The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 22, 1905, Image 3

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    IWawWt. Kmr Vw M
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itumud WHO'
It Help Woman to Win and Hold
Men's Admiration, Respect and Lot
Woman's greatest gift s the power to
inspire admiration, respect, and lore.
There Is a beauty in .health which ia
more attractive to men than mere regu
larity of feature.
To be a successful wife, to retain the
love and admiration of her husband,
should be a woman's constant study.
At the first indication of ill-health,
painful or irregular menstruation,
headache or backache, secure Lydia E.
Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound and
begin its use.
Mrs. Chas. F. Brown. Vice-President
Mothers' Club, 1 Cedar Terrace, Hot
Springs, Ark., writes:
Seer Mrs. Pinkham:
' For nine years I dragged through a miser
able existence, suffering with inflammation
and falling of the womb, and worn out with
pain and weariness. I one day noticed a state
ment by a woman suffering as I was, but who
had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkhain's Veg
etable Compound, and I determined to try it.
At the end of three months I was a different
woman. Every one remarked about it, and
my husband fell in love with me all over
again. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound built up my entire system, cured the
womb tronblo, and I felt like a new woman.
I am sure it will make every suffering woman
strong, well and happy, as it has me!' -;
Women who are troubled with pain
ful or Irregular menstruation, back
ache, bloating (or flatulence), leucor
rhcea, falling, inflammation or ulcera
tion of the uterus, ovarian troubles,
that "bearing-down" feeling, dizzi
ness, falntness, indigestion, br nervous
prostration- may be restored to perfect
health and' strength by taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, -:
RKIM m HMtt1 trt&t ton Mn Mav
pond on. Get C:tml oj;ue.
M, UKWUKI DUa( llrT'llHI. But.
.NJMv the original !W
.rU 141 V MtiVM II Ibfel
showinq Full linc or sasmints and hats.
"From Hie ersdls to the baby chtlr'
- V to, yoo ought lo btiv
yalhbb chair
OUR PHOENIX Walking Chair
holds the child seonrelr, p re
renting thoso painful falls and
bumps which are so frequent whoa
baby learns to walk.
The chair is provided with a rs
movable, sanitary cloth seat, which
supports the weight of the child
and prevent bow-legs and spinal
troubles ; it also has a table attach
ment which enables baby to find
amusement la its toys, eta, with
oat any attention.
"As Indispensable St mala,"
It is so constructed that it pre
Tents soiled clothes, sickness from
drafts and floor germs, and is
reoomm ended by physicians and
endorsed by both mother and baby.
Combines pleasure and utility.
No baby should be without one.
Call at your furniture dealer
and ask to see one.
i -ax
row cTTtAwaApimse. s. purr
.' , A High Salary. . .
The highest figure paid to any pro-'
consul by England is $100,000, which
is the sum received by the Viceroy
of India. This seems a large sum,
but it never really covers the expen
ses, The South African post pays $55,-000.
The United States is the largest con
sumer of tin In the world, but derives
its supplies from the Straits Settle
ments, from Banks, and other Euro
pean sources. Oilly n few hundred
pounds of tin are mined In this coun
try. ' ' ' '
100 Reward. SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleaSedto
Isarntbat there Is at least one dreaded dis
ease that scienoe has been able to cure In all
itss.aiH, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is tue only positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh belnc; a con
stitutional disease, require! a constitutional
treatment. Hall's CatarrhCurelstakenlater
naliy,sctln'.?dire)tiy upoatheblood aujmu
coiissurfoces of the systsra. thereby destroy.
Ingthe foundation ot the disease, and glvln
the patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature In doing its
work. The proprietors havssomuehfalthin
itsouratlvo.powors that they offer Oue Hun
drndDollaDforaay ease that it falls to cure.
sena lor us: or testimonials. Address
F. J. Chexit t Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonstlpatloa
Just before he left the Pension Office,
Commissioner Wore was nsked for a
recommendation by a wntchmnu. This
Is what Ware wrote: "Dear Jackson
If you are not in Heaven when I get
there, I'll fix it to have you trans
ferred." To Cure a Cold In One Iny
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabids. All
druggists relund money if it fails to cure.
