The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 04, 1904, Image 7

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A Nurse Savst "Pe-ru-nt l
Tonic of Efficiency.
jfri, Kate laylor, a graduated
nurse of prominence, glvem her
experience leltA Ptruna In an
open Utter. Her poittton in so
ciety and profeutonal ttandtng
combtne to give tpcelal prom
inence to her utterance.
CHICAGO, ILL.. 427 Monroe 8t.
"As tar I haee obaerred reruns
la th finest tonic any man or woman
can um who is weak (rom the after ellect
o( any aerious lilneaa.
"I have eeen tt used In a number of
convalescent esses, and nave seen ee-eral
other tonics used, but I found that
thora who used 1'eruna bad the quickest
'Perunf9enitoreUre vitality,
4ncreae bodily vigor and renew
health andetrengtn In a wonderfully
ehort time. 'illta. KATE TAT LOB.
In view of the great multitude of women
euilenng from some form of female die
ease and yet unable to find any cure,
))r. Hartman, the renowned specialist on
female catarrhal diseases, bss announced
bis willingness to direct the treatment of
ts many cases as make application to him
during the summer months, without
charge. Address Ths 1'eruna Medicine Co.,
Columbus, Ohio.
Canadian Importa. .
The total value of all merchandise
Imported Into Canada for consumption
during: the fiscal year ended June 30,
1903, was $233,790,516 of which $136,.
796.065 was dutiable and $96,994,451
was nondultable, the dultable goods
paying $37,110,354, based on a 27.1 per
cent duty.
First American Born In Guam,
The first American baby to be born
on the Island of Guam was tbe daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene D. Ryan,
and she Is now nearly two month
old. Her father la a paymaster In the
navy, and was on the Concord during
tbe battle of Manila Day.
FITSoermanently cured. No fits ornerrons
eess alter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Oreet
h'erre Restorer. J trial hottleand treattsefre
Dr. B. U. Elms, Ltd., 31 A roil St.. 1'UUs., Pa
Is a man financially embarrassed if he
has more money than he knows what to do
Cm Allan's FMt-Kaaa,
Tt Is the only car for Swollen, Smarting,
Tired, Aehlns Bot, Sweating Feet.Oorns and
Bunions. Ask tor Allen 's Foot-Ease, apowder
to be shaken Into tbe shoes. Cures while you
walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 'iSe.
Don't acsept any substitute. 'Sample seat
Fast. Address.Allen B. Olmsted. LoKoy, N.Y.
No girl rsn understand how a man ran
really love her and think about business at
the same time.
Putjiaii Kadelcss Dm color more
goods, I Tighter colors, with lesa work
than others.
A married man's idea of real enjoyment
la to do things his wife disapproves of.
Mrs. Wlnslow 'a Foothlng Byru p f orshi Idren
teetlilnp .solten the euros, reduces Inflamma
tion allays aln,curfewlnd colic. 22c. abottle
A man with a good wife ia apt to bear
too much of a good thing.
! a sisu re Piss's C ure forConsum ptl on saved
my life three years aRO. Mas. Tbomas Rob
tins, Maple St., Norwich, K.V., Feb. 17, 1900.
In time of peace prepare for war amonj
the universal peace societies.
Pure Food Inspectors. Dlaagree.
Tbe present unsettled condition Of
the German market In foreign dried,
evaporated and preserved fruits la due
to the total absence of uniform prac
tice, and understanding among tbe pure
food inspectors as to the amount of
sulphurous 'add permissable In the
preservation of same so as not to be
Injurious to health.
A Philadelphia court has decided
that a man does not have to tell hie
wife how much money be makes or
horn he spends It Before acting on
this opinion It will be advisable for
most men to find out what their wives
think about It. Syracuse Herald.
out of aa attack of
Is tea
St Jacobs Oil
WMek affords eat est save reSef.
out a prompt ears.
Frloe, 2ftc
It will be worth all tbe self denial
that one tuny practice for several
Fears to see tbe World's Fair of 11)04
at St. Louis. Money saved, earned or
borrowed, cannot be better spent than
In getting acquainted with tbe world's
progress as revealed nt this latest and
greatest of expositions. All of us can
not travel around tbe world to take
note of what tbe nations ore doing,
but tbe nations from all around tbe
world desire us to know and bave sent
their best works to tit. Louis to be
placed on display.
