The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 02, 1904, Image 4

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    Su!)M:riplion $1.00 per irtl in ndvunce.
! ...fl'I'KPIIKNftOM, Krlltor and I'lib.
Anltit1iiu'nint IihiiI mMr.iiilUlit1fvrr'
Weilnt'nitiijr lit Iti'ytmltNvllli', JrllrrMiin t'o.
I'll.. ritviiltfltnllnlilliTPtif Uiymilil-vllli.
.sna -InfTortttini'uiiiity. Nim-Hilttl'iil,svUltrrnt
nil with fulrni-,, nml will hci'spri'lully frli'nil
Itr towitnlH tin lulxirlim rlti.
liommiinli'ittlonn Inti'mli'il fur tmliHi-iitloti
nniMt l6 it tmimnlnl liyllin yvriti'r'n ti.'itnn,
ttiit for itiiiillfiti Ion, lini us n itiiuriuitro of
g m1 fulth. intrNiKttntt ni'ttn IIi-imh Hiilii'ltril.
A(1virtlslnff rnl initiln tmwtt on iiII-a-Won
at IIiIkoMIi'k.
J.cnirlity niminllhti'ulliilin mill I'liittiKO ttf
tdviTtWi'ini'tttN hIiiihIiI roiti'h thli iillli'v by
Unniluy tuxin.
fubseriptliiii trlrof l.miM'ryriir, In itflvitni'it.
Aililrrmi iilli'ommiiiilriillntiit to (J. A . HI )'
simm, ltyiiiililnvlHi', I'll.
. Oreat Strides of The Prudential.
Tho clnlm of Tint l'riuli'titiiil InHiir
nnco Compuny of Aini'rlrn Unit It, "Hit
tlio Strength of (ill)fiiltiif" In nmply
jiiHtlllcil by the Hkiiith Hliown In It
annual stutrnii'iit, JtiHt pitlillHhcd.
From tlii'so flitiirvs It nppoum that no
loss a sum than :!:t,0(H),OO;) of paid-for
life Insnmnco was written (luring tlio
year 1 00.1, bringing tlio total amount of
pald-for life Inmininoi! In for tip to tlio
Btttonltihln,? sum of !i:i1.000,(HM).
Tho number of policies In forco Is
ovor five million, or, In other wards, it
may be staU'd that moro than ono
million families enjoy tho bniii'flts of
life lnsuranco protection Ihronh Tho
There Is a surplus of more than
10,000,000 available, to bo drawn upon
If necessary, and l'rudr-ntial policy
holders are to bo congratulated upon
the strength and prosperity of the In
stitution In which they have invested
tholr savings. Write the Home Ofllco
of the Company, Newark, N. .1., for In
formation concerning Its policies, w hich
furnish guaranteed protection to tho
family as well as dividends to the policy,
Big Class of Novices.
On May 4th, Jaffa Temple, Ancient
Arabic Order Nobles of tho Mystic
Shrine, Altoona, will hold a meeting in
DuBoIs for the purpose of receiving a
class of from liO to T." novices Into tho
organization. Tlio ocension w ill be an
Important ono for the Masons of this
section of tho State and It is expected
that 500 of tho fraternity will be In
attendance. A big delegation will
coma from Altoona and the members of
the class will represent nil tho surround
ing counties. DuDois Vourii r.
You can save from .'Mi to f0 por cent,
by buying mon's and boy's clothing and
furnishings at H. W. Kason & Co.'s
They must vacate their room bv April
High School Bulletin.
Edited by Member oftht
Reynoldivlllt High School
At a special meeting of the
pcarean Literary Society held Friday
the following officers woro elected to
servo one month ; Pres., Mildred Rldge
way ; vice pres., Anna Klahr ; sec,
Carl Kirk i critic, Lnwson need : editor-In-chief,
Anna Klahr i first assistant,
Lawson Heed i second assistant, H -ssle
Sensor i lncul editor, Cora Ilobcrtson j
program com., (Joe Shaffer, (leueva
Mllllren and Carl Kirk.
o o o
Although tho Seniors are proud to
have tho honor of being the first class
to study solid geometry most of them
are walling that their heads are too
solid to receive the Impressions of the
new brunch.
o o o
Tho Junior girls In accordance with
their ever burning desire, (not always
for knowledge,) aru now charged with
the atrocious crime of breaking into a
dinner basket, stealing and devouring a
large piece of sausage.
