The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 10, 1904, Image 7

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l' item W4
M 1
Miss Rose Hennessy, well known as
a poetess and elocutionist, of Lexington,
Ky., tells how she was cured of uterine
inflammation and ovaritis by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Pun Wiw. PimtBAM! I harp been to bleesedly helped thrmifrh the nc
of Lydia K. Piukliam'n Vctrotablo Compound "that I feci It but Just to
acknowledge it, hoping that it may hnlp nome other womau nufTerirff its I did.
" For years 1 enjoyed the best of health and thought that I would always
do to. I attended parties and receptions thinly clnd. and would be Buddeuly
chilled, but 1 did not thlDk of the results. I caught a bad cold eighteen
months ago while menstrunting, and tint caused iullnmmatlon of the womb
and congested ovaries. I suffered exeruclr.ting pains and Icept getting worse.
Jdy attention was called to your Vegetable Compound and the wonderful
euros it had performed, and I made up my mind to try it for two months and
tee what it would do for me. Within cine month I felt much better, and
at the close of the second I was entirely well.
" I have advised a number of my lady friends to uo it. and all express
themselves as well satisfied with the reilts as I was." Miss Bosa JS'orti.
HlXKtur, 410 S. llroadway, Lexington. Ky.
. TbS cxpfrienoe nnd testimony of tnme of the most noted
women of America ro to prove lioyontl o question that KyriiaK.
Piakham'fl Yepctniile Compound will correct nil mich trouble nnd
t once, by removtna: tlio cause, nnd restoring the organs to a
normal and heal t by condition.
"Dear Mrs. Pinktiam : About two years ajco I consulted a phy
sician about rr.y henlth which h;ul become so wretched that I was no
longer able to bo about. I had eevero backache, bcarinjr-down pains,
, twins across the- abdomen, was very nervous and irritable, and Alua
: troub'.o grew worse each month. Tin physician, prescribed for me, but
i I soon discovered that he was unnbla to help me, and I then decided to
try Lydia E. l'inkhum's Vepetablo Compound, and soon found that
it was doing me good. My appetite was returning, the pains disappear
ing, and the general benefits were well marked.
" You cannot realize how pleased I was, and after taking the medi
clne for only three months, I found that I was completely cured of my
trouble, and have been well and hearty ever since, and no more fear the
monthly period, as it now passes without pain to inc. Yours very truly,
Miss Pkaul Ackeus, 327 Korth Summer fct., Nashville, Tenu."
When a medicine has been nuecessful In restoring to lienlth
more than a million womMi, you raimot well say without trying it
"I do not believe it will help inc." If you are ill, do not hesitate
to arct a bottle of Lydia K. Pinkhnm'p Vegetable Compound and
' write Mrs. Pinkhai.i nt Lynn, Muss., for xpcelal novice. .Her ad
vice Is froa and helpful. Write to-day. clay may bo fatal.
FORFEIT If we esnnnt forthwith nrMu the criminal lettsrs and signatures of
U,vs tetUiuuuiaU, wluob vill prove tlmr Ali.lit re:uinn,4ftt.
Ljilln ti. I'lnklmiu Mnl. Co., Lrnn. Muss.
Curious Effect of Tornadoes.
One or two rcniarknblo examples of
the effect of the. midilon expansion of
Sir iDBide btilUIngs whnn the partial
vaccuum produced by a toinado pass
m over them was noticed In the storm
that devastated Gainesville, Ga., lat
June. The walls of a mill were blown
outward, nnd iho roof was lifted into
Ihe nlr and suspended there for scvfral
ecocds. A btr.nd-plpo 40 feet In diam
eter and 60 leet high, placed 60 feet
above, the ground, lost its plieet iron
tovcr. which weighed eevcral tons. It
was lifted bodily off. carried into the
air. and dropped 100 feet away. In
Its fall it killed eevcral persons.
Ohio Valley Manufacturer.
Tte world Is not saved by the
things we da not do.
A man cannot cover his works by
Sondemnlng God's ways.
Bip' Risks
Lose cf Tine, Less of Money,
Lotn cf PUm, Lots of Comtort,
ali follow la the train of not using
St Jacobs Oil !
For Rheumatism,
Neuralgia, Lumbto,
Sciatica, Sprain
It tws eured tbansanda. Wfl
cure you. Price 21c mi 60c
tsvsHi-HtsHii i imm
P. N. U. 0, 'J4.
IWKirthlHl Ml tLki fAILI
A Cough Bjrrup. ttim Oooa.
