The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 12, 1904, Image 1

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    An independent journal devoted to the
interests of Reynoldsville.
Published weekly. One Dollar per year
strictly in advance.
First National Bank
Capital - - $50,000
ftrott 7I 1 llniul. Irrlilrnt
J. . Ktim.V Ice 1'roMcMtt
loli ii II. K mtc'U'r('BJlle r
Hi'ott MeCli'lllllHl
John II. Coil vii
O. W. Kiilii-
, Kins I'unli'l Nolan
,1. II Kuirlur
liw n ffoniTiil Imitlilti'- hicliiosMiintl olti!tis
tin' hi'i'oumii of nn ii'li-tiil'. pMifiwsloniit wen.
turnier., tncclitinh M. intirri, Intril'crrTii-it nnd
Oi lurst iirotnlsiiii- 1 1n1 i -I-.I ciit-i'ful intention
to the Minimi-, nf nil iht" in.
Hufe PcpiulT Hum's for rent .
I'irt .Vuli.iiiil II i ik iniiidin-. Nolan block
Fire Pro .1 Vnult.
Surveyor and lli-iiinititsninn. OflVo In Sol
Hlmiri-f liiillillnii, Mnln mrect.
ottlce four doors from Koss House,
ltl')'lllllVllll, I'll.
Muck mill wlilm fiinemlcam. Minn street.
Urynoiilsvllla, 1'ik.
,1 .
The U.K. lliirlnl beintua linn been tested
mill found nil rltflit. Cheapest, form of tn
siimtifp. Secure n roiitnict. Woodward
lliilldlnir, Ktiynoldsvlllo I'll.
g Every Church in Town g
Needs Money
Ladies who desire to see their church in
a good financial condition, can easily,
make money to satisfy their desires.
Oor rnnnf Ron.
Tho "funny" bmie, or "crnay" boil",
an It In commonly called. In In reality
no liono nt nil, but n nerve, unit Its pe
culiar nuiup. of facetious origin, la n
pun on tlio word "humerus," the cylin
drical bono whlcb runs from tlio nlioiil
dcr to tlio elbow, the ulnar nerve pann
ing around It
The nerve In here superficial nml
therefore compnrntlvely unprotectpil,
so that It may be easily compressed,
aud then a blow upon It causes n
strange tingling sensation In the courno
of ltd distribution, which In felt an fur
nwny an tlio little Aimer. The humerus
ban been the occasion of humor In oth
ers, for Locker wittily writes In "An
Old Muff." published about 1740:
lie cannot be compli'te In aught
Who I not humorously prune.
A man without a merry thought
Cnn hardly have a funny bun.
8 Call at The Silk cTWill 1
and the Superintendent
how to do it. !
will tell you
A Lifetime's Ratlnsr.
Science Klftlngs telln us that If we
could sec the amount of food one would
consume In n lifetime puss before us
the sight would be quite appalling. If
a man lived seventy years, be would
ousumo during that time nbout Ion
lour pound loaves of bread a year, or
n total of 7.IXMI nulist initial loaves. Of
neat be would consume, If be ate all
beef, forty bullocks; of potntoen, an
aveniKc of 200 pounds per year. If bo
ate only two i'kus ii week, It would re
quire about T.UIK) Ck'KS to feed hi in dur
ing his lifetime; of tea und coffee on
nn aventKc a pint a day, or for a life
time about 3,2120 gallons.
What They Didn't Knoir About Air.
ileal th journals have been In exlst
- ruco tluio out of mind. One In particu
lar In Its day was widely accepted an
itu authority on nil matters of hygiene.
An Item which appeared In this paper
In 1H74 says among other things that
"It Is safer to Bleep In u bad air all
night that Is, with the windows tight
ly closed with a temperature over 50
than In a pure ulr with a temperature
under 40."
Fatherly Conelnalon.
Farmer Trefrog What makes you
think Ianlel Webster wuz a smart
man? I'liriner Hoptoad Waal, I've
been read In' some of his speeches, an'
they seem to agree purty thoroughly
with Slnry Jane's graduation essays.
I'hiladelphhi Bulletin.
Cgla Hr Rlocf bums nil kinds of fuel without
WUIC S 1IUL UIUM changing the stove in any way.
