The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 10, 1904, Image 5

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    it Star
.S-t'Mi iif)(oti $1.00 ptrgearin admnct.
V. ..ITKIl1KNH!,I.Kdltoran4 .
F.niKnil R Hi" imMnfflr at Iteynnlilnvlll
v, inwoondolsssmallmatter.
MnMMitnvn.i.Ti!MiPHomNo. SI.
School Days
Are drawing near. Parents should
havo thi'ir children's eyes looked
nftor and if a lasses are needed have
thorn (ittt'd, so tin-re will bo no loss
(if time when school commotio)'!.
Eyes examined free. Glasses fur
nished nt reasonable prions at
Until mil n Optician.
I 11
Tli6 Sweetest
Thai Blows
Is not sweeter than
the new perfume. A de
lightful odor, delieate yet
is becoming the favorite
among people of refine
ment every where.
Call and test it nt our
store. We are glad to
show it because it makes
friends for itself and us.
Stoke, the Druggist
ft Little o! EverutTilng.
Sam J. Gibbons Is now night clerk at
National Hotel.
Tho Gourley reunion will be hold at
Highland Park August IB.
Cherry Run campmocting begins to
morrow and continues two wocks.
A Rathmel gentleman nay there was
a front at that piano yesterday morning.
' Nine members of the Keystone band
are furnishing music at Wishaw Park
this week.
Ex-Postmaster E. T. McGaw shot a
largo owl at his barn on Fourth street
Friday morning.
The regular meeting of the Women's
Relief Corps will be hold Friday even
ing of this week.
G B. Woodford, of the pop bottling
plant, out his right hand very badly on
a broken bottle Saturday.'
Tho Protected florae Clrole will hold
an lea cream nodal In their lodge room
Monday evening, August IB.
Trinity Luthoran church, J. W.
Myers, pastor ; Sunday school, 9.45 a.
m., servloo II 00 a. m. and 7.35 p. m.
Sunday, August 14th. Is the date of
tbe next B , R. & P. special low rate
excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
John A. Plyler, of this place, will
tench the Smlthpnrt school tn Wash
ington township during the coming
term. '
Tbe National Hotel and Hotel Im
perial have dUoontinued running
'busses to and from P. R. R. passenger
It Is likely that quite a number of
Reycoldsvllle people will attend tbe
Buckwheat reunion at Goodvllle to
morrow. One of W. S. Ross' fine bred cows
gave birth to twin calves male and
female one day lust week. Both are
fine looking calves.
Tbe work of relaying the sewer on
Willow alley has been completed and
the people on Grant and Hill streets
can use tho sewer again.
The silk mill and woolen mills ball
elubs played another game Saturday
afternoon and the woolen mills boys
woo the Kama. Score 6-38.
Alfred Carlson and C. Westln have
bought the general merchandise store of
Bhankol A Carlson, In WIbIibw. Mr.
Westln Is assistant postmaster.
One of the old wooden buildings on
the lot where the new brick building for
Rcynoldsvllle Steam Laundry will be
erected, has been moved back to the
Horn, August 2, 11)04, to Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Brennan, near Panic, a son.
John says he now has an umlro,
manager and captain for W, H. Moore's
base ball team.
P. McDonald Is having a two-story
brlek ts-or vault built near the R. A F.
C. R'y freight station. Tho building is
20x40. It will have a cement tile roof,
metal vault and Iron vault doors.
W. II. Ford and his assistants are
painting the Arnold brick block now
owned by W. 8. Host. When the
building is penciled It will make a de
cided Improvement on the block.
Rev. S. W. MeCurdy, pastor of a
Methodist F.piscpal church near Pitts
burg, who was attending the Sons of
Veterans F.ncampment at this placo,
preached in the M. E. church Sunday
Earl Barclay was watching the men
work on the street car track on Main
street Friday when a piece of steel flew
off ono of tho rails and struck Mm just
bolow the right eye, cutting a gash in
his cheek.
Four-year-old son of Charles Shaffer,
of Hastings, Pa., who Is visiting with
his mother In Prescottvllle, fell off an
apple tree a couple of days ago and
broke his left arm.
