The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 05, 1904, Image 5

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Htli.innh railed Till loon ara.
Wnlrl niKp anil Fill In. '
Wliy nr tlwre no ttiU'a lu the Mwll
tcrrniunnT nsU n romli-r. A a mat
ter ot" fiut. t'-riv nre tlili-n la the Meill
tirrnno:iii. In jfoiiwnl rle nn.l fnll
it, Imwr-v r. no Insimillli'iint, owing to
tlio rtiir.pnrni Ivrly fiumII iiron niul the
ninni of wiilcr involved, nil to hnve
em-Hl'i-it tliai'cllou until m-lent i tie nipth
OiIih were liriticht to betir, mid hence
the Mediterranean hn come popular
ly to be look oil tipon ait a tlileleu aea.
A similar want of knowledge and ex
lerlenee of tldnl phenomena font
I'aosar the Ion of moat of bin fleet on
Ida Invasion of Britain In BS B. (.'..
when hia vesaela were daahed to plerea
upon tho coaat.
At AlKlers a aelf recording tMe
iraiiKe Iwna aet up hy Atnie, and from
its rtvonla he dedured a rlae and full
of plghty-elrfit mllllmetera.. or throe
and one-hnlf Inches, at springtide
and hn!f tlmt nmor.nt a! neap tiile, n
fluctuation which would escape ordi
nary observation, na It would lie maak
ed hy the effect a of ntnioxphcrlc dla
turhnnce. At Venice and In tho tipper reaches
of the Adriatic the true linilxolnr tide
aeems to lie mon- nocpntuiitcil than at
other purts. hut here nlso Its elTecta
nre aiiliordiniite to tliime of the wind.
Loudon Answers.
tm Some Cnnm It Is Sttmnlatlnsr and
In Others Nnreotlc.
Whether or not tobacco la a stlm:i
lant has been n vexed question ever
alneo the time of Ovledo, the first
writer to describe It fully, who says
that the Indians of lllspanloln used tv
bacco to produce Insensibility, whereas
others ii iiioii;.' the old Spanish discov
erers say that the natives amoved to
stimulate themselves to fresh exertions
Men whose business leads to expo
mire to weather or to violent physical
exercise, such as sailors, soldiers,
watchmen, navvies and. Held laborers,
oil take tobacco ns a stimulant and
have done so from the first.
These clauses are mentioned as spe
cially law consumers of the weed In
Dr. Kverard's "Panacea." published In
Kl.'l). llolibes mid Newton both uaed
tobacco to HUmiilate. Goethe and Heine
hated It. Scott smoked profusely; but,
according to Mr. Trelawney, Byron
"never Hinol.ed pipe or cigar."
Modern experience and; observation
seem to Indicate that tobacco is a Mtlm
idant In moderation nnd a narcotic In
excess, In this respect resembling all
oilier Intoxicants, using the term In its
widest sense, from ten to opium.
Orlarln of the Krnii of the Familiar
Htrlnu: mill Fliiurer (inm,
Cut's cruuif has lieeii familiar to most
of us from childhood as a ."nine for two
I Eg
tort Peninsular
Most advanced
Fitted Ateototoly Air Tight
Gives a cheerful and comfortable look to the stove. Does
away with the one objection to stoves of this class.
is largest made and permits use oftng lumps of coal as well as
rough wood. -
POLISHED STEEL BODY which requires no blacking, is pro
tectetl irom action of fire by heavy, cast lining EXTENDING
STEEL. Call at our store and examine.
Come in
plnyern. In which the Unit winds a
looped cord over the Angora of both
hands In a symmetrical figure, and the
second inserts his flagon and removes
It In such a- w'y ns to prodnee a dif
ferent ilgure. This they do alternntely
several times, always changing the
formation. The art consists In making
the right changes.
The cord forms a rude representation
of a manner, and the name originally
was "cratch" cradle, cratch being a
manger (creche, French), such as that
In which onr 8nvlonr was laid. "They
laydo hym In a crntehe." was Wyelif's
translation of Luke II, T. The word Is
still used in Itomnn Catholic countries
In that particular bcuho.
