4 Subieriiitum $t.00 prr tf r t nifninrt. I). A.mrHKKMt!!, Kdltnr and Pnk. WEDNKSOA Y, JUNK 8, MM. Anfiulciwmlt'tit ln'nlpipir.mlil1fhi,'1iivpry IVwilnemluy nt ItivviiftlilMvllh., .Ii'tlwuiin Co. t'li,. rti'vuii'rt in iln luiiMfHimif Hi yiiiililivllli' .iiil.lifTi'rwiirnimly. Nun hIH Iriil, mil I rvul nil ll li f nlrniMK, ntnl will lin i"iiM'llly f i liniil'. Iv towtinlft 1lit IiiIiiiHmk i'lum. ('imimltntrnlliitin ImIimiiIi'iI for inllillrfttlnil iituit Iw lii'i'onipunliMl Ity thr whIit' imtnt', liot. for nuiillnifci Inn, hut n it tntnrnntiMi or (jihMl fiittli. 1 n t f rHt ItiiC lil'wn tt.'iim aollt'ltiM. AJvprtlnlnii rutin niiulo noun on pilli' lion nt tliln nUlcr. lntrlity ronimiinlriillnin nml rlinnire of vIvHrllAcmniiia ulioulil ri'iirh thin olllro ly Momlny noon, Snhnrriptlon prlrrfl.iiOprrTrnr.ln wlriiner. Aililri'o nlli-ommntili'uilon lo II. A. Mti'ph ftnmn, ItovimlilHVtlltv I'n. 5nJy Valley. Mr. 11. A. Hliorwooil who liiw hoi 111 for the punt two work In nlowly eon- VRluftolng. Mrs. Krtrnh Flrown, of Cool Spring) ' vlHltinff hor soii, .Iuiir'b Drown anil fnmlly nt this plm-o. Quito a niimW of our townBpooplo nttomli'd tho V. II. IIritIb show In KoynolclHvllle Hahinliiy I ml,. Mlfwon HI nml Knto Kiillil, of I'ntiH.v, havo roturnotl homo after a xhort vldlt with their sUUr, Mrs. Oliver KlonU, Mlsso Ciortruilo ntnl Mnry VVrUoii, of HoynohlHvlllo, hnvc boon HpondiiiK ft fow days with V. J. Honor anil wlfo at this plniio. Tho stono-maHons am at work gotllng tho stono roaily for tho now bi ldo to replace tho old ono nvrora Sitnily (.Irk at this plai'O. Mr. ami Mrs. I.on Carrier, of Hrook vlllo, spent tho Sabbath with Mrs. Carrier's brother, W. K. (iurvin anil family, of this plnoo, Mrs. Mary Ann MoFaililen who has boon spend Ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Kiln HooIhj, at I'miltm, returned to her homo at Hells MIIIh laxt Baturday morning. That Throbbing lli'ntlni he Would qulokly leavo you, If you used Dr. King's Now LIfo fills. Thousand of sufferers havo proved tholr match less merit for blek and Nervous Head aches. Thoy make puro Wood and build up your health. Only 2.1 cent, money back If not cured. Hold by II. Alox Btokc, Druggist. Hart. Sohnffnor .V Marx clothing at Mlllirens. Now crop of bicycles and sundries at Stoke's, tho druggist. WANTED l,AIY OK I1KNTI.EM AN or fnlrriliii'sllon lo 1rHV)l f)ir s ttriiith1iillllHl ; ynr. Kn li y, 1 1 .073 mt yrnr nml i' jpi'iiHi'-., pulil weekly. Aililro with ainnip. 11. V. ki'llny, KoytmldHVlllii, I'n. A New Departure A Community of Interest Idea. Wc hnvc determined to mnkc n proposition to our new nnd old customers which will bc beneficial to you all. We Give Premiums On every 5 cent purchase ot Tea or Coffee, redeemable for cash or nny kind of household goods Sideboards, Chairs, Tables, Clocks, Rugs, Ornaments, Etc. We could furnish your house absolutely free. And -we give the best Coffee, fresh roasted and the finest flavors. Once a Customer is Always a Customer. Our premiums are not small things but very val uable and our Tea and Coffee is absolutely the best. OUR PRICES Coffee, fresh roasted and-fine flarored 15, 23, 25 and 30. cents. Te 25, 35, 45, 50, 60 and 75 cents. Sugar in any quantity 5c per Pound. ' Female or mule agouti wauled to cauvtuB. EUROPEAN TEA COFFEE CO. & Footer Building, Halo Btnx, ttoynoldsvllla. Peon's Vslus of Burlsl Ltsjus Polity. Hurla! League of tho U. 8 rittshui K, Pa., Ciontlomnn! I wlslfto express my ap preciation of the prompt and satisfactory manner In which you can led out your contract on tho death of my daughter, Huth, for whom I had iMsued contract No. 1 10, Feb. 2, 1110.1, at R mist of 110 cents a year. Death c.viui suddenly through a lira In which I lost my daughter and upon culling on Mr. J. II. Hughes, tho undertaker, and handing him the con tract tho boHt attention and service was rendered. Words fall to express tho satisfaction I feel In this matter and the great honcllt derived by having had a I'nifiie contract as It relieved mo of u bin di n that would otherwise have lioen asevrro mo on mo lo carry. No ono who Is at all provident should remain a moment without a League contract and I cannot endorse It too strongly, having ex perienced Its benefit. Mim. Katk IIiminh, HcynolilH.vllle, I'a. I 'on tine Is can 1st secured by seeing Klehard MesHlek or calling at Hughes' undertaking rooms. Pennsylvania's Sabbath Law. Section 1 3. If any mtsoii shall do or perform any worldly employment or business whatsoever