v.) BISHOP OWES AND LIFE Ministersof All Denominations Join in Recommending Pe-ru-na to the People. Ihihltc upeaktng especially expose the throat and bronchial tubes to catarrhal ajetttont. Breadline t lie air of crowded awm- blies, and the ncceweary exposure to nipht air which many preachers must luce, makes catarrh especially prevalent anions their class. l'emna has become justly popular among them. mm .. ;:".-:o.'v& i v.o-vw. ass i c: tkyn j i,'i rTWvn' 1 L. Ml 3 The Eishop's Strong Tribute to Pe-ru-na. ; L. H. Halscy, Bishop C. M. E. Church, Atlanta. Ga., writes: "I liave found l'eruna to be a great remedy for catarrh, lhave Hvfl'eredt with IhlH terrible (Hxciie for more than twenty years, until since 1 have J ! been using l'eruna, which has relieved me of the trouble. ' I have tried many remedies and spent a great deal of hard-earned money J for them, hut 1 found nothing no effectual In the cin e of catarrh an the great medicine, l'eruna. i "1 eel Mire, that l'eruna is not but it in aim a blessing to sutt'erinn iwery inoiviuual wno suners wun respiratory diseases wu, nno l'eruna J a magnificent and sovereign remedy." L. 11. lfalsey, Up. C. M. E. Church. Peruna is the most prompt and sure remedy for eatarrh that can be taken. tinny a preacher has been able to meet hi engage mentsonlu because h e keeps on hand a bottle, of l'eruna, ready to meet any emergency that may arise. "I And Caaearets so good thai I woold rot be without them. 1 waa troubled ft great deal u Itlt torpid liver and headache. Now ainee taking Oateareta Candy Cathartic 1 foel very much bettor I aball certainly recommend them to my friends a the bent medicine 1 hare ever aeon." una fiaiinet, uaborn aim No. a, Fall Elver, Mas. PlMnnft, Ptlntnble, Potnt. Ttf Gfo1. To Ooofl, Never bicken, Weaken or lirii. 10c, Sttr, Kfti:. r old In bulk. The Pennine tnhlet Htitmped CCO. tiaaraaiood to cure or your money tttuik. 8terling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. ftoi mm SALE. TEH MILLIOH BOXES WHAT'S THE USE OP SAYING "GIVE ME A 5-CENT CIGAR." WHEN BY ASKING l'OU A j i "CREMO" YOU GET THE BEST 5-CENT CIGAR IN AMERICA - "The World's target Seller" -.1 i m ....... - i I 0,000 Plants for ISc. nore fmmens arm wrmn mrm pmnwu w FMUzera Benin cun mnj outer in Atueriom. Tuere Ik rotuon t or thli. We owu over fi.OUO mrmn for tlie nro duct I on of our warniiited err tie. Xii ortler to lndaeo you to try them, we inaKe you me louowiuy anpr i cetieniea ouart For 18 Ovntm Pomtpmtd SOOO rtm latj Tomlp, niaacBing lottery. H0O0 ltth NattrUKn. i HntO BptMMlM OnlB, 1 1000 Rars Lutctau KwlMei, K 1000 Url.ulr MrillUml Viewer. AboTeterenpAckKitTfi contain enftV stent eeed to Rrow 1U.0QU plenu, fur nlfitiintr liunhols of brllllnnt i flowora aViitk lots and lota of chdue vegetables, toftothor with our frreal fl catAtog.telUng all about Flowers, W itoaeg. Binall Fpults, etc, all for . AOOinntampe ana (Hie notice, I tug iio-pageoaUaiuK aioue, w. JOHN A.SALZER 8HD CO, di.au La Croseo, Wis RtPANRTAnrTLM.H.thf.lwtrtM. prptia mnllcliie evnr made. A tiiin n rtrt-d millJoiiRof them hare been hold ' burn, tick headavbo, duuineu bad breath. so ro Uirootatid ernrr lllnxiM axlalni from a riloriiMri Mnmh aro tvllftTed or etirtd br HJpaoa Tain .w. . a "ne win neni'mity dive reliBt wltDtntwentyroloultM. Tlioftre centpackntrulttenoturli - awi lUlaJMW tvu MWUb SEND STAMP lint doscrlptlon of 51 cheapest farma In Clilo. Q. N. llanorotl, Jolteraoo, U. tf afllleted with weak yea. ne. Thompson's Eye Vater P. N. U. 6, 1905. fiuaft mumc ai i ti .c iah c M. .L.K (NIL.. neat uuhwo oji ti or arutmlMa The6owe!s W. CANDY CATtUfmC In tlmA. iiujr HEALTH TO PE-RU-NA. - mm 'ifffl Ira mM ' If llm ''if link II M The Friends of Pe-ru-na. Despite the prejudices of the medical profession au'iiiu-t proprietary medicines, the cleruy have always maintained a strong coniidence and friendship for Pe runn. Tlicy have discovered by personal ex perience that t'eruna does all that is claimed for it. onlu a triumph of medical science, humanity, t We have on file manv letters of rennm mecdation like the one given above. Ve can give our readers only a slight glimiwe of the vast number of grateful letters Dr. Hurt man is constantly receiving, in praise ot nis iamous catarrn remedy, re runa. l'.Kinon anil ill I-Hk. Cliolly "But aw wby do yon say you non t like my face? ' Miss rcrt "Bpcause." Cliolly "Ali.1 but that's not a pwopcr answer; there's no reason in that." Miss rert "Well, ther.Vs none In your face, either." Philadelphia Tress. 