The smokeless feed door r.nd perfect construction gets ideal results
from noft coal. In fact, every advantage that hard coal has, such
an cleanliness, keeping (ire, etc.', are yours with soft coal and
COLE'S HOT BLAST. Perfect control of the draft makes it
the best stove for wood or cobs. In the lignite coal districts
COLE'S HOT BLAST is also without an equal.
Get The Original Cole's Hot Blast
because every fine point, such as the smokeless feed door, absolutely
air-tight construction, draft arrangement, base-heating plan and
the like, is protected by patent and is found on tio other stove.
We guarantee every stove to remain absolutely air-tight as long
as used.
We guarantee a uniform heat day and night, with soft coal, slack,
siftings or hard coal.
We guarantee that the rooms can be heated from one to two
hours each morning with the soft coal put in the stove the evening '
We guarantee the feed door to be' smoke-proof, and that the
stove will hold fire with soft coal thirty-six hours without attention.
We guarantee a saving of one-third la fuel over any lower draft
stove of the same size.
The above guarantee is made with the understanding that the
stove be operated according to directions and set up with a good flue.
It is the hottest stove that's out,
And don't charge us with joking.
You put but little fuel in
And have to do no poking.
If you should turn the draft full on
You will see your pa and ma go :
For nothing multiplies the heat
Like COLE'S HOT BLAST from Chicago.
The Store that Sets the Pace"
We lend but never follou.
Near Postoffice. . Reynoldsville, Pa,
A a Incident of Journey Across th
Grent MonT Desert.
The burro, veritable ship of the west
ern desert, will live longer without
water nnd scent It farther thnn any
other known uiiliiuil except the camel.
Ah an example of the keen scent of
the burro for water, Arthur J. llurdlck
relates, lu "The Mystic Mld-ltegion,"
the experience of two prospectors nam
ed I'etei-Bou and Kelloy. A few years
ago they attempted to cross tlio Great
Mojuve desert on foot wltb a burro to
cany their supplies. '
lu passing from oasln to oasis they
lost their way, und the supply of wa
ter became exhausted. To be lost la
the desert In a terrible thing, nnd anx
iety, coupled with torturing thirst and
the Intense heat, drove l'elerson In
snne. He left bin companion and fled,
shrieking, across the plain. Kelley
picketed the burro aud went after l'o
tcrsou to bring him buck, but was tn
iiblc. to overtake him.
He returned to the trail to Hud that
his burro bad broken bin tether and
was moving across the desert at n
leisurely paee. Ho followed, but tlio
nuliual was so fnr In the lend nnd bo
wan so exhausted from his efforts to
overtake 1'eterson that lie could not
come up to the burro.
Night ennic upon him, nnd It noon
became no dark that hn could not dis
tinguish the burro. lie had to follow
It by the footprints hi the sand. When
It became too dark to distinguish the
footprints Kelley still staggered on In
sheer desperation.
lty and by bin heart gave a grent
throb. Ilefore htm, outlined against
the sky nnd seemingly suspended In
the air. was a form which he knew to
be either his burro or nu apparition,
lie hurried forward, nnd, lo, ntnndlng
upon a sharp rise of ground and facing
him was his lost burro. The burro
seemed to be awnlting him, for when
be came up tlio animal turned and led
the way down the Incline to a spring
of living water.
Kelley gave a shout of Joy and
plunged bodily Into the spring. After
be had soaked his parched skin anil
moistened his Hps and throat he
crawled out and went to his burro,
which was browsing upon the green
herbs growing about the place. Throw
ing his arms about the neck of tlio
animal, be gave the creature a hearty
bug and a kiss. If this mark of affec
tion surprised or touched the burro,
It made no sign.
When Kelley bad taken a fresh sup
ply of water he retraced his steps to
the point where the burro had broken
uwiiy. It was fully ten miles. There
Is no. doubt but the animal had scented
tlio water ull that distance, and eager
ness to get to It had led the burro to
strain at Its fastenings till they broke.
I'o:r 1'eterson. did not survive. Kel
ley found bis body tlio next morning
four or live miles from the point where
ha had left the trail.
(trainee Myths of the Tlhetana.
