The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 10, 1904, Image 4

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    &ft Stan
Subscription $1.00 per war in admnf.
' A.STKPHKNSON, Rdltor and Pk.
WUnpily nt. Hoynolilivllln, Jpfformin fit.
I'a., dvitri1nihi lnttretiiif UeyiiolilHVllln
ind JcfrnrmtneotMitT. Nn-xlltli'nl,llltniit
il with fnlrnivw. nnil will l imperially frlenri
lf tewarfl the InlNirlns rliitm.
Onniiminlontlmia tntetill for niilillrnllon
must bs aeiomnlMi Ityihe writer's nutiip.
Hot for tmnlli-nllnn, In it, nit it miitrnnton of
:km1 fnltli. Intonxtlni nfwltiTtinllr-lt1.
Advrrttnlns rntnii ntntlo nnwniin applica
tion at thlnofnrn.
lnirhty mmmunlratlnna and Chans ef
a Ivnrtlaoments should reach till" office by
Monday noon,
HutwcrlpMon price 111,00 per ypnr. In ndvancs.
AddrpMi, all commit ntcnt Inns to I). A.Hteph
nnon, Ksvnnlriftvllle, Pa.
J. T. Ailman, Press CorreRpondent.
When tho children aro fotirloon years
old thoy may gain membership In the
Cranio. Tho order has, howovor, mado
provision for thoso under that ago hy
having a Juvnnllo Grango made up en
tirely of tho llttlo folks, having; thnlr
own officers and ccrotnonial work. Tho
valuo of the training and dlselpline that
may bo acquired in this way Is vory
bonoflclal. Homo matron from tho "big"
Grange Is assigned to moot with thorn
as a kind of bulanco wheel.
Neither tho busy season, tho wot
woather retarding, as it has done, farm
work, nor tho boiling of tho political
pot appears to have retarded grange
growth In tho state during tho quarter
ending Juno .10th. Now granges aro
heartily welcomed but tho best ovldonoo
of pormanont incroaso Is In tho growth
of old granges. A largo majority of
tho granges report Initiations and ro-ln-statements.
At tho call of Worthy State Mastor
W. F. Hill tho executive committee,
the legislative committee, tho lecturer
and the secretary of tho Stato grange
mot at Harrinburg on the 2flth of July.
The object was to consider tho advis
, ability of establishing a Stato grange
bullotln and securing second-class post
ago rates for tho publications of the
Stato Grango. The projoct-was received
with favor and Worthy Master Hill was
appointed to take chargo of the work.
In this he will bo greatly aided by Goo.
n. Shibloy, of Washington, D. C. Mr.
Shibley was present at tho mooting.
His self-appointed life work Is to ad
vance tho cause of tho Initiative and
Referendum. He Is giving froely of
his time and money to thus secure for
the people the right of a final say In
natters of legislation. Tho reform is
worthy of the sacrifice.
Our Bargain Tables arc becoming famous. Every
one knows that when a shoe goes on to our Bargain
It's a Bargain Indeed.
Come in and look. We may have just the size and
kind of a shoe you are looking for. During our sale
you get
more than your money's worth
Money Savors to Shoe Buyers. Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Visiting Cards . .
Neatly printed in many fashionable type
faces at
Don't forget tha,t The Star'g Job Department is one of the be6t
equipped in the county and all classes of work can be turned
out with speed and satisfaction.
. .
Call and see samples of the work
Tour to tha Ysllowstona Park and Pacific
On account of the Triennial Conclave,
Knights Templar, to be hold at San
Franolsco, Cal., September 5 to 0, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
run a personally-conducted tour, visit
ing the Yellowstone I'ark, tho princi
pal cities and beautiful resorts of tho
Pacific Coast, Salt Lake City, Colorado
Springs, Denver, and the St. Louis ex
position, In addition to affording five
days In San Francisco. Tlckuts, cover
ing every necessary expenso en route,
except hotel accommodations In Sun
Francisco, will bo sold at tho low rate
offcWHrom all stations on tho Penn
sylvania Railroad. A nieolal train of
high grade Pullman equipment will
leave New York, Philadelphia, Harris
burg and Pittsburg Wcdncsdny, Au
gust 17th. Tho full five and ono-hnlf
days tour of the Yollowstonn Park will
bo made. Three days will bo spent at
Itts Angolos, two days at Colorado
Sprlngs,'and two days at St. Louis, tho
party reaching New York Mondny,
September 10th. Stoa for sight seeing
will be mailo at Seattlo, Tacoma, Port
land, San Jose, Monterey, Santa Bur
bara, Salt Lake City, Glonwood Springs,
and Donvor. A doscriptlvo Itinerary
will bo sent on application to Goo. W.
