The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 16, 1903, Image 7

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    ft Star
ascription $1.00 pertear in advance.
C. A.aTBPHBNSON.Kdltor and Pab.
Rntered at the postofflce t Reynoldsvllle
a., assecondclas mall matter.
BoaHiartLi.Tii.iPBniiNo. 1.
you come In and see If wo don't
offer you a better assortment at a little
less money than you can got elsewhere
In the Use of V
Watches and Clocks
Jewelry in General
Rjnp;s in Particular
Silvern urn of every description, Cut
Glass and China. Wo al?o have a very
large stock of UMBRELLAS. All
(foods engraved free.
The Jeweler
TlllllflS . .
arc getting unusually
busy around our
place these days.
Holiday goods
coming daily. Going
to have a better as
sortment this year
than ever. Likely we
will have just what
you want.
The Druggist.
ft Little ol Everything.
Fifteen days until leap year.
"Pit" Is a now (fume that is becoming
There are ten pages to The Star
this week.
Time to begin to think about your
New Year resolutions.
There are some fine displays of
Carls tmus goods In town.
A sleighing party of young people of
this plaoe drove to DuBols Saturday
Dr. Fox will not only entertuln ynu
to-night but he will also give you much
food for thought.
From now until Christmas the post
offloo und express offices will do a
rushing business.
A subscription to The STAR ono year
would make an appreciative Christmas
preseut for a friend.
Hear Dr. D. F. Fox lecture on "A
JJeglroti'd Cavalier." Ho will delight
you with bis wit and oratory.
The first of tbe year Is the time for
settling all acoounts. Don't forget
your newspaper subscription.
Ten glass workers of this plaoe at
tended a meeting of glassworkers at
Falls Creek Saturday afternoon.
"A Neglected Cavalier" Is tbe sub-
jtict of Dr. Fox's lecture to-nlgbt. He
U a first-class lecturer. Hear blm.
A year'i subscription to The Star
makes an acceptable Chriutmus gift to
a friend Interested In Reynoldsvtlle.
- The jury commissioners filled the
jury wheel last week with 603 names
for servloe during 1904.
. Tbe DuBols Courier and Express arc
having a "scrap" over tbe purity of tbe
water supply of that town.
The Clearfield county teachers' In
stitute will be held at Clearfield next
week, beginning Deo. 21 and closing on
In the present session of congress
there are eight Smiths In the House of
Representatives, but nary a Smith In
tbe Senate.
. Congressman Smith has presented a
bill hi congress for an Increase of
pensions (or Robert L. M iles and Jacob
Hennlnger of this place. '
' Rev. A. J. Meek, pastor of Baptist
church, will preaab on the "Reason
kblenese of the Christian Religion"
vest Sunday evening.
Dr. S. Reynolds has been critically
111 the past week. He Is now much
An article on the glass situation will
be found on tbe last page of The Star
this week.
A Winchester repeating rifle was
won last week by J. M. King at the
shooting gallery. Score 25
A man named Josoph Miller had both
legs and both arms broken by falling
from the bucket In shaft at Bykesvllle
Monday noon.
Dr. Fox Is a clear thinker, a man of
broad culture and of rare power on the
platform. Go to Assembly ball this
evening to bear blm.
P. B. Rhodes, the butcher, will dis
continue his meat market to-morrow
andoopen a restaurant. It will be called
the Palace Restaurant.
Tho annual banquet of Mystic Com-
raandtiry No. 313, Improved Order
Knights of Malta, will be held on the
evening of December 30, 1903, at eight
Congressman W. O. Smith of this
district has been appointed on two
committees In tbe House of Repre
sentatives, Reform In Civil Service and
The winter season does not begin
until the 22nd of this month. However,
we have had about four weeks of solid
winter wcathor, Including some good
The seperate rooms of tho West Reyn-
oldBville school will render a short pro
gram on Friday afternoon of this week.
Teachers and pupils will appreciate the
presence of the parents.
Tbe ladles of the Baptist Aid Society
held a ten cent social at the homo of
Mrs. Cora Mitchell on Grant street
Thuraduy evening. There wer. a
large number present.
