The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 21, 1903, Image 5

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    Sabtcnplion $1.00 per year in advance.
r. A.MTRPHRniiOKI.Rilltor mid Pub.
Rntererl at the postofltre at Hojrnoldivtlle
ra., at second Class mm immifr.
SiiKMinvu.nTm.iiPiKiKr No. HI.
If You Have Eye Trouble
Of nny kln1 mil ami have ymir ryes
psaimm-d free. Permanently lucali'il.
tilvrnys to ! found. Work gimrunlvi'd.
Prlres reasonable.
ft. P. llOtKI',tl IN, The Jrwrlor.
1 Reliability
You can lUpin'l on our
prescription work, ns well
as upon everything in our f
store. It is reliable nbso-
lutely so. The work of pre
scription compounding is
done with the greatest pos- f
sible exactness. We trv to
be courteous always will
4 ing to nid and accommodate
4 without unpleasantly over
doing it. New customers
are coming all the time and
staying. The store appeals
to and pleases discriminat-
ing observers.
H. Alex Stoke,
The Druggist.
ft LIUl6olEv6rutHInQ.
The Pittsburg Exposition closes next
Saturday evoulng.
The P. R. R. pay car was over the
Low Grade Friday.
Hickman Bros. "Down and Up" at
the Reynolds opera house Nov. 2nd.
Charles P. Kcvrner, a grooeryman,
I 1. Li 1 1 .. .1 .. M 1 1 1
Una UUM);ub a unuuy uu w uu,igi j
Mark Mlllor's Juvenile Lady MlnBtrols
at the opera house Friday night, Oc
tober 23rd.
The Reynoldsvllle Building and Loan
Association sold 13,800 at the meeting
held on Monday evening.
Fourteen hundred and twelvo dollars
was paid to the Wlnslow township
school teachers last Satu rday.
The members of the Golden Gato
Club held a social at the homo of
Charles A. Hot pul lust evoning.
Another . school room will soon bo
opened In Sykesvlllo, making thlrty
six schools In Wlnslow township.
On account of tho deuth of the
janitor's mo'ler, there was no school In
the public school building Monday.
The now Iron bridge over Stump
creek at Sykoevllln, was complotcd and
opened to tho public last Wednesday.
A large gray fox and eight 'coons
wore killed near William Norrls' farm
reoently by a party of 'ooon hunters.
Rev. O, H, Presoott, of Cleveland,
Ohio, preached In the Reynoldsvllle
Buptlnt church Inst Sunday evoning.
, Mark Miller's Juvenile Lady Mln
atrel at the Reynolds opera bouse on
Friday night of ihl weok, October 23rd.
Mr. Shannon was given a birthday
surprise party at borne of his daughter,
Mrs. Kate Tavender, on Jackson street
Monday evening.
A. L. Keagle, of Ratbmel, has rented
King & Co's store room lu this plaoe,
near Burns House, and will soon put In
large stock of goods.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church,
J. W. Myers pastor. Sunday sohool at
9 30 a. in., communion service at 11.00
a. in., Vesper service at 7.30.
To-morrow, October 22, The Leader,
a new weekly to be published in Du
; Bois, will be launched on tbe journal
istic sea. It will be' published by the
DuBoia Printing Co., with W. J, Hlnes
as manager,
T 1V
The Utopia Society held a social at
the residence of James A. McCrulght
on Jackson street last Friday ovenlng.
Judge Jojin W. Reed was at Smeth
port last week holding court for Judge
Bouton, who assisted Judge Reed In
the last criminal court in this county.
"Unole Rnm" Is advertising for bids
for carrying ninll from Reynoldsvllle to
Wlshaw, Klunnorn, Desire and Panic.
Bids will not bo received after Nov. 3rd.
There is good prospects of a large
cigar factory locating In Reynoldsvllle.
Tim Interested parties will lm hern the
flint of next month to look tho situation
Frank J. Murray, nn electrical con
structor, engineer mid contractor, lias
rented a house on Fourth street and
will move to this place tho first of next
Mrs. Ed. C. Burns sold her fine
driving and riding horse, "Hilly," to
Lewis Morgan of Rldgway last week.
Ed. Burns, jr., drove "Hilly" to Rldg
way Thursday.
