The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 28, 1904, Image 7

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'Sir. Henrietta A. S. M.-irsh, 70 W.
Itllh .St., lo Angeles, Cal., I'reaident Wo
man's Kenernlcul Axu'n, wrileal
"f mi cirri with In itrlpprlor with
nvaa. ik not hi I ion lil iln or lke
hrlped tun until I iHril IViiihm.
"I frit at once Unit I had at laat se
etired the right mediune and 1 kept stead
ily improving. Wit Inn I lino weeka 1 was
fully restored, mid I am glad that 1 nve
that truly great remedy a trial. I will
over be without it again."
i In i letter ilmed August 31, YXH, Mrs.
Varah aaya: "I have never yet heard
the rflieaey of lVriinn questioned. We
still use it. I traveled throutth Ken
tucky and Tennessee three years ago.
where 1 found l'rruna doing it soon
work. Much of it u lieing used here
dsn." -Henrietta A. f. Marsh.
A Idrcws Itr. Hurlman, President of The
Baa man Sanitarium, I'olumbua, Ohio.
Ask Tour Drnggiat for Free Pernni
Almanac for 1005.
"Prom fas eridle to Wte asby analr ,
It to, you ought to have
A :
QTO PHOEMX Walking Chair
v holds the child securely, pre
Tenting those painful falls and
bumps which arc so frequent when
baby loams to walk.
The chair is provided wiiu a re
movable, ainitarr cloth seat, which
supports the weight of the child
and preveuU bow-legs and spinal
troubles; it also has a table attach
ment which enables baby to find
amusement in its toys, etc., with
out any attention.
"At Indispensable it a eradia."
It is so constructed that it pre
Tents soiled clothes, atoknesa from
drafts and floor germs, and Is
reoommended by physicians and
endorse d by both mother and baby.
Combines pleasure and utility.
No baby should be without one.
Call at your furniture dealer
and ask to see one.
KAyrrACTcmzD ony tt
HtBOVOAH. wit.
be h ad of your furniture tfealer.
Ftiwt. The medicine that holds the
record for the largest number of abso
lute cure of female ilia is Lydia JS.
Ptnkbam'a Vegetable Compound. It
regulute and cures diseases of the
female organism a nothiug elae can.
Hicond. The great rolume of un
soliolted and grateful testimonials on
file at the Piukham laboratory at Lynn,
Mom., ninny of wnlob are from time to
time published by permi.alou, give ab
solute evidence of the value of Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound aud
Mrs. Piukham's advloe.
Third. Every ailing woman In the
United States Is asked to aooept tbe
following tnvitutiou. It is free, will
brlug you health, aud may save your
Mrs. Plakham's Mending Invitation.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are Invited to promptly
coiuuiuuiuaw with Mrs. Piukham, at
Lynu, Mass. All letters ore received,
opened, read aud answered by women
only. From symptoms given, your
trouble may be located and the quiok
et aud surest way of recovery advised.
Out of the vast volume of experience
Mrs. Piukham probably baa the very
knowledge that will help your cose.
Surely auy woman, rich or poor, is very
foolish if sbe doea not take advautage
of tbi generous offer of aoaistauo.
' P. Vt. V. 2' io64.
IJislB Mvli war. IS jmu wilnatlus laluw.a4t
D R O P Y uto? nil u4
,r i ai4 fr book W MMlMoalMa au
ana hm wont
au4 I Wears'
I free. St. a. a. eaua S
TIip high cost of some of the fancy
vnrlctlos of seed potnloos In Rnglntid
luta en ued some srtenllon fo he devot
ed to getting the mont from a given
niiiotmt of seed. My tiiklttg out fSi'h
eye a'mnilly ami Blurting In pots, nf
tcrnnril trflnapliuitlng In the field, It
la found not illtlleult, with enrefni mnn
sgenient, to get UK) pounds of piHntoes
from eneh pound of seed, nnil eneh eye
of the potato generally contains two
to four shoot, and it Is possible after
the eye has sprouted i separate the
hoots, and by earefiit hnmlllng to pro
duce a plant from each.
Where the keeping: of swine Is made
something nf n specialty on the fni'iii
Ihere should be warm, romforlable
iliiarterR for them In cld weather. If
the barn stable is large enough, pens
may be put In for the brood sow and
plga, as well as for those that are old
er ami which It Is desirable to keep
thrifty and growing. Housed In this
way there should be little ililYorciHO
In the growing and fntteniug of piga
In cold or warm weather, becauao the
conditions are so nearly alike.