Thurhduy afternoon of last week the
Pivsbylurian Work Society elected the
following officers for 1904 : President,
Mrs. Essie McKee ; vice-president,
Mrs. J. K. Johnston; secretary, Miss
Isubel Arnold ; treasurer, Mrs. E. Neff.
Last Saturday was "Presbyterian
Church Day" at C. R. Hall's store.
Twelve ladles of tho Work Society as
sisted as clorks, four In forenoon, four
In afternoon and four in the evening.
The church got ten por cent of the cash
sales during the day.
Rev. A. D. McKay, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, will have charge
of the mooting in the rooms of the
Young Men's Reading Association at
three o'clock next Sunday afternoon.
All young men are cordially invited to
attend these meetings.
Benjamin Burkhouso, a blacksmith
who resided noar Panlo, Pa., died
Thursday. December 10, 1903, from
dropsy. Funeral service at Centre Hill
church Suturday, conducted by Dr.
Harry G. Teagardon. Interment in
Centre Hill cemetery.
Tbe Baptist Sunday school classes of
Mrs. A. J. Mock and Miss Maude Meek
will give an oyster supper at the Bap
tist parsonage on Saturday evening,
December 19th. Oysters served in any
stylo. Price 25 cents. Everybody in
vited. Proceeds for repairs on Baptist
Robert S. Williams, register of West
Ruynoldsvllle, has completed bis work
and makes the following report: Whole
number of taxables in borough 261,
number of voters enrolled 178, number
of scholars between the ages of 6 and 16
years 185, numbor of deaths 13, number
or births 2.
S. Taylor North, of Young township,
who was a candidate two years ago for
the Republican nomination for Assem
bly, but was not the winner at that
time, although a strong candidate, was
a callor at The Star office last Friday
Mr. North will be a candidate the
second time for the nomination. He is
ndw looking carefully after bis political
to noes. ,
Tho Hasklns- Davidson orobestra,
comprising piano, violin, clarionet and
trap drums will furnish the muslo for
the ball to bo given in tbe Wlsbaw
park pavilion on tbe niirhtof Christmas
eve, December 24. Arthur Hasklns,
who Is" ut preseut pursuing bis musical
studies in Potsdam, N. Y., will be borne
for the holidays, thereby completing
tbe orchestra.
John M. Read Lodge No. 536, F. &
A. M., elected tbe following oflioers on
the evening of the Rth Instant for 1904 :
W. M Joseph M. Cathers ; Sr. W.,
Dr. John H. Murray ; Jr. W., Fred J.
Butler ; treasurer, Henry C. Delble ;
secretary, L. J. McEntlre ; trustees,
C. A. Herpel, A. P. King and L. G.
Lldle ; representative to Grand Lodge,
L. J. McEntlre.
Report. of public schools for month
ending Deo. 9, 1903 : Boys enrolled,
274 ; girls enrolled, 301 ; total enroll
ment, 675 ; boys average per oent. of
attendance, 94 ; girls average per cent,
of attendance, 93 ; total average per
oent. of attendance 93t ; boys neither
absent nor tardy 122 ; girls neither
absent nor tardy, 134 ; total neither
absent nor tardy 256 ; percentage of
boys neither absent nor tardy, 45 ; of
girls, 44 i ; total percentage neither
absent nor tardy 44 J.
Dividend Declared.
A meeting of tbe dlreotors of the
8ummervtlle Telephone Company wae
held at .Punxsutawney yesterday ana
thev declared a dividend of 10 per cent.
on all stock, payable January 1, 1904.
Fire Started at Glass Plant.
Mondav the fire was started in the
dIbm tilnnt at this nlaae and It is expect
ed that plant will begin work by tbe
first of the year, If not sooner.
Tha nlanl at Falls Creek will begin
blnwlnir nil 2flth. The men there will
get market money Saturday of this
County Institute.
Count Superintendent R. B. Toit-
rlck. in speaking of the teachers'
county institute to be hold at Brook-
Title the last of this month, says : "A
special effort has been made to make
this the most interesting and most
pleasurable institute ever held in this
county. The strongest, most practical,
most nonular talent available has been
secured. Everyone on tbe program is a
master in his line."