A mnlo tuart.' from tho Reynolds
villo M. E. nlmlr, John RcihleolilT,
Thomas 1). Thomas, William Trud
gen and Merrill Plyler, sang in the M.
K. church nt DuBols Sunday evening.
The sixty-second seml-aiiniinl session
of tho ("Marlon District Conference will
Ixi held in tli M, E. church at Sum
ni"rville on Monday, Tuesday and Wed
nesday of next, week, Oct. 2tl, 27 and 28.
The members of tho P. (). S. of A.
Camp of Uej nolclsvlllo will ill I tend pub
lic service in tholtaptlst church at 11.00
a. m. next Sunday, Dot. 2"th, at which
time Rev. Dr. A. .1. Meek will preneh a
sp.'i'lul sermon.
Invitations have been Issued for the
wedding of Ml Donifiei'tt'iiclo Deemor,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan
Decmer. of MeCnlmont township, and
William 1 Niter Uplinger. which occurs
Wednesday, November -I'll.
Rev. 1). M. Lyle.of Ml. Pleasant, Pa.,
who was attending tin1 Presbyterian
Synod In DuBols last, week, was the
guest, of Rev. D. McKay In this
place Sunday and preached In the Pres
byterian church Sunday morning and
Miss Zoln Grlllls, of this place, who
was operated on at tho Mercy Hospital,
Pittsburg, September lit h. for appendici
tis, and had to undergo a second opera
tion October ttth, now has typhoid fever
and is In the typhoid fever department
of tin, hospital.
"The French Spy" at the opera house
Monday night was not, well presented.
One of the prominent uelor-. hud been
called to his home by serious Illness ol
his sister and a follow who did not know
his part attempted to play It and mado
a complete fizzle.
Frank Bohrun, of this place, played
Ith tho "Keystono" football d am of
DuBols againBt the Punxsutawn, v team
at tho latter placo Friday afternoon.
Frank scored tho only louch-down in
the first half of tho game. During lliu
game Frank's left leg was badly Injured.
Captain Bradfoid, of the Salvation
Army, will preach in thg Roynoldsvillo
Baptist church next Sunday evening.
This will be his last service In Royn
oldnvillo, and will ond the Salvation
Army work In this place. A free will
offering will be tukon aftor the sermon.
The fiftieth anniversary of Masonic
order in Brnokvlllo will bo celebrated
on tho afternoon of October 20th. Grand
Master of tho Grand Lodgo and a num
ber of Grand officers will bo present.
Members of tho Brnokvlllo lodge will
bold a banquet at American House in
the evening.
Miss Jessie Smeltor, of this placo,
who was taken to tho Adrian Hospital
some weeks ago suffering with typhoid
fover, hopes to bo able to be moved to
hor home on Jackson street tho latter
part of this weuk, but It is doubtful
whether i-hd will be strong enough to
bo moved before next week.
A illiatn T. Cox had u long strip of
jerked, ordrled, moose mi ut. wrapped In
puper carrying in his pocket Saturday
from which ho sliced a taste for some of
his friends when he met them. Tho
moose was killed along tho St. John
river in Now Brunswick. John Fucen
mycr of New Buthlohom killed tho
moose, which weighed 1,000 pounds.
A reunion of tho lO.lth regiment was
hold at Butler yesterday and thu follow
ing members of that regiment from
this place attended the. reunion : John
M. Hays. C. C. Gibson, Lyman W.
Scott, Frank Haymaker, David nillis
and Samuel Brlllhart. Mrs. Brillhart
was with her husband. William T. Cox,
whoso father was a member of thel05tb,
also attended the reunion.
The following Roynoldsvillo ladles
were over to Punxsutawuey last Thurs
day evening to bear Mrs. Booth-Tucker
deliver and address : Mrs. Perry A.
Reno. Mrs. J. M. Hays, Mrs. II. Eu
gene Philips, Mrs. nanuab Presoott,
Mrs. A. M. Woodward, Mrs. Guorge
Harris, Misses Olio Ross, Kdith and
Effle Clark, Anna Duvls, Lulu Black,
Maude Meek and Edith Harris. Cap
tain Bradford, Mrs. Donahue, Mm.
