The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 07, 1903, Image 5

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he -J Stat:
.Nufwiipfmi $l.0 prrymrin mlvitnrt.
V. A.srrstl'llKajMtN.KtUtor uml I'ub.
Kutnrecl nt (hit mwtolllre nt Unjnolilsvllln
M.I., nssi'roiiilrlii'Sniiill in niter.
m mmhivii t. Tm.bpiImh Nu. ni.
If You Have Hyc Trouble
uf ntiv klml mil mill liiivi' viiiir eyes
miniliiril fri'K. I 'el lieiii"iit lv IimmiIim),
nlwnv I" I')' liiiinil. Work n mil utili'i il.
Price rt'iiHiiimliln.
'. I'. IIOI'I"! I'lu. .li'it i li r.
ifcMwwmmw t
photo surrr.iivs
lYish Films,
I "lillCM,
I'rinliii; l';in'is,
I'riiitinjj; IY.-iiik'n,
I trying Clips,,
Kodaks, mid
Dovclnpiiijj MacliiiK's.
(If .vim mil ii In u 1 1 1 ii i i- uml tin mil
know IukI wlint In tin, I'litni' In uml
iwk im i we lll ulmlly Kin1 .vim
STOKK, Tin" DniKKist
STOKK, Tin- Unionist
STOKK, The Pmist
STOKK, The Drugpst
fl Llttlu ol JEvcrutlilna.
Jihnn I In i rl.i ln- moved fi'iiin Sandy
Valley In U.VIMllil-vi!V.
Tho Wlnslow township school teach
ers will lie ihIiI Saturday, October 17.
...A daughter was Inini In Mr. it ml Mi'h.
J. Elson Smith, of Preseottvlllo, Sunday
Twelve now members worn I n 11 i titoU
In (ho Protective Homo Circle Monthly
James McGhee, of Sandy Vnlloy, had
his right shoulder dislocated Saturday
J. Ttlloy Smoltzer, of thin phioo,
worked In the Mt. Jowott 7mtil ollloo
several days last wook. y
Tho cub was demolished on engine
No. 4, It. & F. C. Tty, ut Rig Soldier
by rumilntr Into coul sohuto.
A report of tho educational mooting
in Assembly hull hint Friday evening
was crowded out of this Ikhiio.
Next Sunday evening tho subject of
tho sermon tit the Baptist church will'
be "Tho Hoaenly Company." Scats
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church,
J. V. Myers, pastor. Sunday school ut
9.30 a. m.; lorvice at 11.00 a. ui. and 7.30
P. . .
Mondiiy evening, October 12, atolgbt
o'clock there will bo n meeting of the
Truo Blue to decide whut to do with
tho funds in thu treasury.
Tho Helping Hand Society will give I
h ohiclfn and wafllo supper In the base-m-ntof
tho M. E. church on Wedncs
day evening of next week, Ot. 14.
Rovklu Meyo. thirteen-month old
child of John Meyo, tho Italian fruit
dealor near the opera houso, died Sun
day night and was buried Monday after
noon. J. F. Miller, of Knoxdalo. will be in
Rynoldsvlllo on Thursday, Friday and
S ilurda.y of this viek to collect money
fchjerlbed for tho Farmers' Telephone
Tho menibei'B of tho Foreign Mission
ing Society of tho M. E church will
in. 'ut at homo of Mrs. M. E. Beck this
afternoon. ' Lunch will bo nerved at
five o'clock.
There will bo un oyster supper at the
polling!1 school houso op Friday eve
ning of this week, October 9th. : The
money will ho used for the purposo of
buying an organ for the school.
Irvla Davis, formerly a barlior of thli
place, and Martin Anderson bavn
bought the Haley house at Lludsoy,
The license was transferred Monday.
Tho "Indian" foot ball teatn of Royn
oldsvlllo and a loam from Punxsutaw
ney will pla on the grounds at tliln
place on Thursday afternoon of next
wook, October lit.
Frank A. McCoiinoll and wife and his
father, David McConnoll, attended tho
funeral of John Morrison at Broekwny
vlllo last Saturday. F. A. MoOonnoll
wan one of lint pall hearers.
A Hpletiitld flipper will bo nerved un
der the auspices of the ItnptlHt elinlr on
Haluiiluy from ri.lKlto N.IMI o'ehiek p, in.
