The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 30, 1904, Image 4

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Letter Regarding Propqsed Amerlcan'.Pro
duction Co. Subscriptions Needed
by the Committee.
Pittsburg, Pit., March -23, ilK)4.
Mb. W. W. Wh,ky",
Rnynoldavillo, Ponn'a.
Dear But: Your favor of the 22nd
acknowledging rccelpt'of drawings for
the proposed ofllco building for the
A'lui'loiin Production Company, and
not-) that you have f 10,000 subscribed.
Thu committee Is doing fine, and your
iltlons are surely showing how deeply
lnt.i'-estod thoy are in tho building up
of their little city. My appreciation
of their kind Interest taken In mo ran
not bo expressed In words, but I pledge
yoH that I will tak! an untiring interest
In the welfare of Heynoldsville.
There la one thing I w ish you would
do for mo. Si'o If you cannot have
twenty ncres additional ground, adjoin
' lng that selected by me, set aside to
build an open hearth furnaeo and roll
ing mill on, as this I9 sure to follow not
later than two years nfter the Produc
tion Company Is started. Kindly ask
the eommitteo to rush the subscription
to completion not later than the 2'ith
inst., as tho time for me to vacate Is
very closo at hand and I must have a
few days to prepare.
Hoping to be with you soon, I am,
Yours truly,
Chas. McSiikrrv.
Mort Plttsley, of Falls Crcok, was In
town last Friday, 1
Mrs. Wm. Tucker and son, John, vis
ited in Anita last week.
Miss Iva Walk returned home from
Punxautawney Saturday.
Claude Keagle was In Punxsutawney
Fslday evening of last week.
Mr. Harvey Deter, of HeynoldsvUle,
preached in the M. E. church Sunday
venlng to a largo congregation.
There will be' a six o'clock prnver
meeting In tho Church of God on Knster
morning. All christians are Invited to
attend this early morning morting.
Special services at 7.30 in the evening.
Recitations and readings will be on the
program. Some of tho readings will be
original by some of our young ladles
and will be very" Interesting.
The above letter, citizens, Is quite en
couraging to us all and Is evidence that
we should not let this Industry slip from
our grasp.
Wo havo asked Mr. McSherry for an
extension of time, this week yot, and he
has granted it. It now remains for you
all to assist the soliciting committee by
coming and subscribing as many shares
of stock as you can. so that this matter
can be closed before tho last of this
week and next week will seo active con
struction work on tho largo firo proof
The proposition Is a safe investment,
paying 7 por cont intorost. You are
doubly secured. Don't delay coming to
the committee as quick action is what
will secure for Keynoldsvlllo a largo In
dustry, employing H00 mon to start with.
Sandy Valley.
Flurries of snow are still In tho air.
The postofticfl has been moved at last
and people must now go to J. K. Well's
store for their mail.
The calithumplans serenaded John
Mil risen and his wife one evening last
week. The young couple were married
on Wednesday of last week at Frank's
Tavern at Reynoldsvllle.
Gust Benson and wife have gone to
housekeeping In the house formerly
occupied by Mrs. Hines.
Miss Dlanch Brown has returned
home for the summer.
Several families are preparing to
move the coming week.
Mrs. Amos Doemor and son, Harry,
of Deomer'a Cross Roads, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Myers Friday of last week.
Constable Leach, of Rathmel, Is look-
ng after tho boy of this place at
Reduced Ratea to Pittsburg via Pennayl
. vama Railroad.
To accommodate those desiring to Bee
the magnificent display of floworn now
blooming in the Thlpps Conservatory,
Schonly Park, Pittsburg, the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company will sell excur
sion tickets to Pittsburg on Sunday,
April 3, from the following stations, at
rates quoted, good only on trains Indi
cated: Tlmenf
Rate. T lit in.
Driftwood tl.50 4.35 a. nr
DuBoIs 1.50 0.10 "
Falls Creek 1.50 6.17 "
Reynoldsvllle 1.50 0.31 "
Fullor 1.40 f 6.48 "
Brookvlllo 1.20 7.05 "
Piitsburg Ar. . .. 11.15 "
"f" Stops on signal or notice to ar;unt
to rocelve passengors.