Kempsle and several other members of
tbe Salvation Army were also over to
hear Mrs. Booth-Tucker.
Barn Burned.
Henry Wildes' barn, near Prcscott
vlllo, was burned about half past nine
o'clock Monday night. All his hay,
feed and chickens were burned. Origin
of (Ire unknown.
Italian Shot and Killed.
Saturday evoning Antonio Loglnl, an
Italian about 20 years old, was acci
dentally shot by another Itnllan who
was examining a revolver In a hoarding
house at Sykosvlllo. The bullot lodged
In Antonio's abdomen. Ho lived until
Sunday evening. Before dying Antonio
said the mnn who shot him was not to
Blown to Pieces by Dynamite.
An Italian was blown to pieces In the
tnlno, near Sandy Valley, about 1.30
this morning by dynamite. A piece of
one leg was the largest pBrt of the body
that could be found. Could not find bis
head. Ten or twelve sticks of dyna
mite exploded. Tho Iko was boarding
nt Pardus. Another Italian claims to
have been working in tho samo rootri
when explosion occurred, but he was
not Injured.
Boys Play Truant.
Thoro are a few boys In town who
nmke a prnctlce of playing truant from
school frequently, and initio of theso
dnys Truant Ofilner Joseph M. King
will lock some of the boys in tho cooler
and tho parents will be compelled to
pay a fine. Under tho present truant
law parents had better see to It that
their children do not play "ho-ikle." If
the parents work in co-operation with
tho truant otlloer tho numlier of truant
boys can bo greatly lessoned.
Business Chance.
Peter II. Smith, an experienced man
In tho business, has bought the Bon
Ton Bakery from John It. Iliuim. The
change was mado last week and Mr.
Smith Is now proprietor of tho bak'-rv.
He was proprietor of tho Bon Ton onee
before, selling out. three years ago. If
Mr. SmlMi had not. bough't the Hon Ton
he would have started a new bakery.
Mr. Diium will remain In Rcynoldsville
until next spring, on account of the
schools, and will then inovo to his farm
near Emerickville.
Barracks to be Closed.
Four years ago next month the Sal
vation Army work was begun In Royn
oldsvillo, hut for somo reason tho work
never received a sufficient amount of
encouragement to makn It the success
hoped for and what It is in other towns,
although a number of i arncstand faith
ful workers lmvo been sent hero to look
after tho work. Unlessdlfforontorders
conio from headquarters this week,
Captain Bradford will rloso tho Salva
tion Army work In Roynoldsvillo next
Burled Last Wednesday.
Mention was mado InTllK Stak last
week of the death of Thomas G. John
ston, of St. Petersburg, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L Johnston of West Royn
oldsvillo, but no particulars given as to
aue, Ac. Tho deceased was born near
Lent her wood. Curion Co., now Hrlnk-
orton, III20, September 27, 1803.
Ho was a flintier. Leaves a widow and
ten children. Funeral was held Wed
nesday. Inleri ient. In cimetery near
Straltonvllle. Ills ih ith was caused by
blood poison from n he-ik-d linger.
Passenger 'J ruin Wrecked.
Tho P. R. R. passenger train from
Pittsburg, due hero at It. f0 p. m., struck
a box car in the yards at Falls Creok
Friday night, stripping left sido of tho
engine, tearing cab off engine and stops
off two coaches. The fireman rucolvod
a few bruises and tho engineer and
passengers escaped without Injury.
The box car had been tot on tho siding
by a B., R. & P. crew and had not been
put in far enough to clear tho main
track. It might havo cost several
lives. Edward Hause was englnocr
and M. J. McEntucr conductor of tho
Deuth of Mrs. DeLorme.
Mrs. Clarissa DeLorme, wife of Fran
cis DeLorme, of Wlnslow township, and
sister of Mrs. John S. Smith, of this
placo, died October fi, 1903, aged 70
years and llnvo months. Fnnoral Oc
tober 8, conducted by Rev. J. E. Dean,
of Ratbmel, and Rev. Isaac Hanklns,
pastor Du Hols Baptist church. Inter
ment In family burying ground on the
homestead. Clarissa Smith was born In
Frunklin Co.. N. Y.. July (I, 1824 Her
parents moved to Jefferson oounty. Pa.,
when she was eleven years old. She
was married to Francis DeLormu April
Runil Free Delivery.