Tho Lutheran Sunday school and
congregation will hold their annual
picnic in Mammoth Park, near Tho
Mansion Inn, on next Friday. All aro
Invited to come and spend a pleasant
day under the appletroes.
Tho rails laid on Main street, between
Fourth and Fifth streets, for trolley
lino are (1.1 feet long and wolgh about
1,600 pounds. Tho curvo on corner of
Main and Fifth streets, for trolley
down Fifth slroot, has boon ptit In,
The officers and auditors of Winslow
township will meet at Frank's Tavern
Saturday, August 20th, at 9.00 a. m ,
for the purpose of straightening up ac
counts of F. M. Brigham.
A large crowd attended tho Catholic
picnic at Wlshaw Park last Thursday.
"Uncle" Ed. Seeley, Tim Sullivan, John
A. Welsh, William Martin, violinists,
and Miss Margaret Martin, pianist,
furnished miiBio during tho afternoon
and evening.
C. E. Saxton and Miss Maud Mlnlch
were married at the homo of Isaac
Johnston on Pleasant Avenue about
8.00 p. m. Monday, August 8, 1904, by
'Squire E. Noff. A callthumplan band
serenaded this couple soon after tho
marriage ceremony was performed.
A Roynoldsvlllo lady who had worked
hard all duy Saturday and was tired,
filled her bath tub with wuter and got
In It to take a bath. It was so comfort
able In the tub that she thought she
would lie there and rest a minute and
she fell asleep and slept forty-flvo min
utes. The Sumraervllle Telephone Company
lines and Jefferson Traction Company
lines gotcrossed Monday and Miss Units
Farrell, operator at Summervlllo Tele
phone central office In this placo, had a
narrow escape from electrocution. Sho
received a severe shock and two of her
fingers were badly burned.
One hundred and seventy-five tickets
for Brookvlile were sold at the P. R. R,
station In this place last Monday (or
the 8.08 a. m. and 1.29 p. m. trains.
The trolley line brought a large number
of these people from Soldier, Punxsu
tawney and tbe southorn part of the
oounty, who were going to attend court
at Brookvlllo.
Warrants were issued by 'Squire'
Saxton last week for two women who
bad been koeplng a bouse of unfavor
able reputation near Prescottville, but
when the constable went after tbe
women they had skipped for new fields.
The charge against them was for steal
ing money from a fellow.
At the recent Ancient Order of Hi
bernian reunion at Punxsutawney a
pickpocket attempted to steal Ex-Constable
P. J. Ward's pocket book, but
the chap tackled the wrong man and in
a jiffy Mr. Ward bad the follow by the
shirt front, but be broke loose by bis
shirt collar giving away and was Boon
lost in tbe large crowd.
There were about one hundred and
twenty-five passengers to get on the
8.08 a. m. P. R. R. train Monday who
were going to Brookvlile to attend
court, and as usual the railroad company
did not have an extra coach on the
train and passengers were hanging on
tbe steps of the coaches when tbe train
pulled out of Rcynoldsvllle.
George W. Stoke, jr., and family,
L. G. Lidle and family, Wm. P. Wood
ring and family, D. W. Atwatur and
family, Or. B. E. Hoover and family
camped out at Camp Lloyd, In Mam
moth Park, during the Sons of Veterans
encampment. A number other town
families expect to get tent and 'camp
dur(ng the onuamptuent oej(t year.
Picnic Postponed.
The Royal Arcanum plcnlo that was
to have been held at Highland Park to
day has been postponed for a month.
Ankle Fractured,
Mrs. Fred H. Knapp, of this place,
fell of a merry-go-round borso at
Wlshaw Park the day of the Catholic
picnic and fractured her left anklo.
When the Clock Struck Twelve. .
About twolve o'clock last Thursday
night at "Sunset Camp" the Chick
Corn Club of Roynoldsvlllo elected tho
following officers : President, J. 8.
Hammond ; Vleo-Presldent, G. W.
