The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 09, 1903, Image 3

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Salaries of Rulers.
According to a German statistician,
Jto salaries of European rulnra are as
fellows: Assuming that thrjr work
It hours a dar. the Euuuiror of Russia
rscelvcs ISO a minute, tha cmporor of
Austwa 35, the King of ltnljr $21,
the Emperor of normally $17, tho King
of England I5, the King of Hpaln $15,
tne King or HelgUim am tlm King
f pomnnrlc liftwct-n $1 ami $4, and
the King or Bcrvla between $1 and $3.
President Lonhpt of Krnirr-e roerlves
bout rive rents a mlniitu more than
Vim King of Hervla.
Irrigated Land In Texas.
According to a bulletin Issued by
the census hiirpnu tliero are 220,205
eve res of land under irrigation In the
Btntw of Texns. Tlio systom Includes
1,071 miles of nnnnl and cost $5,191,
(15. The wJdest application of the ny li
tem ling hern .ndo In connection with
the rlre Industry. The Irrigated rice
plantations number 557, with an area
of 170,396.
leatvlrtel lleitered la Health,
fr. T. nrnnnol. wife of r. Itriintel,
took denier, residence 3111 Ornnd
Are., Everett, Wnsb., says; "For
II ft eon rears I suf
fered with terrible TIJ
rain In my buck. I t:A
experimented with IM
doctors and medi
cines, but cot little
If any relief. I ac
tually believe the
clilng In my back
nd through the
.groin became worse.
I did not know what
It was to enjoy a
night's rest and arose
In the morning
feeling tired and tin
-refreshed. My Buf
fering sometimes was simply Inde
scribable. Finally, I saw Donu's Kid
ney Tills advertised and got a box.
After a few doses I told my husband
that I was feeling much better and
that the pills were doing me good.
When I finished that box 1 felt like a
different woman. I didn't atop at
that, though. 1 continued the treat
aaent until I had taken Ore boxes.
There was no recurrence until a week
ago. when I began to feel miserable
galiv I bought another box and
three days' treatment restored roe to
nealth. Doan's Kidney Tills act very
ffectlvoly, very promptly, relieve the
celling pains and all other annoying
difficulties. I have recommended
them to many peopto and will do ao
twhen opportunities present them
selves." A rnr.a tm at. of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mrs. Itrunzel
will be mailed to any part of the
United States on application. Ad
dress FoHter-Mllburn Co., Iluffnln, N.
T. For sale by all druggists. Trice
JtO cents per box,
' Fire Bricks Are Coated.
X new uso has rocontly bifn discov
ered for carborundum as a maxk to
prevent fire bricks from disintegrating
In high temperatures. Tho carborun
dum Is finely pulverized and used with
some medium to make It adhere to the
bricks (possibly water glass), and it
la elated that when so treated the
bricks have a much longer life than
When used without the coating.
Railroad Passenger Cars In Russia.
The number of railroad passenger
cars on the Russian railways was 15,
. C45 at the end of last year. Their val
ue Is a rittHe over $50,000,000. Of these
"Cars 9,733 wore property of the state
-railroads In European Russia, while
the Asiatic lines owned 1,541 passen
ger cars. The rest belonged to private
Refused Requisition for Watelet
Gov. McBride, of Washington, re
fused to honor requisition papers from
the Governor of Ohio for the return to
that State of Paul Watelet, a mining
engineer and promoter who Is under
custody In Spokane on tho charge of
obtaining money under false pretenses
At Canton.
Algerian Table Grapes.
Tha exports of table grapes from Al-,-serla
amounted last year to 8,000,000
pounds. Of this quantity 7,000,000
pounds went to France, and the re
.attaining 1,000,000 pounds to other
countries. Of foreign countries, Ger
many has for years been one of the
-best customers of Algerian grapes.
Half- Sick
" I first used Aver's Ssrsaparilla
In the fall of 1848. Since then I
have taken it every spring as a
blood purifying and nerve
strengthening medicine."
S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans.
If you feel run down,
tre easily tired, if your
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. a Mil. All srexrleta.
Ask your doctor what he thinks of AVer's
garspartlle. He knows alt about this grans
Id fauillv medtrtne. follow ale advice ana
will be estl.Bsd.
J. C. ATB CO., Lowell, ItaM.
ou"tVry land warrants
4musv) to toldlvr of anr war. Writ tut t one.
rHALA U. SLEUUft. ttaVtal Block. DwTit, UlJO.