Returning, special train will h ave
Pl'taburg, Uulon Station, at 7.00 p. m.,
running through to Driftwood, making
all stops cast of Rod Bank. Tickets
will also bo accopted on DuBois Ex
press, leaving Pittsburg at 5.05 p. m,
The excursion rate will not be accepted
on trains, and passengors hot provided
wl h tickets will bo chargod tho repu
lar full faro.
Lace Curtains.
Our spring line of curtains la ready
for your inspection, we have always led
the laoe ourtaln trade and this spring
is an exception. Curtains from 35o to
$10.00 pair. You'll be wanting them
soon. Bing-Stoke Co.
' Bids Wanted.
The town council of tho borough of
Rcynoldsvlllo will rooolvo bids for the
excavating, refilling und laving of sewer
pipe In Jackson street from Sixth street
tc fifth street and in Fifth street from
Jackson street to Sandv Lick creek
also in Fourth stroet from Hill street
- north to borough line. Specifications
can Do seen at the clerk's office. All
bids must be in by 4.00 p. m. April 14th
1UU4. '1 no council reserves tne right to
reject any or all bids.
L. J. McEntike,
: Clerk of Council
Working Overtime.
Fight hour laws are Ignorod by thoBe
tireless, little workers Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion
Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Head'
ache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure.
Only 25c at H. Alex Stoke'a drugstore,
Mother's frlond shirt waists for boy
at Blng-Stoke Co.
Cut price sale on reliable winter wear
at Millirens.
Any pair of men's shoes that sold
above (2.00 reduced 50 coats per pair at
jjo not tan to sue the Easter millinery
at Flo Best's March 31. .
Ladies' Herrlek shoes reduoed CO
uents per pair at Nolan's.
'The Cash New York Racket store Is
Belling millinery at racket prions.
Queen Quality shoes (2.10 per pair at
Dress Goods.
New dress fabrics for spring. Special
showing of an exceptionally large
assortment of specially priced weaves
to bo worn for the spring season. Tho
lino comprises almost every posMblo
weave in the Dress goods manufacture
n light weaves and suitings. Your
new dress for spring Is here.
Bino-Stokk Co.
. More Riots.
Disturbances of strikers' are not near
ly as grave as an Individual disorder of
the system. Overwork, loss of sleep,
nervous tension will bo followed by utter
collapse, unless a remedy is immediate
ly employed. There's nothing so efllcl-
ent to cure disorders of tho Liver or
Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It's a
wonderful tonic, and effective nervine
and the greatest all around medicine
for run down systems. It dispels
Nervousness, Rhoumatism and Neural
gia and expels Malaria germs. Only
50c, and satisfaction guaranteed by II.
Alox Stoke, Druggist.
"Do It To-day."
The time-worn Injunction, "Never
put off 'til to-morrow what you can do
to-day," Is now generally protented in
this form : "Do It to-day !" That it tho
terse advice we want to give you a'oout
that hacking cough or demoralizing
cold with which you have boon strug
gling for sovoral days, perhaps weeks.
Take some reliable remedy for it today
and lot that remedy be Dr. Bdsclieo's
German Syrup, which has been in use
for over thirty-five yoars. A few doses
of it will undoubtedly relievo your
cough or cold, and its continued use for
a few days will cure you completely.
No matter how deep-seated your cough,
even If dread consumption has attacked
your lungs, German Syrup will surely
effect a cure as it has done before In
thousands of apparently hopeless cases
ol lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25o:
regular size, 75c. At all druggists. H.
Alex. Stoke.
Gold Trading Stamps given with each
boy's suit at Blng-Stoke Co.
Special shoe sale at Nolan's shoe
store for next ten days. This is your
Wash Fabric.
, Come to our atore for your new wash
good. You will find the cholcent
fabrics for your now dresses and wnlsla
ever eyes beheld. Such ohm-mine
effects and bright loveliness were nvver
wove Into wash goods before. Just, a
tflanco through our largo sleek dis
closes many excluslvn things that will
b'3 found no wlvre t and priced at
easy to buy prions. HiNfl -Stoke Co.
Knights of Columbus.
For' the benefit of those desiring to
attend the meeting of tho Knights of
Columlni. to be bold at Washington,
I). C. April 13. the Pennsylvania Bail
road Company will sell round-trip tick
ets to Washington from ali stations on
its lines at reduced rates. Thesw
pickets will be sold April 11, 12 arid 13,
and will bo good for return passage
until April 13, Inclusive.