Lenkord i Secretary, J. W. Gillespie I
Treasurer, Henry Dolbte I C. of T., Ira
Smith; Coon Polo Carrier, J. M. Dalley.
Dedicate Macaroni Factory 8unday.
Tho now two-story brick macaroni
factory of Carmine and Joseph Marl
naro at Rcynoldsvllle will bo dedicated
next Sunday, August 14, at. 4.00 p. m.
The Keystone band will be present and
a largo crowd Is expected. Everybody
Invited to attend. The factory will
begin making macaroni the following
Monday morning, August 15.
Riding the"Ooat."
Twenty mombors of Mlnnoota Tribe,
No. 2911, Improved Order of Red Men,
of Emorlekvlllu, visited Mazomanla
Tribe, No. 341, in Reynoldsvllle last
Friday night. They brought throe
candidates with them and the Roynolds
vlllo Tribe had threo candidates and
the six candidates wero given three
degrees Friday night. That was work
ing tho "goat" rather hard for ono
night. Lunch was served aftor lodge
was out.
Criminal Court.
Criminal court opened at Brookvlile
Monday with Judge John W. Rood pre
siding. II. J. Scott, of Brookvlllo, was
appointed foreman of the grand jury ;
Constable Andrew McKoon, of Falls
Creek, chargo of grand jury ; tipBtaves,
Georgo Hetrlck, of Pine Creek town
ship, E. M. Davis, of Polk township, G.
W. Goer, of Oliver township. There
is ono murder case for trial, that Is the
caso from Big Soldier.
Water Shut Off.
Tho water plug at corner of Main
street and Swamp alley was in the way
of the street curbing and tbe water
company bad to move tbe plug about
tun feet from corner. The work was
done Monday evening and the town
water was Bhut off while plug was
moved, loaving the town without water
and the streets In darkness about four
hours. The olectrio light plant could
not run without water, henoe there
were no electrlo lights.
Reciprocity Nit.
When tho editors of town paporeglve
free local notices and froo hand bills to
advortiso meetings to arrange for locat
ing an industry In town, and subscribe
for Borne of tho stock, and then have
the Industry, wbon ready for business,
order their envelopes, letter heads, Ac,
printed in another town without even
Hsking for a price from tbe homo print
ing otlices, makes tho editors fool that
they are not King used fairly and that
their work id not appreciated, Tho
editors of The Star and l'olunfeer have
had just such an experlenco.
Visited DuBols Lodge.
Last Friday evening soventoon mem
bers of Mt. Cliff Castle, KnlghU of
Golden Eagles, of lloynoldsvllle, drove
to DuBols and visited Gustave Adolf
Castlo. After lodge refreshments were
served and a soulul time enjoyod. Fol
lowing is the list of names of Eagles
from Mt. CHIT CasMe : Robert Sayers,
John Rcddecliff, Joseph Sayers, Albert
Nealc, Frank Rlt.le, Howard Jones,
William Roed, sr., William Tyson,
William Trudgen, Ed. Blnney, William
Reed, jr., George Embrlck, Ed, Haas,
Wm. Penball, James Mitchell, Harry
Chapman and John Reed.
Kirkwood-Lewis Nuptials.
JohnW. Klrkwood, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Klrkwood, of Worth street,
and Miss Clara M. Lewis, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lewis, of Jackson
street, were married at the Baptist
parsonage by Rev. Dr. A. J. Meek at
12.30 p. m. Wednesday, August 3, 1904.
Mr. and Mrs. Klrkwood left here on the
1.29 p. m. train same day on a wedding
trip to Pittsburg and Wilklosburg.
They roturned to Reynoldsvllle on noon
train Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Klrkwood
are both nloe young people who have
numerous friends in town that will wish
them happiness and prosperity in life's
'Squire Long Appointed.