In lir. Murray' building. Come mid
H"l n giiinl supper for 2ft cents.
Card of thank, remilutlonn, obituary
poetry, notice of church and nehool up
per, lee cream festival, phi social,
Ac., are charged for at thn rato of live
cent per lino If published In TlIK HTAIt.
The new cotiHtltutlon of Tho Young
Men' Free Heading Koiiui Association
of Iteynoldsvllle was hntidod Into Till.
H'i'A it olllco yesterday forenoon for pub
lication, but It was crowded out of this
Tho following now student are un
rolled nt the tteynohlsvllle lluslues
College : Miss l,orel Mcl'herson, Miss
F.linbeth Tanfe, Mis llreiinan, of
Iteynolilsvllle, lioon Domlnske, of
The heavy rain of Sunday night was
badly needed lo Increase tho wnteV
supply In some section. The I'. It. It.
was experiencing trouble In getting
water for engines along the Low (irmlo
Mrs. Dr. ('. M. Malsnn tiled nt her
limno In Hronkvllle Sumbiv liiorning,
(lelober -I, 1 '.:. Mrs. Miitsiiu fell about
three weeks ago anil was so badly In
jured that. It finally caused her death.
Funeral whs held yesterday afternoon.
l'lilllp Taylor, who recently moved to
I'letiHiint aviuiue, complain because the
street ears run two or three square be
yond the crossing he want to get ofT at
before Ihey will slop. Philip Is Indig
nant almntsueh ctirelessues-, especially
when It. Is repented so often.
There will be a meeting In tho Young
Men's Heading Hnom Monday evening,
October 112, at H. 1)0 o'clock, to uompluto
the organization of the I'mhlhltlon Al
liance. All friends of ti niperiiuce, re
gnrilles of sox, deiiomlnnl Ion or politi
cal party, are requested to attend.
At. a meeting of the Young Men'
Heading Doom AHsoclntlon Monday
evening the following olllcers were
el Tied for ensuing year : I 'resilient,
(. W. Lenkerd ; vlce-presltlent, Dr.
11. E. Hoover ami Dr. John It. Murray J
treasurer. L. M. HlmmoiiH s secretary,
Prof. C. V. Smith.
Mrs. Mary A. Orinder. wife of
Mlcluel Orlnder, of Sykesvllle, died at
her home early Sunday morning. Oetn.
her 4, 1U0:I, ngetl (12 years. (1 months, and
17 days. The. body was taken to
Hrookvlllo Tuesday forenoon where
funeral servlco was hold In tho Catholic
church and Interment was niado In
Catholln cemetery.
A Poverty Social will be held at. the
homo of Mr. O. O. Wllllnm In West
Heynoldsvlllo on Thursday evening
from 7 to 10 p. m. by tho I. Y, P. U.
Two prizes will bo given to tho most
poverty stricken dressed. 10 cents for
poverty dressed, 1!5 ccntB for good
nlothoB. too orcam, cako, coffoo, oto.
Cordial welcome to all. A good time
It was announced at tho temperance
meeting In Centennial hall last Thurs
day evening that Mrs. Booth-Tuckor, of
Iluffulo, Nv Y., tho noted Salvation
A rmy workor, would Bpoak In Centen
nial hall on the afternoon of October 14,
but Cnptntn Bradford has since been In
formed that it will be Impossible for
Mrs. Booth-Tuckor to come to Boyn
oldsvllle. "
A. H. Wend, train dispatcher in P.
U. li. ofllcu at this placo, who owns ono
of tho two automobiles in town, had
made all arrangements to atart Monday
on his automobilo on a pleasure trip to
Connellsvllle, Pa., Cumberland. Md.,
and other places, but tho rain Sunday
night and Monday forenoon spoiled tho
roads for automobilo riding. A day or
two of sunshino will put the roads in
good condition again.
Deputy Grand Post Master Thomas
E. Evans Installed new officers in the
I. O. O. F. lodgo at Summorvlllo Satur
day, In tho Brookvllle I. O. O. F. lodge
Monday evening. Falls Creek lodge last
evening, and will Install new officers In
the I. O. O. F. lodge at Ltndsey this
evening, Punxsutawney lodge Thurs
day evening, Anita lodgo Friday eve
nlng and Hazol Dell lodge at Eleanors
Saturday evening.
