The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 30, 1904, Image 7

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Are Never Without Peruna in the House
for Catarrhal Diseases.
warn m
UXDKK Hate of January 1(1. 1W7. Dr.
ll.irtmnn received the following letter:
"My wile had lieen sulltTinii from a com
plication of diseases for the pant 23 yeara.
"Her cmie hail Imtlled the skill of some
of the moat noted physicians. One of her
Wwrst trouhlea was chronic constipation of
evenil yenra' stumling.
"She a!ao was passing through tint moat
' critical period in the life of a woman
change of life. In June, 1K!)., I wrote to
you about her eiae. You advised ft course
of Peruna and M innlin, whic h we nt once
commenced, and li.ive to any it completely
cured her. She lirnily lielievea Unit she
would have leen dead only lor tlieao won
derful remediea.
"About the aarne time I wrote you a!wt
my own raw of catarrh, which had been of
25 yeara' standing. At timea I was nluinst
past going. I commenced to nee l'enma
according to your instructions and contin
ued ita nae for about a year, and it liaa
completely cured me.
"Your remedten do all that you
claim for them, and even more. Ca
tarrh cannot exM where iVrtina 1h
taken accortltng to directions Suc
cess to yon ani your remedten,
John O. Atkinmtn,
In a letter dated January 1, 1000, Mr.
Less than seven per cent of the pow
er used In manufacturing plants In the
United States Is electric.
I ansurePlso'sCnrn forOonsumptlnn saved
fnv life three venrs ni-o. Mns. Thomas Hon
tsxs, Jlaple. St.. Norwich, N.Y., Veb. 17, 11(00.
Men who mind their own business are
too busy to quarrel with their neighbors.
I'UTXAU FADKLC8S DVIiS cost but 10
cents per package.
Some men make positive failures even of
their mistakes.
10,000 1'tnnts For 18c.
This is a remarkable oiler the John A.
Falzer Seed Co., La Croe, Wis., makes.
They will send you their bis plant and
seed catalog, together with tujiyli seed
to grow
l.iXK) fine solid Cabbages.
2,000 delicious Carrots,
2,000 Hlanching. nutty Celery,
2,000 rich, buttery lettuce,
1,000 splendid Onions,
1.00,1 rare, luscious Radishes.
1.000 glorious'v brilliant Flowers.
This great offer is made in order to in
duce you to ty their warranted seeds
for when vou onee plant them you will
Krow no others, and
providing you will return this notice, and
:' you -will send them 20c. in postage, they
will add to the nhnve a package of the fa
nidus Berliner Cauliflower. A.C.L.
When Jove and hope first met they
formed a partnership which has nevtr
been dissolved.
Arthur Hill, of Saginaw, Mich., has
donated eighty acres of land to th
University of Michigan to servo as an
experiment farm for the forestry de
partment of the university.
The late Italian premier, Zanar
delll, was a great lawyer and author
of the panal code of Italy, whkh Is
regarded as well nigh a perfect work
of its kind.
No snfferlns more keen than kidney
Buffering. Sick kidneys make bnil
blood; caus3 weak, stiff and aching
backs; cause blind, sick and dizzy
beadaches, lack of appetite and loss of j
sleep; keep you all tired out and spoil
To buve perfect health you must cure
the kidneys. Head bow one man was
cured by Poun's Kidney Pills after
eight years of torture.
Henry Soule, of rult
ney St., Uummonds
port, N. Y., says: "For
eight years I suffered
constant agony from
kidney complulnt. I
endured the worst tor
ture from gravel and
the kidney secretions
werecxcesslve and con
tained sediment Hko
brick dust. I had to
get out of bed from ten
to twenty times a night
and the loss of sleep
wore me out. Indiges
tion cume on, and the distress after
eating was terrible. Poan's Kidney
Pills effected' a complete and lustlug
cure, and after the symptoms of kid
ney trouble were gone my stomach be
gan to work as It should. This lasting
cure, especially in a person of my ago,
proves the great value of Doau's Kid
ney rills more convincingly than could
any words of, mine."
