The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 15, 1905, Image 1

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An independent journal devoted to the
interests of Reynoldsville.
ltblished weekly. One Dollar per ysur
strictly in advance.
Mnf lnnnl
ttl UCI
Kcott Mt'Clellaiii, President)
J. v. Kin:;, Vice Prekldentt
John II. Handier Cashier.
Scott. McClelland J.C. Kltnc Daniel Nolan
John H. Corbett .1.11. h'aucher
G. W. Fuller It. 11. Wilson
Dors n general ltiiklni.'t)ilsitifssand solicits
he accounts of incrcliaiiih, profi'SKlmml men
farmers, mechanics, mirii'i-s, lumbermen and
others.iprumlslni; the most careful intention
to the business of all persons.
Safe Deposit Moves for rent.
First Nut lentil Bank bulldlnA, Nolan block.
Fire Proof Vault-
.fl nANK I
M4 k5y mail 1
M-r'tJ This 2i)th Century nnmt- I
'k-Jvi Inn niHliod tirltiKS this &
slr'HlK.nlu bank to every
i'T''! post mine In tlie world.
. JsT.'.sJ write for Banking b 1
.. "''if Mall booklet ' n
"v'p'm Founded, 1862 K
Ussels, $14,000 0U0.00
J i'i-' j 4 per cent. Interest paid 1
:'$fjk ol Pittsburgh, Pa.
sea a 4
New Spring Merchandise is
Daily Arriving.
The American woman ha decided that the predominating style in manufactured
ments shall be the Jacket and a separate Skirt and the Shirt Waist Suit.
We are showing this week a line of
Covert Jackets,
Skirts, Shirt Waist
Suits, Ladies' Waists,
Children's Dresses,
Silk Jackets : : : :
and Long Silk Coats.
The linecomprisesallthe prevailing styles
in a beautiful range of Covert shades. We
have the cheaper garments in domestic
covert, up to the very finest imported all
wool covert. We are this week receiving
another shipment direct from the eastern
manufacturers, which will make our line
complete, ranging in price from $.25 to
We have the most complete line of Skirts
we have ever been ableto show. The line
contains blacks and all good colors in
Misses' Skirts from $2.00 to $5.00,
Ladies' Skirts from $3.00 to $13.50.
mm j
A new and up-to-date line of ladies' man
ufactured Shirt Waist Suits in Mohair and
Silk. These come in the prevailing colors,
brown, blue and black, from $8.50 to
We are showing this season ti strong
line of children's Wash Dresses. These
come in all colors and styles, including the
blouse suits and Buster Browns irom 50c
to $3.00.
We are showing a very nice' line of Silk Jackets and Long Silk
Coats. These come in short loose jackets to 3-4 length, also in the.
3-4 length blouse effects. Price $5.0Q to $22.50.
We are expecting this week in Dress Goods a shipment from James
town Woolen Mills a line of Panamas, Mohairs and Fancy Worsteds.
These will probably be in by the time you receive this paper. Don't
fail to see the fancy Mohairs.
We have just received ppring styles of New Idea Patterns the only
popular paper pattern to retail at 10c on the market. x .
3671 Misses' Dress.
Blaes 10, 12, 14, 10 years.
. r
C. - '. . H years.
Corner Main and Fifth
Reynoldsville, Penn'a.
J. T. Atlman, Press Correspondent.
No, the oflleors and Legislative Cora
mitto of the Pennsylvania State Grange
uro not "afraid" to speak out on the tax
question or any other questions that Is
of special interest to the agricultural
class. Thorn are now three bills pond
ing before thr legislature whioh, If
enacted, will give substantial relief to
the tax burdened farmer. Letters and
memorials are now pouring in upon the
members of the House and Senate
urging thorn to work and vote for these
One bill proposos to return to the
counties the license fees and nine'
tenths of tho personal property tax In
stead of the three-fourths, as now,
Another will levy a tax of one mill on
tho capital stock of corporations for
road purposes, and tho other' will give
$1")0,IIOO for tho establishment, and
support of township high schools.
If tho farmers of tho state generally
could lie rallied to the support of these
measures as tho member of tho grange
are rallying, they would be passed. This
done the next step towards tho full
equalization of taxes in the state would
bo easier.
o o
The ono industry on which all othors
rest und which is a condition of their
existence is agriculture. Enterprises
of great magnitude, far-reaching ira
portnnee and employing largo capital
have sprung into existence, nourished
for a timo and disappeared because sup
planted by something elso. Not so tbo
farm. . It made civilization possible and
will bo its stay and support to the lust.
