The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 28, 1904, Image 1

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    An independent journal devoted to the
interests of Reynoldsville.
Published weekly. One Dollar per year
strictly in advance.
He Cures Others Why Not You?
SPECIALTIES: Catarrh and Diseases of the
Ear, Nose, Throat, Lungs, Liver and Nerves. Ex
amination Prkr and Private. Now permanently
loeated Suites 4, 5, 0 and 7, Wingcrt Block, $
North Brady Street, DuEois, Pa.
SEIt ? O- VITA h J) Ell I LI TV
Mnn, htuny of you lire now roiiplnir tho rrsiilt of your fortm-r
folly. Your vitality in ftiillntf nnd you will mwm be lent unlcm ymi lo
MoiiM't hiuic for yoiit-Mflf. Thrrw Is no time to I two. Imuntrnev. llk ill
wTtS.. f iMmmwm, in nvrr on the MnnriM 111. With It you rim rimkn no com
F W&wV L- yJ i pronilnR. Klt)uryoii mum miiMtr It or It will mnMpr yon, a rid till
vour wholo future with mlwrv. wop ntnl (llmmirolnt nit'nt . I Iihvn
t ivnti'fi no nmny 'iim' of till kind Hint I nm rn fiiintllur with tlum n you iiro with 1)t vt-ry
fluyhht. v)m'0 curiMlhy me yon will nnvir Hintlti Im lMHhrrvd with nt,rvniim,, fit U I n if.
Its of a mhh Ion or ot litr nymptomn which rob you of your vltiiltt y nnil nttHolulHy until vm
fur Htinlv. biiNlin". t)ltHHurH or nmrrlnirn. Mv trntmvnt for wmlc men will rorni'l nil tlino
rviN mihI n'ttor you to what nuture intunoi-u
tni'iitul a tul other ownt complute.
When we say we have the Largest Stock and
Lowest Prices of any Grocery House in the County.
Gooil, substantial poods the kind the people live on. Be
low we quote a few prices as sample. Our store is chuck full
of bargains for the careful buyer. Make out j our list of
wants and let us quote you prices on bill goods. "Vc arc
always here to correct errors and make everything right.
7 tti. K.iII.m Oat a
8 ttw. Attmoklrs' ColTuo
F.xt.ra Finn Hulk CouVc, rrpulitr
price 20 cms,
3 Cutm Beat Kiandard Tomatoes
1 Doz. Curia Best Standard Tomatoes
1 Dims. Chok Good Standard Tomatoes
BoBt Sugar Cured Hums per th.
5 lbs Good Rica, y -
Wo mill Thos. J. -Upton's Toag
a hot Tine
Is the "Wise Heater"
If you intend to install new heating equip
ment in your home, the time to do it is now.
Don't wait until the chilly fall evenings re
mind you that there is colder weather com
ing and that you are unprepared.
You will avoid lots of worry and uneasi
ness of mind if you will attend to it now.
We are not rushed in our plumbing and
heating department now and can give your
wants the very best attention. .
The Wise Heaters
are without doubt the most economical in
fuel consumption and the most thoroughly
reliable and satisfactory of any furnaces on
the market. Especially adapted for low
cellars. Stands 54 inches.
We also sell the "XXth CENTURY."
This heater is well known for its many
merits and speaks for itself.
We can show features and quote you prices
on these heaters that will surprise you.
Opposite is a copy of the Guarantee Bond
we give to every purchaser of a ''Wise
-a halt, healthy, hiippy mnn, with phyxlnil,
Hour II i. m. tn n. m.
2.o 4 lta h hotter grade
10 tt.8. Pure Lcuf Lard $1.00
7 cakes Gloss, Stnr or
Lenox Soap, 2.1c
5 lbs. big fat Prunes 2.1c
1 1 lbs. Best Navy Beans, 50c
4 lbs. BeBtLtnia Beans, 2"c
Best Sugar Cured Bacon
14 and lc pound
imd Coffocs Boat In the land.