Miss Do Murls Hldgeway, ona of our
bright Subs., has been on tho sick list,
Miss Cora McCrelght, ono of the
Junior girls, returned to us Monday
morning after an absence of one week
on account of sickness.
A mock trial will tie given on March
"lh by the members of ICmorsnn Lyceum.
John Thornton will be tried for the
murder of Mlcheal Malloney on Dec. .'II,
VMY.i. Attorney for plaintiff will bo L.
Harris, for defendant, Maud Pratt,
o o o
Friday evening, March 25th, has been
solected as tho timo for the contest to
be held by the Punxsutawnoy, Iteyn
oldsvllle and Hrookvllle Seniors of the
high schools. The Seniors selected to
represent our schools In the coming
contest are, Mildred Hldgeway, to give
a book review, Anna Klahr, pathetic
recitation, Cno Shaffor, humorous reci
tation, John Coleman, an oration, and
Clyde Murray as debater. These
students are busily engaged In working
up their respective subjects so far as
their regular school work will permit.
Ilcynoldsvlllc's representatives will
make, a very creditable showing In the
contest. There seems to be no reason
why we may not hope to come off
victorous as we did last year. Arrange
ments will be made to secure, If pos
sible, special cars to take our students
and friends to Punxsutawnoy on the
evening of the 25th of March.
Ladies' Merrick shoes reduced 00
cents per pair at Nolan's.
llrporti-rt by The Mar'a
aprrlnl ('nrrrapotidrnta.
A. W. Mulhiilliin visited In Tyrone
last week.
V. II. Conway had business In Sykas
vllle Friday. o
A. H. Sunders moved to Weedvlllu
Inst week.
S. K. Kocheratul wife were visitors
In Brookvlllo Sunday.
Misses Jennie and Agnes Wyso visit
ed friends In Soldier Sunday.
Misses Irene and Laura Hughes and
Susie nowser spent Sunday In Ileyn
oldsvllle. On account of the revival mooting
now being held In the M. K. church, the
lecture that was announced to be given
In the Chnrch of Cod Monday evontng,
February 2t, has Ween postponed until
Monday evening of next week, Marsh 7.
Miss Nell Anderson, of Sumtnervlllo,
Is visiting friends here.
Mrs. Hessle Llngonfolter visited In
Heynoldsville last week.
Martin Hyerly, who has been Blck for
three months, Is slowly recovering.
K. E. Snydor had business at Emor
lek villi) after church Saturday night.
Miss Gertrude Haines, f tills placo,
is visiting Miss Kdna lliiuin at Ueyn
oldsvllle. William Haughman and daughter, of
Heynoldsville, spent Sunday with
friends here. ,
The entertainment In the P. O S. of
A. hall Monday night, 22nd of February,
was quite a success.
Hev. Carnett, pastor of the M. E.
church, spent several days with frieuds
la Now York State last week.
Wra. Ohls Is In a very critical condi
tion, caused by a stroke of paralysis re
ceived last Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Swartz, of Hutler.
are visiting the lattor's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Schugers, at this placo.
Cyrus Murphy, who has been at Pitts
burg for sumo time, returned to his
home In this place last week on account
of the illness of bis mother.
Mrs. Susannah Murphy Is confined to
her bed with the "grip" at present.
We hope she will be able to be about
soon again.
We are glad to note the fact that
William Moore, who has been confined
to hit home the past seven weeks with
the "grip," Is able to be about again.
He drove to Heynoldsville Satttrdsy.
Mrs. Rettle Calhoun, of Westvllle,
Frank McClelland, of Brockwayvlllii,
Enoch McClelland, of East Hickory, and
Held McClelland, of Kellottsvllle, Pa ,
attended the funeral of th.Hr slstr,
Mrs. Wm. Ohls, at this place last
The revival meetings are still In pro
gress In the M. E. church. There Is a
good attendance of young people every
night, but It s'letns linxislblo to get
members to attend. This must he dis
couraging for the preacher. We hope
tho people of this place will awaken
and help tholr worthy pastor make
success of these meetings.
