The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 29, 1905, Image 4

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Six pounds nice new meaty
Prunes for 25 cents. Sold reg
ularly 8 cents per pound.
Six pounds clear flinty Caro
lina Rice for 25 cents.
One of the largest macaroni factories
In the state. Orders sent O. O. X. or on
good reference anywhere In the
United tHates. Also wholesale agents
for the well known brand of
Premium Flour.
0. & J. MAKINAIiO,
Styles, Colorings and Prices that Defy
Lace Curtains.
Nottingharae, IriBlPoint, Arabians, Ruffled Bobbinets,
Ruffled Swiss.
Continued from First P -".
destructive disease ; or Infinitely worse,
it may be the loss of a loved cue in the
family. But if you are made of the Btuff
that wins you will never be overwhelm
ed by misfortunes, nor suffer discourag
monts to throw you down. "I know no
such unquestionable badge rnd ensign
of a sovereign mind," said Ei ierson, "as
that tenacity of purpose which through
all changes of companions, r parties,
or fortunes, changes never, I ites no jot
of heart or hope, but weari is out op
position and arrives at port " "It is
defeat," says Beecher, "that turns bone
to Hint and gristle to muscle And makes
men invincible," and tho wh ile matter
is summoned up by Orison f. Marden,
who says, "This is the te6t o your man
hood : ,how much have you 1 'ft in you
when you have lost everything outside
of yourself ? If you lie down now, throw
up your hands and acknowledge your
self womed, there is not much in you
But if, with heart undaunted and face
turned upword, if you scorn to beat a
retreat, you will show that the man
left in you is bigger than your loss,
greater than your cross, and larger
than defeat." The small boy gave the
antidote for failure when he said that
the way he learned to skate was get
ting up every time he fell down. Ap-
ply this remedy and you will recover no
matter how serious your failure may be.
My friends, I do not know as much
about farming as did Horace Greeley,
and you will observe that I have strict
ly refrained from giving you any de
tailed advice about how to make a
success of tho businesB. I took Mr.
Greeley's advice one time and went west
to grow up with the country. I bought
a farm. I lost it. I learned a valuable
lesson eyery man should stick to his
own knitting. I bad eighty acres of
good land. There was a man he was
not a farmer, he was a bunco-Bteerer
he told me he had one hundred and
sixty acres of land of such rich Boil and
so exceedingly productive that all you
had to do was to sit on the fence and
watch the crops grow. I gave him my
eighty acres and a good sum of money
for his farm with a mortgage on it.
The next spring I went out to watch
the crops grow, but instead I saw the
ducks swim. The man with the
mortgage took the farm, and I was a
sadder but wiser man. Farming is' an
honorable and a profitable business, but
you must master it to make a success
out of it. This, I understand, is one of
the objects of your oganization. No
one man knows it all. An interchange
of views, a swapping of ideas is not only
a mental stimulus, but of great assist
ance to the man who wants to make
progress ; and herein is the advantago
of your meeting together when every
member can draw on this common fund
for the improvement of h a biisinoss.
We are all, either diroctlyo' indirectly,
interested in husbandry, anil therefore
the Grange elicits our cordi; i sympathy
and best wishes.. It is ni-t a selfish
organization, and, in tho Ii turo as in
the past, I have no doubt it will follow
the lead of true philanthn py in suh
nrving the best interests of all the
people.. I am not aware of i ny organi
zation that has fulfilled its mission in
this respect more completely than has
tho Patrons of Husbandry. It is with
in my recollection when 'he Grange
wa8,instrumental in "defeat! ig the bill
in Congress to extend the patent on
sewing machines, and the result was
that the price on these machines fell to
about one-third, or at least to less than
one-half, of what they had been former
ly selling for.', I have tot had time to
verify this statement, but am sure it ia
substantially correct. Who can esti
mate the value of this one act alone to
the great body of our citizens. The
people who needed sewing machines the
worst were the least able to buy them,
and the Grange will be forever held in
grateful remembrance for having placed
this indispensable aid to the housewife
within the reach of all. It was through
your organization that the Department
of Agriculture was raised to the power
and dignity of a cabinet po: Ition, and
now agriculture and all its u ried Inter
ests have a voice in the count lis of the
nation. We were fast becoming a
nation of dyspeptics when the Grange
threw itself into the breach and through
the enactment of pure food laws Bought
In some measure to stop the ravages of
this dreadful malady ; and here the
poor and the rich alike can r'se up and
call you blessed. Last but nt t least the
Inter State Commerce Cort mission is
largely the creature of your 1 and ; and
j ist now, with a littlo more vested in
that body, the people are loot ing to it to
save them from tho maw of t io octopus.