In Mercy Hospital.
Walter Stauffer, aged eighteen years,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Stauffer of West Reynoldsvllle, was
taken to the Mercy Hospital in Pitts,
burg on Thursday of last week to be op
erated on for appendicitis. The opera
tion was performed Friday, but was not
a complete success and another opera
tion will be necessary in about three
weeks from time of first operation. Mrs.
Stauffer is in Pittsburg with her son.
Moved to Falls Creek.
William Dougherty, a highly esteem
ed and successful farmer of Paradise,
sold bis farm last August to Oscar
Shaffer, built himself a new dwelling
house at Falls Creek, whore ho moved
a few days ago. Mr. Dougherty has a
son. Dr. J. C. Dougherty, who is In
business at Falls Creek, Is why he
moved to that place. The people of
Falls Creek will find Mr. Dougherty an
excellent citizen, a man of integrity,
whose word is as good as a bond.
Keep the Water Pure.
The terrible scourge that Butler is
now suffering from, caused by Impure
water, has aroused the people over the
country and the water supplies for
towns and cities are being carefully
looked alter. We now have a supply of
good water and the water company is
using all possible precaution to keep it
pure. There is a communication on tbe
last page of this issue of The Star
from the secretary of wator company
requesting the assistance of tbe people
in keeping pollution out of the water
supply. Read it and do your part.
Accident at Soldier.
Monday noon four carpenters had
some work to do near, tbe big engine
at Big Soldier mine and they stuck a
beam in the drlvo-wheel of engine to
make it doubly safe to do their work.
In some manner the powerful monster
was give steam and the beam was
broken and tbe engine started. Four
men were knocked down and two
narrowly escaped having their brains
knocked out. H. T. Blose, W. P.
Dickey, Rouobe and Tusb were the
men knocked down. Blose and Tush
were badly Injured.
Miss Ella E. Seiley will have her
display of fancy work on exhibition
Saturday, Deo. 19, at Mllllrens depart
ment store. Will have painted turn
over collars more fashionable this year
than last. Call and sea them.
E. J. Carpenter's splendid production
of the celebrated melo drama "For Her
Sake" with a large cast, elaborate
scenery magnificent stage effects will
be seen at tbe opera bouse Punxsutaw
ney, Thursday, Deo. 31.
Read Stake's, the druggist's big
Christmas ad. in tnts paper.
Dr. Gibson's increasing practice
speaks volumes for bis success and pro
fessional ability. Bee bis dates.
Boy's watches, good timekeepers,
from 12.50 up. C. F. Hoffman.
Go to tbe Model Bakery for your
Sweaters for X"mas. 60o. to 15.00 at
See tha window full of shoes at No
lan's shoe store. Ladles' shoes 75 cents
and men's 11.25.
Celebrated Golden Rod candles 10
cents per pound atStoke's, tbodrugglst.
A clock mattes a very nice and ac
ceptable Christmas gift, and we offer
tbe greatest assortment ever onered to
the holiday buyers. Prices lower than
ever before, at uooder's the jeweler,
Greatest assortment Xmas. umbrellas
at Mllllrens.
Wr can certainly show you some beau'
tlful things in fine china. C. F
Celebrated Golden Rod candles 10
oent per pound atStoke's tbe druggist.
Prices reduced on bats at Miss Savers'.
Big assortment of ladies' and men's
silk muffler and bandkercbieves for
holidays! at low prices at A. Katzso's
Holiday goods at C. F. Hoffman's.
Gold rim glasses for Christmas pres
eut. Eyes fitted free atC. F. Hoffman's
Sue tbe new dislgns in pictures for
Amos, at Miiurens.
J. E. Mitchell, merchant tailor, near
Hotel Imperial.
Rldgway Has a Daily.
Hv an overslirht last week we neglect
ed to mention that Rldgway has a
sprightly new dally paper. 2Ti Uncord
la the name of the dally and It Is edited
by our old time friend, Postmaster W.
tl. Baker of Rldtrwav. With being
editor of a weekly paper, Rldgway
Advomle, and postmaster, We snouid
think Bro. Baker had grief enough for
one mortal without adding a dully
paper to the list. May the Jietnrd
Lecture Free.