It was stated in Tub Stab several
weeks ago that F. M. Brlgham, one of
tbe supervisors of Winslow township,
bad left this section of the country
without notifying any one as to where
be was going, and his bondsmen got up
a petition to be presented to tbe court
at the August term asking tbat tbe
office be declared vacant and tbat
'Squire J. L. Long, of Sykosvllle, be
appointed to fill tbe vacancy. The
petition was presented to tbe court on
Monday of this week and Judge Reed
appointed Mr, Long. A good appoint
roent. The supervisors of Winslow
H'trnsblp now are J. 8. Johnston and
J, L. Long.
Woik on Buildings Being Pushed Along
Will be Completed by First
of December.
The work of erecting the large build
ings ai the American Production Com.
pany plant In this place la being pushed
along. Tho structural steel for the
foundry and machine shop Is up and
brick layers are at work building the
walls. This building Is 75x210 feet and
Is 34 foot high in center for a traveling
crane. Tn east end of the building will
be tho brass, Iron and steel shops and In
west end a foundry.
Brick layers are also at work on the
ornamental iron and sheet Iron shop
building. This building Is Bx310 feet.
In the west end ol this building a
500-horse power engine has already
been set up. This engine will furnUli
power and electrlo lights for the cntiru
plant, as It bas direct connection with
generator. Mr. MoShorry expects to
furnish electrlo lights and power to any
of the town people who want it.
Mr. McSherry expects to have all tho
buildings completed and the entire
plant ready for operation by the first of
December of this year. The pattorn
building Is being used for a temporary
machine shop and they are kept busy
filling orders that come in unsolicited.
A 19,000 order was completed last week.
His Latest Capture.
Detective T. J. Dempsoy, of the
Valley road, not being content with
gathering tn persons who disobey tho
law and rules of the road, is actually
engaged In Interfering with the stations
along tho lino, bis last capturo causing
a station to bo discontinued. On Sun
day, Sept. 4, bo will be united In mar
riage to Miss Catherine Evans, of Rock
land, whore she has been agent for
several years. Upon the young lady
tondorlng her resignation tho manage
ment decided to discontinue that sta
tion, and orders to that effect have
been Issued. The frlonds of Mr. and
Mrs. Dempsoy to-be wish them much
happiness In tholr future life. Kittan
nlng Time.
Dotcctlve Dempsoy's office Is at Royn
oldsvlllo. Washington Township Teachers
Following teachers have boon elected
for Washington township schools for
tho term beginning Monday, September
Bth : W. M. Jones, Township High
School ; L. Mayne Jones, Westvlllo
No. 2 ; B. F. Alcorn, Pardus ; Gardner
Kearney, McMlnn Summit ', J. A.
Bottonhorn, Tannery : C. A. Chamber
lain, Moore ; M. G. Morris, Coal Glen
No. 2 ; J. A. Plyler, 8mlthport J Myrtlo
McClelland, Crawford ; Anna Ross,
Rockdale ; Clara Smith, Westvllle
Primary J Mabello Kearney, Junction J
Catharine Cooper, Coal Glon Primary ;
Eliza Strang, Osburg ; Nannio Stew
art, Smith ; Anna McCullough, Waite ;
Jennie Kearney, Boechtroe ; Grace
Cooper, Sterrotto ; Mary Calhoun,
Wray ; Maybollo Daughorty, Horm
Railroad Jack."
Tho famous sldo-sphtting comedy
"Rail Road Jack," which Is to be at
Reynolds opera bouse Tuosday, Aug.
16, comos well recommended and no
doubt will be the funniest show to visit
ReynoUUvllle this season. Aside from
tbe highly amusing situations in the
play and the hilarious antics of Weary
Jack Haggles the tramp, scenic effects
have been added with unstinted liber
ality and the mark of painstaking drill
ing and tbe severest discipline are ap
parent in every scene, and tn the work
of every participant in the performance.
The characters of the play have boon
changed, the scenic equipment has been
greatly enlarged and tbe special UIob
are said to be wonderfully clever this
season. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents.
Fatally Injured in Mine.