The Abbe Irevost says In his "Man
uel J.exhue." "Cratch is tho name giv
en to n iiinuger for rattle and which Is
consecrated by the birth of Jesus
Christ." To the present day the racks
which stand In the Holds for cattle to
eat from nre called cratches.
"YukM DMlt,"
As for the origin of the tune of "Yan
kee Doodle," over which there Is much
controversy, this can be said that most
of the views expressed about Its origin
are right, but only partly so. It Is
true the tune Is the same as that of
"Lucy Locket Lost Her rocket," "Yan
kee Doodle Came to Town," and that
of the Dutch reapers' song, "Yonker
Dudal, Dudal Daun." but It Is also
Identical with the old Blscayan "Pan
in Esparta" (sword dance) and that of
a German song which was published
at Cologne In the year that Columbus
discovered America.
"Which Uo you think is better,"
asked the thoughtful girl, "wealth or
social poftltlou?"
"My dear," answered Miss Cayenne,
"with money to give entertainments
rou can get Into the society column,
but aristocratic origin does not neces
sarily insure mention In the financial
news." Washington Star.
The Record Lunatic,
"Here's n story 'bout a man what
been married ten times!"
Brother Williams seemed lost In
thought. Then he spoke up: "What
make m print slch titles ex tint?
Wen a man once gits In de lunotlc
asylum dey orter stop talkln' 'bout
him!" Atlanta Constitution.
Jasper I often wonder why Jenkins
Is not more popular, for he Is the most
polite man I know. Jninpuppe Tfiat
is juat the trouble.' He Is so confound
edly polite he leaves the Impression
that he wants to borrow money. Town
"My husband Is a fatalist. lie al
ways maintains that men nre not free
"You must remember that your hit'
bnnd Is mi', rrled." Town and Country.
and up-to-date burner construction on the market. Has practical points found
the Peninsular. Combines cleanliness with economy of fuel. Any Fuel.
DOUBLE FIRE POT is corrugated and allows for expansion
and contraction, insuring durability and being exposed gives
immense heat.
FOOT RAIL force the intense heat generated by fire pot
down and around floor, making stove A GREAT FLOOR
ASH ' PIT is large and absolutely air-tight. Has air-tight SIDE
SHAKER DOOR and AIR-TIGHT ash pan door.
LARGE ASH PAN combines cleanliness with ease in remov
ing ashes.
NICKEL ASH HEARTH is PRACTICAL and keeps ashes from
spilling on floor.
NICKEL SCREW DRAFT fitted absolutely air-tight. Gives
perfect centrol of fire.
and See These Fuel Savers and Fire
Shower of Itnln ran Tame From
Clnndleas kr.
It appeal's that rain ran fall from
a Cloudless sky. This Is true of a thm
drizzle which falls In franco, known
as "serein." As the atmosphere looks
quite clear when It falls, the probabil
ity Is all In favor of the moisture hav
ing been brought by the wind at a
great elevation. In the Island of Mau
ritius the phenomenon Is by no means
uncommon during the prevalence of
southeast winds, slight showers fall
ing In cloudless evenings when the
stars are shining brightly. There the
rain Is thought to be due to invisible
vapor In the upper rituhes of the at
mosphere, being condensed at once and
falling III drop" without passing
through the inlermisliale stage of
cloud. Boss said that In the south At
lantic It rained on one occasion for
upward of an hour while tho sky was
altogether free from clouds. Says a
Genoese naturalist, "The night was
clear, the stars were shining with
their accustomed brilliancy, when a
shower of rain, consisting of large
lukewarm drops, fell during six min
utes upon the tiiwu." A similar view
was once observed nt t'onstantlne. In
Algeria, about noon, the ,Uy being all
the time a splendid blue. Some be
lieve that these showers ate the result
of particles of Ice formed In the high
er regions melting nnd falling, while
others attribute them to currents of
warm nnd cold air traveling In oppo
site directions, with the result that
the latter condenses some of the mois
ture In the former and causes It to
The F.xao-Keratrfl Courtes)-
of the
F.lvhteenth Century.
