t Town Council. , The regular meeting of the town council was held Tuesday evening, Nov. 3rd. President ApplcRate In the chair and all mombers present. MlnuteB of the previous mooting read and approved. Thos. C. Shields was present as a representative of the fire company and requested the council to purchaso 500 feet of hose, one dozen wrenches, one dozen hose carriers and a ball nozzle. On notion the olcrk was instructed to get samples of hone and prices for next regular meeting. On motion the Jefferson Traction Co. were instructed to lay their track across Fourth utreot on Main street in center of street. Bills amounting to (94S.81 were ordered paid. On motion the curb on Main street should be sot 14 feet from lino of lots. A bad cold a good remedy Reyn olds' l'orfect Cold Curo. 2."io. See tho great assortment of 50 cent shirts at Mllllrens. Save money by buying your wall paper now at Stake's. . That Dr. Gibson had more pationts In October than in any preceding month speaks volumes for his ability and success. Seo his date. P.B.Rhodes' Meat Market Owing to the low price of cattle nt the present time we arc enabled to give our customers Lower Figures on Meat as the following prices show: Roast Beef . . . 10c Round Steak . . 14c Tenderloin &Surloin, lGc Boil, from . , 5c to 7c Stew . . . . Sc to 9c Pork chops, steak or roast . . . 15c Lamb Roast, 1212Ctol4c Lamb Chops . . 14c All other meats In proportion. All our meats are guaran teed to be first-class. . Death of Aged Lady. , Mrs. nannab Klingonsmlth, an ?ed and most highly respected lady of Washington township, died Tuesday morning at the home of Postmaster Wiser in Wostvllle, whore she bad been making her home for some time. The doceascd was the mother of Mrs. Wlsor. Mrs. Klingonsmlth was 88 years old and has lived In Washington township many years. Funeral services were held yes terday at the Wiser rosldonco and the remains were taken to Beechwoods for interment. The doceased Is survived by three sons, one daughter, 23 grand children and 0 great grand children. Mr. Klingonsmlth preceded his wife to the grave several years ago. Brock wayvillo ltfcnrd. Poisoned by Drinking Cider. Dr. John Dalo was called out to Rock dale the other day to see Walter Craw ford, who had taken suddenly and violently ill. Mr. Crawford drank some elder which had been left standing over night In a tin pall and It is thought was poisoned by tho same. Tho doctor was able to relieve him considerably and he Is reported as being better. Falls Creek llrmhl Concert Without Rivrl. Tho cntartalnmont given by the Ithaca Conservatory of Music Company was received with universal favor by tho audience. As a unique, harmoni ous whole, this concert has beon with out a rival in our town. Schaghticoke (N. Y.) Sun. At Assembly hall Nov. 10. Tickets, children 15 cts., adults 25 cts. Keagle's Cash Store will open for. business Wednesday, Nov. 18, in King & Coleman block. We have had 25 years experience In the mercantile business and are going to give you tho benefit of it, and will prove to you that it will be to your best Interact to patronize us. G. W. Arblastor, of Reynoldsville, was in town this week. Mr. Arblaster is contemplating the opening of brick works somewhere on tho Sligo branch. Now Bethlehem Lender. A bad cold a good remedy Reyn olds' Porfect Cold Cure. 25o. See Mllllrens for your winter under wear. QYou can got a bargain at Nolan's shoe store. Thoy have about fifty pair of shoes that thoy will sell at a big reduc tion. These shoes are good styles. R. W. Eason & Co. are closing out thoir entire stock of clothing and gent's furnishings at a big sacrifice. Read thoir "ad" on first page. Florshelm shoes at Mllllrens. Card of Tbankt. I horoby give expression of my heart (olt thanks to the friends, neighbors and Masonic lodge for their kind assist ance and sympathy after the death of my husband, Thomas N. Neff, Mrs. HettibNefp. A bad cold a good remedy Reyn olds' Perfect Cold Cure, 2oo. All America shoes for men at Nolan's shoo store, price $3.50 and 14.00. All this month wall paper at a dis count at S toko's. Dr. Gibson bas been so Unusually successful In his eyework that you can not mistake In consulting him. See his dates. New neck wear juBt in at Millirons. Want Column. Rules: One cent per word for escta and everv lnprtlon. Foil Sale A car load of Gold