The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 19, 1904, Image 7

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Wei ltrf Na Appetite .Inst II mnlinnal
Joseph MtrCnulry. nf 11 Stiolto
strwt, ChloiRn, Siichrni of Twinnst-h
lwlgp, "Two jesrs (?o my
lipiiltb uns complrle-
Oly broken iluwn. My
buck nclieil anil was
.a1 s " lump 'hut st tlmM
A0 "N I whs Imrdlv nhlo to
1 tlrrss myself. I lost
my nppHlte ami wis
' nimble tonlcep. There
seemed to be no relief
' until I took Dona's
Kidney 1 1 Is; but fonr
boxes of this retiiitly efTcvted a com
plete and pertnntit'nt cure. If sofrpxlng
bnminlty knew the value of Potns
Kidney nils they would use nothing
else, as it is the only positive enre I
For tsle by nil dealers. Price 50
cents. FostPr-Mllburn Co.. RtitYslo, N. T.
Words Old Mar Understood.
"It is queer thing the way animals
will learn the meaning of certain
words," said Mr. V. T. Reeves, of Ut.
tie Rock.
"J remember as a boy a certain old
fTy mare that, belonged to our fam
ily, which one of my older brothers
tiad ridden the whole time of bis ser
Ttcs in the Confederate army. Shi
was a mapnlflreiit saddle animal an!
ordinarily aa entitle as a. lamb, hut. If
anyone ventured to say, when on her
took, 'look out, the Yankees are com
ing!' she would proceed to bolt at the
very top of her upeed, as though terror-stricken,
and It was a difficult
thing to quiet her down. I suppope
the words had In some way been
ISorno in upon her equine Intelli
gence during the conflict and thry
tnnst have hart time frightful mean
ing. Once I addressed them to her
to my sorrow, for. suddenly wheeling,
the left the road and plunged into a
thick piece of woodland, with the re
ult that, a projecting limb knotlipil
me senseless to tlio ground. After that
when astride of th old mare I stu
diously avoided all reference to the
Yankees." Washington Tost.
How to Get to Sleep.
Nervous people who are troubled
with wakefulness and excitability
kav usually a strong tendency ol
Mood to the brain, with cold extrem
ities. The prejKutre of blood "On trr
torsi n keeps It In a stimulated .'
wakeful state, and the pulsations, Im
the head ore often painful. U thee
symptoms occur In your ease, you
shonld rice and chafe the body and
xtrnnities with a rough towel, or run
smartly with the hands to proroou
circulation and withdraw the exces
sive amount of blood from the. brain,
after which you wlil probably fall
asleep in a few minutes. A cold bath,
or a spongo bath and rubbing, or a
rapid walk in the open nlr, or Koing
up and dow:i ctuirs a few times before
retiring, vlli aid in equalizing tin;
nlrculttk-n and promoting sleep.
The Century's Index.
The Century Magazine htin bt-en try
lr.IT Vie experiment of omitting tlie Id
US' from the Inut number of the vol
utae, but it has announced that, be.
ginning: with the October number,
which ends thn current volume, tb
Index will be restored.
Many magazuio publisher liavr
found that It is not necessary to print
an index for the entire edition, but. a
small edition only has been printed,
and cot'xs have been scut to pcrsrr.e
who desire to preserve their numbers
in bound form. The publishers of th
Century have found oul that so many
readers of that magazine bind tlx
numbers tbat it bus become neces
sary to include the iti'J. x, as hereto
fore, in the entire edi'iou.
Fifty specialists aro studying tlif
data brought back by ibe Gauss Aur
tarctio expollllon.
From Wis cradle t Bis baby chair" -
II to, yon ought lo havo a
rUH rnOEXIX Walking ChtUr
v holds the child seonrol.r, pre
senting; those painful falls and
bnmns wliich are so frequent whea
baby lenrns to wnlk.
Tlio duur is p.-uvidod with a re
moTublo, sanitM? cloth swit.wliich
supports tlio vreijjht of the child
and prevents bow-legs ar.d cpinal
troubles; if ohiolim; u table attach
ment wliich enr.blcs baby to find
amusement in its toye, etc, with
oat any attention.
"As Indispensable as I oraule.
It is so coubtruoted that it pre
out a soiled clothes, sickness from
drafts and fleer (Terms, end is
recommended by rhysicinns and
endorsed by bothmothcrnndbaby.
Ocmbinoa pleasoro rud utility.
No bp by should bo without one.
Call at your furniture dealer
and ask to eeo one.