All truo patriots respect agriculture
and will give it every encouragement.
Tho fanner owes it to himself and to
his culling to do all he can to secure
proper recognition. This ho can do
only through organization. To such as
realizo this the doors of tho grango
stand open.
o o
Prcdonia Grango No. 1 of Now York,
tho (irst grango ever organized, Is
about to build a hall. One mombor has
promised to give $1000.00. What better
evidunco of tho permanoncy of tbo
grango can be wunted ?
o o
Springfield Grunge, Erie Co., had a
family Biippor for the families of all the
membors on tho night of their Instal
lation of officors.
Strike Hidden Hoclm.
When your Bliip of health strikes tho
hidden rocks of Consumption, Pneu
monia, etc., you aro lost, if you don't
get help from Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption. J. W McKinnon,
of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes : "I
hud been very ill with Pneumonia,
under the euro of two doctors, but was
getting no better when I begun to take
Dr. King's New Discovery. The first
dose guve relief, and ono bottlo cured
me." Sure euro lor sore throat, bron
chitis, coughs and ctilds. Guaranteed
at H. Alex Stokc's drug store, price 50c
and 1.00. Triul bottlo free.
Kmrrei I. Dunham vs. I,ewis 8. Tlunhitm.
rsn. VI. iNoveniber Turin. 11104. I'luries Huh.
poena In Divorce.
1 hi3 (.nuimumveultli of I'entisylvnnia.
To I.kwis S. Dunham G ukktino :
We eoniiuiitifl voll. lis twice befurp vnu worn
cnnitmttHletl, that till matter of Imsl ihihh tind
exeeuso', holla set. aside, you ho tinij uppcur
In ynnr hruper person before our Jutlire lit
ItrookvlnV, in our t'otiit of Common Pleas,
there to he held nn the second Monday of
April next, to show cause, if any you have,
why ynnr wife, Knima I.. Dinifiain, should
not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony
which she hat It com t acted with you the said
I.ewlsH. Dunham, iiKleeahlo to the Petition
and 1,11ml exhibited aitalnsr. you before our
said Court, and this You shall In no ease omit,
ul your peril.
Witness The Hon. John W. Reed. President,
of our said Court at llrookvtllo, the IWrd day
of .liinuary, A D. UKil.
Allowed by the Court.
Attcst-cvurs II. 1 1 loop, Prothonntary.
To Lkwis s. Dunham, Chkktino:
You are hereby notified to nnnenr before
the Honorable .Indue of the Court of Commtn
Pleas, at llrookvllle. Pa., on tho second Mon
day of April next, to answer as set forth In
he udovo HUhpouna.
J. W.CURUY, Sheriff.
March 11, 1!)05.
Eva Samanthn Mutter vs. Willis Itnrtnn
No. 117. November Term. WOI. P urlea Soh-
poeua In Divorce.
i he Lommoiiwealth of ronnsylvanlu.
To Wn.i.ts Huhton Matter, Okkktino:
We cotnmiind vou. as twice before vn.i worn
commanded, that all matterof business) and
excuses belnn ser aside, you be and appear
in your proper person oeiore our .lUllire at
llrookvllle, at our Court of Common Pleas,
there to tie held on the second Monday of
A til II next, to show cause, If any you have,
why your wife. KvaSamtintha Mutter, should
not hedlvorced from t he txmdsof matrimony
wiiten sue nam cmitnu'ieu with you. the said
Willis Itiirton Mutter, agreeable In the Peti
tion and Uhol exhibited uniiiiist you before
our said Court, and this you shall In no case
omit at your peril.
Witness The lion. John W. Heed, President
of our said Court at llrookvllle, the lilh Uuy
of January, A. 1). IWii.
Allowed ny the t ourt.
AltestCvtu s II. lll-oon, I'rothonotary.
Meeting of Pomona'Grange.
The ' regular meeting of Jefferson
County Pomona Grange No. 20, P. of
II., was held In McKnlght's ball
Brookvlllo, Wednesday, March 8th
11105 Meeting was called to order at
10.30 a. m. by Worthy Master J. M
Norris and all vacancies were filled by
Worthy State Lecturer A. M. Cor
noli Installed tho following officers
Lecturer, Stewart, Assistant Stewart.
