The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 23, 1904, Image 1

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    An independent journal devoted to the
interests of Rcynoldsville.
Published weekly. One Dollar per year
strictly in advance.
Holds Fire 36 Hours
Does it with either ordinary soft coal or hard
cord. This stove is the ideal heater because the
never out, the rooms are heated evenly,
best of all, it tines less coal than any other
stove made. In fact, we guarantee It to
save one-third In fuel over any
lower-draft stove the same size.
Coles Hot Blast will burn briskly
(or two hours In the morning with
coal put In the evening before.
Simply open the draft.
These wonderful results are
possible because of the patented
Hot Blast draft used in connec
tion with the patented air-tight
construction (see picture), which
we will show in detail if you will
come to the store. We guaran
tee It to remain air-tight as
long as used.
is false economy. Cole's
Hot Blast saves its cost in
fuel every year and at that
gives most satisfactory
heat; it is cleanly, and
is sold under a positive
If you enjoy the luxury
of dressing in warm rooms
without the necessity of
kindling new fires, investi
gate Cole's Hot Blast
The Keystone Hardware Go.
IN c? tar- Postofflce. Reynoldavllle, Pa.
DlMtMrona Wreck.
Carelessness Is responsible for many a
railway wreck and the same causes are
making human wrecks of sufferers from
Throat and Lung troubles. But since
he advent of Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
oven the worst cases can bo cured, and
hopeless resignation Is no longer neceH
sary. Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorchester,
Mass., Is ooe of many whose life was
laved by Dr. King's Now Discovery.
This great remedy Is guaranteed for all
Throat and Lung diseases by H. Alex
Stoke, Druggist. Price 50c, and 11.00.
Trial bottles free.
'Block Light."
Gives 300-candle power litrht and uses
loss gas than tho ordinary burner. Get
thorn at Ding-Stoke Co's.
urn-ntm in s m n i mix.;
The .Reynoldsvillc
Candy Works
We have filled our place
with a lot of new kinds of
fresh candy'and we try to
please everybody. Stop and
look in our window then
H come in and we will show
you the finest line of fresh
and home-made candies ever
shown in Rcynoldsville.
Stop and Take a Look
at the finest candy you ever
ReunollSYllle Candu Works
Main Street. Nolan Block.
Breakers Met Store
Saturday, Nov. 26, 1904,
-will be-
Grand Opening of Holiday Goods
Where you will find a complete assortment of new and up-to-date Toys and Fancy Goods.
In all the lutest designs and patterns, at prices which
will interost you in buying. Just the kind to please '
your child.
Doll Go-Ca'rts and Buggies
For the pleasure of the girls and all kinds of Sleds to
please the boys Shoo-Flyos for baby.
Do You Like a nice "Christmas Tree" ?
We have them, and an unllmltod supply of decorations.
The finest id tho market.
Bell Chimes and Bell Toys
And all kinds of rattles. Just what you are looking
for topluuse baby.
Building Blocks
ABC Blocks, Drawing Slates, Paint Boxes and many
other kiiidurgurton helps.
All prices, from the 10c toy up to the military. See
the new novelty in drums. .
Our Mechanical Toys
Are complete. All kinds Hill Climbers and Perform
ing Clowns and Moving Trains of Curs.
' Do You Want a Nice Book
For a girl or a boy V We have them. All the latest
in Xmas story books.
Our Stock of Games
Is vory large. Curd games, Croklnole, Carom, Par
oheesl, Sotlo and various others.
All kinds, from the cheapest toy to the fine musical
top, aud we have the musio boxes that please.
Toy Furniture
From the upholstered parlor suites to tho furnishings
of Doll Kitchens, Sideboard, Bureaus, Tables and
Toy Pianos
The kind to make musio for Dolly's party.
Toy Dishes
A large variety of the beauty kind at prices that will
Fancy Goods
Toilet oases, Manicure Sets, Smoking sets, Penman's
sets, Shaving sets, Work Boxes, and a great variety of
fancy articles for a nice present for a friend.
China Goods
Fancy salads, celery trays, Fruits, Cups and Saucers,
and a large variety of imported china goods at a gen
uine bargain ia price.
Lamps and Water Sets
See our fine line of Lamps and Water sets, and other
articles of Glassware useful and ornamental.
We Have a Nice Line of Jewelry
Rings, Beauty Pins, Cuff Buttons and Cuff Links that
are beauties.
Gloves and Mittens
If you wish a nloe pair Gloves or Mittens for Gent or
lady, boy or girl, oall and see our line.
