The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 02, 1903, Image 4

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    A Boy'i Wild Rid Pot Life.
With family around expecting htm to
dlo, tod a son riding for Ufa, 18 mllea,
to got Dr. Klng't New Discovery for
Consumption, Cough and Colds, V. H.
Brown, ot Leesvlllo, Ind., endured
death's agonlet from asthma ; hut this
wonderful medicine gave Instant relief
and soon cured him. Ho writes : " 1
now sleep soundly evory night." Like
marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneu
monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and
Grip prove Its matchless morlt for. all
Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed
bottles Cue and 11.00. Trial bottles free
at R. A. Stoke's drug store,.
Value for Your Money.
C. It. Ilall, while In our larger cities
made- selections from tho varied and
Immense stocks displayed and will have
the neatest and most stylish pattorns in
furniture, carpets, floor rugs and dishes
ever displayed In the town,
Low Excursion to Pittsburg Exposition.
Commencing Wednesday, September
9th, and continuing every Wednesday
to October 21st, the Buffalo, Boohestef
& Pittsburg R'y Co. will tell special low
rate excursion ticket to the nsw Pitts
burg exposition from all points Rldgway,
Clearfield and intermediate stations.
Tickets will be good going on date of
sale and returning until the following
Saturday. For full Information consult
the nearest agent of the company or
toe excursion bills.
Ladies' Oxfordt.
Plenty of warm weather yet. Pair of
nur 11.19 oxfordt that told for tl.GO.
I.W9 (or 12.00 kind. 12.19 (or the 2.f.O
grade. We save you money on footwear
(or all the family. niog-Stoke Co.
Visit Mtlllrent for your straw hat at
sacrifice prlco.
Ladlea' suits at two-thirds their value
Do You
to Sell
? ?
If you do, put an ad in The
Star's Want Column.
To Buy
? ?
If you do, put an ad in The
Star's Want Column.
Advertise for it in The
Star's Want Column.
One Cent
Per Word
Married in Clarion.
At four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon,
August 25, 1003, the home of Mrs. PrU-
cilia Baughman, Wood street, Clarion,
Pa., was the scene of a happy home wed
ding when her dnughter, Twllla P.
Baughman, was united In marriage to
James G. Brown, of Roynoldsvllle.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Wm. F. Flomlng, of the Clarion Pres
byterian church. The bride and groom
were attended by Miss Bertha Egglo
ton, of Brandy Camp, Pa., as bride's
maid and Ross W. Clawgcs, of Brock
wayvllle, as best man. The bride car
ried a beautiful boquot of sweet peat
and the parlor was prettily decorated
with ferns and flowers. Miss Mabel
Lucas, of Content, Pa., presided at tho
organ and assisted by Mr. Lawrence
Herman with tho violin rendered ex
quisite music.
After thj ceremony and congratula
tions, a fine, wedding dinner was served
and soon after the newly wedded couple,
accompanied by the groom's parents,
drove to Brookvllle and took the night
train for the latter't home near Panic,
Pa. At they drove away they wore
showered with rice, etc., and tin cans
and shoes decorated the carriage, and
the young folkt got the family cat safe
ly stowed under tho teat.
The bride la one of Clarlon't best
young women. She it a graduate of
Clarion State Normal and hat been a
teacher In the public schools for two
yeart. She la loved and respected by
a large circle of friends. The groom is
a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of
Panic, Jefferson county. Ho la a gradu
ate of Clarion Normal and Is a young mnn
of excellent character and business
ability. For some tltno ho was In the
employ of Jno. F. & G. E. Brown In tho
Insurance business In Roynoldsvlllo,
He now holds the position of Instructor
of Agents for the PlttBburg Life and
Trust Co., for Western Pennsylvania.
Clarion llrpnblicnn.
Met Awful Death.
Albert Swanson, of near Eleanora,
who was employed as englneor on the
pumpt at the bottom of the new shaft,
met a horrible death while 278 feet un
derground last Wednesday night. Mr.
Swanson went to tho shaft aa usual,
and entering tho bucket In the man
hole, was lowered to the bottom. Mr.
