The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 27, 1904, Image 7

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    1A J " I'Am fv-' S
To be a successful wife, lo retain the Jove
and admiration of her husband should be a
woman's constant study. Mrs. Brown, and
Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit
of all wives and mothers.
'Tfb Mm. Finkiiam : I. yd la H. rtnlt limit's Vocrtnblo Com
pound will make every mother well, stronif, healthy nml lmjipy. 1 driippcd
through nine jresrs of miserable existence, worn out with jmln unci uvnrtiii-ss.
I then noticed a statement of n womnn trouhliil as I win, nml the wonderful
result she had had from your Vcprotublo Compound, mid drehled to try wlmt
It would do for mo, and used It for three months. At the end of thnt'tlir.e 1
wa a different woman, the neighbors remarked It, and my huxbnnd fell In
lore with mo all over again. It seemed like a new rxlstenee. 1 had been suf
fering with inflammation and falling- of the womb, but your medicine cured
that and built up my entire system, till I wos indeed like a new woman.
Sincerely yours. Mns. CiiAi. liitow.v, 21 Cedar Terrace, llot ripring-s, Ark..
Vice President Mothers' Club."
Sufferlnsr women should not fnll to profit 1y Mr. Ilrown's ex
periences; Just as surely us she wns cured of the troubles enumer
ated In her letter, Just no surely will Lydin 10. IMiiUliiim's Vcsrctnlilo
Compound euro other woiiipii who miller front womb troubles,
Inflammntion of tho ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability,
and nervous prostration. Head tho story of Mrs. I'otts to till
mothers i
ham, Lynn, Mass., and you will bo ml vised fre3 of chargj. Lydia 1
lMiikhum's Vcpretublo Compound has en red and is curing thoiumnita
of cases of female troubles curing them inexpensively and absolutely,
licmember this when you go to your druggist. Insist Upon fitting
Lvdia Em Pfakhztm's 'Voffstatoto Gcts?sounsf.
Mr. Beecher and the Medium.
While in England Henry Ward
Boecher was entertained hy a Rentlo
mau who believed In spiritualism and
was himself a medium. Ono day ho
isked if Beecher would like to talk
with the spirit of his father. Dr. Ly
man Beecher. Mr. Beecher replied
that it would filease him Immensely.
After the seance was over he wag
asked how It had lmpresseed him, at
which, with the twinkle. In hTs eye,
Beecher responded: "All I have to
say Is that If I deteriorate as fast for
the first ten years after I am dead as
my father has, I shall be a stark
naked fool."
Sometimes women drift into a con
titlon of -"half invalid." Continual
languor all tired out, run down, buck-
JDnr ocl)e. nerves suattcrcd,
Wd5 noftUnCD8 terrible pnln,
wuu. in nine cases out or
ten it's because the kid
neyji fall todothelr work
of altering the poisonous
system waste from the
blood. The kidneys are
weak and need the
strongthenlng help of
Donn's Kidney rills.
Bead how these pills
repair a weakened phy
sical condition when
this condition is caimed
by sick kidneys.
Mrs. Sadie Mettles, of 304 W. 4th
Ave.; Columbus, Ohio, says: "Prior to
the yenr 1808 I suffered considerably
from backache, pain in the head, lan
guor and depression and weakness of
the action of the kidneys. The pnln
was always worse in the morning and
I felt miserable. I wns induced to pro.
cure a box of Doan's Kidney rills and
X bsgan their bse. They proved prompt
and effective. Tbey cured nie, and
thers hit been no return of the trouble
since taking them. I owe all the credit
to Doan's Kidney Pills."
A FREB TItlAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mrs. Mettles
will be mailed on application, to any
part of the United States. Addrers
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Kor
sals by sU druggists, price CO ceuts
per box.
" Dir. An Mns. Pixkitam i Durinjr the early
fiart of my married life I wns very deliente
n health. I hud two rulsenrrlnrres, and both
tny huiiband and I felt very badly as we were
anxious to have children. A neighbor who
hnd been usinf? l.ytilft 1'. l'lnkllilin'g
Vegetable Compound udviscd me to try
, it, and 1 decided to do to. I soon felt that
' my appetite wc.s Increasing, the headaches
gradually decreased and ilnnlly disappeared,
end my frencral health Improved. I felt as
if new blood courrcd through my veins, the
slnfjlbh tired foclinir disappeared, and I be
came Rtronj and well.