If the pens are on one side nf the
large stable, away from the cows, and
the pigs are properly bedded and cared
for, with siilllelent ventilation, there
should be little or no trouble on ac
count nf proximity to bad air. Thus,
favorably situated, they will respond
to good treatment and please the own
er with the returns mudc for his fore
sight and care.
On the contrary, swine kept In cold,
comfortless quarters can hardly bo c
peeled to prove protltable.
It is very annoying to find a colt or
horse with one of his forefeet over the
rope or halter strap when he goes to
the manger to eat his fond. Yet he
tuust have a good long strap nllowanrc
made or he cannot Up down without
danger of choking or hanging himself.
Of course, he must know Just what
condition the horses aro In before leav
ing them for the night give them com
fortable beds mid a good feed at Ufa lit.
If the animal shows a tendency to
throw a foot over the hitching strap,
procure a block of solid wood oak or
something substantial enough to be
heavy. Make it about one foot long,
by six or seven inches square. Itore
a hole through one end and put the
halter strap through an augur hole In
the manger, securing it to the block,
after passing It through the hole at the
end of the block. Then when the colt
raises his font he will strike it against
the block and will eventually learn not
to raise his feet unnecessarily. Cecil
Abel Todd, in The Kpltomlbt.
Previous to this season the writer
had not tried to raise Hubbard
squashes since he was a boy; then he
was more imitative than now aud con
sidered it essential to follow out in
every detail the practices of an old nu
cle who raised these excellent squashes.
The Hubbard, we had li-arned to as
sume, was quite refined and' selective
in its habits of appropriating and as
similating the matter for its growth;
so there were lots of labor involved
in spading out those deep bills and In
enriching the soil with black dirt and
manure. Then the squash bugs and
the borers were likely to cut down the
thriftier vines in all their splendor
and promise. This led the young mind
to the conclusion that the raising of
Hubbard squashes was not only a
grave undertaking, but a rather treach
erous business as well. But a taste of
stewed squash is a tasto that returns;
so last spring a five cent packet of
seed was bought and planted nbout
June 10 in vacant corn hills. The vines
made a good start, but as the plant
ing was late and as tbe corn ground
wus to be seeded to wheat, we took
up several vines and transplanted in
a potato patch that had been top
dressed with horse manure. This
seemed to prove the Ideal habitat, for
the transplanted vines grew right
ahead of those in the corn. Over tbe
strawy manure they ran, right down
the potato rows, taking .root at every
Joint. By August 1 the fruits Wrie set
ting: this was rather late, so we
pinched the tips from the vines and
left but a single squash on each. Last
week (October 5) we wheeled in out
crop. Tbe squashes from the corn
field were nearly a failure, weighing
from one to four pounds each tbe
smallness undoubtedly due to dry
weather, to hard grouud and to hav
ing been vigorously slighted by a fine
growth of corn; those from the potato
patch weighed from four to twenty
pounds. There is a theory advanced
that if cucumbers and squashes be
grown among certain other vegeta
bles, via., beans, beets, etc., they will
not be Injured by bugs. We simply
hoped that the corn would bide the
vines. Whatever may have been the
cause, not one of our vines was Injured
by a bug nor by a borer; a neighbor's
squash patch nearby was half ruined
by these pests. If you do not know
how to fight bugs and borers, or if you
don't like to, try this simple theory ou
a small scale. As to other methods,
remember that a squash is a squash,
whether raised In tbe midst of sup
posed orthodoxy or whether it smiles
forth broadly from some fence corner
or potato patch. Geo. P. Williams, in
The Epltomlst.
It is possible to repeal a law, but
not a banana, wisely states tbe Phila
delphia Ilecon J.
rraree nf a Ilrerent faintly Praia That
1 the remitter Ones Knewa.
