The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 29, 1905, Image 7

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. jf
its merit IS PROVED
A Protninont Cincinnati Woman Tolls
How LycJio E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound Completely Cursd Her.
The preat food Lydia E. Tinkhnrn's
Vegetable Compound is doing1 among
the women of America is attracting'
the attention of many of our leading
scientists, and thinking people generally.
f JMrs Sara lYison
The following letter is only one of
many thousands which ore on file in
the Pinkhara office, and pa to prove
beyond question that Lydia E. I'inls
ham's Vegetable Compound must be a
remedy of preat merit, otherwise it
could not produce such marvelous re
sults among sick and ailing women.
Dear Mrs. I'inkharn :
" About nine month!) ap:o I was a preat suf
ferer with womb trouble, w hich caused me
Kvcro min entreme nc-rvotisncts eml fre-
?;uent fiMulnrluq, trom which the loi-tor
ailed ta relieve inc. I tried I.ydia E. JJink
' ham's VrgctnM Compcund, and within a
nhort time felt better, and after taking live
bottlcsof it I wnsemirclycured. 1 therefore
benrtily recommend your Compound as a
splendid uterine tonic. It makes the month v
periods regular and without pain ; and what
a blessing it is to Had such a remedy after fo
many doctors fail to help yon. I am pleased
to recommend it to all suffering women."
Mrs. Kara VViteon, SI East Sd Street, Cincin
nati, Ohio.
If you have suppressed or painful
menstruation, weakness of the stom
ach, indigestion, bloating, leueorrhoea,
flooding, nervous prostration, dizzi
ness, faintness. " don't-care " and
" want-to-be-le't-alone " feeling, ex
citability, backache or the blues, these
are sure indications of female weak
ness, some derangement of the uterus
or ovarian trouble. In such cases there
is one tried and true remedy Lydia
E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound.
Bells Made by Paul Revere.
The town of Plymouth Is unusually
favored with bells made by Paul
Itevere. There are many of these
In existence, but not usually more
than one in a town. Plymouth has
three. The one on tho First 'Church
was melted in a fire and recast, while
those on the Jitomorial and Universal
is! churches are in the same form as
cast at the worT;s of the old hero.
To Cnr t CnM In One Tv
Take Laxative Tlromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists rotund money if it tnils to cure.
, V. Grove's sienaturo is on box. 25c.
The fiber of the jjineapple leaf can be
made into a fubrie as soft aa siik.
According to figures recently com
piled the total track mileage and
sidlng of British railways amounts to
60,729 miles.
A Oflrtiln Onre for Frvrri abnetiftt
CntiMrf pnlton, M c ndnc h ft
Hinrnnrh Trouble. Teething
IHnordern and I) r ft troy
Worm. lWBrrak nn Colds
In 34 hours. At nil Drugiritrts, 26cu
Sample, mailed FRFIfi Address,
Around the World
"I have used your Fish
Brand- Slickers lor years
In the llRwoUan Islands
nd found them the only
article that suited. I ana
now In this Country
(Africa) and think great
deal of your coats."
(hams on appuoation)
jiifiMST mn mm fur. mm.
The world-wide reptita
tlon ol Tower's Water- -s'STPD',
proof Oiled Clothing; SPVjZ'V
assures the buver ol ?nJtar!
the positive worth of jt"
A. J. TOWER CO., Boston, U. S. A.
353 Toronto, Canada.
SEArTIFI'l, MOhrre form, tine bnlldtntrs
null Idwittt'n, jTi.:i' itf-iM. Jil a'Ti- farm. tHir tmf ld
k, price li-M. JOUN W. bCOXl, Aiblon. t.
Mother Gray,
Nurse in Child
ren's Homo,
New York Git.
it. Jacobs Oil
The old monk cure, strong, straight, sure, tackles
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
The muscles flex, the kinks untwist,
the soreness dies out. Price 25c. and 50c
The Savings of the People.
The total deposit In all the savings
banks in the world, according to the
latest available statistics amount to
$10,500,000,000, contributed by 82,040,
000 depositors. Of this total the
United States shows asgrepate de
posits of $H,0fi0, 179,000, credited to
7.305,000 depositors. These figures
indicate thnt the United States with
less than 9 per cent of the totnl
population considered, contributes
over 29 per cent of tho total savings
deposits recorded. These figures
help to explain tho remarkable man
ner in which tho recent large bond
issues have been absorbed. It has
bEen estimated that more than $1,000,
000,000 of bonds are annually pur
chased by tho investing public in the
United States. The savings banks
and the insurance companies are the
heaviest purchasers of bonds, but
there are estimated to bo nearly
1.0C0.0C0 persons in the United States
who have an annual surplus to in
vest. New York Commercial.