.47m- at. a. a. eatsa ses.eae a. mmm.
Some Things Whlrh Kverjr Woman OiikM
to Know.
A Indy hnd kept In her pnssrsslon for
sevornl dn.vs n rherlc from lier uncle.
Her undo died, and she linslriieil to ilm
bnnk to ensh I lie eliei'lt. When slio
found thnt the linnk could not ny the
check until It Imrt orders from the heirs
or from the courts slm was surprised,
and an Id nrtU'ssly to her liiisluinil that
the thonnlit of n check ns liclnir so
much money If (lie signature' wns good.
The Incident shows the vnlnc of some
Information which the Xntlonnl Itnuker
prints. Most business men know It nl
rendy, hut In these days business men
sre lint the only people who linvt to
do business.
A chock Is merely nn order from A
to H, who liolds some of A's money, to
pay n rertnln amount of It to O. It Is
not money, even It the nnmes on the
check nro good and well known and
the Imnk ns solid as the Government,
Although cliccks are given In pnyineiit
of debt mill a receipt Is usually given
on the spot, yet tho pnsslng of n chert
does not const Ituto payment of Indebt
edness until It Is pnld dy the linnk.
Nor will the concurrent receipting of
the debt for which It Is given change
this. If the rheck Is not paid on pres
entation to the linnk, the orlglnnl clnlm
stands against the drawer or giver of
the check. Hut a certified 'cheek tlmt
Is, a check signed liy nn oflleer of the
bnnk, tistinlty the cnshlnr constitutes
pnyment on tho pnrt of the person
who drnws It.
Checks mny lie antedated or post-
dnted thnt Is, dnted before or after
the ditto of delivery. If postdated
checks are pnld lieforo tho day speci
fied, the drawer enn recover the money.
for the bnnk has acted not In accord
ance with any order from him, hut
on Its own responsibility. If a blank
Is left for the date, the holder Is au
thorised to Insert-the true dnte of de
livery, but no other dnte. The Inser
tion of any other dnte, or changing tfle
Ante without the consent of tho drawer,
makes the check void.
A check should be presented within
reasonable time, or the holder will be
keeping the cheek nt Ids own risk. If
possible a check shnnhl be presented
the same day It Is drawn or the dny
after. If n check h not honored when
It Is presented nt the bnnk, the holder
should notify the dmwer. When a
chock pnssc by Indorsement, the snme
promptness In presenting the check Is
required of ench person to whom It Is
Indorsed In order to hold theso Indors
ing It, na Is required of the orlglnnl
payee In order to hold the drnwer. I5y
putting a rheck In circulation the lia
bility of the drnwer cannot be pro
longed. Youth's Gompnnlon.
Tha Dark-Fycil Girl.
The genuine brunette, she of the
dark eyes and dnrk skin nnd neck,
rich red cheeks, enn wenr cream, deep
yellow, orange, cnrdlnnl, deep mnrnnn,
deep blue, but not purple, golden
brown, tans, grnys nnd claret, but she
should avoid nil greens, violets, mnuves
and. "greeny" blues.
The fair brunette must not think, be-
can o slio hnppens to possess Wnck or
brown-blnek luilr, that slio must dress
up to It. The tinlr Is a mntter of quite
minor Importance It Is tho skin nnd
the eyes that hnre to be studied nnd
considered. Among the fair brunotto'g
colors are crenm, pnle blue, all similes
of gray, pale coral and pale salmon
For evening the sallow brunette must
reconcile herself to Indian reds, orange
yellows, deep orange, and flame color,
while for dny wear steely "grnys, red
tan, crimson, deep cardinal nnd deep
poppy red, tan nnd strong golden brown
are to bo rcchmmcuded.
The crenmy-sklnncd, rcd-llppcd brun-
ette must avoid greens, mnuves nnd
blush pinks; the "nut-brown mayde"
cannot do better than dress up to her
coloring. That Is to say, the warm reds
and browns are hers In fact, all the
tawny will be found becoming both
for day and evening.
Lastly, the ollve-sklnned brunette
must avoid greens, mauves. purples
and blues, 'with the exception of deep.
navy, ana should cling to ivory white,
vivid yellow, old rose, silver grny,
chestnut, crimson, maroon, golden tnn,
coffee color. Philadelphia Telegraph.
Tha 1'oiiji" Woman.