Boyd, General Passengor Agent,
Stroot Station, Philadelphia.
Knit of Bitter Fight.
"Two physicians had a long and stub
born fight with an abcess on my right
lung" writes J. F. Hughes, of DuPont,
Ga., "and gavo me up. Everybody
thought my timo had come. As a last
resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. Tho benefit I receiv
ed was striking and I was on my foot In
a few days. Now Pve entirely regained
my health." It conquers all Coughs,
Colds and Throat and Lung Troubloa.
Guaranteed by H. Alex Stoko, Drug
gist. Prices 50c, and 11.00. Trial
bottles free.
Notice to Contractors.
Soaled proposals will bo rocolvod by
tho town council of the borough of
Reynoldsvllle until Wednesday, tho
17th day of August, A. D. 1004, at 4.00
o'clock p. m., for tho grading, paving
and curbing of Jackson street from tho
west side of Seventh street to tho cast
side of Bradford streot. Plans and
specifications can bo seen at tho clerk's
office. Tho council reserves the right
to reject any or all bids. All bids must
be for work completed.
John C. Saykks,
Attest : President of Council.
L. J. McEntirk,
Clerk of Council.
J. E. Mitchell, morchant tailor, near
Hotel Imperial.
Star Office.
Miss Kile. Doyle was In town lost
Miss Tressa Burns Is visiting In
Brook v II lo.
August Baldanf and wife aro visiting
In Klttnnnlng.
.lames T. Evans nnil wlfo stent Sun
tiny In DuBols.
Misses Lyiln and Kntn I'hnlen are
vUiling In Pittsburg.
Mrs. Jaeob Delblo Is visiting at Mt.
Jowett and Bradford.
Miss Ellen Peterson, of DuBols, visit
ed In town last week.
Miss Llllie Iienkerd sM;nl Sunday at
her homo nt I ted fern.
Master William Karns, of Onkmont,
Is visiting A. B. Weed.
Mrs. Fred lletner, of Punxsutnwney,
visited In town lastweok.
Mrs. Gottus Sehlnblg, of DuBols,
visited In town last week.
(i. W. Ienkord sKnt Sunday at his
homo In Clenrlluld county.
Miss Olive Smathers, of Drookvlllc,
Is visiting In Reynoldsvllle.
Harold Scott, of Gareo, visited In
Reynoldsvllle the past week.
Mrs. Fred Miller, of Klttnnnlng, Is
visiting relative In thlspluee.
Miss Alma Bnrlolt vlsitod her grand
mother at Rlmerton lant week.
Mrs. L. M. Simmons and MIhs Anna
Klulir returned homo yesterday.
Henry A. Reed, of Chicago, 111., Is
visiting his mother In this place.
' Charles Schultxo and family, of
Ernest, visited In town last week.
Mrs. L. J. Arnold, of Driftwood,
visited In HoynnldHvlllo last week.
Conductor James M. Marsh, of Brook
vlllo, was a visitor In town Sunday.
Misses Nellie and Elslo Krob aro vis
iting relatives In Armstrong county.
Howard and Gertrude Watson aro
visiting relatives at New Kensington.
Mrs. F. C. Pifer visited her parents
at Rockland, Vonnugo Co., lust week.
John K. Flynn, of Clarksburg, W.
Va., is visiting his mother in this place.
Mrs. Georgo Williams and Miss Ida
Showors aro visiting In Clarion county.
Mrs. Harry F. Lord, of Johnsonburg,
visited her parents In this place Satur
day. G. W. Shaffer and wlfo.of Brookvlllo,
formerly of this placo spent Sunday In
Miss Sara Hudson, of Pittsburg, Is
tho guest of Mrs. J. W. Syphrlt In
Miss Estlo Smith, of Clearfield, Is tho
guost of Miss Efllo Clark In this placo
this week.
Miss Olga Honry, of Punxsutawnoy,
was the guest of MUs Unlta Farroll tho
past week.
A. C. Plorco has been visiting his
son, Grant Plorco, In Wllkinsburg tho
past wook.
MUs Mary NotT, of Llndscy, was tho
guest of Miss Pearl Barrett during the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Steele, of Du
Bols, wore visitors In Reynoldsvllle
Miss Clara Siplo left hero pesterduy
to visit friends at Lock Haven and
Arthur Phllllppl is visiting his
cousin, Harold Scott, at Gareo, Clear,
field county.
Miss Nellie E. Suitor, of Now Both
lehom, It visiting hor parents on Pleas
ant Avenue.
Mrs. Wilfred Kunes, of North Bund,
visited relatives In this placo the first
of this week.