ID time. Sold by drutfgt,u.
A minister named Cook, of Cononr
dln., Kiuikrs, 1ms closed a contract for
a year with a loeal newspaper to tnke
suOicIoat advertising spaco in which
to priat his weekly sormons.
SIOO ItewiT.l. 11103.
Th rsnders of this piper will he nleie 1 1
rn there Is at lomt one clrdnilej dlv
rnsnthut ooicaoa has boa aMe t' cure iuull
ll.Nta';o. uu. that to Catarrii. Hill's Catiirrh
Cure It ti e ouly poitivo euro now known to
the nicdioal fraternity. Ciiturrll boini; n oon
stltutlonal die:ie, ruiiiiri4 a (?onstUutioa-4t
treiitraiint. i)Bli'!.'utiirlit'uri'lHtl;oiilnter
nu,iy, iioiiii't Jjroetly upon til" blooj nnd inu
e(ji:cur(ttce o; thesytem, inreby destroy.
Invthe foil ml it Ion of thedifitsa, aud tlvlu
tLe p'ttlxut siruuirth by building up thecoa.
piituVii assKiji- uuturu in dola id
wor. The proprietors have to much lulthin
iHc ir.'iUve powers that they oft'n Ouo Uuii
difil Uolinin for any ciwoth:it it fulls to our J.
MnJ for list or testimonials. Address
F. J. I'HKXKt A Co., Toledo, O,
Foldbv I)ia irises, 7;:.
U'n-o Hull 1 unilly l'lllg for conttlpatlon.
Tito Island of Cypress, In the Med
iterranean, will soon linve a railroad
from const to const. The amount of
S.SlM COO francs bus beeu appropriated
for Its construction.
It Is always easy to forglvo other
people's ouemivg.
Vtnthernrny'e bwrot I'owdort for Children
fueoex'.fiiliy nsi-d by Jlother flray, nurse in
the i:lilldr-ns Home lu New iork. I'ure
Ten rii-hiiciw, Bad Moiifth, I wthiiipEisor
ders, move and ri'.uliit tlio Bowels nnd
Destroy Worms. Over 80,000 teetiiuonUls.
At all driicsliitB, !5o, t-aaiple mulled i'aiK,
Address Allen S, oluisted, Le Hoy, N. V.
Don't think because a man is an expert
mathen-.aticiua that he always counts With
the Xuir kjx
Illieuuiittlera'e Ullllni; Pain.
Left in quid; order afti'r Uking ll) doses
of Dr. Skirvin's Khcumatio Cute, in Ui)!et
form. Jj does lor 2'r., postpaid. Dc,
Kkirvia Co., La Crosre, Wij. A.C.L.
When inrance is hlisj it is fo'.jy to dis
cover that v"' rr s fo'
Plso's Ciir,-cunnot bo too highly spoken of
r.s a couph cure. J. V'. O'l.nnN. 32'i Third
Aveuua, N., Minneapolis, JUnii., Jan.0, ItfUO.
It is impossib'e for a woman to preserve
a secret so it will keep.
Putnam Kadci.kss Dyps color Silk,
Wool and Cotton t one boilinu.
A sensible woman seldom wastes her
time on a handconio man.
Mrs. WlDslow'sSootMngFyrupforehlldren
teething, sof ten the gums, red inn's InOamma.
Ilon.allays ; sin, cures wind colie. lilki. abottls
It isn't an easy matter to sea happiness
through another man' eyes.
Feeding Animals- In Winter.
As soon as the working spanon Is
over the farmer begins to eeononlsin In
Iho kc3plnR of lil Btoek over winter.
The plan unnwers v.-ell for Idle horses,
but to nt tempt tt keep a cow on an
little fond a pissihle is to entail a
loss. Sierra, Iioks and sheep should
be fed In wlr.tT us liberally as are tho
cons. Thp winter Is the season when
the farmer can bestow bis attention on
his animals, and he should endeavor to
keep them growing mid Increasing lu
weight until they are ready for mar
ket without regard to the season of t'.in
year. There is no mora reason for
keeping an animal tt a standstill in
whiter than In summer. Time and la
bor will be wnstrd when the sto-k Is
fed simply to keep tli Individual over
winter. Philadelphia Record.
Bulky Food Needed.