'JTiffmls more Cntarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, nnrt until the last tew years was suposeci to lipti-.i'uriiljle. Fora groat many years doetors pronounced it a local disease and prescrihed local remedies, and by constantly falling to c re with locii treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a eonstltutloiinl disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional enre on the market. It Is taken Internally in doses from 10 dropstoateaspoonful. It acts di rent -ly on the blood and muvous surfaces of tin system. They ofier one hundred dollars for tny ease it fails t.i cure. Send for circular! nnd testimonials. Addro&i i J. CntxEY X Co.. Toledo, u. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hail's Faaiily Pills for eonstipalloi Didn't Meed Monev. Iixon "How is jour artist friend getting along in New York';' Tonison "dli, splendidly!" Dixon "Have you heard from liini?"'- Tomson "No; thnt's the reason I know he's prospering." Detroit Free Tress. Sleeplecs Fish and Snakes. There are several species of fish, reptiles and tasects which never sleep during the whole of their ex istence. Among fish it is positively known that pike, salmon and goldfish never Bleep at all; also that there are several others in the fish family that never sleep more than a few minutes a month. There are dozens of species of flies which never indulge in Blumb er, and from three to five species of serpents which also never sleep. AN OLD MAN'3 TRIBUTE; An Oillo Fruit Rstaor, 78 Tear, olil, Cnred of Terrible Csae After lea Scar of Snfferin. Sidney Justus, fruit dealer, of Men tor, Ohio, says: "I was cured by Doan's Kidney Pills of a severe case of kid ney trouble, of eight or tea years' standing. I suffered the most severe back ache and other pains in the re gion of the kid- m v J uese were ,Vi especially severe when stooping to lift auvtliinir. nml Sidney jcbtcs. often I "could hardly straighten my.back. The n.-hinir was bad in the daytime, but jnst as Dad at night, and I was alwavs lnme in the morning. I was bothered with rheumatic pains and dropsical swell ing of the feet. The urinary passages were painful, and the secretions were discolored and so free that often I hud to rise at night. I felt tired nil dnv. Half a box served to relieve me, 'and three boxes effected a permanent cure." s A TRIAL FREE Addresa Foster. Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all dealers. Trice CO cts. m at 1 M-IL m b iwii?jyunuL m rs" lis m Wi C&' 71. 'lit v sr J;?B Pleklnc Up Shock Corn. While buskers and shredders are quite common, the bulk of the shock corn is still husked by band. Any one who has tried It knows what a hack breaking job it is to pick up tbe corn and throw it into the wagon. A bet ter way is to take a wide-moutbed bushel basket, till it, then empty Into wagon. Better still, where two, men are working together, take a good-slz.cd rinc wash tub and when tilled, empty by each man taking bold of a handle. Try it, and you will be surprised at the time and labor saved. Trent Polk, in Tbe Epitomist. Killing Wearia. Killing weeds by spraying Is now practiced In France. A five per cent, solution of sulphate of copper has been found destructive of wild mustard and some other weeds, without injuring grain crops. It is probable that it will not Injure certain kinds of weeds. Spraying has been found of advantage in France, however, in destroying weeds, the cost being about !W per acre. It is doubtful if surh a measure will ever be adopted in this country as tbe harrow, cultivator, weeder and hoe can be used more effectively where crops are'cultivatAI in rows, and even If weeds are growing on broadcasted plots it is probably cheaper to pull the weeds out than to spray. How Milk Hclpa. Milk as a feed, when combined With other feeds, bis a veiy much larger feeding value than when fed by itself. It also increases the value of the other