The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 16, 1904, Image 4

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    SEtt Stat.
Subscription $t.OO)Kr ienr in advance.
V A.nTRPHKNKOK, Kriltor and lMib.
Wednesday nt Ki'vneMsvllle, ,liilVrin To.
Ia., devoted to tin- Interest of KeynoliNvUle
And Jeffersnncminty. Nin-r'lltirtil,wllltrvit
fell with fnlrnew. unit will he especially friend
ly towards tti liiliorlim i'Iiixk.
OommunlriHlnnn Intended for pnlillrMlon
niu.t rm wrnniimnli'd by ttio itrMrr'nimmi-.
Bot for puullrntlon, hut n n utmrnntee '
oodfnltn. Interesting new Item solicited.
Adverttslne niton tnudu nown on applica
tion MthlKofllec.
lingbty communication and cnanee or
.lertlmmiit4i nhoiild rrin'li thl orllre by
Monday noon.
Subscription prlcrfl.noprryenr.ln advance.
Addrc allcommunlcatlon loO. A.lHepn-
nson, Keynoldsvllle, I'a.
Reduced Rates to Pittsburg via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
To accommodate those doslriiitf to hop
the mftRniflcent display of chrysnnthe
mums now blooming in tho l'hippa
Conservatory, Schenly Paik, rittsbuiy,
the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company
will sell excursion tickets to l'ittKburu
on Sunday, November 20, from the fol
lowing stations, at rates quoted, Rood
only on trains Indicated :
I, ,.,., Time of
II, 1,0 Train.
PallsCreek l !0 (1 12 A. M.
Uoynoldsvlllo I 150 .: "
Fuller 1 40 m.4-1 "
Brookvillo 1 20 7. or. "
Summervlllo 1 00 7.20 "
"f" Stops on sljrnal or notice to nffent
to receive passengers.
Returning, special train will leave
Pittsburg, Union Station, at 7.00 p. m.,
and run through to Driftwood, making
all stops east of Hed Hunk. Tickets
will also be accepted on DuNoi Express
leaving Pittsburg at 5.05 p. m. The
excursion rate will not bo accepte d on
trains, and passengers not provided
with tickets will be charged the regular
full fare.
It won't cost you a cent to get a dia
mond ring. Attend Hoffman's opening
Nov. 17th.
Jt One of the largest macaroni factories
in the state Orders sent l . u. ). or on
i 9? "''erence anywhere in the
United States. Also wlmlesiilo iimmts
f for the well known brand of
Premium Flour.
it 0.4J.MAKINARO, Proprietors
$ Solicits the patronago so
J generously tondored to
her husband, the late N.
S G. PInney, of Brookvillo.
All of the
I 1 1 Insurance Companies
represented by him have
appointed her as his sue-
Solicitor for Mrs. Plnnoy In Itoyn-
only good
v fa
p fun
. Walk-Overs
Are all Goodyear Welted. For us it means more trade
for you 6hoes free from tacks or roughness of any sort.
The styles are correct. The workmanship of the very best.
All different kinds of leather Patent Colt, Patent Kid,
Chrome Calf, Vici Kid, Nue KueKid, Velours Calf.
. Price, $3.50 and $4.00.
VJk Foot Fitters.
Sam Uoed wont to DuHois on Satur
Mrs. Charles Kittenhouse left on
Saturday for a two weeks' visit with
friends In I'ittsburg.
Mm. C E. St roust), of Paradise, visit
ed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V.
It. Holman, lust week.
Hiram Uupert returned homo on
Monday of last week from a two week's
visit In Armstrong county.
There Is no school In room No. 4 this
week, as Prof. Crlssman Is one of the
jurymen at the county court.
Charles ltiltenhoumj Is having his
blacksmith shop made Into a store toom
and Is also adding u pleco to the sido
of it.
The Loyal Temperance Leiiguo held
a box social In Smith's hall on Tuesday
night of last week. Something over
seven dollars was cleared.
Do not forget the Thanksgiving din
ner and supper to be held in Smith's
hall on Thanksgiving day and night by
the Ladles' Aid Society of the M. E.