As aru!e the "fussy' woman Is short
of stature. She Is also small, tuts lat
ter fact being attributed to her un-
restful, fretful disposition. Restless
ness' prevents the acquiring of adipose
tissue. Ebe Is also usually thin-faced,
and she possesses a high pitched, rather
metallic voice.
The fussy woman, on meeting you
on the street, begins at once to over
haul you in her fussy, nervous way.
You are too thinly clad; you are stand
ing too near the curb; you should never
wear such high heels, or you are work
ing too bard, or too little, etc., etc.
The best way to deal with such a
person Is to fal( In with her mood and
ncqulesse in all she suggests. She will
then think that she has given you
some valuable advice, nnd will say
goodby with a beaming face and a self-
satisfied expression.
The fussy woman Is no lets tiresome
to ber male friends. She advises young
men, and, she tells thcra of her youth
ful experiences. She also suggests to a
friend Improvements In bis toilet, ask
ing why he wears such a high collar,
etc. She then supplements ber su
perior counsel with an Invitation to call
and break the monotony of his lonely
life. The man who mutters to himself
the very frank, though rather Inele
gant, "not If I know it" means Just
what he says. American Queen.
Haw Ideas la Buttons.
The ingenuity of the button mnnti
fnc.turcrs has been working pretty
busily of late, to Judge from the num
ber of novelties which are appearing
In this line. The Inrger portion of theso
run as usual to fndillsh extremes, but
a few of them are altogether dainty
and desirable.
The vogue of penrl lins resulted In n
most nlli'sctlve Innovation. This Is
tho shirt wnlst or blouse button, In
mother of penrl, mniinieil tipnii a
snfely pill Instead of the ordlnnry
sliinik. Not only dues this permit one
to utlllr.p a handsome set of buttons
for several blouses, but, wl.h these pin
attachments, they inn bo removed
when the frock goes to the laundry.
Another new but tun noted In lush
Iniinhlo simps would be very odd and
smart w-llli one's most tiniisunl gown,
nlllioiigli iinsiilled for every-day use,
This Is funned (if n llntzlllitn bug of
tho beetlo order, petilllid nnd mounted
In A narrow llm of gold. Tho Insect
Is In rich tunes of green, brown, etc.,
nnd suggests the Egyptian sinrali In
shape. The buttons nre small less
than nn Inch In length, but tinununl
nnd artistic. Chlengo ltecord llernld.
iflenanti ItamlS'iins tirade.
They sny the Klinwnee Indians make
many of tho pretty chains of bends
which women wenr this summer either
ns necklnces or ns long pendants hang
ing wny down the dress. Soiflo of the
color combinations would seem to fa
vor this theory. Other chains set here
nnd there with Oriental-looking change
able glass bends evidently come from
Thoso most In request Just now nre
the braided chains, cables of turquoise
bluo chains of smaller blue bends,
These are preferred to the round bend
chains on the old, simple pntteru.
Homo blue chains show penrl tassels
nnd a rosnry-llke Intermission of Inrge
single nrtlllclnV pearls.
Hut tho nll-blun tiecklnce is much
handsome.1 than those of mixed bends.
This Is lung enough to be looped once
or twice, and Is Interrupted once or
twice with a Inrge blue slide exactly
nintchtii'r lu color the tunuioise slide.
Tho palo-greeii or Jade-colored bends
nre very smart, but not always as bo
coming as the robin's egg blue beau
ties. The chains show four strands
woven In the rnhle, and tho tnssvls
coublst of ten loops or doublo cords.
Queen Helen m Cook,
Queen Helena of Italy is a royal Indy
who hns a very prnctlcnl knowledge
of cooking. At her father's curiously
homely nnd unpretentious court Queen
Helena learned ,innny useful things,
nnd among them the nrt of cooking.
Tho I'rlneo of Montenegro Insisted that
nil his children should lenin a trade
a rule which, by tho way, obtains In
the Ccrmnn Imperial family nnd the Queen of Itnly heenmo not
inertly n good plain cook, but nlso
skilled in the preparation of tho curi
ous sweetmeats nnd patisserie of which
Orientals nre so fond. Tho lute King
Humbert Instilled on tasting bis
dnughter-ln-law's cookery, nnd so
pleased wns he with the dainty fare
she set before him thnt ho conferred
on her, with mock ceremony, the title
of "I.ndy High Cook to the King of
Italy." Chicago News.
Soft Yellow With Lllit nine.