The Tibetans have numberless strungo
myths, one, tlio most curious, pertain
ing to tlio sun, moon and stars. Tlio
sun Ik believed to bo nn Immense ball
of yak meat nnd fat, whereon tho spir
its of departed ancestors are supposed
to feast, the light being caused by Its
boated condition. The stars are por
tions of this immense yeast, which,
dropping to earth, give birth to ani
mals for tlio sustenance of suffering
humanity. The moon is a lesser bnll
of similar texture as the sun, lu use
while the larger one Is being replen
ished for tho morrow. When sun or
moon fails to appear In cloudy days
and nights It means that tlio deities
are undergoing a period of fasting and
religious ulmcgatlon. And tho parched
nnd sterile condition of bleak regions is
ascribed to the fact tbut many thou
sand years ago tho sun ball slipped
from tho bands of Its keepers, de
scended too near the earth and before
being recaptured scorched tboso parts
with which it cumo In contuct. Hook
lovers' Magazine. c
Anron llurr as m Babp.
As early ns 175(1, when Burr was a
baby of only thirteen mouths, bis own
mother wrote thin signlUcant descrip
tion of him: "Aaron is a little dirty,
noisy boy. lie begins to talk a little, Is
very sly and mischievous. He bus
more sprlghtliness than Bully, bis sis
ter, and most say be Is handsome, but
not so good tempered. lie is very reso
lute nnd requires a good governor to
bring him to terms." That very good
governor, bis father, wbo might have
niudo such u difference in tho life of
the lad, was only a few months later
taken out of the world. Ills mother
also eoou died.
However, despite all that bus been
written of the man's shortcomings,
there was lu bis heart space for u very
beautiful devotion to bis duughter The
odoslu, No more exqulslto family let
ters may bo found anywhere than
those which passed between the two.
Merchant (to hawker) Call those
safety matches? Why. they won't
light at ull! Hawker Well, wot could
yer 'ave suferV New Yorkor.
Silver money 250 years old Is still In
circulation lu some parts of Bpulu,
Bubjdct to sinking spells dlvers.
Phlladelpbla Telejfrajib.
One of Sherldnn'a linilaea.
It Is H inted of Klehnrd Hi Insley Hlier
1111, tlio dramatist nnd statesman,
fiat, always In debt, he had among
din creditors the brothers Challe, who
Were the partners- In n wine llrm In
1775. One day when be wus giving a
dinner party to some distinguished
people Sheridan sent for one of the
brothers, told him be was now able to
settle bis account nml Invited him to
the dinner party, nsUIng him to come
before the hour for Home private con
versation. Challe arrived early, and
he was no sooner lu the house than
Bherldnn sent off n servant wltb a note
to the clerk desiring him, an Mr. Challe
was favoring hlin with his company,
to send as noon ns poxsllile three dozen
of burgundy, two do:.eii of claret and
two dozen of port, with a do: en of old
bock. The unsuspecting clerk sent the
wine, with which the guests were so
pleased that they asked where It came
from. Klicriditti, turning toward ( 'hullo,
Said, "I inn Indebted to my friend here
for all the wine you have tasted and
am always proud to recommend him."
It was not until the following morning
that Challe realized the double menu
lug lu Sheridan's words. The debt was
The I, unely Library.
At the I :h-'!Im1i universities the libra
ries are so llll'o used thnt they have
become famous nn places of unbroken
solitude, lino yarn told to Illustrate
this Is to the effect that an elderly fel
low of Cuius college, Cambridge, got
tired of life and determined to put him
self quietly nnd unostentatiously out of
the way, no that tho world In general
and Cuius college in particular should
know blm no more. Being a man wltb
a great love for bin university and a
greater love still for his college, he
made up bis uilnd that no scandul
should be caused by Ids sudden depar
ture, so ho debated In bin mind the
ways nnd means. Ills decision was an
Inspiration. He bought a decent length
of rope and hanged himself In the col
lege library. Hut his hopes were doom
ed to disappointment. He was discov
ered a year aud a half later.
I.onif Cooking.
