The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 18, 1903, Image 7

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    Airs. Rosa Adnms, niece cf
the late General Roger Hansen,
C.S.A., war.l3 every woman to
know of the wonders acccm
rlishcd by Lydia E. Pir.kl'fim's
Vegetable Compound.
'I)cAn Mu. 1'iNKMAM: I cannot
ell run with pc" nnd Ink whnt pood
I.villti V.. PiiiMiiun's Ycfrt'tttlile
Comttoiiml "'.rt fr mo, Mtfl'orinij from
tho ills peculiar to the ncx extreme
lassitude anil that all rrone feeling. I
would rise from iny bed In the ir.ornlnff
feolinff more tired than when I went to
bed, but Ix'fnrp I uod tWO lwtttlCJI of
I.yc.Iu H. IMnUtmm'A Vcprotnblo
Compound, I Ixxan to feel the buoy
ancy of my vounprcr days returning,
became lrulnr, could do more work
Mid not feel tived than t hud ever been
able to do before, no I continued to
It until 1 win restored to perfect health.
It Ih Indeed a lmon to sick women and
I heartily recommend it. Yours very
truly. Mils. HoR.v Aiuin, R19 12th St.,
I.oinsTille, Ky." SCOO fc'rll Iterlolrnlof
6ov letter prpjina rnuimncu cannot a produced,
won i:n.
ron't bosltatffl to write to Tilr.
Pinktiitiit. Slio will imlc-rstnnl
your rune porlVH ly, ami will trout
you with Kit! tin es. IIr nilvlon
i free, nnd tlio nthlross Ih Lynn,
MWi No v.oniiMt ovor roa:r'ted
liavlnfr written iier, and Hho has
hel;)l tUoiiBUttila.
Homicides In the United States.
In bis charge to tho grand Jury of
Montgomery county, Alabama, last
week, Judge William II. Thomas spoke
strongly of the Increase In the number
of homicides not only in tho South,
but throughout tho country. Accord
ing to the JiKljro there Is an average of
10,405 homicides In tho Lnlted Stales
every year, or twins as many deaths
from that cause S3 from appendicitis
or smallpox. Evory year homicidal
mania clalni3 mni'i victims than sear-1
let fevor. "If," c.h erved .Tudeo
Thomas, "fearlet fevrr v.ere near our
homes we would harden to rvmove our
children from its contagion. Do
wo nrp'colnte nnj co our duty
In tryinK to put down n disre
gard for human 1'ife that takes off
annually a third riore c.C tho citizen
ship of tho United Stints than thU
dread rrrinrRge?" Allegheny county.
Pennsylvania, in which Pltt3uiirg Is
located, has had 51 murders 'm the
flrBt nine months of tho present yoar.
It teems Kenlucky Inn't '"tho limit."
Typhoid and Vermin.
In a recent Is-ruo of Medicine Is pre
sented a pnprr by nr. Uosa Engol
niann, who ijscur,sc8 typhoid epi
demics. Insects, it Is declared, play
a largo part In the dissemination of
disease. Kltasato and other Japanese
aclnntfRta have found that fleas, bed
bugs and files are active factors In
spreading tho plague. As the' cock
roach Is omnipresent, his rote, as re
spects dlRcase. If any, must be Jm
portant. Miss Engtlmann in 1902 made
an Investigation of a house epidemic
of typhoid in Chicago. The disease
was raging In a hlgh-clcss apartment
In one of the best neighborhoods,
where many cases had occurred. Near
it was a like apartment houso where
no casns occur rvd. The cause of tho
presence of the fever In tho one house
and not in the other was simply, it is
urged, that the one was infested with
cockroaches while tho other was not.
The vermin had access to the water
used 1b culinary operations and con
taminated it with germs obtained from
same source.
In the south of Ireland, near Inch
igeolah, Is tire "Cats' Well," the wa
ters of which nro supposed to exert
marvelous remedial effects upon ail
ing tabbies.
Manila has a total population of
aomethlng like 800,000. about 10.000
being American and European born.
The American population is estimat
ed at about 0,000.
Tht Shortest War
out of an attack d
, i vv."-;-'.'!?