. 1. L L.J.I II J ,
1 IL ii
i .tafcS'' " .1..;-.." i ., 1
Th n mrntllM of the t1ntl I'tcrk la
MmiAlng Men.
"It is Immcnani'Ahly liurdrr to nwnk
en men In the iiioiiilng Hum It Is wo
men.' tlenrno V. Collins, hotel pro
prietor. Informs inc. "A lap or two
St a woman's door In the morning Is
sufiicicnt. No matter how Into she
may have retired, no nut Iter bow ex
hausted she mny have been, no matter
bow faint ibe 'yes In answer ta the
knock, tbat emnes from the bed, yon
can bunk on It that within a half hour
or so that woman will wnlk into the
dining room bright-eyed and cheerful;
but with a man well, it's different.
"A man may leave a cull for 7 o'clock
In the morning with the warning that
he mnst be up at that hour. A few
minutes before 7 you detail a boy for
the pnrpoe and tell him not to stop
pounding until the mini awakes.
The room may be on the top floor, but
you can hoar the thump, thump,
thump on the tlonv 'way down In f'e
office. Hoes the man wnke with a
faint 'yes and scramble out of bed?
Not he. The boy knocks until bis
knuckles aro torn, and then suddenly
a stentorian voice roars from the
room. 'Yes, yes, what in blitxc is the
matter with yon? lo you think I'm
dead';' The boy retires, turns In bis
report at the office and goes to ease
his hand in cold water.
"Three hours iHter a swollen-eyed
Individual with wrinkles in bis brow
walks up to the desk. 'I thought I
left a call here for 7 o'clock In the
morning.' 'You did, and the bellboy
woke you promptly at 7.' 'Tlml's a
little too strong,' is the nnwer, nnd
after you've argued with him for
half nn hour you haven't convinced
blm that he was actually iiwnkencd
as be had ordered. So It goes diiy
nfter dny. The women pet up prompt
ly in response to a cull, while the men
Invariably turn over to luive another
nap." .St. I.oiiis iilobe-Ieinocriit.
Tim I.ln Is lln.T."
The advent of the telephone Into the
rural districts might luive been
expected to ir.trOuiieo im clement of
fvcxbness and vurlety Into the monot
ony of farm life. Hut some of the uses
to which this instrument 1ms been
adapted by inucnlous fnrm women
surely go br.vond the plcasnntcsl initio
Ipntlons of its Inventor.
In many of the counties of the middle
West the telephone has becon.c so pop
uhir that there Is one in almost every
farmhouse. Many Incidents attest the
adaptability of the Inxlrunicnt to the
varied needs of country life. One old
lady of well-known socinhiSity was
found by n chance caller sitting
plcnMinlly at her knitting, end wear
ing what at lirst appeared lo be some
curious headgear, but what, on a closer
view, was seen to be the telephone re
ceiver fixed to her head by nn old hut
band. All the telephone subscribers
on the road were on a single line, nnd
the old lady's ear was "hitched'' to
nil the private news nf the countryside.
In u not her Instance n young mother,
finding it necessary to go to a neigh
boring farm on household business,
look down the receiver nnd laid It near
her tleeplns: Infant, nnd rciucslcd
"l 'cull al" to "King mo up nt Mrs,
Hall's if you hear the baby cry."
.V. physician, making a country call,
found himself In want of something he
had left in town, lie went to the
farmer's telephone to request Hint it
be sent to horn. As be did so the un
mistakable click of receiver hooks
could be heard nil along the line. In
closing his conversation the doctor said:
"Now you mny all bang up your re
ceivers." Prices in Mlrntli Cenlllrr.
Farm wages and the cost of living
In "Merrie Knglnnd" of UOO years ago
present an interesting and suggestive
subject for reflection. Itr. W. .1. Rolfe,
In nn article In the April 7th issue of
the Youth's Companion, entitled "A
Warwickshire Farmer in Shakespeare's
Uny." says: "In 1504 u laborer got
foin'penee a dny, 'with meat nnd drink,'
or clghtpence to tenpence, finding him
self. Mowers got clghtpence with food
or fourteenpouce without it; renpers,
sixpence or twelvepence. In 1582 a
capon cost sixpence, a cult five shil
ling!!, a lirlcin of butter seven shillings
sevenpence, a cock (for fighting) four
pente, a pullet threepence; In 1583
a milch cow cost thirty shillings, a
bullock seven shillings, a calf five shil
lings, six horses seven pounds, a pork
ling twenty-elghtpenee. The prices of
other farm stock nnd produce were on
Ibe same scale. If wages were low,
the cost of living was proportionately
low, and the fare of the laboring
classes was more plentiful than often
In more recent times." rrosrcsslve
Gaiiutne Antlqtics.