In Knowledge, Mr. It. Lydekker
traces the "lister History of the
Horse," and endeavors to decide be
tween the alternative theories of Its
derivation from those primitive breeds.
when, as Mr. Kipling says In the "Just
Ho" stories, the horse followed the dog
In becoming the friend of man. There
Is, says Mr. I.ydekker, decisive evi
dence of the existence In Egypt, In
ll(K) It. ('., or earlier, of a long msned
breed of Arab horse totally unlike the
wild tarpan or the prchlMorlc horses
familiar to the cave dwellers of I.a
Madclaine. Ktieh a breed must have
been the result either of a long antece
dent domestication, or must have beea
produced from a Wild species furnished
with a long mane and tail. Probably
the former view Is correct so far ss the
development nf the mane and tall Is
concerned, although It Is most likely
that (he breed truces Its nrlglu to a spe
cies distinct from the tarpan and pre
historic horse of western Europe. That
such a breed should have been lulro
duccd Into tierimiuy and Britain In
pre Caesarian times-at nil events, In
such numbers as to obliterate all truces
of crossing wtlh the wild horses which
abounded In those countries during
tliHt period -si ems to Mm In the hluli
est degree Improbable; and he there
fore cannot at present c any valid
reason for refusing to credit the view
of Elower that In Palaeolithic anil Neo
lithic times the Indigenous hog niiined
wild horses were domesticated by the
IVellngs go a long way toward milk
ing facts. ,
Learn how to listen and you will
profit even from those who talk bad-ly.-Plulsrcli.
(lod's Justice, tardy though It prove
perchance, rests never on the track
until It reach ilelinqulncy.
He that overeometh shall Inherit all
things, and I will be his liod, ami he
shall be My son. ltev. xxl., 7.
He nho waits for Cod is not mis
spending his time. Such waiting is
true living such tarrying Is the truest
speed. Joseph Parker.
Wc boast our light, but If we look
not wisely on the sun Itself, It smites
us Into darkness. The light which we
have gained was given us, not to be
ever staring on, but by It to dimmer
onward things, now remote from nil
kuowleilgc Milton.
Hlgna That Tell the lllrl.
Much of a girl's nature is belrayeil
by the little act of brushing a speck
off a man's coat. If she picks off the
thread, or Imaginary bit of lint, very
carefully between the thumb and rnrc
linger, it Is an indisputable sign Hint
she la a woman ot a very practical and
executive character.
On tJio other hand, If a girl should
brush the coat lapel of her llaiicc' very
softly and tenderly with the second
and third linger of her bund in her en
deavor to re-move an invisible speck,
It Is a suro sign that she Is more senti
mental than practical. The man who
marries her will live in a continual at
mosphere of romance Mud bad house
keeping. There is still another type of a girl,
who will brush the speck off a man's
coat with a broad sweep of the hand,
lu which nil the lingers and thumb play
a part, tiho is iu nil probability an
athletic girl, who excels nt tennis, golf
and tho links, and who will prove a
high-spirited, strong-minded woman
after marriage.
Then again, the girl who puis a flow
er In a man's coat with ber hand held
Jauntily upturned from the wrist, and
the flower held In the tips of her fin
gers, is sure to be sonicthlng of a co
quette, while the maid who gives you
only tho tips of her fingers when she
greets you In the drawing room or pub
lic street Is probably au ambitious girl
Chlcugo Journal.
Took Bis Word For IU
When Walter B. Stevens, Secretary
of the Louisiana Purchuso Exposition,
speaks ex cathedra be Is usually to bo
taken literally, lie rarely jokes or In
dulges in auy verbul pleasautry when
"on duty."
In an after dinner speech or public
address, However, he has a fund of
quiet humor which he draws upon. I(e
cently he was down for an address of
welcome before tho Congress of Deaf
and Dumb, held at the World's Fair.
Usually punctual, he was a few mo
ments late, and by way of preface to
bis address, he apologized for bis tardi
ness, giving a humorous explanation
which was interpreted to bis audience
in the sign language by an Instructor
who stood on tbe platform.
"When I reached the door," said Mr.
Stevens, "I was stopped by a Jeffer
son guard, who told me that no one
was admitted except deaf uud dumb
persons. I told him that I was deat
and dumb and had a right to enter.
" 'Oh, if that's the case, sir, pass
right in,' the guard replied." Suuduv
On the Valae of Freah Air.
In the museum connected with the
Edinburgh University is an exhibit
that is a striking object lesson of tbe
value of fresh air. A professor has
secured the lungs of an Eskimo, a
Londoner and a coal miner. He has
had them preserved by chemical pro
cess, and tbey are now side by side In
a glass case.
The Eskimo's lungs are pure white,
tbe Londoner's lungs are a dirty
brown, and tbe miner's luugs.are jet
black. The Eskimo has kept his lungs
clean, not because he knew more about
breathing than tbe Londoner or tho
coal miner, but because be lived lu a
land of snow fields aud spent bis time
In the open air. Chicago News.
