Subicription $1.00 ptrytarin advance, C. A.nTBPHBNaOIf.Rdttor an Pak WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1903, Bnterett at the pontonlre t Reynoldsvllle ra.,asseconaciasmiiniinver. HnHMinvit.i. Tturanm No. 61. If You Have Eye Trouble Of nr kind rail and have jrour eyes examined rreo. rorninm-niiy kh-iiivu, always to hn found. Work guaranteed. Price reasonable. C. F. HOFFMAN, The Jeweler. our Favorite Toilet. Gream Is becoming popular abroad as well as at home. Recently we sent some of it to Northern China and last week we made a shipment to North ern Michigan. The most satisfac tory preparation we know of for chapped hands, lips or face. Softens the roughest skin and keeps it in good condition. H. Alex Stoke, The Druggist. A Little ol Evermtilnrj. "A Foxy Tramp." Klnetograph Co. to-night. There are twenty prisoner In the eounty jail. A high class concert company at As sembly hall Nov. 16th. 'A Foxy Tramp" at the opera house Friday evening, Nov. 13. It U not known yet when the glues plant at this place will begin work. . The Baptist congregation at Punxsu tawney will build a new $12,000 church. The Reynofdsvllle Hardware Co. has the oaly patent show windows ia town. There will likely be a new schedule on the low grade Division on the 22nd Inst. Rev. J. C. MoEntlre Is holding pro tracted meeting In the Paradise M. E. ohurch. The Eagles Is the name of a new beneficial society being organized in this place. V The brick paving on Fourth street, between Main and Grant streets, has been finished. George F. Oshurn is moving to Clar ion this week, where be will open a photograph gallery. - James E. Mitchell, merchant tailor, moved his shop last Thursday from the Stoke building to a room near Hotel Imperial. Two weeks from to-morrow until Thanksgiving. Governor Pennypacker Issued the Thanksgiving proclamation last Thursday. Dr. H. G. Furbay will deliver his celebrated lecture "The Fraternal Bute" at Assembly ball Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 26th. C. R. Hall was at Brookvllle yester day attending the funeral of Mrs. Frank Kreltler, formerly of Brookvllle, who died In New York City. About rlxty people attended the au tumn social given at the residence of Dr. A. H. Bowser last Friday evening by the Aid Society of Baptist church. Some bad- boys stole a half keg of white1 lead from Reynoldsvllle Hard ware Co. store Monday evening and daubed It on buildings, trees, telephone poles and on clothing of people passing long the street. Ye editor's overcoat got some of the white lead. The ladles of the Presbyterian church will serve chicken and waffle supper In tbe Chapel Thursday evening, Nov. 12. Price 25o. A cordial welcome to all. M. Montgomery, of West Reynolds vllle, a passongor engineer on the Low Grade Division of P. It. R was off duty the pant week nursing a sore arm Tho American Klnetograph Co. at Aseombly hall to-night under auspices of Hope Flro Co. General admission 25 conts, reserved scats 35 cents. Tick ets on sale at S toko's. Grand Chief Patterson, of Pittsburg, visited Mt. Cliff Castle, Knights of Golden Eagle, at Reynoldsvllle last Thursday evening, and the Castlu at Sugar Hill Friday evening. Reynolds Gibson, Frank Boh ren and Jim Degnan, of this place, played with thePunxsutawncy foot ball team against the Kid u way team at tbe tatter place Saturday afternoon. Ex-Postmaster A. M. Woodward and C. N. Lewis went to "Sunset Camp," Bocchwoods, yesterday to spend a wook hunting. They took a wagon load of provisions and camping outfit with thorn. Last Friday afternoon the constable from Llndsey was In town with throe prlsonors, Martin Redman, Clark Mc Gregor and William Hessian, hand cuffed together taking them to the county Jail charged with larceny. A freight wreck on the P. R. R. Saturday morning near Bennezotte delayed passenger trains over the road during the balance of the day. There was no mall from tho east from early morning until late Saturday ovoning. Tho Ithaca Conservatory of Musla Concert Company gave an exoell nt entertainment before a largo and deep ly appreciative audlenco. Ikmncntt, Hoosick Falls. N. Y. At Assembly hall Monday night, November 16. Tick- els, children 15 cts., adults 25 els. Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at tho Reynolds opera house last Thursday evening was greeted with a full bouse. It Is a good company and those who at tended were well satisfied. Tho com pany carries a full band and orchestra and a number of ponies and blood hounds. William Barchart, a large hearted glassworker, took: pity on the boys and girls that were members of the mlo- strol show that stranded at this placo the first of this month, and ho raised enough money by subscription to buy tickets to send the youths to their homes In Philadelphia. An oyster supper will bo hold In the West Reynoldsvllle town hall Monday evening, November 2'l, for benefit of the Volunteer Fire Co. This oystor supper should be liberally patronized, as every citizen Is certainly Interested in a good firo company, aud should en- courago tho firemen every way posslblo. Hesslo, only child of Mr. and Mrs. William Roan, of Jackson street, who would have bcttn ton years old tho 21st of next month, died Friday, November 6, 1!)03, and was burled In the Reynolds vllle cemetory Saturday forenoon. Diphtheria was cause of doath. Mrs. Roan Is now in a critical condition with diphtheria. Mrs. D. B. Stauffor was called to Edgewood, suburb of Pittsburg, Satur day by the death of her brother, Wil liam H. Haney, wbodled Saturday fore noon from an attack of pneumonia. This was the fourth attack of pneu monia be had suffered with. Mr. Haney wa fifty-five years old. He visited Mrs. Stauffer a couple of months ago and be oome acquainted with a number of our citizens. The "Roney's Boys," the first number of the publio school lecture course, will be in Reynoldsvllle on the evening of Dec. 11. This Is a first class musical organization appearing on the best courses throughout this country. Tbe boys have well trained voices and they give a varied programme of vocal and Instrumental music. Everybody will desire to bear tbem. Tbe date of Dr. Fox's lecture, tbe second number of tbe course, Is Deo. 10. Major-General Edward Fielding and wife, of Chicago, 111., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dawson oo Jackson street from Thursday until Monday noon. Major Is a cousin of Mrs. Daw son. Major Fielding was at one time a worker in tbe Salvation Army, now vice-president of the Volunteers of America. He has charge of tbe North western Division of the Volunteers. Major preached In the Presbyterian church at this place Sunday even! :g. He la an able and pleasant speaker. ' By referring to the minutes of to?n council it will be seen that the Je (Tor son Traction Co. has been granted ' he right to lay a short pleoe of trol ey track on center of Main street, as ng at tbe width of Fourth street. Tbe brick paving down Fourth street to Deltz alley, will run across Malo street and the trolley company wants to lay this short piece of track before the pav ing Is done. This would Indicate I hat tbe Traotlon Co. expeots to run their line through Main street some time and do not want to be at tbe expensu of tearing up any. paving to lay their track. GRUESOME FIND. Dead Oirl Baby Pound Along Public Road In a Imall Box. Last Thursday noon as Henry Green wait and Charles Gunns were driving along the public road noar the Reyn oldsvllle cemetery they saw a Maglo Yeast box lying between the publio road and trolley line, but did not get off the wagon to investigate the box. Saturday morning Mr. Qreonwnlt saw the box In the same place