ITS Tirmnon'!v rnrcl. Vo (1 1 nr nnrvo-n-wnf'rr
fin' day's ni o' Dr. KWni'a r,rn!
rvc)t-otornr.T2lr'i! b-;tlernd treatise frna
Dr. It. II. Kline, Ltd. .Ml Arch St., Piiila., T.i
En;'md hn one member ot Parliament
for every 10.2M electors.
A Gunnnte'! Cnr For l'1le.
Ttchln-r, Wind, Iilc-vlln? or Trotnidtnif
rpc. Pnurcisfq will refund money If l'nzo
Ointment falls to cure in ti to H days. C0c.
A fui i-irrovn elephant can carry three
tons on its back.
Mr. Vt'n1niv s coothlns Syrup foroMMren
tcethine, "often the Rums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wiud colic, 25e. a bottle.
The coronation robe presented to the
Empress of lhissia was of fur.
Tieo's Cure Is tho best medicine we ever used
lor all affections of throat and lunss. Wat.
O. Endslly, Vnnburen. Inrt., i'eb. 10, l'JOJ.
Safety reins for runaway horccs are an
AuShi'iaa'a invention.
The Y. 8. Dept. of Arrrlonltnro
gives to Salter's Oats its heartiest en
dorxeinent. Sailer's New National Oats
yielded in 1PDJ i.-om 150 to 3oO bu. per
acre m 30 did'eiant tutes, and you, Sir.
i'ariner, tan beat this in 1005, if you will.
Speltz or F.mmer, above illustrated,
gives 80 bushe'.s grain and four tons hay
besides per acre. It's wonderful. Salzcr's
seeds are pedigree seeds, bred up through
careful selection to big yields.
Per Acre.
Salter's Beardless Barley yielded 121 bu.
Salter's Home Huilder Corn... 30 bu.
Kpeltz and Macaroni Wheat.... 80 bu.
Salzcr's Victoria Rape.. 60.000 lbs.
Baker's Teosinte Fodder 160.000 lbs.
taker's Pillion Dollar Oafs... 50.010 lbs.
Salzer's Pedigree Potatoes 1.000 bu.
Now such yields pay and you can have
them, Mr. Farmer, in 1905.
and this notice to the John A. Palzpr S"cd
Co.. L.i Crosse, Wis., and you will net
their biz catalog and lota of farm seed
samples free. A. C. L.
The Silver Output.
Mexico and the United States to
gether furnish about 72 per cent, of
the sliver output of the world. Brit
ish India, Straits Settlements and
China 'take nearly two-thirds , of the
totnl in a good year.
Wonderful Ctinrvco In a XlKlit In a Month
I'uc-e AVus litmr ns lvcr Another
Cure by Cutleui-n.
"I lind eczema on the face for five
months, during which time I was in the
care of physicians. Jiy fh.o was so (lis
liurcd I could not go out, and it was going
from bad to worse. A friend recommended
Cuticura. The first niuht after I washed
my face with Cuticura Soap, and used Cu
ticura Ointment and Ik-solvent it changed
wonderfully. From that day I was able to
go out, and in a month the treatment had
removed all scales and scabs, and my face
was as clear as ever.- (Signed) T. J, Soth,
ul7 iitueu; Street, Brooklyn, N. V."
Mine of Timber In Russia.
A Russian timber dealer has dis
covered a valuable mine of oak. It
is in a river of South Russia, in
layers three or four feet deep, scattered
over 150 square miles, and its most
striking feature is its variety of colors
supposed to be due to the varlepated
soil of the river bottom. Not fewer
than 12 shades of pink, blue, yellow
and brown have been noted, each log
having its own uniform shade. The
lops taken out have ranged from 40 to
200 feet in length and from 15 to 20
inches in diameter, and it is estimated
that more than 150,000 averaging 70
feet remain. Chicago Journal.
Railway Accidents.
General von Budde, Prussian Min
ister of State and Pubic Works, in a
comparison between railway accidents
! in the United States and Prussia,
showed that derailments are three
times more frequent in the United
; States and collisions three and one-
half times, while the number of per
sons killed is 3C times greater. Ac
cidents are growing less frequent on
the Prussian roads.