Postmaster Edward C. Burns hopes
to establish two or three rural froo de
livery routes from Roynoldsvillo In the
near future. The first one he wants to
get started is out by Prescottvllle, Sol
dier and In by Ludwlck's Mill. Mr.
Burns has been out two dnys on this
route getting signers to a petition for
the freo delivery, and he found only one
man who declined to sign tho petition.
Tho only expense to the people along
the freo delivery route will bo the. buy
ing of a mall box, Postmaster Burns
will have to spend at least one more
day along the proposed route' to com
plete the work of getting the people to
sign the petition,
Public School Lecture Course.
Tho lecturo course to be conducted by
the public schools this year will be es
pecially strong. The first number of
tho course will ho tho Ronoy's Boys'
Concert Company. This is a musical
organization which Is booked on tbe
best courses throughout the country.
The company consists of Mr. Ronoy and
five boys with well trained volcoa.
Their programmes consist of quartettes,
trios, duets, solos, both vocal and In
strumental. They are entertalnors of
the first class and they delight their
audiences wherover thoy go.
Dr. D. F. Fox, pastor of one of tho
Congregational churches In Chicago,
will bo tho lecturer for the second at
traction, Dr. Fox Is ono of tho most
brilliant lecturers on the Amorlcan
platform. Ho Is a "strong thinker,
magnificent orator, a man of large and
tender heart, of large experience with
books and mankind and withal of win
ning personality.
Tho Katherlno Rldgoway Concert Co.
will be tho third attraction. Miss
Rldgeway, who, It will bo rotnombored,
last year delighted hor audience at this
place with her marvellously executed
readings, will be accompanied by a
corps of experienced artists. This at
traction needs no further testimonial
than tho fact of the hearty Indorse
ment of last year's entertainment.
As tho fourth numlier of tho course
Dr. John B. DoMotto will dollver one
of his famous illustrated lectures. Prof.
DeMotto was here two or throe years
ago and his lecturo was so favorably re
ceived that his return was asked for.
His Illustrations are beautiful and add
greatly to tho strength of Ills argu
ments. DeMotto is a profound sclen
tille scholar and ho highly Instructs and
entertains his audiences.
The fifth number of the course has
not been fixed as yet, hut It will bo of a
high grade and In keeping with the
ot hers.
The first two attractions will be here
In December, tho third one in January
and the fourth in February.
Death of Mis. M. H. Strouse.
Mrs. Margaret Helen Strouse, relict
of George Strouse, died at her homo in
Paradise at 4.00 a. in., Sunday, October
18, 10U3, after one week's illness with
plural pneumonia. Her maiden name
was DuMiirs. Sho was born In Mercer
Co., Pa., December 23, 1833, making
hor (III years, 0 months and 25 days old
at time of death. Slio was married to
(ieorgo Strouse whun 20 years old,
almost 50 years ago. Three children
were horn to thorn, two sons and one
daughter. The daughter, Mary E.,
died lu Murch, 1880, and Mr. Strouse
died In May of the same year, 17 years
ago last May. When married Mrs.
Strouse was a member of tho M. E.
church, but sho joined the Lutheran
church with her husband, and for CO
years was a faithful and consistent
member of tho Lutheran church.
Funeral service was held In tho
Strouse church yesterday forenoon, con
ducted by Rov. W. Seiner, pastor of
tho deceased for a number of years. A
quartette and organist from Reynolds
vlllo furnished tho inuslo, Will Horpel,
Richard Ramsey, Missus Lois Robin
son, Frances Kirk and Isabel Arnold.
Interment In tho Syphrltceraetery.
Mrs. Strouse Is survived by two, sons,
Daniel W. and G. C, StrotiBo, of this
place, two sisters, Mrs. Ellen Moody,
of Pittsburg and Mrs. Harriet Reed, of
Sykesvlllo, and four grand children,
Frank S., Mabel L., Hazel A. and
Howard I. Strouso, of Reynoldsvllle.
Mrs Strouse was a kind mother,
good neighbor and an excellent woman.
Evangelistic Services.
