The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 16, 1904, Image 7

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    Atlanta, (ia., escaped the Eur
Rcon's knife, by using Lydia D.
Finkham'3 Vegetable Comporin J.
" I)AR Ml!9. llNKIIAUt I wlnh t
express my jrrntitnilei for this restored
health sml 'hnpvinps Iyll:i K. IMllll
hnin'g VcRotuMn Compound hun
brought Into my life.
"1 had sulTered for three yrnr with
terrible pr.lns tit tho thru1 of iiicntrur
tion, ami did not know what the trotihio
was until tin doctor pronouncoil It in
jlnmmntlon of tho ovaries and
proposed an operation.
" 1 felt bo m-nk nnil nick that I td
mire that I ronld tintrnrrlve the ordcnl,
end to I told him that I would not un
der(jo It. The fnl lowing week I read
en advertisement In tho pnper of your
Vegetable, Compound In such an emer
frency, and bo I decided to try It. (ireat
was iny Joy to 8nd that I sctnnlly Im
proved after tnltlncr two bodies, o I
kept taking It for ten vr cells, and at tho
end of that lima 1 won cured. I hnd
(rained eighteen pounds and was in
excellent health, and nm now.
" You surely deserve fjivat aneees
and you have my very best wishes."-
Miss Haii. et, no North lloule
vard, Atlan' , (ia. $M00 forfait If nrloinal
f ntxvt tttttr proving pesufneMM cannot 0. pro-
All sick womon would lie wlso
If they would tnhc Lydfn li. IMnk
liam'n Vegetable Compound uud
le wlk
Schools and medlco-pcdagoglc class
s for defectives xlRt In Switzerland,
Germany, England, IlelKlum, .Holland,
Italy, Denmark, Norway, the United
States and In Japan. Thirty towns of
Germany possess eltlier tho classes
(hllfklasson) or the auxiliary clases
(hllfschulcn) to the number of 43.
Each of these special classes, annex
ed to the primary school, has on an
averaKe 18 or 20 pupils; the auxlllury
schools of Frankfort, of Cologne, of
her of variable classes with a small
number of pupils.
FITP permanently em l. Nofltsnrnerroiis.
bm after first ilny use of Dr. Kline's Gn at
KerveHestoriT, tiltrliilhottleaiiil tP'Btlsetres
1)1. If. II. Kline, Ltd., 1 1 Aich M llillu.,l'a
Vanity is the quicksand that engulfs a
woman's reason.
Halier't Home llnlliler Corn.
Po named because SU aerce produced so
heavily, that its procec.l built a lovciy
home. Sec riilr.ere catalog. Yielileu in
JW3 in Jnd. 157 lm.. Ohio IfiO bu., Xenn.
I'M bu nnd in Mich. ?20 Im, per acre.
You ciin best this record in !0O4.
run ACHE?
120 bu. McanHcss lSuriiy per nrre.
310 bu. !'i New National Oats per A.
80 liu. Salzer Spelts and Macaroni Wheat.
1.000 bu. 1'cdiRrec Potatoes per acre.
14 tons. of rich billion Dollar (Jrnst Hay.
60.000 Ibi. Victoria Kane for sheep per A.
llHI.OOO Hit. Teminte, the fodder wonder.
64,000 Dm. Kulzcr't Superior Koddcr Corn
rich, juicy fodder, per A.
Now, such yields you can have, Mr.
Farmer, in 1004, if you will plant Sailer's
seeds. ACL.
In stamps to John A. Sakcr Seed Co., T.
Crosse, Wis., and receive tlicir great
catalog and lots of farm seed samples.
Soma men get to tired doing: nothing
that they enn't do any kind of work.
Mrs. Winslow's SoothliiRSynipforohllrtren
teethine, soften tho iruina, reduces infliinimn
tlou ulliiyspnlii.eun swlnd colic. 2fiu.ubuttle
An attempt to pet something for nothing
parts many a fool from his money.