Therefore, by all means or any
menu, see the World's Fair. It menus
everything to your future growth of
mind, to your present pleasure and
life-long satisfaction. Who that saw
the Centennial Exposition or tbe
Columbian Kxixinltlmi that does not re
vert to It with recollections of keenest
Within tho two square miles of the
Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St.
Louis there is more to be seen than
ever was brought together in ten times
the space before. It is a great collec
tion of expositions massed Into one.
It Is nearly twice as large as the
Columbian Exposition at Chicago,
nearly ton times larger than the Pun
American Exposition at Buffalo.
Every exhibit palace offers tbe equiv
alent of a splendid exposition, each
covering many acres of space.
The largest of these is the Palace of
Agriculture, with its twenty-three uciva
under roof, and filled to the doors with
the most wonderful agricultural col
lection ever assembled upon any occa
sion. The Important States and Na
tions of the world are all here along
side great numbers of individual ex
hibitors. Five great staples bave been
chosen for extraordinary display.
Corn, cotton, sugar, rice and tobacco
are here arrayed as tbey bave never
been before, and undreamed possibili
ties are revealed to Inquiring minds.
Such a dairy display was never at
tempted and such a collection of farm
machinery and tools was never placed
on exhibition.
The Palace of Transportation Is next
to slxe, covering fifteen acres. One
may only hint at the wonders It con-
Activity of the Island Empire In Con
struction Work.
That the modern Japanese are de
termined to keep abreast of tbe peo
ples of tbe Western world is sUowu
not only by their quick mastery of the
art of war, but also by their readiness
to appropriate all the results of mod
era scientific discovery. According to
the London Electrical Engineer, they
are now displaying much activity in
tbe utilization of electricity for light
ing, power and traction purposes. The
Tokio electric light works have been
In operation for a considerable time,
and it has become necessary to greutly
extend the power house. The plant at
present has a capacity of 5050 horse
power, and this is being Increased by
an additional SOOO horse power. This
new plant will go Into operation dur
ing the present mouth, and work will
then be commenced on a further ex
tension, which will ultimately increase
the output of the station by 10,000
horse power. Fresh demands for elec
tric power are being made on tbe elec
tric company by the railway company,
which is operating an extensive sys
tem of light railways In Tokio,
Tho Iar1anell.s.
The question whether Itussla has the
right to send her Black Sea fleet
through the Dardanelles Is based upon
a treaty executed In 1841 between the
five great Powers, whereby It was
agreed that no ship belonging to any
nation save Turkey should pass
through tbe channol without the con
sent of Turkey. This agreement was
reaffirmed by tbe treaty of Berlin,
executed after the Busso-Turklsh war
In the 70a.
mils Tr ifs : I ffis-H I b J&
Suggestions That Should Be Helpful to the Stranger
in St. Louis :: No Trouble When You Get Your
Bearings :: The Createst of the World's Expositions
tains. Tbe historical exhibit of loco
motives is one of the features. It
shows the development of seventy-five
years In locomotrVe construction.
Strange indeed is the person who Is
not yet Impressed with these evidences
of man's long struggle with the prob
lem of rail transportation, the most civ
ilizing of modern Influences, next to the
newspaper, which must always stand
first. To describe in detail this exhibit
would be a long story In Itself.
Now let us cross the flower gardens
to the Palace of Machinery, just south
of Transportation. The huge power
generators ure tbe first things to ar
rest the eye. The AUls-C'hnlmers eu
gine of t)0 horsepower, the Curtis
steam turbine of 8(Hio horse-power, the
Parsons steam turbine of r(H0 kilo
watts, the four Westlnghouse genera
tors of 3000 horse-power each, and
each as Mull as a house. And then
other generators great and small of
ail kinds the most wonderful display
of engines ever assembled, liut these
arc not all. Think of ten ucres of
glistening machines of every kind and
you have some Idea of tho contents of
the Pulacc of Machinery.