The Presbyterian church is arranging
to hold a series of evangelistic services,
beginning November 15th. In these
services they aro expecting to have
Rev. D. C. MacLeod, D. D., pastor of
the First Presbyterian church of Wash
ington, D. C. Dr. MacLood Is a young
man of rare powers. Ho was callod to
tho First church of Washington to suc
ceed tho late Dr. Talmago. He is con
sidered one of the ablest men in tbe
Amorlcan pulpit and his coming here,
we trust, will result in much good.
Committees Appointed.
G. W., the president of the
Young Men's Free Reading Room
Association, has selected his commit
tees for tho ensuing year. The finan
cial committee Is composed of Rev. A.
D. McKay, Rev. P. A. Reno, Burgess
L. M. Simmons, Dr. L. L. Means and
Prof. C. V. Smith. Tho literary com
mittee consists of Dr. A. J. Meek, Dr.
J. H. Murray and F. H. Beck. Dr. B.
E. Hoover, Prof. D. S. Bacon and
Harvey Duter are members of the
social oommlttoe.
. Delarme-Lenkerd.
Frank A. Delarme and Miss Ella R.
Leukerd were united in marriage last
evening at 8 o'clock by Rov. Dr. Rich.
Tbe ceremony, which was private, was
performed at tho home of the bride,
John Lenkerd, near West Liberty.
DuBols Cowier October 21. The bride
is well known lo Reynoldsvllle.
Largest selection of Monarch shirts
at Mllllrcns.
Save money by buying your wall
papui now at Stoke's.
Krlppendorf-Dlttman shoes for ladies
at Nolan's shoe store.
Died after Operation In Pittsburg Hospital.
Funeral Service Held at DuBoib nd
Interment Made In Reynoldsvllle.
Francis W. Mitchell, of DuBols, who
was baggage-master on the Low Grade
Division eighteen years, a brother of
our late townsman, Lawyer C. Mitchell,
and at one time a rosldentof Reynolds
vllle, died In the West Punn Hospital
In Pittsburg at 3.30 a. m. Saturday,
October 17, 1003. Mr. Mltcholl had
worked on Monday of last week, but
was sick Tuesday morning. A doctor
was called and during the day he pro
nounced It a case of appendicitis. As
tho patient grew worse other DuBols
doctors were called In consultation and
they pronounced It a case of peritonitis.
Thursday evening Dr. W. It. Ulsh. of
Philadelphia, son-in-law of Mr, Mitch
ell, arrived In DuBols and he Insisted
on an operation, and arrangements
were mado and Mr. Mltcholl was taken
to Pittsburg on the early train Friday
morning. An operation was Mirformed
Friday evening and tho trouble was
found to bo an obstruction of the bowels,
but the operation did not save Mr.
Mitchell's life. The body was taken to
the Mitchell homo in DuBols Saturday
Frank Mitchell was bora In Punxsu
tawney October 12, 1853, and was f0
years old on the 12th Inst., the last day
he was out on his run. In April, 1881),
he was marrlod to Margaret Cotton, of
Reynoldsvllle, bis second wife. He Is
survived by his wife and four daughters,
one of whom, Mrs. Ethlyn Ulsh, of
Philadelphia, was a daughter of first
wife. Twenty-three years ago Mr.
Mitchell accepted a position as passen
ger brakeman on the Low Grade Divi
sion, which position he held five years
and was then promoted to baggage
master. He resided at Driftwood until
about four woeks ago when he moved to
DuBols to handle baggage on tho train
that leaves DuBols In tho morning and
gets back to tbat place at noon.
Mr. Mltcholl was a good natured,
pleasant fellow and be had many friends
all along the Low Grade. Ho was a de
voted husband and father, a very kind
and helpful man In his own home. . Ha
was a member of John M. Raed Masonic
and the Royal Arcanum lodges of Royn
oldsvillo, and Workmen lodge ol Du
Bols. He carrlod 13,000 life Insurance
In Royal Arcanum, also Insurance In
Workmen lodge and In a life Insurance
Funeral service was held at the late
residence of tho deceased in DuBois at
10.30 a. m. yesterday, conducted by
Rov. I. S. Hanklns, pastor of the Du
Bols Baptist church. The body was
brought to Reynoldsvllle on the 1.20
p. m. train over P. R. R., the relatives
and friends having a special coach.