Two cups of cold chopped meat, one
gg, two cups of rolled crackers, meat
broth to make enough dough soft
enough to mold with the ha nils (more
thuu two cups), llako In a deep pun.
tTse one quart of new milk, one salt
spoonful of salt, one saltspooyfnt of
powdered cinnamon, one toaspooiiful
of granulated sugar; scald all together
fur an hour In a pitcher set lu a kettlo
of water; then add tho well beaten
yolks of two eggs. Good for delicate
persons and children.
Trim the scallops well, after taking
from tin; shells, thoroughly dry them
mid till each with llio scallops, but In
lather small pieces. Over each sprin
kle salt, If needed, few drops of lemon
Juice, suiiie chopped parsley, and, last
ly, seme Hue bread crumbs, moistened
with incited butter. Tho scallops
should bake for about twenty minutes
uud be served ou the sheila.
This pudding varies from the usual
recipe by tho addition ot rice. Heat
four cups of milk to tho scalding point,
stir lu one half cup ot Corn meal
made smooth in one cup of cold milk.
When this has boiled two minutes add
one-half cup ol uncooked rice, one-half
cup ot augur one-quarter cup of 'mo
lasses, a level tiihlesptmu of butter
mid u teaspoon ot ginger or one-third
of a grated nutmeg. Pour into a but
tered baking dish and bake lu a mod
crate oven three hours. Htlr u few
times frcin tho under side
Beat the yolks of two eggs, then add
one-half cup of soft or light browu su
gar and beat 'again. Add tho Juice of
half a lemon aud part of tho yellow
rind grated. Cream halt a cup of but
ter, udd one half cup more of sugar and
mix with the beaten egg and sugar.
Add onu-balf cup ot molasses, one-half
cup ot sour milk and two cups of flour
sil ted with a pliiclfof salt, a level tea
spoon, ot soda, a level teaspoon of cin
namon, three-quarters level tcuspoou
clovt-s and a saltspoou of grated nut
meg. Beat well, then add ono cup of
seeded raisins rolled in flour ami u
sal I spoon of chopped citron. Uuke lu
a slow oven.
It Is amazing how tbe average arch
itect avoids planning for more than
one ljuthrooin In Hie moderato sl.ed
Iiounc, says tho Northwest Horticul
turist. He might be a herald of
health and comfort to many a family.
Ho could so easily suggest omitting
the "parlor and putting lu three or
four bath rooms Instead. And every
family who could be persuaded to
this would sooner or later rlso u; and
call him blessed.
Of vital things In the house few are
so vital as sulllclcut bath rooms. But
ono cr two bathrooms aro thought suf
ficient for all but the rich, while many
very ordinary homes have two parlors
and a living room or library. Surely,
extra bath rooms might tako the place
of tho former by substituting a very
small reception room.
This Is chiefly due to the frightful
conventionalism of womankind.
"Whatever Is must be,M now and for
ever more, Is the Ideal of the average
homo maker, and the architect must
live down to the level of his client if ho
live at all.
Never put fruit stained table linen
Into hot soapsuds, becauso it will aet
the stains.
Fine table linen should be changed
frequently, so that it will not require
bard rubbing, as that wears It out
more quickly than anything else.
' Pumpkins and squashes will gener
ally keep better lu o garret when the
temperature is above treesmg than in
the cellar, where it is very apt to be
too dam;.
Always keep cheese well covered is
a cheese dish or it will becoue dry
and tasteless. If the cheese is wrapped
in a cloth saturated with vinegar it
will keep beautifully moist aud retain
its flavor longer.
If you wish to avoid streaks when
washing nicely painted floors, begiu
at tbe bottorj and wash all the way to
tbe top of tho door. While .the pnlut
Is till wet begin at the top, wash down
ward and wipe dry at you go. Streaks
are caused by soapy or dirty water
running down over the dry paint.
Willow end rattan furniture may be
renewed in appearance by washing
with a stiff brush in warm water and
white soup; then, when the article is
still wet, put it In a bos which can be
closed tightly and place a small. quan
tity of burning sulphur around tbe bot
tom of tbe box. Allow it to remain
ouo bulf or three-quarters of an hour.
