The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 09, 1903, Image 1

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An independent journal devoted to the
interests of Reynold 'sville.
Published weekly. One Dollar per year
strictly in advance.
Why is it
Thai Pr. Glhpnn hit visit d n Inn find hi
pmv.he wtlll turn-Hxr V Ninrtv tlllrd In
Ihpdiill month uf Aiikii-i irhih' iIiIm-m with
inore exttMiv udv rtUlnir rnniiltttml of
llttlo work V Answer: lie him it t tummy h
optifnt rdiii'tttl'Mi. tliu In tt nu'thod, work
Inli'lliL'ontl v, iirvrr lulvlsfi v '" unit"
ttoedeu, and uiinninitH- hi work.
Alumnus of l'lilliulHiililii Optical ('nllejr,
ReynoldBvlllr, Sept. 18.
Brook vlllr, Sept. 16, 17,
Fall Crk, Sept. 19,
from I.OO to 6 OO p. m.
I ShiGk &
Showing of Complete Line of Fall and Winter Goods
The opening of the season ngain shows many new and desirable creations. The productions of the man-
ufacturer, both by the American and European manufacturers, is
X3l6SS GrOOCLS H0 varie t,iat 1,0 one etyle P51"- Thi8 again shows the devel
opment of common sense in the creator of fashion, as it leaves the
selection of a dress to the personal taste of the individual. j In keeping with our policy we have varied
our selection so that we can suit the taste of any or all. We are showing a complete range in all weaves
and at all prices. It will be necessary for you to see in order to appreciate what we have.
With the approach of the cool evenings and the opening of the schools, the little
girl will need a new wrap. We have on display a strong line of Children's Coats.
i Shoes and Rubbers
girls' school shoes have received very careful attention in our fall stock. lie pre
pared for the wet and muddy weather.
A Tonic Laxative.
rntlmrtlr nr nnt tnnlc-lnxntfvm. Tllll
and milt hiiiI H"tor-oll nro cntlmrtlcm. They
liuve the Kti'in In an exhmiHtiil unit l
rreo(l i-onillllon. Many rntlmrtlcR mntnln
ilriiim that prolines hi'innrrhulils nnd other
unlhvnrnM iwnpltinlliMis.
Sv,rr K,n" ton',,-lnmlv. It ronton
the InliKtlnal tract nnd illieKllve organ to
tlutr noriniU mmlltlon. It cum conxtlpiitlon
mil the ilia reuniting fYom Innrtlve towels,
l'rlcts either herb or tablet Turin, Sfio.
Who aro road Ins; this,
havo heard us toll, week
after week, about Walk
Over Shoes.
Wo havo told you of
the leathers, the laetn,
thu workmanship. If
tho shoes are as good as
we'vo said, you'll have
to admit you nwd them.
Why not ut in to the
teat V Mako us prove
our word. Como in and
try u pair. You'll find
them tliu beat $3.50 welt
sole you ever wore.
Thorn isn't u bit of
risk for you and none
fur us. Wu know how
they are made.
Robinson' s
HT'v'l TYl TY1 4 VI ryo As the dresses vary in weaves, etc., so must the
JL X HI I IM JLIl P trimmings follow. Time and space will not permit
description, but suffice it to say our line is complete, showing many new fall things.
The Suit season promises to be the biggest in the history of this valuable garment.
The progress of the manufactur-
Cloaks and Suits er 18 not to be outdone ln the de-
velopment of new and exclusive
styles. The Scotch tweeds and zibilenes are especially good, while the cheviots re
tain their popularity. Don't fail to see the
Tuesday Excursion to Niagara Falls and
Commencing Tuesday, July 7th, and
every Tuesday thereafter during July
August and September, the Buffalo,
Rochester A Pittsburg H'y will sell ex
cursion tlekets to above named points
at exceptionally low rates. These tick
ets are limited to continuous passage In
both directions and will bo valid for
going passage only If used to destina
tion on date of sale or the day follow
ing, and will be honored for return
passage If used within fifteen (15) days
from date of sale. "Niagara Falls tick
eta must bo presented to thu agont of
the N. Y.C. & II. II. R. H. at that
point for validation before they will he
good -lor return passage. Toronto tick
ets must be validated by the agent of
the N. Y. C. &, II. R. R. R. at Ningara
Falls, or the agent of the Niagara Navi
gation Co. at Toronto, or by the purser
on steamer. Trains leave Falls Creek
at 1.02 p. ra. and 1.44 a. m. Fare $7.45
to Niagara Oils and (H.90 to Toronto.
For tickets and full Information consult
the nearest agent of the company or
address A. F. Raveret, Excursion
Agent, Rochester, N. Y.
Fearful Odda Against Him.
Bedridden, alone and destitute.