Dr. Newell Dwlght Hill is, of Brook
lyn. N. Y.. will deliver his great lec
ture, "John Ruskln's Message to tbe
Twentieth Century." at tbe Jefferson
county Teachers' Institute in the Bolve-
dere opera house, Brookvllle, at 3.00 p.
m., Tuesday, December 29. Prof.
Teltrick has engaged Dr. HIUIs to
anoear at this time to compensate for
the disappointment occasioned by his
being unable to keep his evening en
gagement last year. Admittance free
for this lecture.
Holiday Shopping.
Never, In the history of our town, has
there been such a large and fine line of
holiday goods displayed by our merch
ants as they are displaying this year.
Any person a little skeptical concerning
this statoment will soon be convinced
that It Is correct by visiting tbe stores
of town. It is not necessary for shop
pers to go or send out of town for
Christmas presents. You oan buy toys
or cheap presents and you can also buy
a floe suit, silk bat, seal skin sacque,
gold watch, diamond ring, cut glass,
china dishes, bed room suit, in fact most
anything you desire. Visit the stores,
see the goods, patronize tbe borne
merchants and be happy.
The Opening Number.
Tbe public school lecture course
opened Friday night under very auspi
cious circumstances. The attendance was
as large, and possibly larger, than any
previous year and not a Blngle selection
of "Honey's Boys" passed without
hearty appreciative applause. Tbe
concert was unique, the lads composing
the quartette being all under thirteen
years of age. Under direction of Prof.
Roney however they gave a first class
entertainment. Varied costumes were
worn by the boys, among them being
military uniforms, 10th century court
costumes, cardinal college gowns and
most striking of all, Scottish Highland
tartans. Tbe Instrumental music
violin, flute, fife and organ chimes was
even better than tbe vocal.
Christmas Presents by Express.
All packages to go out by Adams
Express on the 22od, 23rd and 24th of
December must be in tho express office
not later than 10.30 a. m. on tho above
dates to Insure that tbe package will go
out on the afternoon of the day It Is
taken to express office.
Jos. Shaffer, Agont.
Open New Restaurant.
On Thursday I will discontinue my
meat market and on Saturday, Decem
ber 19, will open a first-class restaurant
In the room now used tor meat market.
It will be known as Palace Restaurant.
Public patronage solicited.
f. U. KHODE8.
Pie Social.
There will be a pie social and festival
at the old Baptist cburoh at Prescott-
vllle on Tuesday evening, Deo. Zlnd,
1903. Everybody cordially invited.
Proceeds for Oscar Tapper and family.
Meeting Fire Co.
At 8.15 p. m., to-morrow there will
be a meeting of Hope Fire Co. to elect
Dr. Fox has the hearty endorsement
of Col. Bain. Robert Mclntyre, Hillis
Wendllng, Hedley and otber prominent
lecturers. Be sure to bear blm to-night.
From Friday, Doo. 18 until Deo. 25
Mllllrens department store will be open
until 10.30 to accommodate late shop
pers, will closo at noon Christmas day
Fringed mitts $1.00 at Mllllrens.
Footstools at 35 cents at Priest er
Big assortment In toys all new at
low prices at A. Katzen's.
Genuine ebony military and hair
brushes at Aiuurens.
Fruits of all kinds at tbe Model
Ladies' gold filled watches from 18.00
up at C. F. Hoffman's.
Toilet sets, bat brushes, olothes
brushes, military brushes, io., In
sterling silver and fancy stag at Good
er'a, tbe jewelers. Remember all en
graving done free on goods sold.
Are you going to the St. Louis Expo
sition ? If so join the World's Fair
Guarantee Association. For informa
tion see C. R. Hall.
Granbanhoria and 1 dnznn ranm-A fnr
j.uu bv uuuuor i, vuo jewelers.
E r n . . a . l .