It is not .ttierally known that
Lieut. Gen. Chaffee has a brother n't
3-ears older than he is,
lind that the two men fought
on opposite sides during the
Civil war. The Confederate
brother served on the staffs of various
Southern generals, and was made a
major for gallant conduct at Shiloh.
After the war he was forSJS years
an officer In the Brozillian army.
It is proposed to establish a model
npbtry of fifty or sixty polonies of bees
nt tho Arlington Experimental Farm,
ns one of the breeding stations of the
races or types of bees which are tinder
observation. Queens of the Caucasian,
Cyprian, Dalmatian, Italian and Car
niolan races will be Imported for breed
ing purposes and testing In different
sections of the country. Possibly an
importation of th bees of the Far East,
particularly of the large races of giant
bees of India, one species of which is
also found in the Philippines. It is
believed that these bees would secure
the nectar from Cowers with deep
corolla tubes, such as the red clover,
etc., the sweets In which are, for the
greater part, beyond the reach of our
ordinary races.
At the season of the year when so
many large sized peach baskets are
being thrown away or perhaps burned,
ono can utilize one or more of them in
a useful manner, ns shown in the ac
companying illustration. Remove every
ether stave fron a good basket and
tr.rn the basket as shown over n dish
of water intended for lite fowls. A
large stone placed on toy of the basket
;.Tas,. i
k-eps it from being easily overturned.
A pan rf the fiat, shallow variety,
is best for bringing tho water within
easy reach of tho- fowls. A large pail
could bo sunk into the ground instead
of utln" a pan, removing pail and re
filling when reeessary. Water given
i:i thi3 way will not bo overturned by
the bird:, r.or will it become soiled and
unfit fcr drink. C. D. Morse, in The
It lias generally been claimed thnt
nllk Is not notably affected Ir? feed,
but tera arc some statements by ' a
Scotch dairyman ns to experiments
whlcU will challenge attention. He
"It was found that changing from
a narrow to a wide, nutritive ration
Increased the yield cf milk, but de
creased the fat content, the change be.
in more pronounced in the morning's
than in the evening's milk: and nlso
that feeding nil the grain ration in the
morning tended to increase the fat con
tent cf the morning's milk. Feeding nil
the grain in the evening also tended to
Increase the fat content of the morn
ing's milk, but had apparently little cr
no cf-'eet on the evening's milk. These
changes persisted for' a number of
weeks after the conclusion of tho ex
periment proper.
'While milking nt equal Intervals Is
believed to be the best method of pre
venting tha fat content cf the morn
ing's milk from failing below the legal
standard of tl ree per cent, and should
bo adopted wherever possible, the re
sults, nevertheless, show that the fat
content of the morning's mlik may b3
Increased by feeding a liberal supply
of highly nitrogenous feeding stuffs
in the morning. During the summer
nontlis the average fat content of the
morning's milk of the herd tinder in
vestigation was o:i'no-t Cays below
three per cent. Similar results hava
been obtained with other herC3 in (Ilf
ferent parts of the country." Indiana
Be systematic in the training of J"01"'
Sheep to thrive well reqIr3 frequent
change of food.
Any animal that is worthy of a piece
on a farm has a right to cod keep.
Tho wisest course is to convert cheap
grain into neat beroro shipping it t3
Marketing tho products in tho best
posslIilD condition is where the profits
are made.
A yard or lawn always looks hcrrea
without soma choice ornamental trees
or shrubs.
A furrow plowed through a wet pines
In tlio wheat Held will often sav? an
acre of wheat.
In plnr.ting out an orchard do "not
plant out more than can be nr.nured
and cared fcr.
A little neglect of the stock will soon
destroy their best qualities and ive
the arpcarance of scrubs.
A sheep adapted to every section and
to every breeder's surroundings can net
bo crown In the same animal.
Comfort is a prime condition of ani
mal growth, and this can be secured
only by comfortable surroundings.
rarua lifo may bt- made n burden er
a pleasure, according to tho manage
ment of the home, the farm and the
A pedigree is simply a certificate of
good character, aud unless it shows a
good character it Is of no practical
It is much bettor to tise for breeding
Bnimals of average size, smooth, round,
plump and intensely active and vig
orous. Several large new hotels ore being
built in Rome. '
nomn If ti irj-viUiis.