feed. Just bow this is, t lie scientists have not yet worked out. Thus an experiment was made in feed ing l'H pounds of skim milk to pigs weighing about ll'.j pounds. That skim milk, when lel alone, made five pounds of pork. Then 100 pounds of corn was fed alone, and that made ton pounds of pork. That would Indicate that l'Hl pounds of corn would make fifteen pounds of pork. . But when the two wore fed together tbe experimenters were surprised to find that they made eighteen pounds of pork, or three pounds more than could be explained. Thus it Is evident that milk in bal ancing a food makes It possible for the animal to use it to better advantage than when the grain is used alone. Practical Poultry Pninla. Keep your fowl stock young; old hens are wholly unprofitable to keep. ; Cocks as well as hens eat a lot of food, and no cock is necessary except during the hatching season. Grade your eggs as to size; It im proves the sample, and consequently the price. Largo, loose-feathered hens of the Cochin or Brahma type lay small eggs, and but lew of theiii. They are also large eaters and poor rangers. Close-feathered, medium-sized bens of the Leghorn type are non-sitters, good rangers and great layers. It costs nearly as much to keep a hen that lays eighty eggs in the year as one that lays 130. Fowls should not be fed near tbe door of your dwelling house, or they will stand about all day looking for food. Fowls roosting in trees and open buildings seldom lay mnny eggs, and those they do lay are often laid astray and lost. Clean Grain and Chopped Fodder. In preparing food for horses it is Important that grain should be properly cleaned. In a case In which, after a severe drouth, it was unavoidable to feed oats containing tares and other leguminous seeds, symptoms of lathy rus poisoning were noticed in a number of horses. The attacks were frequent ly severe and sometimes fatal. When the oats were properly cleaned this trouble entirely ceased. Cleaning further increases the dens ity of the oats by removing mineral matter and dust, which may sometimes induce attacks of intestinal obstruc tions, colic, etc. No advantage appears to be gained by grinding the grain, as horses, excepting old ones, prefer fo crush It themselves. For the last live years a prominent horseman has chopped ithe coarse fod ders, using a ration of equal parts of hay and straw, and this practice has been found the most profitable for sev eral reasons. Thus, straw may be made to form an integral part of the ration, and the proportions of hay and straw may be accurately regulated. Horses waste much less of such fod der, especially if some other material than straw is used for the bedding. American Cultivator. Talne or Skim Milk For Pice. " The experiment station at Cornell University, New York, has recently made a test on the fedeiug of skim milk to growing pigs with a view of determining its value for pork produc tion. , It shows that skim milk when fed with a ration of grain was worth to the feeder about three per cent, more than using it in cheesemaking. . Tbe pigs were fed lu addition to the skim milk, pen No. 1, cornmeal only; pen No. !i, cornmeal ami gluten feed mixed half Bud half; pen No. o, corn meal and wheat middlings half and half by weight. The pigs were fed twice a day, morning and evening. The grain was put dry in tbe feeding trough and the milk poured upon it. The pigs were given all they would drink up clean. , .In the test it was shown that milk was worth fifteen cents per 100 pounds fed to bogs from weaning up to a weight of 125 pounds. It was shown also that clear corn meal is perfectly satisfactory as a single grain feed, when fed In connec tion wjtu skim milk. It was also shown that weanling pigs in close quar ters during tbe cold weather cau be made to gain a pound live weight per day for three months. Skim milk can be fed economically at three pounds of milk for one pound of grain.. Skim milk makes a balancer and Increases the value of the grain as well as tbe milk upon combining. Thlnia Not to Do. A dairy writer tells a contemporary some things that are not done on bis farm: ' I. We do not consider that we know everything about butter making, as something new Is being discovered every month. Not only from our own work are we continually learning, but also from the observation and research of others. 