In Koclal Knglaml the following ap
pears as Indicating the exaggerated
courtesy of fashionable people early In
the eighteenth ceutnry: "Chesterfield
teaehea that It is boorish to congratu
late a friend on his approaching mar
riage with merely 'I wish you Joy,'
when he should have said. 'Believe me,
my dear sir, I have scarce words to ex
press the Joy I feel up6n your happy
alliance with such and such a family.'
The 'compliment of condolence' on a be
reavement should not be,. 'I inn sorry for
X'Olll InMil 1 hilt 'I lirtoo tr vml will ilo
, - -
I iue the Justice to be persuaded that I
j am not Insensible of your unhapplness,
that I take part In your distress and
, shall ever be affected when you are so.'
i His child began his lessons lu 'breed
ing' at nino years old, having till then
learned Latin, Greek, French, history
and geography. Ho Is warned to be
ware of using proverbial sayings lu his
speech, such as 'One man's meat Is an
other's poison,' or 'livery one to his
taste, as the good man said when ho
kissed his cow.' lie must attend to
the graceful motion of his arms, the
aner of putting on his hat uml riv
Smote Consuming Hot Blast M
ua.,'wn.ii mw
0. - I.--'-'w-L'
ing his hand. Horace Walpolo's 'en
trance Into a room Is described by an
eyewitness i 'in the style of affected
delicacy which fashion had' made nl
most natural, din pen n bras between
his hands, a t If he wished to compress
It, or under Ills arm, nnd feet on tip
toes, ns It iivnld of a wet floor.'"
OrlKln ef Texts.
The custom of Inking a text ns the
basis of n sermon originated with lizra,
who, accompanied by several Invites
In n public congregation of men nnd
women, ascended a pulpit, opened the
boon of the law and, after n prayer,
"read In the book In .the law of God
distinctly nnd gave tho sense nnd caus
ed them to understand the reading."
I'rcvlotis to the time of Ezra tho
patriarchs delivered In public Assem
blies either prophecies or moral Instruc
tions, and It was not until the return
of the Jews from the Babylonish cap
tivity, during which they had almost
nst the language in which the Penta
teuch was written, that it became neo
essnry to explain as well as to mad the
Scriptures to them.
Flonicnted Palates,
It Is not an uncommon thing to suf
fer for nil elongated palate, which
causes great discomfort lu various
ways. It Is inflamed by cold and then
aggravates a persistent cough. It
brings a sense of oppression In one's
breathing, and It is sure to mnke itself
felt in long continued talking. Doctors
are generally loath to touch it. Per
haps the most quickly elllcaclous treat
ment recommended by tlvem is gar
gling with alum water Just before
brushing the teeth. This has been
known to work a radical bettering of
the distress. Pearson's.
Long nnd high Jumping alike give
elasticity of movement to the person
with sluggish, heavy gait. Tho high
Jump slioul I be practiced over n pie o
of cotton flxed to two poles or other
supports. This cannot possibly occa
sion a fall. A piece of wlilto paper run
on the cotton near the center will ho j
easily distinguishable. The student un
used to Jumping should begin with u '
nominal height, say twelve Inches, In- 1
creasing this as advance Is made In
proficiency. '
Left the Farm Perforee.
Oollifer You used to mnko a good
living In the country, but you don't '
t win to be making your salt in town, i
Why did you leave tho farm? Gosch
Because I couldn't bring It with me. It
was held down by a mortgage. Chlca-
go Tribune
Good Taxte.
"What a homely shirt!"
"Yes. My wife picked it out"
"Why, man, haven't yon any tasta
"Xot for a quarrel with my wife."
Cleveland rialn Dealer.
1 d J rf;
water quenches fire quickly, because the fuel (or particles of
carbon) in smoke is chilled before reaching the igniting point,
ceases to blaze and goes out chimney with the smoke.
are had by mixing the proper quantity of heated oxygen (air)
with the unconsumcd carbon in a quick radiating construction.
which radiate heat quickly and are equipped with "hot blasts"
which supply a proper quantity of heated oxygen which mixes
with gases, producing the most intense heat frym the least fuel.
As the sketch shows, the smoke is turned aim st white, keep
ing the soot off the root and the chimney clean.