Address of welcome by W. L. MoCruck
en, of Brookvlllo ; response by Mrs
A. J. Sprugue, of Paradise Grange
Adjourned to meet at 1.30 p. m.
Grange was called to order at 1.30
Question : "What do you think of
Parcel Post?" Which was ably dis
cussed by W. L, McCracken, Dr. Me
Knight and A. M. Cornell. Grunge
then closed and a public session con
vened until 4.00 o'clock.
First speaker was Mr. Truman who
gave us a very interesting talk on his
travels through the South. He ulso
complimented the farmers of Jefferson
county on maintaining fertility in their
soil. A committee' consisting of John
Dougherty and W. L. McCracken made
their report, Report was excepted,
then the flon. Judge John W. Reed
was introduced. Ho gave us a fine and
interesting address, which will bo pub
lished in the next issue. Solo by Sister
Anna Bullors, of Union Grange. State
Lecturer A. M. Cornoll lectured on the
"Benofits Derived from the Grange."
Dr. W. J. McKnlght gave us a rambling
talk and then introduced his seedless
apple of sixty years ago. I think from
the appearance) of the fruit they did
grow sixty years ago. Recitation by
Mrs. Ada Scott, of Union Grange. Sub
ject, "The Farmers Telephone." Solo
by Miss Maggla Milliron, of Union
Recess of ton minutes.
Grange again convenod in full form.
On motion by John Dougherty, second
by W. L. McCracken, tbateach granger
provide his or her own lunch while at
tending Pomona Grange. Motion car
ried by a unanimous vote. A rising
vote of thanks was extended Dr. Mc
Knlght for uso of his hall. Then Grange
closed in full form to moot with Horm-
town Grango in Juno.
Tho program was interspersed with
musio by Union Grange.
The Colonel' Waterloo.
Colonel John M. Fuller, of Ilouey
Grovo, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo,
from Liver and Kidnoy trouble. In a
recent letter, ho says : "I was nearly
dead, of theBO complaints, and, although
I tried my family doctor, he did' me no
good ; so I got a f0c bottlo of your great
Electric Bitters, which cured me. I
considor them tho best medicine on
earth, and thank God who gave you the
knowledge to mako them." Sold, and
guaranteed to cure, Dyspopsia, Bilious
ness and Kidnoy Disease, by H. Alex
Stake's druggist, at 50c a bottlo.
For Sale.
We are offering for sale our grocery
business In Roynoldsville. We can con
vince you that wo have the best loca
tion, tho best retail trade and one of the
best stocks of goods In the town. Sat
isfactory reasons for selling.
Star Grocery Co.
Muslin Underwear.
If you think you need any muslin un
derwear now, wo don't want to boast,
but think we'vo got the most complete
line we've ever had. You know what
that means. Bing-Stokn Co.
Startling Morality.
Statistics show startling mortality,
rora appendicitis and peritonitis. To
prevent and euro these awful diseases,
there Is just one reliable remedy. Dr.
King's New Life Pills. M. Flannery,
of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago,
says : "They have no equal for Consti
pation and Biliousness." 2,c at H. Alex
Stake's, druggist.
To Wilms Huiiton Mirrrrti, Giikktino:
You inre hereby not I lied to appear before
the llonontlile .ludtfe of the Court of Common
I'l.-a, at Hnsikvllle, Pa., on the second Mon
day of April next, to unswer u tset forth Id
the above suhpneiiu.
J. w. i t KKY, CherltT.
March II, lUUV
$i oo Block Light $i.oo
The Block Light, which Is guaranteed
to produce a light equal to three bund
red candle power, any stylo or combina
tion you wish to select, complete for
one dollar. This offer for . 10 days.
Bing-Stoke Co.
Notice to Advertisers.
The copy for all display advertise
ments must be In The Stak office not
later than 2.00 p. m. Monday of each
week to have the advertisement appear
In the paper the week It is handed into
Fertilizing Lime.
We are prepared to furnish fertilizing
lime on short notlco. Address alt com
munications to Cox & Marshall, Reyn
oldsville, Pa.
J. E. Mitchell, merchant tailor, near
Hotel Imperial.
?jt Wnyn of Ilnlnsr ntmliieMH.
I have seen in London only one olllee
where there Is any renl enthusiasm.