'i. We do not keep a cow that makes less than 200 pounds of butter a year. 3. We do not put tbe dry cow on a starvation ration. 4. We do not keep our cows In an Icehouse, hogpen or dungeon. fi. We do not allow them to go a whole year without carding or brush ing them. U. We do not depend on pasture alone for a summer ration. 7. We do not allow tbe milk to stand very long in the stable to absorb toul odors. 5. We do not njx sweet cream with cream to be churned less than twelve hours before churning. The cream is ripened in one vessel which holds the cream for n whole churning. 1). We do dot add scalding water to tbe cream; nor guess at the tempera ture with the linger; nor take two or three hours to churn. 10. We do not gather the butter till the "dasher stands on top" and then dip it out of the buttermilk. II. We do not add coarse salt by guess; nor work the butter into grease. VI. AVe do not send our butter to market wrapped in old rags that may have seen other service in the house. TTorae Talk. , Feeding should not be suspended be cause the days have come when the work horses have less to do. Manage to give them some work every day, or turn them in a yard or paddock to move about. Feed enough so they will not run down or get soft, as It wll! cost mueli more to get them In good condition again if allowed to fall oil. They should have at least two feeds of grain each day. Corn and oats ground, from four to eight pounds, fed on cut bay, In two meals, is a good ration. Always put a blanket on a horse it It is kept standing even a short time. If a horse is heated by driving never leave it standing exposed to a piercing wind. Keep it moving or get it in a barn, and rub dry and blanket warmly. Never leave Ico nnd mud frozen on the horse's ankles. It is conducive to rheumatism, chapped heel and mud fever. Rub the legs dry with a wisp of straw or a piece of old gunnysack. Cheap Turkish toweling is handy nml effective; it is easy to wash out when soiled. I always keep a supply iu the stable for rubbing. Never allow the smith to pare the soles or frogs; during the winter, es pecially. Make the calks as low as possible, and let the frog prevent injurious con cussion of the sensitive inner part of the foot, on the frozen ground and Ice. It also acts as a rubber pad and pro vents slipping. Farm Journal. Cheap lrnuble Hot; Pen. The pen here described is not an ex pensive one to construct, yet it an swers the purpose of a pen costing several times as much built on other plans. This pen may be of logs with poles for the floor or be built of sawed lumber, as one desires. While the pen may be of any dimensions desired, n length of sixteen or eighteen feet will be the most economical. The plan hero described provides for a pen twenty four feet long and eiuht feel wide, thus giving one, when divided, two pens, a ' each eight by twelve feet. Or, it may be arranged, as shown in the cut, Into three compartments for each pen. One a room with board floors fur a feeding room. One with earth iiir for a general living room and one with board floor to be used as a sleeping room. At tlie end of tbe feeding room the troughs are made which may be partitioned off or not as one thinks best. Tbe plan of arrangement with the general living room in tbe middle, between the feed ing room and tbe sleeping room, en ablcs the bogs to have considerable ex- erclse, and with such a room with an earth floor they will not be likely te soil tbe beds of the sleeping room. Id the Illustration 0 0 illustrates the troughs, B tbe feeding floor, C the earth floor and V the sleeping room. The complete pen is shown at the bob toin of the cut. Indiauapoiis News. Lucky Kansas. Statistics, supplement by esti mates where statistics are not avail able, show that the average cash in come of the 180,000 farmers of Kans as is $2,000 a year. Kansas has now about $165,000,000 wort'j of live stock at work converting her rich grains and grasses into dollars, and her farm ers have been quick to recognize the fact that well-bred stock constitutes better machinery for this purpose than does the old time scrub. FTTRnarmnentlv cured. v fl nrervon nessafter first dav's me of Dr, Kline's Oreat Nervertestorer.t'Hrlal hottle.md trcHn free Dr. R. H, KMKC.Ltd..fl archHt.,Phlln.,P There are 12.520 boys nnd 40W cirls in the industrial schools of Grt-it Britain. Mother flrT Sweet Pnwrtera For Millrlrea Pucccasfully i'e-l by Mother Gruv. nurse in the Children's Uorne in Nee1 Yo'c. (Vre Feverislinese, Bit'l Stomnch. Teethint Dis orders, rnnvc and reimVe the Bowels nnd JDontrov Worms. Over 30.OJ10 trlieniala. At alldnidrists. 