Doan'i Kidney Pills sold by all drug
gists; price, DO cents per box, or mailed
on receipt of price by Foster-Milburn
Co., Buffalo, N. X. Write for free trial.
iiu wwwwwww
Athinson aaya, after five years' exporienea
with 1'iruiia:
" will ever continue to npvak a
good irord for IV' Minn. In mu i-oiiikI
ana trarrltnti man 1 am a ralktn)
advrrtlHcmrnt for I'eruna and hare
tndiiced mono prnplr l il l-l itdllie jxint
year to tiw lYt-iimi tvtth the most at
Isart ') tv:iii. I am still citred
ofcalirrh." JohnO. MktnHon,
ItotiUJ-J, Independence, Mo,
When old fi'TO cornea on catarrhnl di
ear. cmie a!o. Syaiemin catarrh ia ol-
nnwt univi i-mi in o.d eopte.
Tina e:i!aina ivliv l'i tuim li.ia Itpciimn t
ind!ienalile to old people. 1'eruna ia
their .iliMttrd. I'eruna ia the only rem
edy yet ilivied that imeta theae cases ex
ait'y. Such caea cannot le treated locally;
nothing hut an ifTci-tive avxtemic remedy
could cure thrm. Thia ia exactly what I'e
runa ia.
Ii you do not receive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the uae of IVruna, write
at once to Dr. Hart man, riving a full state
ment of your cute and he will lie pleased to
give you hia valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. ll.irtmnn, I'reaidint of The
Iliirtnian Sanitarium, ( olumhiiM, O.
Japan' Coal Supply.
The coal fur Japan's navy comes
from Ilnkodate and Otaru. ;n the Is
land of Jozo, which lies dlr.'rtly north
of Nippon, upon which ToU'io Ja situ
ated. are two t.f the larsrent
rcal-shipplnsr p.:r!s In t'.ie world. The
Island Is about five hundred mlivs, or
two days' rtcaming, for a mau-of-war,
from Vladivostok.
Th relchstRR has enacted a law
pranting Its members free railroad
passes. Congress considers legisla
tion" upon this subject wholly unneces
sary. FITSnermanentlveurc'l. No fltaornervous
nss nft'-r first day s useof Dr. Kline's Oreat
Nerve ltestopr.t 2 1 rial hottleand tn-atiaefre
Dr. U.ll.KLisr. Ltd.. Ml Ar-h St., V!iila..Pa
Worry is as useless as it is to le'.I people
Sot to worry.
T!(11lnn Dollar Crass an1 Alfnlla.
When we introduced llillion Dollar
Grass three yeara ago, little did we divani
i would be the niot talked of grass in
America, the birircst. quick, hay producer
Oil earth, but this his come to pass.
Agr. Kditors wrote about it. Agr. Col
leic ProlVssora lectured ohnut it, Agr. In.
atitute Orators talked about it. while in
the farm home by the quiet fireside, in the
corner grocery, in the village post office, at
the creamery, at the depot, in fact wher
ever farmers gathered. Sn liter's Million Dol
1; Grass, that wonderful grass, good lor
J to 14 tona per acre, and lots of pasture
nesids. is always a theme worthv of the
farmer's voice.
A. Watford. Westlnre Farms. IV, writes;
"I have 60 acres in Salter's Alfalfa Clover.
It is immense. T cet three crons th' sea
son and hnve Ins of pasture beside."
re the John A. Palzer Seed Co.. Ijt Crosse,
Wis., and receive their big catalog and lots
of faim seed samnles free, f A.C.I...
The Tlritifh Board of Agriculture esti
mate that there ore 1,871,019 dons in the
5 rs. AVInslow's Soothing Syrup forehlldren
teei hing, soften the punm, reduce Inflnrnmas
tioii allays nln.eurcswind colic. 2c.iibottla
It is harder to reconcile ourselves to
other people's successes than to our own
"Aren't you afraid that a great many
people will criticise you for becoming
rich?" "Yes" answered Senator Sorg
hum. "Rut the chances are .that If
I had stayed poor they wouldn't have
noticed me, even that much." Wash
ington Star.