Sandy Valley.
Frank Fox Is tho new proprietor of
the pool room.
Mrs. A. F. neck, of Falls Creek, visit
ed relatives at this place the past week.
Several Sandy Valley I tes attended
tho dance at Pardus last Friday eve
ning. Miss Ada Hoobo Is lying quite 111 at
her borne near this place as the result
of a fall while attending a funeral one
day the past wcok.
Miss Nannie Groves, who has com
pleted a course of training for a nurse
In the DuHoIs hospital, visited her
brother, Everett G roved, and wife the
past week.
Postmaster J. K. Wells was seen
measuring the distance between his
place of business and the present site
of the iMistoll'ce. This probably means
a removal of the same In the near
The marriage of Gust Denson to Miss
Ethel Hogue, eldest daughter of Hubert
Hogue, has been announced to take
place the 10th day of the present
month, March. Hoth of tho young
peoplo belong to this place, are highly
respected and have many friends here
who will join In wishing them a pros
perous and happy Journoy through life.
A special meeting of the stockholders
of the Heynoldsville Clay Manufactur
ing Co- is culled to convene at the
general office of the company, King &
Coleman building east Main street,
Heynoldsville, Pa., on tho 31st day of
March, 11X14, at 2 o'clock p. m. to take
action on the approval or disapproval
of the proposed increase of the Indebt
edness of the company.
C. J. Kerr, See
Men's and boy's overcoats reduced 25
per cent, at Millirens.
Any pair of men's shoes that sold
above 2.00 reduced 50 cents per pair at
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In post office at ricynoldBvIlle, Pa., for
tho week ending Felt, 27, 1904 I
Mrs, Agnes Hlxenbough, Jamci
Mury. Mrs. John Van Gordon.
Say advertised and" give dato f list
when calling fur nlmvn.
E c. Burns, P. M.
Public Sale.
There will be exposed to public salo
on the premises of tho undersigned In
Wlnslow township on Saturday, March
1W. 1IIU4, at 10 00 a. m , the following
property : Hourehold goods, one 10001b
bay horse II years old, one 1500 lb. bay
horso 12 years old, one 1400 lb. bay
horse ft years old. two huggios, one
canopy-top two seated buggy, two
double wagons, ono cutter, two pair
bobsleds, one heavy double harness, one
light double harness, ono slnglo har
ness, robes, blankots, and other things
too numerous to mention.
Twenty acres of land, five houses,
one barn, fish pond. Imati-d about
3 miles from Duliols and one mile from
Hathmel on tho road leading to DuHoIs.
This property must be sold as the
parties are moving to North Carolina.
Terms made known on day of sale.
Ham, Lummkr Co.
Working Overtime.
Eight hour laws are Ignored by those
tireless, little workers Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Millions are always at work,
night and day, curing Indigestion,
Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Head
ache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure,
Only 25a at H. Alex Stnke's drugstore.
Save dollars by buying your men's
and boy's clothing and furnishings at
II. w. riBsnn AUo,
If in need of an odd piece of under
wear to finish season with, at Millirens
25 pur cent. off.
Special shoe salo at Nolan's shoe
store for next ten days. This Is your
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word fur each and
every inserunn.
Wanteh rentes looking for a
guaranteed 7 por cent Investment; for
particulars call on G. M. McDonald.
For 8AI.E Good house on Hill st.
Will be sold at a bargain if sold quick
Inquire at The Star office.
For Sale House and lot on 12th
street. A bargain. Write to A. M.
Wadding, Hrookvllle, Pa.
For Sale One billiard and one pool
tamo cheap. Uull at City Hotel. Iteyn
oldsvllle, Pa.
I have decided to continue my
Clearance Sale through Feb
ruary Stock Taking.