Such, in brief was the condition of an
old soldier by name of J. J. Havens,
Versailles, O. For years he was troubled
with Kidney disease and neither doctors
nor medicines gave him relief. At
length he tried Electric Bitters. It put
him on bis feet In short order. " I am
on the road to complete recovery."
Best on earth for Liver and Kidney
troubles and all forms of Stomach and
Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaran
teed by II. A. Sloke, Druggist.
' '
Wagner 1
A complete line of ladies and
children's shoes. lioys' and
"Slaves of Passions."
Last night "Slaves of Passion" was
presented at the opera house by Allan
Vlllalr, Pearl Lewis and a very good
company. The play Is a genuine thriller
and yet It contains lines and scenes of
the highest dramatic excellence ! It
tells a vivid heart story of love, hatred
and jraloopy, disclosing the extremes of
human desires and passions. Some of
the startling Incidents are, the attack
by a mad wolf, the attempt to blow up
"Jack" with dynamite, the realistlo
Den Scene, where "Jack" and "Nell"
are surrounded by a murderous lot of
rufllans and engage In a thrilling fight
for life, and the great climax in thu last
act, where "Jack" discovers who the
real assassin Is and the angry mob. The
oomedy Is rich and plenty, the dialogue
crisp but clean and the whole teaches a
good moral lesson to the young and old.
Allan Vlllalr as "Jack" was the Ideal,
picturesque hero, who fears nothing
and very pretty Pearl Lewis was a close
second as the vivacious "Nell." She
also did a very clever "Coon" specialty.
The balance of company was competent
and the scenery, especially the first act,
very pretty. Cortland, N. Y., "Sinn
dfinf," May 6, 1002.
The above attraction appears for 3
nights only at Reynolds opera house,
beginning Thursday, Sept. 17, present
ing a different play and specialties each
night at 10, 20 and 30c, This company
Is strictly first-class.
Value for Your Money.
C. R. Hall, while In our largor cities
made selections from the varied and
Immense stocks displayed and will have
tho neatest and most stylish patterns In
furniture, carpets, floor rugs and dishes
ever displayed In the town.
And get the 4 per cent annual Interest and
absolute protection of this strong bank.
Aaaeta over 97,700,000.
Delivered Before Passing Sentence
of Death Upon Young Aiello.
Touching Rcmirki by Judgt Reed on the Youth
of the Prisoner, Hit Wrong Conception
of Freedom and Necenity of Dcith.
Before Imposing the death sentence
on John Baltista Aiello and Mlcheal
Pol lone Monday forenoon of last week,
Judge John W. Rood, of Brookvlllo,
addressed young Aiello as follows :
"Your limited knowledge of the
English language may not enable you to
understand or comprehend the mean
ing of what I am about to say, but the
Interperter present will, ln a general
way, Inform you after you have been
returned to the jail. It la not Important,
however, that you should understand
Inasmuch as nothing I may now say can
be of any help or advantage to you.
But I deem it Important that I should
take this occasion to say that your most
unfortunate and deplorable situation
should serve as a solemn warning not
only to your fellow-countrymen but to
every Icdivldual who Is disposed to give
free play to his passions and to allow
an evil disposition to dominate bis life.
All such should be admonished by It to
constantly exercise control over them
selves and to honestly endeavor to live
at peace and to dwell In harmony with
their fellow man. Tho passion or the
wickedness of the heart whlcb prompts
a man to tako life is not a mere transient
thing, as some may suppose, which for
the moment overwhelms blm and sud
denly Impels him to the deed. It is a
growth, and the man who would be free
from it must not cultivate It. The
man who trains himself .In the way of
living a peaceable and law abiding life
will not likely become a murderer, but if
he glories ln his manifestations of an
evil disposition he may expect sooner or
later to reap its fruit. It Is infinitely
better that he should displace such a
disposition, If ho has It, by cultivating
a disposition to Hve at peace with man
kind. It Is sad, Indeed, that one so young,
standing as you aro at the very thresh
old of llfo, should be required to sudor
death. You have been brought to this
by a mistaken view of life and the dis
regard of social duty; by allowing your
life to flow ln forbidden channels. It
is frequently said that this Is a free
country, and so It Is. But the freedom
which it guarantees to every individual
Is tho freedom to pursue his own true
and substantial happiness by living
honestly, hurting nobody, and render
ing to every man his due. If you had
conformed your life to these fundamen
tal principles of government you might
havo lived ln this country your alio ted
years without being molosted or Inter
fered with by any one. You might
have enjoyed the benefits of its free in
stitutions, and all the opportunities
which it affords for living a joyous,
bappy and comfortable llfo. But you
bad scarcely set your feet upon its
shores until you were plotting murder,
or at least until you gave vent to a
murderous disposition which you seemed
to wear as a badge of honor rather than
as a trait of character that is an offense
before God and roan. Long before God
gave to Moses ln concrete form, amidst
the thunders and terrors of Slnl, the
command thou shall uot kill He
had proclaimed his condemnation of the
crime. When the first murder on earth
was committed God said to Cain, by
reason thereof, that he should be a
fugitive and a vagabond on the earth.