Harvey McCasky'g horso ran away
Monday noon causing some excitement
on wost end of Main street. A bolt
dropped out of one side of tho buggy
shafts just after Mr. McCasky drove
ovor the P. It. B. crossing in West
Heynoldsvlllo and the horse became un
manageable and ran across tho iron
bridge up to Second street and Mr.
McCaskey got hi horse turned into
Second street and ran it up to high
board fence around the Itoynolds or
chard, whore tho horso stopped.
A Mothtr Kllltd While Her Baby Was
Nursing-Baby Not Injured.
During the storm early Sunday live
ning Mrs. Fred Kldhutn was Inslnntly
killed at her home In Wlshnw. Thn
hack porch of the house Mr. Ulilhum
live In had been enclosed with rough
board and had a window on one side.
Mr. Uldhum and another man wero In
thn dining room nnt.lng their supper
and Mrs, Uldhum at down beside the
oppn window on the porch with her
elght-month-old baby In her arm, the
baby was nursing, when lightning
struck the porch. Mr. Jtldlitim wa
Instantly killed and tho baby ftdl to thu
liner uninjured. Several other child
ren worn playing near their mother
and Ihey wero not Injured. Mr. Uld
hum wa about thiiiy-llvo year old.
She I survived by her husband and
five children, funeral was held yester
day afternoon. Interment at Klenuora.
The Oleomargstlne Case.
Monday Judge John W. Heed gave
his decision In tho case against the com
missioners of JelTerson county nod sup
erintendent of the county poor homo
for giving tho Inmates of the poor home
oleomargarine Instead of butter, (lullty,
was Judge's verdict, and Commissioner
Webster, Hawk and I laugh were sen
tcncfd to pay the cost and $100 lino,
Sentence was suspended on Supl. Kelley.
Quietly Married.
Mlehii'l (ilen Swart,, of Ueynoltls
v lllo, and Miss Edith Schugers, of
KincHekvlllo, wero granted a marriage
license at, Hrookvlllo last Wednesday,
September III), llitl.'l, ami on Thursday
Ihey went to Itut.ler, Pa ,. where they
were to lie marrletl thai, iluy, but, they
were so quiet about the a Mil I r Hint wo
have not learned who married them,
Mike has accepted a position at Hutlnr
anil will locate there.
Ituurd at Anita.
John Matthews, aged about nineteen
years, son of Thus. Matthews, formerly
of Hathmol, was so batlly Injured at
noon Saturday, September 211, by being
squeezed between coal car In mine No,
10 nt Anita that ho died the following
Wednesday and was tiurletl nt Anita
Friday. The Knights of (ioldnn Eagle
of Anita hail charge of the funeral.
A large number of Iteynoldsvillo friends
attended the funeral.
Trolley Co. Orgnnlred,
A trolley line will bo built from New
llelhlehem to Ifawthorti, a distance ol
six miles. The New llethlehem and
Hawthorn Street Hallway Co., will
build the road. William T. Cox. of
Heynoldsvlllo, Is the promoter of the
proposed line. Mr, Cox is president of
the company, and W, F. Marshall, also
of Heynoldsvlllo, Is secretary of tho
company, The capital stock Is : ll 1,000.
It Is tho expectation now to have tho
trolley lino In operation inside of seven
Parsonage Wedding.
At 0.IIO a. in. Thursday, October L,
IllO.'t, Fred Nelson and Miss Nellie Mc
pherson, two highly respected young
people of Kykesville, were married nt
thn Kcynoldvlllo Baptist parsonage by
Itev. Dr. ,A. .1. Meek. MIhh Minnie
Mcl'herson, sister of bride, and Alex
O. Piigh, of Sykeuvllli , ere attendants.
Tho wedding party tlroi5 from Heyn
oldsvlllo lo Dullols anil li'oui there Mr.
and Mrs. Neli-ou ti ,ik Hie northbound
"llyer"over tho It., H. ,V P., H'y on a
wedding trip in New York State.
Old Folks' Dny.