No one would think of ferdlnfr rows
grain only, without hay or corn fod
der, ami expett to keep healthy ani
mals. It is Just us much tiere?snry to
give hens something for "fining" and
cut hay and clover fill a place of Im
portance In maintaining health In
If given straining material of hay,
utraw or leaves, or If the hens are al
lowed access to barn mows, they will
get a supply of tilling, but very likely
will get an article of little food value.
Stlil another danger, not only to profit
but to health, Is the depending upon
corn for feed. Corn has Its place and
is needed as a heat-producing food;
but to use It altogether, to the exclu
sion of wheat and oats, Is to get un
healthy birds and a few rggs.
Scaly Legs.
If hens have scaly less, do not allow
them to remain In that condition. Mix
one teaspoon of kerosene or sulphur
with three of lard, and grease the
shanks of the aflltcted birds. A dry
time makes the work most comfortable
and effective. The scaly leg la caused
by a mlt or Itch Insect which spreads.
We have found that simply dipping the
hen's logs In a Bmall can of kerosene
would cause the scales 1o drop off.
This may seem a little severe, but off
come the scales and the mites with
them; and If the hens have access to
dust and an outdoor run, wo doubt It
It Is at a',1 painful, only to the mites.
Any way, get them off. Scaly lees are
not only an abomination In them
selves, but they annoy the birds; and
lack of comfort, whatever the cause,
means a lack of eggs.
Care cf Young Applo Trees.
Apple trees which are set out In the
spring should be mounded up with
earth about the base. Pile the earth up
around the F.tem one foot lu height and
to a distance of 12 to 18 Inches from
the 1 ase.
This practice his a three-fold advan
tage. It ails as a stand, holding the
stein lu plsce, and prevents its being
worked about by the winds when tho
p. round is soft lu the early spring; it
prevents heaving; it also serves as a
root proteclon against the sudden
changes In temperature and prevents
Injury by mice. When tlio ground Is
covered with snow mice frequently
damage or girdle tho Etem of small
trees. Experience has proven that
when tho trees are mounded up with
earth Mr. Mouse jtoes around instead ot
burrowing under, aud thus the tree
The All-Purposo Horso.
It Is folly to talk about one breed ot
horses being suitable for all purposes.
Consider for a moment the light har
ness hursa tugging at tho great trans
fer wagons, or the big two-ton farm
loads on the road to market. Tho
Live Stork Journal says thut the all
purpose Idea is still cherished by sonio
farmers who never raised or sold a
good draft horse. They havo always
believed that the draft horse was too
big for farm work. Hut farmer raise
horses now to si?ll and they have
learned that the big draft mares are
the most profitable farm team. They
do the farm work of plowing and haul
ing to perfection, anil they ralso tho
highest priced animal on the farm,
while the all-purpose horse Is the
cheap horso in competition with the
western range horse, nnd little trot
ters; don't pay to raise.
Seed Corn.
Permit me to give my plan for sav
ing aced corn thut 1 have practiced for
20 years with very good results. I
leave tho shuck on tka com and hang
it up in the barn. It will need no
other protection. If you ke?p the mlco
away from it. I have corn hanging in
my back yard on a pole that has had
all the rain, hail, tlcet, enow, fog and
sunshine for two years and a recent
test shows that It will not only ger
minate but will send up a vigorous
stalk. In that timo we hava had a
tomperaUtro of OS degrees in tho uhadc
and it has been aa low as 10 decrees
below wro. Don't fctrlp the shuck
back to examine the car, but gather
an abundance of seed and you can se
lect at planting time. By being care
ful you can examine the ends of the
ears to see If they are well Oiled if
you wish and if the shuck is loose
on tip end tie a string around it.
Correspondent Farmers' Guide.
Scrub and Pedigree Cow.
Breeders and others who are familiar
with pedigree cows are fond of talk
ing and writing about their pets. They
urge farmers to get rid of the scrub
stock, buy the pedigree stock and
change tbelr loss In the dairy to profit.
Unfortunately, this -is only half the
story. Wo ure quite ready to admit
that the pedigree tow Is superior to the
scrub cow, but why should any farmer
sink his money In pedigree cows until
he learns thoroughly that such ani
mals would bo little better than his
rcriibs under tho present plan of feed
ing? If those who urge the pedigree cow
would take some trouble to educate
the farmer In proper ways of feeding,
there would be more prdlgroo cows
sold than now. It Is tho tnuu who ha?
learned to feed properly who most
quickly sses the value of tho well-bred
cow. A high-bred animal Is not likely
to do any better, If as well, oil a ra
tion of corn and cornstalks thnti the
scrub cow. The chances are nine out
of ten that lallure to make tho dairy
pay Is duo to Improper feeding of tho
oows. Correct this fault and one will
quickly eej bow much better tho dairy
would pay with betters tows back of
it. lndlniinpolls News.