Special Bargains,
A few Henriettas which were hoM at 25c, now J9c
A few Henriettas sold at (55c, now 49c
1.00 JBroadcloth goes at - ' . 75c
Just a few pieces of Table Linen which were sold at
40 cents, to go at 30c
12 1-2 cent Percale at JQc
7 l-2c
Ite Goods,
10 cent Lawn at .
75 cent Underwear at
I am selling LADIES' COATS at
Ladies' and Misses' Dress Oooda at former prices.
Men's and IJoy's Clothing and Overcoats at former prices.
Cotton Blankets.
I have a few Cotton Blankets left yet
which will bo sold for less than
manufacturer's prices.
85a Blankets . . . l)5c
$1.25 Blankets . . . $1.00
11.35 Blankets . . 1.00
3.00 all wool blankets . . 3.20
4 . 50 al 1 wool bl an ke ts . 3 75
5.50 all wool blankets . . 4.25
6.50 all wool blankets . 5.00
Men's Underwear.
I have a lot of nice RibbcC 25c Shirta
and Drawers I will sell at 19c.
I bavo a few blue and pink striped un
derwear I bought to sell at 75o and
85c you tako them for 50c,
11.25 all wool fleece lined $1.00
1.35 " " " 1.10
1. 00 " " " . 79o
$1.00 Jean I'ants . . . 75c
John F. Drydln. PrulJent.
Leslie D. Vari, Edgar B. Ward,
Vle Prestiltmt. l l Pmltlent.
Forrest F. Drvdin, i vie ptetMmi.
Edward Kanouse. T. C. E. Rlanchard,
Treuuref. Suit. of kral CtUt.
Jacob E. Ward, Wilbur S. Johnson,
Counsel. Comptroller.
F. C. tiLANCHARD, Supervisor t.osn Department.
Edward Gray,
Valentine Riker,
AisUUnt Secretary.
Leslie P. Ward.
. AHlftant Secretary.
Wiliard I. Hamilton.
Atilatant Secretary.
Edward H. Hamill,
Medkal Director.
Robert L. Burragb.
Medical Director.
John K. Gorb,
Frederic A. Boyle,
Frederick H. Johnston, Auocitte Actuary.
Henry Overgne. George W. Munsick.
Supervisor. Supervtoor.
WM. PERRY WATSON, Assistant Medical Director.
Frederick L. Hoffman, Sutuikim.
GEORGE H. KlRKPATRICK, Assistant Actuary.
I inn it tv in av -rrv - v r- a v r- n t t-v . & .
Lirti iiNoUjANL.h ibbutu Ainu .'Aiu fUK, during 1903
including Ordinary Insurance ($102,822,648), over
ASSETS, end of 1903, over ------
INCOME, during 1903, over ------
end of 1903, over ------
- -
Paid-for Insurance in Force over 93 1 Millions
Total Payments to Policyholders In Twenty-eight Years, over 79 Millions
Twenty-eighth Annual Statement
January I, 1904
Bonds nnd Mortgages $13,138,291 45
Real Estate, 12,063,757 29
R.R. BondsanJ Stocks (Market Value) 20,862,307 50
Municipal Bonds (Market Value) . . 8,428,728 co
U. S. Gov. Bonds (Market Value) . 109,500 co
Cash in Banks and Office 7,610,148 22
Interest and Rents, due and accrued, . 488,593 4s
Loans on Collateral Securities, . . . 5,761,775 00
Loans on Policies, 1,614,325 08
Premiums Deferred and in course of
collection (net), 2,635,009 41
Total 72,7I243S 44
Reserve on Policies, $61,410,96; co
All other Liabilities, 1,167,445 81
Surplus to Policyholders 10,134,034 63
Total, 172,712,435 44.
UP TO $100,000
JL JLL Jl, JiL d i
Write for
BRANCH OFFICE IN REYNOLDSVILLE J. J. HOGAN, Ass't Supt., Rooms 4-6 Syndicate Budding, Main Street. Reynoldsville, Pa.
CHAS. B. KNIGHT, General Agent. Ordinary Department, Bank for Savings Building, Fourth Avenue and Smithfield Street, PITTSBURG, PA.