" Within n yer.r after I became the mother
of a r.troncr healthy child, tho joy of our home.
Yon certainly h.'ivo ucplendid remedy, and I
wlr.h e-vrry mother know of it. fcfneerely
jours, Min. ArrxA, I'orro, 510 Park Ave., Hot
t'prinjs, Ark."
If you fool that there Is anything nt nil
unusual or puzzling about vour ease, or
if you wish conllde:iti:il advice of the
moat ox aVrioneed. write- to Jlrs. link-
The Stripholdcr's Grievance.
Tho Oatailo Legislature has before
It a promising bill for the relief of
"Btrnp-holders" In Btreet ears, tho pro
posal being to authorize tho passenger
who cannot get a Boat to tear his ticket
Into equal parts and give up ono of the
halves In full payment for a standing
rldo. In other words, tho unseated
pahsener would pay but halt fare.
The tendtney of a lnw to this effoct
would be no doubt to cause traction
companies to put on more cars during
"rush" hours.
Itnstiln's Croup Cure,
The life, saver of children. 60 centi.
A woman who never think nt' anything
but dn.8 i more ornamental tlmti useiul.
Carelees Letter Writers.
Ten million pieces of -mall went to
the dead letter ofllce last year, most
ly as tho icKitlt of the sender's care
lessness. Barring serious accident to
tho means of transportation, like the
burning of a mall car, for example,
there la need for scarcely a miss In
tho safe delivery of mall matter and
if delivery Is not accomplished, am
ple means are provided for return to
the scndois.
The chief difficulty, the superintend-
entsays, is found in the failure of;
Bonders to give their names and ad-1
dresses in letters or on parcels. Some-,
times, no doubt, the failure is Inten
tional; but often It is simple careless
ness. BuHlnees men now universally use
correspondence paper and envelopes
with printed addresser, and If for uny
reason their mall Is not delivered,
they find out the fact in duo season.
Private correspondence is generally
conducted on the opposite plan, with
the element also of all manner of
A Great Heat Producer.
Acetylene burned In a Bunsen burn
er or an apparatus similar to the
oxybydrogen blowpipe produces great
heat. M. Fouche has developed an in
strument of this type. The flame Is
formed by the combustion of a mixture
of acetylene and oxygen in a jet under
preesure of about six pounds. This
rather high pressure is necessary in
order that the flame nuy not travel
quick. It melts most metals quite
readily and will solder Iron and steel,
and it Is said that even lime and silica
may bs fused. Electrical Review.
4hlis of lite Slllt Tarry llnrrhan,
tllMe In t'nruvvtm.
It will not be long before rnllronds
will have pushed well Into Al:t Minor,
nml then the renlro of Ailn will begin
to wnlio up, but tn-dny It In still linpo.
slhlo to ship guilds loin Turkestan or
1'ersln or Arabia by any means other
thnii the earn vnn, just ns gunds were
shipped In tho dnys of King Suloniciti.
If anything, tho rnitits mo n little
worse mm- thnn they wi re Ihon, nnd n
enrnvan hound from Tihernn or ling
dnil to the Interior limy be months inn!
t'Ven yenrs on the wny.
This fa.-t lins iniide I': neresrnry for
ln:iny nit Ainerloitn merchant lo study
queer things r-li.iitt sto'-y-bnok l.nnl In
oiiler to know JiHt bow bis goods must
lip parked mi. I shipped out of Anierieil,
so (lint I hey will be lu tho prop-r con
dition for binding mi r.imel ni:il mule
bnrk 111 the desert towns, wliemv I'nry
St ii i t on their cIimiiiu! voynges.
An Ainei'!"iin shipper of goods for ex
port Inlo Fur Knsteru ronntrles must
know Just bow inueh n mniel run curry
and over wlmt kind of n rond it will
have to travel; for In miiny phices the
ronds are over inoiiiilnln sides that nre
so narrow thnt the size of the package
Is of the utmost liiiportnneo.