Swanson was due to return in about
fifteen minutes, but when that time had
expired no tlgnal waa given. Conduct
or MUUron, who la notified by an eloo'
trio bell when anyone It waiting to bo
brought up, stood at his poet but heard
no tound. Finally he became alarmed,
and after a oouforence with the engi
neer, decided to bring the bucket to
the turfuce. Tho sight which met tholi
gaze when the bucket came to the sur
face wat an awful ono. Swanson'a body
hung lifeless over tho edge of tho ves
sel, the unfortunate man having been
literally boiled to death in hot steam.
An Investigation revealed tho fact that
when Swanson had gone to the bottom,
and before he alighted from the bucket,
large steam hose had burst, knocking
him aonseloss, after whloh the scalding
stoam soon burned him to death.
The deceased was about 45 years old
and Is survived by hit widow and soven
children. Hit remains wcro intcrrod in
the oomotery at Sugar Hill on Friday,
It It understood that the coal company
bore the funoral expenses and presented
the widow chock for $1,000. Punx
autawney Spirit.
Night School.
For tho bonofit of thoso who cannot
attend the day sessions of tho Roynolds
vllle Butlnest College, night school will
be started August 31st, for a tlx months
term. All courses will be taught.
Sohool will be open on Monday, Wed'
neaday and Friday evenings.
Reduced Rates To Centre Hall.
To accommodate visitors to the en
campment and exhibition of the Patrons
of Husbandry, to be held at Centre
Hall, Pa., September 12 to 18, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
tell round-trip tickets from all ttatlona
in Pennsylvania to Centra Hall, Fa., at
special reduced ratoa. The tlcketa will
be on salo and good for return passage
until September 19.
Birthday and Wedding Presents.
I have made a specialty of beautiful
and tasty designs in cut glass, Havalind
china and odd but pretty poioes for
remembrances to your friends. We
will be pleaaod to show thorn. C. R. Hall.
Four good stylish 4-ply Unon collars
for 25 cents. Blng-Stoke Co.
i m '
If a man were wise be would 11 vo each
day to that it be died the next, which
every mortal la more or less Ukoly to do,
the man who preached his funeral ser
mon and the maa who wrote hit obit
uary, would not be under the necessity
of compromising with the truth. Min
isters of the gospel and editors of news
papers have rights which people who
contemplate dying should take a little
Into consideration. Punxs'y Spirit.
The Dr. Reed cushion sole thoet are
told at Nolan't thoe ttore.
Bran, middlings and corn chops at
wholesale at Roynoldsvllle Mills.
The Friction Band Brake for buggies
la the latest and tafeat thing out. Mutt
be used to be appreciated. J. C. King
& Co, agents, Reynoldaville, Fa.
The Salvation Army la about to be
gin its annual harvest festival effort.
We are very anxious to have our local
effort a success, at there la aome back
Indebtedness on the corps which we
would like very much to clear oft. You
will he visited by our solicitors and In
vited to help ua In our effort, either
financially or by the giving ot aome
salable artlclo fruits, flowers, veg
etables, live ttock, books, plcturet,
paintings, dry goods, groceries, furni
ture, etc Gifts ot all klnda will be
gladly received and oallod for. We hope
all will do their best to help us make
this offort a sucjess. Our sale will take
place In the Salvation Army tabernacle
Soptomber 10-22. We expect to have
an Interesting display and hope you will
Improve the opportunity to visit us on
these dates. We are also having a
special meeting In our tabernacle next
Saturday evening. Rev. A. D. McKay,
pastor of the Presbyterian church, will
speak for us. We look for a good at
tendance and you will miss a good doal
If you mist this.
Capt. and Mrs. Bradford,
Officers In Charge.
Card of Thanks.
I am very thankful to my neighbors
and friend who were to kind and hplp
ful during the Illness and after the
doath of my husband.
Mrt. J. T. Collins.
Notice to Taxpayeri.
Aftor Decttnber 25. 1003. five iwr
cent will be added on all unpaid taxea in
West Rnynoldsvlllo borough.
P. J. Ward. Collector.
Dresb Ooodt.
Advance fall stylos In dross goodt are
hero. Blng-Stoke Co.
You can got a burgnln at Nolan's shoe
storo. Thoy havo about fifty pair of
shoes that they will sell nt a big reduc
tion. These shoes are good styles.
Greatest sulection trunks atMilllrens.