We cross the lagoon to the enst
wnrd and come to the beautiful Palace
of Electricity, with eight acres of ex
hibits from many countries, which
show the marvelous development of
electrical science. To tbe north again
over ono of the arched bridges we ap
proach the Pulaco of Varied Indus
tries, viewing Its wonderful grace and
splendor as we go. Here are fourteen
acres of exhibits from all over the
world. Tho Palace of Manufactures
is the same size and stands on the op
posite side of the Plaza of St. Louis.
It Is equally Interesting In tho variety
and newness of its contents.
Opposite the Pnluce of Manufactures
to the southward Is tho Palace of Edu
cation, this being the first time tliut
education has been allotted n great
building all its own. A variety of
schools In dally session are the feature
of this eight acre display. The two
exhibit buildings In the eastern part
of the main group are Mines and Met
allurgy and Liberal Arts. Tbe De
partment of Mines and Metallurgy has
Why It I'rovrs Ilrneficlnl When a Ier
son Is Ailing.
To maintain the bulance of perfect
health in a body so complex as man's,
where the circulatory, respiratory,
muscular and nervous systems Inter
act so much upon one another, there
Is need of very frequent adjustment,
especially In such a busy ago as
One great benefit cf change of air
is that tho great law of contrast en
forced upon us by all natural phenom
ena is allowed fuller scope for Its
beneficent work. Tbe various organs
of the body are very really rested by
slight changes in diet, cooking, water,
new surroundings, people and amuse
ments. Tbe same, monotonous dally
round of duties tries them as It tries
us, nnd chuugo of work 1 actual re
freshment. If specific ailments have manifested
themselves, then the seashore for a
tonic and general stimulant, mountain
air for its aseptic property, a sandy
district for its dryness or a sea voyage
to Invigorate the whole tystemvwlll lie
calculated to ward off what would
otherwise spell serious illness.
Man's isvfve Impulses.
The speed of nerve lmpulsus In man
Is stated by Dr. Alcock, in a recent
paper before the Loudon ltoyal So
ciety, to be sixty meters (210 feet) a
second. The experiments of Sir Mich
a el Foster fifteen years ago showed It
to be thirty-three meters. Dr. dowers,
the eminent neurologist, remarks that
either Dr. Michael Foster or Dr. Al
cock Is widely wrong, or the rate of
transmission has become greatly ac
celerated during the last fifteen years.
ft twelve-acre outdoor display In addi
tion to the nine acres under roof.
The Palace of Art at the World's
Fair contains 105 galleries. Each gnl
lery Is a Urge room, lighted from
above and filled with tbe choicest
works of all countries of the world In
which art has made noteworthy pro
gress. The group of buildings to bouse
this magnificent display represents an
expenditure of more than 91,000,000.
Even to tbe timid traveler, St. Louis
presents no complications. It Is all as
plain as a b c when once you get your
bearings. The streets all run east and
west or north and south, with rarely
a confusing diagonal.
All trains Into St. Louis arrive at
Union Station, one of tbe finest rail
road terminals In the world. The sta
tion Is on the south side of Market
street, between 18th and 20th streets,
so that when the visitor emerges from
the station he finds himself at the be-
v "1 -rv
ginning of the city numbering both
iiortli una south und eighteen blocks
from the river.
Standing on Market street with his
back to the station the down-town or
ninlft business section of tho city
is to his right about one mile. The
World's Fair is to his left, westward
about five miles. AH tho street cars
are so labeled that he may easily know
which cars to take.
Practically all St. Louis will be a
lodging house during the Exposition.
Tho hotels have greutly multiplied in
number and thousands of private
homes are open for the accommoda
tion of guests. Tbe rates at the hotels
ure generally on the European plun
as It will be more convenient f6r
guests to get Jielr meals wherever
menl-tlme may find them. Trices for
rooms In private bouses range from
.10 cents to $2.50 per day per person.
The prevailing rate is $1.00 per person
and In nearly every case good accom
modations with all conveniences and
In good localities may be had for this
price. The higher rate presupposes
larger rooms and more luxurious quar
ters. But uo ouo need pay more than
The hotel prices hove a wide range.
Competition will bo brisk.
an orcan Without stops.
That Was the opinion of the Man With
n Musiclwss Soul.
There Is a mun living in an Elev
enth street flat who has no music in
his soul, nnd there Is a man on the
lower floor whose soul Is lull of it.
