The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 07, 1903, Image 7

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    A Cough
"I Inure tilde most thorough
trial of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to say that for all dis
caaea of the luitga it never disap
points." '
J. Early Flnley, Ironton, O.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
won t cure rheumatism ;
we never 6aid it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds. We
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying It
ever since.
Ttrw sliest 21c.. Me., II. All
Consols ymtr doctor. If ho sots tnko ft.
thsn do as lo siiys. If ho tolls too not
to toko It, thon don't uko It. Ho know.
Lint It with him. Wr rn wHllns;.
J. C. AVER CO.. Lowoll, Hut.
A Profitable Possibility.
There are throe Items of preecnt Im
portation to which ar.rvmtfon miRtu
be Tirofltably directed by our farming
people. We now Import: Goat skins,
$25,000,000; grata' hair and ml, $17.
000,000; raw Bilk, $42,000,000. Here
are $85,000,000 worth of imports which
It la possible to produce in this coun
try. Thla representa nearly 10 per
cent of our total importation. The
goat akin tradts Is largely a develop
ment of recent years. The business
has doubhed In the I art 10 yeara. shows
a steady Increase, and promises a fur
ther Increase. Raw silk is not yet an
industry hero, but the cxp;r.'ments and
investigations of the Agricultural de
partment declares it to bo easily with
in cur possibilities. In 1S71 we had
81.000.CKiO sheep In the country. In
1902 there wero 62.00O.0OO, tut we are
still short on both mutton and wool.
N. Y. Sun.
FITSpermnneMly enret. No fit or srron
Bessaftor tlrst ihv naa ot Dr. Kline's flrrnt
KerveRpstorer.. Jtrialbottln anil trontlsofr0
Dr.H.H. 9S1 Arfhst., rhlla.,P.
Tt Isn't always e.-ife to trust a man who
bat no small vices. He may go to the
other extreme;
Mr. Window's Soothing Syrup tor ehlldren
teething, soften theipims.rciliieestnfinmrna
( tlon.sUnys paln,onreswln(leollc25o. a bottle
malt. This may account for his being al
most universally used by female animal
JaramrsPlso'sUurefor Consumption
Ky Ills throe years aico. Mas. Xsovas Bos.
SiKS.Maple at., Norwich, S. Y.. Feb. 17, 1WJ.
Russia's new naval program, to finish In
1006. is six battleships and three armored
Jcxe Hutteb C'OLOB makes top
of the market butter.
The French domain in Africa comprises
one-third of the surface of the continent.
Work of Traotlon riowi.
The sixty-horse power traction en
gines used on Western rnncbea will
pull simultaneously seventeen four-teen-lncb
plows plowing to sixty acrea
per day, or will plow, drill and harrow,
all at one time, with properly arranged
tools, from thirty-five to fifty acrea
per day.
too Howard, snoo.
. ' The readers of this paper will be pleased t
learn that there is at least one dreaded dis
ease that science has been able to cure in all
ItssUgss, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Oatarra
Cure Is the only positive core now known to
the medloal fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Halt's OatarrhCurelstekeninter
Bally, acting dlreotlyupoa the blood and mu
eoussurtacss ot the system, thereby destroy
ing the fouadntion ot the disease, itnd glviuj
the patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing let
work. The proprietors have so muoh faitliin
its curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars tor any easethat it falls to our,
bend for Ust or testimonial. Address
V, J. Csinet A Co., Toledo, 0.
Bold by Drugs-i.tts, Ha.
ball's family Pills are the best.
Here Is Problem.
Which hurta the worse. To get over
a love affair by marrying or to get over
It by not marrying? Atchison Globe.
Perfectly Natural Folk.
When it comoa to being perfectly
natural grown people arc obliged to
use Judgment. Atchison Globe.
G&Hleo'o first telescope waa made
from part of a lead wter pipe, in
acb nd of which be cemented com'
tnon spectacle glasses.
MI find Oaaoanw ao food thai I woiM t be
VHttout IhtMO. I wu tTObU4 ft ravt ) wi
torp.4 .Ivor and Baadaoaia, Now takiaf
OMoirtti Caady Owibartla 1 1 -wry muoh battar
I shall aanaltUr raaoaamand thaia. to my irlssada
M Aha bait modltitna I ba avar laan."
Am sftaaiiiai, Uiborn Mill Mo. ft. Fail Ukfm, Haaa.