How's Tills?
TYe offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any earn of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hull's Catarrh Curet
F. J. Cbexht & Co., Toledo, O.
x We, the undersigned, hava known F. J.
Cheney for the lust iS years, and believe him
perfectly hnuoruMn u all business transac
tions and llnanciutly able to carry out any
obligations made bv their firm.
West A Tbvx, W'holcsuio liruggtsts, To
ledo, U,
Waloiso, Kikna & Mabvix, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Ilall s Catarrh Cure ii taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and njucoua sur
faces of the system. Testimonials sent fret.
J'rioe, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Ball's Family Pills for oonstlpatlou
"Why does Mrs. Clubwoman look so
ad?" "The world's injustice to wom
an has Just struck her forcibly again."
"How was that?" "She happened to
think that Martha Washington Isn't
called the Mother of her Country,"
Cincinnati Times Btar,
A grocer at Glasgow with a beer li
cence had bis shop broken into the
other night by burglars. He it now '
wondering whether he will be charged
with allowing drink to bo taken from
Ma premlnea after regulation hours.
Potting Soil For Ataleas.
All the azaleas and rhododendrons
need extremely firm potting and do
best In a cnmpoRt of pest, with a llttlo
loam and leaf mold, sand being added
In proportion to the Tightness of the
loam used. No manure la needed or
Is desirable tor then plants, hut liq
uid manure or soot water In a thin,
clear stato may be given once or twleo
a week wlun they aro In growth or
swelling thtlr b ids.
Tho Earl Chicks.
The brooder h'.i.-o rhould bo warn,
whether bona r br.ioi!;:ra arr ire I.
Iohb ovettrs lar.dv frm ovtr.'eedl; -'.
lack of warmtli end Inllnre to keep up
the temperature at night. Feed thrro
timet a day, never leaving; foii.l to re
main ovfr a single mcil, but between
meals a llttlo millet sted nhonld bo
scattered In llt'cr for them to neck by
scratching, as thry will thrive best
when kept at wnrit. For the first three
days give ont-'iieal, allowing
nothing the flm "ft hours, and then
feed morning and night bread made
of equal parts by weight of cornmeal,
middlings, sifted ground oats and ani
mal meal. Alternate this with tho
plnhead oatmeal, If preferred. After
they arc a month or six weeks old
feed anything they will eat. P. H.
Jacobs In Farm and Fliesldo.
Dairying Thst Pays.
In a series of Institutes In the
northern rountlcs of Pennsylvania I
found Hint fanners aro Hpeelnllzing to
a much greater extent In that section
than In n-nny other Eeetlons of tho
state, says L. W. Uglify In National
Stockman. Quito n number of dairy
men aro putting In plants of their own
for huttermnldng and fro devoting
all their thought and energies nlong
that line. In a number of Instant es
they Fent their sons to t'te stato col
lego to take a r.l-.ort comae and aro
putting on the market first class but
ter. In every instance rf thin kind I
learned that t'.ic rtcw.ana wan greater
than the supply of butter nt n very
good price. The unlvetsal verllet of
those mn v.-ai thv. wl.Me dairyln- h
hr-' !";., vrrV because or ':
minute rnd attention t'.'.at t'.:c
details of the business tr-qulra, It pays
a handsome profit.
Falling Off In r.'. ilk.
Wlien for any rciron thrro Is n
falling c;ff In tho nil:-: fiow, cy.eeit, cf
courao, when tlose to calving time,
it does not always follow that tho
tow Is 111. Nine cases out of ten a
ehango In rations la all that Is neces
sary to bring nhout. tho normal flow
of milk. In such canes the food should
be of the kind that will encourage tho
renewed flow, an 1 much of It should
be succulent In Ita character. Cloo
watch s rmld bo kept of the row to
see If n'ne In constipated, and If so
she should he given a dose of F.psom
salts. Frequently a cow will hold up
her milk after slio has passed t'.irou-rh
tho hands cf a careless or Ignorant
milker. In such a caso It will take,
some work and' the exercise of con
siderable to bring tho ani
mal back to her proprr condition. Tho
udder should bo carefully and gently
rubbed and kneaded dally, and tho
milking should ho done by some ono
who understands tho work. Indian
apolis News.