TEA-POT STAND (see cut) is both convenient and use
ful and can be had only on Peninsular.
A Hortr From the Prehlstnrlo tlnrr
Inn; Place of F.nojaml.
In Somersetshire, liughiud, limy be
seen many "harrows," burying places
of prehistoric man. Long lues ago,
when the elephant nnd rhinoceros, the
lion and bear, the hyena and wolf, the
great ePt nnd the reindeer were among
the common animals of lingland, prim
itive mail and savngo beasts lived In
caves In this region.
At the entrance to these caves the
aborigines, clad in skins, kept fires
burning for wnrmlli nnd for protection
from the wild bensts. It was here that
they made Hint hatchets, knives- nnd
arrowheads. Not long ago n trench
wns being dug within the mouth of one
of these caves for the purpose of drain
ing. It was found necessary to break up n
stalagmite floor of two thick layers.
Between the layers was a deposit of
cave earth nnd stones. In which was
discovered the skeleton of n man of
very great nnthpilty lu nu excellent
state of preservation. With It were
found several flint knives and flakes,
lixperts who made n careful examina
tion of the skull, which has projecting
brows nnd receding frontal bone, have
decided that It belongs to the stone age
nnd Is of a typo Interineillato between
the paleolithic nnd neolithic ages.
Apparently the body had been placed
In a small passage lending off from tho
great passages to the stalactite caves
and had been prevented from disturb
ance by stones piled around It. The
stalagmite floor had formed over It nil,
effectually preserving it to the present
day. Harper's Weekly.
The Gorilla' Powerful Arms Mnke It
a Formidable Foe.
I'lhh fielding Is a most popular sport
in Slam. .The two fish, trained from
the nre of six months to fight, nre
placed in it large glass bottle. It Is
most curious to note each fish's atti
tude when it becomes iiware of its ad
versary's presence In the bottlo. Swell
ing with rage and pride, they sail
around nnd around the narrow space,
pretending not to notice each other un
til suddenly one fish makes a savage
dart nt its unwelcome companion, bit
ing Its fins nnd body. The fight contin
ues until the refereo sees that the Issuo
is no longer In doubt, when the contest
Is stopped.
Horses use either their teeth or their
hoofs as a mode of defense. A curious
Instance of the effectiveness of these
weapons once occurred ot Sheffield
park. A bulldog, barking and snarling,
chased a horse turned loose around and
around a meadow, not with angry In
tent, but purely from excess of high
spirits. After galloping around tho
Held several times the horso stopped
dead and. turning sharply around,
lashed out at the yelping dog, with a
fntal result, for Its skull was cloven.
The iroi-Mhi Is n most formidable n-
pouent In buttle, Its great strength ly
ing In Its powerful arms.- Pew animals
of tht- forest have the slightest chance
of overcoming a gorilla. A python has
been known to encircle its colls around
the gorllln's body, only, however, to
have Its own body torn open by Its ad
versary's hands.
Waste of ICnersrr
If you bold your fist as tight as you
can hold It for fifteen minutes the fa
tigue you will feel when it relaxes is a
clear proof of the energy you have been
wasting, and If the waste Is so great
In the useless tightening of a flat It Is
still greater In the extended and con
tinuous contraction of brain and nerves
In useless fears, nnd the energy saved
through dropping the fears and their
accompanying tension can bring In the
same proportion n vigor unknown be
fore nnd at the samo time afford pro
tection against tho very things we fear
ed. The fear of taking cold Is so strong
l;i many people that a draft of fresh nlr
becomes a bugaboo to their contracted,
sensitive nerves. Drafts are Imagined
as existing everywhere, and the con
traction which Immediately follows the
sensation of a draft is the best means
of preparing to catch a cold.
Sermon of Three Hoars and a Half,
Charles II. was wont lu his humor
ous way to say of his chaplain, Dr.
Barrow, that "he was the most unfair
preacher In lingland because he ex
hausted every subject and left no room
for others to come after him." It was
Indeed too much the doctor's way.
When he got hold of a topic be never
knew how to leave anything unsaid
about it. Cue of his best discourses,
that oil the duty nnd reward of bounty
to the poor, actually took up three aud
a half hours In delivering.