Why not keep up writing desk sup
plies just'as conscientiously as those
for tho pantry? Few households
would set along a week without su
gar, suit or soap, yet bow mauy letters
aro unanswered for the lack of a good
pen, a stamp, or uu envelope. It ia
not tbe expense, but lack of thought
thut keeps au Insufficient or meagre
supply of tho necessary articles 'on
A California Tree- Springs Up 80
. Feet In 11 Months.
A tree which grew nearly 20 feet In
a year end a hnlf has Just gone from
tho experimental station In Bnnta
Monica Canyon to the World's r"alr to
show what California can do when In
n hurry tor a place In the simile.
It Is a variety of cucalyptis. A
small grove of these troew was plant
ed on a shaggy cliff back of the ex
perimental station, win re It seemed
tin though no tree could prow at nil.
lint tho into at which they (uive shot,
up under skillful attention almost
stiiRgers belief.
It holds tho champion longdistance
tree springing record of the I'nlled
When this pnrllcahir Ireo was
about a year and a half old It meas
ured four Inches In dlu meter. They
had to pull It up for fear It would
liicali tho Kiinta Monica speed or
dinance. In order to get It safely back to tho
fair the wholo tree was carefully
packed In iihihhcs and soaked cloths.
After Its rni'.ilmo carier under Ab
bott. Kinney ami others the experi
mental sin Hon la now a successful
blooming garden.
(Inn of tho Interesting fenlures of
tho work la Importing trees from
lorclKii count i'I.i and trying them In
Cnlirurnlii soil mid clliimtlc condi
tions. First one koIIf then another,
la tried until a cnngeiiliil one Is found.
Ono of tho additions to the Cali
fornia tree family thus tntulo la ono
of tho most beautiful trees In tho
world a Jnearandii covered with lin
meiisoi lilac (lowers. The wholo
luultcH uu effect of bewllderlni; beau
ty. l.os Aligelos Times.
FIT.tpir.Tian-iBttynure I, No III" nr not vt,j
tinasartnr .trit liy ' iiioui Dr. KHnn's ilmat
r.ervnHn.-dirnr,vilritillt 'n.nd trtiat !. frt
tir, It, ll. si.i.ifc.l.ld. 1.H Aivh .K I'jt,
Tanriin! inmise off the cr'at of lliit-
any, which t:n rtriidril over seiei-nl
yrma, pnuniM-a to liu lei ivvi-d by unuiiiul
i-uli lie this year, .
1 do not bMli'va Tin's rare tor Cutmmip
t Inn lias iimtipnil lore u ir.ix mul enlilv loHtf
l'.l.'orr.E Trinity rlprhw Ind.. rl. 13, W.
A Sivi clockirnlier lm drviurd fl ivnlch
wliieli calls nut the l.nen liv mi mis ul a
minute plmuojir.ioliK- rlliu lout til.
Persia has no distilleries, breweries
or saloons, only homc-miido wine, and
It Is hard to get drunk there.
Tno Mitelt I'nr Illtn.
A bachelor one day set the table la
Ms lonely nhndo with plates for him
self and an Imaelnary wife and live
children. He then I tit down to dine,
and as ho helped himself to food he
put the same quantity on each of the
other plates and surveyed the pros
pect, at the same time computing the
cost. lie Istlll n bachelor.
Catarrh ('annul llo Ctirnl
Vi'ilh t''Ai, AiM't.K ATioxa, as they esnnnt
reai'h tlin sent of the dl-n"ft. Catarrh is a
blood ureon.Htitiilloant illxrimc, ami In order
to euro It you immt take internal rciniMlicH.
Hull's laliirrli fit re is taken Internally, ami
S'-tS'llriii'tly on tin blood and nuieoiissiirfnee
Hull's !ii!iirrli Cure Is not a ipiin-k nieiiinina.
It was ni'i'serllicxl by one of the best physl
china In this country for yeuiv, and Is u reg
ular pri'Kcriilloti, It Ik eoiapoved of tho
best toalea known, combined ivllti the beat
blood purblera, aeling ilin-etly ou the hill
poua KiirfiiCHK, Tim n'r(i' t eoiiililmitioii nt
the two ingredients is what produce stieli
wonilerinl roMilis In ouiia;; culnrrl;. Hend
iur'tt'.Hlltuuuinl, fro..
F. .1. CMKMr.r A Co., Prop"., Toledo, O,
Fold by druggist, price, 7.V.