Sterling silver novelties for Xmas. at
Anything for men and boys at B, W.
causa a uo s at ooet.
Cut glass and china will be arm re
dated by the housekeeper for Christ
mas. We would like to have you come
in and look our stock over. We know
our prtoes and geods will interest you.
C. V. Hoffman.
Dr. Gibson has visited so long and
been so successful that you cannot
mistake in consulting him if troubled
with headache, blurring, iu., caused
by eyestrains, see his dates.
Large stock of fine rocking chairs at
fries ter Bros.
Married in Ohio.
At the beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. John A. Root on Tuesday evonlng
at 7 o'clock the rite was performed by
Rev. A. C. Miller, D. D which united
In holy matrimony, Mr. Harley II.
Fate, of Plymouth, and Miss Annbel
Lawton, of Reynoldsvllle, Pa. Both
the contracting parties are well known
to our residents. Mr. Fate Is tbe
senior momber of the firm of the J. D.
Fate Co., a wide-awake, progressive
man who enjoys the respect and esteem
of his fellows. The bride has by brief
stays In our midst won her way Into tbe
hearts of the people by her obarmlng
personality. The pride of the groom
In the sucewss of his matrimonial ven
ture is quite Justifiable. Plymouth,
Ohio, Adirrtiurr, Deo. 12, 1903.
The bride was trimmer for Miss
Bayers In this place.
Public Installstion.
Tuesday evening of last week the
Daughters of Re belt ah hold public in
stallation In the I. O. O. F. ball. There
was a large number present. Sand
wiches, cake and coffee were servea
after the Installation. The following
officers were Installed : N. G., Mrs.
Emma Burgeson ; V. G., Mn. Jennie.
Barclay ; Secretary, Mrs. Maggie
Maggie Moore ; Treasurerl Mrs. l'.lla
Evans : Warden, Mrs. Clara Shluk ;
Chaplain, Mrs. Minnie Herpel ; Con
ductor, Mrs. Jennie WomeldoifJ ; I. G.,
Mrs. Deua Burgh; O. G., Mrs. Mury
Herold: Tt. S. N. G., J. K. Womeld.rf;
L. S. N. G., Mrs. Mabel Rldgeway R.
S. V. G., Gus Herold; L. S. V. G.. Mrs.
Carrie nerpel ; R. S. S., Mrs. Austin.
Hit in Eye With Snowball.
John Pomroy, jr., was hit in the rye
Ith a snow ball while going through
Ratkmel last Saturday with a slelgbiog
party to DuBols. He bad a narrow es
cape from losing his eye. Ratbmel,
like other towns, has a number of boys
that think it Is good fun to snowbill
sleighing parties. It is a mean and
dangerous practice. , Boys of Reynolds-
ville do the same thing.
Visited Falls Creek Lodge.
Thursday evening of last week Lis-
trlct Deputy Mrs. Annie Wlnslow, S.
J. Austin and wife, Mrs. Charles A.
Herpel, Mrs. Henry W. Herpel nud
Mrs. Edith Phtlllppl drove to Fulls
Creek and installed new officers In the
Daughters of Robekab lodge at that
B., R. ft P. R'y Clerical Orders.
Clerloal orders for tho year 1904 v. Ill
be issued by the Buffalo, Rochester &
f lttsburg K y Co. as In former yoars to
ordained clergymen having regular
charge of churches located on or m ar
tbe line of its road. Application blin ks
will be furnished by ticket agents of
the company and should be forwarded
te tbe General Passenger Agont at
Rochester, N. Y., as early as possible
and In no caso later than Doo. 25 h.
No orders will be Issued except on In
dividual unnlication of olurpvinen. mi tin
on blanks furnished by the compa.iy,
ana oerunea to oy one oi lis agents.
Dr. Fox's Lecture To-Night.
The pint of Assembly ball for Dr.
Fox's lecture this evening is ut H. Alex
Stokn's drug store. Arrangements for
reservud seuts muy be made there.
The lecture on the subject of "A Neg
lected Cavalier" will begin at 8 ,'10
o'clock. Tbe doors will be opened at
7.45. There will be special muslo before
tbe lecture,
Card of Thsnks.