Soft yellow In combination with light
bluo or pink, or with both combined,
Is a color which Is a revival of the
tnsto of tho Louts period.
Draped girdles are the choice of
most women.
Straight belts figure with shirt-waist
suits and some coats.
Nottingham bands are tho newest
adornment for thlu lawn gowns.
Colored lnccs as nn accessory will
have Increased vogue by autumn.
All save the extreme Dlrectolre
girdles take a distinct downward curve
at the front.
English embroideries are among the
most favored for trimming gingham
shirt-waist suits.
Silk fringe, knotted Into the ends of
a sash of sheer stuff, or of taffeta,
makes an attractive finish.
Glrdlb straps may point upward In
the back, or they may point downward,
the highest part coming under the
Lace is the trimming par excellence
of the season, and both heavy and
light are used In the greatest pro
fusion. Trimming added at the shoulder
scums of yokes In fanciful berthas, giv
ing the effect Of a deep collar, are very
For young girls sashes are either
pulled through tings or a buckle, or
are caught In a perky knot at the back
of the waUt line,
Flplngs of light tints, such as cherry
red, turquoise blue and apple green,
are extremely stylish for adorning th
popular black and white shepherd's
check blouse suits.
Bands of cloth as trimming are much
smarter than those of fcllk. It is con
sidered very swagger to Ignore the
old-time rule nnd trim a silk gown
with bands of cloth.
A sash of moussellne, chiffon or
Liberty silk is a charming finishing
touch. It should be gracefully draped
around the waist, and is best with
either no loops or only one,
A Itenalssance braid applied In lat
tice fashion, with a spider of heavy
thread la each square, is another very
simple yet exceedingly effective nnd
out-of-the-ordlnarx bodies embellish
meat. ' j
lie 'f
New York City. Cnpu effccls nre
much In vogue nnd nre seen upon many
of the latest waists. This stylish mode,
designed by May Mantoii, Is ndapteij
to both the tout II mo mid the separate
blouse mid Is shown In white pongee,
Willi the cape unit trimmings of cream
colored luce nnd the tucked front of
liiiiusHclliio, and Is stitched with cortl
celll silk; but the design suits ninny
other materials equally well. All silks
and light-weight wools are ndinlrable
and many of the handsomer linens mid
cottons aro satisfactory. When pre
ferred olio in it t i-l ii I can be used for
the entire waist and Hie cape nnd stole
can be omitted when a plainer blouse
Is desired.
The wnlst 'Is mntlo over a smoothly
fitted foundation Hint closes nt the cen
tre front. Tho buck Is tucked In groups
which extend from the shoulders to the
wulHt line nnd give it tapering effect
to the figure, but the fronts for part
their length only and uro made to
pouch slightly at tho belt. Tho centre
front, or vt-st-llko portion, nlso Is
tucked to form a deep yoke, then fulls
lu soft folds to the wulst line. The
enpo Is circular and snugly fitted by
means of shoulder seams, mid Is fin
ished with shniied pieces which give
a stole effect. Tho sleeves uro tucked
above the elbows, but are full and soft
below and ore gathered luto deeply
pointed cuffs.
The quantity or material required for
the medium size is five and three-quarter
yards twenty-one Inches wide, four
and three-quarter yards twenty-seven
Inches wide, or two nnd a quarter
yards forty-four Inches wide, with
seven-eighth yurds of nil-over luce for
the collar, nnd three-quarter yurds of
mousseliue for centre front.
Tucked Hlouee WaUt.
Blouse waists tlmt combine tucked
fronts with plain bucks nre much
worn nnd are very generally becoming.
The admirable one designed by May
Ma u ton and depleted lu the large din vy
ing is shown lu pongee, stitched with
cortlcelll silk nnd trimmed with hands
of narrow brown velvet ribbon, hut Is'
equally well adapted to washable fab
rics and Indeed to all walstlng ma
terials. The waist consists of the fitted found
ation, which cuu be used or omitted
ns preferred, the back mid the fronts.
The back la pluln ami druwn down lu
gathers at the waist line. The front is
tucked to form a grudunted pleat at
the centre and from the shoulders to
yoke depth. It also Is gathered at the
waist Hue and blouses slightly over
the belt. The closing Is made Invisibly
beneath the full length tuck nt the left
of the centre, The sleeves are the pre
vailing ones that are snug from the
elbows to the shoulders, full from the
elbows to the wrists.