Later He said ," Whoso shedt'eth man's
blood by man shall bis blood be shed"
and still later when the cities of refuge
were established to which a man who
slew another might flee for safety and
stand before the congregation for
judgment. It was provided that If he
slew blm with a weapon of any kind or
by lying ln wait, or in other words If It
appeared that be unlawfully killed him,
with mallco aforethought, he should be
put to death. You will thorofore ob
serve that the law which now demands
your life Is not of human origin, and let
mo say to you it U more niorciful than
you were when you took the life of your
unfortunate victim. Frank Carfa's life
was just as dear and sweet to him as
your life Is to you. He had substantially
as much of It before him as you have.
He had as much to live for and as many
friends to part from, and as many hearts
were saddened by bis doutb, perhaps, as
will be made sorrowful by your death.
But in this tho facts are only parttully
stated. You slew him without a mo
ment's warning. ' In the midst of life you
struck him down; you ushered his soul
into eternity without giving him even
so much as a moment of time ln whtob
to offer up a prayer to bis God. You
did it wilfully; you did it deliberately and
of your malloe aforethought, and the
law which demands your earthly life In
return is not only Just but it la more
merciful than you were because it
affords you ample time in which to pre
pare to meet Him who judges according
to the deods done ln the body. But
what opportunity did you give Carfa for
preparation to meet the Judge of all
the earth. In your relentless bate and
purpose to slay him you showed neither
mercy nor consideration for his im
mortal soul which was beyond your
power to destroy, and thus your crime
assumes a more awful aspect.
The law of civilized society says you
shall die for this crime and as I am
about to pass upon you the sontence of
this law! cannot refrain from pointing
yotvtn thatothor refuge, still open toy on,
Christ Jesus, whose blood clcansuth
from all sin and who bas demonstrated
before all the world thaj, though a man
die be will live again."
Reduced Rates To Baltimote.
For the benefit of those desiring to
attend the annual session of the
Soverolgn Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F.,at
Baltimore, Md., September 21 to 20, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell round-trip tickets to Baltimore
from all stations on its lines, exoept
Woodberry, Harrisburg, and inter
mediate stations; Columbia, Fredrick,
and Intermediate stations on the North
ern Central Railway; Lancaster, Harris
burg, and Intermediate stations, and
stations on the Philadelphia, Baltimore
Washington , Railroad ( exclusive of
stations south of Townsend, Del. ), on
September 19 20, and 21, good for re
turn passage until September 28, inclu
sive, at rate of single fare for the round
trip, plus one dollar.
For conditions and stop-over at Phila
delphia on tickets reading through that
point, consult ticket agents.
A Boy's Wild Ride For Life.
With family around expecting him to
die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles,
to get Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H.
Brown, of Leesvllle, Ind., endured
death's agonies from asthma ; but this
wonderful medicine gave Instant relief
and soon cured blm. He writes : " I
now sleep soundly every night." Like
marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneu
monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and
Grip prove Its matchless merit for all
Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed
bottles 50c and tl.OO. Trial bottles free
at H. A. Stoke's drug store.
Low Excursion to Pittsburg Exposition,
Commencing Wednesday, September
Otb, and continuing every Wednesday
to October 21st, the Buffalo, Rochester
& Pittsburg R'y Co. will soil special low
rate excursion tickets to the new Pitts
burg exposition from all points Rldgway,
Cloarfield and intermediate stations.
Tickets will be good going on date of
sale and returning until the following
Saturday. For full information consult
the Dearest agent of the company or
see excursion bills.
What is Life t
In tho last analysis nobody knows,
but we do know that it is under strlot
law. Abuse that law even slightly,
pain results. Irregular living means
dorangemont of the organs, resulting
in Constipation, Headache or Llvor
trouble. Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills
quickly re-adjusts this. It's gentto, yet
thorough. Only 2oo at II. A. Stoke's
Drug Store.
Reduced Rates To Centre Hall.
To accommodate visitors to the en
campment and exhibition of tho Patrons
of Husbandry, to be held at Centre
Hall, Pa., Soptember 12 to 18, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell round-trip tickets from all stations
In Pennsylvania to Centre Hall, Pa., at
special reduced rates. The tickets will
be on sale and good for return passage
until September 19.
Stockholders' Meeting.