For four yours the Methodist, church,
under the leadership of tho Epworth
League, has observed an early Sunday
in October as "Old Folks" Day," and
this year Is to bo no exception. Next
Sunday, Octobur II, Is tho day selected,
Special Invitations to all old people
and n sermon by tho pastor, prepared
with special roferenco to thu day.
While all elderly pooplu uru uspuolully
Invited, tho service will bo helpful for
everyone and n cordial Invitation Is ex-
tHiidud to young and old.
Water Rates Reduced.
At a mooting of tho directors ot the
lloynoldsvlllo Water Company last
Saturday evening, tho following re
duction was made In tho water rates
per annum : Family uso from $10.00 to
$8.00 i bath tub from $0.00 to $1.00 ;
closet from $0.00 lo $1.00 ; boarding
house from 915.00 to $12.00 ; restaurants
from $24.00 to $18.00 ; stores uml otllces
from $11.00 to $4.00 J barbershop from
$12.00 to $10 00 ; photograph gullery
from $12.00 to $10.00 j hukory from
$12.00 to $10.00 ; urinul from $11.00 to
$4.00 ; churches from $3.00 to $2.00.
Temperance Institute.
The temperance Institute In Centon
nlal hall four evenings last wouk, con
ducted by Evangelist J. A. Simpson,
was fulrly well attended. The preachers
of town assisted Bev. Simpson In the
institute. The Baptist, Prosbyterlan
and Mothodlst Episcopal choirs fur
nlshed muslo. The program, bb pub
lished in The Star last week, was
generally followed, Harvey Deter, a
young man of this place, whoso name
was not published on program, delivered
a speech Frlduy evening. It was bis
first public speech. Those who beard
Mr, Do tor's spoecb say it was oxcollont.
It la a Oood Thing - Proposition will bs
Considered fur Locating Hits.
Halph D. Albright, a worthy young
man of Iteynoldsvillo, who I the pat
enter) of an nuiomatla air compressor,
Is alien t ready to begin manufacturing
thlseompressor and Ulooklng foraloea
Hon. lie will couslder a proposition
from tho people of this town for locat
ing here. Mr. Albright says thorn are
other IfN-nlltlc that would bn a llt.tln
morn advantageous for him, and If there
Is no Inducement, offered hi in at Iteyn-
ohlnvlllo be will build elsewhere. Full
description and design will ho furnished
when desired.
There will bo a demand for these
compressor when Introilitceil. J liny
will he used mostly In hotel anil will
save anywhere from $.10.0(1 to $150.01),
by actual test, over tho present system.
They arn morn simple In construction
than any other form of compressor on
the market, Cnn he manufactured at ft
small cost and Kohl lit largo prodt. Thn
form of valve which gee to mako up
this pump can be used on a motor for
water lift, motor, drop hammer,
com pressor of nlr In loeomotlvo work,
&o. All thes? things will he In steady
demand. The patent cover United
States, Canada and England.
This should he given consideration
and If possible have thn plant locato at
Death of Mrs, John Burtop.
Mrs. Job n Hur top died at her homo
In Hocch woods at 11.00 p. in., Septem
ber 2H, IIMK1, after an Illness of five
mouth. Heart disease wa tho cause of
Iter death. Funeral service wa held
at her late residence nt, 10.10 a. in.
Thursday, (It. tuber 1st, conducted by
Un'. (ieorge II. Hill, pastor of tho
Heecliwoods Presbyterian church. In
terment was mailil In the I leech woods
Mrs. Ilurtop was born at Yorkshire,
England, February 25, h:mi, making her
77 years, 7 month and :i days old at
I line of ileal h. Her maiden name was
Nancy Cnstlo. She wits married to
lohu Ilurtop In England In I H Id. One
son was born unto this couple, (Ieorge
Ilurtop, who with tho nged father,
survive the wife and mother, In IH54
they came direct from England to the
IIcccIiwoihIh, where they remained
three years and then moved to Massa
chusetts and lived there nine years, In
IMIIU they moved hack to I leech woods
anil located on the homestead where
Mr. Hurlop anil (ieorge now reside.
Mr. uml Mrs. Hurlop did ihelr trading
In Heynoldsvlllo for nigh unto forty
years and tho deceased was well known
to many of our townspeople. She Join
ed the Heechwoods Presbyterian church
about four years ago. Sho was an ex
cellent woman.