The quantity of material required for
the medium size is four yards twenty-
one inches wldo, three and seven-eighth
yards twenty-serea inches wide, three
nnd there -quarter yards thirty-two
Inches wide, or two and oiio-clglilb
yards forty-four Inches wide.
The t'nrer.klrt.
When deciding mi one of the long,
lien yokes'tliai nre so much In vogue
nil dress must give a thought
to the underskirt which Is to be worn
with It. The mull rskli t should bo
immt carefully adjusted over the hips,
mid there Is, as n rule, only one way
to nccouipllHli litis tho underskirt
must bo liiilde to older. The fei ling
seems to be general thnt to have a
poltlcotit made to liieiisuii) means too
much, both In time and money, hud
Hint a well-cut skirt enn easily bo al
tered to suit nny figure. It Is, how
ever, much heller to go to a little more
exHiiNe In the first place than to have
to pay extra to have a skirt redded,
or to fuss nt homo with shortening and
Penlnrea f the New font.
I'baleil sleeves, caie effects, cords,
bulls, pendants, fringes, buttons nnd
embroidered bands are features of the
new styles ill separate coats.
The Styles of IHIIO.
Iteprodilctioim of the styles of 1R'tO)
nre expected to be much In evidence
during the next few months.
Nleevea llernmlna f.on-er.
Sleeves grow In whllh nnd lengthen
perceptibly. The dolman sleeve figures
on some of the coats, lifting the arm
Inside, mid made very baggy from the
elbow on the outside; others nre tight
from tho bend of tho arm to tho wrist,
mid very wide above.
Woman's flsllor lllouaa.
Sailor blouses ore always satisfac
tory to the wearer mid generally be
coming. This one, designed by May
Miuitiiii, Is mndo of pongee In the
natural color with shield of tucked
Liberty silk, nnd Is trimmed with
bauds of the sume embroidered in
Chinese characters; but the design is
suited to linen and cotton mutcrluls
of many sorts and also to light weight
wools and simple silks, and can be
iiHcd for the odd wnlst or tho entire
coKiiimo with equal success.
Tho waist consists of the fronts, the
back, tho collar, shield and sleeves.
The back Is smooth across the shoul
ders and 'drawn down In gathers nt
the waist Hue, but the fronts pouch
slightly over tho belt. To the open
neck is Joined tho big sailor collar aud
beneath this collar the shield is at
tached. The sleeves are snug above
the elbows, full below and are gath
ered Into straight cuffs.
Tho quantity of material required for
the medium size Is four nnd a half
yards twenty-one inches wide, four nnd
n half yurds twenty-seven Inches wide,
three yards thirty-two Inches wide, or
two and a half yards forty-four inches
wide, with half-yard of tucking for
shield aud two and a quurter yards of
trluiuilug to make Illustrated, -
Being the largeat dtstrlbntor of Oentral
Merchandise in this vicinity, Is always in
f ositlon to gin the beat quality of roods,
ts aim is not to sell jou cheap goods but
when quality la considered the price will ai
ways be found right.
It department, are all well filled, and
among the specialties handled may be meju
tioned L. Adler Bros., Rochester, N. Y.,
Clothing, than which there none better
made; W. L. Douglass Shoe Co., Brockton,
Mass,, Shoe: Curtice Bros. Co., Rochester,
M. Y., Canned Goods; and Plllobury's Flour.
This is a fair representation of the clasa
of goods it is selling to its customers.
I am closing out my stook of
ana gents' furnishing goods at
going to quit business.
tl 90 Dross Goods
ftfo llreaa K'mhU,
7Sc flrea simhJs,
tfte ;n.tiuiirfl
t'e I'ashinero
no Uashmer
! I'liiliM
Sc I'IhIiU
Sl im llrondi-loth
II 9l llronilcluth
?9e Sllka
W;Hllks -4V
HUH . .
Sr Hrush Rinding
tr. Ilrtiah Ulnillns
tv TnUle blnou
60c tnlile linen
?Ur; table linen
(is; liiiii-her'i linen
40t: lititrher'a llnea
So rsnilirlc lltilnaT
too Isdlat' shirt waUt
In black andihlue
, clay worsted,
square and round
cut suits.
si t oo
a .
14.00 suits
It.OO suits
lo on suns
a no suite
a 00 aiilia
4,0t suits
no. on shim
I Wanna
T.MIaulla .
.Ml an Its
liOaiilM . . .