Maaaanl, PsJatabla, rlnt, Taste Goad. Do Good,
Varar Htrkoa, Waaken or ir.p, Uto, Kc.Me. Nvt
Sold la bulk. Tit tormina fob. at tuiupad O00
taarautjaad to aara ur your ttmejr back.
fteartiD(KamadyCo.,ChicacoorH.T. 601
The Effervesces.
Stomach Cleanser
invents headaches.
Uousness, oouillpauon.
at Draiflois, SOe. a Ml s)l
or bf soaU from
oThjuaUn aioca
1 JayStrMt. Be Yea
P. N. U. 40, '08
JjjfXS Tor
UffjfJtl DT AIMUftn
Whan a Merchant Hae To Pay From
Twenty-five Cents to Five Dollars a
Word He Realises That Sometlmee
Talk la Not at all Cheap.
There are many men who In their
business conversation murder brevity
and step . all over the humanitarian
rule to say a thing once only. They
maul their subject almost out of recog
nition. They work It slowly back Into
shape again. They finish off with a
number of personal anecdotes and
when they are leaving they turn back
and start all over again.
When one of these men writes let
ters he finds It expedient to compress
an hour's talk into a single letter page.
When he telegraphs he can general
ly get the same matter boiled down
Into ten words.
Whm ho cables and has to pay from
25 cents to (5.99 for each word, he
realizes that sometimes talk Is not at
all cheap, and he soon learns the gen
Uo art of cutting It short If te has
considerable cabling to do, he finds
that it will be true economy to Invest
$15 or so for a cable code.
What are cable codesT
They are books containing lists of
clanslfted phrases, alphabetically ar
ranged according to subject. Each
phrase Is represented by a code word.
These code words are also arranged
alphabetically so that the receiver of
a cable code can easily translate the
A code book genrally begins as fol
(10000 Aabaher Expect to be absent
on the date you name.
00001 Aacrlve The person In charge
of this matter Is absent.
00002 Aadunct Cannot explain his ab
The above code words, although
closely resembling the names of Pull
man cars, are not thrown carelessly
together by the compiler of the code
book. The different telegraph and ca
ble authorities held a congress at
Berne, Switzerland, some years ago
and compiled a list of about 250,000
words, without phrases. The3e words
commence with Aabam and end with
Zyzommes. This compilation Is known
as the official vocabulary. Nearly all
the prominent code books have their
code words selected from this vocabu
lary. It Is expected that in the near
future all words sent by telegraph or
cable will either hare to be In plain
language or In words selected from the
official vocabulary. This will put a
stop to the growing system of "doub
ling up."
In cable messages written In plain
language words up to 15 letters long
can be used. In messages containing
code words ten letters to the word Is
the llnt. Five figures are also reck
oned as one word.
It will be noticed in the above Illus
tration of the arrangement of a code
book that each code word and phrase
is numbered. All code books are num
bered In this fashion. Taking advan
tage of this system of numbering, va
rious schemes have been worked out
by economical souls for expressing two
code phrases by one ten-letter cipher,
or "doubling up," aa It may conven
iently be called.
Bay, for instance, that a man wishes
to cable the two following phrases:
06120 Dunclfrot Your letter of the
26th inst. duly received.
Answer Is "Yes."
07543 Evenzl Do not take any action
in tbe matter until you
receive my letter on the
The sender of this message groups
the code numbers of the two phrases
thus: 0612007543.
lie also has a table something on the
following order, a copy of which ia in
the hands of all correspondents:
0 a 5 f
1 b 6 g
2 c 7 h
8 d 8 1
4 e 9 J
. With the help of the above table he
xmverts his group of figures 0612007543
into this Interesting combination: Agb-
caahfed a word apparently portend'
lng lunacy, but not a bad word as code
words go.
The correspondent who gets thla ca
balistic word proceeds to work the ar
rangement backward and soon dec!
phtTs the message Intended to be sent.
Considering that by the above man'
Ipulation 20 words have been boiled
down to one word, the economy of ca
ble codes and doubling up arrange
ments will be readily appreciated. In
fact It is the favorite argument of ca
ble sharps who have goods to ell that
the outlay will more than save its cost
In the first message.
A number of codes have also been
compiled to express numerals consecu
Lively from 00000 to 99999. At first
sight it would appear that 100,000 dif
ferent rode characters would be re
quired for this, but the expert codlfter
gets along very comfortably with Just
1100 characters. Each of tfeese char-
actors constats of five lettors or less.