and ho stopped to Inves tigate. The lid was nailed on the box and when ho knocked the lid off ho was horrified to find a dead baby In tho box. Edward 8mlth drove along just aftor Mr. Groonwalt opened the box and he was called to see tho gruesome find Mr. Smith took the box and Its contents to 'Squire 8. B. Saxton's oflloo and that ofllclal tolophonnd for Coroner Kyle, but ho was unable to get here before Monday noon. A Jury was empanelled, composed of following six men, Poter Robertson, Charles Hltzle, John How lott, George Warnlck, E. C. Murphy and S. B. J. Saxton, and an inquest was hold. The jury's vordlot was that the baby had been strangled to death. The jury will not make a report for a week, as thero Is a suspicion aa to who the mothor of the baby Is. It bad black curly hair and was a well developed girl baby that would have weighed about nine pounds. A little cotton bad boon put In bottom of the box, the unwashed and undressed baby laid on the cotton, face down, and cov ered over with a dirty rag. Tbo body was turned over to Under takers Hughes tc Pomroy and burled In the Reynoldsvllle cemetery yestorday forenoon at the expense of tho county. SHOT WHILE HUNTING. Young Man Lost His Life by Accident ally Shooting Himself. John McDonald, sixteon-yoar-old son of Nicholas McDonald, of Soldier, was accidentally shot whtlo out hunting last Saturday anil died in five hours after the accident. John and a younger brother, Joseph, were out together and whilo standing on a stump watching for gamo John put his hands in his pockets to warm thorn and leaned tho gun against his body. Tho gun slipped off the stump, struck a log and was dis charged. The load of shot entered tho young man's body near tbo rectum and passed up through tbo bowels. Joseph ran to tho nearest farm house and got the farmer to take John home In a hack. A doctor was called and at first it was not thought that the boy was fatally Injured, but he died about 4.00 p. m. Saturday. Ho was shot about 11.00 a. m. Funeral service was hold In tho Cathollo church at this place Monday forenoon. Mad by Trolley. Postmaster Burns has rccolvod notice from tho Postofllco Department that two malls a day will bo carried betweon Reynoldsvllle and Punxsutawney by trolley. This order was to have taken effect Saturday, Novombor. 7, but no further notice has been received con- corning it. When this goes Into effect tho star route from here to Wlshaw, Elcanora, Desire and Panlo will be discontinued. Lawyer W. F. 8tewart Dead. Lawyer William F. Stewart, of Brook vllle, a prominent member of the Jeffer son County Bar Association, who was candidate for tho nomination for judge at tbe time Judge Reed was nominated, died at his home In Brookvllle Monday afternoon from a cancorous trouble of the bowels. He had been sick about ten weeks. Lawyer Stowart had practiced In tbe courts of this oounty about thirty years. He was president of the Jefferson County Bar Associa tion at time of death. He was an old soldier. Fire Company Organized. Wednesday evening of last week a meeting was held In the town hall of West Reynoldsvllle and a fire company, to be called the West Reynoldsvllle Volunteer Fire Co., was organized. W. B. Stauffer was elected president, ChorloB P. Kar-rner vice-president, Milton E. Williams secretary, Fred Mo Entlre treasurer, John Burgh chief of fire department, Fred MoEntlre and John Burgo assistant foremen, William P. Woodrlhg, Harry Sykes and John Burgh trustees. West Reynoldsvllle now bos a good fire company. Getting Near the Mark. If the business of the Reynoldsvllle postofiloe continues to Increase It will only be a short time until the town can get free delivery. Tbe receipts of the postofiloe last month were $155.00 more than any other month In the history of this office. A small Increase will put us in tbe