K. V. Grove's signature is on box. 25c.
Great souls can neither be starved by
poverty nor chukH bv riches.
Baby Covered 'With Sores and Scales
Could Mot Tell What She Looked Like -Marvelous
Cure by Ctitlcura. '
"At four months old my baby's face and
body were so covered with sores and large
scales you could not tell what she looked
like. No child ever had a worse case:
Her face wss being eateu away, and even
her finger nails fell off. It itched so she
could not sleep, and fpr many weary nights
we could get no rest. At last 'we sot Cu
ticura Soap and Ointme'ttf.' The sores be-'
gan to heal at once-, and she could sleep of
night; and in one fiiohth she had not one
sore on her face or body, -rrilrs: Mary
ganders, 700 Spring ,St., Camden, N. J."
, Lincoln, .Never Said , It. V
Representative Snooks, ot Ohio, has
a curious- constituent . of a literary
turn of mind, who studies the say
ings supposed to have fallen from the
lips of great men. 1 Recently thb
curious' constituent wrote to Mr.
Snooks, inquiring what speech of
Abraham Lincoln's contained these
famous words:
"You can fool all the people some
of the time, and some of the people
all of the time, but not all the people
all the time."
As Mr. Snooks Is an accommodat
ing Democratic Representative, he re
ferred the Inquiry to the Librarian of
Congress, where he was quite sur
prised, as lots of other people will be,
to lenrn that the words were not
Lincoln's at all.
Assistant Librarian Spofford sent
him a little note, saying that the sen
tence does not occur in any of Lin
coln's writings, and that Mr. Nlcho-
lay, Lincoln's secretary, told him
(Spofford) that iney uie spurious.
Mr. Spofford says Barnum was the
author of the popular sentence, which
has been heard hundreds of times on
the stump In every political campaign
for the last quarter of a century.
A sarcophagus dating from the year
1000 and containing human remains
has been discovered by Borne work
men while digging a well in the Rue
des Gobelins, Paris.
The Road to Wellville" Pointed the Way
Down at Hot Springs, Arlc, the vis
itors hove ail sorts of complaints, bnt
It is a subject of remark that the great
majority of them have some trouble
with stomach ami bowels. This may
be partly attributed to the heavy medi
cines. Naturally, under the conditions, the
question of food is very prominent.
A young man states tbut he bad suf
fered' for nine years from stomach and
bowel trouble, had two operations
which did not cure, and' was at last
threatened with appendicitis.
He went to Hot Springs for rheuma
tism and . his stomach trouble got
worse. One day at breakfast the wait
er, knowing his condition, suggested
he try Grape-Nuts and cream, which
he did, and found the food agreed with
him perfectly.
After the second day he began to
sleep peacefully at night, different than
he had for years. The perfect diges
tion of the food quieted his nervous
system and made sleep possible.
He says: "The next morning I was
astonished to find my condition of con
stipation had disappeared. - 1 could not
believe it true after suffering for so
many years; then I took more Interest
In the food, read the little book 'The
Road to Wellvllle,' and started follow
ing the simple directions.
"I have met with such results that
In the last five weeks I have gained
eight pounds In spite of hot baths
which take away the flesh from any
"A friend of mine has been entirely
cured of a bad case of indigestion and
stomach trouble by using Grape-Nuts
Food and cream alone for breakfast.
"There Is one thing in particular--!
have noticed a great change in my
mental condition. Formerly I could
hardly remember anything,- and now
the mind seems unusually ,acute and
retentive. I can memorize practically
anything I desire.',' Name given by
Fostum Co.. Battle r-ji yich.
Any raiser of animals oft the dairy
man has a friend in the silo which he
tvill not appreciate more than in sea
sons like the present when the corn
crop Is largely lute throughout the
country. To penult the corn to stand
in the Held and bo frost-bitten is to
render It practically useless and value
less, but with . the silo It is possible
not only to save it but to have for the
animals a food supply that . is ox
(remely valuable, . If one has a silo
lud the kernels on the corn ears have
begun to harden the crop is ready for
the silo, ears and stalks.