Tho first 1000 characters indicate nura'
hers from 000 to 9M9. The next 100
characters expresa figures from 00 to
99. For instance, If It is desired to ca
ble the number "54312," reference to
the code will show that 643 is repre
sented by the word "Hope" and 12 is
indicated by the word "Town." "Hope
town" is therefore the character for
It might appear at first that those
codes are unnecesar and that If a man
wished to cable the figures "54312," be
wouIdLsimply cable those figures, with-
out troubling himself by changing it
into Hopetown. The answer to this
Is that cable messages are often mutl
Wted 1p transmission.. If the figures
C4312 were transposed into 86411 be
fore the message finally reached it
destination, the receiver would be
quite unaware that any mistake had
been made In transmission and seri
ous consequences might result. On the
other hand, If the word "Hopotown
reached Its destination as "Hpoetown,"
the receiver would find that there was
no such combination In his code and
he would order the message repented.
Many firms doing a large cable busi
ness use halt a dozen or more ot the
standard code books. Sometimes a
message will be received 100 words
long, with the code words taken indis
criminately from these six codes. Per
haps 10 words will have been mutilat
ed In transmission. Perhaps It Is halt-
past 1 on a Saturday afternoon and the
cable clerk has tickets for two for a
matinee that very afternoon. Perhaps
there is a girl waiting. Perhaps the
head of the firm Is waiting anxiously,
even nervously, to see why his Bom
bay correspondents have sent him a
message 100 words long.
Perhaps the cable clerk will smile
sweetly as he bangs the office door at
6 o'clock this afternoon. Perhaps he
won't, lint one thing is reasonably
certain: On the elevated train he will
take a vindictive delight in treading
upon every projecting pair of shoes
that he can lay his feet upon. N. Y.
Mr. Leigh Haa 8pent 8100,000 on HI
His Railway Hobby.
To have a r!luy In one'a private
house Is a luxury which few can af
ford, even if they have the space which
such a mechanical novelty requires
says Loudon Tlb-Blts, Nevertheless,
there are several miniature railways in
existence and the most elaborate is
that owned by Percy Leigh, a gentle
man who resides at Brentwood, near
It is difficult to compute how much
Mr. Leigh has spent on his hobby, but
It must have cost at least 10,000. Be
for laying It down, the owner built on
to his house a special chamber, meas
uring 90 feet In length, and erected
therein two stations. There Is 1200
feet of line altogether, laid In two sets,
and the engine, which draws flvecar
rlnses, Is five feet long and cost nearly
350. In addition there Is a perfect
system of signals, besides tunnels and
bridges, and all the stations are lit
by electric lig'rt. Mr. Leigh has spent
years In perfecting his railway, which
is modeled upon the London & North
western line.
John Adams, who lives near Fowey,
In Cornwall, Is likewise the owner of
a private railway In his house. Mr.
Adams has been an engineer all his
life, and constructed the railway with
his own hands. Altogether the lino Is
45 feet long, and runs from the dining
room Into tho garden, where the ter
minus has been built This railway
has three signals, worked from two
signal boxes; two stations and two
locomotives, with eight carriages and
trucks. The line is laid on trestles
five feot from the ground, and the lo
comotives are driven by electricity,
and weigh 1100 pounds each.
The underground railway owned by
Baron Peroud, a wealthy, French no
bleman, is certainly a trniraph of me
chanical skill. The baron, who Is him
self a skillful engineer, has construct
ed the line at his house at Vichy. The
visitor, on entering, is taken down by
a lift to the cellar, where a largo sta
tion Is built, brilliantly lit by electrlo
light, and Is Invited to step into a car
riage, attached to which Is a miniature
electric engine. At a signal from the
driver tho train starts into the tunnel,
and a few minutes later emerges at the
terminus, situated at the end of the
grounds. There are two seta of met
als, which cover a distance of 830 feet.
Tho baron admits that the railway
cost him 23,000, and was constructed
In five months by a firm of London en
The Tricky Brain Cell.
The anatomy ot the nervous system
and consequently Its physiology, was
regarded in the past as very simple,
Cayal showed that the specific brain
cell is an independent unit provided
with multiple processes, by means ot
which It is capable of acting not
through one nerve alone but several.
This independent brain unit or cell is
called a neuron. A simple illustration
ot how the neuron acts is furnished
by our not infrequent hunt for a name
or an Idea which we know we possess.