Feeding Market Horses.
An Industry which Involves tho sale
of an average of HO.OOO horses an
nually at tho Chicago market during
the last decade, has been systema
tized to perfection. Not only have
horses been graded into commercial
classes, but now enter Into tho com
putation of values. Horses to negoti
ate tho best prices must now bo in
high condition of flesh.
Traders are coerced to cater to the
public demand and fashion Insists on
horses being fat whon offered in
whotesalo markets. Many meritorious
animals aro sacrificed for want of fin
ished condition. So broad has the
fancy extended that the sentiment of
fat salo horses now dominates nil
principal eqttlno bazars. Dealers now
discriminate In tho country ngilnst
horses In medium flesh and, to pander
to the fashion, tho horso-foedlng In
dustry has developed stupendous pro
portions. In nearly every county In
tho horse breeding districts Is located
some dealer who has a specially ar
ranged establishment for feeding
horses for market. Not only In the
principal breeding sections, but in
Pennsylvania, Ohio and other states,
many dealers make a cpcclalty of buy
ing thin western horses and finishing
them for the New York market. It is
an Industry that during the past flvo
years has rivaled feeding cattlo and
sheep for profit. Tho principal object
of tho eastern feeder is to mako c
market on the farm for the roughage,
and surplus grain, which In most In
stances has paid a better margin cf
profit than if sold at the elevator.
Saving of Labor.
American farmers are rapidly turning
their attention to tho utilization of
farm products on the farms. In order
to derive the most that la posBlblo
to bo obtained therefrom. Dnlrylng
is making great progress, but this is
due to the invention of the cream sep
arator and improved cliurng and dairy
appliances. Compared with the past,
a well-managed farm can support
twice as many animals as formerly,
because of the grsat saving of lubor.
In somo communities tho farmers take
their milk or cream to the factory
and bring back their skim milk to be
converted Into pork. If within con
venient' distance, the milk Is shlppr4
to the cities. Dairying entails tedious
work during every month of the year,
and every day In the week, early and
late, but no Industry on the farm
gives such satisfactory returns, which
Is demonstrated by the large numbers
of farmers who are annually being
added to the list of dairymen. The
dairy farm provides a market for tho
product grown, and the dairy farmer
need not utlllzo anything that cannot
bo grown on the farm. Dairying gives
the farmer greater control of Ms op
eration, and tho work Is also eduea
tlonnl. It leads to the use of better
stock, and tho farms aro gradually
Iiolng depopulated of the scrub cat
tlo which have mused so much loss
In the )!a't, tlm pure breeds rapidly
romlnir Into u -e over nil portions of
tho rotirtry. if t"sts are so conducted
ps to t nc'i farmers tlie crtnnl cost of
tho product they will add to the vnluo
of the lil:;!t-recur.l cown. Philadelphia
Orchard Cultivation.
After an orchard is set out It pays
to take care of It, but a great many
peoplo do not realize tho fact. Their
pay In most rases Is several years
coming, which may have something
to do with It. Somo people think It
does not pay to lake care of rropi
that require a term of years to yield
returns, hut sometimes such crops
give tho best dividends. Many fnrm
crs over tho country buy a lot of trees,
set them out In an orennrd and thr.t
is tho lnft heard of tho trees. They
are left to Ehllt for themselves, and
keep compnny with tho grass and
The orchnrd should he cultivated
from the tlmo It Is stt until it comes
Into bearing. This causes tho root
systems to bo formed deep In tho
ground and a largo, healthy top to bo
formed. Hoed crops should be planted
the first few years, then after tho
tron cotno Into bearing, clover and
Hko crops enn be used. Tho orchard
can be pastured If manure Is put
around tho trees to supply tho fer
tility taken out by tho grass. Tho
kinds of crops used depend to somo ex
tent upon the fruits, as apples, pears,
and peaehos ench require different
treatment to do the best.