About fifty members of tho Masonic
lodgo of this placo, of which tho do
ceased was a member, was at the train
and marched In the funeral procession
to the Reynoldsvllle cemetery, where
the Masonlo funeral ceremony was per
formed. The floral tributes were magnificent.
"Indians" Won Game.
A football team came over from
Punxsutawney last Thursday and play
ed the "Indian" football team of Royn
oldsvllle. The visitors were defeated.
Score 0-0. The "Indian" line up was as
follows : F. Foley, loft end ; Bert
Burns, left tackle i Dr. W. A. Henry,
loft guard i Doomor, centre ; II.
Burns, right guard ; J. Doubles, right
tackle ; J. Degnan, right ond ; Fred
Bohron, quarter back ; Frank Bohrun,
left half-back ; Reynolds Gibson, (cap
tain) right half-back ; H. Copping, full
back. Time of halves, 20 and 15
minutes ; subs., J. Bobren and W. Or
gan ; referee, Jos. Williams, Reynolds
vllle ; umpire, Miles, of Punxsutaw
noy ; touch down, Copping 1 ; goal,
Gibson 1.
It was an exciting and interesting
game, and was witnessed by a largo
Concert Company.
The Ithaca Conservatory Concert
Company will give an entertainment In
Reynoldsvllle November 10th under
tbe auspices of the Helping Hand So
ciety of M. E. church. The Sunbury
Daily says : "Rarely, If ever, in tbe
history of Lyons Opera House was there
a more delighted or better pleased
audience than the one present last eve
ning to bear tbe concert company from
the Ithaca Conservatory of Music. Tbe
oompany without a single exception
were artists of rare distinction. Tbe
program from a musical standpoint was
an artistic rendition of high clan com
position." Kinetogrsph Company.
The American Klnetograph Company
will give an entertainment in Reynolds
vllle November 11 under tbe auspices
of Hope Fire Company. This oompany
offers an exclusive program of tbe very
latest subjeots in animated pictures.
The list is so large and includes so
many different subjects that it la im
possible to enumerate them here.
Nothing old ; everything new ; posi
tively tbe greatest moving picture ex
hibition on earth. Remember the date,
November 11.
That handsome Austrian China In
Hall's window will be eloeed out at a
bargain. Look lot it.
See the fall hate for 1003 at MlUlrena.
Philip Koehlcr spent Sunday In Du
Bols. Frank J. Black Is In Bradford this
Mrs. W. W. Dolbto visited In Brook
villn last week.
Mrs. L. L. Gourley Is visiting In Pitts
burg and Hraddock. ,
Mrs. Fred Harto Is visiting her par
ents at Phillpshurg.
Mrs. L, D. Rupert and son, George,
are visiting In Bradford.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gibson are In
Buffalo, N. Y this woek.
Miss Belle Ewlng, of Cleveland, Ohio,
Is the guest of Mrs. J. T. Guthrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taafo spont
several days in Pittsburg recently.
John Marshall, of Hawthorn, was the
guest of Francis Yost over Sunday.
Robert Stephenson, of Garco, Clear
field Co., has been in town sevoral days.
Mrs. Isabel Swartz, of Brook vlllo, Is
visiting Mrs. C. J. Kerr, on Jackson
Dr. Clifford L. Kauchor wont to Mil
ton, Pa., Monday whore he ex poets to
John McClure, who was in Pittsburg
all summer, returned to this place
A. Silborman, of New York City,
president of Enterprise Silk Co., Is In
town this week.
Edward J. Worden, of Phlllpsburg,
visited his parents at Hopkins during
the past week. .
II. F. Lavo was In Wllliamsport last
woek, called there by the serious Ill
ness of his mother.
Samuel R. Crawford, of Donvor, Col.,
who was visiting in this place, started
for Denver yesterday.
Senator John S. Fisher, of Indiana,
state senator from this district, was in
town last Wednosday.
Samuel T. Reynolds Is visiting his
brothor-ln law, 1'erry II. Thompson,
near Corsica this week.
Mrs. W. P. Hotriok, of Big Run,
visited her sister, Mrs. W. II. Ford, in
this place tho past week.