We feel that the name la there, but we
cannot recall It, We get various names
near It, beginning even with the same
letter or the same vowel sound, yet on
ly after minutes or even hours does
It actually occur to us.
What is supposed to happen Is that
the particular cell of Intellection which
we are using throws out lis process
among the cells ot memory for names,
and though; this process is brought in
connection 'with cells containing sim
ilar names, it is only after a more or
less prolonged search that it hits on
the right one. It is as if the telephone
operator In the central office felt
around blindly for the connection
wanted, and only after putting the plug
into various holes eventually struck
the proper one. Dr. Joseph Walsh in
Booklovers Magazine.
Where Ireland Scores.
, Whether Ireland is the finest country
in the world for growing flax it is, be
yond dispute, the finest in the world
tor bleaching linen. Nowhere else can
tlie snow-whlto finished fabric turn
ed out to rival the Irish bloaeh. France,
Belgium, Germany, and America have
all entered into competition with us.
and retired unsuccessful. The quality
of. the water, the climate, and the in
herited experience of the Irish bleaoh
era all contribute to the result.-"
World'a WotV.
Oh why should ths spirit
Of grammar be proud
With snch a wide msrln
Of language allowed?
Of eonrse there's a limit
"I knowed" and "Vf saw."
"I sesn" and "1 done It,"
Ars rather too raw)
But then there are others
No better thnn they
One hears In the talking
lis bears every day.
"Whereat?" asks one person,
Quito thoughtle. Andi "Who,"
Asks another, "did Mary
aire that bonnet to?"
Here a mnld as she twitter!
"Oh, yes, I wont out
With she nnd ber fellow
In his runabout"
And hear a man sayings
"Detween you and 1,
Tbnt block of Puclllo
Would make a good bay,"
And this from a mother,
Too kind, to hur boyi
"I bad rather you shouldn't
Do things to annoy."
And this from a student,
Conuernlng it show,
Who ssys to the maldem
"Let's you and 1 go."
There's lots of good people,
That's talking like thu,
tVho should lonrn from we etltlea
Xo know where they're nt.
W. J. Lsmpton, In Ths Reader.
George's Aunt You are Just as bad
as you can be." Oeorgie "Huh! I
Riiess you don't know how bad I can
Bessie Is it really true that there
Is hardly any whaling these days? Lit
tle Bob (bitterly) Except in wood'
"Have you seen my wrist-bag?" de
manded the big sister. "No," chuckled
little Johnny, "but I've seen you beau's
trousers bag.
"Why Is it Willie Is always so quiet
when riding In the street carsT Why,
his papa told him those straps could
be detached."
Blobbs I wonder why they call the
ancient adages old saws. Slobbs
Perhaps because they cut with their
wisdom teotli.
"Do you believe that first impres
sions are always best?" asked the
business man. "Yes, in etchings," re
plied the artist
Harduppe A debt of honor should
always be paid. Borrowell Yes, even
though you may have to borrow the
money to pay it.
Wlgg How old do you suppose
Bjones Is? Wagrg I wouldn't venture
to guess. I don't know whether he's
married or single.
"I've Just been reading about the
Stone Age," remarked the Wise Guy,
"Those must have been bard times,"
murmnred the Simple Mug.
Sharpe Is not Niagara the best ex
ample of hydraulic force? Whealton
No; a woman's tears. A few of them
will move hundreds of men.
Gritty George So you were over on
the golf grounds. Is de game eony?
Dusty Dennis (who has grafted a
quarter) No, but de players are.
Blobbs Politeness always pays,
Slobbs That a right. While you are
shaking hands with a man he can't
very well be picking your pocket
The Iady Do you know the reason
v.hy you didn't got work this morntng?
Gritty George Should say so, mum.
found a horseshoe down the road.
Gritty George Sometimes I wish I
had been an car specialist.
Pikes Why so, pard?
Geqrgo So many people turn
a deaf
ear to me.
"The worst thing about women la
idle curiosity," remarked the Wise
Guy. "Noncscnse," retorted the Sim
ple Mug, "A woman's curiosity is nev
er idle. It works ovortlme."
Scrlblets I've got a winner this
time. Friend New historical novel?
Scrlblets No; it's a book of excuses
for borrowing monoy. They're all cat-
logued. Five tor every day In the
Photographer Don't assume such
fierce expression. Look ploasant.