Tho cultivation of the orchard
breaks up the soil, mailing It so that
the tree enn obtain tho fertility that
la In the ground. Tho results obtained
' ' - ''r,-- r-i 0f ngrl-
tulttii-e po!rt to 'h? that a grcr.t
ileal drper'! upon tho cultivation of
the soil. They hava concluded that
11 noils ron'eln the noce fairy ele
ments to produce crops, but tho ques
tion Is, how to mako them available
for the mi of the trees and other
crops. It -j a noticeable fact, and Is
borne out by Investigation that water
has tiior? to do with the growth of
crops than almost pny other clement.
Cultivation puts tho noil In such a
nbapo thnt It takes up the rain and re
tains It for tho use of the crop. The
fine mulch prevents the evaporation of
the moisture and the trno uses it
when It Is In the soli for use. There
nro moro orchards thr.t are not cul
tivated enough than too much. C. R.,
In tho Indiana Farmer.
Poultry Notes.
It Is very essential that grit Is kept
by your birds at all times, especially If
they are housed or yard-'d.
It Is a very good plan to keep your
duelts In a pen to themselves, as they
thi not go well with your other birds.
A Tcnnnsseo nnlhcrlty says thot two
doses of UHsafcetida, tho slzo of a pea,
given twleo a day, will effect a euro
in himber neck.
Chlckcn-pex, or soro head. Is a dls
easo which, while It rarely attacks
fullgrown birds, yet two-year old hens
tako tho disease.
It Is a very profitable investment to
purchase MO pounds or moro of meat
scraps for your fowls In winter; they
will greatly lnereaso tho egg yield.
It 13 very unprofitable for tho farmer
or poultry raiser to lot their fowls sit
out on trees and fences at night dur
ing tho cold winter nights, a Bight
whlrh wo frequently see.
Do not keep too many hens In ono
pen; thirty Is a sufficient number In
ono flock, and the house must be built
accordingly. A houso 12 by M Is a
very convccvlent slzo for this number.
Called Down.
It was a blamy spring afternoon.
Tho follngo on tho trees never looked
more beautiful, and truly the Wis
sahlckon waa a place for the aesthetic
In uature.'It was Sunday, and the still
ness of tho Sabbath pervaded tho en
tire atmosphere. All tho environments
v.-ero conducive to quiet and rest, to
beauty and serenity.
Calmly seated on a stump of a tree,
a little follow had thrown out a line
Into tho rushing waters and was anxi
ously awaiting a first bite.
Slowly and opprehensivcly a lone
woman was seen coralni up the east
sldo of tho crook. Beholding this deni
zen of tho woods at bis work sho
pounced upon him.
"Little boy," said she, "I have lost
my way. Can you tell mo the road to
"Yes "om," chirped the fisher. "Keep
right on up this road an' you'll cum
to It."
Then, not satisfied with having
found her direction, the interloper be
gan again.
"13u t, I say, llttlo boy, den't ycu
know thlo Is Sunday?"
"Yes, 'om."
"Uut don't you know you shouldn't
fish on tho Sabbath?"
"No, 'era."
"Well, then, here's my card; you
come around to my house and I "11
teach ycu the road to heaven."
"Ah, go 'long, you don't even know
the road to Manayuuk.'" Philadelphia
L VS:l." 'P.J i ,K'.v - .' . f
v vy&V- v
pmmsp'mL -
- ...,.
Miss M. Cartledge gives some helpful
advice to young girls. Her letter is but one
of thousands which prove that nothing is
so' 'helpful to young girls who are just
arriving at the period of womanhood as
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Dhaii 31ns. Pinkiiam: I cannot praise Lydln E. IMnktuii's
Vejretablo Compound too highly, fur It Is the only nicditiiio I ever
tried which cured inn. I suffered much from my first menstrual Triod,
I folt so weak and dizzy at times I could not ptirstio my (studies with
tho usual interest. My thoughts became Blugivh. 1 lmd headaches,
backaches and s;iklng spells, also pains iu tho buck and lower limbs.