I V L7.'i -ft JVV -
Whkh ffcrd fKt only fre relief,
but prompt cut, t fctliet,
ubduoo, and ;)di th eolioruif.
Prico, 25c. end 50c
out ok r)Uf Mtd eurwt won
fir. A. ft. iJUI,ftt4l.w A,AUMi4,ilft.
Irr.mlgrattort Breaks fteeord.
Immigration figures this year fcrcak
tho record. According to the annual
rrpo't of Commissioner Rargwnt, the
number of aliens who tome to tho)
United Stales during the fUcal year
ended Juno 30, fi2t,M5. Tlrts I
not only tho 1iIr!i mnrk, but It 1b 1C5,
04.1 greater than Una previous high
At tho burial of a Smith London
man his Fix doirn, draped lu black,
followed the cortege.
FTTrernnont'V'trn t. n flianrnnrvwa.
pen irtor !lr il-iv'a no oMlr. Kllno'a Omit
Ncrc'li'itir'.!'!!" l 'xvtlotal trmtliefrne II. Ki.inh, Ltd.. !Ht Iimq si., Villi i., P,
It in rlaim'd thnt Canada can furnUh
wood for pulp 810 yt'.na.
Mi WlnVnw'a Nootliln tyrnn for ehlMrei
t'-pihln. aoftun thTU im, rd'i iron In flam 'n.i
tloti.nliuy ialn,ntirn windmill". 9f,3. it bottle
Th" popidntion of tne world Is about
l.S.hl.'KM.OHO people.
rio'n Cure for l'oinmn1 Inn lnn InfnllP'le
meilt-'lno for rouehd ntil cot N. W,
ISAMtd., Omnn firovn, N. .1., !. 17, l'.MK).
Stork Kxrlinnpe Renin, which Hold a year
BO for 8W.0i.Ki, nrc ipioted at ?.;),00l).
Fruit fin will tint itmn soodt dyed
witb i'fiSAM Knpirs Dvr.s.
jAinnlett Ten.
Tea culture experiments have proved
succissfiil in Jamaica and it Is now
hoped that thi9 most unlucky Island
will prove an ldcul place for the
growth nnd cultivation of tea. The
Chinese varieties grow luxuriantly,
but more hope Is placed on the Asunni
nud Ccjion hybrids. Mexican Herald.
tea itftwur.i. mi.
Th ridnrs of this will Ijo o!nMt
le.iintiit tnara tt at Iv.iit ono ilr.-ilt.l lh
enre tlint salinoo mi ntmii iiie to ctiro iti ill
U.s.!lii!;iH, un 1 that In tJacirrii. anil's Cut'irnl
Curs is tlie only poll tlni euro now tnmiitu
liie mf'Hcal TrittwrnUy. liitiirr.i bolnif n eon
ntitutionul dH"o, reiiiin'!i u
tr.Mtnieot, U uli'i IJntarriK.ii ro l tukt-u Inior
ti:uly, a'tlnicdiiM(itiy uoou i;ioniood ;iim! ni'i
cousHurfuoeAof tiiu.-iytoin, tnoroby thwiroy
Iuk tUo tound it Ion ot i.i''liHfvi'), unil uiviti (
tto pitilont Himncli ny t.i t . i i ti up tho on
SlUuMixi anl ii!.MitLu ; n i'.uro lit iloiii' tti
W irK. 1'ne propriotor.4 huvo ho :iu:cii (:iltiiia pOtl'0 ttl:lt tllt'V Oll'or UllM UUU-
ilie.l Uouur.'i for Any c:vi tlirit It laliA to oiUM.
bund tor lint o toitl noiihiLi. Ad'lnm
t J. CnKNKt Co., int)Jj, O.
Soldliy Dni.rnlstH, 7.w.
Uali' FiiMiliy 1'illu iini tho h'i.
Mtl (.In Rouie.
l)r. J, W. tin., on oi Levin, Coryell
County, Texas, has an nil-Iron gin
houso. The frame posts are to be drlv
c'l Into the ground about two feet; the
corners and Joints ur to be fastened
toelher with lin ks nud holts similar
to bed locks; the wal's nnd cover are
to be ot corniita ted sheet Iron.