There are so many kinds of silos that
are valuable that it is not possible to
describe the best one nor the methods
employed In lining one. The better
way is to visit a silo near one and see
bow the structure Is built and how the
work Is done and follow along the lines
of success. Next thing to a silo, in
Hie opinion of the writer, Is the plan of
cutting the corn stover or shredding It
so that the animals cuu get all there
Is to got out of the nourishing part cf
the coin. Indianapolis News.
The harrow herewith illustrated Is
eight foet long by four feet wide, with
eight teeth In each beam. The teeth
should be of flve-elghth-Inch steel and
put through not more than two Inches,
This makes a fine comb harrow whlc!i
cuts all the top and docs not pull up
trash. Each beam is attached to the
pulling bar with a hook and drop link.
Through the middle Is nn Inch rod
put through thimbles, one being
slipped over each beam. This makes
the harrow flexible. By withdrawing
the inch rod and unhooking from the
pulling bar, It. can be sheltered 111 very
small space. A' boy can handle it. The
barrow Is very easy to draw, the beams
being near the ground act as levelers,
while the teeth cover every Inch of
ground. J. Flomefell, in Farm A'isitori'
It Is evident that during the years
to come as much attention will be
given to the bacteria In the soil as has
heretofore been given to the chemical
constituents of It. Plants cannot grow
without something to subsist upon.
This Is just ns much a fact In the
vegetable kingdom ns it is in the ani
mal kingdom, with this difference, that
the necessary food must be placed
within easy reach of the plant, while
the animal may travel in search of
Chemists have discovered that three
kinds of food are necessary to make a
"balanced ration" for most plants
potash, phosphorus and nitrogen. The
two first are quite abundant in most
soils, and they are cheaply and easily
applied where deficient. But these,
however abundant, will not produce
the best results in plant growth In the
absence of the third, nitrogen. It is
seldom that nitrogen is found abund
antly in the soil, and It Is more easily
exhausted than the other ' elements,
while Its return in an artificial way is
so expensive ns to be impracticable.
But nature In this respect has been
kind. The earth Is wrapped in a thick
blanket rich in nitrogen the nir we
breathe affording an , Inexhaustible
supply. Men have long known this,
but their ingenuity has been inade
quate to the devising of a menns for
capturing and. applying this aerial nl
trogen. But nature again supplies
strength to man's weakness. The
means had been abundantly provided,
but he did not know it. Millions, bit
Hops, trillions (numbers become com
plctely exhausted in their presence),
of minute organisms were all the time
at work In the soil to catch from the
air nnd hold in the soil, the fugitive
nitrogen. ,
But these little organisms need en
courageincnt. Here Is -Where man s
part of the work comes In. They flour
ish best, and do their work most per
fectly at the roots of certain plants,
legumes, pod . bearers peas, . beans,
clovers, alfalfa and a very large num
ber of similar plants.
Man's' work is very simple. Where
these bacteria do not exist they must
be introduced.! Then they must bo as
sisted by giving tbem the benefit of the
plants best suited to old them to en
courage their propagation multiplica
tion and most effective work. The
bacteria are various almost as the
plants are various. But after success
ful crops of these bacteria aiding
plants, other crops, nitrogen exhaust
ing crops, may be planted with assur
ance of success. This course pursued,
and the simple elements of potash and
phosphorus attended to, soil exhaus
tion nccd'not bo feared so long ns the
earth is surrounded by nfmospuere as
at present. Up-to-Date Farming.
Last year forgetful passengers left
In trains on the London & Northwest
?rn railway 417 hats, caps and bon
uets, C17 umbrellas, nine sunshades
and 191 walking sticks, besides heaps
of rugs and bsgs.
