1 s rrwri ilv l HIKU 113 rULriLUUL.ni I I LARGE YIELD OF LOCAL COAL FIELD Tho Roynoldsvlllo ciml, celebrated wherever It Is known for It quality nnd quantity, will, In h short period, iinurp ' almoHt tho entlro 1)1 t urn I noun trade of Pennsylvania. Other fluid In our . great mineral common wraith ara lie coming jealous of us and woll they may. Here is a fabrication concocted lv a Mclntyro correspondent of tho VVI1 Ilamsport Giixetttaml Hulltin, "From a general survey of tho bitum inous coal Hold wo find few ill rock , whoro tho men are working any better than at Mclntyro. Tim collieries around tho Blossburg baln aro shut down or ' running at most about one-third time. Tho mines up tho West Branch nnd rittshurg way that are on full time are so overcrowded with workmen that they can earn but low wnires. (juitit a mini bor of men havo left Mclntyro for Keyn oldsvllln, but now report' bus It that the works thero aro stnppod for a tlmo. His probable that the extent of tho coal Holds about Rnynnldsvllln lias been ovorratod. One Ohio company which Invested Inrgoly In supposed coal land thero are ottering a high premium to any ono who can find on their property a paying vein." Tho'Tuneoast," "Diamond One Coal," "Reynolds," and other collieries havo been furnishing and still continue to furnish hundreds of men with employ ment, and the indications are that tli ;- field will demand more miners than any other bituminous field now known., Thoro has boon no works stopped, but in truth, operations have not as yet beon extonslvoly begun ( the work thus far consisting In preparations. There has been enough of our excellent coal reached the market to test Its quality, and for gas purposes it has boon found to excel and precede, all other coals. Tho extent of the ooal field here Is not overrated but on tho oontrary Is not ex tolled to Its truo roorlt. The Ohio com pany referred to In tho Uuzfttr ami Jlul lilin began their operations by adopting scientific, methods of opening, but tho geologist recommending this plan made a mistake the beds of coal not lying where thu drifts wcro made. Now that the company are going practically to work to discover tho beds they will, without a doubt, bo rewarded by finding two veins of bituminous coal that can never find a peer. Reynoldsvllle Jrr nm Jan. (I, 1875, W. S. Reynolds editor. Tho prophecy above has more than como true. At the present tlmo there Is one company alono with a shlpp'lrg capacity of 2.-,000 tons dally of "Royn oldsvlllo" coal, not to mention a smnll matter of 3,",(K)0 cars of coko ovory year. At a rough and probably low estimate thero has boon 1H,000,000 tons ol "iteynoldsvllln" coal mined In tho patt .'10 years. This would mako a string of coal cars that would reach around the world and leavo enough to fill up ono line of track from tho Atlnntlo to tho Pacific ocean. Want Column. Rules: One cent per word (or each and every Insertion. Lost Saturday on Mnin street, black pocket book with considerable monoy in it and P. IT. Slimmer' name on First National bank deposit slip. $15.00 re vard will be paid if samo is loft at The STAR oflloo. FOR Sale A desirable building lot, good location, terms reasonable, Inquire of L. M. Simmons. For Salo Cabbage and tomato plants. Inquire of J. J. Hoffman at Hoffman's Jewelry store. For Sale Two driving horses. In quire of G. T. Woodford, tho pop man, Roynoldsvlllo, Pa. ' 1 FOR Sale Houso and lot on Fifth st. Inquire of Martin Plyler. For Salk Five houses and lots in Sykesvlllo. Easy terms. Inquire of V. R. Holman, Sykesviilo, Pa. FOR Sale Full blooded Jersey cow. Six years old. Inquire of K. Nolt. FOR Sale T,ot on Main street. In quire of L. J. McKntiro. For Sale Good house and lot on Jackson St., near coal company