New Officers.
Last Saturday Past (iriintl M. E.
Weed Installed the following olllcers In
the I. (. O. F. lodgo of this place I
Noble Grand, J. W. Oilmen ! Vice-
( Irnnd, W., A. firay ; Treasurer, T. E.
Evans ; Warden, W. C. A I man ; Inside
(iiiardhin, H E. Murray ; Outsldo
(iuardlnn, H. W. Miller; Conductor,
William Trudgen ; H. H. to N. O., L.
J. McEntlro I j. S. to N. O., L. O.
Lldlo ; H. S. to V. O., F. W. Deomor ;
L. H. to V. O., J. N. Small ; It, H, S.,
P. J. (inlllford i L. S. S L. M. Alder-
ton; Chaplain, Philip Kii'hler j Trus
tees, It. W. Miller 1H months, J. K.
Womeldorf 12 months ; Itepresentatlvo
to (irnnd Lodgo, L. J. McEntlro.
Pine Fruit.
Some people seem to lo under tho im
pression that lino peaches cannot be
raised in this section of tho country,
which Is a mistake. Last Thursday
Peter Snyder, a Wlnslow township
farmer, brought u few flnu poachos and
pours to TliK S'l'AK olllco as samples of
what ho got in his orchard this year.
Ono of tho petiole measured Hi Inches
In clrctimferenoo. They wero as fine
peaches ns liny porson could wish for.
Tlio trees from which these pcaohos
wero pulled are only two yoars old.
Card of Thanks.
Through tho columns of The Stah I
want to express my heartfelt thanks to
the Keystone Coal Mining Co., the K.
of I'., K. O. E., Sons of St. George,
neighbors and friends for thoir kind
assistance and sympathy after tho
doath of my husband.
Mrs. Edwin IIoare.
Dancing Muster Uinea will give a
dancoln Frank's Pavilion next Monday
evoirlng. Full orchestra; CO cents per
couple. Also a dance Saturday night
of this wook.
Miss Bayers announces to the ladles
of Boynoldsville her fall and winter
opening of trimmed hats Thursday and
Friday, October 8 and B.
Mitchell, the merchant tailor, in
Stoke building.
Millinery opening at Mrs. Smith's
Ootober 9 and 10.
Mrs. Edith Pbllllppl bas closed ber
loo cream parlor, but she will take spec
ial ordors for ice cream.
Fall and winter opening ot trimmed
hats at Miss Sayors' Ootober 8. and 9.
Jno, Kelly's shoes for women at
Queen Quality shoes soil at Nolan's
shoe tore for $2.50 per pair.
Wat Ons ot lha Old Pionesrs of Beech-
woods Battlement.
John Morrison, father of Holsirt F.
Morrison, of Aliens Mills, and broth tr
of Joseph Morrison, formerly of this
place, who Is now residing with a son
near llrockway vlllo, died at bis home
In Brook way vlllo Thursday morning,
October I, Death was thn result
of old age. John Morrison wa horn In
County Kerry, Ireland, May III, 181:1.
In 1KI2 tho family came to America and
located In tho wlldernes of thu Beech
woods. From the Broekwayvlllo Umird
wo clip thn following sketch nt tho de
ceased's life !
John Morrison grew to manhood on
Ills fill tier's fin in I o I leech woods and ho
wa one of the prominent figure of the
early day, which had Its pleasures ns
well a Its hardships, mid he was it
prime mover among the young people
of that section. Flfty-nlnn year ago
Mr. Morrison wa marrletl to France
Scott McConnoll, of Ileeehwood, ami
to them three children were liorn, nil
of whom survive, namely : H. F. Mor
rison and Mrs. J. (J. Allen, of Aliens
Mills, and Nflis Husan Morrison, who
lived with htr father. The mother
died a few years after tho marriage and
wan laid to rest In Hocchwood cem
etery. Juno 7, 185(1, Mr. Morrison wa
married to Sophia El Izahoth Tracy, and
to this union two children wero born,
J. T. Morrison, who I now governor of
thn slato of Idaho, and W. X, Morrison,
who Is an Instructor In Mhndysldo Acad-
omy, Pittsburg. Ho had a wonderful
constitution for a man of his years and
hi night and hearing, a well a general
health was remarkably well preserved.