Tho lower floor man not long ago add
ed a four lung parlor orgau to his lares
and penates, and two healthy daugh
ters of bis began to practice on it.
Several nights later a friend paid a
visit to the first man, nnd as soon as
be got inside the apartment ho heard
the parlor organ ou the lower
"Fine toned instrument that," be
said, because he, too, had some music
in bis soul.
The muslcless man grunted,
' "Whose muko is itr tho visitor
"Don't know," was tho ungracious
"How many stops has It?"
The host pulled himself up for a
po-verful effort. "Well," ho replied,
"it's beeu in tho house fur about a
week now, and In that timo it hasn't
hud any that I have beeu ablo to dis
cover." New York P-ess
Happy When They Are In Jail.
".Many a prisoner as soon as be steps
lu the outer office," said a Charles
stroet Jail olllcer, according to the Bos.
ton lteeord, "throws himself into a
chulr with a sigh of relief, muttering:
'This Is the first happy hour In niuuy
months.' This Is especially true of
men charged with large embezzle
ments. Their consciences seem to be
on tbe verge of collapse until they ar
rive under tho shadow of tbe Jail, when
thej then so their future cleur."
In 8ome Respects Colorado's White
City Recalls the Brooks Farm Ex
periment To a Certain Extent the
Colonists Live In Common.
Away out In that wonderful state,
Colorado, there Is a most unique little
settlement In which the requirement
for admission is that any newcomer
should be a consumptive.
One would almost be tempted to
take chances against the dread dis
ease In order to live In such an en
chanted place. This colony is the As
sociation Health Farm, under tbe aus
pices of the Denver, . Young Men's
Christian association, if. when one
gets to Denver, he Joes five miles to
the northwest, on a straight road, he
will strike a beautiful "White City."
There on a high ridge In the rich fruit
growing district he will see row after
row of small white houses or rather
tents, and for a background a pano
ram of snow-capped mountain peaks,
stretching from Pike's Peak in the
south to Long's Peak In the west
The story of the origin of the Asso
ciated Health Farm Is Interesting.
When the furor of excitement in the
literary world caused by Charles
Sheldon's book. "In His Steps," was
at Its height, the editor of the Topeka
Capital, a daily paper, offered him the
entire management of the paper for
an allotted time, to be run upon his
peculiar principles. Ono of the first
things that interested Mr. Sheldon
was tho health farm project And so
a public appeal was made in tbe Initial
Sheldon edition cf the Topeka Capital,
An editorial in the Outlook, quoting
from this article, Interested Dr. Edward
P. George of Hanover, Germany, who
gave the first $5000. Following this,
association friends in the east gavo an
other $5000, and a CO-acre tract was
purchased. Mr. and Mrs. David Broth
ers of Denver then tendered their fruit
farm as a gift, with a small annuity.
The establishment of the health
farm marks tho latest development In
Young Men's Christian association
It was formally opened Inst May,
though for a long time before then tho
Denver association had been interest
ed In tho project and propagating plnns
for its furtherance. The idea was
first suggested by tho crying needs cf
a multitude of young men seeking
tho Colorado climate for physical rea
sons, and it had come to a pass where
W. M. Danner, secretary of the Denver
Young Men's Christian association,
coupld no longer aid young men finan
cially who went to him for help.
The colony in Bome respects recalls
tho Brooks farm experiment, for to a
certain extent the residents live In
common, and they Have one central
Idea to be restored to bcatlh.
In all there are about 20 tents, a big
brick house for offices, dining rooms,
parlors, and reading room. Each res
ident is given the exclusive use of
one tent. It Is thought best that
each should live practically isolated,
though all eat together In a large din
ing room. Tbe cottage tents are
floored, have three-foot wainscoting,
with canvas sides, and double venti
lated roof. An iron bedstead, with
good bedding, a chiffonier, table,
washstand, and stove, with rocker and
rugs, are the complete' furnishings of
each tent. Last month there were 28
men on tho farm, most of them mak
ing splendid Improvement
The conditions which make neces
sary an association health farm are
challenging tho attention of tho whole
earth. Deep thinkers on the contin
ent and the most intelligent men in
this country arc interested in the
problem of fighting tuberculosis.
More than 120,000 persons die every
year in our country of consumption.
