V WliifW uce. On dollar per year strictly in advtnce. An independent journal devoted to the interetts of Reynoldville. REYNOLDSVILLE. PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1904. NUMBER 81. VOLUME 13. jltaf. I I A Jk -1 -r- WATCHES There is nothing that the gift giver can present that is more acceptable, more useful, and will keep for ever green the memory of the giver, than a watch. The Knight -if Hie Dark Lantern would be put to flight with the low price marked in plain fig ures on the tag of every watch. We have them to suit every body, from the cheapest to the finest. $1.00 to $75.00 Every watch fully guaranteed and Engraved Free. All we Ask is a Look Before You Buy. F. HOFFMAN Everything in Jewelery. Bing - Stoke Go. Dept. tores, . , . GALL TO CHRISTMAS BUYERS Our bright line of Christmas Gifts is now ready for inspection. Come and look. Your judgment will tell you what to do. You will delight in our fine display of Holiday Goods because it is in close touch with the times and anticipates your every want. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. . Has useful presents for father, ' husband and brother. Suits and Overcoats. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Collars and Cuffs. Neckwear and Shirts. Underwear, Hosiery, Mufflers and Sweaters. Suspenders and Umbrellas, Rain Coats and Mackintoshes, Trunks and Suit Cases and Jewelry. In our Clothing and Furnishing Department , you'll find many useful presents for male members of the family. SHOE DEPARTMENT. What could be nicer than a pair of our fine shoes for father, mother, brother or sister, or nice pair of slippers, leggins or overgaiters. We have so many varieties of leathers and , shapes for you to select from you'll have no trouble in . getting what you want in our shoe department,, as we have Foot wear fob all the Family at our popular low prices. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Waist Patterns in Silks and Velvets, White Oxfords and Madras Cloth. Mercerized Petticoats, Dressing Sacques and Aprons, Neckwear, Laces, Collars, Ribbons, Gloves and Handkerchieves, Fans and Umbrellas, Ladies' Misses' and Children's Furs, Women's Coats, Suits and separate Skirts. Fine Table Linens, Towels and Napkins. Knit Shawls and Fascinators. BIG BUSY BASEMENT. Surely filled to overflowing with Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Water and Lemonade Sets, Cups and Saucers, Cracker Jars, Bread and "Milk Sets, Child ren's Tea and Table Sets, Odd Plates, Tea Pots, Sugars and Creams, Water Bottles, Celery and Spoon Trays, Vases and Glass Ware. DOLLS ! DOLLS 1 ! Largest line we've ever had. Dressed and Un dressed Dolls, from the 5o kind up to $3.98. You make 'no mistake when you come here for your dolls. "We Can, "We Will, We do Supply J ust what Everybody Wants for Christmas- BING-STOKE Go. ' Where there's everything that people wear and most things people buy. Main and Fifth Sts. , Reynoldsville, Pa. A Mean Phrase. "Only a hired girl" Is mean and contemptibly phrase. It was formed by some brainless flunkey and has been kept allvu by a lot of hobetudinous monkeys who have no conception of what constitutes merit in a man or woman. An honest girl who works for an honest living Is entitled to all the respect due a human being. Some of the best and most talented women who ever lived were once "hlrod glrlB," JustJ as many of the most illustrious men woo eyer adorned the pages of history were poor boys who performed the most menial kinds of service. That anybody of good sense could affect to despise a girl simply because she performs do mestic service Is one qf the unaccount able Imbecilities of custom. To it is largely due the fact that good girls for domestic servlcei are scarce. Brock- way villa liecord. So say we. The Rev. Irl. R. Hicks 1905 Almanac. The Rev. Irl. R. Hicks Almanac for 1905 Is how ready, being the finest edi tion ever Issued. This splendid and costly book of 200 pages Is a oomplete study of astronomy and storm and eather for 1005. It Is too well known to need comment. Soe it and you will so decide. The price, postpaid to any ad dress, is 30o. per copy. The Rev. Irl. R. Hicks' scientific, religious and family journal, Word and Work, now abreast with the beet magazines, Is 75o a year. Both Word and Works and the Almanac 11.00 per year. No better Investment possible for any person or family. Try It and see. Send to Word and Works Pun. Co., 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. right Will He Hitter. Those who will persist In closing their ears against the continual recom mendation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, If not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Oeall, of Beall, Miss, has to say : "Last fall my wife had every symptoms of consumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after every thing else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her." Guaranteed by Alex Stoke, Druggist. Price 50c, and 11.00. Trial bottles freo. Annual Meeting. Reynoldsville, Pa., Dec. 9, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that the regu lar annual mooting