These are a few of the besjon lights
shining out on the pathway a ong which
your organization has mover, and the
people take off their hats to you whon
they pass by them. The Pe msylvanl.i
farmer has been a mighty factor in all
of these great and beneficial move
ments, and the names of Leonard
Rhone, Jared C. Brown and Victor
Plolett deservedly stand high upon the
scroll of fame.
There is one phase of your organiza
tion woman. God bbBS her. What
could man do without her a very
present help in time of trouble. She
aids you in your work ; comforts you in
your misfortunes ; bears all her own
burdens and part of yours, and frequent
ly furnishes you with backbone when
your supply Is exhausted. She is the
inspiration of our lives ; true as steel
and self sacrificing to the last degree.
To her the doors of the Grange swing
In, and with her presence and by her
co-operation your organization is destin
ed to accomplish even grander things
in the future than it has in the past.
Over your work she casts a bow radiant
with immortality, uniting heaven and
earth, and proclaiming in unmistakable
terms that the great fundamental
principle underlying your organization
is charity in all things, with malice
toward none.
Now, my friends, I think I have
sufficiently afflicted you, and will sub
side with the hope that tho men will
not hold any grudge against me for
what I have said about their botter
halves. About thirty-years ago, when
I was a gay and giddy youth in this
town, I participated In a homo talent
dramatic performance given by the
young people in McCracken's hall, and
to appease your wrath for my useless
consumption of your time, I may con
clude with tho couplet then learned
and declaimed :
"To err Is human to fnrirlve divine,
I think I have somewhere heard or read that
line ;
Hut still a good thinR can't be said toooftcn
I f but one critic's heart it helps to soften.
Scott has gone back to North Pork to
finish his job.
Prank Moore is building a largo ad
dition to Ma barn.
Schuckers & Smith expert to start
their saw mill this week.
A number of our farmers hre talking
of starting the plow this wot k.
Miss Maude Moore, of Ro,,noldsville,
visited her parents over Sun lay.
Lloyd Bussard is talking of attending
school at Falls Creek this su-nmor.
On account of wet weather, Mrs. John
Burtop has been fooling viTy poorly.
Rev. W. H. Garnett p eached in
Glendale last Sunday, but on account of
bad weather he did not huve a very
large congregation.
We understand the "poverty social"
at the Hormtown Grange ball was a
grand success. Miss Minnie Hetrick
and C. A. Hetrick received the prizes.
The nimrod who shot over a man that
was working nearby one day last week,
should remorabor it is very unpleasant
to hear a rifle bullet whistle so near, if
we mistake not we are familiar with
the crack of the rifle.
Incredible Brutality.
It would have been incredible brutal
ity if Chas. F. Lemberger, of Syracuse.
N. Y., had not done the best he could
for his suffering son. "My boy," he
says, ''cut a fearful gash over his eye,
bo I applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
which quickly healed It and saved his
eye." Good for, burns and ulcers too.
Only '25c at H. Alex Stoke's drug store.
If you order Apple Butter
from your grocer see that
you get KNABR'S. If you
oan't get it from your
DEALER send direct to the
punxsutawhst cider
The Colonel's Water) o.
Colonel John M. Puller, of Honey
Grove; Texas, nearly met his Waterloo,
from Liver and Kidney trouble. In
recent letter, be says : "I was nearly
dead, of those complaints, and, although
I tried my family doctor, he did me no
good ; bo I got a 50c bottle of your great
Electric Bitters, which cured me.
consider them the best mvdicine on
earth, and thank God who ga re yci the
knowledge to make them." Sold, and
guaranteed to cure, Dyspepsl i, Bilious
ness and Kidney Disease, by H. Alex
Stake's druggist, at 50o a bot lo.
Fertilizing Lime.
We are prepared to furnish fertilizing
lime on snort notice. Addtt is all com'
raunications to Cox & Marst all, Reyn
oldsville, Pa.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
evory insertion.
Wanted Two agents to solicit and
collect for the Metropolitan Insurance
uo. uau at oince over uing-stoke (Jo.
store In the evening.
For Rent One four and one five
room house on Jackson Btreot, near
Fifth. Inquire at STAR office.
For Sale Hardware doing a good
business. Reasons for Belling poor
neaitn. inquire at STAR oince.
For Sale One cooking stove and
six chairs. Inquire of Mrs. Geo,
Osburn, Grant street.
For Sale Second-hand gocart. Ifr
quire at Star office.
For Sale Parlor suit at a bargain.
inquire ii. ii. Woodford, Hill Bt.
For Rent Store room with shov
cases, scales, scoops and everything
complete. J. U. King oc Co.
