y a Mice VVhlHnlfpr n nrnmlnpnt I NtTs-- 2i Miss Whiltakcr, a prominent club woman of Savannah, Qa., tells how she was entirely cured of ovarian troubles by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. D Mm. rtnsRAMt I heartily recommend Lydln E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a Uterine Tonio and Regulator. I Buffered for four" yean with irregularities and Uterine troubles. No ona but those who hare experienced this dreadful agony can form any idea of tho physi cal and mental misery those endure who are thus afflicted. Your Vera table Compound cured me within three months. I was fully restored to health and strength, and now my periods are regular and painless. YI:t a blessing it Is to be ablo to obtain such a remedy when so many doctors fall to helr vou. Lydln E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is better than any doctor or medicine I eTer had. Very truly yours, Miss East WniTTAKEn, C04 JBth St, W. Bavannah, Oa." flOOO forftlt Iftrlflmlef mbovt trtttr proving genvtntnn$ cannot ho pntductd. The testimonials which wo are constantly publishing from srratcful women prove beyond a doubt tho power of Lydln E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to conquer female diseases. Now Thsy Believe It During a drought in the government of Perm, Russia, last summer, a dea con had a lightning rod put on his house. The peasants wore greatly In- tereeted In It, but when they learned that It was used to divert the thunder bolts they got greatly excited, and con cluded that It had caused the drougnt They promptly preceeded to demollBh It. and a rain happening to come along soon thereafter, they were confirmed n mcir boner. Government Life Insurance. The Russian Government has elabor ated statutes on general Insurance by ine Hate, llio iniBlncss Is to be In trusted to the Clovernnient savings banks. All kinds of policies will be Issued, and the Insured will partici pate m me proms of the business. CRflfl Give" Away 0 J U vj Writ, u or k a. Alahastliis daw bit sarUealsn ud frs auipl. .aid .f Th. Hsntlarr V sll sjoatlnir WnimTtll anil .rrminnil fimlo. ntaof Voti can apply It mil with oold Mr. i;ssuttnil iuets OftlkautlDts. Noted .broBdtna. oat of 4.1 hot-water c'u swpersltoo. Bur AIBDMUM IB IB. pBeaSfM. prOriT IB- bl ltd, of paint, hsrdwsn aud druf daeim. "Hint oa P.4ormtln.' ana our Artists' Ideas tree. UyUt t. anas Baslai. Ilia, AuBtrla-Hungary gives a subsidy of H 624.000 annually to the Austrian Lloyd Steamship Company. The so-called Black Country (Eng land) is to be made beautiful again by sowing the seeds of trees over the vast areas of furnace refuse and Iron and coal waste. In the province of Samara, Russia, 406,000 persons get thBlr subsistence from less than three acres of land per capita. Neither frogs nor snakes live In Alaska, but toads are frequently to be met with. For Rheumatism I W Nemralgiav Sprains) 0 A Lnmbao Brutaea m X ' BaoKavche) Soreness X Z Sciatica 6tlffnas X X UaatteeUrasabtoraasdy 2 ISt Jacobs Oil! 0 arlo( S5o. sml 50c S FIT nermanently cured. Ko tits nr nsrrnns. Jess after first day's unf fr. Kline's Oreat f erTHetnrer.iJlrliilhom.anil tr"tlefre ur.n.ii. iLmr.. Ltd.. wt Areli St.. PhllB.,l'a i"B'' always a compliment to tell a am ium sne a pretty as a picture. Ladies Cap Wear shoe Ona alia amnllar aft, n.in. in.... w . E, . niivu it f-',ui- ase, a powder. It makes tight or now shoes easy Cures swollen, hot, awentlng, aehlng feet. Ingrowing nails, eorus and bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 2e. Don't ae cant any substitute. Trial pnpca Fnr.si hy ball. Address, Allen B. Olmsled. Lellny, N.Y, Few men can he int.n.eV nir..i.j i anything without letting their neighbor! Teoslnt anil Hlllln-i Iinllnr Grass. . Tbt two greatest fodder plants on earth, one good for 14 tons ol hny and the other tf tons green fodder per aere. Uront everywhere, so does Vietoria llnpe. yield ing 00 iHio lbs aheep and swins food par acre. A.C.L. v JUST SEKD 10c. I! STAMPS TO Tng John A. Salrer Seed Co.. i.s Cropse, Wis., and receive in return their big catalog and lota of farm seed samples. When a girl knows she is handsome shs noes not object to having her picture taken in a grouo. CAS PLANTS. In 1900, according to