The M-'thodist parsonage Is Hearing
completion, which will bo greatly
appreciated by Kev. D. .1. r'ruin and
family, who are patiently waiting tho
removal to their new home.
Miss Laura Ennis gave a surprise
party one evening lust week in honor
of her friends, Misses Etta Biid Katie
Zimmerman, who depart with their
parents In a week for tho west. Tho
party wa9 highly enjoyed.
Disastrous Wrecks.
Carelessness Is responsible for many a
railway wreck and the same causes are
making human wrecks of sufferers rrnm
Throat and Lung troubles. Hut slnco
the advent of Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds,
even tho worst cases can bo cured, nnd
hopeless resignation is no longer neces
sary. Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorchester,
Mass., Isono of many whose lire was
saved by Dr. King's New Discovery.
This great remedy is guaranteed for all
Throat and Lung diseases by H. Alex
Steke, Druggist. Price o0c, and 1 00.
Trial bottles free.
Florida r nd the Sunny South.
Beginning October 15, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell
Winter excursion tickets to tho resorts
or Florida, tho Carolines, and other
states in tho South and Southwest, at
greatly reduced rates. For specific
rates, limits, und other conditions, of
tickets, consult any ticket agent.
ocn'l Itespcrt Old Auc.
It's shameful when youth falls to show
proper respect or old ago, but juBt tho
contrary in the case of Dr. King's New
Life Pills. They cut off maladies no
matter how soverc and Irrespective or
old ago. Dyspepsia. Jaundice, Fever.
Constipation all yield to this perfect
Pill. 2"c, at H. Aiex Stoke's Drug
Notice to Advertisers.
The copy Tor all display advertise
ments must be in The Star olllco not
later than 2.00 p. m. Monday of each
week to havo the advertisement appear
in tho paper tho week it is handed Into
'Block Light."
Gives 300-candlo power light and uses
less gas than the ordinary burner. Got
thorn at Bing-Stoke Co's.
Loave your ordors with John H
Poubles for butterlnc.
Soo the new outing (lannols at
Mill irons.
There will bo bargains at tho public
sale at Wm. Copping's storo next Satur
day afternoon.
W. B. Corsets Millirens.
A fine assortment of'china, cut glass,
&o., opon for inspection at Hoffman's
Nov. 17th.
New fall hats at Millirens.
Walk-Over Shoes
for. Men are
Goodyear Welted
That's why they're so comfort
able, ''Goodyear welted" means the
method of sewing soles on shoes, and
leather can be used too.
S O N'&
Reynolds ville, Pa.
The New Ballot.
Tho now ballot, which our pt oplo had
tho first opportunity to see Id all Its
abnormity of feat-ire last Tuesday,
certainly deserves to take the premium
for stupidity and absurdity. No bettor
device could have been conceived to
confitso and befuddle tho voter. Instead
of making it as easy as possible for him
to express his will at the polls this
ballot makes It as dlffcult as possible.
Those ridiculous boites In the left hand
column, to tho casual observer, look
like mere meaningless gingerbread, and
tho Impulse is to mark In the square at
the head of tho Presidential electors.
Unless the closest attention was paid to
this many of tho voters, whose Intention
was to voto tho straight party ticket,
would voto only for the Presidential
electors, thinking they were voting for
all the candidates of the party of their
choice. Of course the election officers
could not assume that this was tho
meaning of tho voter, and as a conse
quence a number of votes wero lost to
the State and County ticket In each
precinct. On this account tho Stale
and County ticket In Jefferson County
will run eight, or nine hundred votes
behind tho National ticket. And tak
ing tho Slate as a whole the discrep
ancy will amount to many thoii.-unds of
For this the voter Is not to blame, for
ho Is not presumed to go to tho polls to
figure out a Chineso puzzle, but to
exercise the right of suffrage.
The first thing tho next legislature
ought to do Is to amend the ballot law
by obliterating the boxes to the left and
putting a circle at tho top of each
column, a mark within which will bo
equivalent to a mark opposite tho name
of each candidate of that party. And
all the names of tho candidates of a
particular party should be In the samo
column, under tho same heading. With
tho present ballot It is almost Impos
sible, when within a dark little voting
booth, to find the State and County
tickets at all.