For Sale A heavy road wagon ; or
win exchange it for light wagon. W. a
For Sale A few pair 'of pure bred
prize-winning partridge cochins fowls
at 11.00 each. Also large 4-year-old
horse. A. V. I ish, WeBt Keynolclsvllle
For Sale Eleven shares preferred
bilk; Mill stock bearing 7 per cent,
M. C. Coleman.
For Sale Residence on Main street,
Inquire of James McPberson.
For Sale Good buggy and a safo,
Inquire of Wm. Copping.
For Sale Until April 1st, house
and lot, corner Jackson at. and Swamp
alley, rear of National Hotel. Lot
60 x 150 feet. For particulars inquire
01 M. M. Davis. tf.
Of the Finances of West Keyiioldsvllle
Borough for Year Ending
inarch 14, 1905.
P. J. WARD, Collector, In account with the
Romituh of West. Ueynoldsvllle tor the
year enuing Marcn 14, utuu.
For Taxes or 1002.
To am't duplicate last scttlem't S 1 65 $ 1 M
Byft Ool.'s nn 11.3.1 : 07
By am't Treasurer's receipts. .. I i I 1 42
Balance due bora I 13
For Taxes or 1903.
To am't balance last seltlem'nt i 48 M f 48 64
BvS Col.'s on IJU4 l 17(1
By Treasurer's Receipts 38 66 I 40 31
Balance duo boro .
f 8 33
For Taxes or 1904.
BorouRh Tax.
Toam'tdunllcato 1306 ft8
6 added on $37.61 1 88 $308 56
By S rebate on 1211.40... . 10 67
Ity3 Col.'s Hon 1111.40 -6 34
By 6 Col.'s on f)7.67 2 88
Bv 6 Col.'s on U2 31
By Treasurer's receipts 265 41 1275 51
Balance due boro.
f 33 05
Light Tax.
To am't duplicate $38:1 20
t added on f (6.90 i 34 $385 64
By 5 rebate on $2tl4.2S 13 21
By 3 Col.'s on i24.2S 7M
By fi Col.'s on 172.05 8 00
By 6 Ool.'s on $7.66 88
By Treasurer's receipts 319 27 f344
Balance due boro.,
t 41 15
Water Tax.
To am't duplicate 1164 22
To am't addod on 119.07 95 f 155 17
By B rebate on 1106.00 8 30
By 3 Col.'s on 1106.00 3 18
ny 0 l-oi.'s on f :.I9 146
Bv 5 Col.'s on tl.07 IS
By Treasurer's receipts $127 71 113780
Balance due boro.,
1 17 37
WM. M. BL'UOE, Burge:
To balante due last settlement f 2 38
To am't f'm Co, Commissioners 10 00
10 00
18 00 f 30 38
To am t from circus license ...
By receipt book 10
By Treasurer's receipts 28 00 f 28 10
Balance due boro.
I 2 28
W. L. JOHNSTON, Treasurer, In account
with the borough of West Keynoldsville
for year ending March 14, 1905.
To am't due last settlement... 696 17
ree'd from P. J. Ward,
Collector 742 29
To am't ree'd from Co. Treas.
Licenses 120 00
To am't ree'd from .1. D. Wood-
rlnir. for lockup 1 00
To am't. ree'd for license circus
and fruy stands 18 00
To am't ree'd from And. Gen... 31
To am't ree'd from Huih'csa for
hall for election 10 00
To am't ree'd from V. J. Austin,
Treas. lioardof Health.... 9 60
To am't ree'd for tax on Tele
phone poles 5 00 11.602 27
By boro orders redeemed 1,164 85
By 2 Tress.' 23 10 11.177 05
Hal. In bands of Treas..
f 324 82
Am't In Treasurer's hands :f!4 32
Am't due from P. J. Ward Col. 1U0 IM
" " W. M. H 11 inc. Bur. 3 2s $126 13
Audited March 22. ion, and found correct.
P. A. Hahiimah, I
J. W. (.AMI-HSU Auditors,
YY. M., f
Mrs. Mary Shaffer Is sio.c and hag
been nearly all winter.
The calithumpian band was out
serenading a couple at the lower end of
Wm. Moore Is still on the Bick list.
He went down stairs too soon and got a
back set.
Robert Stewart will farm for John
Martz this spring. They each one own
a horse and they will splice them and
will work both farms with one team.
O. F. Haines is very uneasy about the
weather, as he would like to , ;o to work.
I am just the other way. I am afraid
It will get nice and I will hae to go to
This has been a hard spri ig on the
Methodist preacher. His horse is sick
and he has to walk to his appointments.
He is a good walker and will get there
all the same.