We hereby express our heartfelt and
sincere thanks to our neighbors and
mends lor their kindness and sympal liy
in time of great sorrow tbe occasion of
doath of our husband and father.
Mrs. Geo. Sharp and Family.
Read Stoke's. the drueirlst's. lis
Christmas ad. In this paper.
Send The Star to a friend one vi ur
for a Christmas present.
Try u box of Swift's Jersey Butter-
Ine at 20 and 22 cents per pound, ex
press paid to your door, Jersey Butter
Co., DuBols, Pa.
By buying those beautiful ' pictures
and photo mats at MUUrensyour frlei ds
oan all be made bappy with a small
Father and mother would appreciate
a pair of gold rim glusses for Chrlstmiut.
Xou can buy them now and after jou
present them you can have their e. es
fitted and lonses changed free. Come
in and we will tell you all about it at
Hoffman a, tbe jeweler and optician.
All neckwear at oost at H. W. Eason
1c CO'S.
You cau get the best ladles' shoe in
the world ut Nolan's shoe store for $2.00.
Golden Rod chocolates, none bettor.
20 oents per pound at Stoke's the
Ladles' coats, suits and skirts for
Xmas. at Mllllrens.
Rings Tbe finest line ever shown In
diamonds and other stones of all kinds,
fiat band, oval and engraved bands :
over 700 to seluot from. Call and see
tbe large stock atGooder's, the jeweler.
Bon Ton Bakery bread, cakes and
pies for sale at Keagle's new store In
tbe King at uo. nuudtng.
Kerchiefs for Xmas. at Mllllrens, 2o
to 91.UU.
Fancy umbrellas at low prices at A
Gold pens with pearl holders, foun
tain pens, pencils, gold tooth picks,' all
nice for a Christmas present at
uoodor a.
A store full bargaius at A. Katzen's,
Phonograph and twelve records for
ao.uu at bloke's, the druggist.
In Memory of W. A. London,
Tho following resolutions of respect
to the memory of W. A. London, late of
Hykesvllle, Pa., were passed at a regu
lar meeting of Mingle Lodge No. 753,
I. O. O. F., of Troutvllle, Pa., of which
he was a momber at time of his death :
Wherrar, It has pleased Almighty
God In his infinite wisdom to remove
from our midst W. A. London, our
worthy and respected brother
UfMileed, That we, the members of
Mingle Lodge No. 753, I. O. O. F., de
plore the loss of such a worthy brother
and extend our heartfelt svmpathy to
the bereaved family and friends who
deplore his loss most deeply. And be
it further
Hrmlml, That a copy of these r so
lutions bo presented to the family, t Is
that they be published In at least two
newspapers. lie It further
lirtoUvd, That these resolutions be
spread on the minutes of our lodge, ulso
that we drape our charter In mourning
for a period of thirty days In memory of
our departed brother.
W. O. Miller,
:R, )
t, Coa.
H, J
Li. ij. vyehf.r,
Lewis Schoci
Troutvllle, Pa., Deo. 12, 1903.
Fair Association Officers.
The annual raeetlnir of the stock
holders of tho JolTerson County Agri
cultural Society and Driving Park
association was neio in lfrooKvuie on
Monday of last woek, and from the
Hrpublican wo learn that theoldofllcjrs
were re-elected, as follows : President,
R. Arthurs ; vice president. C. R. Vas-
bindor ; secretary, Scott McClelland :
directors O, D. Bufllngton, Frank P.
Kunkln, H. 11. Arthurs, P. J. Allgi Ir.
U. Arthurs ; auditors, W. 8. Weaver,
I. F. Uaughman, W. L. McCrack n.
Tbe Jirpuhlicun Is also authority for the
statement that tho total expenditures
of the Association this year, exc pt
ounuings ano oilier preparations ol t be
fair ground, were t4.373.56. and tbe net
earnings, 92,470.98.
Sir Knights Princes, Attention I
Tbore will be a council of the Ap
pendant Order of the Red Cross und
Sepulchre In Odd Fellows Hall on Wed
nesday evening. Doc. 2.1, eiebt o'clock.
