SifrtfrtP 5 4? 4? 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 4 J 43 43 43 4S 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 ! .43 43 h 5 I An independent journal devoted to the interests of Beynoldsvillc. Published weekly. One Dollar per year strictly in advance. VOLUME 12. REYNOLDSVILLE, I'ENN'A., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1003. NUMBEB 81. gmnmmmnnmmmfmmmnmmmmmimHmnimm I THEY'VE BEEN TO BUI Sit. A DEPARTMENT TORES for their XMAS GIFTS Christmas is only nine days off. We can take care of the Xmas buyers. We have the right thing for every person, the right price for every purse. r."prr''co(crv-(N"( frr-i frf('ftf-'( r -fi crr'rrrfM-rrfVr'm "'JZjT1- l-ZZr "t '" "cth fir ft ficfr- frfrfTfrfrfC'c-f'Cfr' of" Mercerized Petticoats Collara Ribbons Fans and Umbrellas Fine Table Li nan Towels t ! ) Dressing Sacques and Aprons Gloves Ladies,' Mioses and Children's Furs Napkins Dry Goods . . WAIST PATTERNS in Silks and Velvets. White Oxfords and Madras Cloth. Neckwear and Laces Handkerchiefs Women's Coats, Suits and Separate Skirts Knitted Shawls and Fascinators. Shoe Department. We can supply all your needs in Footwear Shoes and Slippers for father, mother, brother and bister. Good warm Overshoes for all the family. Children's Leggins 50c, Misses' 60c, Ladies' 70 cents, Give your mother, sister or wife a Pair of Dorothy Dodd Shoes for Xmas nothing better made. Footwear for all the family. OUR BIG BUSY BASEMENT Clothing Department. YOUR XMAS NEEDS CAN BE SUPPLIED HERE. Men's Suits, ' Youth's Suits Boys' Suits Men's Overcoats Youths' Overcoats Boys' Overcoats Men's Hats Men's Caps Men's Neckwear Men's Hosiery ' - $4. AO to 20, 00 2.4'.) to 12.00 .ys to s.oo 4.50 to 20.00 4.00 to 15.00 5.40 to 8.00 .49 to 2.1)8 .23 to .08 .15 to .08 M0 to .40 Men's Suspenders Men's Shirts Men'B Gloves , Men's Handkerchiefs Men's Mufflers Men's Underwear Men's Collars, cgrlKZn Telescopes - Trunks Suit Cases .15 to .40 .25 to 1.49 .25 to 1.49 .05 to 1,49 .25 to 1.98 90 to $:.00 suit 2 for 25 cents .45 to $1.00 $3.00 to 8.00 $1.50, 2.00, 3.75, 5.00 Surely full to overflowing with Dinner sets, Toilet sets, Tea Sets, Water and Lemonade sets, Cups and Saucers, Cracker Jars, Bread and Milk sets, Children's Tea and Table sets, Plates, Tea Pots, Sugars and Creams, Water Bottles, Celery and Spoon Trays, Vases and Glassware. Dolls . Dolls Remember the beautiful d lls we had last year ? Well you can get much prettier ones here this year from 5c to $4.98. Tree Ornaments and Decorations Surely the largest line we have ever carried you know what that means. Where there's everything that people wear and most things people buy 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 .3 3 3 3 3 I 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MAIN AND FIFTH STREETS. B cr . V i