SpeaVlns cf old ln.!uslr.les going out
rf exlbteiii-c one has just died out In
liolton, England, namely, that ot tho
hard mule, which was at one time
pit extensive form of the spinning in
dnstry. It 13 absolutely unknown
Mrs. Pare, wife
or (J. H. ni a
prominent res
ident of ;Ijs
gow. Ken
bles. He
sides a
bncl hnplr 1
had a great deal
jt trouble with the
secretions, whlclj
were exceedingly variablo, sometimes
excessive and at oilier times scanty.
The color was high, nnd passages were
accompanied with a scalding sensa
tion. Don n s Kidney Pills soon regu
lated the kidney secretions, maklug
their color normal, and banished tho
Inflammation which caused tho scald
lug sensation. I can rest well, my
buck Is strong and sound, and I feel
luuen better In every way."
Foster-Mllbuni Co., Huffnlo, N. T.
For sale by all dealers, price CO cents
per box.
Czar Is Superstitious.
Th Czar of Itussia is said to be
very ouperstltlous and to bave great
confidence in relics. Ho wears a
ring in which he believes is embed
ded a p'ieco of tho true cross. It was
origilnally one of tho treasures ot
tho Vatican, nnd was presented to an
ancestor of the Czar for diplomatic
reasons. Tho value which ita ownor
sets upon the ring with ita embedded
rci'.c is shown by the following facts.
Eor.ic years ago bet was traveling
from St. Petersburg to Moscow when
ho sii(iil"!:ily discLvcred that ho had
forgotten the ring. Tho train was
Etuppcd immediately and a special
messenger sent hick In an Express
for it, nor would the Czar aiiow the
train tu move until, eifcht hours after
waul, the messenger icturued with
the ring. Tid-Liis.
The First Evolutionist.
While the announcement of tho doc
trine of evolution by Charles Darwin,
in his "Origin ot Species" brought tho
Idea to tho universal attention ot the
Btudeuttt of science throughout the
world, the first announcement of this
law of nature was mado by an Aineil
can, J. tltfinley Grimes, In a book pub
lished lu Bo.'itou in 1817, entitled
"Geotiomy. or a New Theory cf the
formation of Ctmtlnenls." Copies of
the original edition of this book are
In the po:;setiion of i'iltshurgers.
Out of the many thousands of cla
dtdatcg declined for tbe liiitisli army
each year by far tho largest number
are rejected on account of being .un
able to pasn the authorized test for
Smokdleris powder, machJne guns
anl quick-filing rifles tend to make
the attacking of small States by pow
erful cues more and more Imposmble.
.-' -V. y r. U
ttieky, siiys; f i'-y- -Vu a
I was snf- i
forlng from ! l.f:MKW I
n coinplica- t
lion of kid- - . . '.Vw'i V 'J
ney trim. KhJ'ti'J ViS I
When to Water Cows.
Experiments at the Pennsylvania
station failed to show that there Is
any partleulcr advantage In having
watr constantly before cows In the
atahle. If they are turned Into the
yard once or twice a day they will give
as much milk and do as well as when
they have axe;s to the water at all
Leges In Siloing Corn.
The changes which occur In the silo
are acrompinled by a material loss of
organic matt r. ami such loss Is largely
proportionate to the amount of oxy
gen or air admitted to the mass. The
more perlvctly tho moss be compacted,
and the tnoio nearly air-tight the silo,
the less the loa;. The necessary, or at
least un ivoidubio loss under practical
conditions, seems to bo approximately
15 percent of dry matter. H. J. Wa
ters, Missouri Agricultural College,
Fattening Turkeys.
To fatten mrseys 1 Iced corn and
wheat mixed part of tho time and
cleur corn for a cliajige. The grain Is
given twice a day ut morning and noon.
At night I i;lvo a mash of boiled meal
and bulled sweet apples all they will
eat. To dr ;u turkeys, put them In a
bag so that they will not flutter, draw
the hcid through and bleed in tho
neck, l ick dry, leaving on the wings.
