfruii on a silver plate Bib! holds
In her hand. She runs her fingers over
the words and stammers them after
him. "Say it now, Ulbl. Be a good
girl, then you shall see your presents."
Soon they all cry: "Shalmsh! Shabash!
Willi! With!" and the ceremony of tlie
little girl's llrst lesson In reading, writ
ing and religion Is over. She salaams
mamma, then shows her presents to
her salielis (girl friends;. Edmund Rus
sell lu Everybody's.
illiKllah Trlaon Pita.
Prison pits were vaults lu which
criminals in England were kept nt
ulglit, chained together. There was
one at Bristol which was in use us
lute at J815. Down eighteen steps. It
was only seventeen feet In diameter
by nine feet high, and seventeen men
wire consigned to it every night Even
uiore typical was Warwick jail pit,
which was occupied at least until 1707.
It was an octagonal dungeon twenty
one feet lu diameter uud almost nine
teen feet underground. In the middle
was a cesspool, and beside It ran a
steeiim of water which served the pris
oners for drinking purposes. To this
awtnl cell forty-two men were con
Blfcnatl every afternoon at 3:45, to ro
nwln there until" after daylight the fol
Ivwlng morning. The Inmates had to
sleep on their sides, and their Jailer
never visited them without guarding
hhmtelf with an antidote against sick
ness. ' The Ueodnnd.
Peodatid (Latin, Deo dandus, to be
given to God) was formerly in English
law any agent or Instrument by which
a person was accidentally killed and
which for that reason was to be given
to God Unit Is, forfeited to tho king to
be applied to pious uses and its value
distributed In alms by bis high almon
er. Thus a kind of expiation was ar
ranged 'for such fatal accidents as
sstxht be due to the fall of a Indder,
V toss of a bull or the heavy wheel
f a cart, wtieu the victim was, wlUi
ot any fault of his own, deprived of
ma Inst sacraments of Uie church. The
right to these deodands, which were
abolished In 184(1, was frequently
granted to individuals or annexed to
They are mentioned In "Hudlbras:"
For love should, like a deodand.
Still full to the owner of the land.
A Story of Tennyaon.
Dante Kossetti used to tell a story of
Tennyson, with whom ho was walking
one sultry summer night through High
Holhoru. They passed a building bril
liantly lighted up and from which Is
sued the sounds ' of Joyous music.
"What Is that place?" asked the bard.
"It Is called," replied Rossettl, "the Hol
born casino." "I shquld like to look
in," pursued the bard, "only I should
be nt once surrounded by a crew of
groundlings, who would mob nnd pes
ter and Jostle me." "My dear sir,"
quietly remarked Dante, "If you were
to get on one of the tables, announce
your name nnd recite three of your
poetic masterpieces into Uie bargain
probably not 2 per cent of Uie audi
ence would have the slightest idea of
wsso y.ou are."
Three Methods of Derlalon.
There are very few allusions to
storks In Latin authors, ' but one of
these Is Interesting. The birds have a
curious custom of snapping their bills,
making quite a sharp noise. Young
and old birds, both during and after
the breeding season, constantly do tills.
In Uie writings of Perslus there is a
reference to Uils habit. "There are,"
he says, "three favorite ways of derid
ing a man by putting Uie bands be
side Uie head like asses' ears, by put
ting out the tongue like a dog and
snapping the fingers against Uie palm
of Uie hand like a stork's bill." The
first two nieUiods of mockery are plain,
but what was Uie cause of Uie last?
Notes and Queries.
The Snake'a Tonsme.
Hie snake's tongue proves to be a
inest remarkable organ. A student
finis Its chief function is connected
wffh a sense of feellng-without touch
and may be a finer development of Uie
sense that enables some people to avoid
striking obstacles In Uie dark. The
forked tip and Uie numerous folds be
hind It greatly Increase Uie surface ex-J
pesure. The cells of Uie epidermis are
Interlaced by a network of extremely
fine nerve fibers, which center In a
deep nerve plexus beneath Uie epider
mis and extending out Into Uie folds. '
Hla Hard Lack. .
Benevolent Old I-ady (to one of Uie
unemployed) Poor man! What have
you done to your hand? Unemployed
Broke my knuckles, mum, knorkln'
St people's doors asklu' for work.
In order to love mankind we must
not expert too much of them. Helve-Uu.
The Marvel
of Marvels
Marvel Flour.
The bread maker. Made from
best clean spring wheat in and
absolutely clean mill by scrupu
lously clean workmen.
Try it.
Robinson &
Sell It.
Scott, Pres.
J. O. Kino,
J. 0. Klnft Daniel Nolan
O. W. Fuller
Scott McClelland
John II. Kuucher
Bear in mind name and place H. Miller, Foster Bldg.
When we will give great inducements in entire
line. Special prices on Skirts and Shirt Waists
and all other goods. Don't forget Saturday is
the day.
Remember name and place
Foster Building, Main
Bear in mind name and place H. Miller, Foster Bldg.
Single Copies of
May bej,Securcd at The Star Office at any time and in any
quantity. Price per copy, Three Cents.
Styles, Colorings and Prices that Defy
Competition. '
Lace Curtains.
Nottinghams, IriehToint, Arabians, Ruffled Bobbinets,
Ruffled Swiss.
- . SI 50,000
John II. Kaccheb, Cashier.
John H. Corbett
O. W. Fuller
is the Day
Street, Reynoldsville, Fa, y 'fi
The Star
. 1