The greater part of hi life Mr. Mor
rison devoted to tho pursuits of agri
culture ami ho owned some lino farming
territory In thu Iloech woods section.
He wa associated In various business
Interests mid together with conservative
Judgment and hard work accumulated n
goodly portion of this world's goods,
and during tho closing years ot hi life
lived comfortably and peacefully In his
pleasant homo.
fohn Morrison was a man who was
prominent In his home community but
ho novor sought publicity In thu eyes of
thn world. His was purely a character
Incorruptible and at no time In hi life
was ho unable to look his fellow man
squarely In tho face. HI buslnessdeal-
Ings wero honest in every senso of tho
word, and he possessed those qualities
that commanded tho regard and esteem
of all who know him. Ho was char
itable, chivalrous and of manly spirit
and the world ha seen the and of a
career that filled Its mission, oven
though temporal position and greatness
crowned not the labors of a deserving
and well-spent life. More can bo said
of no man.
"The Convict's Daughter."
No melodrama of late years has met
with such phenomenal suocoss and un
bounded praise from patrons and press
alike, as "Thn Convict's Daughter."
Young an old, pnoplo of all conditions
and classes and all localities, (look to
sou this protty little play season after
season, with the same enthusiasm. At
tho Unynolds opera house Monday
night, Oct. 12.
Second Operation,
Miss Zola Grlfll, who was operated
on at the Mercy Hospital In Pittsburg
September lith for appendicitis, had to
undergo a sucond operation yesterday.
Mrs. Lizzie Smith, the milliner, will
have an opening on Friday and Satur
day of this week, Ootober 9 and 10.
All the nowest things in mllllnory to
be found In Now York and Pittsburg
markets at Flo Best's.
Chicken and wattle supper In base
ment of M. E. church Octobor 14.
Dr. Gibson hat visited so long and
boon so succetsful that you cannot mls
tako In consulting him if your eyes need
II. W. Eason & Co. aro closing out
their entire stock at a big sacrifice.
Here is your chance to save on your
fall suits, oto.
John II. Doubles, the butterlno deal
er, will re-open bis old stand, two door
above hose houso No. 2, to-day. High
grado butterlno at 22o per pound.
Millinery opening at Flo nest's Thurs
day, October 8th.
Night school at the Heynoldsvlllo
Business College Monday, Wednesday
and Friday evenings. Complete courses
taught; low tuition.
Our lemon bos that refreshing fruit-
taste. With or without cream. Reyn
olds Fountain.
Did you sue the dinner sets from $8.00
up at Hall's.
Dollars saved by buying your clothing,
underwear and furnishings at H. W,
Eason & Co's. They are closing out
tbelr entire stock.
See the fall bats for 190.1 at Millirens.
Krlppendorf-Dittman shoes for ladies
at Nolan's shoe store.
Bran, middlings and corn chops at
wholesale at Reynoldsvllle Mills.
See the seleotion of furs at Millirens
All America shoes for men at Nolan's
shoe store, price $3.60 and 14.00.
Florshelm shoes at Millirens.
Amnion H, HwarU I In Duller this
J, L, Cable and wife spent Sunday In
Mr. H. W, Karstettnr, ot Curwnns-
vlllo, I visiting In town.
Mr. Hubert Hone, sr., Is visiting hrr
daughter In Wllklnsbnrg.
Mr, Dr. 11. P. Thompson, of Brook
vllle, I visiting In thl place.
Mrs, (Ieorge Kline mid Mis Ella
Kline spent Sunday In Dullols.
John Hewlett and wife spent Sunday
with their daughter nt Penfleld.
Mr. J. J. Hognn returned Monday
evening from n visit at Johnstown. ,
Mrs. C. A. Stephenson visited her
sister In St. Marys during the past week.
Walter B. Reynold went to Pitts
burg yesterday Intake In Urn exposition.
Mis Irene Flick, of Ulmershitrg, wa
the guest of Mis Edna Bauin the past
Father Drlseoll, of New llethlehem,
was a visitor In town thn latter part of
Inst week.
Mm. Clinton S, llnrtinan has been
visiting her parents nt Cool Spring the
past, week.