offlco. Inquire at The Star oillco. For sale Tara of heavy horses, har ness and wagon. Joseph ft. Milliron. . Foil SALE-Ft-sh cow with heifer calf s ago five years. Inqulro of V. L. Mooro, Kmorlckvllle. For Sale Cabbage and tomato plants. Either call at Star office or drop a postal card to J. A. Carl, Royn oldsvlllo. Plants will bo delivered. Notice Employees of the silk mill using olectrio cars going to and from work can purchaso car tlckots at lower rates. WANTKD-Intolllgent girls for cloth picking. Apply to Enterprise Silk Co. For Salo A seven room houso, lot fiO by 150 feet, in West Reynoldgvillo. M. E. Weed. For Sale or Ront A good property, Including a store room, on Worth street. Inquire at The Star office. That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, If you used Or. King's Now Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for Sick on 1 Nervous Head aches. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money back if not cured. Sold by H. Alex Stoke, Druggist. Town Council Doings. The regular mooting of the Town Counoll was held on Tuesday, June 2nd, President Applegate In the chair. Members present, Bayers, A. P. King, Dolble, William, Dr. King and Applo gato. Minute of tho previous mooting read and approved. Chief Durgnss Simmons reportod ro oelpta for licenses, fines, Ao., since last mooting to bo $21.00. He also requested the Counoll to appoint some one as a member of tho Hoard of Health to fill tho unoxplrod term of Dr. Bayers. On motion Dr. J. II. Murray was ap pointed. G. W. Swart?., tax collector, reported taxes collected since last mooting to bo 1705.5.1. A petition to open Dolts alley from 1st to 5th was presented and read and on motion was referred to the ordinance committee to have an ordinance framed. W. H. Hoffman and others asked for a grade to lay a sldo walk In front of their properties on Jackson st., which was referred to the street committee with power to.ant. On motion notices to build new side walks oi. Hill street wore ordered sent to tho following persons: A. O'Donnell, Etta 8. Weaver and Hallie M.Rodgcrs. A petition was presented by the morchants to sell firo crackers on July 2, 3 and 4, which on motion permission was granted to sell on July :i and 4 only. On motion ordinance No. HO and 81 were passed on first reading. Bills amounting to $179.02 wcro or dered paid. On motion the clerk was Instructed to oen tho bids for tho paving of 4th street. When It was found that Mr. C. H. Hastings was the lowest bidder his bid being $1.55 per sq. yd. for "Mark" brick, $1.50 per sq. yd. for "Johnsonburg" brick, and $1.3(1 per sq. yd. for "Roynoldsvlllo" brick. On motion the contract was awarded to C. It. Hastings, ktnd of brick to bo decided on later. Drink Reynolds' soda. Alwavs tho best. Shoes for tho wholo fuiullv at Mil- 1 Irons. Hard shell crabs and shrimns at Citv Hotel restaurant. . Special in muslin undorwoar at Mil Urens. Drink Rovnolds' soda. Alwavs the best. Suits that hold thoir shano at M II- lirens. If you want a good bucc-v choao call on j. a. Moyors. Soe the opera slippers at Mllllrens. SHICK & WAGNER THE BIG STORE A June Sale on Ginghams, Lad-, ies' Shirt Waists, Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits, Children's Dresses IN ORDER to clean up our stock before summer inventory, we are offering the above on Friday of this week, June 12, at even less than your own price. We want to close these out quickly, hence we have put a price on them that will make them go. The stock is not large hence lose no time or we may not be able to supply your wants. This is an opportunity for vou to secure these phenomenal bargains in season instead of having to wait until summer is almost over. Remember, these unparalleled offerings will be fur . ONE DAY ONLY Friday, June 12th NOTE THE OFFERINGS AND THE PRICES DreBs Ginghams 80 and lOo Ginghams to go at 41 oentg. 