the census, there were 877 gas plants In the I'nlted States and the number was not grow ing, iney earned an income of $75,' 000,000. The center of the country's cotton growing Is near Jarkson, Miss. The London Times, commenting on a correspondent's letter on child emi gration to the colonies, says in 34 years 45,000 children have been sent to Canada. Joseph Oanlon of Colebrook, N. H., recently trapped a sliver gray fox In the Colebrook district. Ho values the skin of the animal at 200, and refused an offer of $125 for It. Mrs. Wlnslow's SoothlngHyrup forehlldren teething, sol ten tho gums, rc',itici'S Inflamma tion allays alu,euresH hid coil.-. 2fo. a bottle A man always looks well when he is looking for another man who owes bim money. All creameries ue butter color. Why not do s they do u.s Ju.NK IlNT 11 UT TER color. t Any man can easily make a fool of him self; all he has to do is to act kittenish. Flso'aCuretor Consumption Is an lnfnlllble medlolno for coughs and colds, N. V. bAUUKL, Ocann drove, N, J., Fob. 17, 100J. When the world is unable to understand a man it dubs him a crank. RTflJo " !. 11- tkraato klfWkfl llL r. MMsjUnti. Trmtlm ssrj RTtaitarjt blank ml fra. JthjBMaa Ham Cur. XI Quart A fa,, ruittte., fsV FREE to WOmEIM A Largs Trial Bos and book of In tractions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PoxtineToilet Antiseptic Putin as tn powder form a Slasolve lo water aon-polsoooua and l.r.up.iior to liquid antiseptics contalnlai kobol which Irritates tallatBsS .uHbcos, anS b.v. as cUaaslog prep rtlMk Tb contents el ovary bos snakes asors Aatlaoptle Solu tkn la.ls longer (on hi rt bee has asors ums la tho Ssnilly and does nor. good than any antiseptic pr.par.Uuo you caa buy. The formula of noted Boston physician, nd used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, forLeucorrhaa, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. Id local treatment of female Ills Paxttne Is Invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash ws challenge the world to produce it equal for thoroughness. It if a revelation in cleansing and healing pow.rj it kills all germs which Cense Inflammation and discbarges, A II loading drug gtsta kosp f utiue ; prloa, 80s. a bos If yours doos not, send to ns for It. lioa't la a substllut thar Is nothing Ilk Pastiu. ? for tb Io Boa of rasttBO to-day. aVfAXTOjICO., j repelUaBastIUaa. For tit.OJ Money Order. The John A. Sulzi-r Seed Co., La Crosae, Wis., mail postpaid IS trees, consisting of Apr.cots, Appks, IValu, Chen ie, 1'luins, l'i'uches and Teard. iut ilii. iliin-. i.ir -itv or countr garden, luc.uding the gnat llis mark Apple, all hauly V iconin stock, ire sent you free upon receipt of 81. 6j. AND roil 16C. AND THIS NOTICE you get auflicient aeed of Celery, Carrot. Cabbage. Onion, Lettuce, K.idish and Flower Seeds to furnish bushels of choir flowers and lota of vegetablea for a hig family, together with our great plant ai,d aeed catalo- A.C.L. Perhaps some people are descended from monkeys, while others merely dress differ ently. The United ' ates furnished $30,000,. 000 of the J-d3.000.000 worth of sold which the world produced in 1902. Colorado produced S'JS,000,000, Cali fornia 110,000,000 and Alaska i$S,000, 000. BEAUTY OF THE MOON. WHAT 18 DISCLOSED BY A POWER FUL TELESCOPE. The Mountains Take on Fsntastlo Forms The Shape Is a Beautiful Spherlod What Is the Secret of the Moon's Volcsnoes? "Plenmires of the Telescope" was the title of a most Interesting and Instruc tive paper, prepared and read by Dr. Albert l Watson before the Toronto Afltronoinlinl society at Its laM meet ing. Excerpts from the paper are giv en below: "Notwithstanding the facilities that the telescope affords for seeing distant objects, It is still true that of celestial bodies the less distant me often tho more interesting. At any rate, In any rapid review of t!in hosts that ride? within the sodlae, and de. k with uni.x smpled beauty and endless reach of sky, the record must contain some no count of our own beautiful comrade In the heavens the moon, the tlme menBiirpr of tho east, the great reflec tor of the solar r.plendor. "In lunar research the telescope Is of tho utmost Importance. What ap pears to be unaided vision as a pale