Misses Edith Batim and Mame Munch,
of Falls Crock, were guest of Miss
Mary McClure yesterday.
J. Riley Smoltzor wont to Washing
ton, D. C, Monday to work in the
government printing oflloe.
Mr. and Mrs. J. IxiRoy Bartlo, of
Verono, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Barry In West Reynoldsvillo.
Miss Kittle Dwyor, of Bradford, who
has been tho guest of Mrs. John Reed a
month, returned home Monday.
Mrs. Jo(jn A. Welsh was called to
Crates, Clarion county, last Friday by
the serious illness of her father.
Mrs. Edward II. Bates went to Man
Ing ton, W. Va., Monday, whero Mr.
Bates Is working In a glass plant.
Bruce Mitchell, of Homestead, came
home Sunday. He was called here by
death of his undo, Frank Mitchell.
C. A. Stephenson and wife and Mrs.
Dr. S. Reynolds will go to Pittsburg
this evoning to remain a couple of days.
J. W. Campbell and wlfo loft here
Monday to visit a fow days in New
Bothlehom, Lawsonham and Pittsburg.
Mrs. Jacob Booth returned Friday
from a three months' visit at Johnstown,
Wllklnsburg and several other places.
Joseph S. Johnston, editor of the
Driftwood (Juzrtte, was In town yester
day attending the funeral of Frank W.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dempsoy re
turned Saturday from a ten weeks'
pleasure trip and visit at Bradford,
Erie, Oil City and several places in
Venango county.
Mrs. Wm. Mabon, of Marlon Centre,
was In town yesterday calling on old
time friends. She came over to attend
the funoral of Frank W. Mitchell.
Mrs. Mary L. Jackson, who makes
her homo with her daughter, Mrs. J.
W. Gillespie, returned Monday from an
extended visit in Knoxville, Iowa,
Warren, Ohio, and Pittsburg, Pa.
N. Ilanau, ono of our prominent
merchants, was in Philadelphia and
New York City the past week buying
now goods.
William Bono, who Is working at
Chorry Run, was at home of his parents
In this place the past week nursing M
bealed finger.
II. J. Bowman and wife, of East
Brady, visited the lattcr's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Benson, In West Reyn
oldsvillo last week.
Mrs. J. F. Seltzer, of Lock Haven,
returned homo Saturday after two
weeks' visit with hor sister, Mrs. A. P.
King, on Grant street.
Mrs. E. E. Miles, who has been 111
some timo with lung trouble, will go to
tho Mercy Hospital in Pittsburg to
morrow for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Prescott, and
daughter, Miss Louanna, of Cleveland,
Ohio, are visiting at the home of J. H.
Corbett, on Main street.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brown and
daughters, MLsses .Inez and Christine,
are in Pittsburg this week. They went
down yesterday afternoon.
Richard Taafe, superintendent ot the
Bessemer Coal Co. plant at Ferris,
Butler Co., spent several days of the
past week at his home In this place.
Mrs. G. Newell Meeker, of Owens
boro, Ky., was called bere by tbe death
of her uncle, Frank W. Mitchell. Mrs.
Meeker arrived bere Monday noon.
A. B. Weed and wife and C. F.
Hoffman and wife took a trip to Big
Run last Thursday on their automobiles.
The Intended going to Punxsutawney
in the afternoon, but there was every
indication of a wet afternoon and they
returned from Big Run.
Mrs. C. Gray left hore Monday to
visit a few days with a daughter in
Punxsutawney and from there will go
to Davis, West Va., to visit a daughter.
Mrs. D. Nolan was In Kane over Sun
day visiting her brother, M. Kane, a
freight conductor on the P. & E., who
had his right foot amputated last week.
E. C. Sensor, who is worklnghls team
on McDonald's lumber job at Laquln,
Bradford Co., Pa., spent several days
with his family In this plaoe Inst week.
Mrs. Bert A. Hays and daughter,
Miss Althea, of Allegheny City, were
visitors at. home of former's father-in-law,
J. M. Hays, In this placo last weok.
Martin J. Gleason, of this place, an
englnoeron the Ixtw Grade Division,
and his mother and sister. Mrs. Cecilia
and Miss Kathleon Gleason, are In
Pittsburg this woek.