The degree team will be travelled In
full form. To all Stranger Knights
who may be temporary sojourners in
our district, a cordial invitation is ex
tended to meet with us.
Fred J. Butler.
Charles B. Clark, Chancellor.
Sovereign Commandor.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed lotters remaining
In post office at Iteynoldsvillo, Pa., for
tho week ending Dec. 12, 1903 :
Foreign Hobo Audras, Stlf Zvsra.
Say advortisod and give date of list
when calling for above.
Reduced Rates to New Orleans.
On account of the meetings of the
Amorloun Kconomlo Society and the
American Historical Society, at N iw
Orleans, La., Decomher 28 to January
i, ine r-cnnsyivania nauroau Uompnny
will sell round-trip tickets to N w
Orleans and return from all stations on
its lines, December 24, 25, and 2(1, good
for return pasRago until January 5. In
clusive, at ruduaod ratos. For spocillo
Information consult Ticket Agents.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice In hereby given that tbe
annual meeting of tho stockholders of
the Simmiervlllo Telephone Co. will be
held In the company's general office at
Summervllle, Pa., on Wedhesday, Jim
uury 1.1. 1904, at 10.00 a. m., for the
purpose of electing a board of dlreotors
for ensuing year, and the transaction of
such other business as may oronei'lv
come before the meeting.
DR. J. K. Brown, Pres.
J. S. Hammond, Seo.
A Slav bud his rlarht loir broken IA
Big Soldier mine one day last week bv
a fall of coal. He was taken to I be
Adrian Hospital.
Found A gold ring.
Call at The
Star ofllco.
FOR SALE Two seated slnlch. vrnuen
buggy, harness, etc. Math Mohmy.
For Rent Mrs. J. B. Avres' house
on Main street. Cheap rent. Inquire
of E. Neff.
LOST Near tho Moore unhool houm.
a lady's large plush cape. Finder 111
piuuxo notlty tumor bTAR.
Lost One left hand glove between
Frank's Tavern and Cool Sprlnir : doer
skin back, buck-skin front. Finder
please leave at Star office.
For Sale Lot of household soorfs.
consisting of buds, chairs, tables, dishes
carpets, one gas stove, Sco. Sale Satur
day, December 10,, beginning at 1.30
o clock at residence on Pleasant Av
enue. R. B. Fink.
Girls Wanted to come and look at
our assortment of gift goods for gentlo-
men, including umbrellas, smoking sets.
pipes, etc., shaving mugs and brushes
sliver mounted, cult buttons, scarf pins,
chains, fobs, lockets, etc. Come in and
we will help you out of the worry of what
to buy your dear boy. All goods en
graved free. C. F. Hoffman, tbe
Draylng of all kind done promptly
and coal delivered on sbort notice.
George Hartman, drayman.
New subjects and new designs In
plotures at Mllllrens at 100.
Have you seen the watch fobs at
Gooder's jewelry store, be bas all the
latest patterns.
A 11 ne 1 Ine of neck wear at A. Katae n's.
Just received the second lot of signet
hatpins. Come and see them and have
one laid away for Christmas. We will
engrave you a nice monogram on them
at Uoodor s jewelry store.
Phonographs $3.50, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00,
$15.00 aud $20.00 at Stoke's, druggist.
The finest line of dress shirts will be
found at H. W. Eason & Co's all to go
at oost.
Sue tho special Xmas. boxes of Ver-
oblofs at Mllllrens.
Shew fly and hobby horses at Prlester
Qllmpset of the People who are Pass
ing To and Fro.
A. M. Applegate was at Weedvllle
S. S. Robinson and wife visited Id
Punxsutawney Thursday.
Irvln Winslow, of Driftwood, visited
bis mother in this place this week.
Henry Foltx, George Sypkrlt and J.
Elsen Smith were at Niagara Falls last
G. W. Lenkerd was In PItUburg
several days the latter part of last
Will G. Repsber, of Yatesboro, an en
gineer on the B., RAP. R'y branch,
was In town yesterday.
Mrs. Joseph R. Mllllren is visiting
ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. K.