The ,1rnlous clerk was trying to per
suade Mrs. Comstock to buy a pair of
nullquo braas candlesticks. "Madura,
these aro genuine old caudlcsttcks."
"Well, how oiii I to know they nre?"
"Iteeause you can buy the Imitations
nnywhere. And I advise you to snap
these up while you can get them.
Thorn have boon so many Imitations
that the demand for the genuine nrti
clc is fulling off, and the manufact
urers will not make uny more nnUijue
"Is that so? Well, I certainly am
fortunate to have seen these before
you sold them. Uow much arc they?"
HIIm's Uoiauuce.
Richard Battler, tho publisher of
lillbc's notorious romance exposing the
scandalous conditions in a small Ger
man garrison town, said in u recent in
terview that about 150 imitators of
tillse have been rushed luto print with
stories containing similar disclosures.
Most of these authors are retired and
embittered officers; many of them send
tholr tnauuscrpts to htm and all of
Uiein expect to get fubuJeusly rich. '
Alfalfa Is t valuable leguminous rrp.
Fxperln ent made with It on the light,
sandy sob's of New Jersey demonstrate
that If the epd Is sown In the late
Miiiinicr or early fall alfalfa can be as
easily grown as any oilier grass.
When seeded down In spring It has
failed, as weeds crowd If out.
Too inu.'li ground food Is not bene
ficial to fowls. They have no teeth,
the work .f preparing the food being
done by the glsc.srd, wlib-h must Ik)
made t d duty m the birds will not
thrive, tiriund or soft food will an
swer for mii occasional mess, but tho
proper foods arir hard grains, which
the fowls prefer to grind for them
selves tbrotrgh the agency cf the siz
sea rd.
nAi'j:? in rnicKKNS.
Camphor i a most effectual remedy
for tapes. Mix it with the feed In
the proportion of a tea spoonful to a
pint of feed. If only a few chickens
are affected, feed a few bread crumbs
which !iko bci-n sat urn ted, and they
will he intmcd'Utely relieved, it Is
sometimes iir-i'-amary to repeat the
ib iso.
coon swa no.
Willi s gooil pliable or rich lonniy
soil. It will always be a comparatively
easy ins Iter to produce u good sward,
If r select the right kinds of seeds.
For i;ti acre, five bushels of a mixture
f red lop. rested dot's tail, Kentucky
bine and l'lioiio Inland bent
Kri!, i gooil. If not convenient to
obtain all thc- either Is good alone.
M tirt choice would bo red top. the
second llhoile Island bent grass. After
sowing nnd brushing In the seed, it 1s
well to sou a pood iinniitity of some
fertiliser thsf domains ammonia, and
then rn!l the ground with n good
eight rollei. When the grass attains
the proper icl)jl to cut, I would cut
the fti'st time with a very keen-edged,
s.-vthc; after the fust cutting use the
lawn mower, on with cylinder driving
wheel prefcived, that the ground may
be kept smooth. At the approach of
winter cover witfc a good thick coating
f straw r.:u.uro from the horse ban:,
raking off the straw In the spring and
leaving the finer particles of manure on
the ground. F. H. Sweet, 111 The Fpl
iomlst. CKMKNT TKOlinilS FOU II0(?S.
When made of. wood, troughs for
hogs are more or less unsatisfactory.
The best and most durable trough can
be made with good cement and coarse,
clean s.itid ,r. the proportion of ons
bucket of cenciit to two buckets ol
sand. Make a temporary frame for
the outride o; your trough, then pour
In the trout material, and with a
trowel fashion the inside ns you wish.
I.oave the lwttntn concaved on inside
like n bowl or keltic. The top edges
should be two ;:tid one-half to three
inches thick. A piece oC chain put In
the end of the trough in r.iaklng, near
Hit bottom, makes it convenient and
handy to move.
If cleats are desired:, rods of round
Iron can be Jmbeddcji In the grout be
fore it sets. These prevent hogs from
lying down in the trough nnd wasting
the contents. After having fashioned
out your trough and put in iron bars
for elevts, fill fu?. of walcr. Tho ma
terial will set better and your trough
will weai for all time. Troughs of
this kind six feet long arc most con
venient and much cheaper than wooden
ones. J, E. Sammon, iu Farrj and
Home. .