& Mundorff.
Burvryor nn1 litittmlittnmn. Ofllrp, Ptnke
hiillillnir, for. "lli nml Muln Mreets ,
Oflli-ix fnnr ilniira from Rons limine. West
Key noliltvllli', I'll.
llliiek unit wlilte f iinprtil curs. Minn street.
Ki'y'mMHVille, Pn.
Tliotl.H. It 1 1 ri nl I.eiimie linn linen tflotcd
niul fmiiid nil rluht. ('liinMant form of In-
iiniin-, Siviiro 11 ciinirinrt. Woodwnrd
llulldlnir, licyiiiililvvlllo i'n, ,
There is only one candy
kitchen in the town
where 3011 can get pure
fresh candies and delic
ious crushed fruit flavor
ice cream soda and that
is the
Nolan Block, Main St.,
sri5 w4
that the Wise Furnace Co.
fully warrants and guaran
tees the Fire Pot in the Wise
Furnace (No ) pur
chased by
to be in good condition (ex- J
cepc in case 01 misuse or
abuse) for a period of Five
Years from date hereof; and
should the fire pot in said
furnace require replacing
within that time the Wise
Furnace Co. agrees to fur
nish one to the paid
free of charge.
It Is Required, That the
purchaser of the said fur
nace send his name and ad
dress and the number of
Furnace Co. for record and
to insure the fulfilment of
this guarantee.
Witness our hand and
seal this day of.
By Pres."
Cart Worts
m v ml
Birds and Animals That May be Killed In
Doves, unlimited, can bo killed any
time. Elk, deer or fawn, two In one
year, during Novombor only. English,
Mongolian or Chinese pheasants, un
limited, October 15 to December 15,
Inclusive. Grouse, (rudlod) commonly
called pheasant, ten In one day, Oct
ober 15 to Docember 15, Inclusive. Hare
or rabbit, unlimited, not to bo taken
with ferret, November 1 to Dooomber
15, Inclusive. Quail or Virginia part
ridge, 15 In one day, October 15 to Dec
ember 15, Inclusive. Rail and reed
birds, unlimited, September, October
and Novombor. Web-footed wild fowl,
unlimited, September 1 to May 1. Wild
turkey, two In one day, October 15 to
December 15, Inclusive. Woodcock,
ten In one day, October 15 to December
15, and during July, Squirrel, gray,
black and fox, unlimited, October 15 to
Decembor, Inclusive. Plover, unlimit
ed, July 15 to January 1.
All game can bo bought and sold in
season In this state except elk, doer or
fawn, wild turkey, ruflled grouse, com
monly called pheasant, quail or Virginia
partridge and woodcock, which have
been "killed in this Commonwealth,"
those cannot bo sold at any time.
No game of any kind can be legally
transported out of the state.
The English sparrow, klng-flBhor,
crow, Cooper hawk, sharp skinned
hawk, duck hawk and pigeon hawk,
great horned owl and barred owl, the
green horron and the night horron,
the plno or rod squirrel, the coon, the
poBsum, the bear, the wood-chuck, or
ground hog, the skunk, are not protect
ed, and may bo killed at any tlmo.
A Question.
It Is Rousseau who puts to his reador
that curious question : What he would
do if, by a slnglo act of tho will, and
without stirring from home, be could
make himself rich by killing an old
mandarin In China. In some form or
other that question comes up In every
life and It is to bo feared the old man
darin does not always survive. The
all-pervading passion to get rich, and
the many questionable methods In
which wealth may be gained, loads to
wonderfully Bubtlo reasoning sometlmos
to avoid the twinges of a conscience that
will not bo Bllunccd. It Is so easy and
convenient to believe that what one
does not do with his own hand will not
be accounted to him for wrong. And
few thoro are who realize that "as a
man thlnketh in his heart so Is he."
A II..) wild Hide for Lir.
With family around expecting him to
die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles,
to get Dr. King's Now Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. II.