'lake Hull's i'aii'llv I'lll for eonrtlpntlon
Taught by Ksnrlrllr.
"My cxperleuco with signs," snys
Farmer Singletree, "Is that lu gen'
nil they're either inlsleiidlii' er super
flu's. When I was to the exposition I
see signs reniliu', 'Look out for pick
pockets.' After a few days' truck with
'cm I came to the conclusion that they
was fully able to look out for them
selves." Cleveland Leader.
Adopts New Creed.
Union Theological seminary has
practically severed every tlo that
hound It to the Presbyterian church
The rejection of the Westminster
Confession ot Fulth and' the adoption
of one of its own Is little short of
cataclysmal from the Calvlnlstlc
standpoint, and the Brlggs affair
pales Into insignificance beside It,
Te Tare a I'olil la One Tlay
Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All
druzgiata refund money if it fails to cure.
E. . Grove'a signature is on box. 25c.
Farls, like London, Is deierting. the' thea
tres (or the music halls.
Economizing Vital Force.
As a result of careful study and
many exhaustive experiments the
writer Is convtaced that the average
man or woman uses up In the per
formance of ordinary every-day acts
from three to fifteen times the amount
of vital force necessary. The vitality
so wasted is In many cases sufficient to
make all the difference between
weakness and Btrength, between weak
ness and health or between failure
and success.
The ways In which vitality Is wasted
are many and various. We need con
sider but two Incorrect posture of the
body and excessive muscular action.
Another, and most far-reaching factor
In norvous vital waste Is lack of con
trol of tbe emotions. A bent body la
strained by its own weight so we
find that among people having such
bodies the mere act of holding up the
body In standing, walking and
moving about requires from four to
ten times as much vital outlay as the
straight body. Dr. W. R. C. Latsoa
In Success.
France's Navy.
The French naval programme in
sures that in 1908 France will have
twenty-eight battleships, twenty-five
battleship cruisers, thirteen armored
coast guard ships, six first-class
crulsors, fifteen of the second, and
thirteen ot tbe third class, besides
smaller craft, Among which will be
sixty sub-marines.
- Nearly every summer there are
some .cases of genuine cholera In St.
Petersburg. Last summer there were
ft af V f-i V-- V -S"
I l.;.VlVV V
-) l.-' ;iaXV ' 'VV
Airs. Rosa Adams, niece of thc late General
Rojrer Hanson, C. S. A., wants every woman
to know of the wonders accomplished by
Lydia E Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound.
" DrAn Mns. PiNKrtAM t I cannot tell yon with pen and Ink what good
I.jlllii K. l'lnkliuiii's Vcg-otiililo Compound did for me, suffering from
tiin Ilia peculiar to tho sex, extreme lajwituila and that all gone foci lug. I
would rise from my bed In the morning feeling nmrn tired than when I went
to bed, but before I had used two Is it ties of Lyitlll 10. 1'lllklllMll'S) VegGa
Initio Con pound, I began to feel tho buoyancy of my younger days return'
Ing, became regular, could do morn work and not feel tired than I had ever
been able to do before, sn I continued to use it until I was restored to perfect
health. It is Indeed a boon to siek women and I heartily recommend it.
Yours very truly, Mas. Hosa, Adams, 810 12th Ht., Louisville, Ky."
St'i land unqualified Indorsement. o other
IvT!:'. I niedlclne has aueli n record of femuleciires.
few doses every week, for I Uud that It tonea up the system and keeps me
feeling- strong, and I never have that tired out feeling any more.
"I certainly think that every woman ought t try thin' grand medicine,
for it would prove itn worth. Yours very truly, Ml Bo Elsik PAsroKTO, t05
D Soto Ht, Memphis, Tenn."
Don't hcltut to write to Mrs. Pinkhnm. Bhe will understand
?ronr ease perfectly, and will treat you with kindness. Her advice
a free, and the address ia Lynn, Maaa. No woman ever regretted
huvlnir written her. and she haa helned thousand.