2.V. Samp'e rnnilcd Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. The Swiss nntlinriliea are about to adopt khaki for soldiers' uniforms. To Core fold In One lie Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All iruceist refund money if it fails to curs. E. W. Grove's aiennture i on box. 2."c. Ants ore the mopt. brainy of all creatures In proportion to size. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlnir Synin forehlldren teethlnir, soften the mans, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, mires wind colic, 25c.abottle The town ot Chariot tenburg, near Ber lin, lias an open-air schon!. Ptso's Cure for Consumption is an Infallihlo medicine for coughs and colds. N. W. Bamuei., Ocean Grove, N. J Feb. 17, 1909. The sale of automobiles in Russia is trowing rapidly. The Rothschilds still seem to live In fear of the old riotous days of tho commune, and it said that the houses of the family are full of secret safes nnd closets. Regular motor car service has been established between the eastern coast of Madagascar and the capital ot the lBland, a distance of 152 miles. The V. 8. Dept. of Altrlcnltnre gives to Balzer's Oats its heartiest en dorsement. Salzer's New National Oats yielded in 1904 from 150 to 300 bu. per acre in 30 different States, and you, Mr. Farmer, can beat this in 1905, if you will. Spelts or Emmer, above illustrated, Rives 80 bushels grain and four tons hay besides per acre. It's wonderful. Snlzer's seeds are pedigree seeds, bred up through careful selection to big yields. Fer Acre. Palzer's Beardless Bnrley yielded 121 bu. Salr.er'e Home Builder Corn... 300 bu. Speltz and Macaroni Wheat.... 80 bu. Snlzer's Victoria Knpe... 80,000 lbs. Palzer's Tcosinte Fodder 100.000 lbs. Salzcr's Billion Dollnr Grass... 50.000 lbs. Salzer'i Pedigree Potatoes 1,000 bu. Now such yields pay and you can have them, Mr. Farmer, in 1005. SEND IOC IN 8TAMM and this notice to the John A. Salpr Reed Co.j La Crosse, Wis., and you will get their big catalog nnd lots of farm seed samples free. A. C. L.J Our corn crop of this year, if mass ed together, would cover CO acres of ground to the depth of nearly 1,000 feet a veritable mountain of corn over a third of a mile high. GRATEFUL TO CUTICURA For Instant ltellef and Speedy Cure of ltaw and Scnlr Hmnor, Itching Day and ' ight Suffered For Months. "I wish you would publish this letter so that others suffering as 1 have may be helped. For months awful sores covered my face and neck, scabs forming, itching terribly day and night, breaking open, and running blood and matter. 1 hud tried many remedies, but was growing worse, when 1 started with Cuticura. The first application gave ine instant relief, and when 1 had used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Oint ment, I was completely cured. (Signed) Miss Nellie Vander Wiele, Lakesidc.N.Y." The Norwegian Government has under consideration a petition that it should sent the Fram, with Otto Svcrdrup as captain, on another North Polo search next year. The number of sick and wounded soldiers under treatment in Japan to ward the end of last month was 45, 000. A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. .Druggists will refund money if Pazo Ointment tails to cure in 6 to 14 day. 50c. A piece of lancewood an inch square will stand a strain of 2000 pounds. Northwest Canada. . The number of homestead entries recorded for the Northwest1 Terri tories of Canada last year was 32, CS2, as compared with 22,215 in the previous year. These numbers, and the rate of increase do not Indicate that there is anything near like the boom that is advertised as going on In that land of frost and