James A. Molntyre, son of Daniel
W. Mclntyre, of Soldier, was so badly
crushod by fall of coal In Big Soldier
mine about 9.30 a. m. Monday, August
8, 1904, tbat be died at nine o'clock tbat
evening. James was born November
23, 1887, and was 16 years, 9 months and
15 days old. Funeral at 2.00 p. m. to
day, conduoted by Rev. A. J. Meek,
pastor of the Reynoldsvllle Baptist
church. Interment will be made In
Beulah oemetery.
Mr. Mclntyre, who was working with
his son, had a very narrow escape.
Birthday Party.
Wednesday, July 17, 1904, was the
14th birthday anniversary of Miss Elva
Cox, daughter of Ellsha Cox, of Pardus,
and over one hundred friends and
neighbors gathered at Mr. Cox's home
that day to celebrate tbe event. After
a bounteous supper was served and
numerous presents given to the fourteen-year-old
maiden, the guests as
sembled in a nearby hall and tipped the
"light fantastlo toe" until quite a late
hour when all returned to tholr respect
ive homes feeling tbat the birthday
party was a very enjoyable affair.
A Guest,
Notice to Tax Payers,
All persons paying their borough and
school taxes for 1904 will be allowed five
per cent off until Aug. 29, 1904.
Tax Colleotor.
See notice of B., R. A P. excursion to
Buffalo and Niagara Falls in another
To the Public.
Wo, the undersigned merchants of
Rcynoldsvllle, desire to state that we
have nothing to do with the so-called
Merchants' and Farmors' Carnival held
at WJshaw Park this week:
C. R. Hall. ' Chun. V. Kuvrner.
J. C. King A Co. K. L. Evan.
0. C. Gibson. P. It. Hmlth.
MllllrenHros. P. T. Wnlsh.
W. O. Henry. Robinson Hlino Co.
J.C. A H.O. Henry. It. Alex Htoko.
Ding Stoko Co. Kcystono ltd we. Co.
William Copping. A. H. Harmon.
Butlor Bros. J. W. Hlggs.
Sol. Friedman. Priestor Bros.
H. Miller. N. Hanau.
Reynolds Drug Co. Gooder. tho.Iowelcr
J. Kaufman. J. R. mills A Co.
Hhlok A Wagner. J. K. Mitchell.
I). II. Breakoy. Robert I'arrlsh.
A. Katzen. W. A. Thompson.
L. O. Lldln. KloC. Host.
Frances Havers. C. F. Hoffman.
1. it. Hughes. W. If. Hell.
J. A. Myers 1). Nolan.
W. II. Moore J. P. Hasklns & Son
Roynoldsvilln Hardware Co.
Rolilnson A Mundorff.
D. B. A W. B. StnulTor.
J. D. Woodrlng A Son.
Scott A Dnlblo.
The editor of The Star has been re
quested by a number of farmers to state
that they have nothing to do with the
carnival at Wlshaw advertised as
merchants' and farmers' carnival, and
that if there aro gambling schemes llko
there were at the so-called harvest
home plcnlo last year somo person will
got Into trouble
Water Supply Failed,
Punxsutawney, Pa., August 8. Sat
urday night tho water supply of tho
town was shut off, In consequence of
which the electric plant and all motors
belonging to individuals could not bo
oporated without transporting the water
on wagons. Water will horeaftor le
supplied only for an hour In tho morn
ing and In tho evening. Tho trouble,
It Is claimed, Is duo to the drying up of
Clover run at a time when the wells
at tho pump station are being tested.
If the water boutoo in the latter proves
to be Impure tho wells will bo abandon
ed, In which caso the town will bo in a
plight until thero Is a ralnfnll. DuBols
Pranks of the Wind.
A whirlwind passed ovor tho' north
sldo of Knox township last Thursday
afternoon. It dropped down qulto close
to David Fuller's bouso, and did quite
an amount of damngo, tearing half a
dozen applo trees up by tho roots, and
literally carrying them away, destroy
ing over fifty bushols of apples, and
several bushels of pears and plums.
Fifteen or twonty shocks of rye were
picked up and carried away, somo of It
carried Into the woods a distanco of six
or eight rods. Mr. Fuller's loss by tho
wind was nearly a hundred dollars.
Brookvlllo IXmoeml.