Take out crop, remove the Intestines
and put ball .-u gizzard, liver and
heart. Cut oif tho hci1 and tie the
skin down over the end of tho neck.
For tnrii. yB liutiiied and dressed in
this way 1 receive :!" rents per pound.
Mrs. Marshall Stetson, Hampshire
County, Mats.
Spread Manure After Harvest.
Aft-T the hanosilng of the grain
crops, and before tiio corn Is ready to
cut, farmers uMu.lly have tlmo which
they etui give to hauling manure on the
land before fall plowing. Spread the
manuro directly from the wagon or Im
mediately after hauling It to tho field.
If left In small plica in the field for
any length of time tho liquids will
leak nnd bo absorbed only on tho Bpot
covered. Mt.nuro should be evenly
spread over the surface. Again, man
uro which Is left in hills for a long
time will pauk, and It will b3 (illileult
to scatter it wlu n you are ready to do
that work. Fields which are foul with
thistles and otticr wecd3 should by all
means be plowed tnriy If tho season
be dry. G. II. Wilson.
Muccovy Ducks.
Thfci breed was at one time very
popular umong tho duck raisers of
Long Inland, but has been mostly su
ptrrfedod by the Pckin. Some growers,
however, still pi'oler the white Mus
covy, or a cro:-H of this variety with
other brecdn, on account of ita lnrgi
sbo and rapid growth.
The pure breed his white plumage,
light beak and yellow legn. The stand
ard weight Is 10 pounds for a grown
droiko compared with eight pounds for
a Pokin drake. Their defects consist
ot poor laying quality and an extremely
vicious . and quarrelsome disposition.
Tbe pair shown in tho illustration are
members of the flock at Exmoor farms,
Lebanon, Pa. The bare red patches
about the face are charctcrlstic ot the
breed, and give the bird a fierce ap
pearance which Is fully justified by tho
lighting qualities of the males.
Open Air for Horses.
The Creator intended the open air
for the horse's element. A uorso con
demned to Imprisonment in a dark
stall, without exercise, wituout fresh
air and the glint ot tho bright sun
shine on his coat, will become as weak
and useless as a prisoner who shows
tbe pallor of years of Incarceration
behind dungeon walls, says tbo Ilorsj
Breeder. Light exercise sends tho
good, warm, blood flowing through
channels to evory part of the body, do
Chying tissues are. rebuilt by tho life
current that has been purified In its
contact with the froiih air in the lungs.
The dlgeslivo organs perform their sev
eral functions more perfectly, and so
more rich, red, nourishing blood is
made. A sound horse docs not neod
"limbering up" In the strict senso of
the term, but it is nature's decree that
the muscles of the animal, as well as
the human body, should not be allowed
to soften and decay by reason ot lack
of work.
Hog Pasture.
It Is not safe or even desirable to
rely upon a sluglo crop to furnish pas
turo for our hogs throughout the en
tire season. It is hotter to arrange for
a succession of pssturca from the be
ginning of the season until the hogs
are ready for market, making the feed
richer and more concentrated toward
the close ot the season, and as we ap
proach the finishing of fattening peri
od. For this purpose tho following
crops aro recommended: Ited clover cr
alfalfa, rape, cowpeaa, ney beans.
On lands adpted to alfalfa It will
undoubtedly prove to bo bettor for
hogs tnan red clover, Inasmuch as It
will produce a largo quantity of food of
a Bomowhni higher value, Inasmuch aa
wo have not yet loirued to grow al
falfa successfully on tho majority of
our soils, wo shall be forced to rely
chiefly upon clover. It starts earlier
In the Bprins than any hog pasture we
have excepting alfalfa, and would
therefore be used first, and should be
used aa long as it is succulent and
palatable. Usually not later than the
middle of June the crop will have be
come ao mature that the bogs will rel-
Ish sj change for the time being;, ana
the surplus clover should be cut and
removed, go as to allow the second or
fall crop to itart promptly.
Profit in Vetch Seed.
Winter vetch Is one of the best cropg
for late sowing. It lives through the
winter, stores up the nitrogen of the
air like clover, and Is especially use
ful as a pasture fur farm stock, a cover
crop In orchards, or a (teen manure
for plowing under to enrich the land.