Thus, shippers In the t'nlteil States
who do business with the Orient, have
liud to l"iirn Unit tlieniovolinnillse nniFt
be puekeil In tin or r.lno llniMl eases, bo
rn use It Is sure to lie subjected to llerce
storms In shelterless trails. They have
hnd to Irani Hint a eniuol loud is two
piickngoa of lino pounds enrh. Mules,
according to tint rnriiven drivers' ta
bles; cm carry two pnrkaes, one on
crrh side, earh weighing 1113 tolliids.
Tins? pm hnges iniist not be longer
llintl four feet, wider thnn two feet or
di'rpcr tlnin one mid a hall' feet, l'ui k
ages of this sizi' run just scrape
through some of the dizzy dellles lend
ing Into wild Asia,
At Ivpnliiin nliout :i!Kl mule nnd en in.
cl Iciinls of iuoicIiiiiiiINp lire received
or shipped every month during the
trading season. Snvnnnnh News.
Contests of V.RiC.
From tho remotest nges the egg bns
been looked upon ns tho svmbol of
creation, ,r now l.lrlh. According to
Iho I'eisiniis, tho worl.l was Imtciiud
from nn egg nt the senson of the year
which correspond!! to the vernnl cipil
no:.. He-ire the I'ai'M'os still
tills i,i r(;I ;r.'d rc rs nt tho new y -n r
I'cstlvu!, which tiny celebrato ut tills
date. Among tho .lews the egg en
tered Into nil the mysterious cereiiion
los culled apocalyptic, and occupied n
prominent position on tho household
ta'.ilo during the pasclnil season. Cln ls.
tianlty Invested the pnschal egg with
a n;v slgiillleiinee niimely, that of
tho res urrcctioii of Christ, und It wns
eolered red In allusion to ills blood
shed for sinners on the cross.
A curious custom lu mediaeval
churches fur prlcsls nml choristers to
Join in a game of ball nt F.iistcrtldo
took its rise from tho Faster egg,
which wns thrown from one to tho
other of the vhorhiters In the linvo of
the church while nn nntliom wns be
Imjf si'iig. As n missed egg meant a
snimliod cgs, tho more durabb hand
ball was substituted.
But tho smashing of eggs continued
as a form of outdoor rpurt. Surviv
als arc to bo found among all Teutonic
nnd Anglo-Saxon people. A popular
gnmc in Fnglniid nnd (iermany con
sists in hitting ono egg against an
other, tho egg that survives uueracked
winning for its owner tho weaker an
tagonist, until an entire basket of eggs
niny linvo changed ownership. An
other game Is to trundle eggs down a
hill or slope, those which reach tho bot
tom uncrncked being similarly vic
torious over tho others.
Factory nnd School In One. '
Cuo of tho curiosities of current lit
erature is tho increasing number of
monthly magazines published by big
Industrial concerns In this country and
in Europe. Tho cost of production and
the work of editing theso ilttlo perl
odlcnls is boruo by the firms, their sole
purpose being to form what sociolo
gists call "a point of contact" between
the employer and employed. The text,
which is often illustrated with good
half-tones, concerns everything that
relates to the social sldo of the em
ployes' dally life as employes, and
there are departments given over to
"helpful hints" that answer inquiries
of all sorts. The magazine Issued by
the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company
Is printed in Italian and German, as
well as In English. The Cadburys, the
cocoa manufacturers of England, bad
a contest for amateuricotogrnphera
recently, fine reproductions of the prize
winning pictures being reproduced lu
the last number of the magazine. The
contest was limited to tho employes
of the works, and the results were ex
tremely good. New York Press.
When Smith Died.
A little cross-flring was going on be
tween the Texas and Arkansas law
makers tho other day, when Senator
Culberson said:
"Arkansas is a suburb of Texas, and
thero aro some powerful good people
there, but about tho most shiftless fain,
ily I ever heard of lived in that State.
"The family belonged to the Humor
ous Smiths. Old Daddy Smith was
very sick, and a neighbor called to see
about his condition. lie found no one
at home except a daughter-in-law, who
Informed him that the rest of the fam
ily had gone to see their daddy burled.
The neighbor was a religious man and
inquired of the daughter-in-law If the
old gentleman had made any prepara
tions for eternity.
"'No,' replied the woman; 'nothln'
moro than to give tho two least boys
a boss apiece. lie knew they'd never
own one f tiiey had to work fcr 1L' "
Washington Times. ,
Grain Corner and Joseph'! Drtim.