Tests r.t the Ptorr's Kxperimcnt Sta
tion show conclusively tbat tbc amount
nf milk given by the cows a:id tho
purity of the product lwtb depend upon
the method adopted bv the milker. One
young man, wbt said be could-milk,
was given charge of the milking of
six cows. At the end cf a week the
quantity showed a shrinkage of twelve
per cent. In another experiment, in
which live boys, previously t.iught ns
to proper ucthods, were tested ns
J7.ilkc:, four increased the flow seven,
ten, trn anil live per cent., respectively.
The following instructions in regard lo
i lilking are ;n use ut tbc etntlon:
The milker should milk regularly,
t'lorouchly and (jtiietly. lie should
wear 1 1 an clothes w ash lilc hands be
fore l.i'giniJng t;j milk, imrt never wet
them while milking. The cow should
be brushed before being milked, and
her Haul; nnd udder wiped with u
ili.inp cloth i.i order t minimize, as
far us possible, the number of bacteria
fbiming about, in the vicinity of tho
pall, nnd likely to get into the ullk.
To tht same end. the foremilk should
be rejected, nnd the milking clone into
covered pails, with stia'.uers arranged
for the milk to pats through. Keject
Ing the tni few spurts of milk from
the teat removes the milk containing
objectionable germs. Tim cleaner tht
milking Is done tho fewer the genus.
Massachusetts I'loughnilin.
Our Church Mcaribrn,
According to Ir. Wulttr La Ills w, an
authority, there ore ao.OJO.OOO church
uembria in this country. 0 hou
more U'd 10,000,000 ara ltomu C'utu-oUcs.
All apples that are unsuitable for
market should be disposed of in somo
manner, as even the sound fruit tinder
rees will in lime rot and contaminate
the gmund. Any fruit that can be
Utilized should assist In the production
of vinegar or be evaporated for winter
And how the sunflower has been
taken In charge, by the cultivator and
developer of flowers. Not, however,
with the Intention of making It iarucr,
says tho Koston Transcript, for the
sixe was and always has been satisfac
tory. No, a course qulto contrary to
that followed with most (lowers se
lected for "improvement" lias been
adopted, and a successful effort to
make the sunflower a dainty blossom,
almost, modest enough to blush unseen,
has been in operation. No changes In
color have yet been attempted, an. I
probably there won't be. though shades
and tones arc wonderfully ami charm
ingly varied, lint yellow or some va
riation of lt the sunfiowei must nlwajs
be. Would it bo possible, though, to
have It fin grant? Actually we believe
It would. In these days of flower mira
cles. And wouldn't a fragrant sunflow
er, one with a pronoiinceil fragrance,
not Just a "clean smell," be a charmer?
In wet weather no plants need wat
ering. As long as the ground Is moist
iirtitlolul watering Is not necessary.
In protracted drouabls watering Is
Imperative. Well water, mid rain,
spring, creek or river waters are all
excellent, says the Ladies' Home Jour
nal. Instead of dousing nnd drying out
the ground every day It Is far better
to soak the ground well now and then
and try to retain the moisture in It.
This Is done by watering at night, nnd
the next morning scarifying the sur
face deeply with a sleel rake, or by
mulching with fertilizer, lawn mow
ings or half-decomposed tree leaves.
In watering give enough water al n
lime to penetrate to the lowest root;
little dribbles do little good. Water
plants when I hey are dry, no mattei
what time of day it may In. but the
best time Is In the morning and late in
tho afternoon and the evening. In
dry. hot, sunny weather do not water
plants overhead in the heat of the day; 1
some may stand it w ith Impunity, but
others, funkias, for Instance, may b!is-1
in watering from a hose ,-vr a water-j
lug pot, no matter how great the How ,
may be, lot. it fall gently, and never so
forcibly nn to rut the ground, and do
not dash it, against the ground or
nun Inst the stems or roots of theplatits.
Hut a good forcible dashing or hosina
nf walcr over the plants and in among
their branches ami leaves is excellent;
It refreshes them and kc."ps them clean
from dirt and insects, and enough may
fall upon the ground to satisfy the
Particular care should be shown in
having flower bed's and borders so r I
lunged that rain water shall never:
stay in pools about ihcm: have perfect
surface drainage. In artificial water
ing never let the water run off In ruts.
