JJEt'OHTOK TUB CONDITION or tii it FIRST NATIONAL BANK st Iti-ynoldsvllln. In Hie Hum- of rYnii.vli 11 nla, hi the rloe nf liusinet.s Nnv. ID, I'.mi, lll--.slllltl-KS! lnntl and discounts f Overdriifis, sis'tircd mill unsccni-ed. 1J. K. Hmuls In secure cl n-ll lilt Intl. .. . V. H. Hnnds (in liiitul I'n-mliinisnn I'.H. Ilmnls Honds, securities, fli' t'lirnlturp nml lUluroi Inn from Niiiltuml Hunk (tint Re serve AltcHIn) line front Htiito luniks unit hunkers. Iui from npprovcd reserve iiuctits. 1 Checks und nl her cie-li Hems INnles nf ol lu-r Niiltiinul Imnks Fractional pnsr currvuc), nickels, and cents Lawful money reserve In l-iink, vl: HtMN-IO t.'H. t 'II 411 Is-tcnl-li-tnler notes t'.'l't' ml Redemption fiintl Willi I'. N. Treas urer (A per fi-itt. nf clreultilluni. . I4l.f-.MI XI Mi f'l Ill.llmt III ;i,il ill I, mm 111 :n,nii ml i.m'. .Ml 2li,ii"i 4tl ft.mn hi .:r!.n -' I I I 4:i '.'.l"l HI 2".t ;ift X-.rol III 1.7.'i ml Total .v;.i.i,ii "'I i.i Aim. i in h. Cntiltnlstis'k imlil In f.,nini Km pin t nml .vi.tmi nn Undivided pmtlts, less I'xpi'iiM'i nml taxes imlil ! "it National Hunk notes nulslnnilluu. . . '.n "i Dividends I'npnld in in lnillvldn.il ili'piMitn KiilOi i t toil I. :tn.". :i Tlinorei-illli-iitcs nf ih 'pnili 'ft Certified checks "i Ift Cuslilt-r'a chock nutstnndlnu i-! .ift Totnl f ij::,n-,il ftl Btitt if Pnnriilni Connty nf JatTtTmn, : I, .Inlltl II. luiui-her. I 'ashler of I hi' ill ii i named Hunk., do solemnly siicur Uml iln' alstvo statement Is true tn tin lict nf my knnwh'tlKi' tinil l-cltcf. JllllM II. K .I'CIIKII, Cnslilcr. PtlliscrHtfd tinil sworn In before tnciliis li.ili 4y of Nov. Hot. A l. nun ItKVMii.tm, Noun y I'nlillr. Unnnitcr Aitcsi : .1. II. ClUlllln'T, i .1. I'. KlMI, ' lne.'10l". K. II. II.SIIN, I A Swell Suit for all around wear is this ' Clothcraft Single Breasted 5ack. ', It's built on abso lutely correct 1 1 n e a , designed, cut and tailored by experts in Style and fit. Full extended houlders, close fitting collar, trousers cut after latest peg-top models, patterns from Hie choicest selection of Cheviots, Tweeds and light and dark Mix tures. Prices scaled to suit your pocket-book from f 10 to $25 your friends will think It cost $40. Come In and ask for the Clothcraft Clothes. ling-Stoke Go. Reynoldsvillc, Pa. BANNER SNEAKING POWDER -.... rm men lire 1 $ PASTRY . o' FAMCY CAKES AUYAYSTHEBEST ' A Tonic Laxative. Catbartlna are not tonlo-laxr.ttvea. Pllli nd iiuit and iunfcoiMill tire cuthuil on. Ttiuv l-iuv the iiyiiUnu la an uxlmuKted mud dit -rtMiKid imadUtoit. Mnny cnitmrthii cuutula tiruicm Uikt prulu ln nii-riliuidu nod olUtr III I III HUlHVvmuM oouipiiauiioua. Calory Klni In a lonlo-laiiatlva. It rwtorda th loUaMutU irart and dlitMlive oruana to ibHir nuruuU eondltlou. It uuro vonntlputlon aad tba III miultlun from luautive bowci Vri ltur uiU or UtltlU Ibrui, Ufa. bulibyil. Alex.SUiUa, AOlIAlNTCIIAKAJTKIt CAPTAIN PRESFRVEO FISH, WHO HAD A WILL OF HIS OWN. Trnlt nf n lnril I'.iialnmlrr, NnllnT n'4 I niiilxmnn W hn I.I" at j Hvt In l'r-iirrrl Kluh'a l"nmllr tNlilt In rw fork I Mr. ! Ill tin- Miii'Mi- ri'ini'li'iy In Ni'w Ynrh City. MIII'MI! lltl;llMllltll- llf llll'll IIIIIIO or le-m liilliiinli'ly iivMtH'lnlitl wild tin-i-iirly liUln -y or (In- H'i-troinlK hI iiiiIm ; oin- litMirlllK tin- lliM l lillotl, "l'riwrvi-. Klxll'M I'ainlly Viiitll." 'I ln- lllMI l lllllllll j Iiiim n iiii-i-r rlim Ik II. nimui'iilti' f ; Hit- oilil cli;iini li-r wIiomi- iiiiini- II T- j pi timli". .Vi'iinilliix In nil Hit talc . (nlil or lilni, I'lt'-n-rvi-tl KIhIi wiih nil if- ; nnliii' H.ivt nf I in ii. nml Hint ili-llnlti-, ; lllllhlsl lll-lllllll. lll-l lllllllloll of nw in- Hlilp on lilrf tiiiiiliMlniii- Ih In Kt-i-jilnu wlih Iln- iiiiiiii'il. Ki-lf ii'llnnt I'liiirntli-r ! i f Iln- III. HI 111 lif.