A very large number of them are
young men, away from homo and with
out any care. Tbe health farm guar-
antecs good care and all the comforts
of homo.
A young man may stay there at the
rate of $20 or $25 a month, which
covers his entire expenses. If he is
ablo to work it Is secured for blm on
an adjoining nursery and vegetable
farm. ,
All control of tbe diet, exercise, and
rest of each resident fs under tho
direct supervision of the resident phy
sician, who himself has been restored
to health by the Colorado climate, and
is glad to volunteer his services in
such a cauee.
In no way does the little colony
smirk of the home with a capital "H."
There are no gruesome ' dissecting
rooms, no darkened sick rooms, surgi
cal instruments, or stiff, uniformed
figures to be seen on the health farm.
Each little cottage tent is cozy and
homelike. There la a reading tont
well suppllod with til sorts of litera
ture, an organ, and with wholesome
games. Tho large dining room la
airy and sunshiny. Never Is there a
cause for solitude or homesickness on
the health farm, for Isolation there
only appertains to sleeping quarters,
and In the daytime there is work and
recreation, with always Jovial com
pany. In all, tho health farm consists of
1)4 acres, a fruit farm of 34 acres with
2000 fruit trees of bearing age, and
eight acres of small fruits, and . CO
acres of ranch two miles farther to
the southwest.
Just now an artesian well Is being
dug. It was found necessary, bocauso
pf the failure of the surface wells.
The necessity for good water for do
mestic, purposes Is well understood.
This well will not only furnish water
for borne and bath purposes, but .to
a limited extent will furnish irriga
tion. Boston CiurnsJ.
Fertilizer From the Air.
, The problem of obtaining nitrogen
from the atmosphere for fertilizing the
land appears to have been solved, at
least from a scientific point of view, by
Doctor Erlweln, a German experiment
er. His method Is first to separate ni
trogen from oxygen by passing an air
current over red-hot copper, when the
oxygen combines with tbe metal, lour
ing the nitrogen tree. Then tbe ni
trogen Is caused to combine In an
electric furnace wilt a mixture of
powdered charcoal and lime. The pro
duct Is a black substance suitable to be
ipread on tbe land, and possenlng the
fertilizing properties of Chile saltpeter
and potassium nitrate. It remains to
be demonstrated that the new ferti
lizer can be produced on large scale
ind at an economical cost Youth's
Metrlo System 6avea Time.
The United States Statistician says
two-thirds of a school year would be
saved to American boys and girls by
putting the metric system In place of
the other twelve or thirteen systems.
Carry the enormous saving of time In
to the counting houses of the country,
Into all kinds of calculations from
the farm to the factory, and a fairly
good. idea is obtained of what the
metric system would save.
Bow to Keen Honse.
With all the luxuries and p'easures of
this life, its big enjoyments and its smaller
comforts, there ie an effset or antithesis
whicB we have to contend with in tbe
form of aches and psissi In some way and
by some mesne every one has a touch of
them in some form at aome time. Trifling
as some of them may be, the risk is that
they will grow to something greater and
rack the system with constant torture.
There is nothing, therefore, of this kind
that we have s right to trifle with. Taken
in time, the worst forms of pains and
aches are easily subdued aid cured
by the free use of t. Jacobs Oil.
No well regulated household ought to be
without a bottle of this great remedy for
pain. It is the specific virtue of penetra
tion in St. Jacobs Oil that carries it
right to the pain spot and effects a prompt
cure even in the most painful cases of
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica.
You want it also in the house at ail times
for hurts, cuts and wounds, and tbe bouse
that always has it keeps up a sort of in
surance against pain.
Tho Brighton (England) Aquarium Ins
forty-one tanks and is 713 feet long by 1W
feet wide. It is the largest in the world.
Tloxsle's Croup Cure,
The life saver of children. 60 cents.
A woman who never thinke of anything
out arcss is more ornamental man useiul,
To Improve Italian Railways.
Tbe Italian State railways, accord
ing to a report from Home, will soon
place orders for 200 locomotives and
several thousand freight cars.