This monstrosity of a ballot Is the
work of tho Ballot Reform Association,
with some attempted improvements by
the Legislature in the way of making it
possible to vote a straight party ticket
without biting an expert in the art of
deciphering enigmas. But the effort
was a dismal failure.
The absurdity of this ballot was not
demonstrated at the last State election,
because there were no Presidential
electors on It to confuse the voter.
But now that It has been clearly demon
strated that It Is the most successful
thing ever devised to defeat tho will of
tho voter, there should not bo anothur
election held under Its ridiculous pro
visions. Punxsutawney Spirit.
m 1-
Pennsylvama Railroad's Winter Excur
sion Route Book.
In pursuance of its annual custom, the
Passenger Department of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company has just issued
an attractive and comprehensive book
descriptive of tho loading Winter re
sorts of the East and South, and giving
the rates and various routes and combi
nations of routes of travel. Like all the
publications of the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company, this "Winter Excursion
Book" is a model of typographical and
pictorial worlc. It is bound in a hand
some and artistlo cover In colors, and
contains much valuable information for
winter tourists and travolors In general.
It can bo bad free of charge at the
principal tlckot ollleos of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, or will bo sent
postpaid upon application to Goo. W.
Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Last Month
of the World's Greatest Show.
The low-rate ten-day coach excursions
of the Pennsylvania Railroad afford a
fine opportunlnty for those who bavo
not yet soon it to visit the greatest ex
position evor hold in this country.
Wednesdays, Novembor 0, 10, and 23
are the dates during the last month the
fair is open. Rate, 114 65 from Reyn
oldsvllle. Special train leaves at 5.27
p. m. ; connecting with epeclal train
from Now York arriving at St. Louis
4.15 p. m. next day.
A Ituuawuy lllcyt'le.
Termipated with an ugly out on the
leg of J. B. Ornor, Franklin Grove, 111.
It devolopod a stubborn ulcer uoyiold
ing to doctors and remedies for four
years. Then Bucklon'a Arnica Salve
cured. It's just as good for Burns,
Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c,
at II. Alex Stoke's Drug Store.
Fertilizing Lime.
We are prepared to furnish fertilizing
lime on short notice. Address alt com
munications to Cox St Marshall, Reyo
oldsvllle, Pa.
'Block Light."
Gives 300-candlo power light and uses
loss gas than the ordinary burner. Get
them at Bing-Stoke Co's.
Sue the guaranteed umbrella 98o at
J. E. Mitchell, merchant tailor, near
Hotel Imperial.
New fall shoes at Millirens.
Buy your supply of groceries for
Thanksgiving at Koerner'i grocery
store, Main street.
Why You Should Visit the Wot d's Fair.
Tho principal reason why a visit
sin uld bo made to this gr atest of
Expositions Is on account of Its educa
tional value. A visit to the World's
Fair Is In Itself a trip around the world,
for fifty cents, the price of admission.
Tho president of ono of nuf greatest
universities has said "To the bright
student the Exposition Is worth a thou
sand college lectures." Tho opportunity
of a life-time is afforded In which to
acqulro, by a few days' sojourn at tho
Fair, an education which could not
Otherwise be received. The World's
Fair Grounds cover over 1,200 acres,
being more, than twice as largo as thoso
of the World's Columbian Exposition at
Only a few weeks remain in which to
take advantage of this great opportuni
ty. Every day from now until the close
of the Fair Is a ''special" day. Tho
Wabash Is selling dally excursions tick
cts to the Fair at prently reduced rates;
H2.00 St. Louis and return, on sale
dally, except Fridays and Saturdays.
Tickets good In Palace. Reclining Chair
Cars; 15 00. St. Louis und return.
Tickets on salo dally, and good In
either Palaco Reclining Chair Cars or
Pullman Sleepers. Tho Wabash oper
ates through trains from Pittsburg to
the World's Fair Main Entrance, all
trains leaving tho magnificent new
passenger station, Corner of Llborty
Avenue and Ferry Street, at 2.00 p. m.
and 8.H0 p. in. daily, City Time.