-. I "I l.i'.'i- ii Niiriit- ilniilil nlmtil I lie iiiim- i hit In whlrli I'ii'hitvi'iI 1'Ult i'iiiiii- by Ills nlrii tin mi-. At vnt'illiiK In inn- Hi il ly , ulii'il n m I tn II liny In- Wiim pli l.i'il tii III llllilni l-llll IlllhullIK 111. II III! nl In 'aI'II mi.ii' W illi Hint ili'liTiiiiiinli iii wlili Ii In' t im nl hi nl'liT lilt- In win Ii it in irki-il tll'Ull'l'. UN I'l'SrlllTH lll'lllll'l'il llll'll mill llll'll' Hllll "I'lt'SITU'll" WlIM till! hiiiiii- lor Hit- yoitlli, nml rrt-si-rvt'il litt wnt inlli'il. linl. mt'iii'ilhiu In I'Miiiiitnl Noi'tiimi l.lllllt'. II It'lllllVI-, I'lVHITVl-il WI1M a loniinon naiiii' iiinoiiLt (In- lliimii-iinl.i prior In Iln- Aiiii-i'liiiii l:i nliil Inn. nml Mm inn i'sIhim mini- l-y IiIm hiiiiii- In 1 1 if Hiiint- pio.inli' HimiiiiT iim iniitiy of tin pl'lloil, lll'ltm Ill-Ill tilt- H ill nl' n I'orlM iniiiilli (K. I.) MiiokMiiill It In I THi I, whn llllll llt't'll t III Isll'lll-ll 1'l l'SI'I Vt'll. I.IUo 1 1 1 1 1 1 - iillirr Iiii.ih of (In- lilni' lii riin nwny to Hi'it, HlilpphiK iim r.ililn liny nit n whnli-r. 1 lo lost' inplilly. mill nl twt'iily oiH- wiim ii fitplitlii. i: lili'itlly t'liplnln I'hli npprts Inli'il IIiiuhIiI hiiiiic In- liniv, for ti Hlory l lolil of lilni Mini wlilli- fiiplii in nf n Nrw Iti'ill'oril wlinl cr In wiim lii'M H liy n ivvt'init- mil ttr. Wlint Hlit Im Hint?" li iiiiitiili-il tlto I'liplllill of till- I'tllliT. 'Tin- I'lyltiK Hull," iihhwitciI tlm yoiillifnl i'iiiiiiniiiiil-r. "WIlllt'H lltT t'UIKHV" wfl" iln HI'Vt llll-sllilll. 'I'lil-li'il llslt," wiim tilt- iiroinpl mi-BWi-r. "Ami w ho Im piiplnln?" "I'rt-wTVPil I-'IhIi." TIiomi- iiiiKwrrM liml a fishy hiiihiiI In tin- ri-vi'iiiii- oIllrtT. lli-orili-ivil lilt- lirlir to Ihmivo to nml linnrilt-il lii-r, only tn 11ml tluit tlio niiKWt-rs were tnii- In -v-ory ili-liill. I'npliilil I-'IhIi lurni'il IhihIhiiiiiii In 1S10, iiillllnr tin- hi-ii nml koIiik Intn IiiihIiu-km In Now Iti'ill'onl. Hi- i-nli-n-1 polilU'M, mill nftor a Hiimt troulili-snnii-tlint- ctiililt'iily ili-rliltKl to li-iivv Now lU-ilfonl. "I wmit you to Ht-ll my liiniNi-," In- ilo-I'lurt-il to mi utirtiiiiii-iT whom lit i liniici'il to iiit-t't tu tlio Htrt-i-t. "Itut wt will not n't nnylliliiK IIUo Us viiltio lii'ii-." proli'sli-il tin- lun tlon- PIT. "llil t sny miytlilim nlionl tolllnn Km vnluo? foil It viiliirlii-liiiiiifiil!" wiiHtho lliTi'o i'i-.iilinlir of t'nplilln KIhIi. So, Kiicrlllrlii IiIm property, lln i'liplllill left Now- His 1 ford nml Kt'ttleil 111 I'lllull liiK. N. V., iim a farmer. It wiim wlillo IIvIiik tlirro tlint a illHiiKrpi-iiii-nl nroHn lH'twei'ii lilin mid a iu-lt;lilinr who liml hii-ii IiIm cloMi-Nt frli-nil. Tho two lm riimo lilttt-r i-iH'tnli-M, nml, Imli-iil, ho lll-l'P W'llH till! Iiiiln-il mi Citptnlii riHh'H pnrt thut on ono oooiimIiui wlirn Hid ni'lKlilinr Hiived IiIm Ufo after liU eat bont hail been wrerked in IIi-ll (ialo lie ilkl not even thank his enemy for the net. tinoii after thin Incident Captain Fish moved to New York eily. Turn lux hlM biiek upon politleal olllie, he formed, with JoMepli cirlnnell, tlm Htilpplnir Iioiiho iinrtnership of 1'ImIi &. Grinnell, niul tho 11 I'm t rt-Kiilar lino of Liverpool pnekelti wag Hlarted. Captain Flxh got nlon linely In tho BhippliiK linslnesu until In ISL'll ho went to Liverpool with about $100,0k of eapitnl mid nn unliinited nuiount of ambition. Two years later ho en mo back iiiIiuim tho ninblHim ami two-thirds of his fortuno. It was nfter that venture that, linv ln formed n partnership with Sam uel Allay of New York city, tho grouty old eaptiiin entered the ollke Into ouu uioriilni;. "I hope you nre woll this uiorniui;, laptaln," remarked Ills partner. 'Thin, sir," growled Cuptalu FIhIi, "Is a plaeo for biiMiness, not compli ments." Mr. Allay was himself n man of some spirit. In less time than It takes to tell It the firm of Fish & Allay became a thing of the past, und tho sign was being converted Into kindling wood. Captulu Fish could never forgive any ono for failing to bo punctual. To lilm the man who failed to keep nn nppolntment was wholly unworthy of trust In tho future. Once In the early days of the shipping business the pilot who was to take a vessel to sea at a certain hour on a certain day was prevented from getting to the ship at the time agreed upon, though through no fault of his own. Captain Flsu pi Joted the vessel to sea himself, and when the pilot appeared he discharged .lilm without a bearing. Captain Fish was married three times, but had no children, and his life was "preserved" to the good old nge of eighty-one. An oil painting of him la to be seen In the Chumber of Com merce building. . The bone of several men of note rest In the Marble cemetery, among them those of Stephen Allen, nt ono time mayor of New York and the man who, while state treasurer. Installed the Cro ton water system; Wllllum E. Trend well, Inventor of cracker making ma chinery, and two South American gen crulH. New York Tribune. A WALK IN THE WCOD8. Cinrraon .ir ll'a linn nf lh Irtrrll Inr llmlBlna; Old Am: Few ini'ii know how to I nkf n walk. Tin- ipinllllciiHiiim nf n prnfOHSiir lire piiiliiriinci', plain t'liithi-s, old nhin-s, nn eye for nature, gnud humor, viinI cnrl osll.v, koiiiI speech, km! rIIi-iicp nml nollilHK Inn much. If n lunu tells me Hint he has nn IhIi-hhp love of tint lire. I know, of eonrse, thai he hits Unite, i (limit oliMcrver have I he milliner of ' tree nml n 1 1 1 t it I m. their put lent good si-iino, Mml If they mid words 'lis only w lion vnnlM nre better Hunt silence. I'.til n limit sinner or n story teller or n vii I ti talker prufnnes tin- river nml I lie foi'i'Ml nml Is iiiitliliig like so goml eoin patty its n tlog. When Nero iiilverllsi-d for II new lux ury n walk In Hie woods should Intvo lii-en offered. "I'ls one of the secrets for iluilulng old age, fur mil imp makes n lll-e InipresMloii on nge lis on youth. 'I'lii'ti I recommend It to people who are growing old iigalttHl their will. A mini In Hi il pri-illeniitent, If he slmiils I ii lore a mirror or mining young peo ple. Is mailt- iitlln ton mciimIIiIc of the fad, bill Hie furcst nwakes In lilm the Hit ti to feeling It did w lien he was n buy, nml be may drnw a moral from Hip fact that 'Us the old trees that have nil Hip ln-it nl y ami grandeur. 1 inlinlie the tnsle which makes Hip avenue to n house, were Hip Iiuiimp iipvit su suinll, thl'iitlgh II woisl; bi'Hiiles Hip lii-iiuly. It has a pnsitlvp i-flect on nimiiiers, its It disposes Hip mind of Hip litliatiltnnt nml of his gin-sis to Hip deference line to pitch. Some Knullsli refiiriners lliouulit the cattle imtilc nil this wide spitcp necessary lietweeu hotisp and hiitisp und Hint If there wi-rp no cows to past tin- less laml would sutllcp. Itut II cow docs not itetsl su Hlllcll laml IIM tin- owner's eyes rciiiire between him mid Ills neighbor- ltatplt Waldo Km erson In Atlantie. SEEING A PICTURE. Try fi l.nnk nt It Throua-h llir Kyn of llii Artist Wlio nlnlvil It. Tlie llrst necessity for the proper see ing of a pli'lcre Is to try to see It throtiKli the eyes of the artist who paiiilcil II. Tills Im lint a usual meth od. I o'liernlly people look only through their own eyi-H and like or tllsllko u pic ture accoriling as It iloes or tines nut suit llielr particular fancy. These peo ple will tell you. "Oh, 1 don't know iinyHiiitg about painting, but I know what I llkt!," which Is their way of say ing, "If 1 don't like It right olT I don't care lo be bollieied to like It nt nil." Such nn all Kudu of inliid cuts one off from growth nml development, for It Is ns much as to'Say, "I inn very well siitlslluil with myself and quite luilllTerent to the experiences ami feel ings of other men." Yet it Is Just t,his feeling und experience of nniither man which n picture gives us. If you con sider a moment you will unilerstniiil why. The world Itself Is n vnst pano rama, and from It the pnlntor selects his subject not the copy of It exactly, since It would be Impossible for lilm to do this even If ho tried. How could he represent, for example, each blade of grass, i-iiclt leaf upon a tree? So what he does Is to reprsHent the subject ns he sees It, ns It appeals to his sym pathy or interest, ami If twelve artists painted the same landscape the result would be twelve different pictures, dif fering according to the wny In which each man had been Impressed by the sceue-ln fact, according to his sepa rate point of view or separate wny of seeing It, Influenced by his Individual experience and feeling. Charles II. Cof lln in St. Nlrholns. As the Culld Saw It. A New Y'oik teiieiuont house child who had spent a happy day In the home of u settlement worker describes the visit In tho following letter, accord ing to Charities: "Miss lives la a big beautiful house. There uro three floors and lots of rooms, I should think It would be hard for them to find each other, thero tiro so ninny rooms. It Is not so hnrd to Und each other when you live in part of one lloor. The floors were hard and shiny, with little pieces of carpet on them. No pleco was big enough to cover a whole room." An Insurance Story. They tell this story down on Wall street: The executive oftlcer of a great Insurance company, happening one day to meet a friend In the street, found himself violently upbraided be cause his company refused to luvest in the bonds of an enterprise with which his