Mlno Flour. M. C. Coleman. FOK SALE Second hand furniture to be sold at once. Inquire Goo. F. Os burn, Grant st. Wanted Person who borrowed my blacksmith sledge to return same and save trouble. J. A. Myors. Foil Sale Good house on Hill st. Will be sold at a bargain if sold quick. Inquire at THE Star office. Rooms to let. Inquire of Mrs. A Ibort StrnuBe on Hill street. to learn winding Apply Enterprise Wanted Girls and cloth picking, Silk Co. Wanted Young man to loarn blacksmith trade or ono who has partly learned It to flnUh. L. M. Snyder, Jackson stroot. Wanted Twenty-five men to work in tho woods. Good board and good wages. J. S. McDonald, Laquln, Bradford Co., Pa. For Salo Good riding pony. Inquire at The Star ofllce. For Sale Lard cans, lard barrolls, lard tubs, molasses barrels, large and small candy pails. Bon Ton Bakery. Wanted Strong boy about 15 yoara of age. Apply at Enterprise Silk Co. For Sale House and lot In West Roynoldsvllleand afarm in Washington township. Inquire of L. W. Perrin, Box 187, Roynoldsville, Pa. JJUGHES & POMROY. undertaking and picture framing. Thfi U. S. Rurlnl Lenmio has nefn totted and round all rltflit. I'lioapont form nf In- tmranre. Ht-ciirn a contract. Woodward Building, ReynoldHvllle, l'a. SM WAGIEU -THE BIG STORE Resplendent Fall Styles. An immense collection of everything which is new, stylish attractive and re liable and ofiered at unusual opportunities for' genuine savings throughout department. Our business is strictly cash and we are in a position to furnish you the best possible merchandise at a minimum cost, which means a saving of many dollars to you. Never in the history of our store have we had as well as sorted stock in Dry Goods, Notions, Cloaks and Shoes as we have now in the beginning of a most prosperous season. Dry Goods. We kindly invite you to inspect our line of Dress Goods when looking for something for a suit, skirt, etc. The line contains all the new and nobby weaves in plain and fancy goods. We also have a strong and novelty line of Waistings, etc. In fact anything that is used in Dry Goods line we have for your inspection. Cloaks, Suits and Skirts. We need not say anything further for these as the citizens of Reynoldsville, as well as the entire United States, know of and are familiar with style and wearing qualities of " WOOLTEX Garments." The demand for these garments has compelled us to have our Wooltex man call on us with his sample line a second time this season to enable us to keep up our line on sizes and styles. We make it a point to keep in stock all new styles as they come out during the season. We are expecting some new and beautiful garments in a few days. Call and see them. Shoes. We have also a good strong line of ladies,' misses,' and Children's Shoes. Our line contains good, reliable 6hoes for school girls and boys. The time of year is about at hand when it is necessary to protect the children from cold and wet. Buy these early and you will have them when you need them. Now is the time of year anyway to buy your Underwear and Hosiery for children, as well as ladies and misses. SHICK cS WAGNER Corner Main and Fifth Streets. . ' . Reynoldsville, Ta. , In order to facilitate shopping for all, wc have made our terms Strictly Cash, Criminal CO'irt. ., The November trtn of tho Jefferson oouoty criminal court opened at Rrook- vllle Monday with Judge John W. Reed on the benoh. R. M. Matson, of Brookvllle, was appointed foreman of the grand Jury, and I. B. McLaughlin, of Summervllle, nonstable in charge of grand jury. Tipstaves, Mlchnd Bren nan, of Snyder township, George Schultze, of Union township, and S. S. Miller, of Warsaw township. The criminal list is small this terra. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters romainlng n post office at Roynoldsville, Pa., for the week ending Nov. 7, 1903 : Mr. Thos. Budd, John Drant, MIhs Annie Hite, Mitchell & Burns, J. Maketc, John Ruth. William Wasson, Kalle Truman. Forolgn Rosarlo Felice dl Plotro, Granto Aifonzo. Say advertised and glvo ditto of list when calling for above. E. C. Burns, P. M. A bad cold a good romedy Reyn olds' Perfect Cold Cure. 2io. Queen Quality shoes sell at Nolan's shoe store for f2.50 per pair. Jno. Kelly's shoes for womon at Mllllrens. ' Has Four Cabs. E. C. Burns, the liveryman, wbo keeps a first class livery stable, has purchased two more cabs, making four cabs that he can hire out for weddings, funerals or other purposes. If you want a cab any time call at Burns' livery. Koagle't Cash Store will open for business Wednesday, Nov. 18. in King & Coleman's block. We have had 25 years experiences in tho mi-rcantlle business and are going to give' you the benefit of It, and will prove to you that It will be to your best interest to patronize us. Johu II. Doubles, the butterlne deal er, will re-open his old stand, two doors above hose house No. 2, to-day. High grado butterlne at 22c per pound. A bad cold a good remedy Reyn olds' Perfect Cold Cure. 2oo. See the great linn of overcoats and suits at Mllllrens. Tho Dr. Reed cushion solo shoes aro sold at Nolan's shoe store. Hart Schaffnur it Marx overcoats at Mllllrens. A bad cold a good remedy Reyn olds' Perfect Cold Cure. 2."o. Night robes at one-half price at H. W. Eason & Co.'s. Read their "ad." Reynoldsville Flour and Feed Mill . . We have recently taken charge of the Reynoldsville Milling Co.'s mill and are prepared to do all kinds of Milling & Custom Work Flour, Feed, Chop, Hay, Straw, &c., always kept in stock. AH orders delivered promply. We solicit your patronage. Summer ville phone. Mill on Railroad Street. M. & C. ADELSON, Props., Reynoldsville, Pa. KAUFMAN'S BARGAIN HOUSE IN NOLAN'S BUILDING, REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A We have one of the largest stocks of goods around this section. We handle Clothing, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises. We are going to have one of the largestsales ever in Jefferson coun ty. You must know its just before holidays and we want to give the people the benefit to buy cheap for the holidays. NOW OUR BEGINNING IS A LINE OF . . . DRY GOODS. Calicoes, fast colors worth 8 cents at 4V6 cents a yard, Ginghams worth 8 and 10 cents at 5 cents a yard. Outing flannels worth 18 and 20 cents at 11 cents a yard. Outing flannels worth 12 and 14 cents at 9 cents a yard, All wool flannels and trecoes worth 40 and 50 cents at 25 cents a yard. Outing flannels for underskirts worth 12 cents at 8c a yard. A line of Ladies' and girls' coats, latest styles for the winter, a coat that i9 worth, 5.00 to 8.00 at 3.00. A coat that is worth 12.00 to 15.00 at 8.98. A coat that is worth 20.00 to 25.00 at 15.00. Children's coats, large assort' ment from 1.98 up to 9.00. Ladies' furs and capes, a large assortment furs that are worth 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00 at $1.00 up. Ladies' suits from 5.98 to $20. THIS SALE STARTS FRIDAY, NOV. 6 AND CONTINUES UNTIL THE 17th UNDERWEAR. A largo lino of men's and litoles' Underwear. Men's Hoavy Wool Fleeoe at 65 cents h null. The next at 115 cents. A suit of all wool Mon's Undurwoar at S1.H5. Ladies' Underwear, rib bed, at 50 cents a suit. Ndxtattl.OO a suit. Children's from 12 cents up. . Umbrellas from 50 cants up. Ladles' kid gloves froM 48 cunts up. We keep a large line of Men's Working Gloves. Ladles' Shawls from 75 cents up to ft). 00. Ladles' Waist Flannel, and Velvet Flannel Waists from 48 cents up. A full Hue of ludies' dress and street Hats. Men's Hals from 50 cents up. We keep a large llnu of Trunks and Vullsos. MEN'S SUITS LATEST STYLES FOR THE WINTER. VnUm 5,"de- All wool suit that is worth $8 to 12.00 at 4.48. All wool suit that is worth $14 to 16.00 at 8.48. All wool suit that is worth $18 to 20.00 at 12.48. Boy's suits, a large line from 88 cents up to6.00. Men's overcoats that are worth 8.00 to 10.00, at 3.98. Men's overcoats that are worth 12.00 to 15 00, at 7-00. Boy's overcoats that are worth 3.00 to 5.00 at 2.00. We have one of t!v.' largest lines of pants that is known ' in the state. Men's pants worth 3.50 and 4.00 at 1.48. Men's pants worth 3.00 and 5.50 at 2.98. Boy's knee pants at 10 cents a pair. Overalls and jackets at' 75c a suit. Duck coats from 1.00 up. Men's working shirts at 20c. 1 Men's Dress Shirts at 85 cents. Next quality 48 cents and up to $1.00. Now take our line of Shoes. Ladie ' Shoes worth $1.25 SHOES from $1.25 up to $4.00. Boys' Shoes from 1)8 cents. at 94 cents and .up. Men's Shoes Children's Shoes all prices. Remember Saturday from 9 to 12 and 4 to 8, GAS MANTLES worth 25 Cents at 10 Cents. Remember the date of this sale and come early. Everything sold as advertised or money refunded. j 1