For the scale insect, crude petroleum
Is really effective, but tho public hears
too much of a few tree losses to use
it freely. According to J. B. Smith,
New Jersc-y State entomologist, its ac
tion seems to benefit old pear trees,
nslde from killing the scale. There is
n grade of crude oil known as insecti
cide oil, which Is considered most relia
ble. It goes farther when heated to
eighty degrees, and npplled under
heavy pressure through a line nozzle,
Make the hens cultivate apples,
plums and small fruits. Have yards
enough so that hens can be changed
from fme yard to anoher, nnd In thnt
way keep for them n succession of
green feed in summer, while they help
you to grow the fruit. Sow buckwheat
or other grain 1n the yards when tho
liens nre not usinrr them, for them to
i gather later. Have small, movable
coops or pens for the hens to roost in,
and sheltered laying boxes, nlso mova
ble. A. W. Fisher, In the Massachu
setts Ploughman.
The peach is somewhat sensitive to
overfeeding with nitrogen or amnion
late manures. Trees grown near barn
yards shoot out very vigorously nt first,
but the tissues seem to degenerate
rapidly, forming gum pockets and ex
uding large quantities of gum. The
trees have been observed by peach men
to suffer from winter killing nnd In ex
treme enses are often killed outright.
An application of nitrate of soda, nt
the rate of 300 pounds per nere in one
case noted by the Department of Agri
culture, retarded the ripening time of
peaches two weeks. Teaches regularly
ripen on the poor knolls and hilltops
earlier thnn in adjacent valleys or
pockets n few feet away, where seep
age nitrogen affects them. The latter
are also more subject to certain fungi.
The proximity of an old stable was in
one ease the cause of the fruit being
belated, and while the trees nnd
were larger, the hitler wns Inferior in
color nnd quality. In a series of tests
the fruit on the trees moderately sup
plied with nitrogen wns brighter in
color, sweeter nnd finer in texture, nnd
only slightly smnller. In fact, thj
peach is henlthlest and yields tho best
fruit in soils which, for most other
crops, would be considered deficient in
The plum in this respect behaves
very much like the peach, especially the
Japanese varieties. Two plum trees
were given six pounds of nitrate of
soda which is a large application
strewn In a circle nrotind the trees
nbout equal to the spread of the
branches. It wns applied in spring
after the growth lind started nnd while
growth wns moderately stimulated dur
ing the season nnd they appeared to
be nil right In the fall, they were killed,
root nnd branch, the following winter,
though adjacent trees were entirely
unharmed. On account of this sensi
tiveness to nitrogen, skilful pencil nnd
Iilnm growers are always very cautious
in the use of nitrogenous fertilizers,
cspeciall;' stable manure. G. E. 31.,
in the Indiana Farmer.
The "Hitehlngs" method of orchard
culture, ns it is called, has excited very
wido attention, because it has shown
results which have not been equalled
by crdlnnry methods, not even by the
improved methods of tho most nd
vnnced scientists. Tho Rural New
Yorker thus tells how it is:
Mr. Hitehlngs does not plow or culti
vate Lis orchards. His soil is naturally
strong, nnd is well adapted to fruit
growing. The trees nre planted in
sod, nnd are kept "mulched" that is,
u covering of manure, straw, grass, or
whatever Is available, Is put around
them. As the grass In the orchard
grows It is cut with a mowing machine
nnd left to decny on tho ground. It is
not cured end tnken out as liny.
Manure, straw, or other organic mate
rial is hauled in r.nd spread over the
surface of the ground. The object of
this Is to add organic mntter to tho
soil nnd prevent the evaporation of
moisture. Tho thick covering of grass
nnd weeds on the surface keeps the
soil cool and moist, giving an ideni
condition for apple roots. The constant
supply of Iir.rius or organic matter in
the soil holds moisture, while its slow
deeny aids somewhat in making the
fertility la the soil available. Under
this system there is no loss of fertility
except that removed in the crop of ap
ples. The trees grown on this plan pecrliar in shape. They do not as
a rr.le make as much wood growth an
the cultivated trees, nnd the limbs np
pear to sprawl out instead of growing
erect. But little pruning is done tin
der this system simply cutting out
branches which tend to Interfere with
others. This "mulch method" must
rot bo confused with ordinary "sod
culture," where the grass is cut in tho
orchard and hauled out for hay, or
where hogs or shopp are pastured. Tho
advantages of this muich method nro ,
evident. One man enn enro for n
Inrge number of trees. It is well suited
to rough and steep hillside, which
makes excellent location for apples,
hut can not be cultivated nt rensonnble
expense. The fruit grown In this way
is firm nnd of high color of better
keeping quality usually than that from
cultivated orchards. The chief objec
tion is the danger from fire when the
mulch Is dry, though this is not serious
at the season when such Ores are most
likely to occur.