Scarcity of wnler and hot, dry weath
er give enervated constitutions and
stunted growth, and are very condu
cive ,o the spread hiu! evil of the red
The advisability of thinning fruit I
coming to bo recogulxed by n larger j
number of fruit growers every yettr
and is more largely practiced tbati over i
before. It has not been very long' thinning was resorted to only ,
when extra fine specimens of fruit were
wanted for exhibition. Tho Idea of
thinning from a purely commercial
standpoint is a couiiinnitively recent i
one, and even at the present time its
practicability Is often questioned,
while not n few still maintain that it
is n loss of time and money to thin
lite crop.
That it is quite an undertaking, espe
cially iu a largo orchard, must be ml
inlttcd,' and yet we are Inclined lo
Ihluk that if judiciously followed, its
hoacfitrt will certainly be revealed and
that in tho end Its practice will place
the figures on t lie right tide of tho led
ger. Thinning may not bo resorted to
every year a:ul there are shy bearing
varieties which probably would re
quire no titlc:)tlon in tills lino at all,
but cu the oilier hand there are years
it ud varieties which should bo given
attention along ibis line. For n few
moments let us notico sonic of I lie
good results which are to bo hud from
the practice of Ibis method.
Iu tho firbt place, it is a protection
d the tree. Kvcry orchardist In the
.State has no doubt been tho loser ol
a tine tree simply .because he has neg
lected to, sen that It was not carrying
too large n loud, i'lils loss may have
occurred from a heavy wind storm
which broko tho treo down, when, If
it had not been supporting such a
of fruit it would have withstood the
storm without injury. Or perhaps the
entire tree was not destroyed, but n
branch or two was broken when, with
a littlo attention, all of tho duimigc
might have been prevented, ltut
I hero is another phase of this protec
tion to tlio treo which we aro not so
npt to observo simply because its re
sults aro longer in coming. Wo refer
to tho lessened vitality and premature
death of the treo from ovci'bearlnjf.
Michigan Fsrwci,
Ood but tests where 'evil tcmpls.
The Ixird still cares for the lowly.
No true sermon Is an tnd in Itself.
A mail's mark In the world depends
uu his Rim.
No man can put all his character
Into his collar.
Winds of passion never yet brought
a vessel Into port.
It Is hard warming the soul at a
firt-work's display.
The time to break eff a bad habit
is before you begin.
Many preachers expect to' unlock
hearts with steel smiles.
There ran be no such a thing as an
education without ethics.
That for which anything is good
enough is good for nothing.
It is always the other man's track
that looks smoother than our own.
It Is hard to comprehend Hod's
ways while you are walking In them.
He Is not truly patient who Is pre
pared to suffer only as much as seems
good to himself, and enly from those
whom ho himself chooses. Thomas a
If you And yourself springing from
your chair nnd rushing across tho
room when there Is no occasion for
hurry, go back and sit down again.
Then get up shmly and walk nuictly
and with your shoulders back.
Tibetan Military Discipline.
We hear, too, of an abbot coming
at one place to sec Colonel Younghus
band In order to apologize for the con
duct of his monks In joining a recent
attack upon tho Itrltlsh. They had
no business to fight at all, ho said, but
they hnd been egged on to do so from
Lhasa. He had admonished them as
a superior should; he bad bad them
beatcu! Not for a long time has there
been anything more comical In the
history of war and diplomacy. Tho
monks of a Tibetan monrstcry aro
soldiers, somrwhiit. like tbc old-timo
Knights Templar, and. like them, no
doubt they prefer fighting to praying.
There Is only the abbot's word for tho
second whipping which his holy
knights received, and Colonel Young
husband Is too pood on Orientalist to
believe all be Is told. Put he was so
pleased with the nbbot that h; remit
ted the fine of gtBln imposed upon his
monastery nnd allowed the old man to
go back happy to his pray ing wheel.
What will next happen In such a
country, no one can foresee. There
came nrws later from the long-delaying
Chinese Am ban that he was on his
way, as he had been for six months,
nnd that the Imtal-Lnmn, at last, ris
ing to tho necessity of the occasion,
hnd provided him with a transport
befitting; his rank. Certainly, in tho
end, tho Pnlal-I.nmn, or those who act
for him, will r.o to any extreme to
keep the expedition away from IJinsn
itself. It Is equally certain Hint, tho
expedition will reach tho city or has
reached it. World's Work.
Act as If You Were Broke.
A Plttshurgcr who has made more
thnn a ltltlo money by thrift anil fore
Hlght huts a friend who has many
dreams, but all of them turn out base
less, saya tho Pittsburg Carctto.