In Moody Bible Institute.
Rov.Peter H. Kline and wlfo, of
Chicago, III., camo to Reynoldsvllle
Saturday to visit a faw days with
relatl ves and frionds. Rev. Kline
preached two good sermons In tho
Baptist church Sunday, morning and
evening. Peter Kline, as bo is familiar
ly known In Roynoldsvlllo, Is a steward
In the Moody Bible School Institution
at Chicago and does mission work in
tho suburbs of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs.
Kline have boon in Chicago- three
yoars and a half. 1
Moving to Coalport.
Mrs. Solomon Shaffer camo from
Coalport, Ky., last week and packed
tholr household goods, which will be
shipped to Kentucky this week. Mrs.
Shaffer will return to Coalpoart this
week. Miss Etta Shaffer, who hus
beon looking aftor her father's lumber
Interests In this place, will go to Coal
port in a couple of weeks.
Orange Picnic.
A Harvest Home picnic, under tho
auspices of tbe Stato Grange of Penn
sylvania, will be held in Hunter's grove,
In Knox township, on Wednesday, Au
gust 17tb, 1004. Hon. W. T. Creasy
will represent the State Grange, and
Hon. Oliver Wilson, of Illinois, will
also be there to address the meeting.
"Come one, come all, and be happy,"
Is the slogan for this occasion.
Brookvlile Fair.
The fair and races of tbe Jefferson
County Agricultural Society and Driv
ing Park Association will be held on
tbe fair grounds at Brookvlile August
30 and 31 and September 1 and 2. Forty
thousand people attended the fair last
year and the association expects the
attendance to be increased to seventy
five thousand this year.
Width of Paving.
Tbe width of paving on Main street Is
to be 32 foet from iron bridge to Third
street, 50 feet from Third to Fifth
street, 44 foot from Fifth street to Cole
alloy, 30 feet from Colo alley to Sixth
street and 24 foet wide from Sixth to
Seventh streot.
Misses' and Children's Oxfords.
Pick out any pair we have, no matter
if they sold at 1.25, (1.35 or (1.60, for
only 75 cents, Bing-Stoke Co,
George White preached at Sandy
Valley and Harvey Deter at Paradise
M. E. ohuroh and Bollinger school house
last Sunday. Next Sunday afternoon
these two young men will conduct ser
vice in the school bouse at Soldier.
Bon Ton Bakery Burned Loss Not Esti
matedInsurance One Thousand
About 10.20 last night fire was dis
covered tn the roar of the second story
of the Bon Ton Bakery, whloh was oc
cupied by Peter II. Smith, proprietor
of bakery, as dwelling. The fire alarm
was given and tho fire company quickly
responded but by tbe time they got the
water on the fire had a good start and
It looked as If tbat building and tho
buildings on each sldo, all frame build
ings, would certainly be devoured by
the fire fiend, but with good water force
and good work on the part of the flro
men, the fire was confined to the one
building, and only tho roof and upper
part of that building was burned. Mr.
Smith, wifo and children were at Mr.
Smith's store In the Doiblo block when
tho fire started and the origin of fire Is
unknown. It started In the kitchen.
Only a few things were saved out of the
second story but everything was saved
nut of tho store and bakery. Mr. Smith
did not know this morning what his loss
would amount to. He carried (1,000
Insurance. Among the household goods
destroyed was a new piano.
Mr. Smith expects to build an oven
iu rear of his store In the Delblo brick
block and will continue the Bon Ton
Buknry, but will only run onestoro.
The building was owned by E. L.
Evans, who lives In the adjoining build
ing and conducts a grocery store. Mr.
Evans did not have any insurance on
the building. Tbe roof of the one story
building on east sldo of Bon Ton, an old
roof, was so badly damaged by firemen
walking over It, that the occupant of
tho building,. Mrs. Anna Hendricks,
will have to move Into another building,
as Mr. Evans will not repair either of
tho old buildings but will have them
torn down.