Chlrsco Society Women; Who Ve So Stole
She Conld Sot Sleep or Eat. Cured by
. I)on' Kidney fill.. ; -
Marion ' Knight, of 83 N. Ashland
Ave., Chicago, Orator of the West Side
Wednesday Club, says: "This winter
when 1 started
to use Doan's
Kidney rills 1
ached In every
bone and had
intense pains
in the kidneys
and pelvic or
gans. Theuriue
was thick snd
cloudy, and I
could barely
eat enough to
live. 1' felt a
change for the
MAM0i KNiaHU better wlthlu a
week. The second week I began eat
ing heartily; I. began to improve gen
erally, and before seven weeks had
passed I was well.-' I bad spent
hundreds of dollars for medicine that
did 'not help me, but $6 worth of
Doan's Kidney Tills restored me to
perfect health."
A TRIAL FREE Address Foster-
Mllburii Co., Buffalo,- N. T. For sale
by all dealers. Trice, B0 cts.
" Passing of the Cane.
Fnshlcm takes odd twists, and you
may have noticed the decadence of
the walking-stick,- It was In the fash
ion about four and twenty centuries
ago, when the man who appeared in
the streets of Athens without a stick
was liable to, be run In as a disord
erly person. London Chronicle.
Both at Bonn and at Breslau new
colleges for girls have been opened
offering a six-year course after grad
uation from high school.
. This V 111 Iniereit Molhcri.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders forChildren.
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children's
nonie, new ion, cure I ocgtipnnon, never
ishness. Teetuinir Disorders, btoinncu Trou.
bits and Destroy W orms; 80,000 testimonials
oi cares. , All arugtrms, xsc. Sample Fan,
Address Allen 8. Ulmsted, Le Roy, N. I
The avenue ace at which civilized
women marry is twenty-three and one-half
' A Welshman :on the witness stand
In court .was asked whether he could
speak English.! He sold he knew
enough English .to ask for beer, and
tnat was enough for him.
Fnrllen Green flalnni.
The John ASalzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
f id., uave Bunietning new, some
thing valuable. ' This year they offer
oiiiuuK meir new money making vege-
uiuies, nn raariiesi ureen eating Union.
It is a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener 1
and they will send you their big plant and
seed catalog, together with enough seed
wj grow . .
1,000 fine, solid Cabbages,
2.000 rich, juicy Turnips,
2,000 blanching, nutty Celery,
2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce,
1,000 splendid Onions,
1,000 rare, 'uscious Radishes,
1.000 fflorioutdv hrillinnf l,M..wAM
In all over 10.000 nlnnlaIV.;. rt 'T.
IB-Uiuue LO set vnn to leiit lllpir wnrran ai
vegetable seeds and
providing you will return this notice, and
if you will send them 20e in postage, they
will add to the above a big package of
Salzer's Fourth nf .Inlo- Swot i i,.
enrliest on earth 10 dnys earlier than
Cory.Peepo'Dey.First of AH.etc. A.C.L.
Ma. Harrison of the! Federal armv.
has made a statement to Gen. Chaffee
that the submarine and torpedo de
fenses of this country are lamentably
insumcient. -
DM yon erer rcnllje the 'perfect happtntws
Which come UIKin auliuront Into the brhrht
sunshine iii)n beautiful morning f ter re-l-overiiiK
from a Ion rtc-knwwr
po you now uffiir from any dlaeasef
Io you wlun to be curwlf
.Sic.?.,,!'!n inA '"'" A yen "inject to
( ATAlUtll, ANTII.lIAor DKAl-M;wHf
Are you forced toenilure rain or dlalreu, or to
las"1"1 KiD'ik
llON'T be miserable enylonirer.
WON'T let 111 health destroy your hsnnl
ness, make your life burden and tauten Ita
melancholy end.
IONT waste any more time, eneriry end
money. DON'T eudnre that "Hoiw deferred
which malieth the heart sick," trylnit to cure
yourself with worthless patent nostrums.
DON'T think yon can't be cured because
7I2.5."? BO mnht relief In the rhrht place.
write to meat once end learn how yon can
be cured, not for a day or a week, but We?.