friend was connected. The insurance man stood it a few minutes, then said carelessly, as If lie were ordering a box of a new brand of cigars, "Oh, well, send me up a mil lion und a half of them." World's Work. Poor, bat Pollto. "Want some money, do ye?" said the kind old lady. "Now, I wonder ef ye deserve it. What would you do with a penny ef I gev it to ye?" "Lady," replied the pollto beggar, "yer kindness would touch me so dat I'd buy a postal card wld de money on' wrlto yer a note o' tliunks." Cath olic Standard and Times. ' A i,rs;horu. City Niece What kind of a chicken is that, Uncle Josh? Uncle Josh That Is a Leghorn. City Niece How stupid of met Of course I ought to have no ticed the horns on bis legs. Chicago News. The Midnight Promenade. Suo-IIonry! He-IIuh? She-Just Im agine baby is one of those sick friends 1 you sit up all night with. Harper's I Basur. Blessed Is be who baa found bis work. - Let ulin ask no other blessed ness. Curlyle. ... POdR TROMI3ET1II The nd Title of the Prnr.iir and the Journalist. Professor Troinlii'ttl, whose prnlses were so much sung In lite foreign press, as knowing Hie greatest iiumlier of languages of any nun ever burn, relates ' nn Hiiecdolp of himself which m i in red Just after he was "discovered." In Koine lie tins so pi'slereil by Journal ists that his lutlcncp nl IiimI gave wny, I and when cornered by the gentlemen ' of the press his language liceutne ills- I tlnclly lurjil. One day as he was coining out nf the j central poslolllii' H frank looking young man stepped up to him, nml, holding out his limiil, said: "I am so glad to make yutir acitialnliiiice; I have been trying tu liml you for days." "And may I lniiilie wllh w limn I inn speaking?" "Why. I tun XI Not a ut-ar relation to be sure, but near enough lu olTer you eongraliilatlous," etc. rrofesHur Trontlieltl, reassured, nml glad In get hold of some one to iiitliiirileu himself to, took the stran ger's nrni, nml, as they went down the street, gave, lu emphatic lernis, n dt-Mcrlptlnn uf IiIm sulVcilmis, his opin ion of Journalists, mid, liiclilenlally, much Inroriniilloii a lion I himself which Hie impels had beeti vainly sighing for. Finally they purled with mi engage ment fur dinner the next evening. That night the professor was sit ling lriiniiillly In a restaurant, the observed of nil observers, when suddenly he wits seen tn spring to his feet wllh n smoth ered exclaiiiiiHiiii. Ills friends crowded about for mi explmiittlun. but he could only Hit down weakly nml point In his newspaper, the liliirmtle d'ltalla. There, In large print, were his Impru dent revelations of the afternoon. He liml been "dune" by a Juiirimllst. 1'itll Mall (Jazelle. THE PERFECT NUMBER. From Time Immemnrlnl Thrre Has llnil I'nusunl slKtillli-nnre. The perfect number nf Hie Pythago rean system, expressive of beginning, middle ami end, was the number three. From time bniiieinorliil greater promi nence has been given tn It than to any other except seven. And ns the symbol of the Trinity Its Inlliieiice has waxed more potent lu recent times, It appears over nml over again In both the New mid Old TcMtmiii-Hls. At the creation of tho world we liml laml, water mid sky, sun, moon and stars. Jonah was three days and nights In the whale's belly, Christ three days III the tomb. There were three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac nml Jacob. Abriihaiti ciitcrlaliicil tluve Illinois, .lob had three friends. Samuel was en 1 lei three limes. Sam son deceived lielllnh three times. Three limes Saul tried to kill Havid with a Javelin. Jonathan shot three ar rows on David's behalf. Iianlel was thrown Into n den of three lions be en use he prayed three times a day. Shiiilrach, Meshacli ami Abed nego were rescued from a llery furnace. The eomimiiiiliiii'iits of the Lord were de livered on the till tl day. St. Paul speaks of faith, hope nml charily. Three wise men cnino to worship Christ with presents three. Christ spoke three times to Satan when he Wits tempted. He prayed three times before he was betrayed. Peter denied lilm three times. He suffered three hours of agony on the cross. The su perscription was In three languages, uml three men were crucllleil. Christ appeared three times to Ids disciples mid rose the third day. New York Herald. Have Von Uot Themf Do you feel anxious and preoccupied when the gas mnil goes by? Do you sli-ep bnilly? Do