Brown, of Looevlllo, Ind., endured
death's agonies from asthma ; but this
wonderful medicine gave Instant relief
and soon cured him. He writes : "I
now sleep soundly every night." Like
marvolous cures of Consumption, Pneu
monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and
Grip prove its matchless merit for all
Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed
botfclog 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free
at H. Alex S toko's drug store.
Reduced One-Way Colonists' Rates.
From September 14 to October 14, In
clusive, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell one-way colonist
tickets from all points in Its territory
to Western and Southwestern points at
greatly reduced rates, thus affording a
specially attractive opportunity to visit
the growing and rapidly developing
crop producing sections of the great
Western Empire. Detailed Information
as to rates and times of trains can be
had of all Pennsylvania Railroad ticket
Reduced Rates to Pittsburg.
On Wednesdays, Soptember 7, 14, 21,
and 28, and October 5, 12, and 19, 1004,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion tickets from points
on the Low Grade Division, Including
the Sllgo Branch, to Pittsburg, at ro
duced rates, Including admission to the
These tickots will be good going on
regular trains on day of Issue, and will
be valid fur return passage within four
days, including dato of sale.
Gold Trading Sumps
With eaob lOo purchase or over In
our big basement dopartraent. Ding'
Stoke Co.
12,000 acoldunt and health Insurance
for 5.00 per year. Inquire of G. M.
See the new fancy vests at Mllllrens.
Go to Reynoldsville Hardware Co. for
olover and timothy sued. Prices away
School suits at Mllllrens.
Go to Keystone Hardware Co. for
Anchor Brand clover and timothy seed.
Old Men's Picnic.
Last Saturday, September 24, 1004,
was the date of the 8.'lrd anniversary of
the' birthday of David 11. McCohnell,
who makes his home with his son,
Frank A. McConnell at Frank's Tavern
In this place, and the event was cele
brated by holding an old men's picnic
In Clark's grovo on the furni of J. R.
McConnoll, near Brookvillo. The
threaten rain In the morning kept a
number of old men away who had been
Invited, howevor, a goodly number at
tended the plcnlo and tho old men
enjoyed the picnic lmmonsely. Some of
them declared It was tho bust time they
had ever had In their lives. At noon a
long table Oiled with an abundance ol
good things was surrounded by a lot of
boys ranging from Blxty to ninety years
of age, and they proved conclusively
that ago does not always Impair ap
petites. After the table had boon re
lieved of a part of Its burden, the
plcnlcers were called together and lion.
Jorry G. Allon, of Aliens Mills, wat
eloctcd to preside with all tho men
present that were over 80 years old as
vlco-presldonts, and thoro wore a good
ly number of them. Spoochos were
made by Archie McCullough, of Boech
woods. Dr. McKnlght, V. A. Andrews
and Major John MuMurray, of Brook
villo. All ovor (10 years old had their
picture taken In a group and all under
liO years old had their picture takon in
another group.
David B. McConnoll, the horo of the
occasion, Frank A. McConnell and
family, Ninian Cooper and James Mo
Faddon, of this place, drove to the
picnic In a carriage Saturday morning.
The Negro.
Tho status of the negro In America
was nover more clearly stated than by a
condemned negro murdorer In Virginia
not long since. Asked if he had any de
fense, he replied : "No, I presume that
I ought to bo bung, but I have only to
say that in all my life no whlto mun
ever tried to make -mo bottor than I
was. Whenever I got any money there
were plenty of white men who would
soil me beer and whiskey, but none who
tried to lnfluonce mo to be a good man."
It Is true. Americans have shed their
blood to establish this race's equality,
but practically nono rjgard tho negro
as an equal. White men will uso him,
buy his voto or deprive him of it, as
suits the occasion, but, Immediate use
past, they have no further Intercut In
bis welfare.
Bids Wanted.