The fodder Is relished by all classes
of animals, and It Is an extra good
feed for hogs. The great drawback is
tho high cost of the seed, which Is Im
ported from Germany and sells for $5
per bushel. There appears no reason
why all the seed should not be raised
in America, the price could be reduced
and still leave a good profit for the
grower. For three years In succession
at the Ontario experiment farm vetch
has been sown In the autumn and rip
encd the following season, giving an
average yield of 10.8 bushels ot seed
per acre. Its cultivation is as simple
as that of rye or wheat. It Iz likely to
becomo quite popular, and with a good
demand for the seed, especially from
A borne grown supply would quickly
be bought up by seedsmen, or could be
sold direct to consumers by advertising
in farm papers. Here Is a chance for
a few enterprising farmers to work
Into a crop much more profitable than
grain, and one which will tend to Im
prove the fertility of the farm.
Food for Cows.
In a paper on "Breeding and Feed
ing for Milk," contributed to an Eng
lish dairy and farm journal by Junn
Evans ot Lincoln, the following feed
ing methods are given for a breeding
Summer In May and June, If grass
is plentiful, about two pounds cotton
cake, and later, If grass Is scarce or
dried up, three pounds or four pounds
of mixed meal or bran with It, nnd
elthrr cabbage or lucerne thrown in
tho fields; towards autumn change ot
past m o If possible, usually grass ed
dish. Winter Rations Four pounds cotton
cake, two pounds malt culms, two
pounds dried grains, two pounds bran,
three pounds mixed meal (generally
oats and wheat). Very heavy milkers
or fatting cows, 2 pounds linseed caito
In Autumn Forty pounds to CO
pounds cabbage. Later 40 to SO pounds
swedes. After Christmas, 40 pounds
mangles, when ripe, cut oat straw, long
hay once a day, rait wnter always bo
fore them, a trough between two cows.
Method of Feeding Dried grains
nnd malt culms steeped 24 hours. Then
theso wet grains and culms, tho bran
and mixed meal, with a very few
pulped roots nro mixed with tho cut
oat straw 21 hours before using, a fow
haudfuls of salt thrown In. Tho mix
ture ot tho steeped groins nnd culms
and tho pulped rootB soften the whole
lot, but this head of food must not bo
allowed to ferment, or It will make tne
milk ta-,;te. Cows receive two feeds of
this a day. This Is necessary to ena
ble them a ralso t..o cud. The cake Is
given dry, roots or eabbago are given
twice, morning and evening.
How to Improve the Farm Flock.
There are a number of ways In which
to Improve tho farm Hock. The cheap
est and surest methods, where ono does
not wish to Invest largely lu strictly
pure breeds. Is to secure from somo
reputable breeder early In autumn a
few pure bred cockerels that score up
well In tho 90s. By buying early you
ran get birds that would perhaps soil
In the spring for three times the price
asked for them now. As no breeder,
no matter how much experience ho has
had In the fancy poultry business, can
foretell Uie qualities of a fowl, the
chances are nine out of ten that a bird!
will develop nearer standard require
ments than to develop disqualified.
When pure bred males aro uaod on
mongrel hens from one year to an
other for a fow years, they show quite
a decided effect upon the flock. In se
curing males It would be well to look
well to the utility qualities of the
birds. You can build up a heavy lay
ing strain In a very short tlne If a
llttlo precaution and good judgment
are used In buying males. . Tbe most
common practice among farmers In
buying males In to accept tho cheapest
price quoted, regardless of quality. This
is a wrong Idea. Our experience la
that tho cheapest Is t..o dearest In the
end, and tho man that buys good quali
ty and pays for It will realize more in
tho end than the man that loses $3 to
save i. A flock of choice fowls can
not bo maintained with a mongrel hen
not bo maintained with a mongrel male
at the head for a breeder.
Remember, strictly choice thorough
bred males cannot bo had at market
prices, they cost more and are worth
more, an their breeding qualities will
prove, more profitable to you t the
close ot tho season. Insist upon the
best you possibly can afford and buy
no other, and you will be amply re
paid for your extra cost and trouble.