Samuel Crawford, of Denver, Col.,
formerly of Hcouhwoods, I visiting In
this section. ,
Mr. D. M. Dunsmorn returned yes-
tor day from a visit nt Mt. Jewett and
other places.
Hoy McDonald, of Turtle Crock, I
visiting his brother, G. M, McDonald,
In this placo.
Mr. C. H. Hall was In Hrookvlllo
Sunday on account of thn death of Mrs.
(!. M. Mntson,
(ieorge Clinton, porter nt Hotel Im
perial, spent Sunday at bis borne In
Mr. Jessie f jowthor I visiting ber
daughter, Mrs. William Barclay, on
Inckson street,
Dr. W. (i. Bishop, of Pittsburg,
formerly a citizen of this place, was In
town Saturday.
W. B. Hoffman nnd wife visited their
son, James Hoffmnn, at East Brady
during tho past week.
Mrs. II. A. Cochran left horo lost
Thursday afternoon for Columbus, Ky.,
whore her husband Is.
J. M. Davis, of Johnstown, formerly
proprietor of the Burns Houso In this
place, was In town Monday.
It, L. Llewelyn, of Coal Glen, a form
er citizen of this placo, Is In town this
week selling a bread board.
C. H. Hull, of this placo, was In Kltlg-
way Thursday night attending a moot
ing of Knapp Cominundery,
Mrs. Thomas L, Mitchell has been
visiting In Pittsburg and Washington,
Pa., during the past wuek.
Mr. and Mr. Georgo Stoko, of Punx
sutawney, spent Sunday with their
neico, Mrs, C. M. Arblastnr.
Mrs, M. Mowery, of Ernerlckvlllo, Is
visiting, her daughter, Mr. W. W.
Fales, In West Heynoldsvllle.
Mrs. John Grlllls will go to Pittsburg
to-day to see her daughter, Mis Zola,
who Is In the Morcy Hospital. .
Miss Lyd la Kayo, of Broekwayvlllo,
was tho guest of her cousin, Miss Annie
lllntlerlller, the past ten day.
William Booker and wife, of Barnns-
boro, Pa., came to town Sunday to at
tend tho funeral of Edwin IIoare.
Mrs. Harry Pork, of Lock Haven, and
Mrs. J. C. Boyle, of DuBols, wore
guests of Mrs. J. Van Reed Saturday.
M. Mohnoy, plasterer of this place,
who has a large contract near Pitts
burg, spont Sunday with his family on
Jackson stroot.
Mrs. TI. B. Brown, of Moadvllle, Pa.
and Mrs. David Lawson, of Clarion,
have been vlslllag thoir sister, Mrs.
E. L. Potter, in this place the past
Samuel M. Lowther and narry II,
Mlncor, of Lamberton, Fayotto Co.,
both formerly of Heynoldsvllle, visited
at the home of William Barclay this
Mrs. Annlo nondrlnks, of this place
and Mrs. G. W. Mohnoy, of Hathmol,
returned Monday from a visit in Can
nonsburg, Little Washington and Pitts
Mrs. Georgo Mulford, of Buffalo, N.
Y., bas been visiting ber sister, Mrs,
A. T. Blng, on Grant street, since last
Mlssos Bertha Crlbbs and Margaret
McDermott, of Pittsburg, were the
guests of Miss Mildred Ridge way over
Edward McConnoll, who baa been at
Olean, N. Y., sometime, is visiting bis
brother, F. A. McConnell, at Frank's
Tavern. Ed. expects to go frera here
to Syraouso, N. Y.
James Binney and wife were called to
Tldlouto, Pa., last Saturday by the
serious illness ot Mrs. Blnney's brother,
Rev. Kernlck, pastor ot the M. E.
oburch at Tldloute.
William Bonn, of near Tvlor. Pa..
siient Inst week with his narnnU. Mr.
and Mrs. Holsirt Bono, sr. Ho wilt re
turn to Tylor to day.
Will t). Smith and Clnmnnt Flvnn.
students In Dickinson Law School at
Carlisle. Pa., returned to school th
flrt of this week after sunndlnir tha
summer vacation hero.
Joeph It. Mllllren nnd wlfn worn at
Wlnslow. Pa., last ii,,n,1l., tt,.
wedding of Henry Ejelbarger and Miss
iiniiaiHiiKitt, which occurred at 8.00
in., Wednesday, September 30.