Handkerchieves and Purses
We carry a nloe line of Handkerchieves and Purses
which would please you ben you see them. .
Our Line of Staples
. Such as are kept In a first class Racket Store, are al
ways up-to-date and not the trashy, shelf worn stock
that is kept In some sueb stores.
WE wish to thank our patrons for their patronage in the past and solicit a continuance of
it, as our motto is fair and impartial treatment for everone. Our store has always
been headquarters for holiday goods and we are better prepared than ever to supply your needs
and it is our prices that tell. Call and examine goods early and yoft will be treated just as
courteously as if you were making the purchase. Remember the date and place Sat., Nov. 26.
Breakey's Racket Store, Haiti St.vReynoldsville, Pa.
Why You Should Visit the World's Fair.
The principal reason why a visit
shruld be made to this greatest of
Expositions Is on account of its educa
tional value. A visit to the World's
Fair Is In itsolf a trip around the world,
for fifty cents, the price of admission.
The president of one of our greatest
universities has said "To the bright
student tho Exposition is worth a thou
sand col lego lectures." The opportunity
of a llfo-tlme is afforded in which to
acquire, by a few days' sojourn at tho
Fair, an education which could not
otherwise be received. The World's
Fair Grounds cover over 1,200 acres,
bolng more than twice as largo as tboso
of tho World's Columbian Exposition at
Only a fow wocks remain In which to
take advantage of this great opportuni
ty. Every day from now until the closo
of the Fair Is a "social" day. Tho
Wabash Is selling dally excursions tick
ots to the Fair at greatly reduced rates;
112 00 St. Louis and return, on sale
dally, except Fridays and Saturdays.
Tickets good In Palaco Reclining Chair
Cars ; 115.00, St. Louis and return.
Tickets on sale dally, and good In
either Palaco Reclining Chair Cars or
Pullman Sleepers. Tho Wabash oper
ates through tralnB from Pittsburg to
tho World's Fair Main Entrance, all
trains leaving tho magnificent new
passenger station, Corner of Liberty
Avenuo and Forry Streot, at 2.00 p. m.
and 8.30 p. m. dally, City Time.
Detailed information rcgardlpg rates
and train scrvlco, to St. Louis, as well
as to many Homescckors' points In tho
Wett, Northwest and Southwest, cheer
fully furnished at Wabash City Ticket
OIHco, 320 Fifth Avenuo, Depot Ticket
Office, Wabash Station, Pittsburg.
Not A Kirk Day Mure.
"I was taken soveroly sick with
kidney trouble I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved me.
One day I saw an ad. of your Electric
Bitters and dotormlned to try that.
After taking a few doses I felt relieved,
and soon thereafter was entirely cured,
and have not scon a sick day since
Neighbors of mine have boon cured of
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Liver and
Ktdnoy troubles and General Debility."
This Is what B. F. Bass, of Fremont,
N. C, writes. Only 50c, at H. Alex
Stoke, Druggist.
Florida and the Sunny South.
Beginning October 15, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will soli
Winter excursion tickets to the resorts
of Florida, the Carolina, and other
state In the South and Southwest, at
greatly reduced rates. For specific
rates, limits, and other conditions, of
tickets, consult any ticket agent.
DocaiiH Heaped Old Ago.
It's shameful when youth falls to show
proper respect for old age, but just tho
contrary In the case of Dr. King's New
Life Pills. They cut off maladies no
mutter how severe and Irrespective of
old age. Dyspopsia, Jaundlco, Fevor,
Constipation all yield to this perfect
PHI. 25o, at H. Alex Stake's Drug
Bull Dog Boots.
No use trying to beat the "Bull Dog"
duck snag proof rubber boot we're sell
ing. Ask one of the many wearers of
"Bull Dog" boots. He will tell you how
"tuff" they are. Cost no more than or
dinary kinds. Bing-Stoke Co.
Notice to Advertisers.
The oopy for all display advertise
monts must be in The Star odloo not
later than 2.00 p. m. Monday of each
week to have the advertisement appear
In the paper the week It is handed into
Seo the guaranteed umbrella 08c at
J. E. Mltcboll, merchant tailor, noar
Hotel Imperial.
New fall shoes at Mllllrens.
Telephone your order to Koorner's
and we will deliver them.
Solicits the patronage so
generously tendered to
her husband, the lute N.
G. Plnney, of Brook vlllo.
All of tho
J J Insurance Companies
represented by him have
appointed her as his suc
i Solicitor for Mrs. Plnney In Reyn
l oldsville.