Keeping the Apple. 4
Frequently appbs aro gathered be
fore they are ripened. ' But there Is
a consldf rahlo difference in the welrht
between the fruit ripened on the trce3
nnd those which aro gathered prema
turely and left to ripen In a heap. M.
Lecbnrtler of the Agronomlo station
of Ren tics, France, experimented as
"The same variety of apple was tak
en, one lot was packed on Oct. 21, and
the other on Nov. 21, and tho two lots
were analyzed when completely ripe.
The fruit gathered on Oct. 21 averaged
48 grams, white that picked a month
later averaged 70 grams. Tho solo
fttct of having left the fruit a month
longer on the trees gave. an Increase
of nearly one-half. Thus ouo nan see
the great advantage there is lu leaving
the fruit to mature upon the trees, es
pecially In a year when tho yield is
slight, as Is tho case this season.
"As regards the chemical composi
tion, the properly ripened apple con
tains more acid and more mucilage,
while the quantity of sugar and tanin
are the same In both cases. A foolish
practice Is often followed, that of leav
ing the apples lu a heap exposed to
tho wind and weather. This is wrong,
because the sugar is gradually washed
away by the rain. One may prove this
fact by putting an apple Into water
and leaving It for a day or two, when
the water will be found to contain all
sugar matter. Apples should be placed
under a slight cover or shed, where
they are protected from the weather.
Indianapolis News.
Planting New Trees.
When tho trees come, unpack unless
there la freezing weather, In which
case put the box in a frost-proof build
ing until mild weather; when the box
Is opened untie each bunch, shake out
all packing and dip tho roots In thin
mud, prepared by stirring rich soil Into
a half barrel of water. Then heel In;
cover roots and a foot of body with
soil, taking caro to work bo!1 well
among roots, and tread firmly.
To winter trees north, whero full
planting Is considered unsafe, dig a
trench two feet deep on a dry knoll,
using the soil to make a sloping hank
on the Bimth side; lay In tho trees
with tops slanting south ami bury their
very tips. Tread firmly; thou another
layer nf trees, etc., covering all deep
with Boll, rounded to ccntro; no dan
ger of putting on too much earth.
Spread trees In thin layor.i; until all
branches. Dig trenches to drain off
all Biirface water.
riant either In fall or spring; the,
abovo plan combines all good points;
trees llvo and grow bettor than If
fresh dug in spring nnd aro at hand
Just when wanted. Tho planting sea
son Is not regulated by duto, nor by
your season, but by condition of trees
to be planted.
Prepare soil. for trees at least a
well as for wheat, corn or potatoes.
I'lnnt when soil will powder, not
paste. Dig litrge holes to admit roots;
never bend roots, cut lindi rather. Cut
oif bruised or broken t oots up to sound
wood. Then dtp roots In thin mud
and never let it dry. Don't set too
deep; trees after ground settles should
Ktand samo depth aa In nursery ex
cept dwarf pears, which set four Inches
Straighten out all roots In natural
potiltlon; fill In with flno moltit earth,
tinning it among tho roots; loavo no
air pockets. When holo Is ono-qtinrter
full, tread Bol'tly; and ho, until level
full; thou Btrew an Inch of lino loose
roil on top. Massachusetts Plough
man. Horticultural Notes.
Tho failure of trees to fruit Is usual
ly duo to one of two ca'.isc3, lack of
available plant food in tlio soil or too
much top allowed.
Whenever root grafting Is used in
the winter the plants bhould not be set
out in the spring unless the grafts
havo grown together.
Examine tho branches of fruit trees
for flags of caterpillar eggs. Cut them
iff and burn with tho branches on
which they are found.
Few persons who burn tho piles of
limbs trimmed from apple trees know
what they are losing in tho way of
first class kindling wood.
It Is useless to plant fruit trees un
less they are hardy, vigorous and pro
ductive of fruit thut will not ouly
keep veil, but will soil well to con
sumers. In taking up and potting geraniums
and other bedding plants for Indoors,
cut them back pretty close to the
crown and keep them in a partially
Bhaded place for a few days.