In fact? I was si2c all over.
"Hnally, after many other remedies had been tried, wo' were ad
vised to gut Lydla E. Pinklinni's Vcjretablo Compound, and I am
pleased to say that after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful thiuign
for tlw bettor too!c phi'P, and in a short timo I was in perfect health. I
felt buoyent, full of lif , nnd found all work a pastime. I nm indeed
glad to tell my oxierlico with I.ydla E. IMnkliimi'g Vf(r'tnllo
Coinpniim.1., for It made a different girl of me. Yours very truly.
M:ss 31. C.'.nTr.rrtftE, CH.l Whitehall St., Atlanta, (la."
At such a limn, tho prmtK'.'Vit old to nettire In Lvdia T.. Pink
riarn s t-Kctablo C'omiiound. It prepares the. vonnfr nvcum for
the r.ocessary changea, and Is tho surest niid inont rcllnlile euro
for woniari'it SMh of every nature. Mrs. I'liiklinin Invites ull
younff womori who aro III t: wrlto her for freo odvico. Address,
Mrs. Hlnkkam, Lynn, Mass.
rir3. Estcs, of New Vork City, saysx
" Dkau Mas. 1'i.NKUAMt I write to you beeuuRC I believe all young- pirls
oupht to know how much good your medicine will do them, l" did drers
rniklntr for years before I was married, nad If it had not been f' r Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vcjotablo Compound, I do not lic'ik-re I coiild have BW.od
the strain. There is no other work that Is such a strnlu on the fvhtem. Oh,
how my back unod to acho from tho bending over I I would fcei as though
I wouM have to screnm out from tho p-iin, and tho sl'.ting Kill made mo m
terribly tired and weak, and my head throbbed like an engine. I never could
eat after work, I was so worn out. Then I was irregular, find had s:c-h
frightful cramps every month they would slmplv double nie up with rnin. and
I would have to irive Up working and Ho clown. Hut L.vt'.ia E. Pink
liatn S Vegotablo Compound chanped mo Into a strorip. v.-t II woman.
Yours very truly, Mas. Maiitii Kstf.s, M3 West 12:th f't., N. V. City."
Xo other ftjmalo niedlelno In the world has recelvr1 utieh wide,
spread and tinqttnlilied endorsement. No other medicine has such
n, record of female troubles cured. Sold by druggists everywhere.
KetiiHoall 8ul)8itutlo!is. IN rueiiilier every woman Is cordially In
vited to wrlto to Mrs. Piukham. If there Is anvtliiriir about her
symptoms sho does not understand. Mrs. Piiikliatii7s address Is
lVllll, lUflSI,
FORFEIT " waesnnot f'.rthwltti nrndnor llis nrtultiiil Inttsrs and slcaaUires el
atuvo tditiiuoulals, akica will .iovi- t!uir nhmiuin soimiin-,,.
Lydia K. l'lukhniu Med. Co., Lynn, Mass.
China has at present aliout cl;;ht
aundrfd miles of railways.
Minimis In )ls.
Fulzcr's New Nntionnl Oiits vicldcd in
llXill in Mich. 4) bu.; in Mo., 2M liu.; in
N. 1)., 3ID bu., and in 30 olln-r Stntcs lioin
IjO to Sou bu. jut ai-ru. Now this O.i! ii
generally grown in HKl-l will add milli'HM
of busiiels to the yield and millions of ilul
liirs to the farmer s purse. Try it for 1. 01.
Larzvst Heed l'ntnto and Adults Cljvtr
growers in America. lA.L'.b.j
S.ilzer's .Spelt', lleardlrss linrlrv. Dime
Jhiildir Corn, Mnciruni l'ea Oat,
llillion Dollnr !rn"S and l'o-liest Canes
are money makers for you, Mr. Fsi-nicr.
In stamps to John A. f' Seed Co., t.&
Crosse, Wis., ami receive in return their
big catalog ami lots nf farm si-ed samples.