It Will NotCost You a Cent
.hUm'Jii." bt? ,,TO,M ' 'h study of
chronic disease. To overcome the ravaves of
lerchnb,a,'n," 1 yf
LZJSoVi my parfectly apK.inted
moneV. lnled Urge sums of
JK -jf?"' AttB "' FFEIUNO, are In
Sth.IiT1,?, irima-" 1,00 ""
01 tue real nature of your complaint. If the
remedies you hare taken do not irlve the relief
"d,' I-oaitlvely and eurelynre you bj
taethod. dUoovered by myself, Jnown only to
.."lTonn'",,?n,l Plainly on the
dotted Unee In the Free Medical Advice Cuu-
WH HBiniA"," ,m,il
..-i , ItUA'M W"e Expert and W
terluloitl.t.p.o. Box K Bo.tonrMasa.
30, 40 & 50 Her Cent. Paid
'AVSl'SHSi Fruit a Ornamental Trees
mnll Fruit?, Mirnh-, Jtnirft nH Vines.
Qumiuk eftiHfiliPiiett IMt;, in -vU relemicM
' inunt ciMiinitfiny n- I'ljcathm.
TUB M. H.ItAK IA NrO.liirva-N.Y.
lyralu alrll war. adj ultrinns; elauua,M(y tirtm
5V. v ;"-'sciiNc.r'h'dtB8.
' The black ' sands W . tha ; Quesnel
river, In iho Cariboo district of British
Columbia, Contain some platinum and
osmirldlum. These metals have not re
ceived much attention, owing to the
difficulty ot saving them. )
Dr. C. R. Eastman of Harvard
calls attention, In Sctenoa, to the "as
tonishing longevity of the popular de
lusion," to which even educated people
at the present day give credence, that
living frogs, toads and other animals?
are sometimes discovered In hermet
ically sealed cavities In tree trunks
and. rocks. After quoting a number
ot remarkable instances of these al
leged discoveries, Doctor Eastman says
that a little reflection shows,- from the
very nature of things, that such tales
are incredible and that these who
vouch for them must be mistaken In
their observations, as the most sharp
sighted persons are deceived by the
feats of a prestidigitator.
An Idea which has occurred to many
minds since the first "harnessing" oi
Niagara Palls, was clearly put by Mr.
H. W. Buck In a paper read before
the Engineers' society of Western
New York. It la that moat of the
electric power obtained from the falls
will be used within a few miles of Its
place of origin Instead of being trans.
mltted to distant cities. In other
words, Mr. Buck belleve3 with Protes
tor Brlgham that ot and near the falls
will be situated the future Industrie!
center of America. It would be theo
retically possible, he says, to transmit
power from Niagara as far as San
Francisco, but the cost would be pro
hibitive. It Is much cheaper to locate
factories near the falls.
' In order to represent strikingly and
yet correctly many of the minute
forms of animal life found In the
water, for exhibition purposes, the
plan has been adopted of making glass
models by the aid of the microscope.
The models represent the animals as
they appear when highly magnified,
and many of them are of great beauty.
The Museum of Natural History In
New York, says the Scientific Ameri
can, possesses a considerable number
of these beautiful representations of
mlscrocoplc animals made by a skil
ful glass worker under the direction
of Doctor Dahlgren. Many of these
minute forms are as transparent' as
clear glass, many are beautifully tint
ed, and their colors are Imitated In
the models.
Submarine Balloon.
.In various parts of the Pacific
ocean, chiefly along tne snores oi
America and Asia, is to be found the
largest as well as one of the. most
wonderful aquatic plants that exist
unon the globe. This Is called the
Nereocystls, and it Is , particularly
plentiful In the neighborhood of the
Aleutian Islands. Where it can find
a warm soli, even at a depth of 200
to 300 feet below the surface of the
water, It will grow vigorously, and
eventually reach the top. The pecu
liarity of the plant is that until this
latter end Is attained It consists of
only 'one rope-like stem, at the upper
end of which is a large bladder or
balloon, somewhat like a pear in shape
and often attaining a diameter of six
feet by nine feet In the largest part.