Boys' suits from (So to ." 50 at Bing
Htoko Co.
Call at Thompson's bargain store for
5 and 10 cent goods.
J. E. Mitchell, merchant tailor, near
Hotel Imperial.
Queen Quality shoos 12,10 per pair at
Men's nnd boy's overcoats reduced 25
per cont. at Millirens.
Want Column.
Hates: One cent per word for eucli and
evorv tnsenton.
Wanted Fifty experienced yard and
band saw mill men at. Holeomb, Nicho
las Co., W. Va. Address M2 Park
Building. Pittburg, Pa
Lost Envelope containing two live
dollar bills. Reward offered for its re
turn to STAB olllce.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Wages .'! OH per week. Inquire
at Thk Star oflico.
. Foil Sale Small poultry and fruit
farm near Klino school house ; good 10
room house. Inqiriii. at premises or of
E. Neff. J. A. Carl.
Lot for Sale Flno building location
on Main street will bo sold very cheap
for cash. Inquire at ofllce of L. J. Mc
Entire. For Sai.k Good house on Hill st.
Will bo sold at a bargain If sold quick.
Inquire at The Star office.
For sale Three teams of heavy
horses, wagons and harness. Inquire
of Frank P. Best, Rcynoldsvlllo.
For sale Forty-five pigs six mouths
old. M. Slnglcbach.
Not lee Ib hereby Blven that an npplteullon
will he minle 10 the Court of Common l'leunot
Ji'tlVrsnn County, hefore the llonoriihlo John
W. Ket-il, a hiw Jtulue thereof, hi. the Court
llnu-e In Ifrookvtlle, ln,, on Moniluy, April
tho Isi. linn, lit the hour of two o'eioek, p.
in., of mi Ul liny hy II. VY. .ell, I'. I. OIiiimU'ikI,
II. 11. M.-Ciiliouuh, .1. K. Kester ami A. A.
Miellcy, unit linir nAoelates, under sn Aet of
tin l.i-rifi-itl Assembly of lVtiiihylvtuilii, up.
proved the 21MI1 duy of April, 174, entitled
"An Aet to Provide for the 1 ni'orporin ion
iiml Keuiiltitlon of Certain Corporations" itml
llie Mipiilt-mi-nts thereto, for the charter of
an InteniK-d eei-miratlon to he known ns
"The itroekwtiyvllio. Theater company," mid
to have u ml enjoy nil the riixhlH mid p. ivileir
es provided for hy Aet of Assembly ami the
suppleiir'lils t hereto, I he oli.liu't mid nurpnsu
of stild Corporation to he tho oreetlou mid
liiaililliluuiieo of a uublle hull or buiidiniz
suloilile for holillnu public iiieetlnits for the
entertainment, amusement and education of
the funeral public,
II. II. McCui.i.oimih, Solicitor
Notice Is hereby ill ven that an application
will lie liuiilo lo l he Court of Common Pleas
of Ji-llurson County before Hon. John V.
heed, a law .Indue, thereof, at the Court
House In Iti-ookvillo, Pa., on Monday, April
i nu iisi, 11.4, til- 1110 Hour 01 vwo ociock n,
in., of said dav bv II. II. McCiillouuh. A.
Hemphill, W. a. Iluttiiiitton, II. K. Taylor and
l lit , III. tMJ II. ,1. .1.1,.., U..,l ,l,.,l UJ..U
under an Act of the (ieneral Assembly ol
Petiiihylviinii, approved the 2!'ili day of
April, IS74, untitled "All Act to Provide for
the Incorporation and Heitiilatlon of Certain
CoriHiraltoiiH" and the supplements thereto
for the Charter of an iutnuded Coriiorntlon to
lie known as "The llrockway villo Agricultur
al and I r I v 1 1 1 k park Association, ' and to
liavo and enjoy all the WkIiu and privileges
provided for by Act of Assembly und the
supplements thereto, tho object and purposo
of said Corporat ion to be tho encouragement
or uur i-ii t uro. norticuiiuru ana tho brood
ItiK, mixing and triilnlnir of a higher und
belter grade of horses, cattle und otliur
domesticated tun mum.
11. H. MlK'ui.uhtiih, Solicitor.
Easter Display 1
Our Spring stock of Slippers and Oxford9 in
prices from 85 cents to $3.50.