free delivery class. Every citi zen Interested to tbo town should do everything they can to reach tbe free delivery mark. There bos been enough mall bandied at tbe Reynoldsvllle offloe for several years to put the town on free delivery list, but tba gas postal oards and other matter Is purchased elsewhere. A cup of fine coffoe mado from Scull's Gulden Blend Coffee served from 0.00 a iu. to 6.00 p. m. euob day this week at Robinson & Mundorff'sgrooury. You are cordially Invited to call and sample a cup. It's free. Rubber footwear for tho whole family atMUUrens, PRETTY HOME WEDD1NQ. Largs Number of Guests Beautiful Dec orations Lovely Presents. The prettiest and most elaborate country wedding that has taken place In this section for many a day, was the wedding at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jonollian Deomer In MoCalmont township at twelve o'clock on WedueS' day, November 4, 1003, when their daughter, Miss Dora Gertrude, and William Peter Upllngor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Upllngor, wore Joined In tho holy bonds of matrimony In tbe presence of about nlnoty relatives and friends. Rov. Charles Zetlor, M. E. minister of Callonsburg, uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony under a beautiful arch of ferns and white chrys anthemums. It was a ring ceremony and was unusually Impressive. Miss Grace Clawson, of Reynoldsvllle, was bridesmaid, O. C. Doomor brother of tho bride, was groomsman, Ruth Deom er, sister of bride, and Mastor Ronald Lewis, of Reynoldsvllle, wero ribbon bearors, and Miss Edna Lewis, of this place, played the wedding march. Tba brldo was dressed In blue silk and car ried whlto chrysanthemums. The par lor and dining room wero beautifully and artistically decorated with ferns and whlto chrysanthemums, the handi work of Miss Klvlo Coleman, of this placo, and Lawronco Doomor, of Brook vlllo. A flno wedding dlnnor was served. Fourteen sat down to the brldo's table, which was decorated with ferns, pansles and chrysanthemums. A piece of brldo's cako, wrapped In tlssuo paper, tied with blue ribbon, was cerrlod away by tho younger girls to dream on. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Upllngor rocolvod B number of beautiful and useful pres ents, consisting of bedroom suit, dining tnblo and chairs, set china dishes, par lor chulrs, tublo linen, towels, silver ware, funcy work, &o. The Star joins tholr many friends in wishing Sir. and Mrs. Upllnger happi ness and success as they travel down life's pathway together. If Your Hoifse Was Afire t If your house was on flro you would expect I he lire company to respond quickly to tho alarm, and likely growl If they wero not out as quick as you thought they should bo. Why should you expect tho fireman out to work hard to, savo your property ? They don't get any pay, and often very Utile thanks. Even a voluntoer fire company finds It necessary and convenient to have money In the treasury sometimes, and how are they to gut It if the citi zens don't contributo In some way ? Tho moving picture unturtalnmont In Assembly bull to-night is undor the auspices of Hope Firo Company, and should l)o liherully patronized. Assem bly hall should be packed. Tbe fii'O- mon bavo as mucb right to expect you to patronize the entertainment to-night as you have to expect tbem to respond to a firo alarm. Seo Y This Is your opportunity. Evangelistic Services. The evangelistic so r vices that have already boon announced will begin In the Presbyterian church on the coming Sunday. Dr. MacLeod, of Washington, D. C, who la expocted to assist In these moo tings, will not bo bore till Monday. A cordial Invitation is extended to tbe publio to attend these services. As preparatory to theso meetings a cottage prayer service was held at tho home of Mr. Joseph T. Guthrlo, West Reynolds