The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 16, 1903, Image 4

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    Death's Ruthlen Hand.
Mrs. JohkIo McMiirray, wlto of rinrry
MoMurray, of the Brookvlllo Jtfftrton
inn Drniocidf, died very auddenly at
her home In South Hiookvlllo on Tues
day afternoon, NoptetnlHir 8th, of diph
theria, her IlIm M holnff of but a fow
dayi' duration. Mm. McMnrray'i death
wa no very utioxpcrted that tho an
nouncement was to ninny ofnour people
their first notice of her Illness i In fact
It came to all as a sure reminder that
death Is no respecter of porsons nor
conditions. Tlio deceased visited at
Chautauqua with her motlior for sovor
al weeks, rotui nlna home on AuRUst
22d. Bhobad boon foollnu somewhat
Indisposed for a fow days prior to lcav
Injr Chautauqua, and this same condi
tion had boon troubling her since her
return. On Thursday of last week sho
noticed an Irritated condition In her
throat, and this her physician thought
would proyo to Ira but a slight attack of
tonsillitis. On Sunday evening, how
ever, hor dlseaxe was diagnosed M
diphtheria, and while everything that
It was possible to do was done for her
Bhe continued to grow worse and death
followed quickly, but none too soon to
relieve her of awful sufTorlng.
Mrs. McMurray was an only daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob I.ioibongood,
and was tho mother of three children,
one daughter and two sons, who with
her parents and husband survive. She
was a most amiable woman, who found
her groatest pleasure and enjoymont In
the comfort and happiness of her child
ren and loved ones : her home was her
paradise, and It was at her own fireside
that she endeared herself to so many of
her frlonds. Hrookvlllo liifmhlirnn.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In post office at Reynoldsvtllo, l'a., for
the week ending Sept 12, 1903 :
John Farrell, Will Cunningham, P. J.
Mowry, J. K. Wells. .
Foreign Franjo Alcksander Kail,
Salvatore Bnscrml.
Say advertised and gtvo dato of list
when calling for above.
School shoes at Milllrens.
Queen Quality shoos sell at Nolan's
Bhoe store for L'.50 per pair.
The Friction Hand Drake for buggies
is the latest and safest thing out. Must
be used to bo appreciated. J. C. King
& Co. agents, Keynoldsvllle, Pa.
Your now fall suit Is at Milllrens.
Remomber you can get the Queen
Quality shoes at Nolan's shoo store at
12.50 a pair.
Soe the display of now fall dress goods
at Milllrens.
An Effort Should b. Mad to Increase Our
With Ftoynoldivllle't natural ad van
taget the town It not what It should be
and not what It would be If mora effort
and energy were put forth to build up
the town and Increase the Industries to
the number the location and advant
ages warrrant.
And now we have reachod the time
when we are ootnpelled to make an
effort to Increase the population of
Itoynoldsvllle or lose one of our In
dustries. We refer to the silk mill.
DuDols people are offering all kinds of
Inducements to got the Enterprise Silk
Co. to build a mill at DuDols, which If
successful means that a large part of
the machinery In the mill at this place
will bo moved to DuDols. The silk mill
at this place Is equipped to employ 3.10
people, but the Enterprise Silk Co. can
not gut more than about half that
number of people to work. The people
of Roynoldsvllle should awaken to the
situation as It now confronts us and
make an effort to Increase our popula
tion by getting more Industries In town,
and also encouraging the building of
the trolley line to Rathtnel, Soldier
and Sykesvlllu. The towns that are
forging ahead to-day are the towns that
bavn live boards of trade or some other
such organization.
8chool Shoes.
Get your boys pair of "Walton,"
Messenger, Cuban Calf or Sock shoos.
They are world boaters for the prlco.
Filled encll box with each pair school
shoes. Ding-Stoke Co,
Valuable Real Estete for Sale in Reyn
oldsville Borough. .
The undersigned executor of VV. M.
Foster, deceased, having been by the
will of said deceased duly proved and
recorded, vested with the authority to
Boll his roal estate at private sale to the
highest bidder, thorefore, In pursuance
of said power I now offer said real es
tate for salo, reserving the right to re
ject any or all bids.
F. S. Hoffman, Execute
Dry Goods.
