The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 12, 1903, Image 4

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    At the Sign
of The Star
thing that's good in Print
ing. The Job Department
19 equipped with all the
latest designs of type in
cluding the Old English let
ter now so fashionable for
visiting cards and profes
sional stationery. If you
wish to 'see samples of the
work, call and we will show
them to you by the dozen.
Whether 'you want a wed
ding invitation, a program,
dance tickets, letter heads
or dodgers we are prepared
to do the work, and do it
right. If you have never
had your work done here,
give tis a trial order and
you will nevcrgo elsewhere.
U A 8 to prices, we guaran
tee they will be reasonable
a9 low as is consistent
with good work.
At the Sip
of The Star
. i, .- .
Th Interior Remodeled and Modernized
Something to be Proud ol.
The extensive repair to tho county
court bouse have been completed and
the large number of citizens of Joffor
son county who stopped Into tho court
house Monday morning to attend court
found great change In the appearance
of the interior of that structure. It Is
now a credit to the county. The repairs
cost IH.OOO. From the Brookvillo lie
publican we clip the following concern
ing repairs mado :
"Tbe building was equal to the ne
cessities of tho business of tho county
when constructed, but owing to tho
great Increase In population, which has
more than doubled In .tho years that
Intervened, changes became necessary,
and early this yoar the County Com
missioners began negotiations for tho
Improvements that are now completed.
The first floor, that devoted to the of
fices of the Register and Recorder, Pro
thonotary, Treasurer, Commissioners,
Surveyor and Superintendent of tho
schools, has been generally overhauled.
Tile floors replace the boards that
served so long, and the wainscoting
that was considered fine when placed In
position gives way to handsome tile
resting on a marble base anl capped
with an ornamental crown of the same
material. The elaborate stairways,
right and left, leading from the vesti
bule to the court room, are no longer In
position, a single marble stair taking
tbelr place and affording the only front
entrance to the second story. The re
moval of the right stalrway,gave space
for three additional rooms, that hitva
beeu assigned as an office for the Su
perintendent of schools, ladles' toilet,
and jury room, a fourth room ' being
found on the left front, third story,
that will do duty as a jury room. In
tho rear a very serviceable marble stair
way Is found that harmonizes nicely
with tho outer portions of the floor.
Tho walls of the hall and office rooms
above the wainscoting have been paint
ed and decorated, and the ceilings
handsomely frescoed, the material used
being first-class, that will admit of
being cleaned as frequently as may bo
necessary. The office heretofore oc
cupied by Superintendent Toltrlck has
been connected with the Commission
er's office by cutting a door through
the petition, and will serve as a private
or consultation room for the board.
On the second floor the changes have
not been so radical, and ye, consider
able work has been done. The library
has been remodeled by the removal of
the petition that devlded It, and the
walls and ceilings freshened up with a
coat of paint. The room that has been
assigned to the attornoys also received
an overhauling and will be a cheerful
rendezvous for the limbs of the law.
In the court room the most conspicu
ous change has been mado in the
Judge' and Clerk's desks, an elaborate
piece of ornamental work, finished in
oak, taking the place of the plain
counter over which justice has been
dispensed all these years. The ar
rangements have all been made with a
view to convenience, and Judge Rued
will find It possible to largely econo
mize time In the handling of Juries with
his Improved surroundings. A jury
box has also been introduced, a new
feature in our court. Tho court room
will be newly carpeted, and when Capt.
Lucas cries out next Monday, "Oh,
Yez I " everything will be as clean as a
new pin. "
Need a Board of Trade.
Every live town needs an active board
of trade, composed of men not easily
discouraged, who will persist In getting
Industrie to locate In a town. Tbo
growth of a number of towns, Eano for
Instant, shows what an active board of
trade can do for a town. Reynolds
vllle Is a good town, but don't begin to
be the town it should be with the many
advantage thet e Is here for large or
small industries. The fact of the mat
ter, there are few towns that have the
natural advantages that this town
possesses. Then what Is the matter ?
why don't we get some of the largo In
dustrios that are looking for good loca-
tlons ? The trouble 1 within ourselves.
We must get before the capitalists.