vllle, Monday evening and last night at the home of Mr. M. II. Stiles, of West Reynoldsvllle, and Peter Bulk hart, of Pleasant Avenue. This even ing the regular mid-week prayer ser vice will be held In the church, and Friday evening another cottage prayer service will be bold at the home of Mr. L. M. Simmons. Attend these services and take your friends with you. Company are Artists. Tbe concert was a thorough success. The four young ladles constituting the company are artists of more than ordi nary ability in their several lines, and they made an Impression which will assure the company a good recoptlon should It ever appear here again. Onconto Slur, Oneonto, N. Y. At Assombly hall Monday evening, Nov. 16. Tickets, children 15 cts., adults 25 cts. Keuglo's Cash Store will open for business Wednesday, Nov. 18, In King Si Coloman's block We have bad 25 years experience in the mercantile business and are going to give you the benefit of It, and. will prove to you that it will he to your best Interest to patronize us. Mrs. Lizzie Smith, tbe milliner, has engaged an experienced dressmaker to take charge of her dress making de partment. She extends a cordial In vitation to patrons to call. Don't miss the world's greatest mov ing pictures at Assembly hall to-night. The latest and best moving pictures will be shown. Patronize tbe fire company boys. General admission 25 cents, reserved seats 35 cents. Tlokets on 8lo at Stake's, A bad oold a good remedy Reyn olds' Perfect Cold Cure. 25o. J. E. Mitchell, morobant tailor, near Hotel Imperial. A bad oold a good remedy Reyn olds' Perfect Cold Cure. 26a. SUDDEN DEATH OF THOMAS N. NEFF. After a Few Days' Illness he Was Taken to Pittsburg Hospital. DIED AFTER AN OPERA TION FOR APPENDICITIS. Vss s Promlntnl Mtmbtr of John M. Reed Lodge of Mstont and s Model Citizen. Funeral Sunday Afternoon. Thomas Ncale NefT, son of 'Squire Ezra NefT, of Reynoldsvlllo, died In the West Penn Hospital In Pittsburg at I. 30 a. m. Thursday, November 0, 1M3. Mr. Nuff was taken to the hospital on Wednesday morning and tho doctors pronounced his case a very critical ono, and said he could only live a fow hours without an operation and that be might die on the operating table, but they oould not say positively as to what the real trouble was. Tbe operation as performed at nine o'clock Wednosday evening and tbo doctors found tho c:ne a hopeless ono. It was a caso of npix n dloltls In the worst form and there aa also symptoms of tuburculocis of I he bowels, Tom rallied from the opera tion and was rational until a fow minutes before he dtod. He talked to his wife after tbe operation, when he knew that he had only a short time to llvo. He bid his wife and son good bye and said he was ready to die, If It was the Lord's will. The only thing that grlovud him was leaving bis Utile family. Tbe body was brought to Reynoldsvlllo on the 1.20 p. m. Thursday and taken to tho resldonce on Hill streot. 'Squlro NefT received word lato Wid nosday ovoning that his son could not live and ho and Mrs. NefT loft here on lost trolley car for Punxsutawney and took theB.,R. & P. "flyer" at 5.00 a. in. Thursday for Pittsburg, arriving there at 8.15, tholr train being late, and did not learn of Tom's death, nor that Hie body would be brought borne on the II , R. & P. train that leaves Allegheny City at 9.00 a. m., until too late to come on that train. Tbey got borne on the 6.15 p. m. train Thursday on tho P. R. R. Thomas NefT was born In Reynolds villa April 8, 1875, making him 28 years, 7 months and 3 days old at tiino of death. He was a qulot and unassum ing young man, but was a bright and apt scholar. He attended Allegheny College, Meadvlllo, Pa., one term and a college at New Athens, Ohio, one term. He taught ono term of school In the publio schools of this borough, one term