Advance fall styles In ready-to-wear
skirts and waists. DcBt selection of
waist patterns we've ever had, In all
the now effect for fall. DIng-Stoko Co.
New fall hats at Milllrens.
Tho Dr. Reed cushion sole shoes are
sold at Nolan's shoe store.
Dran, middlings and corn chops at
wholesale at Roynoldsvllle Mills.
Monarch shirts at Milllrens.
All this month wall paper at a dis
count at Stoko's.
is here ;
Has Improved.
And if you are not getting a good
share of it, it is because, the
people do not know what bar
gains you are offering. Adver
tise! It means dollars in your
The Star
Carries Your
into the Homes
of the People.
D, What You May Shoot.
Following Is a summary of the Penn
sylvania game laws showing the kinds
of game and number that can be killed
and the season for each kind : Elk,
deer or fawn, two In one year, Novem
ber only ( pheasants, ten In one day,
October 1(J to Decerning 18 ) rabbits,
unlimited, not to bo taken with a ferret,
November 1 to December 15 ; quail, 15
In one day, October 15 to December 15 !
web-foot wild fowl, unlimited, Septem
ber 1 to May 1 ; wild turkey, two In one
day, October 15 to December 15 ; wood
cock, ten In one day, Octoler 15 to Do
combor 15 and during July ; squirrel,
grey, black and fox, unlimited, Ootolx!r
5 to December 15 ! plover, unlimited,
July 15 to Janunry 1. All gamo can he
bought and sold In season In this stale
except elk, doer and fawn, wild turkey,
pheasants, quail and wood cock, which
have been killed In this commonwealth.
These cannot be sold at uny time. No
game of any kind can bo legally trans
ported out of the state. Hunters from
other states must pay a license.
Tour to the Pacific Coast.
On account of the meeting of tho
National Hankers' Association to Im
held at San Francisco, Cal., Octolcr 20
to 21, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany offers a personally conducted
tour to the Pacific coast at remarkably
low rates.
This tour will leavo New York, Phil
adelphia, Dattlmore, Washington and
other points on tho Pennsylvania Rail
road east of Pittsburg, Wednesday,
October 14th, by special train of tho
highest grade Pullman equipment.
A quick run westward to San Francisco
will bo made, via Chicago, Omaha,
Cheyenne and Ogdon.
Fivo days will bo devoted to San
Francisco, allowing ample opportunity
to visit the nearby coast resorts. Re
turning, stops will bo made at Salt Lake
City, Colorado Springs, Denver and St.
Louis. The party will reach Now York
on the evening of October 31.
Round-trip rate, covering all expenses
for elghteon days, except five days
spout In San Francisco, S1II0.
Rates from Pittsburg will bo t'i.00
For full Information apply to ticket
agents, or Geo. W. Doyd, Ooneral Pas
songer Agent, I) road Street Station,
Excursion Chautauqua Lake and Celeton.
The DufTalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
R'y will run a delightful early autumn
excursion to above points on Sunday,
September 20th. A steamer trip the
entire circuit of Chautauqua Lake is
Included in tho low rate named. The
attractions at Celeron are too numerous
and varied to be dosorlbed here. Suf
fice to say, the great zoological gardens,
Ferris wheol, the now thoatre and tho
many lesser attractive features will en
tertain you throughout the day. Spec
ial train will leavo Falls Crook at 7.10
a. tn. Fare for the round trip J2.00.
For full Information consult agents of
the company or see excursion bills.
Cool Nights.
You'll be wanting blankets and com
fortables. Our stock Is large and you
got a grand soloctlon now. Priced right
are our blankets and comfortables.
Blng-Stoko Co.
The Wright hand made shoe for work,
men Is sold at the Nolan shoe Btore.
Mothers 1 You can save 15 to 25 per
cent on your boys' suits if you buy from
us. Blng-Stoke Co.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word tor cuch uud
.verv luiertlun.
For Sale Exoellont riding pony.
Inquire at this office.
Fob Sale A good oow.
Hoffman's Jewelry store.
Inquire at
For Sale Forty llttlo pigs,
of M. Slngleback.
Wanted A middle ngod woman for
companion for an old lady. Inquire S.
M. Rhoads.
For SALE Nine acroa of land hear
Doslre with house, barn and othor out
buildings. Plum and peach orchard i
suitable for truck farming. Call or
address B, W. Yoho, Desire, Pa.