Ihe Population of
the Earth is
1 ,400,000,000.
One Million
Die Annually
A LL over the world Pcmna
known nnd used for catarrhal
diseases. The I'eruna Girl has
traveled round the globe.
Her face is familiar everywhere ttiat civ
ilization reaches.
Universally J'rafscd.
From Africa to Greenland, from Man
churia to 1'atagonia, the face of the Pcmna
girl is familiar and the iiraiscs of I'eruna
as a catarrh remedy are neord.
Successtit fn Xorth and South.
reruna crossed the Equator several years
ago, to lind in the Southern Hemisphere
the same triumphant auccess thnt has
marked its career in the Northern Hemis
phere. A Standard,
I'eruna is a standard catarrh remedy the
world over.
It cures catarrh by eradicating it from
the system.
I'oi manent Cure.
It obviates the necessity of nil local treat
ment and its relief U ot permanent char
acter. ll'ftVioitfa Peer.
No other remedy has so completely dom
inated the whole earth an I'eruna.
fit Every Tongue.
In all languages its glowing testimonials
are written.
Iti all climes the demands for I'eruna in
crease. German Itallxrny.
A recent report by the Minister of
rubllc Works shows that the German
Government railways employed Dtl!),
208 persons last year: the number ot
locomotivei In use wns 21,2-18. The
locomotives represented a value of
over $240,000,000.
How' Tills?
We ofter One Hundred Dollars Howard for
inycaseof Ontarr.i ij.i: cauuot be eureiu
Hall's Uutarra Ouro.
I'. J. t henet A Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known i'.J.
Cheney lor the last ltijeius.iindbelievehlm
perfectly honornhio in nil business transac
tions aud llunnclally aula to curry out auy
)hlK'atious mnila by timlr firm.
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O,
Waldino, Kixa A JUnvis, WbolesaU
Urug'lsts, Toledo, O,
Hall's Untnrrn (Jure is talc cm Internally, mS
lngdlrectly upoa the blood and muooiissur
faeesof the syste n. Testimonials sent froe,
l'rice,75o. por battle. Holdbyall Druitirlst.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
South America Is Awake.
There are 27.S00 miles of railway
now in full operation in South Amer
ica, and Argentina has 11,000 of these
miles. This Is only one sign of what
has consistently been done by succes
sive governments in those much
troubled republics.
An Autograph Quilt.
Displayed at a sale of work at a
Non-conformist church In London re
cently was a gorgeous quilt, bearing
the autographs of over 400 persons,
mainly members of the congregation.
The signatures, orlgnally made In
pencil on diamond-shaped pieces of
blue" and white drill, were feather
stitched In colored cotton by the
women of the church.
An Old War Horse.
General Buller has had brought
from South Africa the horse that car
ried him through the Boer war, and
It will spend the rest of its days at
the General's home, In Devonshire,
England. It was shot In the neck
in ono of, the battles.
frnmlttent Officer of the Rebeccas
Writes to Thank Moan's Kidney Tills
ror It.
Mrs. C. E. Bumgnrdner, a local officer
of the Rebeccas, of
Topekn, Kans., Room
10, 812 Kansas ave
nue, writes: "I used
Doan's Kidney Pills
during the past year
for kidney trouble and
kindred ailments. I
wus suffering from
pains in the back and
bandaches, but found
after the use of one
box of the remedy
that the troubles grad
ually disappeared, so
thnt before I bud fin
ished a second pack
age I was well. I,
therefore, heartily en
dorse your remedy."
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster
Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. For sale
by all dealers. Pttee 60 cent.
An Extensive Laboratory,
To supply this remedy to the whole world
taxes to the utmost one of the best labora
tories in the United States.
A Tl'orcl From Auntralta.
Walter II. Woodward, Momadier Roval
Artillery, Iljbait,
"I suffered for several years with a dis
tressing condition of the head and throat,
caused by continual colds.
"My head nnd nostrils were stopped up
most of the time nnd there was a dis
charge, and my M-nse of anscll wns affected
"After two weeks' use of reruna I found
this condition quite changed, and so 1 con
tinned to use this remarkable medicine for
over a month.
"I am very glad to say that at the end
of that time 1 was cured and felt in tine
health generally, and am pleased to give
I'eruna my honest endorsement."
Let Common
Do you honestly believe, that
1 rm
Millions of American Homes welcome LIOX COFFEE daily.
There is no stronger proof of merit than continued and incroas
inc? nonularit v. "Quality survives all opposition."
ing popularity.
(Sold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-head on every package.)