Among his (friend's weakness is
"playing tho ponies," ami ho has moro
Byatcms of doing the Wsiklcs thnn
any ono else In the city. The fact that
tho bookies keep right on In the busi
ness docs not scnu to discourage him
nt all.
Kuril time he goes brcko it is his
hahit to call on his rich friend and
make a touch, explaining thnt ho has
a now plan, which will cnnblo him to
repay all he has "borrowed" tind ha'ft)
something left besides.
Not. very long ago he went, to his
friend's, office and explained that ha
was on tho lnsldo of the. races at Hot
Springs, nnd If ho could Hoenre $700
was suro of making It increase nt an
alarming gait. Ho secured $700 and
departed for tho health Mecca. Three
days later, on a Saturday afternoon,
came a telegram, saying: "1 am broke,
how shall I act?"
Tho prosperous friend took until
Monday morning to think out the ap
propriate answer. Then ho wired;
"Act as If you were broko."
Budget of Maxims.
Rather than say nothing, men ars
content to speak ill of themselves.
A proud man can never bo a loser;
no, not even when he renounces his
It is much less for a man's honor
to diHtrust his friends than to be de
ceived by tbeni.
Few peoplo hnvo the wisdom to
llko reproofs that would do them good
better than praises that do them hurt.
It Is with true love, so with ghosts
and apparitions, n thing that every
body talks of and scarco anybody hath
The most disinterested love is, after
all, but a kind of bargain in which
tho dear love of our own selves al
ways proposes to bo tho gainer some
way or other. Koehcfoucauld.
Spinning Bee in Maine.
Tho Martha Washington Benevolent
society of Deer Islo met. at Sunset the
other day for its annual spinning bee.
Old-fashioned spinning wheels were
in tie! mil use. Among tho exhibits
was a oullt presented to the society
for tho benefit of tho library, made by
Aunt Halomo Kellers, who Is now near
ly 104 years old. Kennebec Journal.
Prima Facie Evidence.
"Tho Smil horses hnvo a now gaso
lino atovo," remarked Mr. Courtney to
Ills spouse.
"Howd'Ja know that?" she asked,
"I heard tho explosion." What to
uses ron old bhccs.
When our choes ro discarded as
"really too bad for snyfbln." they
havo hy no means finished their
cotirss of usefulness. The second
hand dealer, perhaps, buys them up
and, after renovating them to the
best of his power, sella them again
to some poor person.
When finally discarded as foolgrnr
they still have a future. They come
Into the hands of the rag dealers,
and by them Ihey are sold to lac
torles, nhrre the leather they con
tain Is submit tod to various processes
till It gradually froms n material re
sembling In tppcaranee morocco
Fpon this designs a-e rtsmptd and
handsome wall papers, coverings for
trunks and other articles are made
from It. Fact Is oftencr stranger
than fiction, and It is sober fsct that
many a handsomely furnished libra
ry and dining; room has jls walls cov
ered with a costly and beautiful leath
er paper which was made from old
The Longest Fence In the World.
The fence about the Fort Pelknap.
Indian reservation, which Is 40 miles
wide nnd 00 miles long, has been
finished, according to a dispatch from
Helena, Mont. It probably .Is the
longest fence In the world nnd has
taken years In building. The plan
H to protect tho flocks and herds of
the Oros Ventres end Assiniholnrs
from Intrusion, as well ns to keep
them from straying.
TITS permanently ?ii red. ntsernerTnne.
new nftor first day's nsenf rr. Kiltie's flrest
Nervertentorer,$'iti1sltiotrl,srid trnntlsefres
Dr. It. H. Kmss.MiI.. KU Ar-h xt.. Phils., 1's.
There r twenty-four eroirnilorirt in the
Vm'.ed Sistes.
1 do not believe Plso's Cure for Consump
tion lias nneqnnl for Miigbs and eold. Jess
1'.I:otu, Trinity NpritiRS. lnd., I'eh. IB, l'.WO.
l;ilrnnd salaries in Japan crjj ab-'ut
H'.'.'iO a month.
Scotch WU.lnie,
The fountain of content must spring
up In the mind; and be who has to
Utile knowledge of human nature as
to snek happiness by changing any
thing but bis own disposition, will
waste bis life lb fruitless efforts mid
multiply the griefs which be purposes
to remove. Scottish Itcformer.
Sioo Reward, aion.