Tho fire company from West Reyn
oldsvllle was at the fire in good time and
did good work in helping to control tbe
When a fire ggts as good a start in an
old framo building as tbe fire had last
night and the fire companies get control
of It before the fire gets outside tbe
walls of the building It started In, It
shows that tho firemen did good work.
At one time It looked as if it would be
Impossible to save the buildings ad
joining tho Bon Ton.
Resolutions of Respect.
At a regular meeting of Valiant
Lodge No. 461, K. of P., the following
resolutions were adopted :
Whereas, God in Ills wisdom has
taken from us our well beloved brother,
John Butson, theroforo, bo It
ltmtlvcd, That we bow tn humble
submission to His divine will whodooth
all things well. And be It further
llemhtd, That wo extend to tho be
reaved family our sincere sympathy In
this their sore affliction and commend
thorn to the nealor of all wounds. And
be It further
Itrsolved, That In the doath of our
Brother John Butson, this Lodge has
lost a fuitbful member, tbe family a
kind husbuW and father and the com
munity a good citizen. And bo it
Itenulvcd, That theso resolutions be
spread on our minutes and printed In
The: Star and a copy sent to tbe family.
P. C, William Cofi-ino, )
P. C, John Cottle, Com.
John Trudgen. )
Coming August tfith.
The - complications tbat ensue In
"Railroad Jack," are about as funny as
those scon In such productions as Su
per ba and Humpty Dumpty, tbe sen
sational features are more blood curd
ling than any previous attempts, tbe
programme is of a varied nature and
tends to please all classes of amusement
lovers. Tbe personnel of the company
is madd up as follows : Miss Madelon
Caufman, James Donoyer, R. Guy Cauf
roan, F. C. Taylor, Geo. F. Clark, Miss
Majorlo Clark, Frederick Thomas,
Edwin T. Elliott, J. Edwin Hoyt, Wm.
Durront, Frank A. Noble, Jessie E.
Saunders and J. B. Swafford. "Rail
road Jack," will appear at the Reynolds
opera house on Aug. 16. Prices 25, 35
and 50 cents.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In post office at Roynoldsvlllo, Pa., for
tbe week ending Aug. 9, 1904:
A. B. Brumbaugh, J. D. Homer, Miss
Rose Melzer, Mrs.' Frank Overbeck.
Say advortiscd and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns, P. M.
Oxford Shoes.
Choice of any (1.25, (1.50 or (2.00
black or tan ladios' oxford, shoe or slip
per in the house for only 98 cents.
Bing-Stoke Co.
There is talk of organizing a stock
company, leasing from Albert Reynolds
the vacant land between Jackson street
and railroad and Fourth and Fifth
strcots and leveling it off and fencing it
In for base ball and clrous grounds.
It was rumored on the streets lost
week that a former oltlxen of this place
had ben shot and killed by his wlfo at
Falrmount City, near New Bethlehem.
Tbe editor of The Star was (old at the
S. of V. encampment Friday that there
was a man at the encampment who bad
been told about the murder by a man in
front of whose house the shooting took
place. Even with such positive state
ment as the above, the report was false.
Chick-Corn Club's Second Raid.
A year ago a Cblck-Corn Club was
organized In Rcynotdsvllle and the first
raid of the club was on a farmer's corn
fleld not far from Roynoldsvlllo. The
second raid was mado on George Bur
top's chicken coop and shcopfold In
Boechwcods on tho night of August
4th. Each mombcr of tho club received
the following notlco :
To all mombors of tho Chick-Corn Club.
You are commanded to sot aside all
manner of business and excuses whatso
ever, and appear In your propor
orsons, at lliomni Tappers livery
arn. on Thursdsv Auinist 4th. looi. nt.
6.30 p. m. sharp, In heavy marching
order, with two dogs, ton rounds of
ammunitions, a coon polo and other
necessary munitions of coon hunting.
The first command la "Attention I
forward, march, double) quick." All
porsons tardy will bo loft behind bo
nauso tho start must be mado at 6.30
sharp. By Order of Commlttoo.