(Save your Lion-heads for valuable premiums.)
WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
I We are the largest manufacturers of
ing to consumers exclusively.
We Have No Agents
but ihip anywhere for ex
minfttion and approval,
guaranteeing aafe deliv
ery. You are out noth
ing: Ifnot satisfied ae to
1 atyle, quality and,
pries, We make 200 1
styles of vehicles and
I no. ess. Cornhmatfon tttirr wh trs 65 styles of
Mick m wkA i In. rullr rlrrt. Prk . . .
compete 6S UU. ai rmxIukiii 7T V 2. ,r Canopy Top Sumy. Met complete
fct30tnore. Fit. Bead for It. 7S. An (rood u tells for U mora.
FIKhart Cnrriafife Sb Harnesfl Mfrf. Co. ElHhart, Indiana.
'fUrlnr t.nkcn yvmr wonlrfnt "Pusrart" for
tlireo mouths tic) Wing etit ircir i'iirt l of Ptomacn
catarrh nU riip'Ji. i think "n Wit1 of praito ti
due to "C'awarf U 'for their wondf riui coin poult inn.
I have taken numntna other po-callrtl rmMHei
but without avail anj 1 flml thnt f'anrnrfta rf Itfve
more la a day than all the othurk 1 have lukea
would In n,"
James JdcUuue, 133 Mercer St., Jersey City. 2f. J.
Plwenant, PalntahM. potent. Taita flood. Do Good,
Kerr Sicken. Vakn or (trip, luc, Uc, 5te. Never
old la balk. The (enntne tahkt stampoU OUO.
Guaranteed to cure or your icuuey back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.T. go
If aMeted
wlita weak
Thompson's Eye Water
From Ilau-atl.
Prince Jonah Kalanianaolc, delegate In
Congress from Hawaii, writes from Wash
ington, D. C, as follows:
"I can cheerfully recommend your Peruna.
as n very effective remedy for coughs, colds
nnd catarrhal troubles."
A Vuban Slln Inter.
Senor Qucsnda, Cuban Minister to the
United States, writes from Washington,
D. t, a. follows: -
"i'eruna 1 can recommend ns a verf
good medicine. It is nn excellent ulretigthi
cuing tonic, nnd is also an etlicacious curaj
for the almost universal complaint of ca
tnrrh." Gonzulo De Quesada.
From All fuar'ters of the Globe.
We have on file thousands of testimonial!
like those given above. We can give our
readers on.y a slight glimpse of the vast
number of grateful letters l)r. llartman ia
constantly receiving from all quarters of
the giobe in behalf of bis famous catarrh
remedy, i'crtinn.
1 yt-iixii .g, . rTff-s.TOg.ttff.'SOTWjK
Sense Decide 8
coffee sold loose (in bulk), exposed
to dust, germs and insects, pausing
through many hands (somo of
them not over-clean), "blended,"
you don't know row or by whom,
is fit for your use t Of course you
don't. But
Is another story. The green
berries, selected by - keen
fudges at the plantation, are
skillfully roasted rt our fac
tories, where precautions you
would not dream ol are taken
to secure pcrlert cleanliness,
flavor.strengtli and unllorntlty.
From the time the coffee leaves
the factory no hand 'touches it till
it is opened in your kitchen.
vehicles and harness in the world sell
1.000 Plants for ISc.
or trarnona ana nrmi n pmnwu w
'America. The r Is reaaon for this. 'laJf.
. a.izer't oc pus man but ouier in pf.
We nwii nrcr iS.OU aorm for the nro eW1
V In iinlitp In liwltlH VOJI Ln tl V thf-m. Kl K?i
9 roaentou oueri
r IS CantB Postpaid :
Krlf. r.lvniwilUteUUMfM, 1':M
Km. Jnlrr,., Kti.'l
VKitt HUtMblitx Olfrr,
Smut Ulna uu i.acr
lOO flpl'irtlj Union,
lOOO Rmni Law Inn linriliTiM.
ivuw u.unwMtiy urn. mm riwtr WWl
rdant nootf to irrow lo.00 plantu, luc
mMiln? buahnls of brilliant
ve)ff)tailen, toiyethor with our ffroa rjL' 'l&j
lii'iM.. linall SYiiltH, ft., all for xiirj
UO intrtfimps and thla notice
IW'illlI 1 till
P. N. U. 12. 1905.
luRct WMfHE ALL I11S
Beet Couifb syrup. Taatea OooO. Uaa
iiiBf. twtin 07 aniiMuta.