The readers of this paper wiil he plraseilto
learn that there Is at least one dreaded ills-i-iue
tbat eolenre bus !n nhle t" cure In all
ttsstngis.suil that it CatHrrh. Hull Catarrh
Oirtt Is the only positive i-iire now known to
thn inoill'-al fraternity. Catarrh heinst a eon
stliut tonal (tinea, rqtilrea s conciliations!
trntmnt. Hall's I'ntarrht'urels taken Inter
rally, acting 'Hretly upon the Monil ami mil
con aur faces of the system, thereby destroy.
Ingthe foundation of'the rifpfasr-, ami giving
the pntieut stn'figth by luiilriltig up thersn
stftntton and alstlni nature In ilointt Its
work. The proprietors hnvesernlieh faith In
1te"urntlve poweraihat they offer On Hun
dred Dollars forany ease that It fails to eura,
Vend for list of testimonials. Address
F. ,t. i'hknxt ft Co., Toledo, O.
Kohl bv Druggists, 7(W.
'I'ako Hall's Family Pills for cnnM!) allun.
(Iritrreit a Cnlt Far Out In Sea.
A chlengo traveler, looking for pns
time, ulllhiod (lie wireless telegraphy
equipment of one of the oernn liners,
on his return irip to New York, to or
der, while Im was yet " milt s nt sea,
a coupe to meet bim ut the wharf ut a
certain hour.
Son of a Samurai.
Admiral Togo was third son of To
go Klchlzaemun. a samurai of the
clan of Sntsuma, and the father gave
hint the name of Helhachlro. He
wus born at Kogoshima on the four
teenth day of tho tenth moon of the
year of grace 1857. The gracious
period of Meiji (which hy iuterpre
tatlon means th era of cmMghtened
reign) began In 18(18 A. I. That
was also the birth date of the new
Nippon. After the sacred tradition
of a samurai family, his mother took
him to the slirino of a guardian dlety
and plucetl him upon the altar as
tho offering to his country and to the
sword, that ho might defend tho land
of tho gods. Like many another
boy of a fiamural family, his military
training dales back far beyond his
memory. October Century.
Tho real "harp that once through
Tara's halls tho soul of music shed"
Is 'in tho museum of Trinity college,
GUARANTEtD CURE fnr all hn.l kM
"v afL CANDY JV ,
blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, tnrtlCGtlon, iilmploi.
paint after .atlng, liver trouble, aallow tkm and dlijlnrss. When your bowole don't niovo
Jegularly you are tick. Constipation kills more peopla than all other dltetteo together. It
!"! chronic ailmenta and long yeara of aufrerina. No matter what alia vou. start takinc
bAHCARBTS today, for you will never get
right Tsk. our advice, atsrt with Cs-csrets today uuJer nbsolitte guarsotco to euro or
money r-fuaded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Sample as
woki.1 lie,, etnnreas piernng wemecy Lompsny. Chlraga or New York. 50a
. "..Maaaa.aMaagMiaaaaaaHaaft
:rv 11 mai
x. "wx - r rfsWissr 1 m
Ltlll S. M MV m .t t B lAFt SSL,
Mrs. L. C. Glover, VicePres.'
ident Milwaukee, Wis., Business
Woman's Association, Is another
one of the million women who
have been restored to health by
using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
"pyma Mas. PisKn v : I was tniir-,
rled for aTrnl years nnd no ehitdrcoi
blessed my hom The doctor said I
hsd n ivnnpll-ation of female trouble
and I eo'ild not. have any children un
less I eoul-J be cured. He tried to cure
me, but after experimenting frjr ser-.
oral months, my husband became diss
(rusted, and one night when we not Iced
the testimonlnl of a woman-who bail
bee cured of similar trouble throng-Is
the' use of f.ydla 10. J'lnkliam'sj
Vegetable Compound, ho went out
and bought a bottle for me. I nse
your modi dne for three and nne-bs'l
months, improving steadily In bectt.h.
and in t.'ii'y-t.wo months a ebilj
came. I e.nnot, fully exprosn the joy
snd thatikfnlnesn that is in my heart.
Our home is a different place row,
we have something to live for, nml
sll the credit, is dun to i.ydlia
K. lMnUhsatn'M Vegetable) Com
pound. Yours very sincerely, Mrs,
li. C. Oi. vr.a, j!4 llrovcSt,, Milwaukee,
Wis." Vice President, Milwaukee)
Ituslness Woman's Association. $.;ona
fnrftit tf c-'fsrt f i'jow after proving qtnulnm
eit cannot 6 nmnriMt.