Murphy Not on your life. My wife
Is going to send one of these pictures
to her mother, and If I look pleasant
she'll come down on a visit.
Mrs. T. What are you making those
grimaces in the glass for. my dear?
Mr. T. I'm trying to practice a look
of astonishment. Some ot ray friends
are going to make mo a present to
night and I'm supposed to know noth
lng about it
"Grace is greatly worried. She
can't decide where to go on her bridal
tour." "When la she to be married?"
"The date hasn't been fixed yet1
"Whom is she going to wed?" "That 'a
another detail that is yet to be ar
ranged. But she has her trousseau
all planned."
Arbor Day In Australia.
The state schools in South Australia
have a pretty annual festival, called
Arbpr day, when all the scholars and
teachers assemble in the open space
before their schoolhouse and plant a
young tree, which Is the special duty
of the children to tend throughout the
year. The rest of the day is devoted
to sports and merrymaking. The trees
are provided by tne government and
forwarded gratis to every state school
master In tho colony. Rapidly growing
varieties are usually chosen, such as
the graceful pepper tree, with Its deli
cate tassels of greenish white flowers
and coral pink berries; or the Moreton
Bay fig, whose gloeBy green leaves will
resist almost any heat. In a surpris
ingly short time the dusty playground
will be surrounded with a fringe of
trees forming a welcome relief for
weary eyes. E. M. Naill in Longman's.
Costume of Lssrther.
Tat the modest sum oi 1198, sya
the New York "Everrins; Post,"' on
mar become the owner of a complete
costume of leather, aa carefully tailor
ed ae the most modish ctotn town, turn
so contrived as to be fairly light, in
weight and perfectly ventilated. Tne
leather, gown Is designed for auto
moblllng. It is made with a gored and
fitted skirt and a stylish shirt waist
There Is much stitching on both skirt
and waist, and the latter is finished
with a high collar and a cravat of the
leather. The sleeve are wide at the
wrist, and there Is undersleevea of
mauve satin tightly sblrred at the
wrist against wind and dust
No Corsets for Waitresses,
A new vegetarian restaurant haa
just been opened In thw wholesale dis
trict In Boston, In which the wait
resses are obliged to go without oar-
seta and to go through a oertam
amount of physical culture work be
fore starting their table work In tne
morning. All the girls are pretty and
plump, and tome of them pontes
muscular development ot which a San
dow might be proud. They claim to
like the work, and declare that they
are delighted to be free of the straight
fronts, which have been the fashion
recently. They are also required to
eat only vegetarian foods prepared on
the 'premises and conform strictly to
physical culture rules laid down by
the management, which i now prepar
ing to tackle the mighty cooks and
require the feminine portion of that
staff to doff corsets also. Business
men are flocking to the placet to par
take of the new kind of food and gaze
upon the attractive unfettered forms
of the rosy-cheeked table girls.
Big Hlppockets for Congressmen.
Fall styles for men that are Being
Introduced by Washington tailors who
make a specialty of CongresvHnuti
trade show hlppockets of enormous
slzo. The innovation le due to the
fact that the next Congress will be a
dry one so far aa the sale of liquors
at the capital Is concerned. The bar
has been removed from the capital ana
members of the next House will be
forced to carry flasks In the hip pock
ets ot their trousers or be content
with water and soft drinks while the
House Is in session. The tailors are
anticipating the expected demand for
the sake of the feelings of the Con-
gresemen and will try to make en
larged hlppockets popular.
Wo should think of shooting Btars
ae solid shot about tine size of a cher
ry or cherrystone, each of them flying
with 100 times the speed of a bullet
as far as the orbit of Uranus and re
turning to the earth's distance from
the sun three times In a eontury, un
less It strikes our atmosphere and is
burned up In a flash, coys the Amerl
can Inventor.
Among thw courses at an official din
ner at Berlin in honor of the Kaiser's
birthday were "Ribs of Beet Witn
Victoria Sauce," sweets labeled "Un
der Venezuelan Palms" and "Gorman
English Siesta at La Ouayra," and
tne ices called "Caracas Bomb.
Bilver-chaners are wanted In New
York, Boston and other American ci
ties. During the recent strike many
of the chasers founo empioyuiuitt, os
bronze workers, and are remaining
at it
. Artemlev, . a Russian electrician.
has invented a pliable coat of mall
wihldh effectively protects against cur
rents of 150,000 volts.