This balloon naturally drags the stem
toward the surface of long, slender
To such a size do these leaves at
tain that the balloon Is often the cen
tre of a mass of weedy growth 40 or
BO feet In diameter. To the natives
of the Aleutian Islands this plant Is
almost as useful as the bamboo Is to
the Chinaman. The stem itself, when
dried, makes an. excellent rope; the
long leaves are split, dried and used
In the manufacture of wlckerwork and
various other articles of a similar na
ture; while the balloon itself Is
cleaned out, scraped, and dried in the
sun, to form a water tank, storing
cask, or a multiplicity of other useful
articles, according to Its size. The
rope or stem of the plant la often de
tached from the bottom and pulled up
into a boat in one.unbroken length of
two to three hundred feet. Waver-
ley's Magazine.
For Sktn Grafting.
. The surgeon In the Charity Hospital
In New Orleans, believing that the
membrane of eggs would do Just as
well as skin to replace the destroyed
skin, resolved to try it, as it could not
possibly do any harm if the experi
ment were not a success. He accord
ingly broke an egg and poured out
the contents. Then he carefully re
moved the membrane which separated
toe white and yolk from the shell and
placed this membrane on parts of an
Improvised arm. The wound was
washed with normal salt solution, a
wet dressing applied and the arm was
bandaged. A few days afterward the
surgeon decided to look at the arm
and see what the results were. The
bandage was removed and the results
were as he hoped they would be. He
Immediately sent for more eggs and
like operation, was performed on
other parts of the arm till the entire
wound was covered. It Is about twelve
inches long and three inches wide. To
cover this with the membrane of eggs
taken In small pieces required pa
tience and dexterity; but the surgeon
saw his first attempt was a success
and he wanted the skin to grow on
the ' arm without grafting. Week's
Swiss watchmakers have now added
a phonograph to some' of their won
derful watches. A small rubber disc
Is put In the watch and arranged in
such a way that the record Is repeated
every hour. Anything; cat be put on
record that the owner wishes.
Intense Cold Breeds CatanD. "T Sudden Changes Breed C&tarrtt,
February is a month of severe storms
and intense co'd.
Kven in the South where the prevail
ing tctniicrnture is much above wintry
latitudes, February brings sudden changes
of temperature.
Mercury sometimes drops 20 degrees in
a smile mam.
Therefore, the following health hints
are applicable to the whole of North
The sleeping rooms should be well ven
tilated, but so as to avoid direct currents
of air.
i'hoie in vigorous health should take
a cold water towel bath every morning
before breakfast. Those in feeble health
should take a brisk dry-towel-rub every
morning. ,
Diet. -
The diet should be a generous one,' in
cluding meat, and occasionally fresh vege
tables. , , . ,. ..
SiMishf ne. '
The nights being long and the days
short, as much sunshine as - possible
should be let into the house during the
The head should be kept cool at all
times. The feet should be kept warm
and dry, day and night,
Pe"-ru-na, . .
When unavoidably exposed (o cold or
wet, a few doses of reruns will' avert
bad consequences. , -i
Fret-ant Ion. .
When seized with a chill, or even slight
chilliness, a dose of reruns, should be
taken at once.
Truths (hat
11 W'l iri inn nvnin mv
Tour grocer is honest and jf he cares to do' so can tell
you that he knows very little about the bulk coffee he
Bells you. How can he know, where it originally came from,
In each package of LION
pound of Pure Coffee. Insist upon getting the genuine.!
(Save the Lion-heads for valnahle premiums.) I
WOOLSON 8P1CE CO.; Toledo, Chio.
klA .v5?h-l!RE f? t1 rblea. appeedidtle. bilioueneae, bed breeth, bad
5 V,.. ? the stomach. Moated bowels, foal mouth, Upe dec he, indigestion, plmplce,
py.ln3 after eatme, liver trouble, sallow akia and dif aineaa. When your bowela don't meve
a-chyr Vti 'Ck; Cn,'"f " "l"" PP'e thin III "oOThSies toV5he U
C IncAP-S!-'? f " 'f" of No er what alia you. Mart tckln
rl-bt T.i nur id.i. JtlLTtTel V "' y It your bowtll
m-, Tki i -J ffJ? HIHfVJ"- "'ute iuariotee to cure or
n44- '"niped CCC. Never aold tS bulk. Sample and
booklet free. .ddreea aterline: Remeey Company . Chic0r or New York. 50a
Pfr.wns are killed at the rate of
one for every day in the year In toe
New York city streets by vehicles.