on the lird s day, commonly culled Sunday (works of necessity and charity only excepted) shall use or practice any unlawful giuno, hunting, shooting, sport or diversion whatsoever on tho saiiio day, and bo convicted thereof, overy such person so offending shall, for every such offonso, forfeit and pny 11.00 (subsequently rais ed to iVHI in Allegheny Co.) to be levied by distress, etc. Provided, al ways, that nothing herein contained shall bo construed to prohibit the dress ing of victuals In private families, buko houses, lodging houses, Inns nnd other houses of entertainment for tho use of sojourners, travelers or strangers, or to hinder watermen from landing their passengers, or ferrymen from carrying over tho water travelers, or persons removing with thuir families on tho Lord's Day commonly called Sunday, nor tho delivery of milk or tho neces saries of life, before nlno of tho chsik In tho forenoon, nor alter five of the clock In tho afternoon of tho samoday. 1 4. Provided, always, that every Buch prosecution shall be' commenced ithln seventy-two hours after tho olTonso bo committed. 17. Thero shall be no hunting or shooting or fMilng on the first day of tho week, called Sunday, and any person offending against tho provisions of this section shall bo llablo to a flno of 925.00. Worst orall Hierliiir. Can anything bo worse than to feel that every minute will bo your last V Such was tho experience of Mrs. S. II Nowson, Decatur, Ala. "For throe yoars" Bho writes, "t endured Insuffer able pain from Indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble Death seemed Inevitable when doctors and ull remedies failed At length I was Induced to try Kloctric Hitters and tho result was miraculous. I improved at onco and now I'm com pletcly recovered. " For Llvor, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel troubles Kloctrio Hitters is the only mediolno. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by II. Alex Stoke, Druggist. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be rccelvod by tho Town Council of tho Borough of Heynoldsvillo until Wednesday, tho 15th day of Juno, 1004, at six o'clock p m., for tho grading, curbing and paving of Main street from tho oast sldo of tho Iron bridge to east sldo of Seventh street. Pluns and specifications can be seen la tho clerk's olllce. Tho Council reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. J. C. Savers, Pres. of Council L.J. McEntiue, Clerk of Council. Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, re mote from civilization, a family Is often driven to desperation In case of ao cldont, resulting In Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, eto. Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 1 It's the best on earth. 25o at H. Alox Stoke's Drug Store. The average man thinks every other business better than the one In which he is engaged. Sometimes he is so sure of it that he makes a change, and then comes a discovery.. He finds that the new business which at long range look ed so rosy, has a full complement of thorns, not altogether different from those which beset his old occupation Instead of indulging in day dreams con cernlng other people's affairs, men would make more progress by employ ing their spare time in nipping the thorns that annoy them. Tlit Cont- monerand Glasmcprker. Wedding and birthday presents in fine china, cut glass, art pottery, gold and silver novelties, fco., at Stoke's, the druggist. ' . Don't forget that John H. Doubles baa reopened his big I. X. L. loe cream parlor on East Main street. See the new spring styles In W. B oorsoU. Mlllirens. Ready mixed paint,1 white lead, var nishes, ground glue paint and white wash brushes at Stoke's, the druggist LMirrLlat. List of unclaimed letters remaining n post office at Raynoldavltle, Pa., for the week ending June 4, 1904: Miss nonrntta Hrown, Frank F.sniill, r., J. Dom Hulnnnn. Foreign Johan Ilarhans, Ray advertised and give date of list hen calling for alxive. R. U. Huknh, P. M. Fot One Week Commencing Thursday morning, wo III give Double (lold Trading R Is nips on nil men's, ladles', misses' and child ren' oxfords, shoos, (btr stis-k of hesn goods Is a largo one, In viol and Ideal kid. Hussla tan In all thn new cuts, shapes and tees. Wo save you 15 to :m per cent and give you Doublo (iold Trading Htamps. Hlng-Htoko Co. Nlnrlllnu I'.vlilrlirr, Fresh testimony In great (inutility Is constantly coming In, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds to bo unequalled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, Henlorvlljo, Va., serves as example. Ho writes S "I had Bronchitis for threii years and doctored all the time without Nilug bcnellttcd. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few Istttles wholly cured mo." Finally effectivo In curing alt Lung and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia and Orlp. CuBiaiitecd by H. Alex Htoko, Druggist. Trial bottles freo, regular sl.es50e, and ft. 00. Bicycles, tires, sundries and every thing tho bicycle rider may need nt Stoke's, tho druggist. Bicycle repairing and sundries at Hoffman's. Wo also havo high grade wheels for sale at low prices. Seo the spring hats at Mlllirens. Wedding nnd birthday presents In line china, out glass, art pottery, gold and silver novelties, tie., at Stoke's, the druggist. Want Column. Kitles: Onn cent unr word for eseli and every limi'men. Foil Sai.k House and two lots In flno residence section of Main street. Will bo sold at a bargain to quick buyer. Inquire at Building and loan olllce. Foil SAt.K A team' of mules and harness. Inquire of (Jus Hurold. Wanteii Kmpty milk bottles re' turned to Star doHit. WANTKl) Bomo long ryo straw, Frank's Tavorn. Wantku Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, Inquire at Tins ST AH olllce. Foit Sale A portable saw mill. In quire of Levi Schugors. Wantku A girl at unco. City Hotel, Heynoldsvillo, Pa. Foit Sai.k Good driving horse. In quiroG. G. Williams, Wost Iloynolds- vlllo. Foil Sale Six room houso, city water In house, gas In ovory room, sower connections for bath room and uloset : all tho rooms recently ropapcr- cd ; burn on lot ; houso is la good locu tlon. Will be sold for S1.000. Inqulro at The Stah olllce. Found A flat koy with largo hole in end. Call at Star office. For Sale Forty foot lot on Main Stroet. No bettor location for business, M. M. Fisher. For Sale Cased brick slato roof houso, eight rooms, not including pan try and bath room. Nicely furnished throughout with yellow pine. Front and back porches. House was built last year. It is located on a pleasant street, Prloe $2,250. It is a bargain. Inquire at The Star office. For Sale House and lot on Grant street with all modern improvements, Inquire of Mrs. C. Mitchell Foil Sale High grade second band buggy. Good as new. Inquire at H W. Moore's grocery. For hale Meat market in good location. Inquire at The Star offloo Wanted Intelligent girls to loarn weaving. Also girls for olothplcklng. Enterprise Silk Co.. A Ooullmial strain. Many men and women are constantly subjected to what they commonly term "a continual strain" because of some financial or family trouble. It wears and distresses them both mentally and physically, affecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney all ments, with the attendant evils of constipation, loss qf appetite, sleepless' noss, low vitality and despondency They cannot, as a rule, got rid of this "continual strain," but they can remedy its health-destroying effects by taking frequent doses of Green's August Flower. It tones up the liver, stlmu lates the kidneys, insures healthy bodily functions, gives vim and spirit to one's whole being, and eventually dis pels the physical or mental distress oaused by that "continual strain." Trial bottle of August Flower, 25o ; regular size, t5o. At all druggists. H. Alex Stoke. ORPlHANCe, . (NO. Ul) AN OHDINANCK-Provldlng for tho grading, curbing and paving of that rart o( Main street whloh lls hu ween thn east end of the bridge across Handy Link Creek, on the West, and thn osst side of Heyenth street, near thn 1'rosbytorlan church, on tho Fast. WiiKUFiAH, A laiuii tiumlsir of per sons owning rciil limner tv ahiittlnir upon Hint part of Main strer.t, In the lloroiigli i oi llcyniiltrivlllo, whlen lies lint ween thn cast ml oi tho hrlilgo nei-iifs Humly Lick orenk, on tho West, and tho cunt side of Hnvonlh street, near tire i'roshy- terliin chinch, on thn I'.asl, have pre sented to thn Town Council a written iriiHmitlnii to tho effect that If the loroiiuli el Kuynoltlsvlllii will cause said part of Main street to bo graded, curls'il and paved with paving brick, during tho present year, they, the salii property owners will pay one-thlril part if tho cost of such griming, imi'lilug anil paving In front of their respective properties, tlm HoroiiKh of Itcynohls vlllu to pay thn reuiulnlng one-tlilid part of such cost. Now, TllKliKKciitK, Hn It ordained and minelKil by tho Town Council of tho Horotiuh of Iteynolilsvillii, Pa., and It Is hereby orilulneil and enacted by authori ty of thn saiiio : I, 'I'll nt tho above mentioned propo sition of property owners Imi and tlm siime is hereby accepted. 