Detailed information regarding rates
and train service, to St. Louis, as woll
as to many Homeseekers' points in the
West, Northwest and Southwest, cheor
fully furnished at Wabash City' Ticket
Olllco, 320 Fifth Avenue, Depot Ticket
Office, Wabash Statlon( Pittsburg.
Not A ftlc k lnj Miner.
"I was taken severely sick with
kidnoy trouble. I tried all sorts of
medicines, none of which relieved mo.
One day I saw an ad. of your Electric
Bitters and determined to try that.
After taking a few doses I folt relieved,
and soon thereafter was entirely cured,
and havo not seen a sick day since.
Neighbors of mlno have boon cured of
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Llvor and
Kidnoy troubles and General Debility."
This is what H. F. Bass, of Fremont,
N. C, writes. Only 50e. at H. Ah x
Stoke, Druggist.
Want Column.
Kntes: One cent, per word for each and
every insert Ion.
Lost Silver Hag shaped coltego pin,
with word Gettysburg on ll. Finder
will please confer a favor by leaving at
FOK SALK House and lot on Muln
Ht. Inquire of Mrs. G W. Warnlck.
FOH SAt.K Good driving horse. In
quire at The star office.
Roomers Wanted Inquire of Mrs
R. L. Taafo, Jackson st.
Foil SALE Grocery store ; good h).
cation on Main stt t. inquire at THE
STAR office.
FOR Sale Very cheap, 3 gas stoves
good as now. Inquire at this olllco.
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Wages threo dollars. Enquire
at Star office.
For Sale Hard waro store doing a
good business. Reasons for soiling poor
health. Inquire at Star oillce.
For salo Livery stable and stock. In
quire at THE Star office.
Girls to Icarn Winding and
Enterprise Silk Co.
Thirty Days
Bargain Store.
On account of the dry
spell of weather I have
decided to offer my com
plete stock of
Men's and Boys'
at sweeping reductions in
order to make room for
Christmas goods. Sale
Remember Don't miss
this sweeping sale.
A. Katzen - - Prop.
xn mi i tti t: .nsxu.vxxt
Coming with Everything
Reynolds Opera House
DECEMBER 31, 1904
Under auspices
Has been universally conceded
by press and publlo to be the
best organization of Its kind In
America. The searchlight of
criticism lias fulled to find any
flaw In Its equipment or meth
ods. 2 UXU3333X!3Xn3333'J333aj
Fall and Winter Stock of Dry Goods
Notions and Ladies' Furnish
ings Complete.
The election is now over and the fall season In merchandising is well started. The
styles are also well established, so that it is no longer a question what style to buy.
' We are daily receiving shipments of merchandise, which enables us to show the
newest and most complete lines of above mentioned to be had anywhere. We also guar
antee our prices as low, and in most cases lower, than you can buy elsewhere.
We have also a nice
line of suits, principally
black, brown and blue.
These are .'styles that are
receiving general approval.
If interested in a suit, don't
fail to see these.
We are showing suits irorn $10.00 to $15.00.
" iKkSkii"0""'
uj. iM, vii. at an.
iucbes wbUl lUM.urc.
We have the best line of Furs we have ever been able to show
you. If you have not already bought a Fur, don't put off buying
too long. Cold weather creates a demand and best furs are always
shipped early in the season.
Furs range in price from
65c to $35.00.
rteynoldsville, Pn.
Getting What You Want
Is better than getting something cheap.
If you can do both at once, better still. You can always
do it here, no matter what furniture want you have. We
have the lurniture to fit it and thhe price and terms will
be better than anybody else's, too.
Cloaks, Suits and Skirts.
Although our early stock of Cloaks was large, yet we have not
been able to supply all demands. We are receiving shipments almost
daily and invite you to see what we have.
We have just received a new shipment of skirts. It is without
question the best line and contains the best styles we have had this
Don't fail to see our
$6.50 SKirt.
Nothing better for $ 1 0.00 anywhere.