you go to bed hungry? Does your heart palpitate when you see n steak? Is thero an nil gono feeling In your pocket? Do you hnvo nightmares? Do you do menial arithmetic every time you eonteuiplato the purchiiHC of "cotfeo und?" Hnvo you a hunted look? Do you walk down dark alleys when you go downtown? Hewn re! Those nre the symptoms. You're busied. Kan Francisco Bulletin. Krrnt'h Conceit. Ftlenne Dumoiit, writing In the early part of tho last century, said: "The prevailing character of the French u that of conceit. Every member of the ussemlily considered himself capable of undertaking everything. I often Bnltl that If you proposed to the llrst hundred men you met In the streets of Tarls and to the same number In the Streets of Loudon to undertake the charge of tho government iiinety-iilne of them would accept In Paris uml nlnely-nliie would refuse in London." The Tibetan Conscience. The Tibetans offer dally prayers for tho minute Insects which they have (wallowed inadvertently in their meat nml drink, and the formula Insures tho rebirth of these microbes iu heaven, Yet they eat meat freely and square their conscience with their appetite by the pretext hat tho sin rests with the outcast assassin, tho public butcher, who will be born lu the next Incarna tion as sum 3 tantalized spirit or agon ized demou. That, however, Is bis own affair. Optical Indecision. The Daughter No, mother, dear, I could not marry Mr. Smith. He quints. The Mother My dear girl, a man wbo has 20,0U0 a year may be affected with a slight optical Indeci sion, but a squint, never! London Tat tler. It Is said that rats may be driven from the pi-emisos by the pluylug of bagpipes. Hats have a great many buuiun trait after all. Chicago Journal. PUT ON THE BRAKE8. lorr Hp, mi Refore ton Knew It Te Mar Be 0 the Traeb. The lltnltpd goes sixty miles an hour. In the smoker men Joke and play lards nml tell risque stories. Tba dsy coach es nre crowded nml comfortless. Tba heavy sleepers ns they swsy to and fro make only a gentle rocking for the people who elmt and read and nap. Crush! Knglne nml curs and flesh and lilimd nre ground up together In a shapeless, horrid muss. OB the track! Ho gms humanity's train. Here Is a boy who gut to running on a fast schedule. He began by pilfering from his father's till. A he grew older be ihiiiIp faster time. Down grade be goes, ami soon conies the crash. News boys cry a murder and a suicide. The erowd halts for a moment. Ills friends murmur, "I never t linns lit be was so bad I" A young mini Is off the track) A young girl thinks her mother la too slow for these record breaking times. Mother Is "old fashioned." The girl goes to places her mother lis warned her she should not frequent. The bloom Is brushed from the fruit One dny a biar.eii, drunken crea ture, cursing and shrieking, 1 loaded Into the pittrol wagon. A woman la olT the track! A man gets In a hurry to be rich. Ills father went slowly, carefully, suc cessfully. Hut father' methods will not do. What's the use of moiling and tolling when a quicker way may well do the business? Ho und-so baa spec Hinted successfully. Surely I am as shrewd as he. A pistol shot A man Is off the track! Our age Is a rapid one. Business and society go at a sixty mile clip. Bather thnn be sidetracked for a time men will drive their trains Into the ditch. Many of them run wild. There are frequent collisions mid wrecks lunu Uierable by getting off the track. LiHik out, thriving but venturesome merchant und reckless young woinnil anil gay young man! The nice Is uot to the swift iilone. I'ut on the brake. Slow up, or before you know It you will be off the track. Milwaukee Jour nal. THINK OVER THESE. Why are nil cewpath crooked? How old must a grapevine be before It begins to bear? What wood will bear the greatest weight before breaking? Cnn you tell why leaves turn upside down Just before a rain? Y'oii can see any day a white horse. but did you ever see a white cult? Why does a horse ent grass back ward and a cow forward? Why does a hop vine wind one way and u bean vine the other? Where should a chimney be the lar ger, at the top or bottom, and why? How many different kinds of tree grow In your neighborhood mid what are they good for? Can you tell why a horse when teth ered with u rope always unravels It, while a cow always twists it Into a kinky knot? Wesleyan Advocate. Escaped the "Mljtht Hare