Aching backs are cased. ITIp. back,
and loin pnina overcome. Swelling of
the limbs, rheumatism, and dropsy signs
They correct urine with brick-dust
sediment, high colored, excessive, pain
In passing, dribbling, frequency. Doan'a
Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi
and gravel. Relieve heart palpita
tion, sleeplessness, headache, nervous
ness, ' TsLtt City, Ind. I received the free
trial of Doan'a Kidney Pills. They are
splendid. I had an awful pain in my
back on taking the pllla the pain left
me right awny and I feel like a new
man. Stephen Bchacfcr.
Mrs. Addib Axdrewb, R. F. D. No. 1.
BnoDTiEAD, Wis., writes : I received
the free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills witn
much benefit My little nephew was
Buffering terribly with kidney trouble
from scarlet fever. Two doctors failed
to help blm and he finally went into
spasms. His father gave him Doan's
Kidney Pills and from the second dose
A Popular Domoatio Service,
While the kitchen has no attractions
tor girls who have their living to
earn, there is one department of do
mestic work which remains popular
with them. Girls bave no objection
to becoming nursery maids. The
schools for training ot infants' nurses
are full and crowded. Yet the nurse
has lisae liberty than the cook ana
loses more sleep. The compensation
Is In more pleasant surroundings and
In her closer relations with the family
which employs her. She grows fond
of ber charge and the baby'a mother
recelvea her with appreciative kind
ness. In short, she enjoys a homo
life whlcb ether domestics lack. To
reinvest the position of cook with
like attractions eeema to te the prob
lem of the hour. Now that many
lands of employment are open to wo
men the question ot making the cook's
position desirable Is "up" to all house
keepers. Baltimore Bun.
Right Along
A good thing Uvea and
takes on new Ufa, and ao
Are Most Women In Summer
-rPe-ru-na is a Tonic of
JOSEPHlK MORRIS. 238 Carroll St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y., writes:
"Peruna is a fine medicine to take any
time of the year, but I have found it es
pecially helpful to withstand the wear and
tear of the hot weather. I have taken it
now for two summers, and feel that it has
ept my system free from malaria, anil
also kept me from having that worn-out,
d ragged-out look which so many women
"I therefore have no hesitancy la ssying
that I think it is the finest tonio in the
world." Josephine Morris.
Peruna is frequently used as a mitiga
tion of the effects of hot weather. What a
bath is to the skin, l'eruna ia to the mu
cous membranes, limning keeps the skin
healthy, l'eruna mnkes the mucous mem
branes clean and healthy. With the skin
and mucous membranes in sood workmo
order, hot weather can be withstood with
Tery little suffering.
frequent bathing with an occasional use
of l'eruna ia sure to mitigate the horrors
of hot weather. Many ladies have discov-
Evil of Piano Playing.
An eminent Berlin nerve specialist
who had his attention attracted to the
chronic nervousness ot many pianists,
has been studying the piano from the
pathological point of view. Uut wt
1,000 young girls whom he examined,
each of whom had begun to study the
piano under the age of 14, no lees
then 600 had some nervous malady,
while out of 1,000 who had nevar stud
ied that instrument only 100 were af
flicted. The Berlin specialist ha9
promulgated the theory that no child
should be allowed to learn the p:ano
before the age of 16.
There have been unoarthed at Aby
dos by Flinders Petri e 10 successive
temples ranging In age from E0O to
5,000 years, which show the whole
history of Egypt A globular vase of
green glaze with Menes name Inlaid
In purple shows that polychrome
glazing la 1,000 years older than has
been surmised. Delicate carvings In
Ivory are found whlcb rival in excel
lence the finest Greek or Italian pro
ductions. Italy is hoping to com muni raws
direct with America by wireless te
legraphy; $750,000 Is to be spent on
the plant.
tho pain was iess lie beenn to gala
and is to day a well boy, his life saved by
Doiiu'i Kidney Pilis.
Kudoses Mills, Ky. I received the
free triiu or pills. They did me great
good. I had bladder trouble, compelling
me to get up often during night Now
I sleep well ; no pain in neck of bladder;
pain in back is gone, also headache.
Jno. L. Hill.
stat a
For fro trtsi bos. mall thla ecrannn to ro. buHli.. N. Y. lr abo-c
spar Is tttsuatetont, write srlilfsss oa ssss
auiDiCAi. advice raid's
Good Pills
Aver's Pills are eood liver
pills. You know that. The best
family laxative you can buy.