Of fresh foods the elephnnt's foot
needs cooking the longest time, an it
does not acquire ltn proper tenderness
aud succulence till It has been bnked
for about thirty-six bourn. Next comes
tripe, which requires from ten to fif
teen hours of boiling before It becomes
thoroughly digestible. Next come
bams of good slae, whlcb require from
six to seven hours. Of roast meats, a
haunch of venison takes longer than
uny other joint nbout threo and a half
hours, of puddlngH, the Christmas
pudding comes easily first, as it Is boil
ed over and over again. Hometlmes it
Is kept for months or years and under
goes several boilings. The average time
Is from six to eight hours. The veg
etable which takes tlio longi st time to
cook Is the onion.- London Mail.
Huxley on Ilurwln's Dearree.
Huxley did nut lovo degrees, but be
bod to have one. Anticipating tho don
ning of the red gown be Informed bis
friends that after tho ceremony bo
would have to be treated as a person
of respectability. "I bavo done my
best to avoid that misfortune," said
he. "but It's of oo uso." It was Oxford
that paid hlui the compliment, as It
had dons to PnrwlB two years earlier.
When Iiarwin was given the degree
Huxley let him have no falsu idou as
to the honor bestowed. "Canon I'usey,"
be declared, "bus been making Inquiry
as to who ure the blackest heretics on
the list proposed, ne was glad to as
sent lu your case in order to keep out
seven devils worse."
An Olil Husslan Proverb.
Tho gates of liusslu ore wldo to those
who enter, but narrow to those who
would go out.
Common f-slt Injected into ttmbif
vlll preserve It from decay.
Tiios.E. Evans
Has bought Solomon
Shaffer's lumber of
fice and lumber yard
at this place and will
continue the lumber
business at tbo game
old stand. He will
soli any and all kinds
Lumber Lime,
Sand or Plaster.
Main St., Reynoldsville
Ali- eline of Mind.
The celchntcil Leasing was remark
aide for frequent absence of mind.
Having missed money nt different
times without being able to discover
wbo funk It, hp determined to put the
honesty of bis servant to the test and
lett n handful of gold on tho table.
"of course you counted It," said one
of bis friends.
"Counted It?" said Lcsslng, some
what embarrassed. "No, I forgot
At a public sale there was a book
which I.essltig was very desirous of
possessing. He gave three bf his
friends nt different times n commis
sion to buy It nt nny price. They ac
cordingly bid ngalnst each other till
they had got ns far nn IMl crowns.
Happily one of them thought It best
to speak t;i the others, when It appear
ed they had all been bidding for Less
lng, whose force! fulness on this occa
sion cost blm RO crowns.
Different Human Beings.
Ftnmnet ITImeh, Fn. the wenlthy nnd well
known NlHRiira Fulls liy Roods merchant,
snysi 'H tlmnli Oct I found Celery Kin, as
this tr the only medicine tlmt Riven me relief, ;
and It bHS-nuiilo a dltlnrent huinnn tielnv or
ma 1 suirered long from conn! I ration, which
caused henrlnche and innde me mlsnrehly
sick. Now my appetite Is twice as Rood an It
Wan and my bowels are In perfect condition."
Either berb or tablet form, ii cents.
Sold by II. Alex. Hloke.
Tit Walt-DTBF Shoe for la
No wax, threads, stitches,
lumps, hollows or roughness un
der the foot shod by the Walk
Over Shoe. Outer sple held in '
place by the stitches on the out
side edge of the sole, leaving the
foot side of inneksole smooth
and perfectly free from blem
ishes. V The flexibility,
strength and shape retaining
features of this' method appeal
to the man with sensitive feet.
Tacks not used at all.
Trice $3.50 and $4.00.
noynoldsvllle, Penn'a
Slaci Burner
A Slack Burner with an Ash Pan.
We are exclusive agents for the
ThJ Celebrated Smoke
Consumer and Fuel
Saver. Don't buy a soft coal
stove until you have seen
this top-notcher. Aa a
fuel eaver and heater, it
is simply without an
equal. ' These are some
of the many advantages:
Reflector Top.
Cheerful Mica Illuminating Door.
Swing Lift Feed Door, which enables you to
feed big lumps of coal or knotty wood.
Exposed Fire Pot which radiates intense heat.
Large Ash Pan with nickel Ash Guard.
Don't forget it'B the cleanest soft coal stove
sold in the world.
Signed by the officers of the Peninsular Stove
Company with each and every Retort Peninsular.
Rovnoltlsville Hardware Co.