Billiard 15
fcirrovtt P?rBSl CombliiTion B HI lard r4 PM
Tb: (or Mar j PUylrf, $16 nnd op. 5 lo 8 fwl
hMt. f.rjt D on a ly hrxxtn tabic; nt away or aftrl
baliind a dvr. 16 'osM t!l:r, 4 oms, 40 Impla
rier.taand book of t'jfoafor 26 camaa K'ttla. oourr
C dally njoyrant vr antha family. Sent on trial
Wrt:a for Cralorua L and Colored Plats
Tht E.T. Burrowas Co. Froe Si Porlli nd, Mot
fha Eminent ScoWPhyicTaS
WMn othr fa Ha eon r ult
Hat will rtira y-m j-.f Can,r, Cnntintittcn
Nfirmm THae an-l nug atati'tinir -oti
I'lnlnt. .it tli BrMri, '03 I'nn A routt
Mrtaiiurx, l a All hIt" frco vt crim a:.
pjtft mr1ii m fin r itmut), A linn ,
bom. vTrk bradftrkia. oiain,.
br.ih,irs lit i oil ami iTerj llhir
arw iwlrvr-rl or Mir-d or RIiiwTat
tl'. On will (TnTAlhr kit rrlirf'
Within twiTTtilnit. llierlt- rent firvkat-ifln.fUi
(or aa oraitia: occnm. AU drustflvta soli tbcuu
Around the World
I have nartf yoor Flih
Brand Sllcktra for years
In the Hawaiian lalanda
nt found them the only
article that tulted. I am
now In this country
(Afrf- and think a great
teal of your coata."
The world-wide repute winrps
tlnn ot Tawer'a Water. WiCJ
proof Oiled Clothing; m VaVsv s
assures th buyer of afel:
tho noaltlvo worth ol ft"" :
all ferments hearing hu
this sign ol to. Fish. 'WtW ..
Boston, U 8. A.
Toronto, Cauda
AfiKSTM In .all s Mllshls
W""holft Hi-llrls nsvlntf a l.rA itroSfc
Aildtsss, ( nrrlrr No. 8. I Ilea,, N.
J T t J I anlehrellef un esrss so,,,
osiss. Ss'i'l fsr hnol of tsstlsinnisls snd lUilsis1
Irsstotsnt Free. Sr. S. S. aaits
V. N. U. 42. 1904.
kin l....,i. ..-j
well and atay well unlit you get your bowels
Kf CUArc 'OH
Im Raat h Syrup. TaatM G)0. Laa r
rw.L, Douglas
W. t. OouglMm makorn mad mmllm mavm anaui'ar
03.BO mhoom f.'lan mny o4hmr nuutulaolurmt
worla. Tiiersn w. i- iiuuiiss sa w tiioes srs tu
arvaiesi n.-iUTi 111 ins woi.a IS he.-austi of luoir eai-e:ienl l,le,
e:t,y niiluK snd iiinor w-tsrliig i(iislitn. If I eould sl,osf
JV1 Ills illtti tent's lielivsen the siloes luiiile In me Isi-lorv siwi
Ihowiuf oilier maKi'S snl ilia Kith fiivle leslheis ummJ. yois
Huiilit miueiuaiut whr W. K D'ukIs hliues s inut.
(if lusse, wnr iny lioll tliulr SIisl!. tH lellei, MMt luliKSr,
anil sis of aresjer ltitititsii sslim thsn aur oilier gs.Oo ,nv4
on His msrket to-dsi, ei.o. wtiy Uis salsa lor Uis ism sutiuus
Jul; 1, ltut, weit
W. DotiRlaa mmrantiwa 0elr vain by iTTiplng hla aamf
and pitc oti ttt ljlium. I.i -ok lur It Ukti uo nullitii
noli Uf ahiHa dealtra . fry wiser-, 'tut luior jtti4 m
Superior In Fit. Comfort ami Waar.
H kar vitrn W. L. Dougat $3.!0 tfivtt for the last twlre -
11 A utwtutc tahiactnui, I Ami them tvytvr mi jtf,ctHvH
Snd wcac to olht't cutting from $.fj(t to
. S. JJc VCL, lit. Cit.t V.S. Jnt. Hnxmm Mchkjun4,7m
1. Uuuajln uaea Corona ('ollaklri In hla S.5
ahoa. 4'uroiia Colt la unvttui to b tit flua
l uiant ioatnor bibii.
mow to nama bt ma.
W. L. OOU9LA. 0fWawi, Afaatah