Beea." "Yes," Hiild the geittlo optimist, 11 confess I am superstitious enough to wear n lucky stone." "And do you really think It gives you luck?" "Oh, I uiu quite sure of It." "Did you have It with you yester day?" "Certainly." "And In spite of It you lost a five dol Inr gold piece, tore your coat by catch' lug It on a null, sprained your ankle uml fulled to close the business deal of which you expected so much." "True," replied the gentle optimist. "but think of what might have hap pen ed to mo If I hadn't bad my lucky stone." New York Press. Colehesler'e Thankaarlvlaa- Pies. Many funny stories are told of the early Thanksgiving days. The town of Colchester, for Instance, calmly Ignored the day appointed by the governor and held its own Thanksgiving a week lat er, when the sloop from New York bringing a hogshead of molasses for pies had arrived, In Bevolutlonary times Thanksgiving was not forgotten. The council of Massachusetts recom mended that Nov. 10, 1770, be set aside for "acknowledgments for mercies en- Joyed." lu the next year Samuel Ad' urns recommended a form of Thanks giving proclamation to the Continental congress. i Merely Eilsted. A number of lawyers were exchang ing stories of their experiences with witnesses under examination. Oue of the parties told the following: He was questioning a witness and said: "You have lived in New York a number of years. How long?" "Just twenty-five years." "Where did you live before that time?" asked the lawyer, hoping to prove an Important point "I didn't live," replied the witnesa. "I wa sin gle!" Not a. Bit Ilk a Cat. Lady Visitor Your little girl seem to be very much taken with me, Mr, Stepswell. Mr. Btepswell Yes, and she doesn't often take to stranger. You think Mrs. Kippur la real nice, don't you, Agnes? Agnes You said she wa a cat, mamma, but she doesn't look a bit like one. Exchange. Pay-las Trials. Gaggsby Jones Is very wealthy, but be says his life is full of trials. Waggs by Yes; that' what makes him wealthy. "How o?" "He' a law yer." Cincinnati Commercial Trlbupe, More Information Reeded. Ward What do you think of a man Wbo sells his vote? Street Which slilo did he sell It to? Boston Transcript POINTED PARAGRAPHS. The most Inexcusable thing In the world 1 to unjustly abuse a decent clt Iseu. It doesn't do people any good to be old enough to kuow better tiules they are also too old to enjoy meannes. Kvery man needs a chart to tell lilm the degree of kinship In bis family, but bis wife know them so well she can say them backward. The truth about some people who win to b doing so much I that they always put things off until the h.st nilniite ami then have to rush. The early bird may get the worm. but the lute bird has good an argu ment: He get hi rest which the early bird misses and has never yet starved. Be patient with the girl who tnkps so long to dress. By and by she will lie able to do up the work and dress herself and three or fotir children In half the time she takes for herself now. Atchison Glob. lie a sere ( Melancholy, The weak, broken spirited person grow morbid and melancholy, and the brain degenerates rapidly under the Influence of these mental stats. Mutant-bolls Is something that conic more wlfliln the province of the will power thnn nnythlng else. It can be cast off and avoided only tn this way. Some times for tho lack of stimulating the will physicians- will reconiinen ! n change of occupation, si ,'iiery nml as sociation. This Is merely mi nl tempi to rescue the mind from Ititrispi-ciiuii and give the will an opportunity I as sert Itself. Sometimes this U ucciiiii pllsheil. nml then, If followed up by cultivating the will, n peiinsnent cine msy be ellected.- Kxchnm;c. Plmllna; an Kit-nse. An Irnsi lole old colonel w ho ttse l lo play golf ut Sandwich, which Is u:i tlie river Klour. hail a h.iblt, co. mi -u -v'i'i many, uf blaming everylm l.