J. C. C, in the Indiana Farmer.
An Efficacious Device.
Two Highlanders, being In Glasgow
for the first time, were having a walk
through tho city. Turning a corner,
V.if.y were much surprised to soa a wa
ter cart wotting tho struct. Not hav
ing seen anything like It before, Tou
pal, under a mistaken Idea, ran after
the cart, and cried to the driver:
"Hey, man hey, man, yer losln' a
yer water!" His friend, annoyed at
Tougal'g want of knowledge, ran aftor
Mm, caught him by the arm, and said,
rather testily: "Tonga! , man, Tougal,
dinna be showln' yer ignorance. D'yor
no gee it's to keep the laddies off tbe
back o' the calrtT" Argout
A : t
The next meeting of the Internation
al Congrcf of Hygiene will be held la
Berlin in 1907. The congress has been
invited to meet In Washingtoa in 1909.
.W. O. Tight, the president of tho
University of New Moxlco, has made
the ascent of the Orata, In Bolivia.
This Is the first time the peak has been
The fine chemical laboratory of the
University of Modena, Italy, wn re
cently completely destroyed by lire,
and the library of scientific works In
connection with It, comprising 60,000
volumes, was also lost.
In order to circumvent thlovlBhly dis
posed Individuals whose weakness Is
tho electric Incandescent lamp, a pro
tective socket has recently been
brought out, which makes It practical
ly lmiKisslble for unauthorized persons
to remove the lamp.
W. W. Asge, forester of the North
Carolina geological survey, has spent
several days with Professor C. U Um
ber of the normal school faculty, Kutz
town, Pa., and they have found and de
scribed 30 new species of hawthorn,
which, they claim, are new to botan
ists. Count de la Vnulx and Count d'Outre
mont descended In a balloon near Hull,
Yorkshire, England, having1 Journeyed
from Paris In 17 3-4 hours. While the
channel has been crossed previously In
balloons from England, this is the first
time the trip has been made from
Regarding tho ine.ln channel of In
fection In the case of tuberculosis, med
ical men are now divided Into two
campB, one holding that the greatest
danger comes from dried sputum, tho
other that thera Is more potency for
harm In the droplets thrown off by a
consumptive patient during coughing.
It has been noticed that dust has a
tendency to collect on electric light fit
tings and wires, and on walls and ceil
ings near them. The cause Is believed
to be two-fold partly the Influence of
Rlr-currents Induced by local beating,
and partly the electrification of the
dust particles.
The Paris correspondent of a Lon
don journal states that particulars of
a New nntl-tubcrculosis serum wui
shortly bo communicated to the Acad
emy of Medicine by tho discoverer, Dr.
Marmorek, of tho Pasteur Institute.
The new serum la said to have been
tried In tho Paris hospitals and to have
cured severnl comparatively advanced
cases of tuberculosis.
Llentcnnnt-Colonel Bruce, who, with
Dr. Nabnrro, was dispatched from Lon
don lu February last on behalf of the
government and the Royal K'oclety to
study tho sleeping sickness In Ugan
da, lias left MomboBa for Englnnd on
the conclusion of his mission. Lieutenant-Colonel
Bruce Is reported to
havo stated the.t tho ravages of tho
disease are unabated.
A London Journal Rtates that Major
Powell-Col ton, who has been explor
ing in Africa for the past year, arrived
safely art Wndelal on the Upper Nile,
In the middlo of July, from Mount El
gon, where ho bad been studying the
cave dwellers. Major Powell-Cotton
had had BntlBfactory Interviews with
the Congo officials and was then pre
paring to start on an expedition In
Boarch ot okapl.