Daniel Stett, of Now Kensington, la
visiting at home of S. M. Slple In West
Miss FayetU Verstine, of Brookville,
was the guest of Mis Mary McClure
over Sunday.
Miss Luella Brltton, of Brockway
vllle, Is the guest of Mrs. Lizzie Smith
on Main street. -
Mrs. W. S. Garoe and two children,
of Garee, visited relatives in this place
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes, of Brook
vlllo, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. U. G.
Mrs. Charles Bird and five children,
of Pittsburg, are visitors at home of
John O'Conner.
Dr. J. E. Hall, of ClaUkanie, Oregon,
visited his brother, C. R. Hall, In this
place lost week.
Mrs. C. K. Hawthorne, of DuBols,
visited her parent in West Reyoolda
vllle over Sunday. .
Mrs. John D. Lowther, of Rimers
burg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. C.
Burns, In this place.
Miss Minnie Myers, of DuBols, has
been the guest of Mrs. Thomas E.
Evans the past week.
Captain Leahy and wlfo, of Fulls
Creek, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P.
McDonald last Friday.
Mrs. D. B. Stauffor, who bus been
visiting In Pittsburg tbraa weeks, will
return borne this week.
W. 8. Weaver, editor of Brookville
Republican', visited Camp Lloyd at this
place Sunday afternoon.
MUs Susie SchulUe, mbo wag at
Ebensburg, Pa., taking a course In the
Mountain Summer Assembly, returned
borne the latter part of last week.
MUs Edna T,owls, who was at Chau
tauqua, N. Y., taking a special course,
returned hnmnThorsday.
Mrs. K. II. Sterling, of The Balls.
Oregon, has been tho guest of Mrs. W.
W. Delblo the past week.
Todd Seeley and wlfo, of DuBols,
spent Sunday with the latter' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bates.
G. B. Postlethwult, of Valler, at ono
time a citizen of Iteynoldsvlllu, was In
town Saturday and Sunday,
Prof. 8. C. Heplet, udllor of tho New
Bethlehem - hmlrr, was tho guest of
C. 8. Armagost over Sunday.
Miss Ava Karstnrp, of Pittsburg, was
the guest of her cousin, MUs Vera
Burns, tho first of this week.
Mrs. John Y. Black of Irvona, Pa.,
Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Joseph
8. Hammond, on Main stroot. '
Mrs. Llnnle Stolnct, of DuBols, visit
ed tho family of her brother, Irvln
Kunes, In this place Inst wcok.
Mrs. II. M. Shoppard, of Rockland,
Pa., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F.
C., In West Reynoldsvlllo.
Mrs. J. R. Keys, of Emorlckvllle,
visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Burns, In
this plane tho first of this wook.
Dr. Joseph H. Hoffman, of Pittsburg,
visited his brothers, C. F. and J. J.
HolTniiin, In this plncu last week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Crago, of
Eleanora, visited at the home of Walter
Hone sevcrul days tho pust week.
Alvln and John Wlunt, of New Beth
lehem, visited their cousin, Mrs. Dr. J.
C. Sayers, In this placo the past week.
John L. Sliffcr, who has boon at
Wheelorvlllo, Sullivan County, Pa., tho
past year, visited In town tho past wook.
Prof. L. Wells Cleery, of Syracuse,
N. Y., Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Frnnk P. Alexander on Grant street.
J. Van Roi d, who wus at his homo In
this place a few weeks, returned to
Sarcoxlu, Mo., tho latter part of last
S. B. Hull and wife, of Brookvlllo,
huvo been visiting the tatter's slstor,
Mrs. S. G. Austin, In this place the past
Mrs. Sarah Unstead, of Pittsburg,
visited her brother, Dr. H. B. Mo
Garrah, In West Roynoldsvlllo last
Mrs. John Marsh, of Punxsutawnoy,
visited hor daughter, Mrs. T. D.
Brewer, In West Reynoldsvllle last
Yincont Reynolds, of Johnstown, has
been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr.
S. T. Reynolds, In this placo tho past
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Robinson and ton,
Graydon, went to Chautauqua, N. Y.,
yesterday to be absent ton days or two
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Dunsmore left
here Monday on a two weeks' visit with
relatives at Kushequa, Bradford and
MUs Ada Hotrick Is visiting at
Worthvillo. She will go from there to
Buckwhoat reunion at Goodvlllo to
morrow, MUs Josslo Girts, of New Bethlehem,
who was a visitor at home of J. J. Kirk
wood five weeks, returned to her home
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hamilton, of
Greensburg, are visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rlston, on
Grant street.