at Presoottvlllo, and one or two terms in Wlnslow township. He had been working several years with tho J. & C. C. & I. Co. civil engineer corps of this place, and was engaged at that work when he bad to quit and return to l is home Saturday afternoon, October :!0. He was just completing a civil engi neering course In tbo Scranton Schi.ol of Correspondence He was always busy and hud no time for loafing. T. m was well liked and highly esteemed and It seemed almost Incredible to I. Is numerous friends when the news was circulated Thursday morning that lie was dead, as It was only a few days be fore that be was seen on tbe streets in apparently gooti health. Thomas NefT was marrlod to Mi.s Hottlo Beer, daughter of Mr, and Mis. R. D. Beer, June 21st, 1897. Tiny were married In Brookvllle by R v. F. H Beck, deceased. Tbe widow and one son, Ezra, aged five years, mourn tbe loss of a good husband and fathi r. The deceased was a member of the Mason lo lodge of this place und hi Id tbe office of Worshipful Master at time of death. He bad been a member of the Presbyterian church for a numbir of years. Funeral service was held at tbe resi dence on Hill street at 2.00 p. m. Sun day, conducted by Rev. Perry A. Reno, of tbe M. E. oburch, and Rev. Alex D. McKay, of Presbyterian church. O id hundred Masons attended the funer..!, about twenty from Punxsutawney and thirty from Bronkvlllo. The Masons had charge of the funoral and the beautiful Masoolo ceremony was per formed at the cemetery, conducted by L. J. McEntlre. Tbo funeral wus large and there were several hundred people in the cemetery waiting 'when funeral procession arrived there. The floral tributes wero beautiful, consisting of tbe following: Standing wreath from father and mother of de ceased, Maltese cross from Woman's Relief Corps, Masonlo emblem from John M. Reed lodge, boquets from F. H. Beck and J. S. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. McEntlre, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. FetT. Tbe following out of town relatives attended the funeral : R. D. Beer, J. Llndsey Beer, Miss Cora Beer, of Clalrton, Captain Robert B. Beer, of Omaha, Neb., father, brothers and sister of Mrs. NefT, Mrs. Dr. E. L. NefT, of Pittsburg, David Yoder and daughter, Miss Lulu, of Oak mon t, J. F. NefT and wife, Charles Neale and wife, John Brown and wife, George Burkett and wife, Al. NefT, of Punxsutawney, J. D. NefT and wife, Miss Sara Neff, William Depp and wife, of Llndsey, S. M. Neff, wife and daughter, D. D, Neff, of DuBols, Joseph Neff and wife, of Falls Creek, A. A. Neff and wife, of Rosemoyne, Indiana oounty. THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AJVD FRO. Miss F.llle Clark spent Snnday In Brookvllle. Mrs. W. A. Thompson Is visiting In Brookvllle. Harry Lewis Is visiting relatives at East Brady. ' N. T. Rhodes and family spent Sun day at Falls Creek. Dr. W. B. Alexander and wife w, re In Pittsburg this week. Mrs. Frank Badler, of Punxsutawnoy visited In town Saturday. Albort Oelslor, of Pittsburg, Is ,vhlt Ing his borne In this place. L. M. Wcitzol and wife, of DuBols, wore visitors la town Sunday. Glen A. Mllllren and wife, of Kane, visited in this place last week. John and Miss Flora Northoy wire at Punxsutawnoy over Sunday. Miss Olive Reynolds Is visiting Mrs. Harriet Ropshor at Yatesboro. .larvls Willlums and wife vlsltod relatives In Punxsutawney Sunday. . A. W. Pentz, of Punxsutawney, vltlt ed his mother In this place Sunday. Miss Molllo Drlsooll, of New Bethle hem, visited iu this plaoe last week. Frank McGinnes, of Philadelphia, visited his parents in this place Sundny. Guy Marshall visited relatives at Parkers Landing during the past wei k. Henry Hall returned last week from a business trip In Tennessee and Louis iana. Mrs. W. F. Lott, of Troutvllle, vlsltod hor parents