And the employees seldom hnve any In
terest In the business beyond drawing
their salaries. In most of tht factories,
and even In the offices, they are taught
a certain round of duties, nnd they are
allowed to do nothing else. They sel
dom suggest Improvements for fear of
loRlng their places, where in America
they'd soon lose their places if they
didn't mnke suggestions. Here It's the
firm In Its private olflces nnd every
body else doing as little as posslblo and
never stepping out of the rut they're
put in, and there it's everybody work
ing together, coats off, find tho head of
the concern glad to listen to the olllee
boy and to do ns he says If It means re
sults. Vanity Fair.
Anelent Kkkn In China.
A German epicure comes to the rescno
of the Chinese In regard to their al
leged liulilt of eating rotten eggs. Tho
eggs, he says, are simply preserved in
lime until they get a consistency like
that of hard butter and they taste
somewhat like lobster. He declares
them one of the choicest delicacies lie
has over eaten. lie thinks there are
no better cooks in tho world than the
Chltujse. When ho went to live among
them his friends predicted he would
starve, but he had a good time nnd
gained weight more than he wanted
Imlay Steam nollera.
According to an engineer, though
there may bo every reason present why
a steum boiler should stenra there are
occasions when it simply will not. It
refuses duty nnd sulks without nny
cause that can be detected. On such
occasions every one takes a hand at
the fires, but the result Is the same
no steam or only enough to keep three
quarters speed. Marine and stationary
boilers tire both thus nfllleted. There
nre "good days" and "bad days" in the
performance of each Chicago News.
Get filmy.
The successful man is usually busy,
and the busy man Is usually success
ful. The young man, whatever his vo
cation, who has not learned to econo
mize his time nnd keep busy lias not
got the lesson most essential to a pros
perous, useful nnd happy life. Chicago
A Great Combination.
"Ton and your husband have lived
together twenty-five years nnd never
4 a quarrel? Wkaa tae iswiT
"K secret at all. I!ra to wf n
tured to quarrel, and he's too indolent."
Rejected Fnttlne of War.
Certain engines of war have been re
jected by civilized nations In times
gone by because they were too de
structive and too horrible. England lias
still In keeping a secret war plan of tho
tenth Earl of Dundon.'jld which the au
thorities rejected because, while It wai
Infallible, It was too Inhuman to use by
man against man. Even I.ouls XV. of
France had backbone enough to refuse
Dupre's terrible Invention. If the story
of this discovery be true the plan was
to create by a secret process a confla
gration whose intensity was but in
creased by water. It would burn town
or fleet. Louis refused to hare the se
cret published, and It went down to the
grave with Dupre.
Bills You made a funny break In
congratulating the bride's father in
stead of the groom. Wills No, I
didn't. I've n daughter, too, and I
know what they cost. Chicago Journal.
Six pounds nice new meaty
Frunes for 25 cents. Sold reg
ularly 8 cents per pound.
Six pounds clear flinty Caro
lina Rice for 25 cents.
Just :iS von nre pleased at fimllnir
fntilts jou nre displeased at flndlno-per
fection. I.nvater.
It Makes Restful Sleep.
Sleeplessness almost Invarla jcompo
nles constipation and Its muni ttendant
evils nervous disorders, lnd ,n, head
nrho, loss nf appetite, etc. "D .npt to In
duce sleep by opiates Irrsipi ilstalre, for
the brain Is only benumbed le body snf
fers. Celery Klnir removes v .useofwake
fulness by Its soothltre efie ,n the nerves
and on the stomach and bowels.
Celery Kinsr cures Constipation and Nerve,
Stomach, Liver and Kidney disease.
Sold by II. Alex. Stoke.
A Shoe Message to
Shoe Buyers.
If you wish to see the best and most
up-to-date shoe for men or women that
money can buy Go to
If you desire to wear such a shoe Buy
them at
The Satisfactory Store.
R. M. Matson, President. H. C. Bkach, Vice Pres. A. D. Deemeii, Vice Pres.1
D. L. Taylor, Sec, and Treas. J. E. Gbist, Asst. Sec. and Treas. W.N.Coniiad, Att.y.
Brookville Title & Trust Go.
Capital . . $125,000.00.
Conducts a General Bunking, Savings and Trust Business.
Solicits the Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations.
rilUElTOKS: 1
K. M. Matson F. U Verstlne Q. 9. Suyder A. D. Dec in r
Gil. C. Kelts 11. J.Scott D.L.Taylor W. N. Cuad H. C, P-each