John Hatten has quit the store
business and is remodeling the old
George Zetler store building into a
dwelling house. John H. Swartz is
doing the carpenter work for him.
John and Robert Haines are working
on a saw mill at Aliens Mills, and It is
pretty hard on John to get the big
sugar logB on the mill. Frank O'Don
nell Bays there are some logs over there
six feet thick. .
Shick & Wagner
A Showing of the Strongest and Most Up-to-Date
Line of Merchandise in
this County.
J-ouse cleaning time is rapidly appro'aching and you are probably
interested in
Lace Curtains, Tapestry, Portierres, Rope Portierres, Couch
Covers, Window Shades and Curtain Poles.
We are showing this season the strongest line of Curtains and Por
tierres that we have ever been able to show. We liave the Lace Curtains
in all the leading patterns from the heavy rope mesh to the finest Brussels
Lace Curtains from 35 cents to $10.00.
Ruffled Swiss Curtains 25 cents to $1.00.
Tapes ;ry Couch Covers can be used cither as a couch cover or por
tierre, 98 Lents each.
Couch Covers from 98 cents to $0.50.
Tapes ry PortScrres, $1.75 to $G.50.
Window Shades, 10 cents to 50 cents.
Curtain Poles, 10c, 15 and 25 cents.
VmkstaH' tttnssiMf 1ii5TaK hiiutf dhustat"
KfiU. MIEN tCCtL ARCfM ItCAL OMEN ITfiAL OtirrN , ,.,. Iffiil dOFFM
"tZr'l IjI l:":! "slvs xstfiss, t tgA
time this paper reaches
you. Don't fail to see the new pring styles in the American Lady Corset.
American Lady Corsets have imitators, but none like the real American
Lady Corsets. , . i
Filled with Shick & Wagner's Green Trading Stamps every day. The book
is worth $2.50 to you. Bring your book in at your leisure if you have it
filled and we will redeem it.
Corner Main and Fifth Streets, Reynoldsvillc, Pa.
The Problem or the Wagon Wheel.
Dear Editor :
The readers of the PlttBburg Times
have been stirred to some degree of
agitation during the last month by the
''Glady-Oxley Railroad problem," and
now I see an article In the Star of
March 22, written by somebody and
intended, I suppose, for everybody to
believe. But not altogether sir, says I.
It Is under the heudlng ' Eccentric
Wagon Wheel."
Now the writer was porhaj 3 a natural
philosopher and did riot v Ish to be
stingy with his knowledge ; i r perhaps
he was not so much ol a p illosopher
and was a little too generous with with
hlB opinions. However, tha , may bo,
I give hltn credit lor doing vt ry well in
bis philosophy until ho take! his wheel
off the axle ind starts it to roll down
the Inclined plane and then he surely
don't know whut he is talking about,
for ho says that overy point on the
circumference moves at the same rate
of speed and I say it does not, but acts
exactly as it does when on the wagon
axle and moving on the road.
Now anyone who may read this and
still believes the other follow rlglit and
me wrong, can, I believe, confer an
educational favor to the public and my
self especially by a good explanation in
The Star. An Inquirer.
New wash goods ready for your in
spection at Milllrens.
The Big Store
American Lady
We are this week re
ceiving a shipment of
American Lady Corsets.
These should have been
here more than a week
ago, but due to slowness
of freight thty have not
yet reached us. We
promise you h o w ever
that they will be here this
week, certainlv bv the
Ladies' Childrens' Underwear
We have ready for your inspection a complete line of
Hosiery and Underwear lor Ladies and Children in all
grades and sizes.
We are Redeeming Stamp Books
Startling morality.
Statistics show startling mortality,
from' appendicitis and peritonitis. To
preventand cure these awful diseases,
there Is just one reliable remedy. Dr.
King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery,
of 14 Custom Hbuse Place, Chicago,
Bays : "They have no equal for Consti
pation and Biliousness." 25o at H. Alex
Stoke's, druggist.
Reliable styles In jackets for spring
at Mlllirens.
For Prothonotary and Clerk op
of Hrookvllle.
Subject, to action of the Republicans of Jef
ferson county at the primary election Satur
day, June 17, 1U05.
For County Superintendent
Of Brockwayvllle.
Subject to action of the school directors of
Jefferson county at their convention May 2,
Philadelphia,' Pa.
Between 12th and 13th 8ts on Fllbort St. .
Three minutes walk from tho Rending Ter
minal. Five minutes walk from the Penn'a
It. R. Depot. Kuropean plan $1.00 per day and
upward. American plan $2.00 per day,
Prauk M. Bcheibley, Manager.
Shick & Wagner