MUses Ellen Thomas and Lucy
Blakeslee, of DuBols, spent several
days of the past week with Miss Dora
Reed In this place. -
Mrs. T. K. Hastings and Mrs. C. H.
Volt, of Punxsutawnoy, were the guests
of Mrs. Samuel Brlllhart a couple of
days the past woek.
MUs Hazel McCrelgbt attended a
birthday party In DuBols Saturday
afternoon and spent Sunday in that,
place with relatives.
Mrs. E. J. Darling and two daughters,
Misses Constance and Marlon, of Pitts
burg, are guests at home of Mr. V. R.
Pratt on Grant street.
James S. McGarrab, of Red Bank,
who was visiting his son, Dr. H. B.
McGarrah, in West Reynoldsvllle, re
turned home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsay, of Mt.
Pleasant, Pa., returned home yesterday
after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Smith on Grant street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Suball, of
Wllkinsburg, returned to their borne
Thursday after spending several weeks
at the home cf Mrs. Sch all's parents.
Mrs. C. Hutcblns and two daughters,
MUses Nell and Mame, and Miss
Florence Campbell, of Brookville, were
guests of S. M. Slple's family over
John T. Barolay, of DuBols, who U
convalescing from a severe attack of
appendicitis, U visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Barolay, on Jack
ton sWeet.
Misa Blanch Farley, of Woolrhah,
Clinton County, whohfooen workjng
In the Reynoldsyllle Woolen Company
will at (,hU piape three years, ult the
mill Saturday and Wt . here yesterday
on a trip to Philadelphia and Atlantlo
City. Bus will return to her home at
Woolrloh and remain there.
Robert 8. Lytle, of Johnstown, Pa.,
who resided In thlt place fourteen yean
ago, came to town Saturday to tee old
time frtendt and attend the 8. of V,
onosmp nont.
David Oolam and daughter, Mary, of
DuBols, Mr. Epbrlnra Plttalny, of
Eleanora, and Mr. Thomas Bone, of
Rossller, visited at tho homo of Koltert
Bone on Monday.
Mr. and Mr. A, J. Hetties, of
Detroit, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. E. II.
Price, of DuBol. were guests of Rev.
and Mrs. J. C. MoEnllre In West Ueyn
oldsvlllit last week.
Mr. Jonas Muster and daughter,
Miss May, of Tratford, Tarannkl, New
Zealand, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John
Trudgun, sr.. In thlt place. They
arrived In town Sunday.
Father E. M. DrUcoll and his sister,
Miss Mollis Drlscoll, of Now Bethle
hem, came up to attend the Catholic
oongregrntion and Sunday school picnic
at Wishaw last Thurday.
O. II. Small, of Cool Spring, Stato
Deputy of Jefferson County Orange,
was In lown over Sunday, tho guest of
hi brother-in-law and brother, W. P.
Woodrlng and J. N. Small.
Mrs. Clay Campbell, of Washington,
I). C, Mr. Margaret Llttlo and Mrs.
W. D. Campbell, of Punxsutawnoy,
woro visitors at homes of W. C. and Dr.
John II. Murray tho past wook.
P. T. Walsh, West Reynoldsvlllo
grocoryman, took his family lo homo of
her parents nt Sugar Creek, Armstrong
County, the first of last week ami left
them there for a two weeks' vUll.
Jtsieph Repine, of Kendolvllle, Noblo
Co., Indiana, who Is 77 year old, Is
visiting his niece, Mrs. Nnnoy Foley, In
this place. Mr. Repine has just re
turned from a trip to St. Louis and tho
World's Fair.
Jamet Kalaway, Sr., wife and son,
and Mrs. Louisa Kalaway, of Barnes
boro, are visiting In town thlt week.
Mr. Kalaway wat In a Philadelphia hos
pital a couple of montht ago receiving
treatment for hit rye.
MUsot Allco Bowdlsh and Itobecca
Brown, of Brookvlllo, and Missus Daisy
and Ento Brewbakor, Messrs L. G.
Spcncor and Charles MoPhurson, of
Punxsutawnoy, were tho guests of Mrs.
W. J. Weaver last week.
Rov. P. P. Womer, pastor of the First
Congregational church at Syracuse,
N. Y., Is visiting at homo of his father-in-law,
A. T. Bing, on Grant street.
Mrs. Womer has been visiting hor
parents since the latter part of June.
Mr. U. O. Perry, wlfo and tbrcosons,
of Washington, D. C, camo to homo of
Mrs. Perry's purents, Rev. and Mrs. J.
E. Dean, near this place last week on
their annual visit. Mr. Porry Is visit
ing kinsfolks at Worthvillo this wcok.
' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rowse, of Idaho
Springs, Col., have been guests of Mr,
and Mr. John Trudgun the past week,
Mrs. Rowso's maiden namo was Emma
Mitchell, whose parents moved from
Reynoldsvlllo to Colorado a few years
Harry L. McEntlre, ttudont In the
Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, who
bat been clerking In a Philadelphia
drug store slnoe the summer vacation
began, came to home of his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. L. J. McEntlre, In this place
Monday. He will remain hero until
time to return to oollogo.
Rov. W. W. Doatrlok, So. D., teach
er of Psychology and English Literature
In the Keystone State Normal School,
Kututown, Pa., and Rev. E. R. Dea
trick, B. D., pastor of Trinity Reformed
churcb, Baltimore, Md both brothers
of Mrs. C. V. Smith, are visiting Prof.
Smith and family on Fifth street.
These guest after spending a few days
in Reynoldsvllle will go to St. Louis to
see the exposition. From that place
Dr. W. W. Deatrlck, who Is a promi
nent Institute Instructor and lecturer,
will go to tbe state of Iowa to fill a
week't engagement as an Instructor at
a teachers' Institute.
Want Column.
Bates: One cent per word for each and
vverv insertion.
For Sale An up-to-date, cushion
tire, ball-bearing go-cart, good as new.
Inquire at The Stak office.
Lost At Wishaw Park at Catholic
picnlo, August 4, large market basket
containing silverware and dishes. Find
er will please return to r. A. Hardman,
West Reynoldsvllle.
Wanted Two male boarder In
West Reynoldsvllle. Inquire at The
Star office.
Wanted Girl to do laundry work.
City Hotel, Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
For Sale House and lot on 12th
street, nearSykesville trolley line. Ad
dress : A. M. Wadding, Brookville, Pa.
For Sale A portable saw mill. In
quire of Levi Schugers.
Girl to learn winding. Also
two good boys.
Enterprise Silk Co.
The Naked Truth
When we say we have the Largest Stock and
Lowest Prices of any Grocery House in the County.
Good, Hubstnntinl goods-the kind the people live on. 1U--low
we quote n few priced ns munple. Our store in chuck full
of1mrj?ninsfor the careful buyer. Mnke out your list of
wants (ind let us quote you prices on bill goods. We arc
always here to correct errors and make everything right.
Dent. I'm. 'lit Flour per nck .Xt to tl. i:,
18 Itn Finn Granulated Sugar 11.00.
MIhs. i nr,
& Wis. Arbuekles' ColTeu Ido.'
Extra Fine Bulk Coffee, regular
price 20 cents, Ifio
3 Cans Best Standard Tomatoes !i."a
1 Dor.. Cans Best Standard Tomatoes ll.rm
I Dob. Cans (Sood Standard Tomatoes Hoc
.Bust Sugar Cured Hums per lb. lo
Wo sell Thos. J. Upton's Teas
Take your
of our large stock of
Furniture and carpets
Buyers of fine Carpets will be pleased to learn that
we have secured a large lot of line ;Carpcts in new
and up-to-date designs in Wilton, Tine Axminstcr,
Fine Wilton Velvet, Velvet and TajcBtry. Also a
large line of Rugs, same grade as carpets.
Remember we always carry a full line of Mattings,
Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Etc.
Carpet and Ri
You Never Hail Such Prices Ottered.
Axminstcrs, $1.40 reduced to $1.05
Wilton Velvets, 1.20 " .90
Lansdown Velvets, .85 " .70
Tapestry Brussels, .80 " .65
Lansdown Brussels, .60 " .45
Tapestry Brussels, J5 " .60
Ex. Super Sanitary, .35 " .25
Sultana Cottage, .30 " .20
All Wool Ingrain, .75 " .63
Extra Super C. C, .65 " .50
Excelsior Ex. Super .45 41 .35
Floor size 7x12 Rugs, in Axminster Velvet, Body
Brussels and Tapestry at cost. Dresser, Door and Floor
Rugs, Lace Curtains and Mattings at price9 that will
surprise you.
You Miss ThisYou Miss a Bargain
fl Itn (IimhI lllee. - 2fi0
4 lb. a I) -i i r grade i!.1o
7 ltn. Rolled Oats 2T0
10 Purn Iieaf Lard $1.00
7 cakes OIims, Star or
Lenox Soap, 2f0
B His. big fat Prunes 2oo
11 lb. Best Navy Brans, flOo
4 ths, BeslLlinn Bontis, 2fio
Best Sugar Cured Bacon
14 and Km pound
and ColToes Best In tho land.
& Mundorff.