disc, constantly varying Its faces, and partly dimmed with great shadows, be comes, when seen through the tel escope, a world of wonderful Interest, whose luminous mountains stand In clear, almost startling outline of rings and chains and beadH gleaming ar.u sparkling llko frosty diamonds upon a snowy globe, or, still more beautiful. shining out bright and dazzling against tne uulllumlnated portion of the moon's surface. "What fantastic forms the Alps and Appenlnes of the moon and the lunar crater vast, steep and searred with volcanic power, fling out Into clear re lief beyond tho edge of the terminator! Imagine the picture, even at the earth's distance, a crater wall rising to a night of 10.000 to 17.000 feet over a vast depression DO miles In diameter, In whose centro Is a volcanic mountain 6003 or C000 feet high. Imagine white rays striking out Into all directions for hundreds cf miles from this cen tre and cla-ing In their arms a largo fraction of the moon'B surface. Such Is Mount Tycho, that mountain within mountain, the brleht particular crater of tho moon. Wo look In vain to the moon for examples of slnsle mountain peaks, rising precipitously, one frowning bastion standing upon another, as in many of tho earth's ranges. Hero, Instead, we see craters and moving plains wide and deep, yawning llkn monster vortices that might once have been the abode of a race entirely shut off from communica tion with tho other lunarians. Such ring plains as Plato and Archimedes present wide areas of comparatively level Btirface enclosed within high. Jag ged walls, extending In some plnces far Into the adjacent plnlns. Else where Eratosthenes, Ptolemy, ArlHtar chus and Copernicus present Blmllnr walls, but within thorn are enclosed smnller mountains or hills or crntcrs. pointing ns It seems to volcanic action. "The form of tho moon, which com monly seems to bo flat. Is seen through tho telescope to be that of a beautiful spheroid. This curved surface Is a feature of charming beauty, evon when seen with a very low power. The moro the delighted observer is entranced by the glory and beauty of tho surface of the moon which lies open to his vision the more he regrets the Impossibility of seeing tho further hemisphere. Ty cho has boon described as 'the metro politan crater of the moon,' but how do wo know? What of tho others that we have never seen? What glories may be concealed from us and revealed in some degree to the possible former Inhabitants of Mars? Or has some terrestrial Influence brought It to pass that all the lunar craters lean to the earthly side, and that on the further, which, without Intending to suggest any unpleasant antithesis, we might rail the heavenly half of the moon, nothing Is to be seen but one vast level tea. bottom, or perhaps a monster mountain may stand sad, solemn and tllent In a Prometheus-like banishment from the brightness that the earth re flects upon the moon's earth-lit hemla- globe been rent snd scarred so mercl lessly In comparison with the earthl Ws do not know, hut It Is more pleas ant In some cases to wonder than to know. Many reflections are suggested by any survey, however brief, of ths lunar surface. If this little satellite, one of the smallest of the heavenly bodies, Is so beautiful and Interesting what a wide field of Interest the greater telescopes must open up In the distant and more spacious orbits of the heav ens!" Toronto Mail. FIRST SIGHT OF A MANATEE. NO APPETITE EMACIATED TJERV0U8. - Many Women During the Spring Month3 Suffer From Extreme Lassitude. Loss of Appetite and Nervousness What They Need Is THE GREAT TONIC Birsnge ses monster seen orr tne M; nerth, M. n,hi nm Rinearde Fiona COSSt. Street, I'lttsliurg. I'd , Superintendent .III A sight that Is getting more and Dearnoss Cannot Urn Cur.t hy local applications as they eannot reah the diseased portion of the ear. There Is onl v one way to cura deafness, and that Is by count I- I i,hor(, tutlonal remedies. Deafness is caused bv ut i ""'"' Inflamed condition of the muooua lining of "Sunlight far surpasses the moon the Eustachian Tube. When this tuba la in- in -,,,! ,,fi i,, .... flamed you. have a rumbling sound or imper fect heating, and when it Is entirely closed Deafnesa is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re. stored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nine eises out of ten are caused by catarrh, whloh la nothing but aa inflamed eoudltlon of the mueous surfaces. W will give One Hundred Dollars for any could be moro softly and beautifully pleasant than the earth shine must be. rould only some impossible Inhabitant of the moon hank In Its nllverv rortl. 