When you want a lady's fine and up-
to-date thoe go to Nolan't shoe store
Ask for the.Krlppendorf-Dlttman hoe
J. E. Mitchell, morchunt tailor, in
Htoko building, above department store
Chorry anothor winner pure mor
ello chorry juice with syrup. Pure and
rolreshlng, with the truo fruity taste
Reynolds fountain.
Mothers ! You can save 15 to 25 per
cent on your boys' suits if you buy from
ut. Ulng-Stoke Co.
Summor goods aro all roduoed at
Try a frultlna, a mixture of fruits and
oroam. fastos like anothor. Roynold
drug store.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
The attraction booked for the Reyn
olds opera house, Tuesday evening,
Sept. 8, la a toenlo production of the
ver-fasolnatlng drama, "Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde." This tlartling play
hat stood the exacting test of time and
It to day one of the ttrongett cardt In
the repertoire of Richard Mansfield.
The dual role In this case will be In
terpreted by Mr. Louta J. Russell, well
known to the theatre goers of this city
through bit masterly performance of
Cyrus Blenkarn In "The Middleman. '
This young actor It eminently fitted by
natural ability and artlatio work to por
tray the strongest character! of Dr.
Jokyll and Mr. Hyde. A competent
cast, special scenery and eleotrlcal
effects combine to make this production
an artistic success.
The Plfcr reunion was held In the
park Tuesday.
A number of our people attended the
fair at Punxutaney Thursday..
Mist Ella Carlson, of Rathmel, it vis
iting friends In town.
George Hughes, of DuHots. passed
through this place on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Veil drovo to
Punxsutawney last Sunday.
Several of our young people attended
the Ice cream supper at Panlo Saturday
The new mines near thlt place will
toon be ready to begin operation.
Roy Armagott, of Reynoldsville, had
business In town on Sunday.
Mist Flora Tedrlck has gone to Bell
vue to visit a few weeks.
A disastrous freight wreck occurred
on Saturday night at Stanley on the B.,
R. & P. railroad between the fast
freight train from Clearfield to Punx
sutawney and engine No. 2(15, starting
north. Both engines were much dam
aged, several oars were derailed, block
ading the tracks. The crews saved
tbomselvet by making timely leaps,
and yot three of them were hurt, the
engineers, C. Smith and D. H. Wilbur,
got off with sprained ankles, and a
brakeman was considerably bruised.
The rematndor of the crews etcaped In
jury. It took; till Sunday noon to -remove
the debrit and wreckage. Du
Bolt Bxpm.
Stockholder!' Meeting.
The stockholders of the ttoynoldsvllla
Water Company will bold their annual
meeting at the office of tbe secretary on
Monday, September 2Sth, 1903, at 2.00
o'clock p. m., to hear the rport of offi
cers, election of officers and the trans
action of any othrr business necessary
to be done at a stockholders' meeting.
M. M. Davis,
Secretary Board of Dirrctors.
Dress Ooods.
200 yards dress goods, three to ton
yard lengths, that sold for .50, .(to, .75,
up to It. 50, go at 25 contt a yard. Bing
Stoke Co.
In all departments In our end of Au
gust tale. BIng-StokoCo.
Shoet for tho whole family reduced at
Queen Quality shoes sell at Nolan't
thoe ttore for 12.50 per pair.
Suit easel and traveling baga at
Motbert I Call and see our lino of
boys' suits. Blng-Stoke Co.
Boys' Fall Clothing.
You can save 50o to 11.00 on boys'
suits at Blng-Stoke Co.
Reduced Rates to Pittsburg Industrial Ex
hibition. On Wednesdays, September 0, 16, 23,
and 80, and October T, 14, and 21, 1903,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will sell excursion tickets from points
on Low Grade Division, Including the
Sllgo Branch, to Pittsburg, at reduced
rates, Inoludlng admission to the Ex
position. These tlcketa will ba good going oa
regular trains on day of Issue, and will
be valid for return passage within four
days, Including date of sale.
Your new fall suit is here. Blng
Stoke Co.
Buckten's Arnica Salve.
Has world-wide fame for marvellous
cures. It surpasses any other salve,
lotion, olntmpnt or balm for Cuts, Corn,
Burns, Boils, Sores, Feltms, Ulcere,
Tetter, Suit Rlniern, Fever Hores,
Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions) In
fallible for Pili-t. Cure Guaranteed.