Mis Manila Harding, of StarhrleV.
Pa., who wa vlaltlng relatives In this
place, returned homo lat Thursdav.
Her sister, Mr. John Colli ns luwim-
panled her homo on a short visit.
J. J. Sutter went to Carthairn. Mo..
the (lrt of this week to attend thn
annunl meeting of the directors of tha
Iteynoldsvillo Irfiad and Zinc Co. The
meeting will bo hold on fUh Inst.
Mr. Marv Strmiir ami 1m,irKi.t. Ml..
Minnie, mother and slterof Miss Daisy
Strong, moved from Tlonesta to Heyn
oldsvlllo last week and oooun rooms on
second floor of J. M. Hays' residence.
MI Jessie Bnrelav went to Oakmnnt.
Pa Friday where sho was thn puestef
Mrs, W. II. Karns until tho first of thla
wryik, and from there sho went to Fair-
mount, W. Vii,, to remain several
MIssOllvo Reynold went to Pitts-
burg Saturday to visit her brother,
Hnrry, and take In the exposition.
From Pittsburg Miss Ollvo will da tn
Johnstown to visit hor brother. Vlnonnt
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Howo. of Aroadla.
Pa., oamo to town Saturday. Mr.
Ifown returned homo tho first of the
week, hut Mr. Howo will romaln with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Farrell,
few days.
Rev. J. P. Hicks and wife, of Clarlnv-
ton, Pa., have boon visiting relatives In
Paradise the past week. Ilev, Hloks,
who I an onrnest and faithful worker,
wa formorly pastor of tho Ernerlckvlllo
.Methodist Episcopal church.
IraS. Smith and Ooorgo Molllngor
were at Altoona Saturday attending'
tho Institution of the Jaffa Mvstlo
Shrlno. Mr. Smith. F. A. McConnoll
and Dr. John II. Murray, of this place,
uro charter members of Jaffa Shrine,
hut Mr. McConnoll and" Dr. Murray
wore not able to bo present to be mado
Slirlners. Mr. Molllngor has been a
Shrlncr for a number of years.
Birthday Surprise Party.
On coming homo from Ouk Ridge last
Friday, Oct. 2. W. T. Cox was very
agreeably surprised to find a largo num
ber of his Heynoldsvlllo friends in ,
charge of his home, and on being re
minded that Oct. 2 was tho day he
passed his 50th mile stone of Ufa, he
become reconciled to tho situation and
Informed his friends that the farm and
buildings belonged to them for the
balance of the dny. "Uncle" Ed. Seeley
and S. T. Reynolds did not forget to
bring their ' Stratllvarlus" violins from
which they brought some elegant music,
accompanied on the piano by Sue Reyn
olds and Notta D. Coax. Some of the
guests thought It wicked to lot such
good muslo go to waste and according
ly tripped tho "light fantastlo toe," 4
while others appropriated the alder
mill, of which Charles Mllllren bad
charge (but all were careful to drink It
before It was five minutes old) so it was
not intoxicating. Whon lunch time
arrived It was noticed that Mrs. Cox
had provided ice cream and coffee,
while tho guests had brought well fill
ed baskota. All the guests wore seated
and after their appetites had been
satisfied they all repaired to the barn,
whore thoy Indulged in a good old
fashioned "hoedown." Two elderly
gents and two ladles danced the "French
Four" and the honors were equally
dlvldod. Some of the guests left
presents as tokens of their esteem,
when they started home at 10.00 p. m.
All reported having bad the best time
tbey have bad in years, and were per
fuse in thanking Mr. and Mrs. Cox for
such a pleasant day. A G(JEST.
Millinery opening at Flo Beat's Thurs
day, October 8th.
Soe Dr. Gibson's optical ad.
See the Dudley school shoe at
Big reduction in dishes at Hall's tor
the next ten days. All goods guaran
teed against crazing.
Millinery opening at tolas Sayers'
Thursday and Friday of this week.
Verify what we say about our sodas
and sundaes by visiting our fountain.
Reynolds Fountain.
Hart Scbaffner & Marx overcoat) at
Something now Maple Walnut sun
daes 10 cents. Reynolds Fountain.
Friday noon at 12.30, Oct. 910 cent
picture sale at Millirens.