The Doctor.
Wife I thought I should never get
away from Pr. Bland's today. He
talks by tho hour.
Husband Yes, and cbargog by the
minute. Life.
Colch Invariab!y Result In Catarrh, Which
Distressing Diseases.
PE-RU-1TA Both Protect3 and Curca
Mim Rose Oordon. 2102 Oakland ay.,
Oakland Heights, Madison, Wis., writes:
"A w versf;o I caught a trvere
eold, which res lifted In chronic bron
chitlt and catarrh. Our family phy
Hcian prctpflbed medlolnet which
gov temporary relief only. Joy-pan
tnktna 1'eruna and tmprovetBatonce,
Two bottles cured me, I recommend
1'eruna to all nfferera,and am most
grateful to unu for your val uablemed
ivlne. "Mlt hoe Clordou.
rCahtngton,n. C.,600 It treet,'r. TT.
J)ea r Ifr, Ilartmam : "I think
that the doctor knew all about our
adieu and ptttnuand werelthe proper
ones to commit when nick, but fin re 1
have boen ntck myxelf I certainly had
good reason to change my mind.
During the winter I caught a heavy
cold, which developed Into catarrh of
the bronchial tubes and an in lamed
condition of the respiratory organe.
The doctors were afraid that pneu
monia would set In and prescribed
pills, potrdersand packs until I sick
ened of the whole thing, as t did not
A short man seldom carves any
thing great.
FIT3 permanently cured. No fits or nervous,
mc.mfter first day's use of Dr. K lino's Great
NervMlteBtorir. tllrlnlhuttloioid treat Isefrce
Dr. It. It. Ki.iNt, Mil., BUI Arch Bt., Pulls., Pa.
Love and bate have good memories; ouiy
ludillcrctioe forgets.
Pallor's Knrllest Can.
Another new thins. Can be cut sii
times during a season and sprouts attain
with lightning- rapidity. Next to Salzer'i
Teosinte it will make more green fodder
than anything else, cheap as dirt and grows
every Vliere.
Ot Sifljer's Renovator Grcsa Mixture,
just tho thins; for dyin? out paaturre snd
ipradows, Mr. K. Knpnolil, Knst Park, Ha.,
writes. 'I sowed Salter's Grass Mixture
on soil 'so prior two men could not laire a
lues on it, and in forty-one days after
S'lnlnR I had the ft-amlfit stand nf grass
in the county. Kilrr Grass Mixtures
nrnut quickly and produro enormously,"
100,000 barrels choice Feed Potatoes.
Ilere is a winner, a proilicy, a marvrl,
enormously prolific, strong, h'ulthv, vigor
ous, producing in thirty Mates from 130
to 3i1'l bit. per acre. You had best sow a
lot of it, Mr. Farmer, in liit)4, und in the
fall se'l it to your neighbors at $1 a bu,
for seed. A.C.L.
jvst srsD 10c. in stamps
to the John A. Pulzcr Peed Co., La Crosse,
Wis., snd receive in return their big cata
log and lots of farm seed samples free.
Canadian Railways.
Canada Is in a iponlMon very similar
to that of tire United States In the sev
enties and eighties, when wo were
opening up our wheat and corn lands.
About S.OUO.OUO.OOO acres of Canadian
grain land aro now under cultivation;
about 100,000,000 acres mora are
equally arable. That means rail
roads. Canada will bo the great
trunk line builder of tlio coming de
cades. Iioston Transcript.
Wine manufacturers In Greece, It
is said, purpose using barrels mado of
paper for their wine.
Back aches all tho time. Spoilt your
appetite, wearies the body, worries the
mind. Kidneys cause it all and Doa's
Kidney Mil relieve
and cure it.
II. U. McCarvcr,
of yoi Cherry fit,
Portland, Ore., in
spector of frelcht
for the T.dns-Cou-E
flu,ti1 Cn on .... . I.
"f li,.lllLMin.l.'M
. v..-. ii .n't, u a mu-k
ney Pills for buck P
ache and other
symptoms of kid
ney trouble which
bud annoyed me for
months. I think a
cold was responsi
ble for the whole
trouble. It seemed to settle iu my kid.
ney. Doun's Kidney Pills rooted It
out. It Is several months sine I used
thorn, end up to date there has been no
recurrence of the trouble."