Sir William Wlllcock, an Irrigation
export, explaining Joseph's ' famous
forecact of tho f.amlne In Esypt by the
theory thnt i. somehow, While In
prison, got on to the fact t: at the
King of Upper Kgypt wps t ifiut to
get possession of llnnnr, a for i'I fled Is
land at tho hend of tho dlko I y whloh
tho reservoir of Iake Moorls was con
trolled. Lower Kgypt wan dependent
upon tho waters of Lake Mrarls for Ir
rigation, and It woh eary to eo that
if tho rival King nt Thehei got llanar
crops would bo had lu Northern Kgypt,
which was then ruled hy tho Invading
Hyksos. Joseph's advieo to the llyk
sos King based, prrhrrs, on Insldo
Informal Ion from Tholinn prlfnners In
carcerated with hJm .as t: the effort
thut t!io linineiisn pet being con
Etnictrd by tho Thclinnj itilsht cap
turn I lunar, In v. lilcli cane It would be
pcllllc t; have oec-ii:iulntPil tiippl'les
of grain to tide, over the coming per
iod of soiir"liy. The King saw the
foice of. Joseph's biislnossl,'ke supges
tlon and gave hlu cliiiige of tho en
tiro onterprlso of acquiring and ware
housing tho crop:).
Joseph's predictions was verified by
tha event, according to Sir William,
llanar was taken, by tho Thelmns, a
protracted famine ensued and tho
King's corner Jn grain was a great suc
cess, as the people had to pay any
prlco the I'liniauli demanded. Put af
ter a lime tho Hyksos Kin;? recap
tured control of Lake Moorls, where
a; on Iho laud, which had long remain
ed fallow, wns aaln Irrigated and
produced enormous crops. Such Is tho
c-pliiimtlon given by thn llrlthdi sa
vant of Joseph's wonderful dream and
promotion. It Is not explained, how
ever, how Joseph knew Just how mnny
yenin tho famlno would Inst. If the
fiery Is cornet, tho first corner In
grain will have to bo dated back soliio
thousands of years.
riTri,r-ifitiptitlyrnref. No fHsnrKrvons
fi'ntt"r llrst itny's usof lr. Kline's flrest
Kcrvelli,t-rr,i,itrliil ImlHcniicI tronll"lri'
It. II. II. lit mk, l,t l..!i:il An-li nt., l'lilln., l's
Itr.Qpprt nlwnys s silrnt tviiman, fKriit
Is the mim'.oiu of the 'o:::a'i tliat holilctli
In i- tongue.
1 m
Sirs. Wlnslow'sHootlilnK Syrup ferolillilrsn
t(t)ilnL,soft'n tho funistMliircsliillHniiria
lion iiIIiivbi Blii,ciiriKUiiit rolle.'jGc'.nbuttla
lfspny ii the gill v. lm tliinkt her father
Is the best umn on earth.
Old Mills, Ital ic if L'liairf, etc., psn bs
dyed with Putnam Kaiiki kss Dtf.s.
?T--r s rl:?'tr:j l-.rr ii'.eal when th Mm.
I do not bu.ltvc 1 ; i .urn lor Constim-i-tlnnlms
nin'ipinl fori-ouglisnndeolrls. Joni
F.lioTin, Trinity Srrlr-rs, lnil., Ivb. 18, 1'JOO.
A womnn dcsiro. a of being seen hy men
Is not trustworthy, l'cnr le.r ulaa'.e.
"An Idealist," fays tho Manyunk
riillosrphor, "is an trin'.nrrlcd man
who thinks all tho women aro angels."
Potash Dcpocit3.
Germany possesses tho only known
Workable d( 'posit of potash minerals
In tho world, and they have boon for
many yarn In a trust. More than
half the output comes to America to bo
combined with Florida phocphato for
I.lffllllnQ ntiil Wntr.
It Is pracilcnlly Impossible to rno?e
on electric spark of high electromotive
force to leap from one surface of n
liquid to.nnoiher. For this renson It Is
rnro that lightning strikes the surfuca
of water.
How's Tills'.'
Wo ofTer Onn Htitiilrod Dollars Ilownnl for
Shy ritso of CntFirrli tout cantiut l.u i-incl hy
Hull's L'ulnrrh Cure,
F. .1. ( nr.:ir.T A Co., Toledo, O.
Wo, tho uinlcrh:iiP I, linvo 1'. J.