For Sale Two good cows. Inqulro
at P. R. R. freight depot.
To Root Six room house on Mabel
street, between Fourth and Fifth Sts.
M. M. Fisher.
For Sale Houso and lot on Phillips
street. Lot 50x150 feet ; nine roomed
house ; barn 12x10, two stories high ;
shed 10x18 ; chicken coop 12x20 ; yard
12x20 ; price 1050. Inqulro of E. No ft".
For Sale House and lot In West
Reynoldsvlllo and a farm In Washington
township. Inquire of L. W, Porrin,
Box 187, Roynoldsvlllo, Pa.
Wanted Good Intelligent girls to
loam silk weaving. Apply tc Enter
prise Silk Co.
For Sale Five houses and lots In
Sykesvllle. Easy terms. Inquire of
V. R. Holman, Sykesvllle, Pa.
For Sale Lot on Main street. In
quire of L. J. MoEntlre.
' Notice Employees of the silk mill
using eleotrlo cars going to and from
work can purchase car tickets at lower
Autumn Goods
Are Now In.
Monarch Shirts
Q-rontont ID o p ar t mo 11 1 Store in Jofforson County
Autumn Stocks low tody
For your inspection. Every day brings something new
from the foremost makers of this country. Everything
shows the skill of the designers.
Long Coat Suits for Women.
Regulation frock stylo. Two-piece blouse find military effects have already established their pre-eminence as correct
fashion for lull and winter.
Very lew short coat suits are shown.
Long Coats are the thing, both with long dress skirts and short walking length skirts. '
The showing here is something to wonder at. The many variations of the adopted model and the diversity of the fabrics
and effects.
Price Ranges here, $11. oo to $4o.oo.
Oxford gray zibilinc, cut in the blouse eflect, with long coat made in the short waiking skirt ; trimmed ; elegantly lined
with Italian Serge $11.00.
For $14.00 you get n greater selection to choose from, and $18.00 to $30.00 the styles are grand. All Satin lined. To
get the full effect of the fall suits you must see them.
Dress and Walking Skirts.
Your very special attention is invited to the remarkable collection of dress and Walking Skirts. Blacks, blues, light and
dark grey 3 and tan mixtures. The very attractive taifor eflects at the small prices, combined with excellence of material,
make our skirt department very prominent for this season prce range, $2.00 to $10.00.
: : ..
Dress Goods.
This autumn season ojMins with a greater showing and a larger selection than ever. The designers have certainly
been at work by the number of new creations in fancy weaves for fall and the number of shades for you to pick from.
Waistings for Autumn.
Here in abundance. The greatest selection to be had any where in new, up-to-date patterns of Oxfords or the nice fancy
weave vesting cloths in a price range 25 Cents to 75 Cents per Yard.
Trimmings . Trimmings . Trimmings
For autumn garments arc more elaborate than ever. Band applique has the advantage of popularity, but drops, medallions
and heavy applique are just as stylish. We have them all a grand selection to choose from too numerous to quote prices
on. To appreciate the selection you should see it. '
A Little Talk to Men about Their
Autumn Clothes. .
A GREAT NUMBER of our fall and winter suits are now in in blues, blacks, fancy weaves of cassimere, cheviots and
worsteds or unfinished worsteds. All made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx, who tailor every suit. Every button hole is
hand made. Each shoulder is shaped by an experienced tailor and every coat is guaranteed to hold its shape. Come in and
see them, try them on and see the fit. Price range
$5.00, $7.00, $10.00, $12.00, 15.00, $18.00, $20. OO.
Boys School Suits.
Here they are, made up elegantly. Every seam taped and buttons sewed on tight to stand the test that only a boy can
give it. Any color you can think of. In a price range
$1.25, 1.5o, 2.oo, 3.oo, 4.oo, 5.oo, $6.oo.
Shoes for the Whole Family.
From the baby to grundpa. But QJX.! QM
more particularly good serviceable rOCXXOOX tOxXOeS.
Just now they are here made upon the latest lasts of Vici Kid, Patent Kid, or Box Calf at astonishingly low prices.
Come in and see them.
Trunks,'Suit Cases
and Traveling Bags.
MI L LI RE NS '-'aafsu.