They keep the bowels regular,
cure constipation. iAViS?.:
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use
nm m ur esmoisri (is n r. nu r . wiSHtu. a a.
A Monty Making Opportunity
An old established Chlrsg-o Arm wants
Youiifuiua vt good habits, soW. Indus
trious and ablo tu furnlsu rol.rwm'es, to
timval and tako orders. Goud pay aad
rapid advaproinent to hustlers.
CHictuo poatsuiT co., avst. o, Cssms
nassi in s mil ssillliisiisinssiiii
Via" raits so cuts. feSSSsSi
f. o.
Mr. Teems Nelson. 22 Broad St-
Maehrflle, Toon., writes: j
"A IrM Aa dan av
wsrM ffod, I feel n dutyj
hound to tell of tt, in hopo that ;
i wuty meet tho aye or ovno toe-
man uho haa tuffered as i have. ;
"For Iveyears ' real did not
knowmhmt a perfectly tetill day
teas, and If i dtd not havo hemd
mohe, I had backache or a pain
so me where and ready Hfo was
net worth tho tffort I mad to
hoop going.
"A good friend mdvUod mo to
stae Peruna and I seas glad, to try
anything, and I am very pleased
to say that tlx boltltt made a net
ten man of sns and i havo no more
alns and Hfo looks bright
again." Mr. Treseie kelson.
ered that ths depression of hot weather
and the rigors they hare been in ths
habit of attributing to malaria qtiickl
disappear when they use I'erunn. This is
why Peruna is so popular with them. Pe
runa provides clean mucous mcmbrstsa,
and ths clean mucous membranes do tho
If you do not derive promnt nnrf satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
writo at once to Dr. llnrtman. sivine s
full statement of vour rase, and he wiil be
pleased to give you his valuable advicsr
Address Dr. Hartman. President of The
Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, O.
I 1 m
ana smi in,
I t - ssss
Oiled Clothing
siAcn oa, vsixew
AlTsstvC tests rWtUA
tho best dyspepsia
medicine ever mads.
A. hundred million
of them have been
aold In the United
Btatea In a alnglo
year. Every lllneas
arising from a disordered stomach ia
relieved or cored by their use. Bo
common is It that diseases originate
from the stomach it may be stately as
serted there is no condition of ill
health that will not be benefited or
cured by the occasional nee of Rlpana
Tabulea. Physicians know them and
apeak highly of them. AH druggists
sell tbem. The five-cent package la
enough for an ordinary occasion, and
the Family Bottle, sixty cents, contains
a household supply for a year. One
generally gives relief -within twenty
3.22 &$3 SHOES GEE
Too can save from $3 to $8 yearly by
wearing W. L. Douglas $3.60 or $3 woes.
They equal those
that have been cost
ing you from 4.00
to 5.00. Ths im
mense sals of W. h.
Douglas shoes proves
their superiority over
all other makes.
Sold by retail shos
dealers srerywhera.
Look for nams and
price on bottom.
That Doaslss ism Cor
ona Colt srosos ia
Talus la Doosilas shoos, i
Cor on s Is tlio hlsTamt
f raJ rsl.lalBorssads.
Qur $4Qitt dg LiMfanaut b4touaildat any prtct.
boom vj atsu, so reals sxirs. innstrsies
Catalog frsa. W. h. bOtULlS. Broekte, Mass.
A ttanphUt daterHln
thla aubool .;"
IrafMl with tniiny fQll
papk(ofrtiiif rv
fuJejcfton avDtra
f lk la (Mtpaar U Basted.
Dr. a ft. K-klU, Prim.
WllaJr BIDa, Haa.
lamed to i)kUr of any war. Writa m at one.
THAU. U. ftJUiJCtt. 14MU Block. Dauiar. Cola
nDODQY discovery:
U l Vs I O I raiok r.ll.f sod Soros
MOB. OooS of SosuaiooHsls sod lo days' Imi
wwmm, I
a. aas-sa'ssaai. s.a ,. iuu.ii.
r 8ueccnfullv Prosecutes Claims.
Ula PmunluaU Itmiajlnejr U kt Pouatton Buremu.
J jcaltt aivu war ifl au MlioaUUal oitsUua.aiLy uiua
Tfce Old RstMbla
St Jacobs 03
keeps right along curing
Pains and Acbei.
9tieo S8o. and ttoB.
I III II ' '