The Oentla Game of Football.
Notwithstanding the claims of Its
admirers that the game of football was
bolng so modified that its dangerous
features were being eliminated, It has
claimed many victims this season. Bo
sides tho largo number of fatalities
there havo been scores of minor Injuries,
to say nothing of tho .overtaxing of
organs that will develop serious dif
ficulties later on. In the whole domain
of athletics thoro Is no other game so
brutal, senseless, uiittclcntiflo and In
jurious to tho constitutions of those who
engHgo In It. Besides, It is utterly de
moralizing In Its effects upon college
students who become ltn votaries. They
are absolutely inflttoi! for Intellectual
pursuits and very frequently ruin them
selves phyHically. That this game has
becomo the leading athletic attraction
at our great Institutions of learning Is
certainly unfortunntu and a standing
reproach to those who countenance and
and encourage It. Punxsuiawney Spirit.
Clerical Orders for 1905.
Pursuant to its usual custom, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
isfeuu clerical orders for tho year 1!K)5 to
ordained clergymen having regular
cliargo as settled pastors of churches
liH'ated on or neur Its lines. Clergymen
desiring such orders should mako In
dividual application for same on blanks
furnished by tho Company and which,
can now bo obtained from the Ticket
Agents. Applications should be sent
to the Goneral Ofllco of the Company
as soon as possible, In no case later than
December 15, so that orders may be
mailed by December 30, to all clorgy
men entitled to receive thorn.
A Runaway Illryrle.
Terminated with an ugly cut on the
leg of J. B. Ornor, Franklin Grove, III.
It developed a stubborn ulcer unyield
ing to doctors and remedies for four
years. Then Bucklon's Arnica Salve
cured. It's just as good for Burns,
Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c,
at H. Alex Stoke's Drug Store.
A High Class Shoe.
Tho "Dorothy Dodd" shoe baa the
high class effect, Inasmuch as Its stylish
appearance and finish are very pro
nounced. It has the red nod cxoluslve
noss without the extra prlco 13.00 and
$3.50. Blng-Stoko Co.
Fertilising Lime.
Wo are prepared to furnish fertilizing
lime on short notice. Address all com
munications to Cox & Marshall, Reyn
oldBvllle, Pa.
Surveyor and Drnuglitamnn, Office In Sol
Shaffer building, Main street.
Ofllce four doors from Itoss House, Went
Keynoldsvllle, Pa.
Ttliii'k and while funoralcnrs, Mian strnat.
Iteynuldsvlllo, l'a.
The II. S. Iliirlul Leninc lias boon tinted
and found all rluht. (iiicapmt form of In
surance. Secure a contract. Woodward
Uulldlnir, Koynoldsvllle l'a.
Cole's Hot Blast.
Is an air-tight hcator that Is so scien
tifically constructed that It burnB all
tho gas arising from soft coal, hard
coal, llgnlto coal or screenings. This
saves half the cost of fuel. A guarantee
with evory stove. Sold by Kcystono
Hardware Company.
"Block Light."
Gives 300-cundlo power light and uses
less gas than tho ordinary burner. Get
them at Blng-Stoko Co's.
That's what It moans when you
buy a pair of our
Queen Quality Shoes
for Women.
This cut represents one of tho
now stylos, made of Booth's Ideal
Kid. The toe is medium narr ow,
arched instep, with two inch heel.
Heavy sole with slight extension
on the outside. Just the thing to
wear with a walking skirt.
V, We want to acquaint you with
ft A. our women s shoe that we sell for
U&I2.00 and 12.50. They are the
best shoes made for the price.
Prlco 1.00.
Specials 13.90.
Foot Fitters.
i nursciay, uec. i, iv
We have an immense line of Havalind,
German and Austrian China, odd
Cups and Saucers, Sugar and
Creams, Berry Plates, Salads,
Trays, Vases, Jars, Jardineres,
Clocks, Toilet articles, Cabinets
and Screens. Lamos and Silver-
1 lM ware. We are anxious to show
them. A nice assortment of
Cut Glass, Oriental Rugs, nice warm
Comfortables, Lace Curtains, Couch
and Table Covers, Carpets direct
from the mill, Body Brussels,
Tapestries, Ingrains and full
room sized Rugs. We have any
thing you need for your house.
Furniture, Stoves, Beds and Bed
ding, Go-carts, Cradles. Come and
see and be convinced.
G R . H A LvlLi
I: I