wheat. Farms are cheap in Northwest Cana da. In fact, the Government Is prac tically giving them away, while the most strenuous efforts are being made officially and privately to attract emi gration. Especial inducements have been offered to Americans. Agents have been sent to the United States to spread Information about this Northwestern country and to assist pioneers who are willing to go there. Yet in spite of all this work only 10, 300 people left the United States for Canada List year. These facts clear ly show that the great Northwest Territory has neither the attractions nor the productivity ascribed to it. Kansas City Journal. PUTNAM Women in Out Hospitals Appalling Increase in the Number of Operations Performed Each Year How Women May Avoid Them. Going through the hospitals In our large cities one is surprised to find such a largo proportion of the patients lying on those snow-white beds women ond girls, who are either awaiting cr recovering from serious opera tions. Wby should this be the case? Sim ply because they have neglected them selves. Ovariun and womb troubles are certainly on the- increase among the women of this country they creep upon them utiawures, but every one of those patients in the hospital beds had plenty of warning iu that bearing down feeling, pain nt left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of tbe bach, leucorrhrca, diz ziness, flatulency, displacements of tho womb or irregnlarities. All of these symptoms are indieations of an un healthy condition of the ovaries or womb, and if not heeded the ponnlty has to be paid by a dangerous operation. When these symptoms manifest them selves, do not drag along.until you are obliged to go to the hospital and sub mit to an operation but remember that Lydla B.v Pinltham's Vegetable Compound has saved thousands of women from surgical operations When women are troubled with ir regular, suppressed or painful menstru ation, weakness, leucorrhcea, displace ment or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flat ulency), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, lassi tude, excitability, irritability, nervous- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Succeeds Where Others Fail. PLANET MARS. A Careful Summary of Discoveries to Date. We can draw all the geographical configurations, seas, coasts, islands,, peninsulas, mouths of rivers or canals of Mars with accuracy; and wo can anticipate what district will appear in the lens of tho telescope, for the length of the rotation of the planet is known to the hundredth part of a second. As the planet turns upon its axis more slowly than ours, the cal endar of the inhabitants of Mars is composed of two consecutive years of GO'S days und a blsextilc one of GG9 days. It is not many years Bince Mars entered into the sphere of our obser vation. And one can also say that there is but a small number of the inhabitants of this world who havo observed it In all Kb details, and of these tho most experienced Is Slgnor Schlapnrelli, director of the observa tory at Milan. The geographical map of the planet Mars has Just been made with infinite euro by the above-mentioned astrono mer. One might really consider It a terrestrial sphere of continents, Is lands, coasts, peninsulas, gulfs, waters. Moreover, clouds, rains, Inundations, snows, seasons, winters and summers, springs and autumns, prevail as they lo here; and the in tensity of the seasons Is absolutely the same as with us, the inclination of the axis being the same as ours. Our problem of the habltability of the stars is limited to observing the celestial bodies upon which the con ditions are such that organized matter enn exist in a durable form. In tho planet Mars the destiny of a cubic meter of water, earth or any matter is only the seventeenth of what it is here, and the weight is only 38-100ths. A kilogram transported to Mars would therefore only weigh 3i6 grams there, and a man or wo- man weighing 70 kilos would only . weigh 25 there. The years are near ly twice as long as upon our planet, and the cliniatological conditions seem much more favorable than they i are here. I The conditions necessary to life are we know, multiform, as the struc ture of