Hunter, at Wlnslow, Pa.
Misses Olevla Murray, Ertna and
Caroline Robinson have been visiting at
Mabaffey, Pa., tbe past week.
Jacob Schwem visited his son and
daughter, William Schwem and Mr.
W. I. Hay, in DuBols last week.
M. Mohney, who is employed at
Bollevue, near Pittsburg, spent Sun
day with his family In this plaoe.
District Deputy Mrs. Annie Winslow
installed new officers In the Daughters
of Rebekah lodee at Eleanora last
Miss Mary Trudgen returned bona
Monday after a seven weeks' visit at
home of ber brother, John Trudgen, jr.,
in East Brady.
Misses Minnie and Daisy Strong went
to Brookvllle last evening to attend ft
D. A. R. reception given by the Brook
vllle chapter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Utter, of Manis
tee, Mich., are visiting tbe latter'a
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rose,
at the Ross House.
Miss Lillian dol Pierre, a teacher in
Falls Creek schools, whose heme is
near Philadelphia, was the guest of
Miss Etta Shaffer Friday and Saturday
of last week.
Mrs. Edward Bates, who was at
Manlngton, W. Va., with ber husband,
who Is working In glass plant at that
place, returned to this place the latter
part of last week.
Joseph M. Cathers and wife- and W.
S. Ross were at New Bethlehem Mon
day attending tbe funeral of Rose
Cathers, who was known to a number
of cur people, having lived here some
years ago.
Will A. Reynolds, student in the
University at Woester, Ohio, is ex
pected home to-day to remain until
after tho holidays. Tbe illness of Will's
father, Dr. S. Reynolds, hastened his
home coming several days.
Mrs. Caroline Armor and daughter,
Miss Nollie Armor, and Mrs. Annie
Wlnslow and daughter, Miss Ethelyn
Wlnslow and Charles S. Klrobartz, of
this place, attended tho funeral of Mrs.
Paul Hughes in Brookvllle last Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rumsey, of Pitts
burg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
B. Weed last week. Mr. Rumsey came
up Thursday and Mrs. Rumsey, who
was visiting In Brookvllle, came here
Friday noon. They returned homo
Noah Syphrlt and daughter, Mist
Tressa, were called to Pittsburg last
week on account of the serious Illness
of Mr. Syphrlt's son, Joseph W.
Syphrlt, who Is In the Mercy Hospital.
Mr. Syphrlt returned home Monday
and Miss Tressa remained in Pittsburg.
Fresh bread, pies and cakee at tbe
Model Bakory.
Golden Rod chocolates, none better.
20 cents pur pound at Stoke's, the
nSuspendors, boxed individually for
Xmas at Milllrens
A orreat harffain in men's and bova'
clothing at A. Katzen's.
For men only, we offer this sugges
tion. Your wife will appreciate a piece
of fine china for Xmas more than any
thlntr vou can buy her. we have
beautiful line at very moderate prices.
Come In and let us show you how easy
It Is to select a present at our store, u.
F. Hoffman.
Tbe finest assortment of ladles' and
gentlemen's umbrellas, junt tbe thing
for a Christmas present. All engrav
ing done free on goods sold at Gooder's,
tbe jeweler.
Genuine seal traveling eompaolona
at Mllllrens.
H. W. Eason & Co. have a fine assort
ment of mufflers which will be sold at
Fancy Xmus. slippers at Milllrens for
men, women, children.
' Tarry brand of cundee rubbers at No
lan's shoe store.
If you want a watob don't fall to see
our stock and get our prices before you
buy. C. F. Hoffman.
The best sliver polish on the market
la kept at Gtwder's, come and get a
sample bottlu.
Large assortment of uk'm's and boys'
shoes at low prices ut A. Katzen's.
Phonograph and twolve records for
$6.00 at Stoke's tbe druggist.
Burnt leather fancy boxes, Mllllrena.
Quartered sawed oak chamber suito
at Prlester Bros, for $23.00. See then
before buying elsewhere.
W. H. Eason & Co. bave a fine line of
umbrellas that they are selling at coat.