Christian faith Is a grand cathedral,
with divinely iplctuivd windows. Stand
ing without, you no glory, nor can
possibly imagine any; standing with
in, every ray of light reveals a har
mony of unspeakable splendors. Haw
thorne. Itecder "Scott snld a clever thins
to-day; said thnt luck Is a good bit
like, lightning; for it seldom strikes
twice In the same place." Ilccder
"Yes, and as a rule neither of them
needs to." Pennsylvania Punch Howl.
There Is more Catarrh tn this soctlon of th
country the.u all othor diseases put together,
nnd until tho last few years waisupposol to
bo incurable. Fora (treat many years doctor!
pronounced It a local disease nnd preserihed
local remedies, and by eonntantly falling to
cure with local treatment, pronounced It in
curable. Heienne has proven Cutnrrh to be a
constitutional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
f'nro, manufactured bv F. J. Cheney A Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional eura
on the market. It is taken lut Jrnaily in doses
from 10 drops toateaspoonful. It a"'ts direct
ly on the blood and mucous surfaies of the
system. Thev offer one hundred dollars for
ny oHo it fails to eure. Keud for circulars
aad testlmoululs. Addroes 1 J. Cut.str A
Co., Toledo, O.
Hold bv Ilruiclsts, 75c.
Take Hall's Family pills for constipation.
"Gracious," sighed Mr. De Spepsey,
"I wish I could acquire an appetite."
"Kor goodness' sake!" exclaimed his
wUe, "what do you want with an ap
petite? It would only give you uior
dyspepsia." Philadelphia Tress.
Representative Wiley of New Jer
sey, said to be the only civil engi
neer In congress, Is proud of a Hue
age extending back to the first post
master general of the United States
Samuel Osgood, who was a citizen ol
Cavities In hones are filled by Pro
fcsBor Mosetig of Vienna as satisfac
torily as teeth sue filled by an ordinary
dentist. Ho makes use of a mixture
of Iodoform, oil of sesame and sper
niaceti melted together.
.7T: 4 '
Renovating Dtersss.
TMn'li tllk niny bo clcnne'l and
tnndc! t 1f i!c v.-i'll na long r.s thrru Is
nny p .he nmtorlsl. Pctliapn It
Ih anil fid limtrcliTH. Kip It. up
rnrcftiftj, plcklni; out all tlm lotmo
tlircudH nnd brush It to roimivo the
ditnt and lint that accntnnlutivi near
tho aeiims. If Ihcro are nny prenfo
iipntfl, nth t!i-in wll ii n cloth dipped
In rmsolitio until thny Jinvo disap
peared. Lay thn breadthn otio by one)
on a clean table, sponge lh''u first on
iio slili', then on tho other, wlt:i a
ph co of Roft flannel dipped In n Ktids
cnntninliiR a lit t to borax. Kinso in
rlcnn wnlcr without wringing, and
when nil tho breadths are done,
Btrotch i'iu 'i mi on n clnnn board nnd
fasten tho edMs at Intervals with
utiiBll tacks, taking care to keep tihem
perfectly Btrnlght. When you remove
It, you will find It smooth and lus
trous, pxpcclally tin the wrong side.
This will bo a prcnt Improvement on
Ironing, which often chiingeB the col
or of silk and makes it too RtltT.
Pluck woolen gTods may be washed
In a good bo' ax suds and Ironed on
tho wrong side before using again.
To Care for Larrps.
Never touch the ihlmncy of ft lamp
with wn'er. A fow drops of kerosene
oil will remove the smoke and dim
ness, nnd n rub with sort flannel or
chamois akin will result In n, clear
Cloni every bit of the burner wllh
a rng dipped In kerosene, and po"Hn
It dry and bright. Poll very dirty,
neglected burners In Rodrt ond wa
ter. Ron that tho outside of tho lamp Is
dry, clean nnd perfectly free from oil
after being filled. Kach day rub oft
tho burnt portion of the wick with a
duster; do not cut the wick.
Do not fill a lamp to tho brim.
Do not let a lamp burn after tho
oil Is exhausted or turn It down. Nenr
ly tho same amount of oil Is consumed
as when the flame In full, what is not
burnt passing off In the form of gas,
when Is often smelt when entering a
room whero the lamp has been turned
A bit of camphor the slzo of a lin
rol nut put Into the oil rerorvolr Im
proves the light.
Empty nnd wash the reservoir
every few weeks to prevent tho col
lection of sediment from tho oil.
Soak new wicks In vinegar, and dry
thoroughly before putting In tho burn
er. Household Hints.
Small paper doilies that nre tho
exact counterfeit of fine hemstitched
linen squares nro dainty nnd servo
many purposes, in lieu of tho resl
thing. Where tho laundering of linen
dollies Is nn object for consideration,
It Is a posltlvo relief to hnvo tho gem
bianco of clean linen, nnd to bo able
to dlscnrd It after Its being once used.
Thorn Imitation dollies nro Intended
to Bervo cheese and other trifles tip
cm, says the Household Ledger.
Pretty silver frames to hold rame
kins aro now In voguo. They are not
much more than a heavy wire, nnd
hnvo a bundle extended on one Bldo.
ThcBo nre a convenience nnd a pro
tection from bent nnd do not con
ceal the decoration.
A homemade rnck for either hats or
clothes enn easily bo made quite a
thing of beauty. First obtain a long
panel of wood, any desirnblo size, with
cither a beveled edgo or an ornament
al molding tacked on. Decorato with
brass-headed nulls, pyroxraphy or
paint; tho ornament may be either a
motto, a Bcroll design, coat of arms or
other heraldic device. Stmpend by
two brass screw eyes to the v.nll nnd
fasten on the front brass hooks or
wooden pegs.
After squeezing tho Juice from a
lemon, utlllzo tho remains for clean
ing; brass, by first dipping In salt nnd
powdered brick dust. Nothing does
the scouring of a copper cooking ves
sel so easily as this method.
If thero is a crack anywhero to fill,
as In tho plaster of a closet, mix plas
ter of pnrls with vinegar Instead of
water, as It will not dry and eet so
soon, but gives a longer time to flnlnh
before becoming hard.
Cottage Pudding Beat two cgss,
add to thorn half a cup of sugar; beat
and add throe tablespoonfuls of soft
butter; add one cup of milk, alter
nating with two cupfuU of flour; beat
well and add four level teaspoonfuls
of baking powder; grease n round
cake pan; turn In the mixture and
bcko In a moderate oven 20 minutes;
servo with sauce.
A Itellsh Cut a veal cutlet Into
two Inch squaro pieces, season with
salt and pepper. Dip each piece In
beaten egg, then in finely chopped
mushrooms; put two tablespoonfuls of
butter in a frying pan, when It is hot
lay in tho cutlets and fry brown on
both sides; remove tho pieces to a
hot platter; make a brown gravy and
pour over tho meat; servo hot.
Lemon Cream Jelly Soak one
fourth box of gelatine in ono cupful
of coia water; put one cupful of wa
ter and ono cupful of sugar In an
agate pan, add the rind of one lemon
and tho Julco of throe, soak the gela
tine and stir until It is dissolved; re
move and strain; when cool and be
ginning to stiffen add two cupful of
whipped crearpt turn this into a mould
and let stand until firm.
JS U If 1 111
4r njiim
J v. x s s.1 sssi ssa ui n n m i
a a m n u t. wq
GomplBto Externa!
ami lolsrna!
Consisting of
to cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales, and soften the
thickened cuticle; CUTI
CURA Ointment to in
stantly allay itching, irrita
tion, and inflammation, and
soothe and heal; and CUTI
CURA Pills to cool and
cleanse the blood and expel
humor germs. A SINGLE
SET, costing but ONE
DOLLAR, is often suffi
cient to cure the most tor
turing, disfiguring skin,
scalp and blood humors, ec
zemas, rashes, itchings, and
irritations, with loss of hair,
from infancy to age, when
the best physicians and all
other remedies fail.
ffotj throtietmut tbe world. Cntlftiri
vput, fVv. (hi firm of rtiwviUt Cot! I'lll
SSc. per rUI of out. ointm.'Hi. fiM-.. bJr k.x.
DMMta: IaHkIoTI, 27 Chartvrnnune 8.).; I'nrlt,
ft liim nV )a r1i: Hnnlou. hi 7 (''tlimititK Avt.
jTrMtPT lima ftiul (!tfin. Corp., ftole l'iop,
I? Komi for '1iw tti t urn Turlurlutf, VUh
flfurluf Humors tium Iiifauc lo A"
TUPANHTAMTLrcfl rr tri fcott dy
twi-irt itiiHllt-inn t vrr ninlr. A bun
dml nillltoiinor th'tm riarabeeti uuM
tn a ultitf lo yi nr. (. iliuit, lieurb
litirn, nick hi'utlki'lie, U:r.iii't, I mil
lin i.tti,Mrutlii'wtaitd owry !iintf
nrinintz fi-ima. illnnifrtj t.trwU
ru rvllt'v-ctl or curttl ht itiiMUia Ttt
ulcs. Ono will irpiitTAilT ifiu r'lltt t
(ur m urvUukry uvcuiua. AH Urutftftta will Uuuu
Through tho "Soo" in 1903 passed
35.000,000 tons of freight three times
as much as was carried on the Suei
Illlllon Hollar flrnu snd Alfalfa.
When we introduced llillion Dollsr
OrM three yearH ano, little did we dream
it would be the imut talked of graM in
America, the Ilkui"!, quirk, hay producer
Ob earth, hut tin. lint come to pane.
Asr. Kditura wrote about it, Airr. Cob
leje 1'rofi'Mora lectured about it, Ai;r. In
titute Orator tulked abouc it. while in
the fitrm home by the quirt fireside, in the
corner uroeery, in the villaite pontofficc. at
the creamery, at the depot, in fact wher
ever f.inncm gathered, Sulzer's llillion U.)l
b Grasu. that wonderful crau, jfood for
li to 14 tone per acre, and loti of pasture
heide, id always a theme worthy of the
farmer' voice.
A. Will ford, Went lore Farmt. Pa., writes!
"I have u() acrce in Salrer'a Alfalfa Clover.
It if immenic. I cut three crop thi sea
on rml have lota of p.itture beeidet."
tc the John A. Ealzer Peed Co., La Cronae,
Wi., and receive their big cataloi and Iota
of farm eed am)!cii free. IA.C.L.J
Trying tn keep up appearances pulls
some men don-n.
IT. 1T. Gbcen's Konb, of Atlanta, On., are
the only successful Dropsy H(,oela!l9ta iu the
World, hoe their lihorul efTer in advertise
meat iu another eoluinn of this paper,
A man naturally believes in the survival
of the fittest an long at he lives.
Tl'o't rureenunot he too hl?hly spoken ot
M a eoush eure. J. V, O'llmr.K, S!t2 Third
Aveuuo, X., .lliineiimllfl, Minn., Juu. 0, 1U01).
Kothin; hurtt a email man to much as to
havo peo'i'e i7-n bin threats.
In spite of the hard times exper
lenced In Johannesburg It Is estimated
that $2500 nightly is spent there lo
I)cf poy r1 nnd mi rter purnlng dcck
Veiiec nil bud lillS lind tleilt)
111" lectin dog viis Ktill nlit'p, .
lint nil ilcr rift vim demit.
Dcr poy lonircd down upon rter dog
Di r dug Inegrd tip nt blm,
Cud py iler dug iler poy replied!
"."hull ve peil nnd iiri'l svitnr"
"No, no!" iler leetle iV'S e'gncliilnicd
"I giiiiniit rvlm n Hi k I"
"t'f ilnt'H iler eiee," id r pny ncrecd,
"I'll hups veil peililer ftiikl"
Hut, py-itiid-py n pig l l'll'ion
I'lifn clrr ri'MMii' e:iifi',
ViiiI iliiek iler pnv mill ilng nviiy
TSIMV VIIHM't lll'i It t-llll lllf
Di r iniiriil von "111 tutu Im illn:
Veil riuielit iiiiim 11 wrei-k,
I'f vim gimt vlfll, in- l.y.i.r limit,
Vim it i bii-t im mli' im il" k!
Ilcltiiiioru News.
Dcntlfit I think I'll have to remove
thn nerve, ratlcnt Don't do that,
l)oc, I'm nn Iiisiirntue agent The
"Mow do you mnnnpe lo ltecp conl
cn band r.ll the time?" "I keep hens In
my cellar and they luy a ton every
day." Boston Globe.
MtiRRlnn Is thnt an ttprlcht piano
next dixir? llilKKltis Glvo It up. All
I know In that It's n downright mil
saiice.-rl'lillaili lphla Herord.
"Her tnnrrlaKe wns a urcnt. dlsnp
polntment. tn her filendK." "Indeed?"
"Oh, yes. They nil predicted It would
turn out unhappily, and It didn't."
The Ond.
Itlx Dees your wife do much fancy
work? Hlx Sur thing. Why, she will
not put a porous plaster on my chcHt
until she's embroidered my Initials ou
It. ICxchange.
"Pa, what Is a model man?" "A
model man. rny Bon, Is generally a very
small sample copy, or facsimile, of a
real man, and Is usually made of put
ty." Smart Set.
Willie Papa Is going to let you
marry sister. Feat herstone How do
you know? Willie Ho said thnt It
was better than nothing, after all.
Household Ledger.
First Citizen (Indignantly) "I am
surprli-ed thut young Longhead would
lend bliiifelf to any mii h scheme. Sec
ond Citizen Iend himself. Why, man!
he was bought. .ludt'o.
Doctor There Is one thing more.
Your wife must not speak another
word today. Tell her thnt. Patient
Husband W would you mind telling
her yourself. The Gael.
Uiicnergctlc No, Bridget, I will not
give you a recommendation. It Is true
you havo not broken any dlxhcs, but
that wns merely because you were too
luzy. Chicago American.
Dr. Jinks I suppose you miiRt have
lout Rome of your patients by lieing lo
Europe for so many months. Dr. Kent
Yes, confound It! Ten or a dozen of
them got well. Exchange.
"Education." snld Uncle Eben,
"would be a heap easier If a boy coulS
only see bis brain t,ittln' bigger an'
stronger, de same as he kin de mus
cle In his arm." Washington Ktar.
"Did pnpa give you a hearing?"
atiked tho dear girl In tho case. "You
bet he did," replied the wine young
man. "I began by telling blm I had a
scheme that would save him money."
"He wunts to bo considered n giant In
debute." said one stuteman. "Yes," an
swered tho other; "that's why ho In
slHts on iik'. ii i? stilted langurge for un
dersized thoughts." Washington r!tnr.
"A widower's second love is always
worth more than bis first." "What?"
"Don't misunderstand me. I mean his
second lady-love Is always worth more
money thun bis first." Philadelphia
"That is very generous of old man
Gotrox, paying for the musical educa
tion of the girl who lives next door to
him." "Yen, but be has stipulated that
( she learn It all In Europe." Cincin
nati Times-ritar.
Crlttlck Yes. I took In, the opening
performance of Gagley's comic opera at
the Comcdla laut night. Jenkins; Yts?
Nothing new there, I suppose. Crlttlck
Oh, yes; some of tho people In the
audience seemed to be quite new. They
laughed at tho Jokes. Catholic Stand
ard and Times.
Myctery of Bad Lands.
"One of tho mont interesting pheno
mena," said C. L. Hughes of Tucson,
at tho Cochran, "Is to be observed
in the bad lands of Arizona. Out in
tho midst of an alkali plain there
la a desolate formation of roclc cov
ering only about an aero In extent, and
from these rocks, or rather from be
neath them, there issue sounds of mu
Glc as though an organ were playing,
and tlio strains aro echoed from every
direction. The place has never been
excavated or fully explored end the
theory of scientists is that there Is
a peculiar formation of stalactites in a
cave there wlfh an opening somewhere
through which the wind plays upon
these stalactites, producing the mu
sic. The Indians claim, however, that
a cathedral was at one time built up
on this place and that there was a
bad priest placed In charge of tho ca
thedral who abducted Indian women
and children. One night tho ground
opened during a violent storm and
the earth closed In over the top of
this cathedral. Tho Indians believe
that vhe music which comes from the
ground proceeds from tho ghosts of
those who were Interred at the time
of the earthquake." Washington
- i
Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty.
Po-ru-na Makes Women Healthy and Beautiful
Mlns Flora Hniwr. VlXl S. New ,ler-
' y s'.rect, liiiliannpnhn, ind., writes: J
"I think 1 muni have hern t
IrnuMvtl with ratrirt h rremhirn
icnn rrrv onii(, aimrttvulrd rarh J
(fine ciifi a coij. 77ils Otil not
pi-onc Huflti tvntl f scr(M he uh-
iioxfoiiM until hint vtnlrr. Then J
iy icid and none ii-ere no Mnpprd
upthat I fill I muHl iln iwmcthtnti.
I'rruiui una rccoiiimciKcd f ici
j tii a frlrntl. I cil it for four
; u fi l.n, and found to my ret Irf that i
It cured inn. 1 htive not had a bit i
oftrauble sfnee. it u head in ctrar, i
mill I tan ml I flu a III r hi thnt f 2
........ nil ..... I ... It ltm i' i - - I
I II II'. Ih V II. ..( M I I.f U W
''inner. i
Eundrcds of Womon Cured by Pe-ru-na
of Annoy inj Catarrh.
lt. IIAIllMAN h.ui probably done
If innii- thun any other pliymtian to
ward p:ip.ilanr.iiig it meana of ei nio from
the fnemi ilcfiH nntin. eiieh as wutery ycn.
twisted nose, ifirensivn hrentli, dry crin-ked
lips, due to the ravaging effect of cntnrrh.
lie has made clirumc catiirrh a life-long
study. His remedy, popularly known iu
Pcruiiu, is the inoet famoii remedy fur
catarrh in existence.
Probably there is not a man or woman,
boy or girl, within the bonnils of fie
United Slut" that Inn not heard of Po
runa. Ily far the largest mujority have
used Periiua.
The multiliiile of people that have been
cured of chronic ealuirh by usinf l'eruua
can never be known.
Macicctiucetts Court Gives Decision
A3 To Steeplechasing.
In a decision banded down the Sit
premo Court defined ateeplechoslug a:
a "voluntary exposure to unneceiiiaiy
danger" and upheld tho right of an In
nirance company to cuncel nn acci
dent policy iHsmd to Harry W. Smith
of Grafton, a well known sportsman
upon learning that the latter enaag - d
in steeplechase races. The cano grew
out of a suit brought in the lower
court by Mr. Smith to recover a pal-
icy wincli lie claimed had been sur
rendered without his knowledge by
bis clerk upon the demand of the iu
ts lira nee company. A finding for the
company In the Superior Court was
To Weld Aluminum.
Welding aluminum Is said to be riic
ccusfully accomplished by a process re
cently developed In Germany. Hith
trto tho diniculty In welding this
metal has been that It becomes brittle
end "rotten" when approaching its
melting point, but it bus now been
found that thero Is a temperature, Just
utiow incandescence, where the metal
softens sufficiently to muko sound
weldn posslblo. As the metal dois not
oxldizo at this temperature no flux Is
required. It Is said that with careful
working weluj may be produced which
cannot b8 detected by the eye and
which are equal in strength to the
Louy tf the bar.
10,000 Plants For lfle.
Thii is a remuikablo oiler tiie John A.
Faizer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes,
liny will tend you their big plant and
teed catalog, together with enough accd
to grow
1. t'-TU line tolid Cabbaget.
2, WX) lielieiout Carrots,
2.0O0 lllnr.ching, nutty Celery,
2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce,
1.0C0 tnlcndid (Jniont,
1.OO0 rare, luseioui Kadithet,
l.'WO gloriously brilliant l'lowera.
fliit great offer it mado in order to in
duce you to try their warranted tecdt
for when you once plant them you will
grow no others, and
To oculist cau r .y the short sighted-
.teas vi a e. usii persi
PtTTXAU r'AF.LEss Dxt do not stain
the hands or tpot the keitl. except ereea
nd purple.
Miny a man who refutes to believe the
truth will swallow a lie.
Six hundred thousand acre, r.1 Tn.
dla's best land, says a circular issued
Dy tne cnristian Union against the
opium traffic, are used by the govern
ment for the cultivation nt nnlnm ihs
great bulk of which goes to China'.
rrovidiiig you will r"iirn thi notice, ar
i: you win ena tn i;c. in postage, they
will add to the bi package of the fa
mous Ucrlmc-r Caul 'tr. A.C.L.l
1 .
Many a girl ha regained her faded
iieauiy, many a matron liu lengthened tin
uny oi ner come.y appeurauce oy using
Peruna produce clean mueon mem
brains, the basis of facial symmetry und
a jierfeet eompiexion.
i lie women h ive not been Iow to dis
cover tliat a t-o-irse of Peruna will ilo
more toward rf-storiri( youthful beauty
than all the device known to science.
While it is true that Peruna cures ca
tarrh wherever loeieil, vet it is advisil
for everyone to li..e I'ciuna as a preventive
J trorblo with my tviw.t Mh mi4i my iinpdrt. W fun wm C(-vri with piDi-K
whirl) r.'i ffTrnal n wi Aj could rym"e. I trlfil
y.inr f.sii-jr'i if rout w rnv Uf whn tli
i'iifii.lti ill ftp." nr."! n.'uir ii.onili uti'a'iy oit.
havo rcoiiirufii tU.tri u all tuy (r ud
tjj '9 f"W hiiv r.jiinu p-pcf "
C. J. l-uticb. to; iit,K An., ;.w York Ci:, N. V.
P1tMTit, PTtnb. pAtrt.TaOfM5fl PoG'.fiG,
Kivwp ttttikfti, V.'njkrn nr .irfpt. 10r. 2.V. HWv vnr
olil In bulk- I'll ifntitn tat.lct ttiiir.poa CCO.
wuaranbM4 U cor or money back
Sterling Remedy Co., Chico or N.Y. Coo
3.S3 & 3 SHOES SCSi?
W . Im IJoilKlu
Shoes buve by t.icir
excellent style,
easy-lit tins, u n 1
siiperiur wearing
iiuulitie. ai'blcvcil
the luricext cule of
nny i. hoc Iu tho
They uro Just a good
as those thut cost you
ft to Si the only
dilfurenco it the price.
Suld Euiryutiert,
Look for nnnio and
prlco en bottom. sa,::jV
Poinrlas Mses Corona r3?-Vi i
i iilrkht. w hlrli It evrM u lifri -im lici
1ms I he ltiift 1'ntunt Iit yot rtn.-vil,
f 'it Co of f (fvff ud.
Writofor lataiuE, W.L.UuuRliii, Urwklou, Uata.
1. N. U. II, C4.
Vr. P. B. IUII I OJlt. osS, AUaata,
mM. iw iuwuiiVM a,J W.CT
, ,
la? i i i-----
S I Woman I
J Catarrh I SrrD SEJ
t or Attractive, i 22k2?5
ft o touk ,: feiSjS'f'VuiiW' -f
, ros mo-,-1 tttin VrJMZhi
i,J K.lf A cwn-.e f. r !9t , ii,W LTj ) IU t
fip$S BeT for
ff Th Bowels
CANtTf CATrujmo n5
K; -s Amnnrla Johnson, FaircMM, Win., write!
"I write ti trll you h'iw much Prrnria benefited me. ?o
s nmnb'T of yours I had pain in my head around my eyet,
anil I thought it wat beciume my cyca needed treatment, I
went to an oruliet and had Rlan"iii fitted to my cyet and
Were tin m fur aotne time, but felt no relief wlintever. In
fnct, I felt worno limn before, and enme to the com-luxion
that the trouliio wa not ith my eyes, but with my head
end that It mint be catarrh. Ail to many of my friend had
uicd Pi-runt with benefit for thi trojble, I thought I would
tiy it. 1 v:a not aorry thnt I did so, for in thort tltrm I
began to improve, and in four weeks my eyea were in tp:n
did condition, my general henlth wa much iro. roved and nil
the catarrh of the hind wan gone. I wet glad to get rid of
this trouble, and am glad to endorse such a good medicine
na Prriina." Mia Amanda Johnson.