Doan's Kidney Mils for sal by all
dealers. Price 60 cents per box. 7os-tar-MUbura
Cfe, Buffalo, N. Z.
Improve, One of the'ladicyfjn the
llomeJnd ajooffe of ferunn and she
advised lite to try that. Shortly aftnr
1 began using it t felt that I had fan nd
the right medicine, 1 usedtwo bottles
and they restoredline easily and
pleasantly to perfect health. While
my stomach wasverydellcate,Ve.runa
did not nauseate me In the least, but
gave me a good 'appetite, and 1 visit
to express my gratitude to you for re
stored health." Miss Rosalie Von
Is 'the neclnnlns; of Most Winter Ail
ments r-m-na Protects Against
nil Cures Colds.
There is no fact of medical science bettf r
established than that a tcnspootidil of IV
rima before each meal during the winter
season will absolutely protect a person from
ditching cold. Now, if this is true (unci
there in no doubt of it), thousand of lives
would be saved, nnd tens of tyunnds of
rases of chronic raturrli prevented, by this
simple precaution within reach of every
After a cold lias been contracted a tea-
V wilt ett la la to every pwo who nwfr thie ntlvt. how It i don In Wall Strtot and how K
mt do It alfu.
HDW. T. C. SLEASE & CO., flanker and Brokers, I
Mrmtion New York Prx!ure Erli;nce( N, V.
all nnil NiMnn Mrt., Jirw I
A female optimist is a woman who smiit
wbcu sue meets a niasvuiine bore.
Millions of Vegetables.
When tho Kditor read lO.OtX) Plants for
lffc. lie could liurdly believe it, but upon
second reading lincis thut the John A.
fcsier Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., than
whom there are no more reliable and exten
sive seed growers in the world, makes this
oiler. This greot olVer is inailo to got you
to test tautr's Warranted Vegetable
They will send you their big plant end
seed catalog, together with enough seed to
1. MO fine, solid Cahners,
2. PMI rlelieions Carrots,
L'.'mi) Huiohinr, nutty Cery,
2.000 rich, buttery frjttuce,
l.OuO splendid Onion,
1,000 tare, luccinns tladi'lies,
1,000 gloriously brilliant Mowers,
providing you will return this notice, snd
if you will send them 'Jc. in pontace. they
will add to the ahoee pucka'e of the fa
mous Uerliner Cauliflower. A.C.L.
The man who gors to the bad never
thinks of providing himself tvilu a reluia
"tfr ffttherhsvl been ft inffererfrom tlckheadach
for the lust ttrenty-tlve yr nl nrver found ai.f
rellff nntil tie bgati tklnc your ('fitcarf ti. tlne
he hai bfjrun taking Ceareu he hee never hail
the between. Vhey it re entirety carr4 him.
t'atcareli do what yon reroraDicnd them to do. I
will Im yoa the privilege of a tin hie ir.e.M
B.M. Uirkion, 113) Rosioer U., W.Iudiaueij.,s),li;4.
P!mM, PaUable. Potn. Tatte Q"i1. Te Qnr.&,
Nfvur btckoQ, Weaken oruripn, 1:. 2Sp, Mv. y,evr r
fold la bulk. Tho fur.nluo tuMot Win pud, C C 0.
Oauuuied O core or your mouey
Storting Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. sq9
U'LT UP IN OOULAi'bUM.B 'l tbl)
A tabtttuto for Aud r uprrtor to mutnrlnr
au other p lui tor, and will nut btiKiertJie
luuatdtjlltoi uklQ. 'i de ittlu-Hlla and
H will et'jp tho 1 outline (tout once, nnd
rllv bend ac lie arid triatlc-a, e rtTum
meod it ae the beat aud safest eiternul
counter-Irritant know ti, &1.-o aflanciternnl
.'emedf fur pal lit in the chent andstomiM h
and nllrbuumatic.naui al uic nnd gnu fyci'm-!
platuta. A trinl will prove w hut werlnim I
for it. maA It m-lll he found to he invulmiMt
in the htmsehold.Maiiy ptonlowiv'Mt Utlii'
LieHof all nf four preparation ,f Price i
tt.,atall druiwUta or other dealers, or by
aendltigthlaamount tnuHlnpoMtatfeatamrf
o wuiBoau yu m ii iw umu, c u rue it.
honld he accepted bribe public nnleea the
eameoarriett onrlahel.aafttberwlneit in not
genuine, cneBBBKuuiin uku. to.