.60 suits -
Rotary Public, real aetata Slant, Ptjoata
Secured, pollacttnna mad prornpuy. OStaa
la Nolaa block, BeyBoldavilft, Pi,
Hotarf fubllo and Real Eatate A teat. Opt,
laotlona will receive prompt attention. OflfoS
In rroehllch a Henry block, aaar DoaUifitoa,
f eyneliUvlUe p.
jyR. B. K. HOOVER,
Baetdent dentist. In tha Hoover ufMtn
door to poatoSlos, Mala tr t.OsUoi
Mas la operatlns.
OflUe eiMeaad ioor M FlraS RatUaal
kulldlas, Mala street.
. OOjm oa agent loot ei Mean
ulldlnf , Mala street.
Aad Seal Estate Ajaat, KerMUsTlUe, t
Ml Miff1
You will find Sash, Doors,
Frames and Finish of all
kinds, Rough and Dressed
Lumber, High Grade Var
nishes, Lead and Oil Colors
in all shades. And also an
overstock of Nails which
I will sell cheap.
J. V. YOUNG, Prop.
t'l l l'l-i"in.l l s.iiiLMiaiaauaq
and aire cured Ui Si al
as oXl I nZu!imiV!;!l, ,
TkaclearUa arsis, Mrvaat Sea
ike alieulailea, awke kwnnt
nerHct, ead naaarl bmUb
Mine waele Wtaa. All
as aajea aastlsa an -. .
faffals r . Ur s State.
dry goods and clothing and ladles
20 per cent loss than cost. Am
1.00 ladles' ahlrt waists 7fl
.X ladles' shirt waist fll.lZ
I Ml Indies shirtwaist ill!
I. In Indies' shirt waist do
1.2.1 Imhif dresses STsi
7.V lahr drewe S-o
Ms? Imliy dresses SAO
2-V. hahf dreca, luo
7fie biihjr aklria fto
Mio halijf akin vo
2.V Imlir's skirt lc
10c child's aix-kln(S - T'4o
licehlld'asKH-klllSS too
Iho chilli's stocklnga 120
2.V aland rovers - J do
fto balls sllkateen 40
Or yard allkateen 7Ho
IV. yard allkaleen IS'40
ft SO fleslhlecorset . ! 10
Sl.Otl flelhle roraets Kin
&V flenltilecnraet AAA
or. flexible corset 40n
40 fleilble coraat tso
Children' Knee Pant's Suits
fl OA Rulta,
vi soils - .
OOaults . . . IN
.HI soils M
1 Vl stilts 100
I.OOstilie . 70
76o knee pants svj
ftSo kneo pants - 4'io
2o knee panla 19o
If, child's overalls Ho
Men's ISo linen collars I do
Hoy'a I'm linen collars 7s
Men's iv, ruhlinr collars 190
Men's Mic neckties Mo
Men's 2.V nooktlea lo
Child's too nocktle to
First National Bank
eott "ferielland, Preeldentl
J. J. Kins, Viae President!
John if. Kaueher, Casbiwr.
Scott McDlelland J. 0. Kins Daniel Nolaa
John H.Oorbett J. B. Kaucbar
O. W. fuller B. B. Wilson
Does s f eneral banking business and aoilolls
tha account of merchanta, professional man.
farmers, mechanics, miners, lumberman and
others, promising the moat careful attention
to the bualnesa of all persona.
Safe Deposit Boies tor rani,
first National Bank bulldlnf, Holaa bloea
rir Proof Vault.
For good first-class baked
goods such as fine Marble
Cake, English Wine Fruit
Cake, French Fruit Dev.
iled Cake, Angel Cake,
Lady Fingers Jell- Drops,
Kisses, Maroons and
lots of other good cakes.
A fine selection of all kinds
of cookies; a good lice of
Fresh Bread and Parker
House Rolls, Buns, Coffee
Cakes. A nice selection
of pies always on hand.
Weddings and Parties a
Specialty. Giveue a Cf
(aulatlng aanNoiaai
fat sate t Una. r-te,
To Make a New Language.
In order to overcome tie limitation
of tbelr written language, the Japan
ese government lias dvclded to effect
a rearrangement In this respect. The
first work will be done in the pri
mary and. blKher second-grade schools.
The plan will probably come Into op
eration at tbe beginning of tba next
scholastic year, wblcb will give, tha
necessary Urns for tbe preparation of
tbe test books, etc.