I it possible that some people are so
much afraid that If they use tbolr In
fluence to get an Industry located at
Reynoldsvllle that some other person
will get more gain out of it than they
will? Surely that would be blind sel
fishness. Let u all get our shoulder to
the wheel and give the town a boust,
regardless of who reaps the largest
harvest. The growth of Reynoldsvllle
is in the hands of the citizens. Are we
satisfied to remain In the rear of the
procession ?
Birthday and Wedding Presents.
I have made a specialty of beautiful
and tasty designs in cut gloss, Uavalind
china and odd but pretty peloes for
remembrance to your friends. We
will be pleased to show them. C. R. Hall.
Mouldings and art novelties at the
Alpha Mf'g Co' studio.
Dr. Gibson has been very successful
In bis optical work. See him if your
eye need care.
Wash good at olearanoe prloea at
Your picture taken at the Alpha
Mfg Co' itudio. Gorwin'a old stand.
In tho search for something at once
cheap and durable to pave their streets
and public roads, the ofllcliilsof Ontario,
Canada, have discovered a combination
styled tar-mueadam which costs from
ono-thlrd to onu-hnlf as much as asphalt
or vitrified brick and wears fully as
long. 'Twenty-two years ago a trial was
made upon ono of the most used streets.
During all this time almost no money
or labor was spent In repairs, yet tho
piece is In good condition and used at
present. Four years ago they paved
ono of their mnln business streets with
tar macadam. After four yenrs hurd
usage, without a dollar's worth of re
pairs, tlio roiul Is as good n-i when laid.
And tho cost of construction was only
68 cents per square yard. Even if neo
essary to re-surface, it can bo dono at
a cost of 25 cents pur square yard. The
construction Is simple but solid. Upon
a foundation of rough stones six Inches
deep, as In a macadamized road, small
two and-a-half Inch stones are laid to a
depth of five Inches and these arc mixed
with tar. As a surface coat upon this
an Inch of tar and line gravel Is used.
Each separate layer Is rolled with a
15-ton roller and when completed tho
street, from curb to curb U- smooth and
almost as noiseless as asphalt, affording
an excellent footing for horses. Con
sidering Its comparltive cheapness it
should be widely Imitated.
Winslow Twp. School Board Notes.
At a special meeting the Wlnslsw
township school board last Saturday it
was decided to build a new school house
at Sandy Valley. 28 x 3-1 feot.
Tho secretary of tho S Inslow tow n
ship school board has a seal to use on
all school board documents.
James V. Young, contractor of Reyn
oldsvllle, has been given tho contract
to repair the Dean school house.
The Winslow township schools will
begin on Mondtiy, September 14tb. All
parents and patrons having children
that will attend these schools should
see that they ore ready to begin school
tho first day, and continue every day
during the term.
P. A. Smith, secretary of tho Wins
low township school board, has bought
a new secretary's book called "Secre
tary's Companion," which Is a very con
venlcnt book. It contain articles of
agreement between directors and teach
ers, memorandum of the public school
financial statement, bond of district
treasurer, oath of office for school dl
rectors and collector's warrant.
Y, M. C. A. Outing August 25th.
The second annual outing of the Rail
road and Central Young Men's Chris
tlan Associations of DuBols will be held
at Alameda Park, Butler, Pa., Tuosday,
August 25th, 11)03. A special train will
leave DuBols at 7.30 a. in. that day, and
Punxsutawney at 8.19. To accoramodute
thoeo in Reynoldsvllle desiring to at
tend tho outing special electric cars
will leave here at 5.30 and 0.30 a. m. to
connect with train at Punxsutawney at
8.15. Fare round trip from Reynolds
vllle 11.(15. The proceeds of the excur
sion aro for tho benefit of the Young
Mon's Christian Association of DuDol
All members and friends are invited to
attend and curry with them well-filled
baskets. Tho attractions at Alamcdu
Park ore varied, Including boating,
music, flying swings and twelve springs
of ico cold water, and besides all this,
It presents a great opportunity to visit
ono of tho largest steel plants In the
country, now being ercctod at Butler.
Came From an Old Family.
Mrs. John Dowllng, who died at her
homo in Wllkosbarre July 28th, mother
of Mrs. C. F. IlofTmon, of Reynolds-
vlllo, was a descendant of colonial and
revolutionary stock. Tho Wllkcsbarro
Record, In speaking of tho deceased,
said : .