Clieiioy (or tho lust JAyonis, nn'l t'oll vv.lilm
porfootly lionora'-ilo In all lui.-lno'-s trimMi--tl'ins
nml llnaiictiiily iiijln to carry out uny
oMIiiitions inielu ty their llrni.
Wsiit A 'J'r.L'AX Wl'.uleiinln Uruijglsts, To
lo.lo, O, ,
Vai.!isii, Kixai A Maiivis, Wholosnli
rug-Ms, ToPvlo, O,
Ball I'uuirrli Cure Is In ;en Internally, act
ii; directly uoou tlio anil mucous sur
faces of tho systom, 'iVMImonlRls Ft-nt free,
i'rlfle, 75o. per Dottl". fM liy nil Druggl'-ts.
U&Lu null's 1'iimily l'ills for (.'uutioiiUou
Hub lllglit to l'rny For Jupnii.
At least one man In Missouri piously
prays that victory may perch on Iho
banner of the Jnp 1 tho war now be
ing waged. This Is Colonel John So
bleskl, of Kiciiiiiond, lineal heir of
King John Sohlo.kl. of I'olaud.
Costly Sets of Dickens'.
At a cost of $130,000 a set, ten ccts
of tho works of Charles Dickens, In
130 volumes, are being printed by a
local publishing house. When com
pleted about eight years fiom now,
they will be sent to J. Plorpont Mor
gan, tho Duke of Westminster, and
eight other men of wealth. The books
will be printed on rare parchment,
such as is uaM not to havo been- used
for 400 years, and will be illuminated
by French and Italian artists. N. Y.
Properties of Asbestos,
Tho terrible disaster In the Iroquois
Theatre at Chicago has attracted uni
versal attention to the singular sub
stance, aBhsBtos, which can ho carded
like wool and formed into lire-proof
cloth or paper. Asbestos belongs to
tho hornblende type of like between
the vegctnblo and animal kingdoms.
It is. Bays Mr. A. F. Collins, at once
fibrous and crystalline, elastic and brit
tle heavy an rock In the crude state,
yet light as thistle-down when me
chanically treated. The best asbestos
for the manufacture of tiro-proof cloth
comes from lower Canada. It is found
In narrow seams, about an inch and a
quarter in thickness, sometimes verti
cal and sometimes horizontal in the
containing rock. As it comes from the
rock it Is worth $200 a ton; but tho
long-fibres stripped ready for spinning
and weaving, are worth $1,500 a ton.
British manufacturers appear to b
steadily losing ground as regards agri
cultural machinery in Russia, says the
Mechanical Review of London, while
America and Germany are continually
increasing their output to thut district.
Less thnn fpvpii per rent, of the
power used In in:iiiiifnoiiriiig plants
In thn l lilled States Is electric.
A pntont hns reeeiilly been grniiled
nn n new nnd rather startling system
(if embalming the bodies of the (lend,
by surroiiuillug them completely by
a covering of glass, thus excluding
the nlr nnd preserving the subject OS
In life Imlcitiiltcly.
In connection with tlio bill before
I'arllnmoiit for the compulsory use of
the metric system of weights nnd
tiionures In 1 1 rent Britain, It Is of In
terest to lenrii thnt the (leelinnl sys
tem (irlulimted In Mnu'lanil. . In n
letter (luted November II, 1 TSTt, Jnmes
Watt laid down n plan which wns lu
nil respects the system adopted by Iho
French philosophers seveinl years Int
er, which they suggested to tho King
of Fnglniid lis n system thnt might, bp
mloptod by International agreements.
Mariners lmve Iippii nimble to dp
(ermine httltmli nml longitude whea
the horizon wns hidden, pvoii thniigh
sun, moon nml slurs might be shining.
Cnmiiifimler Campbell llopwortll, C.
B., hns now innile It ensy to obtnln
1 1 io iiIIIIiiiIp of nny honvenly body
without seeing the miliirul horizon,
lie ntl.'iclies to Hi" sextant nil n it i lie
In 1 horizon, whloh consists ess'Millnlly
of a ronlnrt maker op' rnled by n plum
met nnd so ndjiisled that the circuit
will be closed nnd a boll rung when n
slit In Hip horizon glass Is In align
ment with the observer's eye nnd the
sensible horizon.