A Now Department of City Govern
ment Suggested for Brooklyn,
George W. Tllton, chief engineer of
the city ot Brooklyn, has made the
suggestion to establish a municipal
asphalt repair plant to do the city'
work liiBtcad of giving It out to con
tractors. He has gone Into the matter
very thoroughly, and says the work
could be done for G2 cents per cubic
foot of material laid, whereas the
prli'O now paid to contractors Is 05
cents. There are about a million yards
of asphalt pavements out of guaranty
now and the area is increasing an
nunlly. During the present year about
70,000 cubic feet of material will bo
UBed. This will require for Its produc
tion a plant with a capacity of about
450 cubic feet per day now, which
should be capable of extension to 1000
cubic feet. Tho city owns land on
which It can bo located advantageously
and tho tolal cost, with two steam rol
lers and other plant, Is estimated at
$20,000. Interest at 3 1-2 percent and
depreciation and repairs at 10 percent
produce a fixed charge of J2700, or 4
cents per cubic foot of output at th
present requirements.
New Rubber Producing Plant.
In tbo French Congo territory ol
Africa has been found a now plant,
which may In the futuro bo looked to
as another source from which to ob
tain rubber to meet our ever increas
ing demands. Whether this plant will
produce any changei In the price of
this commodity i& as yet difficult to
determine, though tt will probably be
found In English West Africa, and
samples have been sent to Nigeria
for the purpose of ascertaining If It
grows thero also. Tho plant grows un
der ground, and It Its bark be broker,
the rubber keeps the pieces together,
and Is of extraordinary elasticity and
unsurpassed quality. Ordinarily tfio
roots when about a month old contain
from six to six and one-halt percent of
rubber, which lies directly beneath the
aurfaoe of the bark. If the latter U
removed tho percentage is iraige4 aom
12 to 16.
Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys by
ITon. John T. Blicnlmn, who ha been for ieventcen yenrs nmnnier of Mat-ahull
Field ft Co.'a wholi-ialn warifhou.e, and in corporal 2d Regiment Infantry, I. N. U.
writes the following letter from 3753 Indiana avenue, Fiat Six, Chicago, 111. I
Vtrnna Mndiolnn Co., C(iii(m, Ohio.
Gentlemen" I. nil aumiiter I ean;it a cold which seemed to nettle tit
mg fc(dne. a ii. I afl'.-ote I them bntllt. I trletl a couple of kidney remeiilrg
tiirnrlv advert land, but they did not help tne any. One of mu foremen
told me of the great help he had receive i in titling Peruna in a gfrnttar
oitse, and 1 at once procured inie.'
"it wa Indeed a b'enxtn? to me, an tarn on my feet a large part of the
dVt, and trouhle sue' aa I had affected me eertnuHly, but four bntllee of
1'eruna cured me entirely and 1 would not be without tt for three month
eularv..rHI T. 811 LA II JV.
Mr. Jacob Klein writea from 44 Sumner
avenue, liiouklyn, N. Y.:
" I am now a new man at the age
of eeventu-flve yearn, thanka to tour
wonderful remedy feruna."
Jacob I'letg.
Catarrhal inflnmmntinn of the mucona
lining of the kidncya, alao railed "llrignt'a
diaeue," may be either acute or chronic.
The acute form prodiicea aymptoma of
Our Chinese Trade.
The Commercial and Financial
World Insists thrtlt our trade with
China Is too largo and la too rapid
ly Increasing for us to consent to its
extinction In largo part by tho clos
ing of the ports of Manehur.ln. Our
exports to China in 1R80 were worth
?!, l'H, 383: In 18!)0 they were worth
$2.!40.2i9: In 1!00 they had grown to
15,250,1G7. nnd In 1!)03 they were
worth $13,003,309. Last year tho
Lnlted States was fourth In tho lis!
of countries from which China drew
hrr Imports. Tho slgnflcance of the
Chinese trade Ties, however, In the
fact that It in susceptible ot vast do
vclopment when tho 400,000,000 sub
Joels of the Son of Heaven come into
relation with the outsido world. Our
present trade of $18,000,000 is not
one-tenth of what it may grow to be
after a few years. That pnrt of
China Manchuria which lies near
est to the United States is the only
part with which we bave so far de
veloped much trade, but tbe other
parts aco similarly promising.
Black and White Sheep,
A great deal Is being made by cer
tain newspapers of the fact that after
the suicide of a man who had been
very prominent In church work In
New York, It is discovered that he bad
mnde away with the trust funds of
tho church for which he was treasur
er. It Is a aad revelation, to Tie sure;
hut over against this there are thou
sands of men serving their churches
who havo never misappropriated a
dollar and who hold to their trust
most sacredly. That there Is a black
aheep now and then only proves that
the majority of them are white. Buf
falo Commercial.