The stockholders of the Heynoldsville
Water Company will hold tbeir annual
meeting at the office of the secretary on
Monday, September 28th, 1003, at 2.00
o'clock p. m., to hear the report of offi
ce ra, election of officers and the trans
action of any other business necessary
to be done at a stockholders' meeting.
M. M. Davis,
Secretary Board of Directors.
Birthday and Wedding Presents.
I have made a specialty of beautiful
and tasty designs in cut globs, Havalind
china and odd but pretty pelcos for
remombrances to your friends. We
will be pleased to show them. C. R. Hall.
.When you want a lady's fine and up-to-date
shoe go to Nolan's shoe store.
Ask tor the Krlppendorf-Dlttman kboe.
J. E. Mitchell, merchant tailor, ln
Stoke building, above department store.
Crushed strawberrv sundaes or sodas,
lOo. You will like it. Reynold fountain.
Strike Declared at Coal Olen.
There has been some contenslon dur
ing the past few days between the
operators and miners of the Coal Glen
oollerlos. The trouble hinges on the
question of an hours time which was
docked from the drlvors' day's work
last Saturday and the mon have raised
a kick on what the superintendent con
tends Is according to the dictates of the
labor scale. As a resuKof aconferenco
with the miners' committee and Super
intendent Blakeslee hold Thursday
afternoon at which no settlement could
bo reached the men decider) to como out
on a strike and remain out until the
matter Is satisfactorily adjusted. Ac
cording to a statement made to the
Jirnml yesterday the drivers were
docked an hour's time which was spent
In waiting on coal cars to arrive at the
mine. The men claim that they are
entitled to full time as the suspension
caused In waiting on "flats" was a
matter wholly under the company's
control and that the employes are not
responsible for time lost In this manner
when they are on hand to perform the
day's work. It is also stated that the
drivers refused to work when the fans
were not in operation and for this of
fense they wore docked one hour's time.
The trouble has grown out of a minor
grievance but as both sides have as
sumed a decided stand in the matter
there Is no tolling just what proportions
will result from the suspension.
Several of the Union officials have
been in the valley during the week and
moetings wore held for the purpose of
discussing tho situation. The valley is.
strongly organized and the men claim
thoy will stand out for what they claim
Is right. The order to strike was made
at the instance of a unanimous decision
of the local Union. All the Coal Glen
collcrlos are Idle to-day, and there Is
no probability of a settlement In view.
The shut-down affects about GOO men.
Brockwayvllllo Ilrciml.
. ,j Congressional News.
Congressman W. O. Smith has been
notified as follows concerning pensions
and postofflce changes since last report:
Jefferson county The site of the Cor
tex postofflce has boon moved one mile
south and Linus Andorson appointed
postmaster to .succeed George W. Klpp,
resigned. Alexander Borts has been
appointed postmaster at Valler to suc
ceed J. M. Means, resigned.' A post
office bas been established at the Avoine
mines to be known as Fuller. R. B.
Johns has been appointed postmaster at
Paolo to succeed Frederick C. PIfer,
Indiana county The postoffico at
Tuley has been discontinued. Mary J.
Fritz, Homer City, has been granted a
widow's pension at $8.00 per month from
September 22nd, 1002. Matthew L.
Cochran, Canoe Ridge, has been granted
an Increase of pensloq to tHO.OO per
month from July 11, 1002.
Reduced Rates to Pittsburg Industrial Ex
hibition. On Wednesdays, September 0, 16, 23,
and 30, and October T, 14, and 21, 1003,
tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will soli excursion tickets from points
on Low Grade Division, Including the
Sligo Branch, to Pittburg, at reduced
rates, including admission to tbe Ex
position. These tickets will be good going on
regular trains on day of issue, and will
bo valid for return passage within four
days, including dato of sale.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide; fame for marvellous
cures. It surpasses aoy other salve,
lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Cornt,
Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tetter, Salt Rhuem, Fever Sores,
Chapped Hands, Skin Erdptions ; in
fallible for Piles. Cure Guaranteed.
Only 25c at H. A. Stoke's, Druggist.
For Sale or Exchange.
Thirty bead of the best drivers,
general business and draught horses
ever brought Into Jefferson county.
Staying at the Brookvllle fhlr grounds
until further notice. Come quick and
gel your choice. GRANT SUL'STEB.
We have two rolls of best all wool
ingrain carpet we will sell at 50c per
yard, worth 70u, while It lusts. Also
bargains in remnants from 5 to 13 yards
at less than cost. Rugs, floor size at
cost to close them out.
C. R. Hall.
Mens' and Boy's clothing reduced at
Fresh oysters at the City Hotel res
taurant. Alt America shoes for mon at Nolan's
shoe store, price 13.50 and $4.00.
Whole cherry sundutts or sodas 10c.
They're delicious. Reynolds drug store.
You can save 60o to $1.00 on boys'
suits at Blng-Stoke Co.