"Mrs. Dowllng camo from ono of tho
oldest families In Luzorno county, be
longing to colonial stock. She was a
member of the well known Prlnglo
family. Her father was Samuel Prlnglc,
one of the pioneer settlers, while bor
grandfather, Samuel Prlngle, Sr., was
of English descent, and his wife, the de
ceased's grandmother, was a Lamorcaux,
of French descent. Her great grand
mother on her mother's sldo was of an
historical Williams family, and shu
married an Ives. From this union thore
were two sons, who were killed in tho
Wyoming massacre, their names being
Inscribed on the Wyoming Monument."
Bids Wented.
Bids will be received by P. A. Smith,
secretary of Winslow township school
board, for tbo furnishing of all material
and building of one school house at
Sandy Valley. Plans and specifications
can be seen at Frank' New Tavern. All
bids must be In on or before Friday,
August 28th, 1903. The board will hold
the right to reject any or all bids.
P. A. Smith, Secretary.
Sykosvllle, Pa.
The Friction Bund Brake for huggles
Is the latest and safest thing out. Must
be used to be appreciated. J. C. King
& Co. agents, Roynoldsvlllo, Pa.
Reynolds' perfect chooolato beats the
dutch. Used in our sodas and Sundaes.
! Krippendorf-Dlttman shoos for ladles
at Nolan's shoe store.
Btookville'i Largest Hotel Sold.
During the post week, Messrs. Buf
fi ngton St Brady sold their large hotel
In Brookvllle, the American House,
with all Its furniture, fixtures, attach
ments and good will, to the Hunter
Brothors, of Knox township, Perry D.
and Samuel A. Tho prlco paid, wo un
derstand, Is fifty thousand dollars fur
all the grounds, tho building, furniture,
fixtures and good will, but this does not
Include the stock of liquors and goods
on hands, which are to be ascertained
and paid for outside of this purchase
price. Tho purchasois take charge of
tho hotel on AugiiBt 12th and It Is ex
H!cted that tho license will bo trans
ferred at the coming session of the
quarter sessions court. The Hunter
brothers aro entirely new men In tho
hotel buslnoss, but have a wide acquaint
ance, and are active, thrifty business
men. Brookvllle Ikmocrnt.
Left My Bed and Board.
May Snydor, my wlfo, having left my
bod and board of ber own free will,
without just cause, I hereby caution
and notify all persons not to give her
goods or harbor her on my account, as
I will not be responsible for any bills she
may contraot. Joseph Snyder.
Value for Your Money.
C. R. Hall, while in our larger cities
mado selections from the varied and
Immense stocks displayed and will have
tho neatest and most stylish patterns In
furniture, carpets, floor rugs and dishes
ever displayed in the town.
An exchange says : ' After a country
newspaper man has "hollered" himself
hoarse In efforts to persuade people to
patronlz.i the home merchants, and
accidentally stumbles on to the fact that
soinu of the fellows whoro Interests he
Is endeavoring to protect aro sending
away for their job printing, it rather
shakes faith in mankind and makes
reciprocity look like a penny with
hole In It."
Wo observe that a number of young
follows from this place spend Sunday
In Reynoldsvillo. It Is said that there
are a number of pretty girls over there
Punxsutawney Republican. Of course
there are.
The Wright hand made shoe for work
men Is sold at the Nolan shoe store.
See Dr. Gibson's ad.
Visit Milllrens for your straw hat ati
sacrifice price.
Dere's Somethln' Doin' In De Pitts
burg Sunday Dispatch.
Yores Trulle,
Pickle Neary.
Council Meeting.
The regular meeting of the town
council was held Tuesday, August 4th,
1903, President Applegate In the chair.
Member present, Williams, Saver,
Rltzle. A. P. King and Applegate.
Minutes of tho last meeting read and
Chief Burgess Simmon reported re
ceipts for fines and licenses for June and
uly, 127.00.
The clerk it ported receipts for labor
dono by Street Commissioner for H.
Alex Bloke to be f 8.1.1.
I. M. Swartz. tax collector, reported
taxes collected in July to be 11,033.54.
Hills and interest amounting to 1285.18
were ordered paid.
On motion the rules were suspended
and ordinances Nos. 83 and 84 wore
passed on first and second reading.