IT But btrent, NaiW York City,
1.3 EAR.
mtr flag ie
b a iim m in Or f
Beat For
if ZJr TheBowdia -4
Sets Up a Host of
a Cold Road Proof
spoonful of Peruna every hour will ehortl
cure it, Icnvinp no trace of it behind. Aftei
chronic caturth has become established, 01
the firnt Mner of chronic bronchitis oi
consumption Iiave been reached, it will taks
itiuih longer to effect a cure.
It mini stranRC that as well known anil
well established as these facts are any one
should neglect to profit by them, and. yet
no doubt there arc many who pay little or
no attention to them and no on catching
cold, aenuirin; chronic catarrh, bronchitu
and consumption.
Cutarrll May Pertnaatethe IVhcn System,
Mrs. Maty K. Sunipsnn, West lierry,
,ltoekinf(!iani County, X. II., writes:
"I had terrible licadiichr-s, both ears rja
and I was nervous all the time, a'so had
trouble each month; was denf in one ear
for thirty years. I took six bottles of Pe.
runa ana one of Munnlin, and am happy to
say that it is the best medicine that 1 ever
used. 1 nrn not so nervous, my appctit if
?ood, everything I cat agrees with me, and
am fee ing better in every way. I think
Peruna is n gode-nd to women and a bies-s-i'lg
to siitlenng humanity." Mary K.
If you do not derive prompt and aatisfse
tory re-sults from the use of Peruna write
at mice to Dr. ilartuian, giving a full state
ment of your ca"e. nnd he will bo plcuaed
to L'ive you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ii.irtinan, President of The
Ilsrtinan Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
CnnfirMirtjtf d flfrk Esrhtmre, lltr.over Bnk Bldf .
ork t Iiy. Wrirc for free booklet.
A Uostnn physician's dis
covery which cleanses and iuZj
heals ail inflammation of the mucous
membram wherever located.
In triatment of female ills
tine is invaluable. Vsed as a, douche, it
Is a revchtion in cleansing and healing
power; it kills all disease germs which
cause inflammation and discharges.
Tboiisniuisof letters from women
prove t'l -.t It Is tbe Rrentest cureiur
ieiieorrhuc.i ever discovered.
Taxtins never fails to cure pelvic
catarrh, ncsul catarrh, sore throat, sore
mouth and sora eyes, because these
creases ore ail caused by inflammation
cf the muc ous membrane.
l"or ele.insint;, wliltonln,? And prew
serving tlio te th we cUr.l.onge Hie
v. orhl to proilueo It 3 equal.
1 hysici.iiis und specialists everywhere
prescribe and cit 'rse Paxtine, andtlou
sandsof tesiimot..alletter9 prove its value.
At druggists, or cent postpaid 50 cts.
A larfto trial paekntjoan'I book of
Instructions absolutely free. Write
The H. Ptxton Co., Dept. 2S Boston. Mass
Basins 'rj.jssw,syq
sT , Tt. fil T,v c - a
r e r r r e rair-ps? s rr 1
:iiryTTTTTTi? ''liairt'
r ii3sii hwi. -1 rnien.TOns yields,
(UIO ,'0 IO 11)00 LUHtlt'lS Htr M.l.
ana thin nHco we nrnd ymi loin 01 frra
atMr fin nin let and biar ftttaloiriie, teiiim
allfvbtiulTeostnfe, Ppfltj;, Pifuwt, Aertd
Lanrt Harloy. llutaionl Wht-t ilromui.
1 nuai cuuu. tio, beud lor tuouu loUuy.
bo.alt umoutite i-aretully lniate4
through a will pny yiu hur.ddomrtiy.
bend fur on r laieei booklet enu luurn
bow 11 U dune.
317 Third, put. burg. P
nti rannnt afTfinl to
without a hi l.O. It vou waol
cue (r mure), or need an
lumlier. tiuiiefr, mill work
to fnplr ur buildf or flakes
r Ca'ea, write
ti. DL1AS A BH0.,"
Buffalo. N. V.,
snd vst ttiH bwsl fur the lasts
inuuay, fllrut truui ttis
miuip. 1'itilurnn J HVJt,
Bllu U1U IVUUtS'l.
UKVI d SU nil sail on
NM. S Ml ti IHWMIMS .sd 10 S 7 Ir.SIIl
sfiesv as. a. a. luu ssoas. tu a. uwu,tj,