Sealed proposals will bo received by
tho supervisors of Wlnslow township
until Friday, the 30th day of'Scp'
tomber, A. D. 1004, at 0.00 p. m. for
Ailing the publlo road from tho west
side of bridge at foot of Fifth St.,
Reynoldsville, to the railroad siding
near silk mill. Plans and specifications
can be seen at Lawyer G. M. McDon
ald's office, Reynoldsville. Tho super
visors reserves the right to rejoct any
or all bids.
J. L. Long,
J. S. Johnston.
Fearlul Oddm Aalut lllni.
Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such,
in brief was the condition of an old
soldier by name of J. J. Havens, Ver
sailles, O. For years he was troubled
with Kidney disease and neither doctors
nor medicines gave him relief. At
length he tried Elcctrlo Bitters. It put
blm on bis feet In short order and now
he testifies. "I'm on the road to com
plete recovery." Best on earth for
Liver and Kidney troubles and all forms
of Stomach and Bowel Complaints,
Only 50o. Guaranteed by H. Alex
Stoke, Druggist.
Low Excursion Fares to Pittsburg.
On account of the Pittsburg Expo
sition the ButTulo, Rochester St Pitts'
burg R'y will sell special excursion
tickets to Pittsburg from Rldgway, Du
Bols, Clearfield, Punxsutawney, Fenel
ton and intermediate points. Tickets,
Including admission to the Exposition,
will be sold on Wednesdays Sept. 14,
21 and 28, and Oct. 5, 12 and 10, which
will bo good going on day of Issue and
returning until tho following Saturday.
Notice to Advertisers.
Tho copy for all display advertise
menu must be In The Star oilloo not
later thun 2.00 p. ni. Monday of each
week to have the advertisement appear
In the paper the week It is handed Into
Gold Trading Stamps
With each lOo purchase or over in
our big basement department. Ring'
Stoke Co.
Don't you miBs the opportunity
117.00 for nothing, If you hold the
lucky number whloh draws tho Colo's
Hot Blast stove at the Keystone Hard
ware store, Oct. 8tb.
Children's Wooltex gurmonU at Mil
Rural Delivery.
Montlon was recently made to the
ltccfinl that a representative of the
postoflloo department was In this section
looking ovor tho field for the establish
ment of rural froo delivery. Tho same
has boon favorably reported to the de
partment and tho following route has
boon mapped out, which covers a
distance of 21 miles. Starting from
Drockwayvlllo mall will be loft at John
Robinson's, thon to Holt's on the right
of tho Brookvillo road, then back to
the crossing of the road at Sugar Hill
near Atwells, serving the people of that
section along the routo, thon to Shaw's
and to the Interior of the Boochwoods,
leaving mail at McCurdy Hunter's,
Daughorty's, Morrison's, Donnlson's,
and all places along the route back to
Brockwayvlllo. Examinations will be
hold for appolntmontof carrier within
tho next few weeks and there will
probably be a number of applications
for the job as It will pay no moan
salary. Brockwayvlllo ltccord.
Gave Address.
Last Wednesday morning at the
()ienlng exercises of the publlo schools,
Ron. S. B. Elliott gave an Instructive
address on tho culture of the plno tree.
Ho Illustrated clearly how and where
the seeds are formed and how nature
has provided for their disposal. Mr.
Elliott Is a momber of the State Forest
ry Commission and he explained the
work of the commission and the School
of Forestry which Is located at Mt.
Alto. Boys may enter this school by
competltivo examination, which, If
successful, will entitle thorn to free
scholarships. After having passed
through the throe years course of this
school, tho state furnishes its graduates
with good lucrative positions. Mr.
Elliott urged the boys to think of
forestry when choosing a profession or
culling for life.
Go to Thompson's for Glass Goods.
Lamp chlmnoys, gas globes and gas
mantles at 10, 15, 25 and 35 cents at
Thompson's racket store.
Gold Trading Stamps
Given with each 10c purchase or over
in clothing, huts, caps or furnishings.
Blng-Sloke Co.