- l :ii n self fiir Ills bad strokes. Fin. !l,v "i:i day. Iici'oiiilug badly hunkered, l.c linl to.tU mighty vengeance on t' e t :: f with Ids club; then, glaring nr i:n l lu expedition of the usually fr!e i V? comments nml nubisly any inn nut thing, be blurted out, "How can you ex; cet n mail to piny decent golf on these cursed links with ships passing tip and tlowii the channel?" London Mull. Ryee ae m Ulan of Intellect. Generally the special point of infer ence between unimportant nml remark bin people lies In their eyes, in the rlear, steady, piercing gaze which Is able to subdue or terrify the beholder, writes Lady Violet Orevlllii In Hie Graphic. Sir Itiehard Burton's look could never be forgotten; neither, I Imagine, could Napoleon's or Victor Hugo's or tlint of any other great man. The eye Is the window of the brain, and through It shines the Inti lliuem-e. Inspected Ai-iiuImIIIoi . "You don't belong to one o ' the old est families, do you?" said Hi" super clllotis woman. "No," unswered Mrs. Cninrox. "But after we get the girls married we ex fiect to have several of the oldest fain llles belouglug to us." Washington Star. Hot and Cold. Bilks (disconsolately I -Yes. my cred itors nre making It hot for inc. .lill.s (cousiillugiyi Well, t'.t'. is a cold world.- Pittsburg Post. OF UKVOI.I,1 VII. I I., Capital Surplus $50,000 $50,000 Moult tlrClellaiul. Presl.lcttii J. t . Kins, Vli-r Pre-ld. lit. Joltu II. KMin-liurCNMliler Director)! Scott McOlnlliiud J.l'.KIiur lliinlcl S.ilun John II. i:orlll .1.11. Ksiicln r O. W. Fuller K. II. Wilson Does a Konersltmnklnit liusliii-asHiiil ulli lt the accounts of insrchsnts, profnssloiiiil men. fsrnmrs. ifiHclmnlct., iiilncrs, tutnls-i-mcn itnrl others, promising the iiioni carerul hiiciiiii-i, tii the business of sll psi-sonn. Hnfti llHposll llnxes fur ri-nl. First Nnlli.nsl Hunk liiillilln-. NnUn nim-k Fire Proof Vault. ' Xfc?rTBPJJIUm!l!IJUW aa aii ll 1 Ttios.E. Evans Contractor and Builder Uh bought Solomon Shaffer's lumber of Boe and lumber yard at this place aod will continue the lumber buuloe at the same old stand. He will sell any and all kinds of Lumber Lime, Cement, Sand or Plaster. Main St., Reynoldsvillc. First National llaoli 1)KNNSYLVANIA H A1LUOAD UUPr'AM) ft ALM-XIMKNY VAI.I.RY UIVIHIllN. Jyiw (initio Division, la Effect Miy 2t, 1904, ((turn 8ttndiif Tint hi a i iiTmm. No I0i fto .Ti J 1 No.iufj RoITrTrJe 157 I'ln-ir,.. . M I . a. u I (I ni' im I I :m r a K- il Hank bllHrpMilllmtll . . , . New It,-1 tl l4-lK-.lt, link III. lun Aliiyiiott. Hiiiiuiiervllli,, , llMHikvlllt. lows Fuller HeyiioliUvlii,.' i'llttCtlllMt Kit Us I rimk. , .. Hull. ill HiiImiIb " Wlnli'i liiirn ... I'i-ioiIIi I.I . . i vl-r . II It fi i m V ti ll) 'HI III ti iii ai In ft! II In ll is II 41 ii'ai VI in ii Mi IS 4 Ml s u, It X IS 111 is iii im Si 1 ti si r-o Ml IU OA IU IS 4 r-s 6 IX s m I a- n iH tn in in ti it im in in n r-.i 1 1 in tn Ml in As 'II in It 4! ii ft! iii I IVi I H7 I Ml II 411 ttl t! mi 4H S rYt II to 7 im (12 Ik.! 7 an I ftll 1 III 7 1-1 I I'luieretlii. ,'.'. 7 is S III 7 U Ileum t Vll t IS I tf its 17 full 7 47 lll-lft, N HI I II 0.1 s w A . M IMMII..I1 1 m ,iu ii vi i,.t) vi.' rit tmiu i lis in. a. m.. Ml llllllk- II III ll.... 111.. l- 11 llUu....l.lulll T.i .u... . , Oil I 14, ' 't --J 'I.IIII.TIIII I' 1. 1 la. f ....!. I I...ll..lul J .. No 104 Soldi) A. M. STATIONS. ill-lfl WIHMl M. I ft Ml ill in Ml tlnillt In in II ii, It Ml tn m lleiimiM-ttl to in A I ftl II 4- li Ii r-elillllelii.".'.!'.'.! 7 mi 7 ii:. I I i I ! ii U m II u I l. wiiiieriMirn .... hHiiulii 7 is 7 ;m HiiHoIh I- kIIhI reek I'HIIIlOHSt HeyiiiililKVllle.. Fuller II Ii. II I: fi (m 7 K n in IS 14 8 27 7 ii 17 47 7 SH tS Il ls IS I au III HI1 il ;m tu - s ir is mi lit ft 4.1 tf Ml IU II Ift lows 4) ... HriMikvitln HI r.i 7 In 7 :!u s .r. l mi Hiiiiinic rvllle.... tS 411 12 10 111 ll U X4 M iiyiinrl 7 Hi 0 il! lliiklllili'ii 7 4-1 111 I ! a hs New He llilc hem 7 .'.I s :i 'I .'II t IIS it l.'l la mi S 4ft l.llfflolllilMII... Iteit Hunk I'lttslnirs 7 14 HI in A 1'H 7 i il iftii ;ir, I ft mi 1 10 III A. M. l-. III. p. Hi. F. H.lr. M. Tt-lllti Uftl! (Mtlllllll ll ll.lt M lll.ll. A III m. Fulls I'leek 4 17. Iti-Vliolilnrlllel HI lln.L.lllJ ft.im. Hi-ii lliiiik il..m, I'litiliiiri'ti.an p, ni. nn. uii .hilly hei w I'll IhIiid it nml lliillols. I III H II llllll V- till I V I I II III It V.IU I It I It MlHUl la ft. H.-'n ii. in., strive finllols HiiiUn. m. Kiiturn- um ii-ini'H iiiiii.iu 2 nn p. I,,., srrlves Drift wood am p. in., NtoppHiK ill Inleriiiiidlste sta tions. J'l'riilns nun ke.l Mm dully;! ilnlljr, encfiit Sioi.liiy; t lias million, where sIkiihU must lie illOWII. I'lilliidnlphlii.V. Krlo Kuilroad Division liiolTei:t,Muy 2!ith, 1IK)I. Trains loevq Driftwood us follows: K.ASTWAUli is'ij s iii-Trnlu tl, wi'cinliiys, for Hunliiiry, vyilki-slmrn-, Hiixlcioii,l'oiivilli',Hcrniitoii, HiirriHliurs nml tlm liiliiriiusllntn sls lliins, nnlvliiK III I'lillmlelpliln 6: it p.m., '" Vol Ii . :.s-i ,. ru . j Huh im.irc, 11:10 p.m.) -Vsslilinii.in, 7: Id p. tn I'm 1 1 mi, ri I'm lor cur from WlllliiiiiHporl to I'hlliidnlplilii stnl pss iimuict cn,,elii. from Kiiim tu i'hllinlelplila su. I WlllliiniHiHirt to llnl 1 1 more and Wasli- lllKUlll. il -'i p. in.