Illifltt I'roin the Hioiibtrr,
The Clih api pi: pi r.s have a good deal
of f ii ii at the expense of the country
newspapers. What's the mutter of
'em? Are they jealous because wo
live out hero whore we can got fresh
nlr and fresh eggs nnd enjoy life as
It was liiiant to be?
These poor warped nrtlsti (no!" the
o In that word) fiddle a rou I id like u lot
of school girls nml hit upon some of
the funniest things you ever hoard.
Why, every now nnd then somebody
laughs at them.
The writers Inuyli nnd think It's a
good 'iii;u v.l. on fome.of the enunliy
newspapers say: "Ilirnm Illgbep has
sold bis ltolsloln cow to Kz Mawlleld,"
l.ut, of coiir.-!', It Is the Ihlng when
they say: "Algle Vnn I'ooeheiistoin
has Just relumed from I lie Conlluent
with a f.'limo bull terrier from the Hp-soiii-Squlrtem
)h. that's great. That bull pup
would bring nbout twenty cents In tli
dog pound, nnd III lllubee's cow
could sell for nt least fit III the dark.
IS'ieunso "fizzle It"iilon was over to
Vision Centre to see his best girl" they
threw n shoe. But If "Harold Worst
IiiKhaus T I'o'ik, the so It ty lender,
was In Milwaukee last Sunday lo visit
Miss (iertlp CrnliM" they drool nil nvo
their thlriy-eent "dickey" nnd have
throe pictures of (lerlle nml Harold
on the trout png.
It's all rir-r lit for them to sot tho
standard. Sure, Mike.
But it's lime they got out of tiiolt
rut nnd ehnuirrd the sulijiol. Marengo
(111.) Bopiilillcnn.
Kiitaruiii'k Kliiilluft Ht Iowk f'ollet;e.
.lapiiu's illstlngiilshi d soeolo;:lsl, Son
Joscili Katayumii, laid the fouuilntimi
for his grout labors In behalf of hiunaii.
Ily lu Iowa and Imbibed the llrst prin
ciples of his altruistic social views at
the feet of Professor Furker at Iowa
College, nt (irliiiiell. When the young
Japanese left Iowa College l's a grad
ual!! with tlio class of ".C, Ills friends
ami associates c.xppcicd much of him,
for he hnd shown himself tho possesor
of nn tiuiisiial inlnd' and of a nolable
aggressiveness and optimism.
Sou Joseph Kiituyama Is now nt the
bend of the most noted social settle
mi lit In, Kingsley Hull, Tokio,
which he founded; nnd he Is recognized
(is one of the lending sociological work
ers of the world.
This noted Japnnesp hns hail nn In
teresting career thnt rruds much like
a romance. lie was born of a peasant
family In Japan and bis education was
obtained through his efforts, against
almost overwhelming odds. Philadel
phia Press.
Kmnll Coins Newer nml llrlgtttpr,
"Have you noticed tho Improved
quality of tho coins now In circula
tion?" nsked the trolley car conductor
ns he pulled a handful of bright pen
tiles, nickels and dimes from his pocket
for inspection.
"It's due to nn effort on the part of
tho (jovernment to put better money
Into circulation by recalling tho worn
und shiny pieces from which the Im
pression of the die has lipcoine effaced.
I've noticed for the past two years a
steady Improvement In this respect.
All the banking institutions now throw
aside tho coins that show decided
traces of wear, and tha Treasury De
partment redeems these with new
ones. In England n soiled bank noto
is unknown. Tho paper money is nl
ways new and crisp, being recalled be
fore It becomes worn. It's getting to
bo that way in this country with our
suiull coins." Philadelphia .Record.
Mimuni of War.
Among tho natives of Australia
notched and carved sticks nre used fot
'messages. For instance, a niece of
wood carried from ono village to an
other with straight and curved lines
cut upon It Is a message of war and
means: "There Is a tight on baud.
retell your spears and boomerangs."
The North American Indians utilized
wampum belts from time Immemorial
for like purposes. The arrangement
of the different colored beads conveyed
'the signification desired.
"I Know Poruna is
Worn Qui
Him. Xrtmm lttrr, nf St. .osrii, Mich., A noe s nf it l-u-fp tiumlirv tf
fl-l"fil jmllvnlH in hlu ronuly trim hum lu-rn ruvrtl hfi I'rruim.