Persons who believe In luck and
signs will doubtless agree that It Is un
lucky to bo struck by lightning on
Monday, or take hold of a circular saw
lu motion on Tuesday, or tumble down
stairs with n coal scuttle on Wednes
day, or be hit by a trolley car on Thurs
day, or full overboard on Friday, or
marry on Saturdny, or be ouo of thir
teen to dinner on Sunday when there
Is food for only ten.
Groundless Fear.
Cholly I did think of going In for
politics, but I was nfwald I wouldn't
know Just how to tweat my Infewlahs,
don't ' know. Peppery Your Inferi
ors! tli, you wouldn't be likely to
meet any of them. Philadelphia Press.
The Sword.
A sword Is out of place In time of
peace, and it Is of very little conse
quence In time of war, except to adorn
a big general or a lodge man In a pa
rade. Atchison Globe.
Truo Independence Is to be found
where a persou contracts hla desires
within the limits of hla fortune.
Made only by the Peninsular Stove Co., Detroit, Chicago and
Buffalo, Leading and Most Progressive Stove Manufactur
ers in the world. Each one sold is backed by the company's
Guarantee Bond.
HOT BLAST TUBE WITH DAMPER operated from the rlsrht-hand side
without regard to position of reflector top ; iuppllo ' -ui.lon chamber
with propor quantity of heated air, effoctiag perfect cotuoustlon and extract
ing every unit ot beat from the fuel.
IMPORTANT. Notice "Nevor-Break" Steel Top Ring! "Never-Break" Steel
Foot Rail ; Nickel Rofleotor Top, Nlckol Aah Guard, Handsome Nickel Urn.
,urrnto door
maf srtL una
pouiHED creel
'L. V.
: f '.. '
a - i m ii 1
V 1 fc
Xear Side aad Off Ride,
When horses were first hitched to
vehicles the driver never thought of
riding himself, but walked by the aids
of the road as he held the lines. So as
to have his right baud always ready
he walked on the left side, and conse
quently the horse on the left side came
to lie known aa the "near" horse, and
the one on the right side was called the
"off" horse. la that manner Uis terms
"near horse" and "off horse" became
geuernl and still pertain to bosses
bitched ns a team. j
Reluetant to Give tjp,
"Lend mo $10, old man. I'm a little
"That won't help you any. Yssfll be
Just as abort after getting the money."
"Nonsense, old chap now de you
mnke that out?"
"Why, nfter giving you the $10 I
don't expect to see yov. any longer."
Cleveland rialn Dealer.
He Probable Teak the Hie.
Toting Tutter Miss Clara, suppose
that tomorrow evening I ahouM sail
again and, having nerved myself up
to It, suddenly, while we were convers
ing, I should without a word throw my
arms around your neck and deliberate
ly kiss you, what would you do?' Hiss
ritiklcy-Ob, Mr. Tutter, don't ask me
to look so far ahead.
A Mnddeetnsr Pesltlea.
The hardest thing a glrj does is to re
frain from asking a man a question
that she knows will make him mad
when she Is Just boiling with curiosity
to know the answer. Cincinnati Com
mercial Trlbuue.
i:ar Rented.
He Here Is your dressmaker's MIL
She Is becoming Impatient for ' her
money. She Indeed. Then I moat aall
tomorrow aud order a new dress.
The Urate.
She You married me for my money.
tie Well, It's no use grieving over It
now; It's nil gone. New Yorker.
First National Bank
Ncott Itlrtielland, PrvaldenM
J. 4). Kliiu.Vlec Prreldentl
John II. Keuce.erOasb.ler
Scot t Mct'lollnml J. 0. King Daniel Nolan
John tl.Uorbntt J. H. Kaucher
O. W. Fuller K. H. Wilson
Docs a goncrnlbanklnghuslnessand solicit
the accounts of merchants, professional men.
farmers, mechanics, miners, lumbermen and
others, promising the most careful attention
to the lnmlni'BB ot all persons.
Bute Iioposlt Boxes for rent.
First National Hiiuk building, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
exclusively on
and note the many advautages.
mi, n