Don't ask tho editor to write up every
evil work and robuke every evil in the
town and community, says the North
Eust Jlrccze ; but when convicted that
such duties need attending to, write an
article for tho paper yourself and sign
your namo to It for publication. The
man who Is too big a coward to thus
express an opinion is the very one who
will stand on the cornor and talk loudly
about tho cowardice of tho editor.
Our gonial friend, Ed. Hogonmlllor,
of Reynoldsville, Pa., can not only run
a Ferris wheel successfully, but he can
shoot Bome as well. Last Friday he
tried conclusions with one of our crack
shots, Mr. Anthony, and won out, the
score being 20 to 23 in favor of Mr.
Hogonmlllor. New Bethlehem Leader.
Sehool caps at Milllrcns.
See the assortment of H. S.M. suits
and overcoats at Mllllrens.
All pcrHons lire linruuy cautioned not to
nit'UUlu Willi lite foUowlutf property now In
potiuebHloa of K. L. Meore on thu A. J. Spriigue
tn. la In lli'iidurmiii towntihlp, Jeirerxon
County, I'u., viz : 12 tons ol hay, 8 tons of
straw, .Mkiks, 2 calves, one-half of 8 acres of
KrowliiK liui'kwliuat, one-half of S acres of
KrowiiiK cum, one-half of 2'i acres of growing
potutom, out-half of all apples now In
orchard on A. J, Huraicue furni, the said
huckwheat, corn and putntoes now matur
ing on the Sprauue farm, an all of said prop
erly enumerated wan purchased by us and Is
only left with the K. L. Moore mibject to our
orders. W.SI.MoKkk,
N. (J. Moons.
Sept. 14, 1901.
Will make you (eel Good.
Celery Klnsc Is oomposeil of nature's tonlo.
laxatlves-of the roou, uui'tw am! needs wbtcb,
skillfully hleinleil, make the Kenllest suit at
the same time theiiioMt potent of luxaUves
and the Kreutesl cure for uounUpaUou and
the Ills It ratines.
C'elsry King Is not acatbartln. It Is a tonlo
laxative. It will make your blood pure. It
Will make you feel sootl.
Two kinds, oue herbs, the other tablets,
Hold by 11. Alex. Stoke.
Bu nunrpuwd nulriUaa for ttrtna s BwIm
MunUoo, and plantac SUulaals Mm tnunwl.
CUwuljut as apiiUoauuk
P. DUFf 4 ON, PiTraauwa.
Bur kirn's Arnlra Halve.
Baa world-wide famo for marvellous
cures. It surpasses any other salve,
lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts,
Corns, Burns, Boils, Soros, Felons,
Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rhourn, Fever
Sores, Chappod Hands, Skin Eruptions;
Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed.
Only 25o at H. Alox Stoko's, Druggist.
TH0S.E. Evans
Has bought Solomon
Shaffer's lumber of
fice and lumber yard
at this place and will
continue the lumber
business at tho same
old stand. Ha will
soli any and all kinds
Lumber Lime,
Sand or Plaster,
Main St., Reynoldsville.
Girls to learn Cloth Peking
and Weaving, Apply
Enterprise Silk Co.
bniiltte Slid
A. Katzen, proprietor
of the People's Bargain
Store has just returned
from the city where he
bought a large and com-
f)lete stock ot men's and
adies' furnishings for fall
and winter:
Underwear '
Especially a fine line of
men'9 underwear from 35
cents up to $1.25 a suit :
ladies' long sleeve ribbed
vests from 15 cents up to
$1.25 ; boys' best fleece
lined underwear formerly
sold for 35 cents, now 25
cents ; inlants' under
wear from 8 up to 35
cent9 apiece.
Great bargains in men's
boys' and children's
shoes ; lowest prices ever
Suits and
Large stock of men's,
boy's and children's suits
and overcoats at lowest
prices ever offered lor
style, quality and make
of goods.
It is impossible to men
tion all the bargains we
have to offer and it will
pay you to call at our
store and see the bar-
fains. Don't pass by the
onest bargain store.
Big Barpiis