1 nnce? When the moon is new the rarth is full, that Is, at new moon the Sun shines full upon the moon and more rare now Is that of a manatee or sea tow the wonderful mammal that lives exclusively In the water like a i.Bii, and that I. as nirnlshrd the foun dation of many n mermaid story by thrusting lis head and shoulders out of the ocean near shore just In time to let a startled crew see It. "I shall never forget the scare I got at the first sight i.f a manatee," euld John Mansfield, the anglor. "It was last year In the Indian river In Florida. My boat was anchored near a bank tf grasses nnd I was lolling In the stern, looking Idly down Into the water and thinking of anything except a sea mon ster, when suddenly a vast form made me pull my head back Instinctively. "The thing was so dark that it looked almost black. It was shaped like a huge, thick carrot, only Instead of the thin tall of a carrot It had a broad, flat tall exactly llko that of a lobster. "It came along rmoothly and silent ly, gliding closo along the bottom, and at first I couldn't see any head at all. It looked weird, and I couldn't Imagine what it was. "Suddenly it bent that big lobster tail backward, doubled It beneath it self, and Instantly Its progress stopped as If It bad put on brakes. "The next moment the thing was apparently standing straight up on end. Then I saw two bony things like arms shoot out from the upper part of Its body and the thing began to boh back and forth like a very clumsy person trying to make funny little bows. "Then I realized that what I was looking at was a manatee, or sea cow, and that It v.-u:i In tha ad c f feeding. A l.s oi.iKM ci liver uru.j.1 grew lust ulioru 1. ai(p;,ju aim it was tak ing it down In great moulhluls. "I now saw that It had a head, sure enough, although it was a most ab surdly small htad, looking like a lit tle cord in a big, fat bottle. Itut the most iMiuarkn'jlo thing about tho head was tho niouta. "The lower Jaw was all right. It was llko that of a seal, lint tho up per jaw was spilt vertically bo that it opened like tho upper Up of a rabbit. It waa a true hare lip, only it was about 40 times aa big as tho worst hare Up that ever was on dry land. "With tho queer upper Up tho mnnn toe seized tho big whips of river grnsn, and handled them as an elephant would hnmllo hay with hla trunk. Then tho lower jaw would shoot out and yank It Into tho cavernous mouth. It wna a great sight tho funny mouth, tho tiny head, tho huge body, twice as big around as that of a man, and about as long; tho rough hido, tho tiny flip pers and tho lobster tall a vcrltnblo cross between a cow nnd a seal, and a fisli nnd a waterbug." Washington Post. nior Nicietv of Mrthollst I'roteslnnt church, and leading soprano of the choir, writes: "Words cannot describe my think fuliii as to you (or l'rruns. I was a aufTTrr from systemic catarrh fur yenrs and waa in a very much run down condition. 1 was extremely nervous, and had the most fool ish feats over nothing. 1 was thin nnd emn-inted. "My physician advised me to leave th!s climate, but as it was not convenient to do so at this time, I took the advice of a friend to use a bottle of l'erttna. 1 took it faithfully, and when the first bottle was gone I felt so much better that I bought six more and took them faithfully, ftfter which I looked like a new woman. "1 gained in flesh, my appetite returned and all my old symptoms had disnppeured. I sm more than tliankful to l'eruua." Miss Ucrtha M. ltush. I AM TIRED. eaaa of Deafneas Ccaused bvcatarrhMhatcBu. u" "'""-' Ju" uPun ' not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hendfor hemisphere of the earth. Now, If we circular free. F.J. Chkvki ft Co., Toledo, O. ook upon the evening moon with a Fold by Druggists. 