In West Reynoldsvllle the past weok. Miss Mary Chesnutt, of Brookvllle, spent Sunday with Miss Bessie Harp in this plaoe. Mrs. William Barclay spent Sunday with hor daughter, Mrs. Earl Swift, at Brookvllle. Mrs. J. B. Wilson, of DuBols, is visiting Mrs. Lizzie Smith, the milliner, In this place. C. J. Rhea, of Oil City, visited I. Is daughter, Mrs. L. M. Simmons, In this place last wcok. Albert Goodor, of Brookvllle, spent Sunday with his brother, Edward Good- er, In this placo. Crolgbton Smith, who resided at Hopkins, moved to Yeagertowo, Mifflin Co., Pa., last week. J. I. Small, of Pittsburg, spent last night with bis brother, J. N. Small, In West Royuoldsvlllo. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Rea went over Into Clarion county yesterday to vi-it tbe letter's parents. Dr. II. B. McGarrab, physician at Panthor Run Coal Co. Minos, has mov ed to Sandy Vulloy. . W. A. Smith, of East Brady, former ly a citizen of Reynoldsvllle, was In town last Wednesday. W. B. Stauffer was In Pittsburg yestorday attending the funerol of his uncle, William Aney. Rev. Charles Zetler, of Callensbur?, Pa., visited his sister, Mrs. C.N. Lewis, in this place last week. Mrs. J. M. Dally, of Penfield. visit, d her daughter, Mrs. G. M. McDonald, in this place tho post weok. Mrs. Hannah Butler and daughter, Miss Margaret, are visiting Mrs. J. II. Jelbart In Johnsouburg. Mrs. M. E. Ridgeway, Mildred, D maris and Joseph Ridgeway vinitod In New Bethlehem Sunday. Mrs. Levi Schugars, Mrs. Daniel Doney and Mrs. Jerry Mowery are visiting at Shamokin, Pa. William Collins and wife, of Em ten- ton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nolan, Sr., on Main street. Irvin D. Winslow, of Pittsburg, spent Sunday with bis mother, Mrs. Annie Wlnslow, on Jackson street. John E. Shields, of New Kensington, is visiting bis mother and brother, Henry Shields, in tbls place. Henry C. Delble was called to Warren Saturday by the serious illness of his sister, who resides at that place. Mrs. May Stephens, of Philadelphia, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. F. C. Wilson, In this place the post week. J. Nelson Smith, Hugh Tbomits, Jasper Carl and Mrs. Rebecoa Skiving- ton were at Niagara Falls last week. E. Welser, merchant of Eraorlckvllle, left here Thursday to visit friends and relatives at Sunbury and Harrlsburg. Mrs. J. H. Vasbinder, of Brookvllle, visited the family of her brother, David Postlethwalt, in this place lust week. Missus Bessie and Nellie Hutchison, of Brookvllle, wore guoets of Misses Clara and Mabel 81ple over Suuduy. Scott Syphrlt, who was at Germanla, Potter Co., five weeks, returned to home of his parents In Paradise last weok. Mrs. S. B. Hutnsey, of Pittsburg, will oome to Reynoldsvllle to-day q visit Mrs. A. B. Weed and other friends for a few days. Mrs. William Bauors and son, Loo, of Klttannlng, came to Reynoldsvllle on Monday of last week to visit Mrs. Bauers1 daughter, Mrs. John 8iear, and Lon Is now 111 with typhoid fever. Lon Is 17 years old. I. M. Iloch and wife were In Pitts burg the first of last week and visited Mr. Uoch's home at Maysvllla tba latter part of the week. Miss Ellzaboth McPherson, of PltU burg, returned to that cltv Saturday after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamos McPherson, In this plaoe. Mrs. Jane A. Books, of Chllhowee, Mo., and Mrs. Lewis Badger, Tyrone, Pa., have been visiting their brother, J. A. Myors, In this plaoe the past week. A. L. Kcagle, Rathmol merohant, Is In the city this week buying new goods for tbe new store to be opened In tbe King tc Co. block In this place Wednes day, Nov. 18. Mrs. Will II. Bell, who was In the Mercy Hospital at Pittsburg five weeks, was able to como home Monday even ing. Mr. Boll went to Pittsburg Sun day to bring bis wife home. Ethel Stephens, of Philadelphia, who has boon visiting ber aunt, Mrs. F. C. Wilson, two months, will return to her home this weok with her mother, who Is now visiting Mrs. Wilson. George W. Swartz, who owris a fruit farm at Winter Haven, Florida, left hore Thursday evening for Winter Haven. He expects to ship one or two cars of oranges from bis farm. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Plfer, of Panlo, attended the reception given Fred C. Plferand bride at the home of Mrs. Hannah Shcppard at Rockland. Venan go Co., Pa., last Saturday evening. W. 8. Weaver, of Brookvllle linnih limn, Harry McMurray, of Brookvllle Vimormt, and Horace G. Miller, of Punxsutawney Mean, attended tbe fun eral of Thomas NefT In this plaoe .Sun- Mrs. Will Heldrick and Mrs. Swartz land, of Brookvllle, came up Monday to visit tbe former's sister, Mrs. H. Eugene Phillips, and Mrs. Phillips In vited a few Roynoldsvllle friends la "bJ!o "y evenlDK 10 "n PPle-paring 8. 8. Aloy went to New Galilee, Pa., Saturday to attend the funeral of bis brother-in-law, 8. J. Wban, who died in Colorado Thursday from Bright disease. Mr. Whan went to Colorado four weeks ago, hoping tbe change In climate would benefit bis health. J. G. Davis, of Altoona, and G. W. Who en. of William. r,,.,. III of Alex Rlston several days last weak. uo tuiao KDDiiomon, woo enjoy bunt ing, went over to E. 8. Strawoutter's. near Knozdaln. and mnr.nt , .A a- , log for game. Tho day after tbey re- yIU ua nuni iney Dad roast beef for dinner. Injured in Mine. Holland Clawson, of this placo, was badly in ured In th pnih.. - iIUH wai U. mine near Sandy Valley about 7.30 m Tnn.lan V . I . -. y j iu or roc-. The rOCk fell uirnu hi mWA w Clawson was brought to bis home and in 7 yu""iition or lour Keynolde ville doctors It was decided to take him to the Adrian Hospital, as It was pos sible that an operation would have to be performed. He was taken to tho hOSDltal Monrlnu vannH a. tlon has not boon performed arid the doctors think be will recover. Crawford-Ramsey. G. L. Crawford nt ki. j Miss Estnlla Ri J i wuKurarvi XWO ert Ramsey, of Anita, were married at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crawford, at 4.00 p. m. yesieraay. itev. a. J. Meek, Ph. D.. Pastor KevnoMMvllU Rani. i. 1 ...w VU Ul UU, performed the wedding ceremony In the piurcuvxju, b uiuiioer oi invited rela tives and friends. A wedding supper was served. Mountain Brook Castle. TheKnirrhta of r.nMc r.i- 1...1 tuted a new Castle at Brookvllle last Saturday night to bo known aa Mt. v-asue no. m. uistrict Deputy William Rued mil hm.t . ... 1 other Knights of Golden Eagle of Reyn- uruvu w oroouvuie Saturday evening and assisted in Instituting the new Castle. Grand Chief Patterson, of Pittsburg, was present. Boy's Fingers Shot Off. of 'bqulre b. T. Stormer, of Emerick vllle. had thron finer a,-, nf Kta u. i shot off lost Saturday while out bunt- mg. iioya ana another young man named DeerriHr urrn m,r - i In crawling under a fence Deemer's gun was discharged and Stormer's band caught the load. The following new ha., en tered Reynoldsvllle Business College : Misses Lillian Lenkerd and Minnie Kaufman. Howard Jones, ThomasWhlto and Frank Tapper. Keagle's Cash Store will open for business Wednenriav N'no ia ln irt & Coleman's block. We have bad 25 years experience In tbe mercantile uumuess ana are going to give you the benefit of it, and will prove to you that It Will be tO VOUI- hptit. Intaraar. patronize us. For Sale Good riding pony. Inquire; i tflbaiAnuium, A bad oold a good remedy Reyn olds' Perfect Cold Cure. 25o. Road H. W. Eason & Co. 'a ad on first page. See the fall bats for 1903 at Mllllrena Mitchell, tho merchant tailor, near Hotel Imperial. ' Largest selection of Monarch shirt at Mllllrena. See the oomedy drama, ' "A Foxy Tramp," at the opera house Friday evening, Nov., 13, ..