When a man undertakes ti discuss lova
lie winds up by pronouncing it a foim of
SEND STAMI'-Octtilll derrl lion Uli.l .rl.-S
rit M cliesi'ftst (iirinit In utilo At ric-s tiiut
mil ut Irani t.ujer. II. N. Uuucroii, Junstson,
A.htuLula C.junty, Ulilo.
It iMHidcof ttlC btt
viterislt, in Hick orj'cllosr.
fully Cusrantetl and trti j
reliable detleri cxrwhere.
TCSOKIO, CAM. Mllfttiuu.lllt,
bund 81.
and filKiuly
scale wiiut
you to Snow and mir speeiallsts will
sutely advise you as to vour rights or liabili
ties under thy laws of y'nur H'aio. All com
munications eontldontlul. AOOri-ss
Associated Attorneys Law Consulting bumau,
lOo-loa E. HarutoKU Htreut, - lialtlmoro, Md.
A Osrtsln Oars for Ffiverlsfaarsa,
t'oiisllpacjan, llsaaarhn,
hlomot'Jl Troublrs, Tvi-Cbtna
HaUMr Ors, Varsss. twBrf.k p Colds
no'. Hi,mm, H.mpl. nistld rltKA iMt,
Wf AoSV. A. i. OLMSTED. L KoiVH V.
sS'i'X-.ltThompion'i Eyi Wtttr
(I'Ul VV I C'il,,AH.lll.K fl HtrtJ
A fttirVftftutR for Atirl -iip4Tl'.rtf miMfnrdnr
nuy ntliiir fdn Mrr. nml w 11 imt lilUtHr tli
in tt. li' n h nin. iti'
'-iirHr.ivHfi iliti HofttiiHiirtlutttrtru w(iin r
nil. It will tip t i'int o'n!, mi l
r-'llfvi) tifa.t:ia mni m-iuttni. Wo vctm
mvwi It a t!i dent Hint HMtMt fxtorn!
t ml knni iiHii-xtenml
r.'itiwly fur (Miln-i hi Vtu f'iM iind HtnfnK-ii
nii'I nil rljViilti'itlu.tisMirnU'lrnnil j'Mityrnm
plnluts. A t.rli will (ir-tvo what w. rhilm
f'.rlt., itnrl It will lni fimti'l to tt tnv ituhle
In tin hit.4tmlil. M inv pii'iiHiiv"lt fsthe
bo-tuf nh ot your prf'ii'iriitidnp. I'rlce 1.1
cik.. at nil rt rmrirUtH or otWr ii-nitT, or tv
p?nllii t hlniiiiiDiini t-iunin p Htn-'o rttampi
w will m-mi yti h Mh liy in ill. .Sio it o
gnil'llllll Ht ll'"I'iVM II V I no JMiniHI Iini4fi thiH
nriierfirr(ei"'Mrlnl'p?. fnihtrwnlt In not
tfomilim CUHHI-HWOlIflH WICJ. CO.,
i r-n.r -mTw rtr.w niiiK i ITT.
$3.5S&$3 SHOES
W. L. DoiikIiis
slioeii huve liy their
fxi-illciit style.
piiNy-llttlns, n n u
Miiiierlnr wcarinflr
iinlltlfs, m-hicvvil ft'Xijilt X
the liirost rule of Wgy
nuy biiuus lit cuif
They are just as pood
as those that cost you
ft to 3f tho only
dilTorenro is the price.
Sold utrywhita.
Look for nnma and
prlre an Wtom.
PoiikIns uss i'linms
s'illskln, wlileh Isvverywlier rinrnlfl lu
letli0 nnest I'ntmit l.'-nlhrr y1 irnfti.r,.
Flit Vo or fti'lrtg vid. Khoss lijltistl. SAr.pvlrs.
WrlltforCslalof, W.t.l)oul. HiimHos, Huh.
mm Ganada
Thar ur mtt4 and not llliur on thf flmln and Orn
lutr iJi.nK antl arv I'tttoi'Hrn'itt ind Uitii-4.