- Triiln h, dully for Hunliiiry. Hnr rlHlmrx nml pi i n . ' e, I inli-rnii-. lisle ttlor,s, nrrlvliiK nl I'lillmlelpliln 7::r.: p. rn., New York ll:2.i n. in.. Hull iiik.iii 7:;(l p. m., Wash notloii B:,t, p. m. Vest Hulled piirlor cars und piisneniier coin-lies, lliilfiilo m I'hllsdel lilils und Wiislilniftori. I:li p. in. -Triiln il, .Lilly, for llar rlslium sud liileriiii-dliiie slntlons, a'r rivlns ut I'lilluili Iphiit 4 2.1 A. H.s New York, 7 11 n. in.; Hull li.i.ne, 2 -ii ii. m.; Wuslilnston am a M. I'liilimiii MnepliiK rsrs from liirrislniiK to 1'lillinlelpliiit mi l New Voi k. riilhi.'i'lpliiH pn-.-.i-uiierH rsri riurialn lo sliepo und 1st ill l.eil nn I II 7 : .' A. H. It:nri p ui. l iulii i.iiuliy fur Hunliiiry, llnrrls Iiiiili i'iiI iD'ernieiliiiiii nihIIoii i, urrlving hi riill.i-.elplilH, 7:1, a. M.; New York. 4. Ml a.m.. 1 1 week ilnyi mid Hi. is a M. on Bun diiy; I'lililmorti, hI.Ia.m.; WsiiliiKton. S:.j0 a. m. I'ullriiiiii hIii-ihts frnm r.rin, nn. I '.VIIIIimiHp.irt. to I'hlliiiielphla, and Willlii nisport to WiishliiKinri i'ssHflrisi-r COIII'e. s tin III I III' lo I'llllUillllplllM, ailll Vlllimiii.Hitl to Hiiltlinnre. 12:41 p. in.- I iiiln II, dully forHiinliury, Hsrrlii Iiiiik und prlri.-tiiul uilerriiedlutestutlofis.sr rlvln hi. I'lillitui-I pluii V :.!.' u. ni., New York k:.t:i ii . in. weekiluys, (Mi.. is a, m., HundHy) Hull ,in. nn 7:2A n. in., Wu-hlniMon, S:41 a in. Vlitlllillled liullel Nleepttiil curs Slid pft. seiixei ciie lie, llolliilo Ui I'lilliidelptile and VVHr.lilniLoii. WKHTWAICI) dXl a. m.-Trnln 7, dully for HulTalo vis r.liiporluin. 1:41 a. ni. -Train 0, (hilly for F.rle, Kldg WHt, and week duys for lliillols, Clermout nnd prliii'lpHl liiliirriicilliue stntlnns. 4:Mih. in. Train , daily fur Krle and Inter um. lisle points. 3:4ft p. m.-'l ruln Ift, daily for Buffalo via Krnporlum. S:4'ip. in. 'I ruin RI, weekdays for Kan aod liiterrnedlateatatloii. JOIINSONIIUUO ItAILKOAD. p. m. WSKKUAYS. . m. a ;ia 1 .".i a a 2n a 12 a 07 2 Ml i i i 20 ar I'I'-ruioril jv WlMSlVUllI (.iiilnwood hnilili's Hun I riHlsnter HtriilL-lit Olen lliixel .loliiiHonliiirs Iv Knlwayar 10 40 10 4ft 10 . II) Nl 11 OJ II 07 II l 11 aft 12 UI r.rUGWAY & Cl.KAUKIKLD ItAILKOAD and Conneclions. p.m. p. in. a.m. a.n p.m. p.m. 7 ;n 2 HI II .'il ur Iti'l-rwHy Iv It .Vl 12 OA 4 Oft 7 20 I ;.s 1) (M M, Haven 7 01 13 1ft 4 Hi 7 Ift 1 IV '.nil l.ioyliiml 7 10 12 24 4 26 7 0ft ... H 'h-i HIioiih Mills 7 Ift 12 US . 7 01 110 n ftl HlueiliH k 7 IU 12 ai 494 i k l a; s t7 t.iirriei 7 2a 12 aft 4 as 147 127 S IT llroi kwsyv'l 7 :t! 12 4ft 4 4S 14a 12:i sat 1.i..,.h .Mills 7:i7 12 SO 4 M S as ... 11 M M.'M.ni, ,-rl 7 41 4 A7 t 3ft lift H 2.1 Harvey, Kim 7 Ift 100 SOI San I in a 31 Iv Falls irknr 7 ftO I Oft S Oft Sll 12 :S H (is Iv llultolar H 01 1 2ft S 20 ao I l.'tj"vi arralUU'k Iv 7 ftft I Ift S 10 B tft 12 ft2 ll .11 U. vili.l.lsvllle SOS 12V S 37 ft m 12 24 lit, llnsikvllle 8 :ift 1 ftU 00 4 SO II 41 New Hetlil'm U -0 2 lis 4ft 4 Oft 11 lift Ked Hank 10 110 H 211 7 2ft I an Of) It l'lttsburi;ar 12 as S SU 10 10 p.m. a.m a.m. p.ui. p.m. p.m. For title tallies und additional luformutloa eonsuli ticket annul. W. W. ATTF.HIICItY, .T. R. WOOD. Jjen'l Msnauer. Pas. Traffic Mgr OtO. W. Mo VII, Gen'l IWauser Ant. ptTTSBURO, CLARION 4 SUM- -1- MEHVILLE RAILROAD. Passenger Train Scli-il u Ih. First rlnss Trains. Iiully except Suiiduy, cotim.-ctlng Willi F. K. R. Tralna ai Kuiiiniervllle. ' OIIINIl k.tKT. No. 1. 7 An a.m. sun ' s.ia " No. 3. 11.10 am. 11 .'ii U.Hi " II. Ill " 13.U0 ' No. 3. 4.i p.m. 4.2n p m. 4 .as p m. 4 .VI p ni. 5 1ft p.m. No. I. 3 20 p.m. as S.4D 7 .01) 7.10 Cfarinn, leiivn, Htratumvlllu, WHtersoD, uursi. , "il Huuiniervllle, ar.s.40 oiiiNti wssr. No. J. Stimmervtlle. Iv, s.ftft n.ni. Coinlca, H. 14 ' Waterson, tt.:,u " Strattonvllle, Il ia ' Clai lint, an h u, No. 4. U.-jno-m. 12.;M " 12.40 " I Ifl " 1. 10 " Iii eir- I Oi-tolit r it. lisu. F.-rfi ulier Infor ms, inn .1 l.lr.-.s i,e l.'oriipiu y'a cenvral ultii-e i 11,. 1 111.. I' If yoti have anything to sell, try .nil W 1 nt- Pfil t a-- r-i