of the stockholders of the Reynoldsville and Falls Creek Railroad Company will be held at the Company's office In Reynoldsville, Pa., on Tuesday, January 17, 1005, at 10.00 a. m. for the purpose of electing Pres ident and Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of uch other business as may properly come before the meeting. Lucius W. Robinson, Pres. B. M. Clark, Secretary. Notice to Stockholders. Reynoldsville, Pa., Deo. 9, 1904. Notice Is hereby given that the regu lar annual meeting of the Jefferson and Clearfield Coal and Iron Company will be held at the Company's office in Reyn oldsville, Pa., on Tuesday, January 17, 1905, at 10.00 a. m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may come before I tie meeting. Lucius W. Robinson, Pres. George L. Eaton, Sec Christmas Greetings 1904. Our holiday goods are beautiful selec tions of doBlrable and appropriate gifts for both old and young. This season's purobases satisfy the requirements of taste, quality and novelty. The. added virtue of reasonable prices is not neg looted, wo are justified in giving a certain assurance of high quality and oomplete assortment, Insuring satlsfbO' tory selections In all cases. We know you appreciate these efforts and ask the privilege of showing our new arrivals Remember, the up-to-date holiday stock has come at Gooder's, the Reynoldsville Jeweler. (evolution Inimlueiit. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble In your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up sets. Eloctrlo Bitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never falls to tone the stomach, regu late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aohes vanish under Its searching and thorough ef feotlveness. Electrlo Bitters Is only 50o, and that Is returned If It don't give perfeot satisfaction. Guaranteed by H. Alex Stoke, Druggist. Gloves for Xoiaa presents at Milllrena. Nothing nicer for an Xmas present for your friends than baby's photo. We make a specialty of baby pictures. Vas blndor & Kennedy, cor. Main and Fifth streets, Reynoldsville. 5 per cent cash discount on all purchases at Mllllrens. Don't fall to see the big display of all kinds of toys, dolls, &c, for ChrlBtmas at the Cash New York Racket store. .MBS. I JENNIE B. PINNEY? Solicits the patronage so gonerously tendered to her husband, the late N. G. Pinney, of Brook villa. All of the I Insurance Companies represented by blm have appointed her as his successor, S JOHN TRUDGEN. Solicitor for Mrs. Pinney In Reyn- j oldsvllle. 5 per cent cash discount purchases at Mllllrens. on all JOHN C. HIRST, CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER, Surveyor and Draughtsman. Office In Sol Shaffer building, Main street. Firs t Nati oil Bank OFRErXOLDSriLLM Capital - - $50,000 Surplus - -$50,000 ftcott TIrf'lelland, President! J. ). Klug.VlVr President) John M. Kanchertashler Directors): ' Scott McClelland J.C. Ring Daniel Nolun John H. Oorbctt J. H. Kaucher G.W. Fuller R. II. Wilson Does a generalbanklnirouslnessand solicit the accounts nf merchants, professional men. farmers, mechanic, miners, lumbermen and other, promising the most careful attention to the business of all persons. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Klrst National Bank building, Nolan block Fire Proof Vault. yy L. JOHNSTON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office four doors from Ross Iloiise. Went Heynoldsrllle, Fa. pRIESTER BROS., UNDERTAKERS. , Black and white funeralcare. Mian street. Reynoldsville, Pa. H. HUGHES, UNDERTAKING AND PICTURE FRAMING. The U. 8. tlurlal Leavue has been tested and found all rlvht. Cheapest form of In suriince. Secure a contract. Woodward Building, Reynoldsville Fa. JEFFEttSOX MACARONI FACTORY KEYNOLDVILLK, FEHN'A. One of the largest macaroni factories In the state, Orders sent (A O. D. or on :e nnywhere In the Also wholesale asonts fur the well known brand of good reference United Btatn. Premium Flour. 1 m t t O. & .1. MARINARO, Proprietors J R. M. Matron, President. II. O. Beach, Vice Pres. A. D. Pkemkr, Vice Pres. D. L. Taylor, Sec. and Treas. J. E. Deist, Asst. Sec. and Treas. W.N.Conrad, Atty. Brookville Title & Trust Go, BROOKVILLE, PA. Capital . . . $125,000.00. Conducts a General Banking, Savings and Trust Business. Solicits the Accounts of Individuals,' Firms and Corporations. DIRECTORS : R. M. Matsnn F. L. Verstlne Q. 8. Snyder A. D. Deemer Oil. C, Relta H.J. Scott D.L.Taylor W.N.Conrad II. O. Beach A, A A A A Christmas Footwear Our Xmas Slippers and Sandals Win admiration from every looker. Nothing would be more appreciated by Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or any friend than a pair of these beautiful Slippers or San dals. Remember we have them in all styles and at all PRICES. i U ought to see them B-4 buying your Xmas presents. HARMON'S THE SATISFACTORY STORK 1 Santa's Advice : "A gift, to be nice, should be useful as well as handsome." We say without fear of contradiction that we have the largest and finest line of FURNITURE in town. Get the prices from the exclusive stores, then see us. J. R. Hillis & Co. I- n