Hon. NcNon Kire, M iyor of ft. .loseph, Miili',"in, wilt's:
The i'c-runa Modicine Co., Columbus, Ohio:
(ientloiiien: "I wish to congratulate you on the suocoss of your eflorts to
win the confidence of the public in need of a reliable medicine, i kiutiv
ic'inif fan in Inula for a iroru out sistroi mi a ircllv in coses
of catarrhal ttlfflrulllt'. 1'ou loreo larip tiamhrr of yr:itrfttl pit'
HvnlH in thin count ry .irhit hare (isri I'rrmia ami have been cured
by it, and who pritlxo It aba tin all other tnvtllclium, l'vruna, halt
tny hrurllvMt yimtl ii sirs. " Vrson ltlve.
Weak Nerves, Poor Digestion,
Impure Blood, Depressed
Oentlcmen: "I wish to conRrntuIsto y
on on the hucccss of your eiloits to win
tlio conliilonce of the public in need of a re
liable medicine.
, . i OJ i ,i .
. ..u ..i.. j -1 - i.i'.m.., inv i:iliuiiir Oil
its yeo.rly trip lentil. '1 lie nnl iq.mtor is
nn.ii.c-u lunuiu t..i- inn in i.cur.y eigiitccri
miles every day. With tho return of the
sun coines tlio bo.iny ills peculiar to ..ring.
Vith one peison tlio nerves ure cjk; bii
other person, digcHlion poor; with others
tho blood is out of order: und still others
lmve depressed spirits and tired feeling.
A fVrUlnCrir for l'prrrl'line''t
rn J )l'.m , Nttmil ?nilM Htl'K AMr.(
tttiw Yuftutf. A. S. OLMSICD, Lo Roy, H Y.
Yiie belt
. IN Utzt WOR1.KI
,, ,.rfftWE3'r.
( Ai ri6'.l, iu.ll of.d hr,ts
?f.4X for all K rdiof Wft wors
it ii often imitated but
ntvtr jquallel
Mod in bla.h or ysllow
f OS Mtt (TAI L
KTim Trt TUB.
arid full eu6r4nef.d by
Ml IV "It . r.rti.u .
jmn yr inc rion. iiwit;
lmd to MI-r nt mr wr. Hrlti- in t owm
F HA.Sfc 11. IlLOtU. prtli JllocS, lniiT.r, Qui j
"Hslnf janr winlrfl "runnli" tnt
Ifiro, M.oi.ll.1 kitil hainm antir-ly ctiFwa at .u.macll
etrrh ftuil d,i,t.,ia.l llilnli wt.f.1 or pral, It
Juew 'I ,.-, etl"(rUl, !,,!, ,,U ,nj.niiiiB.
I . ".V,k'1 """""""I nhr o t.llnl mwflmt
but without YII .nd f fin.l that Oaiora r.ll.ra
wojfd la a '"" " "" "i'" 1
Juuat ilcUuua, IN Uaroar St.. imtj City, N. 1.
Plttitant. Pth!. Pfttonl TMtAOoo4. Do flfVj,
Fftror bio ken, Y an nr Ortrv. Itxr, IS? tie. Srt
fid In bnlk. Th ronioo iblt tuniLMd CtC.
vuvsnUMtU to car cr uar Biuuvj- ttwk.
Sterlinsx Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 593
HY Mtr.
Mi nd H.I
and iilamlr
vm WiMtl In Inns .. - ,i
V. j . mu tiur iitntu. win
Hfly sdvina ou at lo your riithuor lioblli
titu under the law of your Suite. All cura
muaiuHtioni coandcntlal. Addreu
Associated AMornen It Consulting Bureau,
IW-10S K. baratogs gtreut, - Uslliniore, Md.
km IWs 4 ItWisitltli
NBW 0tl0OVBRY;t'
. Or I . asta't to Hi Boil. AtUai.
j -X Sliiniii. h Tn.iil.l. ., 'Verlhlnj
' ' ' IHsorders, ud ro r
SloOW Ot'i, Worlds. Tli'r llrenk up ( ftlHi
Nurhf.ln f!!iili- I't 'il li'tunt. At bit llr.twi.l. Ic.uta.