.. - -'v cured. No (Its ornnrvons-
ir ir.-: nsqof Dr. Kline's Ores
ie3rt v -, fitria! bottleand treatise free
.. r.i.i-r. L,td..!(31ArcliHt.,Priila.,P.t
Dr.l .
yi-.f tt t:e rensiM of 1900, .the
,u'i nr p:ur. ras IS. Sill, 5, 4.
Mrs. TVlnslows Soothlns Svrun fornhildron
teetuinir.sorten the sums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cure wind colic, 25c.a bottle
Porto Rico is the most lichti v taxed
country on earth.
Flso's Cure Is thebestmedieineweevornsed
lor nil iiilectious o( throat and lunjrs. Wat.
O. Kndslit, Vanburen, Ind., eb. 10, lOCJ.
The man who takes life as
a dose, al-
nays flnds it a bitter one.
A tiuaranteeil Cnre for l'llea.
Itching. Blind, Weeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists will refund
Ointment tails to curt in V to 14 days. Sue.
You 'could sever "make n woman hsilave
all angels don't bare nis, crinkly hair.
V'J- . - ;' ''
As nilleli c?pcn m nnsaihle
should be obtained in the forepart of the
Catarrh of lleml.
Jrr. Frank Cobb, "T Summit Street,
Deering, Mo.', writes: ' '
"I .was troubled with catarrh in my
head. I wrote to Dr. Hartniun for advice
and he prescribed Peruna.
1 took it anil am happy to say it helped
me at once. I feel better than I have ior
years," .
Bronchial Trouble. .
Mr. J. E!. O'Brien, Pres. American
Pilot Ass'n, Pensacoia, Fla., writes:
"I heartily give my endorsement to
Periina as an effective euro for catarrh
and bronchia trouble." .,.'...!
Throat and Lunga.
Frank Battle, Jr., Ill N. Market St.,'
Nashville, Temr., writes: ; .
"Peruna has cured me of chronic bron
chitis. '"It is the grandest discovery of the age'
for the. throat and-ldngs." I
Pntumontai. -
'Mr. A, C. Wanforth, St. Joseph, Mich.': '
writes: i. .,: ... !.. , .. .
"I contracted a .severe cold, which scttlej
on my lungs'. I was threatened with pneu
monia. "Peruna save me relief within cou'.
of days. Three bottles saved me a large
doctor hill and s great deal of suffering."
riousn ntts of Testimonial.
We have on file thousands, of testi-..
momals like the ahove. We run nivi o
readers only a flight glimpse of the vast -
.v ,iiiKjuv;iw;ii cnuorsemcnis DT. '
iiartman is constantly receiving.
-AOOress W. N. It. llnrlmnn PraaiMen r,t
ine iiartman Sanitarium. Columhue fl '
Strike Home
now ic was blended or Wltn wrtat
-or .when roasted? If you buy your
coffee loose by the pound, how can
you expect parity and uniform quality 1
necessity onllorm In quality,
strength and flavor. For OVER A
has been the standard coffee In
millions of homes.
LION COFFEE earelnlly packed
at oar factories, and until opened In
J'Onr home, haa no chance of being adul
terated, or ol coming In contact wltn dust,
. dirt, germs, or unclean hands.
COFFEE you pet one full
, National OaSs
Tlttlriiwl In ftleln Id? 1 tai.'.tl
1 -sy un. per tvcrB.
" a stuw an s . VltaVUkS)
Xou oan bom tht rocord I n 130&.
For 10c and Oils notice
i nail Ton free lots of form n4
MUMtsav svnu oar di catmioft, teil ,
iDK mi 1 aoout m IB out wontltsf mna i
kuuuwius or Moor wwus.
U W J O I quick ralUtaod carm want
eeaea. Send fnrbouket teatimoniala and IO dnre'
IntuHBtFraa, Sr. . eilKU'SSOMB.AUaate.Sa
"P."NriJ. .'1906.
HHlKt ALL l: KS lillS.
t Uiwh Bttud. L'h
m 11 mn. nrii rtw imr.ri.i.
" tl aunts