Mrs. Thomas Noal Is visiting' her
daughter, Mrs. John Bassett, at Barnes
boro. This Is tho first time Mrs. Noal
has been out of town for a number of
years on account of poor health.
Goorge W. Yost, of Putneyvllle, and
Franois Yost, of this place, who Is
working at Uppor Hlllvlile, wore called
hore last Friday by tho serious illness
of thoir sister, Mrs. Joslab Deter.
'Squire and Mrs. E. NofT have been
visiting tho former's brother, Dr. Ed
ward L. NofT, in I'lttaburg, taking in
tho exposition and other things of
Interest In tho "Smoky City" tho past
R. L. Johnston, of Akron, Ohio,
visited hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Johnston, in West Reynoldsvllle
last weok. He was called to this section
to attend tho funeral of his brother,
T. O. Johnston.
Rev. Jacob Booth, who was In tbe
northwestern part of Iowa six weeks
doing ovangelistio work, returned home
Friday evening. He reports having
had vory successful meetings in the
"Hawkoye" state.
Rov. Dr. A. J. Meek and Rov. C. H.
Presoott went to Lewlsburg, Pa., Mon
day to attend tho Pennsylvania Baptist
State Convention, which convened
Monday evening and will close Thurs
day ovenlng. Tho Educational and
Publication Socioties and State Mission
ary work will be represented by able
Reign of Misfortune.
Francis D. Smith, of tbe Reynolds
villo Hardware Co., has bad a double
portion of trials and family affliction
during the past two months. In the
first place, trying to do business in a
store room, partly torn down, while
erootlng another building over It, Is
almost enough grief at one timo, but
besides this Mr. Smith's son, Howard,
took typhoid fever whilo outon tbe farm
noar I'ancoast, and while Mrs. Smith
was nursing him, their daughter,
Mabel, had an attack of appendicitis
and was takon to Mercy Hospital Mrs.
Smith accompanied her daughter to
hospital and soon after the return from
Pittsburg Mrs. Smith and anotbor
daughter, Jonnio, both took fover, and
Mabel, who was operatod on, also took
fever, making four cases of fever and
one case of appendicitis In Mr. Smith's
family. They are all convalescing and
unless they got a backset will all recov
er. Mr. Smith ox poets to bring his
daughter home from Pittsburg In about
ton days.
Re-Union Here Next Year.
An invitation signed by one hundred
citizens of Reynoldsvllle, was sent to
tbe members of tbe 105th regiment at
Butler yesterday to hold the reunion at
Reynoldsvllle next year. The invitation
was unanimously accepted and the old
veterans will meet In Reynoldsvllle In
October, 1904.
Moving Machinery.
Horpel Bros., machinists of West
Reynoldsvllle, are moving the machine
ry from tbelr old shop Into tbelr now
brick building. They will have a fine
machine shop when located In the new
Reduction In Meat.
On account of low price of cattle at
present I will soil meat at the following
price per pound : Roast beef 10 cts.,
round steak 14 cts., tenderloin and sir
loin 10 cts,, boiling meat from 5 to 7
cts., stew 8 to 0 cts., pork chops, steak
and roast 15 cts., lamb roast 12t to 14
eta., lamb chops 14 eta. All other
meats proportionately low.
P. B. Rhodes' Meat Market.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to gratefully acknowledge
the many acts of kindness and sym
pathy accorded us during the lllnes and
after tho death of our mother, Mrs.
Margaret H. Strouso, and hereby tender
sincere thanks to our neighbors and
friends, and to all vho assisted in any
way. Children.
A Novel Display
Is shown In the show window of tbe
Reynolds Drug Store this week, ad
vertising "BreatbleU."the great breath
perfume and relief for hoarseness
Entirely different from all other breath
purifiers. You can have a sample for
the asking. Full glzo package 5 cento.
Reynolds' soda fountain is still open
and running same as ever. Nevercloeed.
Florshelm shoes at Mllllrcns.
The Dr. Reed cushion sole shoes are
sold at Nolan's shoe store.
Save money by buying your wall
paper now at Stoke's.
See the great assortment of 50 cent
shirts at Milllrens.
H. W. Easoa & Co. are closing out
their entire stock at a big sacrifice.
Here is your chance to save on your
fall suits, eta.