All the latest syles everything new,
U R invited to examine our stock. No trouble
to show goods.
Harmon's One Price Shoe Store.
The place where a child cud buy tu cheaply wt a man.
Rain Coats made of water-proof
fancy worsteds, finished with
belt and capes at $1 1 and $18.
Thousands of yards; pretty, plain and
fancy rlboont which are now so much
in demand for sash Bird les and tocks.
All widths and colors 4o to 60c. . .-.
GKvea tos t Dopai'lmoiil, St-ore. in Jefferson Qouriity'
" , , " '" . ; ; r t . ,
:- ' ii . - . . .
' , V ,i ,
A Brilliant Assembly of the Most Favored
Modes of
is m
t 'in J.M r.WfcA r 111 . 1 WsrvW inntisXSrA
Stunning Easter Suits,
A Superb Showing of the Cleverest Ideas ever Originated
at the prices.
Newest effect in runabout suits with military blouse or
eaton coats. All correct materials in blue, black, brown or
fancy mixtures, fancily trimmed or plainly strapped. 13est
of silk linings.
Of Broad Cloths, mixtures or Voile. Coats in collarkss
blouse styles with girdles, fancy sleeves and, newest cuffs.
Skirts fancily trimmed or side pleated, in black, blue, brown.
, In a price range
$10, $12, $16, $18, $20, $25, $30 '
Men's sorino Glotliino oi Merit.
smart Tan covert Easter Goats
The tan covort coat in the chic effects which fashion
sanctions for spring 1904 is a very jaunty neat garment.
The proper thing is about 23 in. long with the cuffed sleeve,
some are strapped while others are plain $5, 5.50, $6, $7.
Easter Gloves.
In all the late spring shades made of genuine French Kid
best gloves made, at $1.00.
Centemeri, famous for style and durability, $1.50.
W. B. Corsets for Spring
All the late designs. All sizes. We ask your special at
tention to No. 917 with the extended hip and supporters
attached, $1.00.
Shoes snoes snoes
For Spring for tho
A7hole Family.
Hart, Schafl'uer & Marx make
every suit guaranteed to retain
its shape, all button holes made
by hand, every shoulder hand
shaped, each pocket is hung from
the shoulder, made of granits,
fancy worsted Thibcts, English
suitings. All the coats have the
broad shoulder effect and they
arc made to fit a little neater in
the back, in a price range irom
$3.00, 7.50, 9.00, 10.00, 12.00,
$15.00, $18.00.
Young Men's
Spring Suits
The new Varsity sack is the
popular style for spring, made
of worsted Cheviots, Thibets, in
black, blue or fancy english suit
ings in a price range $5.00, 7.00,
10.00, 12.00, 15.00.
For the
Little Tots
Suits for little Tots in Norfolk,
Eaton, or Blouse Waist style
made of positively all wool de
pendable material all fancily
trimmed in a price range from
$2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00.
All the late spring shapes made
of all the newest creations in
Silk for spring.
It Mux
Hind Tailored
rn'W?'Hf 'K- v.-: v-H
I i liViV'ijii., i.Mr ; i U ! " 'V
0 if;
lAyriKll V 'ii l y Kurt .Sffnr A lira
Douglass Shoes for Men
Oxfords or full cut shoes made
in Patent Corona, Vici or Russia
Calf, Tan or Black ; made in all
the late spring lasts with the
high military heel $2.00, 2.50,
John Kelley's Women's Shoes
here in abundance of late spring
styles, some have the high Louis
XIV heel while others have the
high military heel made of
Patent Kid or Vici. Some have
fancy foxed vamp $1.50, 2.00,
2,50, 3.00, 3.50.
Children's Shoes
In Vici or Patent Kid, all the late
spring lasts 75c, $1.00, 1.25,
1.50, 2.00.
Men's Boy's
Spring Hats
The department is complete with
new styles and shapes, the broad
brim slightly turned up is the
most popular 6hape in black,
brown and neutra at a price
range $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50,
and 3.00.
Easter Shirts
Monarch make the world's
standard. Some have cuffs at
tached while others are made
separate. Some are made in coat
style while others are regular in
all the late spring shades, such
as drab, steel gray and cham
pagne shade $1.00.
Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags.