DOCTORS FALL IN LINE. rracUelnf Phvslclaai rtcoa;nlit the oofalllaf reltabtlltj of Doan's Xldany run by preicrlklatba for Backache, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Dl. rdrrt a tribute won by no other Proprietary Medicine. Four raiei cited from "Jlotea of HlsPraetic-." by Dr. FosTgB-MiLnt'nrt Co.. Buffalo. N. T. fSentlemem I have been engaged uon ror ton year. Thin la a Tery alokly bear the Arkansas Hirer. It la particularly mnlnrlona and miasmatic; wo tneet with waiy and various abnormal condltlona of tho human family; lirotnlnent among tbe caiea In wblcb 1 have been called upon to prescribe la kidney disease. Many of these disorders manifest themselves by palna In the tack, often cx lending to other parta of tbe body; sometimes beadacbe Is present, caused by uraemlc or ebronlc uric acid poisoning, aoreness In region of kidneys, clniniy, thickened and foul-smelling urine, discharges of pus or corruption; iiitinniniatlon or uie kidneys, extending to the bladder. Is caused by excess of uric acid and decomposition of the uriue. Hemorrhage la some time met wild, caused by blgb slste of Inflammation or congestion. There Is no clnsa of diseases a doctor Is colled oftener to treat than the variety of kidney diseases, In many of which tho patient will have chills or rigors, followed by fever, a res-jit of the kldneya failing to eliminate tbe uric acid poison from the system. Such cases require the kidneys restored to their natural functions, then the poison and foreign substances are removed fcUoek to the nervous system averted and I have, for some time, been using manifestation nnd with uniform success, curing most rases. I can further ay that even In Hopeless enses where they have waited too long, Donna Kidney Pills afford much relief and prolong life. I can recommend tbe pills In conditions of excessive or deficient secretion of urine, as also In conva lescence from swamp-fever and malarial cases in my practice. CASE 1. Tuos. Onrt.t., Bear, Ark., age 0. Tiin in Imrk for aeveral weeks, then chills, irregular sometimes, evere rigors loiiowed by fevtr. Gave good purgative of calomel and padoph, and Dnan's Kidney Tills. After taking four boxes of the pills, Jatient up and enjoying good health or one of bis age. CASE 2. Mas. Smith, Tarry. Ark., age 59, mother of tour children. Had female complaint and kidney trouble, manifest by pain in back snd urine irregular; sometimes very clear, changing to cloudy, and with much sediment on standing in chamber, (lave local treatment for female complaint and prescribed Doan's I'il'.e; after using six boxes she regards heixelf ss cured. These nre a few of the typical cases In which I have used Dosn'a Kidney nils. In a front many Instances 1 use tbem alone with curative results, while with some others Indicated remedies ore associated. I believe thut by the Judicious use of Doan's Pills many serious compll cations nre arrested and many hopeless and Incurable cases of Brlght's dlsenso prevented. I have often found that one box of cure, inn in some cases i continue tnclr uso until all symptoms are entirely absent end the cure effectual and prrmuuent. Yours truly, A tr trial nf fhU irrf KMiimv and Bladtler 8tM'lflc ran l obtained by ad- drnwlns raater-Mlllnirn I'o, Buffalo, T- R. V. The rwiilar ! la Hi rente lr boa. If net fur aal Itv rnnr tlm.-itt r dealur, will he anl br mall. cUitM prepaid, on receipt vt rice. iMi 5KN5 FAIL IN A DRY TIME Tilt Of THE TIST! NEVER TAILS 0 IN A MM. Remember this whenou buy Wet Weather Clothing and look for the name TOWER on We buttons. This si jn and this name have stood for the BEST during sixty-sevta. xears of Increasino sales. Vywr deafer will not supply ou write for free cotalodue of blacK or yellow water proof oiled coats, slickers, suits, hats, and ihorse pootb for all kinds of wet work. . J. TOWER CO. TH (WOto BOSTON. KASV. t.A. atlQN t f -a, . TOWER CANADIAN CO, f aaaf-" Hi. SiHlTSav alaxst a more. prefia. rl?. kif var. otsra varrrte ihaa tvtjlcar-'e lla.e U H !, o awi W sMsim W avrra f tbll Bit carat ylcMMt m wt-llr f IMtt. that In M rwsoasU batllta bMsiiir.l haxtst sWlWiMkyicsMsBor. Bmmusi. at far ) ttf tht lt-Ma mtt 1tra -ad f tblaewn la UOi; 15? hm. MF !. ByJofcn riam l.U rort C-a, 14. I slO b. prr mtrm, B7O. K Miehl, Mom. Cf..O. 1m. per ar. Wj Blrh.rd Kiwtlk, Lake Ces, !r4, 10 hn. per . J J. D. Valkar, UwUia Ota, tt hn. r asr. 9f taore-uot tMi.ei.UL UMiff 0V.Wlh, 96 hm. imp mr. 9f 3. W. Umm, CmisU Ok. Tan. 04 . wr mn, May fttwarna, luuatuam Co., W. D. ava: "Rlrwiistl im t'.'O liTi. Ysrlstosl m btt. per aT. Kest ger J iu frv U0 bss. un NaltctAaml AatsB. VBtWWMssikl ptotifo. rre VwQ rerTwkii-rv. ll wt.i M your aof wtlsMej lM ItOltsj. Tre ll. Billion Dollar GrtM. Ua Ulhe4 ot vrMa In ANwrlra, Wald tee euhaaMil of hsrlf if ll yl'IdW sra lUatk 14 lM.a ut BpaaoaUfj SM as If. For 10c In Stamp n4 lh Same f Uil t-r, vill 1 1 u4l 1 ud cmi Im df ram v4 arti.lM, wi'll wvru f 10 00 tm atari uh. totettn-r Iib csur nanimoiri lit) Itlsmtrttlrd rstsslnr daiii.n neb, Mitk t'e'ae Ari.t LroJfiarlt tarnrwui WIimi. Two K.M-i Uula, rH Ut, "I. e'eud tbe likt.w. P. N. U. IP, '04. Lcflal fldvicc BY MAIL Bend S1. and plainly yoa with to know and our sprciallau will Sttfolr adViM VUU aa In vnu. vlvhta. liahlli. Sias under tbe laws nf your huts. All turn SBuaieaUons eonBdeniial. Address Aatteiitsd Attonwra Lit CeHslHsf lirtii, las-aoe M. BanaUif a tintU . Haiuuuva, std. Leland Wllllamian, of Yorktawn, Ark. Yokktowf, Abb., Mar. 1, 1001 In the practice of medicine In this tec climate, on tbe Bayou Bartholomew. natural heallb restored. Doan's Kidney Pills in tbese manv attacks, as verified by the following CASE t. Baowr Ears, Wynne, Ark., sge . 21. Hsd severe esse of malarial hoemataris or swamp fever. Gsvs nereeaary liver medicine, calomel and padoph, and morph.-aulnh., to relieve pain, and ordered Dean's Tills for the high stste of conges tion snd inflammation of the kid neys. Recovery resulted in two weeks. Prescribed Doan's Kidney Pills, to be continued until the kid neys were thoroughly strengthened and all pain in back subsided. CASE 4. Elijah Elliott, Tsrry., Ark., sge 34. Psin in bsck snd legs snd headache, L'rie acid poisoning. Pre scribed Doan's Kidney Pills After taking several boxes psin subsided urine became normal, or natural, and patient able to resume his work. the pills Is all that Is required to effect - ,TO -v . ' s-Z A yA . &Cs&iuf ZCCtCCCOc4, X. Vnn-.- a 1 OnRTOW!, AttK. THE COST OF WAR, Wars of the last 3.000 years are sup' poted to have cost $i)00,(i00.ono.000. Each man who falls on the battlefield costs $2,740 to kill, and the countries of Europts to-day are paying; to main tain an "armed neutrality" the email sum of 50 a second. Sir Cavendish Boyle, governor of Newfoundland, has Bent $1,000 to the lord mayor of London, this boins; New foundland's contribution to the im perlal memorial to Victoria. Tho Church of England enjoys an Income of about one million dollars per ween. Miss M. Catiledge gives some helpful advice to young girls. Her letter Is but one of thou sands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. "Dbab Mrs. Pjskham: I cannot praise Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound too highly, for it is tho only medicine I ever tried which cured me. I suffered much from my first menstrual period, I felt so weak and dizzy at times 1 could not pursue my studies with the usual interest. My thoughts became sluggish, 1 had headaches, backaches and sinking rpclls, also pains in the back and lower limbs. In fact, I was sick all over. " Finally, after many other remcdltyi bad been tried, we were advised to get I-ydiu. E. I'lnkliam'a Yegetablo Compound, and I am pleasod to say thut after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful change for the better tooU place, and In a short time I was in perfect health. I felt buoyant, full of life, and found all work pastime. I an indeed glad to tell mv experience with Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege table Compoundf for it made a dif ferent girl of me. Yours very truly, Miss M. Cabtlbdob, 633 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Oa. - ftoOO fotftlt If original of sow lottor proving q tmulmnttt cannot oaprixfuM. LEGAL MICE gSs rai and wo will adrlaa aa to th law sorem Ins ll and tha bi rour-o to ptiraux. Enoloas niuntr oidar tor 11.00. No additional obargsa. ASSOCIATED LAWYERS, ox rirraBuso. fa y7 " SAW BURGOYNE'S 6URRt'NDER Crltlih Oeneral Illiln'l Srnd Iword fcf anborrtlnatc. The discussion about Hevolutlonnry ancestors la Joined in by J. t). Blmpson, of Wellington, whose grandfntlier wa with the pntrlot forces. The grnnd father was a little inwed-off mnn. lie was refused ns a soldier on account of Ills smnll sirs several times, and at Inst got Into the army by standing in the renr rank on n block of wood six Indira high. Ho was present at the surrender of Uenernl Iltirgoyno to Ucucral (Jutes. Mr. Smith snys: "He saw (lencrnl rnrgoyne deliver Ills sword to Uenrral Gntrs, nnd es there has been some dtsv tisslon In his tory ns to how (lenernl Ilurgnyue (It'll v ered his sword I will give my grand' father's version of It. "He snld tlint when General Ilur peine met General Gates bo was the finest looking man he ever saw, about six feet tall, every Inch a soldier, wltb a new uniform of the flncRt ninterlnl 'rcgliiiriitnls,' prnudfntln'r called them nnd looked down on General Gates, who was a very short limn, nnd dressed In a suit of homespun, linsey-woolsey, aa lnueh ns to say, 'You are not iny etiunl,' then very deliberately un sheathed his sword, took the point of It In bis hand, turned his bend a way nnd handed It to General Gates. 8onie histories sny be banded his sword ton subordinate officer, who In turn gnvclt lo General Gates, thus not recognizing General Gates as bis etiuul." Kansas City Journal. A Rrannrrntnl Sine Itorolnw. A stage heroine who happened at the same time to be an able executant on the piano, bad to piny night nfter night the snme part at a popular theatre. 81ie anxiously longed to give the audi ence a specimen of her musical abili ties, but her part In the performance afforded no opportunity for such n dis play of her powers. But her Inventive genius came nobly to the rescue, nnd she discovered a plnco In the action where pianist nnd heroine might go band In linnil. When the curtain rose, revealing the desert of the Illack Mountains, the spectators beheld, to their astonishment, a splendid plnno placed at the foot of the rocks. The heroine, with the haste of one pursued, climbed down tho rocky path, stopped enraptured at the sight of the piano, nnd exclaimed: "The savages hnvo burned down our cottage, murdered my father nnd mother, and driven awny our cattle; but, Henven be praised they bnve left me my plnno. Mnslc sholl comfort mo In my distress, nnd. If the ladles nnd gentlemen permit, I will ploy thcui a short sclecllcu." TitElts. An Invention For Target Prnrtlrv. Charles C. Echard, former of An nlNtoii, Ala., but now of Kansas City, Mo., lias Invented n register for show ing Instantly tho points mnde In rifle target practice, lie bus applied for a patent In this and all other coun tries. The Patent Office has Issued him a caveat and hns notified him that no Invention designed to register target shooting baa ever been applied for. The scientific application clearly dem onstrates that this device will work on nil kinds of target practice, even to a one pound cannon, all smnll marine, guns, light Infantry and fort nnd Gov ernment grounds, all shooting parks nnd galleries. Ity his invention, when a bullet strikes the target one mile or nny distance away, an electric device telo graphs back to the marksman'a place by wire nnd operates a register, which shows li 1 in exactly the spot the bullet lilt upon tbe target. In target practice at sea the buoy Is connected by wires strung on floats to tbe ship. Nashville Banner. Nectar In His. lie was nothing but a tramp, a mod est retiring tramp, one of the nature' noblemen kind, and when in answer to hie timid knock a young matron opened the door be asked: "Might I beg for a cup of tot water from tho breakfast table?" "You might," she began, frigidly, when he interrupted: "Would it be possible to spill a few Crope of coffee into it?" "It would be, but "And a spoonful of milk " "I never in my life " "One moment, please. I don't ask for sugar, but if yon will kindly look Into the cup. It will be turned into nectar nectar, madam, tho food of tbe gods." He got it nnd two largo piece of toast besides. "IWslif-nnnt Germ" In l'.oiton. Tho latest, most un-to-date nEietton of the season is the "malignant germ," an invisible and Intensely vlrilo or gunisra which lurks about In the air seeking unwary noses In which to effect its diabolical designs. If your face swells and vour eves urn npnrlv obliterated, your head aches excrutlat Ingly, you sneeze copiously and feel feverish and dizzy, you may know that your nasal organ bns harbored an en emy nnd a "mnllanant cerm" is let loose within your person to work Its wanton worst. And tho melancholy part of It Is that there Is no known protection against its Insidious attack uuiess one is willing to swathe the nioutu nnd nostrils in cerm nrnnf cloths, nfter the manner of Turkish and Arabian women. Boston Transcript. Not on tlie Gram! Jury, ITere Is the way a Ucntou County mua eoufessed at a revival. Ho bad been pressed to repent and finally got up and said: "Dear friends, I feel the spirit moving in mo to talk and tell what a bad man I have been, but I can't do it while tbe Grand Jury is in ession." "Tho Lord will forgive." shouted tbe preacher. "I guess that's lit," aald tbe penitent, "but He ain't the Grand Jury." Warrciisbur lild.) Journal-Democrat. The Japanese have discovered a method of producing artificial pearls, which no one cau tell from the genu ine article. The average educated person enn not retain more than perhaps six or right words of the exact phraseology of a speaker at one time. Nod I u in Is obtained by means of a new method of electrical lonixntlon. It Is an Industrial metal much lighter thnn aluminum, with a color, sheen and grain very much like those ot steel. Doclor Helncke, of I.elpsle, hn proved by experiments with animals that systematic exposure to X-rnr, already known to be harmful to tho skin, Is nlso very damaging to the in ternal organs. A satisfactory test was made nl fort Worden of two new Colt signal lights with acetylene gas. The mnthliies nre of BfltK) candle power each nnd nre available for signaling nnd searchlight purposes for a distance of nine miles. Tbe regenerative fncnlty which the human body possesses, ns documented by the healing of wonnds, the restor ation of destroyed tlsue, and the knit ting of broken bones, Is developed to a much higher degree In animals of a lower order. Recruiting It Is a significant fact that there Is no lack of recruits for service In the regiments serving In the Philippines, where there Is always possibility of a fight, especially in the southern Isl ands, where the Moro Is giving the Army considerable trouble. Men will apply for such service when they will not consider a tour of duty In tho States. This certnlnly' shows that the spirit of adventure Is not perceptibly on the decline. The troops in the Isl ands nro always maintained nt their full strength, sometimes above that number. The applications for transfer from home regiments to regiments bound for tho Islands more than fill the vacancies In the Philippine regi ments, n large percentage of the men ordered homo requesting transfers to regiments remaining there. The lack of recruits is confined to regiments re maining In the United States. The ne gro regiments, the Ninth nnd Tenth Cavalry, and the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Infantry, are an excep tion. As a rule men who enlliit for tbese organizations do it ngaln and again until the retirement ngc is reached, with tho result that these four organizations have a much greater per rentage of old soldiers than any other in the service, and vncniicles nre us unlly at a premium. As a result these regiments nre among tho best In the aervlce. Army and Navy Journal. Thackersj the Frlenil. The following estimate of Thackeray tbe inn n and friend Is quoted from Miss Lucy W. Baxter's Introduction to "Thackeray's Friendship With nil American Family," hitherto unpub lished letters of the great uovcllst now running In the Century: "In all our Intercourse with Mr. Thackeray we saw only tho kind, s.vni. pathetic, loving sldo of bis great nn ture. It wns always Impossible for us to feci nfrald of his cynicism, bis sharp criticism, of which others spenk. He could not help seeing the weakness of human nature, but ho did the fullest justice ns he would sav. !m 'tnnu nir bis bat' to whatever wns flue or noblo in mnn or woman. He was, too, very patient with weakness of character, but be bated and despised pretense nnd humbug. All this bns been said before, but I feel I must add HIV roilllrmntlnn of such a view of bis character from our personal experience." Takes tha Pennant. Captnln Alexander McKay, F. H. G. S., Commodore of the Cunnrd fleet, sailed his Inst voyage on tho Lucnnla before his retirement- tin ima i..,n.. at sea forty-eight years, thirty-four of mem in we service or the Cunnrd Com pany, fourteen of whose vessels ho has commanded. For one with so long an experience liia record Is probably unlaue. As be puts it himself: "I bnve never met with a disaster In my life, never lost a ship, never grounded, never ran anybody down, never was run down by anybody, haven't even bad my feet washed by salt water aince I went to sen." London News. Is Tlolent Death Painful? Sevcro injuries to the body nro sel dom very painful nt first. The severity of tho nervous shock seems to paralyze the nerve centre where consclousn'ct-s of puln Is situated, and in fatal cases there Is often no senso of pain, even when death Is delayed a day or two. In such cases it may be supposed that the shock not only paralyzes but even destroys the nerve centre. It may be compared to a lightning flush along the telegraph wires, which, although of the sumo nature as the electric telo graph current, la yet so intense us to destroy life. How Indlaaa Spend Money. The plethoric Otoo Indians, those that sold high priced inherited allot ments, arc putting on all kinds of ridic ulous stylo. They are buying the most costly horses and carriages, and sev eral of them are buying very expensive tattoo marks. One of them recently bad his little daughter decorated iu the face by an expert tattooer, and be paid about $300 for the indelible iu.lgula. . A COMRADE OF GENERAL GRANT, Says: "I Do Not Believe Pe-ru-na Has a Superior for Catarrh." BEII.ia.MIN : Doajamla P. Hawks, of Washington, P. C, Is One of Ihe Three Ll v lag ef Ueaeral Grant la Mis Cadet Daji at West Point. In a recent letter from 611 Q street, S. W., Washington, D. C, this vener able gentleman sajrs of Peruna: "I have tried Peruna after hav ing tried in vain other rented! for catarrh, and I can soy wittout ', ireiBrvation that 1 never felt a nymptom of relief until I had given Psrsna the eltnple trial, that its , t (dvooatesadvtae.ldanot believe It ! uts a superior, either ata remedy J t for catarrh or as a lonio for the ' lepressed and ex-haunted eondt t llnnwht(Ji ieoneoftheelfeatmofthe i llneaee." Benjamin V, llawlcre. e)sBaaaaSwvswayae)as9seeee ISAAC BROCK, a eitisen of McLen nan County, Texas, has lived for 114 years. In speakine of his good beallb and extreme old age, Mr. Brock says: "I'crima exactly meets all my require ments. It protects me from tba evil ef fects of sudden changes; it keeps me in good appetite; it gives me strength; it keeps my blood in good circulation. I ALABASTI N E th Durabal Wall Coating, Won't Hub Off; WHY? Because it earn ants to, and la not stuck on the wall with decaying, animal gluo, as are tha varions so-cailod "wall fln iahee," winch are kalsomines old under fanciful numn., Tea MB laplj ilibltiiw. A carrier pigeon, flying with s strong wiud, covers louO yarda in a minute. Totlnt and Billion llolUr Graaa. Tb two greatest fodder planta on earth, out good for 11 ton of hay and tbe other DC tons green fodder per sere. Grows everywhere, so does Victoria Rape, yield ing 60,003 Iba. sheen and twin food per acr. A. C.L.J JCST BEND IOC. I!T STAMPS TO TUB John A. Stlzer Seed Co., C'rofte. Wit., and receive in return their big catalog and lots of farm teed samples. A weekly paper publithed in Athens, Greece, ia written entirely in vert. Indispensable T Cor all achat Iran) bead to fool i St. Jacobs Oil tut curative qualities lo reach tbe PAINS and ACHES of the human famthr. n to r Uev and cur lata Bromatty. T tritM 85c sad 5. ef ttf ttf f M VtMMttte k F. HAWKES. have come to rely upon it almost entirely for the many little things for which i need medicine. "When epidemics of la grippe first be gan to make their appearance in this coun try I waa a aufferer from this disease. I had several long sieges with the grip. At first I did not know that Peruna was a remedy for this disease. When 1 heard that la grippe waa epidemic catarrh, I tnd Peruna for la grippe, and found it to be just the thing." lsaae Brock. Pe-ru-na Used in tbe Family for Tears. Mrs. E. West, 137 Main atreet, Menaaha, Wis., writes: "We have used Peruna in our family for a number of years ami when I tay that it ia a fins medicine for rntarrh and colds, I know what I am talking about. 1 have taken it every spring and full for four years and I (ind that it keepa me robust, strong, with splendid appetite, and free from any illneaa. A tew years ago it cured me of catarrh nf the stomach, which the doctors bad pro nounced incurable. I am very much pleased with Peruna. i am 87 years old." -Mrs. E. West. ALABASTI SS! E The Only Sanitary and Permanent Wall Coating ALABASTINC I not a dlaaaa-brdlng, hot watar gin wall flnlah, tarnish ing a lodgment and harbor-ground for dlaow germs; It la a natural, rook-bae enmpoalMoii, In whits and many xqul3itely beautiful tint; In powder form, ready for ma by aimply mixing with eold watar. Anyone can brnah It en. ' ALABASTINC eement to walla, dlatrnya dlMtuw germ and vermin, and never rub off or acalas. Other wall eoatlnga, under fanciful namaa, and amally mixed with hot watar, are unhealthful kalaomlnes, stuck on tha wall with a'us, which a son rota, nonrlahe germ of deadly dlwaae, rnba and acalas, spoiling walla, clothing and fornltnre. When It la neocanary to rnSnlah, Ue old eoata mnxt b waahed off an expensive, nasty, dixagreosbls job, making tha rooms damp ar.d unfit to live In. When walla ara onao eoatd with Alabastlno, succeeding coat may be applied, year after ynar, wlthoct waahlng the walla, thus saving great expect and annoyance. Hot and Cold Water Kalsomlnes Have No Merit Borne d talon try to sell tbem, buying them cheap, and trying to aell on Alabaatisc'a demand until snob time as their enatomera learn of the imposition. THEY ARE WORTHLESS PREPARATIONS U yon cannot boy Alahaatin of your hardware, paint or drag dealer, refnra all Imitations, and writ as. We will tell yon where yoa can get Alahaatin without delay, or toll It to yoa direct. (BOO. OO GIVEN AWAY. Writ for particular. Leaflet ef dainty tints, hints on decorating, and ur artlatt' attodat Idea a Bao tllylng tb noma, Pr. Buy Alabuatln only iu package., properly labeled. Alabastine Company Cornell Incubator Advancement. Tb Cornrll pteot4 7 I tin tomi-fianire rt-g-ulittoti. jt), ftrua ifitUD of Tit i crncil teutiltttM In Ktur'i) t. (i U. Iiroiwr irtrtitHur linea h rigtit tune In any lo citt uxuirr ail eoodi' tiuaav-at any a of tt.tyer. F.aUi Health t-t and luodi vlirrfua citlrki cvrr ol'tainetl by art. Octal lnruttattlon. Cum round dmir. (Atlnt AAnvfrartfftfi, Table tnp, iiU Ms-dull HlgUaat awnid i t I . I'litt Ains-ican rp'Nlllrrt. rtl.P0'-DV BROOD C US ai lh brut.ilanthat ar i m.I m.iiti)r by luu )arfr-t and nit tie-rt-Mful iKiaitrrmrn. Un IU nirt.t trn ra. Tttoiitanua of lumnfal, our very tarjr. fl'ifly Illuatr.tfit cetaloir w nt ami vatnal-ie rifertutUtnti. alaiisiu free. il I'otAJUjr ai-d l at fituctt Suiyuaa, - Cornolllnoubatcr Kfn.Co. Baa 85 Hhati, N. V. Ia4mBtoM,Kt,lpt. m, .UsV CWU btvksutv W Cm.. liuaea. Hem Tat. 1 BBhat rswUM lb at tha lttrs 1 fnarM f fan ia a u ti siii Vary ru. it., ll sVjm 1 1 wall! sui .! r. ant I fe pe tad llltto aa la ofwauv DMN, Wa. lUuMfJoM.kVr.Ii. K. f. W. L. DOUGLAS 3.tk3 SHOES KAts V. I nonglna ShtM-s huve by their rxrellt-iit style, eu.y-l!tti!U, u n d superior wearing ciuulitlet, oclili'vril the larjjt'Ht rulo of any shoes in the world. Tlwy are lust ss good aa tliote tliut coat you $ to tho only different e is Uie price. Soto" virynihtr$. Look for name and price mi bottom. Potiitlaa uaea Corona t mtakln, wltlrh laevery where eom-etl,.,! u, be the Hneat I'atent I a at her vei prntlnrett. lit Co or I irltto nrro. Kkoea ht Mall. tSr.eM ra. Tfritt lf CaUUg., BrwkUa, llu. DROPSY ftsaa laua a ta MtW DISCOVBBT: n. qaia ralM aa Nni worM iaa Iwaava maimal a. a. aaaaa ssaaa. sa a. auaau.. 4 1 1 aa If! Pi-ru-m lj Catarrhal TnJg Eap.olaliy A dip (id to the Oaolinlrtf r-owiri of Oil Ac a. la old sge the mucous membranes be coins thickened mad partly lose tlieil" function. This Itads to partial loss of hearing, ameU and taste, as well as digestive dis turbances. Peruna corrects si this by its sneeifia operation on all the mucous membrane of tha body. On bottle will convince anyone. One( used and Peruna becomes a life-longf Hand by with old and young. - , Mrs. F. K. Little, Tolotia. III., write: I can recommend Peruna u a good medi- tarrh of the stom - iui iiironic rn ach and bowel. I have been troubled everely with it for over a year, and A TRAVELER I AT SEVENIY-OlfEl YEARS OP AGE. also a cough. Kow my cough is all gon and all the distressing symptoms of ea-i tarrh of the stomach and bowels have die appeared. I will recommend it to all aa a rare remedy. I am so well I anal contemplating a trip to Yellowstone Tarto Una coming season, liow ia that for ont 71 years old!" In a later letter she saya: "I am onlyt too thankful to you for your kind advic and for the good health that I am enjoys ing wholly from the una of your PerunaJ Have been out to the Yellowstone NationaF, Park and many other- places of the WratJ and aha 1 1 always thank you for your gen-, erosity." Mra. P. .. Little. 1 Strong aitj Vigorous at tbe Age eft Klghtr-elglit. Rev. J. N. rarkrr, ITtica, N. Y., writes "In June, Kml, I lost my eenae of hear-) ing entirely. My hearing had been some4 what impaired for several yeara, but no ao much affected but that I could ho'.dl convert with my frienda; but in Junej 1001, my sense of hearing left me ao thai I could hear no sound whatever. I waa also troubled with severe rheumatic nainat in my limb. I commenced taking Perunat and now my hearing ia restored as gooai aa it was prior to June, My rlieiM mstic paint are all gone. I cannot speaaf ion nigu.y ot reruns, and now wbenj eighty-eight years old can say it has inv: orated my who! system." Rev. J oriitea Pa-ker Mr. W. II. Schnsder, of Terrs Hill, TaJ writes; "I got sick every winter snd had s speHJ of cold in February, 1809; I could not dot anything for slmoat two months. In I)eJ cember, 1MKJ, I snw one of vour bookaf shout your remedies. Then I wrote tot -Dr. ll.irtman for arlvice, snd he w ratal that 1 should commence the nee of Peruna and how to take care of myaelf. "I did not looe one day lt winter tSafel I could not tend to my stock. I am sixty three years old, and I cannot thank yoaj too much for what you have done for roe.T If you do not derive prompt and satiafae tory reaults from the use of Peruna, writ at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full stabx ment of your rate and he will he pleased t give you his valuable advice gratis. Addicaa Dr. Hartman, President of Tha Hartman Sanitarium, Columbua, O. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, ua IDS Wittr St, dew Tort City. 50,000 AMERICANS WCRC WCLCOMCD TO Western Canada DURINQ LAST VCAM. Thay afwaaitlrHl and rtlin on thaOrafn and Graa In-' !n1, and an irMitrv-t- Mini tai tHHti. Hlr wiifresl ljnr1tr rint)r 'i-i: "A uw afutr htaa rltrn n tha horiaton, and K it tar1 It lliat fmy IminitfTant bulrav(wt tht Uiitl nt ht a .orwtont tm nnf nl arsvk a booie ft if iu.eli uuw turua baa Huaj" Cuali- There ia j Room for Millions. fltKK lloaieatrada aiven nt. Kr It tburikfa, Uallwaya, Marltela, Cllnaaat verrihlna Iu b deaired. Cor a daaut-lptlT Atlaa anil ethor tnfornuttoa OVUly W Mr. M . I). M (TT, BupMutnilut f f iiimiirriitifn. - tlttutaa. l'iai,iadaw CAPSICUM VASELINE trurt'vm coLLAHtiui.a tiihui Aaitb.ttiiut) rorand Miperinrto mimtanlor any other plter, ami w II not blmti r the uio.tflel irate akin. The tvilii. nil unA on rati vequal lt.-aof t!ilrtirleri!'oudr- ...i. n.iii uiiiiai tool lartieatonce, and n-lieye heail.iuhe and airlntlua. We n-i-nra- tiunter-lrrltHnt known. mIm,, Bu nn ... I.UUU . U Kllll ajL.'MM,. U I ..-n u I remedy tur pains In tue elit and t..tnB.-h ami all rUumtiu.tK-urHliii:anU Kontyoniii- tor 1 1. and It w 1 1,m tuiin.l l.u l ..vui.... i.i in thu bouaubolii. .Mmiy peniilBBav'Ml lathe via., at all di uirit nr other dealer, or by uw- ui mi oi v r nre utrnt itnw " ih ..u ,. "" uaiiipimiHveaLantTi U W 11 autltl Villi A lllliM hw v., I Mknieearriuamir label. alherwlselt i mit n nii.i.iiii Ma itiuwui.'ti nr Llie D ilute nn .... ll.- ? Ptaf street. New Voua I.itt. GREGORY'S ar W7wTna? tiisld ander I i h3KKmJ3 a, t uiaiotftie ft, i. i. H. CIOOHV m ftOHa Martlahdi MoMi I