', v
s J
W tiPva k,sT For
M The Bowels
J 1 lo '! Sold br tru(l,u. Ll
a Fins Tonic For a
.-.1 '! !'. -r
mm m
All these things nrw ep(-e;iuy true ol
iinno wno nave iieen mint-ring with c
tanh in miy iorm or Is gni pe. A cours
riina diss noi irnlnto it nivixoraus.
does nut teniiifii'itrilv .1 1 ...,1..a
,.f . .... I. I
...i, mi'.iii..- uin iirrvuui
loin inn rrguliites tlio bodily fuiic!
I IT Inn litilitj. ut. mni.v t.r..,.. ......I ... .
not siiiniiv a oIivnic or mtioiiilHti,
vine, ii is a imiurui ionic and invi(f0rator.
If you do not receive prompt ami su'.ic
factory results from the una oi i'truiia,
write at onto to lr. ilnrtinnn, giving a
full statement of your cum, and he will be
p.iised to give you bis valuable advice
Address Dr. If.irtmnn, President of Tlit
ll.irtmiui Sunitnriurn, Columbus, Ohio.
FREE to YiOmEn
A Ijirgj Trial Box nnd book dt
Structlous absolutely Free and l
raid, enotteh to prove tha v!-.H
Pnstlfiai u In nn4
firm to dlaaelv
snii iirtuiterlnrtollaulil
Hnl'v;ttLt conUlnlas
plcol-.fil whkh IrrlUUi
InlUmed urfre, mn4
I' five no rleanain? prop Tn contrni
el every be makes
rnor Antliaptle Sol-j.
tlon lii'.t. longer-
firs furthor haa niors
- wi a s, .it mv lamiijr ana
-r C'tmf.reircoilthni,Ti
2f! 3 Si sr.tliepiic preparation
55-" ou cuo buy.
The formula of a noted Boston physician,
and uied with tjrut success as a Vcginal
Wash, forLtucorrh2a, Pelvic C-farrh, NaJ
Catarrh, Sore Throet. Sore Eyes, Cub,
and all soreness of mucus membrai.e.
In loesl tretm.ntcf fe:na Ills PaitlneV
Invaluabla. Vtii as a W h ws
ehallcn(r the world to produce Its equal fo
thoroughnou. Itisarovelationia cle,-inlnii
and heitliLg power j it kills all gcnrui whlcU
canto Inflammation and dichnrpt.
All laadlrgiriiiil,li keep faitmos prtoe TAn
boi If joura doe, not, aend to ualor if. Ix o't
Uaa a subatttut thrlcLotl)iiii 'i ratio,
7rlternrth Tnm IIo of I'aitln tolay
S. PAXTOrf CO., 7 Pep. !., Eostoa, Hill
$4.00, S3.GO, S3. OO, S2.CC
n,HT in
W.L Douglas shoes
are worn Ly more
men than any other
make. The reason
is they hold their
longer, and have i
greater intrinsic
value than any
other filux-s.
...j. ''T';.Tac-S
1. aw It rr HHmf and unif uhIimIImw,
I.' titlinr yt roiiirl. fat Co or yetg ua4
a- I v ii-'ntl. f'ni frr. Wr:tfor ('aiaioir.
I,. lM. iI.. H-nrkron, Mnt
Tho F.HEE Homsslead
Ire tha STil ITTRICTIOXS For 1904.
MUtlnna of mrrm of marr.lfliot Orala and Grazing
iM,iuri,nuiutirtAi, or Dy puruaM Hum
ll way Comtwuiaa, Laod Corporatloua. ato.
Good cropa. dslluktrul ellmntti. aplaBdld
ackaol sjalaaa, pnrleel aaclal raadUlsau,
xcpllnal railway ail vantajoa, and
waua aa ilium ateqalrad cully.
Th popnlatlim of Waatara Canada InrrwaM 191. ana
"i i'uuuirr,um aunu- Ilia pas yaaz. vaf au.w
Wla AuMrtnaju.
V'if a oVMoripUT Alias and ohr InforaMtitta
apiiiyta Nr. W. U. M OTT,
Sapariataudaatt ot IuinuTatli.
Ottawa. C-4
II rtal wita Tho....'ai K Ma.
Mat aa uaBfasiu s.J !