Flora Ilnuser.
t and not wait until catarrh ha fastened it
I lf m noinc part of the system.
reninu '-ts ninrkly and beneficially oil
'.he inflamed n.ucous membrane lining
the different organs of tho body. Thus
it will cure eatairS wherever iocated.
If you do not derive prorniit and atisfue
tory results from the use of Peruna, writs
at once to i)r. Ilartman, givin? a full fltate
meiit of your cne nnd lie wi.l be pleated to
giva you his valuable advice gr itis.
Address Dr. ilartinann, President of
1 lie llartr.iaa a.-i.turium, Colu:nbu,
(ccr i;i-1 m (;..i.i.ahsibi. tubssi
A tijiIiiiIm foran-l mrc-rlorto mustard or
i:iy n'lii-r pm-ter, nn'i li not blisturths
tur,.trtHli' a-e Min. J ilo pstn-sliayinir and
etiriitlve'iri-tlltiesof tiisart leln are woarler
ful. It. will suip thn inot'ia-he at -m:e. and
relieve hc:i1ache an'l se.latie. We remun
men:l ft as tne best anil .Must external
oon ntnr-lrrlunt known, also asanexterbul
raineffy for paint In the eh.t anil stomaiih
snduh rli uin.'it.e.neiiralKleAiiilc'iiitycniii
il;:its. A tri.-i- will prove what we claim
for it. nrcl It will he f.mnil to lt involin.KIM
In ttm hon-M-ImM .Mnny peo'iti)suy"it Ische
J hot of sli or your iirepirttious.1' J'rli
S els., ni nil druvtrlsts or other rieaWa, or by
sending t!ilsanioiin tons in pvi-'taKestniTins
wr. w ill send yon i tnhe hy nistl. No aitlelo
J'lioiild heii':i'.;iid by the puhlic un lens the
S "ameearrlmeiir le n-l. other ".'limit is nr.
i-'iiiii n"i. .viicr.iiiinin etro. CO
I. Sfi Strict. Nr.w Citt
UIUlil. IIUIIUIw us the taet. of vour
esse and we will dy- as to the law r'T-rn.
In I' and the t.est ei,ur.e to cnrsiie. Kr,elca
money order l..r 11.01). So additional charges,
8X 3- FITT39UR0, P
A Certain Cm tot K. T-erl-hnes,
'niisliiRtjon, lltiittrnr,
Sfoaiiii-li 1 rwables, I'eeie-Bf;
IHsoraers, tod Dritrsf
Uni ios. ThrHri-U up Cv.ld
In ul I. sirs. Ai all Orutsin.. souta,
hniM.I .r.uM ritE Ao.lra-,
A. S. OLMSTED, Le Roy. ti T.
Iem1 81.
and plainly
you wisii to know anil our ppcclalitu t'lll
safety advise you at 10 vour rlifhtt or liat''lt
ties under the lawt ,f yoUr Huiu. All ctm
municatlnr.i conhilentlal. Adcircst
AstoclViGd Altcmaf Law Consullinn Buraav.
KiiJ-lus E. Samu.ya Street, - Hal tunc, re, ltd.
The FUEE Kcnsslcad
irath3 ST13 ITTRISTISRS Fcr J904.
Millions of seres nf msimir.isMit O-il-i sml Orsil-ia
Istnd.. tf.ia.tasaf.sirUi. or uv iui.U-t
UiJlj- COUIS'IISS, liua c'urpvrstiuna, vW.
Ciiioil crops, dolluUtfal ellm-ito, snli-uilH
t-Uoul ey. ions, pvrluct auulitt euadltlnns,
exeeptlouni railway .ilrantaaei, ao-5
'' 4 eniuenee enalrcd ea.lly.
The popnlstl .n of Western Canids Iners-med
by liumiirniiun dilnu the last yuar, sr Kasl
For a diaurlptlTs AtUs and otlisr lf-irmMloa
pciy w .'r. w. i. si otr,
Sapiu-iutuudi-at Ini-nixrHti.iB.
uiiswa, i siinwi.
M u,uh byrup. iVies Goud. tea P"l
Whw ftrflv,
Nirso 10 f:t.i;.i.
Now Vi.kC.ty.