There aro four millionaires In
RrltaJn to one iti France.
" I bad a terrible cold and could
hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im
mediate relief.'
W. C. Layton, SidelL. III.
How will your cough
be tonight? worse, prob
ably. For It's first a cold,
then a ccugh, then bron
chitis or pneumonia, and
at last consumption.
Coughs always tend
downward. Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral. Tbreaalwai Ik., Mc.,tl. Atlamtfltta.
Oomnlt your doctor. If ha aara talc It,
than dv a. Iio any.. If u tall, fvu nut
tit taica ii. iiit.i uon c iaa it. no Kuewa.
I It l,l, l.l.n W. Bpu .IIH,,d
J. C.AYKK CO.. Luxall, Maaa.
P. N. U. 40, '03
r.ilrlfji toHrflf All IKt fiiiQ
Ml Contfh Urup. T auuta Good. Ua
iu tnutv j a ot arutff ma.
anoh prominence that the among nature
of the diaeaae ia at once auapected, but tht
chronic variety may come on ao gradually
and inaidioualy that its presence ia not aut
pectcd until after it haa faatened Haelf
tl. irouithly upon it victitna.
At trio appearance of the first eymptora
Pcrnna should he taken. Thia remedy
atrikca at once at tbe very root of the dia
.eaae. A honk on catarrh aent free by The re
runs Medicine Co., Columbus, O.
TOWtR'S Barmentj anf
Mi ere m&de of the best L:-A
material in black or yellow l I 4 J
for all kinds of wet work. II 'I
' A. 3. TOVE1 CO.eOiTON. mass .u y A
"HtiTinf t1tn jrwir wnlrfnl "CMearM' tot
thr9 mouths) mfl Win enttro.y cnrxl of a w roach
Catiatrrti mml it v-.-r.4l. i tuink ft word of pral It
dui to ",rarttH,'f or their wood rful'm.
I )av takau numerouft nthT nn-cftllM remt-ilict
bnt without voii uti J I find that f'tiitmrfH iWlert
more Id tUr that ail th otlirs 1 liav takoa
wM In jr'-iir."
f au. iicUuua, lot Ueretr Bt.. Janr City, K. J.
Pianft. Pil RUM. Pntnt. Taut OrvxJ, Da OrwL
JiTr bii'kea, nr Urfptt, Ilk. Ke. Ma. ftaavoi
'll tn hulk. Tho r'nnln tMet taropMi CUUt
uaxuut('4i to cure or your ttuunj back.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or K.T. fM
the beat dyspepsia
medicine ever mode.
A hundred million
of them have bee'i
sold in the United
fttateg in a single
year. Every Itlnesa
arising from a disordered stomach is
relieved or cured by thflr use. So
common la It that diseases originate
from the stomach it may be safely aa
sorted there la no condition of ii
health that will not be benefited ci
cured by the occasional uae of Rlpan
Tabuies. Physiciaug know them and
sneak highly of them. All druggists
sell them. The five-cent package la
enough for an ordinary occasion, and
the Family Itottle, sixty efuta, contains
a household supply tor a year. One
generally gives relief within twunty
You can aava from $3 to $ yearly b
wearing W. L. Douglas $3.60 or 3 ehoea.
iliey Kuul tlioso
that havo been coat
ing you froui Sl iio
to S3.U0. The im
mense aulo of V. L.
lkmnlaa aliot' pruvca
their auptriortty over
all other luuke.H.
Hold by retail ahoa
dealers everywhere.
Look for name aud
prica on bottom.
That Doatlaa aa Tar.
al'iilt protra Iki-ra la
vaia iMtaaiaa .aoaa. i
l'raa la taa klahaaK
frad rat.Laalker aaOa. I
rim luwBiriiriwAl,
Our 14 Hilt Idut I imm romm
Mom kr "all, ga raata eitr. lllaalral-4
vaianif uta at. t uvukikaa. auwawa, i