100 Reward. 8100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
icaru in i:iere is at least one areaded dis
ease that science has been able to en re in all
its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarru
Cure is the only positive oure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a oon
atltutlon&l disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's CatarrhCurelstakeninter
nally, aotlng dlrer-tly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaoes of the system, tberoby destroy
ing the foundation of tho disease, and giving
the patient strength by building np the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. Tbe proprietors bave so much faith In
its curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any ease that It falls to euro.
Send for list of testimonial. Address
F. J. Casual a Co., Toledo, O.
Fold by Druggists, 7V-.
Take Hall's Family 1'llls for constipation.
Oil in Trinidad.
On the Island of Trinidad oil Is
found amid a huge tropical vegetation,
and Is said to be of first-class illumi
nating power.
As yet the voluminous skirts hang
limply waiting for the wire hoop.
Let us hope they will gain In patience
rather than crinoline. Philadelphia
(tiedto bwI'IItk of anr wr. Writ rnt on
fhASK Ai. hfcUfcli, hut h lllocj,, Ptntw, Colo
A reputation extending over
lxly-lx yeej-a and our
tfutirantee ore bojeK of
v every o&rment bearing the
ir-.kj ns, Twn E,i (u
There ere many Imitations,
be aura of the nam e
iuntK on xnt ouuona.
P. N. TJ. 1 3. 19(4.
-U-JaU-WUIII 1 'Sli' ,.er
lisiui wmai ait list raits,
loub Sjrrup. Tim Ono. I'
In time. StiiJ bjr drnvgl'M.
2!fA.A.NISES.C0RB fcr !" bow1 trouble, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad
Diooa, wind en the stamacb. bloated boweia. foul mnuth. h h . h . ,nai.Minn mm.i..
psias after eetinf , liver trouble, sallow skin
renlatlv VOO era elea. Canatiaati.a Mil.
V -1 ma an emer Pisceses togotaor. II
JIeM. Ji? im,U?,n1 '",' of euflorlnc. No matter what ails so, start taking
-an. a.vv, ean wiin waacareia loosr aauer absolute fuel
sno nfuadea. The geoaia tablet a lamped C C C. Never eoldlebL
Wakkrtrr. Addeeea flatting Ceagay, ChtcJowTw JiH
Miss Rose Peterson, Secre
tary Parkdale Tennis Club, Chi
cago, from experience advises all
young girls who bave pains and
sickness peculiar to tbeir sex, to
use Lydia E. Piakbam's Vcge
lame compound.
now many beautiful rouno- clrls de
yelop Into worn, listless and hopeless
women, simply because sufficient attain
lion tins not been paid to their physical
development. Ho woman is exempt
from physical weakness and perlodlo
pain, and young girls just budding Into
womanhood should be carefully guided
physically as well aa morally. Anothe
Miss Hannah E. Mersbon, Col
llngsnood, N.J., says i
" I thought I would write and tell
yon that, by following yonr kind ad-
vioe, I feel like a new person. I was)
always thin and delicate, and so weak
that I could hardly do an thins;. Men
struutlon was irregular.
" I tried a bottle of your Vegetable)
Compound and began to feel better!
right away. I continued Its use, anoji
am now well and strong, and men
struate regularly. I cannot say enough'
for what your medicine did for me."
$8000 fotftlt If crlilnl of itHtpmltg
SiisnM oSfflMt tt products.
Lydia E. Plnkbam'g Vegetable
Compound will cure any woman
In the land who suffer from,
womb troubles, inflammation of
tbe ovaries, and kidney troubles.
A Large Trial Box and book of In
tractions absolutely Free sod Post
paid, enough to prove the value of
PaxttoeToiSet Antiseptic
KstUno hi pewoee
form to dissolve la
water fron-polseneas
nd fsrsupsrlor to liquid
antiseptics containing
Icoiiol which Irritate
Inllxmed surfaces, mn4
vnira. no coaten1
ol ever bas irak
snore Antithetic Solu
tlon laits longer
goes further ha, mors
uses In ths farr.lly sod
doe mors good than any
antiseptic preparation
you can bujr.
The formula oi'a noted Boston physician,
and used with great success as a Vaginal
Wash, for Ltucorrhou, Pelvic Cetairh, Nasal
Catarrh, Sore Throat Sore Eyes, Cuts,
and all soreness of mucus membrane
. Id local treatment of female Ills Paxt!
Inraluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash
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