2. That part of Main street which Is designated almvu shall, during the present year, ho graded, curbed anil paved with paving brick, In iiccorilanco with tho pluns and speelllentlous pre pared by .lames 11. Cuhlwcll, Ksq,, which are hereby approved, urn herein attached and iiihiIii a part of this ordl nancu. The alxive mentioned properly owners sliull pay that purl of tlm oust of such grading, curbing and paving which they have, In said proposition, agreed to pay and the reuiHlniler of such cost sliull ho home by the Borough of UeynoldHVille. II. Tho ('resident and Hecrulury of Council are hereby directed to silver tlso In one or morn newspapers publish ed In thn llnriiugh of KoynoldHVllln, and by liiiiid hills, lor hlos or proposals lor tim grmllng, curbing and pnvlng of mild part of Main street In accordance with tho provisions of this orilinnuci) and the pluns anil speclllcallons liereloattaclieil. All bids to Imi for tho completed work, Including all malerluls, and to Imi no- compnnled with samples of the hrlcs proposi'd, to Im used by tho nldder. Tlm Council reserves thn l ight to reject any or all bids. 4. Tlm bids to bo iniulii sliull ho for tho completed work by tho squure yard, meusii i'n incuts to he from tho Inside of both curbs. Said bids shall ho smiled nnd lie tiled with the Secretnry of Council not Inter than six o'clock p, in, on Monday, tho 15th day of June, A. I)., 11104. 6. Tho succesHful bidder will Imi re quired to enter into a contract In writ ing to perform the mild work, ami furnish thn materials therefore, In accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and tho plans and specifications hereto attached. Tho said contract shall pro vide for thn commencement uf tho work on or hnforo tho 2,"lh day of Juno, A. D., 1IHI4, and tho II mil completion there of on or before tho illlth day October, A. 1)., 1001. Tho successful bidder will also bo required to file with tlm Secre tary oi uouncll, williin loriy-eigiii hours after tho acceptance of his bid, a bond with sureties to be approved by tho Council, In tho sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned (1 ) for tho fuithful performance or tho work within the time above mentioned and In uccord- anca with thn plans and specifications and (2) for the payment to tho Borough of licynoldsvlllo of any and all sums which may be recovered airuiiiHt it hy reason or on nccount of any curclessnuis or negllgnnco on part of, the said con tractor or liny of his agents, servuuts or employees, together with all fees, costs and expenses incurred hy said Borough in defonso of any anil ull !..nts or actions brought against It on account or by reason of such curulossncKsorniwIitfoiico. U. Tho sucocssful bidder will also bo required to furnish, within live days from tho date of the accoptancu of his bid, a written agreement on part of tho manufacturer of the brick to be used In said paving warranting all of tho brick to be usod In said paving to ho cquul in all respects to tho samples submit ted to the Council and warranting that said brick will, if laid In accordance with the pluns and specifications, withstand ull the ordinary and usual exigencies of travel upon said street for a period of five years from the date of tho com pletion of tho work. The said agree ment Bhall also contain a stipulation to the effoot that said manufacturer will replaoo, at any time during said period of fivo yoars, upon notice by tho Council, all biick which shall not withstand tho ordinary and usual travel on said street or wnlun may disintegrate or orouk up on account or heat, cold moisture or de fective or improper material in or work upon tho brick themselves. 7. If tho successful bidder shall fall, negleot or refuse to sign tho contract, tile the bond and agreement montioned in sections 6 and U of this ordinance, his bid shall be rejected and the Council shall ho at liberty to advertise for new bids or, at Its option, to accept the next, lowest bid filed by the person who shall comply with the said provisions of this ordlnanoe. 8. All ordinances or parts of ordl nanoes In conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed Passed and enacted finally by the Council at a regular mooting held at the council chamber on the Utb day of May, A. U 1D04, at :Z0 o'clock p. m. John C. Bayers, Attest : President of Council. L. J. McEntire, Clerk of Council. May 14th A. D., 11)04, the foregoing ordinance is submitted to me, read and approved. L. M. Simmons, Witness : Chief Burgess C. A. Stephenson. WANTED Girls fifteen years of age to learn Winding. Enterprise Silk Company. Woitd's Psif, . Juno (I, 1(1, 2:1, und 30 are the n.'xl. dates lor great iinseh excursions to Ml. fronts via Pennsylvania Kallrnnd. on account of the Loiislnna Pnrehnsu Im position, Ths rstes for these excursions have been fixed nt such a low flmirn that they afford those of limited means mi opportunity of seeing thn World's Fair at mi i'Xccpihniilly small cot, l lm unusual success tttli'inllng Hie first I'i'iinsylviinlii Itiillrond excursion linll- ntes that thi'Ho will lie very popular, Hpeclul tritlnn of liiniliinl 1'witnyl- Viilila Killlroiiil coiichi'M of the most modern pattern will he run en the iilMivn-mciillnucil dittfH from New York, I 'hlliiili'lphlu. Iliirrlhurgk Altooun, and Pittsburg, direct I y thrniii'h lo Ht Louis, with ample slop for ineulH m convenient hours. F.nch triiln will M In charge n( a Tourist. Agent of Ihe l'i tin Hvlvatllll llallronil The rules will bo ho sainn as for thn first, exem -Ion, May 10, '.!! from New York, I H Ml from l'lilliidelphlii, nnd priiporllonato, riiteN from other si minus. Specific Infoi mil lion regarding time of special train mid connection, and raliw frmu principal stations cuHt of Pit ImIhh will Ihi announced shortly. New crop of bicycles mnl siiiiiIi'Ich nt Stoke's, tho dt'iigglHt. PIRE (lance over the list Ih I iw and decide for yourself the indeinnity offered to projierty owners il they carry a policy in any of the lire iiimirnticc companies nnttied. Company. Home of New York Philadelphia Underwriters Hartford Continental Insurance Co. of N. A. Fireman's Fund American Central Glens Falls Niagara Greenwich German Prussian National , . Totals Did you ever think that injr as the materials entering into the construction thereof, and that rents can lie insured ? Wc can write you a policy on the rents of your building in the same company and nt a lowei rate than the building. It would pay you to investigate Kent Insurance. G. M. McDONALD, Resident Agent. S' Seasonable Sale on Season able Merchandise. WE are offering this week a lot of Dimities, Lawns, Batistes, etc., at prices that you can't afford to miss. These are all regular summer merchandise and just what you will want for the balance of the summer. These retailed regularly from id to 50c a yard. We have sorted them up and are making two lots of them : io to 25c a yard to go at 5c a yard. 25 to 50c a yard to go at 10c a yard. Do not miss the opportunity as you will have no other until season is over. Children's Dresses A few Children's Dresses left to close out at half price. Wc have these in whites and colors in Lawns, Batistes, Ginghams and Percales. Prices ranging from 50c to $3.00. 50c kind to close at 25 $1.00 kind to close at ... .50 $1.50 kind to close at ... .75 $2.00 kind to close at - - - $1.00 $3.00 kind to close at - - - , $1.50 Do not fail to grasp the opportunity to secure seasonable merchancise at sale prices. No need to wait until season is over. Quantity is limited and when they are all we can't supply any more at such prices. ' Sale begins on THURSDAY, JURE 9TH. . and lasts until sale goods are all gone. . Come early and make sure of securing good things. KEflP YUR Tlic ntiovc mny not 1c "polled cor-rcctljr, Hut our oxi'oKim wiixfit you jaT-fcctly. Try a pair and lie convinced. .. tL.iiSjLtBsa.iaii HARMON'S price PIRE Assets. $ 18,040,793 i 7,623, 177 14,542,951 14,192,177 11,291,000 5,858,820 4,000,oii0 4,046,681 3,859,761 2,120,000 4,910,606 1,019,234 (lAHM fn linrikMor In IihimIh of AtfnnlN, $ 2,176,720 1,589,780 2,624,374 1,673,080 1,806,308 1,000,000 750,000 836,368 609,921 500,000 654,429 236,494 $101,505,200 rents, or rental value was as important an item of value in a buiid- SiiICK & WAGNER tub it i o stoku. $2.00 $2.00 kind to $3.00 kind to $5.00 kind to FEAT KOOU SHOE STORE. Lous in Iinltimore, $ 750,000 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 550,000 250,000 175,000 200.000 250,000 100,000 V Not Involved Not Involved $14,457,474 $4,225,000 Ladies' Ruffs Only a few left to close at half nrice. Prices range from to $b.OO. close at close at close at $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 i