76o. Take Ball's family Pills for constipation. Within the last few years the various' colonies of Europeans in Egypt bare built their own hospitals. There are now In Cairo French, German, Aus- SEN U ST A M P-Oet full description and price of AO ehsaposi farms In OUlo at prices tliat will attract buyers. H. M. Uaaorplt, JaOaison, Asbiabula County, Olilo telescope upon such an occasion we khall see the part beyond the termina tor all that part, Indeed, of the earth ward hemisphere upon which the sun Is not shining directly, and then if we cut the bright illuminated crescent nut trian, Anglo-American and Italian bos- : th8 field the broad, dim exnanse of ItslS. the moon will show tin with some do. greo of clearness. We shall see the mountains in lighter gray distinctly marking the darker and more shadowy portions. It is not direct sunlight which reveals this dim portion of the moon's Burface, but the great white radiance reflected from the moonward hemisphere of the earth. True, the moon is whle, but the sun Is yellow, and may not the larger volume of tho earth, or Its different reflecting quali ties, give out quite a different color from that reflected by the moon? Im agine the effect of a luminary 13 times 6s our moon looking down upon us at night, with its great soft eye of tender blue or gray or purple, and vast as the shield of Achilles! Truly, there would be no night under such circum stances, only a ploosant twilight a lover's dreamland. "What Is the secret of the moon's great volcanoes? Why has so small a K02TfH5UTH'EAST'H25T tow wihb riN OILCP CLOTHING LVlRYWHtRl. TM but sutcriali ailled wortuncn and ny ypnjmn tupcnenoE hew reds iu 1E3S BssaagBBssBB) faroo the world oter Thy an mode in Hack crellow for all kin6 tf aet. work. ue jiunur mm camhm ctvijsMKMsn aa vea vytwmmr an mm t set i tMamamat tcwraiK 3ICI TriC PlJrl ofuorartcBjtosi bfocUce. All ralttlk oaten x tt Conventionalities Forgotten at Fires. "It Is curious how n, fire will make people forget conventionalities," said an M street woman. "For two years I've llvod where I live now, and I've never made the acquaintance of my next door neighbor. Indeed, what with the birds she keeps and my pet cat, we've gono beyond being mere strangers, and havo become almost open enemies. We've looked the other way when we chanced to meet, and tho atmosphere has been anything but cordial. "The night of the Are at the church near us I flew to the window at the first sound of the englnen. I couldn't persuade my husband to put on bis coat and go with me, so, as fires have a perfectly Irresistible fascination for me, I dashed out alone. Almost the first porson I saw was an Intoxicated Negro, and I simply reached out and tubk hold of a strange woman's arm. She was alone in the crowd, as I was, and we clung together for support for half hour or so. We talked as If we'd known each other always, and it wasn't until I was chilled enough to think of going home that I really looked at the woman's face. It was my next door neighbor, and we both laughed when each recognized tho other. "Wo went off home like old cronies, and had a cup of hot coffee together before we parted. I like her immense ly, and I hope she likes me. We've been marketing together twice, and once to the matinee. We're going to be chums, and If there hadn't been a lire in the neighborhood I suppose we'd have gone on forever detesting each othor." Washington Post Everybody is Tired-Spring Weather Does It Every One Should Be Cautious. Depression of the nervous system at the approach of spring is the cause. licner.'il lusHitude, dull, liruvy sensations, continual tired feeling, with irregular ap petite, and sometimes loss of sleep, i'e runa meets every indication and proves it self to be perfectly adiipted to all their va ried pecuhuritiea. l'erumi invigorates the system, reiuvemitcs the foclinga, restores the normal upictite and produce regular aleep. That tired feeling which is the natural result ol the depressing effect of warm weather immediately after the invigorat ing cold of winter ipiietly disappears when l'eruua is taken. 