FORFEIT If we cuiool forthwith prodaoe he original lattara aad Igoalarasea
tHve teat fmirnl all, which will prove ilialr abaelma ipiniilnanwu.
livaia It. Vlnkliam Mail. Co., I.vnn. Maaa.
pUAKANTBBD CURB for all bowal trouble, appendicitis, billauaness, bad brtatb, bad
M i ' "iaa tn stomach, bloatrd bowala, foul mouth, liradeche, Indlacatioa, pimple,
pain after Un, liver trouble, eel low skin and dinlneee. When your bowels don't move
ref ularly you r ale a. Conatipatloa kille more people thea all other dlaes tocelher. It
VT2 chronic ailmaata and Ions rear of ufTrin. No matter what alls you, atart taking
CASCARBTS today, fof you will never get well and stay wall until you get your bow. la
right. Tab our advice, atart with Caacareta today undr a boo lute guarantee to cure or
" " r . - ..-... .-ire-i -'-' e-i r.ver aoio in aula, sample ana
booklet free. Addrese Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago er New York. ana
Lost Hia Bearings In Prayer.
A Southern doctor -of divinity In
New York on his vacation was speak
ing of unusual prayers he had beard.
One waa made by a young lawyer who,
through Innate piety or from a desire
to advance his political fortunes by
being Identified with the church, be
sought the preacher te call on him for
prayer in the weekly prayer meeting.
Suspecting that politics and not piety
waa at the bottom of tbe lawyer's de
sire to pray In public, the preacher
did not call him until one rainy night,
when the attendance waa slim. Then
Brother H. being asked to "load In
prayer" began bis application. Ia
great detail be mentioned the various
situations, personal and general, In
which, the divine guidance waa de
sired. Finally, however, be hesitated,
as If De bad forgotten anything elae
to say. He showed signs ot contu
sion, and then, tn a despairing tone of
voice, continued: "In conclusion,
your honor, I might mention many
other things, but these will suffice for
to-night. Ameu." Mobile (Ala.) Reg
ister. A Guaranteed Cure Par Pile.
Ttehing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. DrnKiat will refund money if I'neo
Oiutmeut fml to cure in 6 to 14 day. 50c,
Niagara is worth 1 1 ,MO,000,000 a
source of clectriial power. (
A number of motor cars have been
sent to Khartoum, which are to be
used for travel aero the desert
Any women who are troubled with 1r
regular or pniuful iiiciistrtmt Ion, weak
li ess, Icticorrha-n, displacement or ulcer
atlon of the wouit, that tourinrr-down
focllnK, Inflammation of tho ovaries, buck
Acho, general debility, and nervoua pros-
trntlon, Hhould know there Ih one tried
and true remedy, I.ydlu K. I'lnkham'a
Vegetable) Compound. No other mcdlelno
for women lina received such wlde-sprend
"DlUS) Mas. Piwhiiam: I sm very pleased)
to recommend I.ydiu K. Plnkhanvs) Vege
table Compound for womb and ovarian difilcul
ties from which I have been a sufferer for years. II
was the only medicine which was at all beneficial,
and within a week after I started to use it, there,
was a great change In my feelings and looks. I
used It for a little over three months, and at tho
. end of that time I suffered no peinat the menstrual
period, nor was I troubled with those distressing
pains which compelled me to go to bed, and I have)
not had a beadncho since. This ia nesrly a year
aco. I alwava keen a bottle on hand, and take a
Russian Oil Tax.
Notwithstanding the large produc
tion of petroleum tn Russia the use
of Illuminating oil In tho country la
small. It has been limited by a taa
or. refined oil. Recently tbe Baku
refiners have petitioned the Govern
ment to abolish this tax on refined
oil for home consumption and to sub
stitute for It a tax on all crude oil
There la not a single statue In Lon
don to an Archbishop of Canterbury
from Thomas a'Becket to Randall
In thM boom Ins tin of OomtnetHnl nterarla
nri proijefrlty m IluMNKM KIU'OATION rr1iui..j
int n itad woiiipo la th ltnaul ot ttui km r K-crptlouMirai-llitlnt
for tralQitiH nb.1 IjUWuiI sttudeut.
llivuUra. W. H. Urr-K.Fitubur.rFa.
The Eminent Scotch Physician
When all other kelp tails eoaiali
It will euro you ot Cancer, Conaumplloa.
Nervous Diiieaneo and long standing oouv
lalma. Nolo Hi addreaa, 709 Conn Araauo,
'lllaburg, fa. All a.lTlo Irr ot charge.
SKNU STAUf lie! 1eorlptlen nf M eueaueal
tarwa In Ohio. II. N. Bauuioll, Jofforeoo. O,
i Boat Cough Srao. Tea Ouuu. Uaa I I