Only 25o at H. A. Stoke's. Druggist.
S to 35 Pet Cent Suved.
All turn me r drest goods have been
reduced 15 to 35 per cent. Blng-Stoke
Valuable Real Estate for 8ale in Reyn
oldsville Borough.
The undersigned executor of W. M.
Foster, deceased, having been by the
will of said deceased duly proved and
recorded, vested with the authority to
soli his real estate at private sale to the
highest blddor, therefore, In pursuance
of said power I now offer tald real es
tate for salo, reserving the right to re-
joct any or all bids.
F. 8. Hoffman, Executoi
Just Received.
Our fall line of boys' suits. Blng
Stoke Co.
Krlppendorf-Dlttman thoet for ladiea
at Nolan't shoe store.
In addition to the usual oath of alle
giance, the new oath which foreigners
desiring to become naturalized citizen"
of the United States will be compelled
to tako hereafter, contains this clause
"That I do not ad vocal or teach the
duty, nocesslty or propriety of the un
lawful assaulting or killing of any
officer or officers, either of specific in
divlduaii or of officers generally of the
government of the United States' or of
any other organized government be'
cause of his or their official character."
Remember you can got the Queen
Quality shoes at Nolnn's shoe store at
2.50 a pair.
Mens' and Boy's clothing reduced at
Fresh oysters at the City Hotel res
All America shoes for mon at Nolan's
shoo ttoro, prlco t.1.50 and t.00.
Whole cherry sundaes or sodas 10a.
They're delicious. Reynolds drug store.
Want Column.
Rata: One cent per word for each and
everv Insertion.
To Rent Six room bouse on Mabel
street, between Fourth and Fifth Sta.
M. M. Fisher.
For Sale House and lot on Phillips
ttreet. Lot 50x150 feet; nine roomed
bouse; barn 12x10, two stories high;
shed 10x18; cbickon coop 12x20; yard
12x20; price Jfi'iO. Inquire of E. Neff.
Wanted Hoy to learn tailor trado.
J. E. Mitchell.
For Salo Two lots on Fourth ttreet.
Inquire of Mrs. Caroline Armor.
For Sale House and lot in West
Reynoldsville and a farm in Washington
township. Inquire of L. W. Perrln,
Box 187, Heynoldsvillo, Pa.
Wantkd Good intelligent girlt to
learn silk weaving. Apply tc Enter
prise Silk Co.
Foil Sale Five houses and lota in
Sykesvillo. Easy terms. Inquire of
V. R. Holman, Sykesvillo, Pa.
FOB Sale Lot on Main ttreet. In
quire of L. J. McEntire.
For Sale Good house and lot on
Jackson St., near coal company office.
Inquire at THE Star office.
NOTICE Employees of the silk mill
using electric cars going to and from
work can purchase car tickets at lower
SJiick & Wagner J
Showing of Complete Line of Fall and Winter Goods
The opening of the peason again shows many new and desirable creations. The productions of the man-
ufacturer, both by the American and European manufacturers, is
I3lOSS GrOOCLS BO varied tnat no one Btyle Prevails- TniB again shows the devel
opment of common sense in the creator of fashion, as it leaves the
selection of a dress to the personal taste of the individual, In keeping with our policy we have varied
our selection so that we can suit the taste of any or all. We are showing a complete range in all weaves
and at all prices. It will be necessary for you to see in erder to appreciate what we have.
T'rn TYl TY1 1 n rrO As the dresses vary in weaves, etc., so must the
JL X JLITlTlllIl P trimmings follow. Time and space will not perinit
description, but suffice it to say our line is complete, showing many new fall things.
The Suit season promises to be the biggest in the history of this valuable garment.
The progrens of the manufacture
Cloaks and Suits w,.nottu be outdonH 5,1 the de-
velopment of new and exclusive
styles. The Scotch tweeds and zibilenes are especially good, while the cheviots re
tain their popularity. Don't fail to see the
With the approach of the cool evenings and the opening of the schools, the little
girl will need a new wrap. We have on display a strong line of Children's Coats.
1 Shoes and Rubbers
A complete line of ladies and
children's shoes. Hoys' and
girls' school shoes have received very careful attention in our fall stock. He pre
pared for the wet and muddy weather.
: mi