Sixteen members of tho club met on
time at tho placo designated in the
command served on them and, wore
driven to ''Sunset Camp" In Tapper's
tally-ho, a delightful trip out, but the
homo coming was different. The man
who hired tho tally-ho thought it
would bo a hugo joko on the mombors
of the party to walk In from "Sunset
Camp," a distanco of eight miles, and
the gentleman arranged with driver of
tally-ho to quietly drive off home and
leavo tho party. Several mombors of
tho Chick-Corn Club mado a raid on
Georgo Burtop's chicken coop and
carried seven or ulgbt chickens into
camp and dressed and cooked thorn.
Other members of tho party carried a
lamb Into camp and would have
slaughtered it, but ono mombcr of the
party objected so strongly that the
mutton was not killed and there was no
lamb on the bill of fare.
When the party was roady to start
homo at 1.00 a. m. Friday tbe tally
bo could not bo found and tho only
thing to do was to walk homo. They
came Into town about 4.0Q a. ra., some
of them with sore foot and ruffled
tempers. The joke was too long.
Wo wero requested not to say any
thing about this outing or give tbe
names of the gentlemen who composod
the party, but we will glvo tho names
to our readers confidentially, and of
course our readers will not glvo tho
secret away. Tho gcntlemon were :
Albert Reynolds, II. Alex Stoke, James
W. GUlespio, Ward C. Elliott, G. W.
Lenkcrd, Dr. John n. Murray, Lawyer
G. M. McDonald, Charles S. Milliren,
Uenqy Doiblo, Andy Wheolor, M. J.
Dalley, Ira S. Smith, W. H. Mooro,
Joseph S. Hammond, Waltor R. Reed,
W. C. Murray.
New Commandery Elected Officers.
Bethany Commandery, Knights
Templar, bold a meeting In Webar's
ball Wednesday evening, August 3rd,
and elected officers tho first for now
Commandery as follows :
Eminent Commander Georgo A.
Stockdalo, of DuBols.
Generalissimo Cyrus II. Blood, of
Captain General Dr. J. A. Murray,
of Rcynoldsvllle.
Treasurer Harvey A. Landls, of Du
Bols. Recorder U. S. N. Crouso, of DuBoU.
Trustees Joseph Murtin, J. E. Mer
ris and Frank Button.
Tbe second Thursday In October was
tho time solccted for constituting the
Commandery and installing the officers.
The Installation will bo public, and held
in the Avenuo Theatre. Tbe Grand
Commandery officers will bo present to
conduct tbe ceremony of constituting
the now order. The new Commandery
starts out with a membership of 100.
DuBois Express.
Excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
The Buffalo, Rochester A Pittsburg
Railway's popular low rate excursions
to Buffalo bave proved so attractive to
those desiring a day of recreation that
another excursion has been arranged,
for Sunday, August 14tb. Tlckots will,
be sold for special train leaving Falls.
Creek at 6.35 a. m. at round trip fare of.
(2.50, which will be good returning on
special train leaving Niagara Falls 7.00
p. m. and Buffalo 8.00 p. m. ; also on
regular trains from Buffalo Monday
August 15th. This excursion will u n.
doubtcdly be ono of the largest ol ' the
season. See B., R. A P. agents for uu
Saw Snakes.
Our townsman, Thomas BlacJ c who Is
working at Widnoon, Armstr ong Co.,
was accosted by two strange I jedfellows
last Wednesday even!. Al ,Mr. Black
turned down the coverlet preparatory
to retiring, he discovered . two good
sized blauksnakes snugly moiled up in
his bed. He soized a weap on and made
a pass at the unwelcome intruders,
despatching one, but the other made
iU escape. New Bethlehi w Leader.
Ladies' Oxford S hoes.
All our (2.50 and 11.00 oxfords now
only 2.19. Bing-Stoke Co.
In no way can you get as much enjoy
mont for your money a by going oo the
B., R. A P. excursionto Buffalo and
Niagara Falls Sunday, Aug. 14th.
Uoantmatcb the bargains at Harmon's
Shoe Store.
Team work and hauling of all kind
will be given prompt attention. L. F.
netrick, corner Third and Jackson at.