the organic matter is so com plicated. Rear Admiral John C. Watson, re tired, has arrived at Berlin, on his mission from the Navy department to learn how other countries make thai best, morally and mentally, of their seamen. TIi3 Great Nonesuch Remedy ST. JACOBS OIL FADELESS DYES ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all gone"and ''want-to-be-left-alone" feel ings, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. . The fol.owlng letters cannot fail to bring hope to despairing women. Mrs. Fred SoyAcl, 412 N. r.Uh Street, West Philadelpnia, Pa , writes: ;' Dear Mrs. Pinkham: ' I was in a very serious condition when I wroto to you for advice. 1 had a serious womb and ovarinn troublo and 1 could not carry a child to maturity, nnd was advised that an operation was my onlv hope nf recovery. I could not bmr to think of going to the hospi tal, so wroto you for advice. I did as you in structed me and took Lydla E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Cotntiound: niid I am not only a well woman In-day, but have n twantif ul baby girl six months old. I advise nil sick nnd sulTering women to write you for advice, as you have done so much for me." Miss Ruby Mushrush, of I'.ist Chicago, Ind writes: Bear Mrs. PInkhnm: ' " I have heeun great sufferer with irregular menstruation nnd ovarian trouble, and about three months ago t he doctor, after using the X-llay on me, said I had an abcess on the ovaries and would have to have nn ojierntion. My mother wanted me to trv Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound as a last resort, and it not only saved me from an operation but made mo entirely welL" Lydia E. P. nkham's Vegetable Cora pound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice Heradvice and medicine have restored thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Chic Alvurez is an Indian of the State of Chiapas, Mexico. She is 18 years old. weighs 598 pounds, and is still growing. RESTORED TO HEALTH, I'M you eVer reallr.e Ihe'rerfect liaiTinem which cornea ui,u iroltiir nut Into thot.rlirht aiitwhlne upon a bcuutiful inornlaa alter re cmerlnir from a lonir m. kni-nr J'o you now aunr from any dianiw, rtnynti wish to lie cured; ,.rSi'':',l,.".l!n I'"1' Are yon n!ijc to fATAH ltll.ANTII.il A or lKAI'iJKMHf Are you fon eil toemluro rain or dlslreaa, or to He ;,!, ntehtii. Are yon iil,t toCohla. ( onsilraiion. II VnI'FI'kIA, HIIM .IIA- Tlt-i't, "BABAC'IIE, KIU.nLy K J.I Mt troublaf IIO.VT he mh-erable any loninir. IMIN'T let 111 health destroy your harpf neaa, make your lile a burden and haateu ita melancholy end. IMI.VT waste any more time, enenry and B money. IHI.-VTemltire that "Hoi deterred whli ii makeththe heartsick." tryinir to cure vnursolf wltl, .ti.i... .... . . IIO.VT think yon cin't lie cured lieranm yon have not anuWit relief In the rluht place. Write to me t once and learn how yon can he cured, not lor a day or a week, but oreyer. It Will Not Cost You a Cent I GIVE FREE CONSULTATION AND ADVICE M Ufa t.e A ... chrome u,: 3 theterrlWem,.niMiJ.T e,rienVe.of u!ra't'or'''i,',.0,,',,,' "''" Bon!?y eiluded larire minis of IV YOIT A HE SfFFERfNfJ are In rain, distress or ah kness. If n are not , 01 me real nature of your complaint. If the 'i rr.nv. uer. yon have tak-n do not rive the relief S nielf. mown only to w,r",,',:r'"lr?,n"',nd "xMrena plainly on the dotte.1 lim-a In the free Medical Adrl. CotJ UK. Hltlf.HA II, rilnne Eapertend Uao terlologiat, p. p. Bo, h,, m., mo' Name. Address., 3 PFIKIOrK Un"K ai Si-l-lvtl War. orondl.a rLtlOI'JKJ blllty anrwarandforwlflowa. Rava record of moat loy.-i) aohtieia' aervlce. and ace ot Ohio meo, SB year oractlce. ljiwa and advice KKEI A.W.Mra otiaim A So M w Hln.it St.. Cincinnati, O 1 TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR BY USINQ 9 MONTGOMERY'S HAIR RESTORER. O 5 Promotes the growth. Restores Its w Natural color. Prevents the falling. P Freea from dnndrult Used afty years, x I Sold by all druggists. $1.00. 0 X VYM. C. MONTGOMERY CO. ' q O 635 N. 8th Street. Philadelphia. Pi- X t Ths old monk cure, strong, straight, sure, has for a large part of a csntury battled with and conquered AchesandPains the world over, and 50c. Price 25c, $$$'$ A