A potltlon from residents and nronertv
owners on Fourth street petitioning for
a public sower In Fourth treot from
Hill street to east borough line, was
presented and on motion tho solicitor
was instructed to prepare an ordinance.
On motion a resolulon was passed to
petition tho court to appoint viewer to
assess the damages and benefit for the
opening of Eighth street.
Volunteer Firemen at DuBola.
On account of the meeting and
parades of the Northwestern Pennsyl
vania Volunteer Firemen' Association,
at DuBols, Pa., August 19 to 21, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to DuBols, Au
gust 18 to 21, good to return until
August 22, Inclusive, from Erie, Sun
bury, and Intermediate stations on the
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Divis
ion, Including branches, and from all
stations on the Buffalo and Allegheny
Valley Division in the State of Penn
sylvania, at rate of single fare for the
round trip.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale in Reyn
oldsvllle Borough.
The undorsigned executor of W. M
Foster, deceased, having been by the
will of said deceased duly proved and
recorded, vested with the authority to
sell his real estate at private sale to the
highest bidder, therefore, In pursuance
of said powor I now offer said real es
tate for sale, reserving the right to re
ject any or all bids.
F. S. Hoffman, Exeoutoi
You can save 5 per cent on all 1903
taxes by paying them on or before Aug.
14th, 1903. I. M. Swartz, Collector.
Reduced prices on granite ware at the
Cash New York Racket store.
Shirt waists at seasons end prices at
Notice to Debtor.
All parties knowing themselves In
debted to me will please call and settle,
as I bave sold nut my plumbing bust
nes. All accounts not settled before
Sept. 1st. 1903, will be pluced In the
nanus or an attorney for collection.
VV, ELf cas.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed loiters remaining
In post office at Rovnoldsvllln. Pa . tnr
the week ending Aug. 8. 1903 :
Chas. Stewart, Marsh Flynn.
Sav advertised anil trl w II.
. ' " mwvi v, no,
when calling for above.
Want Column.
Rntps! One cent oer word for mkIi ami
verr Insertion. ,
For Sale Two lota on Fourth strant.
Inquire of Mrs. Caroline Armor.
For Sale Seven room plastered
house. Good collar, barn 16 bv 20.
chicken house 12 by 20. Good water,
Lot 85 by 150. Situated on Worth
treet. Price $1,000. Inquire of E. Neff.
Lost Gold watch chain. Finder
please leave at The Star office.
Wanted A bright boy about 15 year
of age. Apply at Enterprise Silk Co.
For Sale Two young cows, just fresh.
S. Shaffer.
For Sale Eight four-month-old pig
and one brood sow. Inquire of L. F.
For Sale Two seated oannpy top
hack, grocery wagon and ono horse
wagon. J. A. Meyers.
For Sole House and lot In West
Reynoldsvllle and a farm in Washington
township. Inquire of L. W. Perrln,
Box 187, Roynoldsville, Pa.
WANTED Good Intelligent girls to
learn silk weaving. Apply tc Enter
prise Silk Co.
For Sale House and lot on Fifth
st. Inquire of Martin Plylor.
For Sale Five houses and lots in
Sykesvlllo. Easy terms. Inquire of
V. R. Holman, Sykesvlllo, Pa.
FOR Sale Lot on Main street. In
quire of L. J. McEntlre.
For Sale Good house and lot on
Jackson it., near coal company office.
Inquire at The Star office.
Notice Employees of tho silk mill
using electric cars going to and from
work can purchase car tickets at lower
For Sale A seven room house, lot
60 by 150 feet, In West Reynoldsvllle.
M. E. Weed.
THE TIME of year has come for us to clean up our
Summer stocks to make room for Winter goods. What
hese Bales mean need not be emphasized. All we de
sire to say is that we shall conduct this sale in the same
straightforward and hwnest manner which has characterized
our sales in the past and which has crowned our efforts
with such gratifying success.
We aim to make this just what the name implies
In consequence of this we put on tables in center aisle all
goods which go in sale. It is impossible for us to enumer
ate and quote prices on offerings, as we expect to add new
lines from dny to day. The bargains offered in this sale
have never been surpassed in view of quality and price.
Watch the tables as many new things will appear frequent
ly and as the quantity is not large they will not last long.
& Wagner
Corner Main and FifthStrcet. Reynolds ville, Pennsylvania.