Hlr WilfrM lurlar rtntl- Mi l: "A ntw itu haa
rlMn on tli borisn. and ii It tit want It tlmt ffwy
iiimlirrant whuluav tit latitl tif till to
vouih mud Mif k a tii-uie tor ItiLuiwU' &uw tuxua tua
lfmiM CauaOav TUer la
. Room for Millions.
PltER HMMUfssal lTin irT. Hrkaals,
Cbarrbva, Ualltsaya, Alarbels, Cllaiala,
irarytbliia ta b tsilrr4.
For s taotptln Atlas sad otbsr litfoimattoa
aiikUjr to Mr, v, It. M TT,
asuwiulssuUat of Imniiro'ion.
Omswsu tkaaasv
Eilk Grusf
Scalled Head
and Eczema
And gentle anointings
OINTMENT, purest
a nd sweetest of emollients
and greatest of skin cures.
It means fnstant relief and
refreshing sleep for tor
tured, disfigured, itching,
and burning babies, and
rest for tired, fretted
mothers, when all else
SMd thrtifh'mt is -itM. r-ttl-'i-a r.'it,
!ln furtti fit r lr4..ilnit f'uatfl l'i1 I. -f lf' of Mf
fl-illtinil, Pnp. (i.f..' l-.ful.t.. r VtAfttU
L'i :tr t j. i I'at S t nt Jc la i mt : 117 ( (.lumbal
A f'tt'sr tnt t'tftii, ('Dry .. .r IV.rtewra.
ftf htwl yf " II jw I Cutif lluiuut."
Gold & Copper
At $50 Par Thousand
In Payments $5 Down,
$5 per iHonth, or
A. 4 Gents Per Share
malt, anl mat nmm rf th fmrmrmm rrflta nb-
Ittiin if-'.u J'ltllrii.'.p. fiivft ru-ri" In Art; na Ctp
t-r hi'i.-cs. i mii'iiiY Juit I 'linliiirari'l ouiy a ilia-t-'l
u -,-k i,1 at- k I t at u:-.ivi' irif.
i '..Tif.ia'iy owii Hiltv-t. in U"t -art "f Arieotift tbat
m'j t;tvi nri' t Ii n.ufcf !t "f iK.n tiiyna.
1iir. r ir :n nil i -iri l tin- I iiit I Mtat hmrf
w i-i" f t ' iiri out i.f r ij t .. W J.r n"t you t
ii;.-1 r iu.cH uiii-lr lr -in liivtatiiifntii in Hintnf
Cia.-ki LM'l V.-M.t. thf mtir ('n-'-ii aitd loaay
otitr. Write at fur full particular.
Ciiiccs, 14 and 15 Brown Palace Hotel,
or 205 Carman National Bank Bldg.,
'T har n4 roar valaabU Taat-arata fti4 Awl
thru tf't. Couldn't do wlthnnt thm. I Lar
fisi tiier. for to to a for tinlntu.a and til
uuaheaa and am now rompy-uiy cornd. Kacnw
Bind lUetji t vrnryone. Ono tried, ytm Will
Aorar 4a w.lLual ifio in tba fmlif."
Edward Uart, Albao. H.V.
Be it Tor
The Dowels
Plavant. atataM. potAt. TaatOfyxJ. DotlnM,
Krur .Sii kori, Wit!.lin r irfp-. r-c. tUn. Nevar
In '!' Tue naina tu':nt atimtml CCC.
GuarauUoJ to ear or your niuney buck.
8t-rtin3 Remedy Co., Chicaco or N.Y. 60s
t:-J!i UAL SALE, L" H1LL13S D0XS
rasa anil w. will .1vi. a. to tho law f.T-rii-Inir
It ani th beat rnur.n to turii. anolu.a
nuuP7 order for f LU). No al Jliluaal charvM.
TA J 9 0 I kk US ntm nM
Mm Sk WJi.'lJ. 0 HnTS' IniUHri
fr.a. Dr . assss's soas. til, t.
P. N. 17. U, (4
($ Hik ALL IUI MIL..
uain iyrup. laaua (ioutl. tat)
Ull tl
f f