1 housauds are daily tes tifying to its priceless benefit. Mrs. H. Kassatt, Kto W. 13th street, Pes Moinea, la., writes: "I am happy to give my endorsement for your valuable medicine, l'eruua, as I consider it a valu able medicine to take when the system is run down (rum overwork. About two years ii jo I felt that I must take a long rest, aa 1 hud been uiiuie to work for ovi r a month and could not regain my strength. 1 could nut siei p nt :i i u 1 1 1 and was in a vet v ner vous, hi.'.li strung condition. I decided to try what l'erutiu would du to build up my strength, and u:n pliuned to say that 1 be run to improve very shortly, and in less than two months 1 was alne to Like up my work, nnd felt better than I have for years. 1 take it now twice a year, and find thut it keeps me in perfect health." Mrs. Kasantt was for over ten yeara the mana ger of a plant furnishing ladies' wear and employing hundreds of women. Tired. Nervous Women. There are thmwiii'Li of them everywhere. A (ew buttk ol i'eruna would do them untold benelit. As a tonic and nerv in vigorutor it has no equal. It htiilds up the nerves, it gives strength to the circulation und at once restores the apictite utid di gestion. No feeble woman should be with out I'eruna. r J Vj'?"' v' .... J x f v- 1 1 ; , II )" "V'l :', I ! ( m ' ; i MISS BEETHA M. RUSH PITTSBXJEO. Miss Ruth Suffered "With Systemic, Catarrh Was Nervon, Had $ Ko Appetite, Grew Thin and Emaciated. She Now Looks Like a New ? Woman After a Course of Pe-rn-na. $ If yoii tin not rreetvn prompt a ltd Mtttfartory remain from the uw i J I'eruna, irritant once to Or. Ilnriman, fi'tiff a full Htotement of your j J cane, ana lie will be pletmrd Initve you hla valuable advice y rot In. ' AtldrvHH Itr, Jin rt man, l'rcnldent of The Ilnriman Sanitarium, ; J ( MlllStUS, fjl'. Fish Csn Har. A Spanish naturalist, Dr. Itinera. has proved that fish can hear and dls tlngulsh sounds and words. Conceal ing himself behind a bush he taught tho carp In a pond to come to CTie su ft '0 for food every time he spoke a certain sentence. To other words, not associated with feeding, they paid no attention. Japanese Artillery. The cuns of the artillery service of Japan usod to be purchased abroad, but are now chiefly manufactured in Osaka, says "A Handbook of Modern Japan." There Is an excellent arsenal In the Kolshlkawa district of Toklo; It Is on part of the site of the magnifi cent mansion of Prince Mito, whose beautiful garden still remains a do light to all visitors. This arsenal Is where the once famous Murata rifle was formerly manufactured; but that has been superseded by tho "30th year" (of Meljl) rifle; and both of these are Japanese Inventions. The arsenal Is also turning out ammunition at the or dinary rate of a million rounds a day. Long Range Guns. Tho Brown li-lnch gun. nearlng com pletlon at the works of the Reading iron company, Is designed to throw a projectile 30 miles. Tho gun Is 28 feet long, weighs 20,000 pounds and Is made of wound wire The shot will havo a service velocity of 8.000 feet a second and a maximum of 3,000. The Invent or of this gun says he will build an other of 10-Inch bore with a ranee of d mi ion. During tho past year no fewer than 130.000 passengers crossed between Dover and the continent. HAPPY WOMEN. Wouldn't any woman be happy. After years of backache suffcrlns, Days of misery, nights of unrest. The distress of urinary troubles, She finds relief and cure? No reason why any reader Should suffer in the face of evidence like this: Mrs. Almlra A, .W.VVVVVVVWWWWfc f BEST FOR THE BOWELS GUARANTEED CIIUR .11 i k . t .. . . SlZVTi-0!! tho atomach. Moated bowela. foul mouth, headache, iodlgostioB, pimpln, pains after eating, Uver troubls, sallow skio and dlsslnesa. Whin your bowels don't move l!S?lr2nJj,,l?1,n,.,"n,,on''.yer',uer'S. matter what alia ou. start taklna H.hi T.ti .ty ii."" ,et "" " "V " l yoa get your bowl. right I.S. our advics. atart with Caacarets today noder absolute guariatn to curs or money refunded. booklet Irww. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. Til cenulo tablet etampod C C C. Nmr mnA l t-.i The FREE Homestead lan oa or Western Canada Ira the STM 1TTR13TI0NS Far 1904. Jackson, Of East Mlllliins of sens of msmlfloant Orsln and Oratln Front St., Traverse City. Mich., suys: liSiJilliir,nu lot twenty THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS. years I never Uood eropa, d.llshtlal climate, .plradld r3i was to have good health. Every physl. clan consulted said I had llvor trouble, but their medicines did me no good. Just before I began using Doun's Kidney I'llls I was al most paralysed. I could hardly stand on my feet because of the numbness anu luck or circulation. Had a knife been thrust Into my kidneys the pain could not have been more Intense. My sleep was disturbed by visions of dis torted figures. The kidney secretions were nunoylngly lrregulur, and I was tortured with thirst and always bloated. I used seven boxes of Doaii'i Kidney Tills. The bloating subsided until I weighed 100 pounds less could sleep like a child and was relieved of the puln and the irregularity of thu itianey action. My circulation is good and I feel better In every way." A free trial of this great kidney med icine which cured Mrs. Jackson will lie mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address fr'oatcr Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. N. V. For sale by all imggitts; dtIc 00 cents per bos. knew What It , whool sysleas. perfect social eoadltlaaa. wealth Bad senses arqalrrd .molly Th. popnlstlnn of Wt.rn Canada InrreaMwl ISS.mo py Ituimirratlon durluif tua it yr, utu u,usl Fnr a doaortpttr Atlas and othsr InformsUoa apilylo Sir. VV. II. si (11 r, Buporiiit.nlnt of Itninnrrsllon. Ottawa, lauada. CAPSICUM VASELINE (CUT UP IS OHLI.AOilUI.C'rUBUI Asabstitul for and .unerinrto mint.nl any nthor plaster, anil w II not blister tiia mii.tnliraie skin. ThaDmln.ali.vinL.Mti.1 ou ratlvon, nail tlesuf tliimirtiolearowumlur- iui. it win skip in. tootfiucrioitt once, ami reliaro neaditobe and sciatica. Wo recom mend It as tho best and .utt ifu.n.i oountor-lrritnntkiiowu.alao asanvxtornal '""'II mr pain in sue ciisl auu stomach and all rlioiinistli;. nun r 11,1.11,1 ir,,n,..n. Plaint. A-trm; will pro . what wo claim for it. and it w 1 lin f.mml tn lu. inv 1. ..Ki ln the hnusvhild..MnnypMiiilesay"lt isthe bo-tof nil of your prepir itions." Price is cls .alull diuuitlr'.H or uthrr ilrdlers, or by snnditiirthlsainuiinl tiuslopoitaita.tAmns wo Mill aouil yii a tubo hy ninil. No hi ticle I 11111 . auuituu ny ine punt 10 unltMH th. "Bine carries on rlnliel. snlherwl.it I. n... k-snulns. CMHSHIIHOKIM MRU. CO IT Rtiite Ktrt-at. Nkw Vokr i itv. nDiiDC V,tw ni'-ccvESTj - w9 dW S I v,trk ll- an- fr.B. .1 Br I IO ft-VV 1-tlMM - s ... a., IT. U. 04 P. N. iJ 1 lo lima. Sold bf drtwuft U. Lf i.H'l'lll'l.vfA The CORNELL Mtattd frtsi Umpf it.r rYuia,tios, anrl pewfextsMl rttem of vsatllailn. The Corall vraiilatsn in Nature 't GM th prc'pOT snola riircllfasnl r U liuh titn I ny Isxaiity untWiH tost 11 none aa x my sstasra ci ihr, Retultt HsttithlMt a net Re Ml vi(oroua chlika-l va obul.d by artticUi In k cuUAtton. CablMt cuaet ruc tion, CaBpouRd door, Tatrt lop. Cold Msnlal, Hlf-eet AwflsM t Buffalo fu Aotft caa uapoutioa. D ips1r are the bruodrn Hvtl lf uftd ffactutivfiy by the Ui(catntliaotiuccafulpowltryaia. Oa th market U tn. Tttouaanda of tntliaonlsJt. Out vty uz; tatiy niuttrmiii catalogu contala valuable) loformatiua. Copy snailnl fr (or U uklu. faultrv aaJ Pet Sioek tuppllaa orall k.ndj Cornell looubator Mfg. Ocmpaay, Bos 95 lth, H.T. Aubora, Mew, Jum U, U0S. ConaU lacubator Mfr Co. , Ittttua. NwTark. Gratlamtai Trie four Pe-m-O -Day I Fs.n.lV.isw a. caaaed Iruai you thta aprtna; haa snn th bsm of aatialacnoa. An aaar to clvaa and orat. Have) tit no chickaaa. is4 aa coaaOrat tt la tb boat oodarauda, Vaura alactrtly, b. a. walk er. J W. L. DOUGLAS '3. &3 SHOES ml W. Lu Douglas shoes huv by their escellent otyle. eaay-littin,?, und superior wearing qualities, at-hiovt-ti the largest ralo of any shoe la tho world. They uro Just as good as those that cost you S4 to $ tho only uiuereuve la 111 prlc. 8oM itttruuhmra. Ixmk for name and J prlc an buttom. I rOllolna IIM. fimin '1 toll.kln, whlphlsoTorywhers o.ii.'.mL.I iu belhe lino.t Fatent .. other r-t prodiieeU. ? I C orl Kllo.kyi.4,.,r, Writs far Calalos. .I,.noa(lss, Brorkua, SsMk BY MAIL Sor.d 1. and plainly vou in to know .mh ... ... sare.y ailrise you ss to your right or llablll tios uii'ler th laws of your ("!. AU eom munivationa conStltnikU. Address ASSOOilltd Aftnrnsts las raasnltln lursss WS-ittl . feanitoga Btraet, Ualumor. M4