12, 12i and 15o Ginghams go at 7t cU. Ladies Shirt Waist ( (Colored) 60c, 75o and $1.00 to close at 25 cents. Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits. $1.25, 1.50, and 1.75 to close at 60 oents. $2.00, 2.50 and 3.00 to close at $1.00. Dresses To oloee at a price in order to clean up the assortment. These have been lead ing sellers, henoe we are broken in the lot. We therefore offer them at just one-half price: $1.00 Dresses to go at 50 cent $1.50 Dresses to go at 75 oents $2.00 Dresses to go at $1,00 $2.60 Dresses to go at $1.25 $2.75 Dresses to go at $ ,37 $3.00 Dresses to go at $1,50 ii!5B?fASIBSSSlIDAY' JUNE TWELF. AT SHICK & WAGNER'S CORNER MAIN AND FIFTH STREETS, REYNOLDSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA Reducsd Rates to Gettysburg On account of the Prohibition Hioto Convention, to be held at Gettysburg, Pa., Juno 16 to 18, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Gettysburg and return, good going June 15 and 10, and good to re turn until June II), Inclusive, from nil stations on Its lines In tho Htnti of Pennsylvania, at rnto of a single fnro for tho round trip. Bank by Mail And receive 4 percent, on your sav ings account. Pittsburg Trust Com pany, .12.1 Fourth avenno, Pittsburg, Pa., compounds Interest semi annually. 2 per cent, on checking accounts. Capi tal, surplus and profits $(1,000,000 00. Drink Hey nobis' soda. Always the best. Straw hats at Mllllrens. Mitchell, tho merchant tailor, In Stoko building. Drink Reynolds' sodu. Always the best. Special sale tailor made suits lit Mil limns. Uuggics and wuguim for sale.' J. A Meyer. Turtle, oyster, chicken, clam and vegntablo soups at the City Het.il restaurant. Reducsd Rates to Laktwood, N. V. For tho lioneflt of those desiring to attend the meeting of tho Association of Oeneral Secretaries of the Y. M. C. A. of North America, at Lakewood, N. Y., June 10 to 22, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will suit round-trip tickets to Lakewood and return from all stations on Its linns, June lfl and 17, good to return until Juno 2.'), Inclusive, at rate of a slnglo faro for the round trip. HIAWATHA Vwtr ll'iVium's mmhi-n vfrumn. I'llFNthsgnnlln HlBwnllm. 7 .l7"m lhH "H'lsof Nnrlli flnkoln, With his nine of ilnnky warriors, llRirnilijr wnjrof Unruly Vnlhijr AriniMl with hnlxHiKllinlUKiiil mittens, 1 emir little Inlunilollyi Not to piny nlunlvv plnK-pnliR, Nor liis n tennis so kciIiiciIvh, Hut wllh mir iiiiliiton their fares r lav I'll I hi. f,.ivi Bnmc of I nine Imll look llii'iu'Hlof llcyiiolilHVlllHllia. On lliiTiiimiH-ciivrTfil IihII kiimhiiI, Neiuli Mm iiliirnof Unlit electric, Irwril liy ninny of our pmiiln nhopiilil im'iiiiIi'x llvr anil twenty, Ww, the nliiimliii-r I'oiinimniali'il. 1 In n tliiHliitkjr floin ilepiuteil, Hnmmis swelling- up with vli'l'ry. Oil to viiniiilsh oilier rllli'x. ( 'iilllnv hark im they ileirteil "Fare thro well, oh KeyuiilflHvllliilns." Official Notice. Office of Clerk of Jbwti Council of Heyn oldtrillt Ilvrmiyh, Junt , 1003. In pursuance of an Act of Assembly entitled an Act amending Section 9 : "An act entitled 'an act In relation to tho laying out, opening, wldunlrg, straightening, extending or vacating streets and alleys and the construction of bridges In the several municipalities of this Commonwealth, the grading, paving, macadamizing or otherwise Ira proving streets and alloys, providing for ascertaining tho damages to private property resulting therefrom, the as sessment of damages, costs and ex pnnses thereof upon the prottorty bene tiled and the construction of sower and paymont of the damages, costs and ex-en-es thereof, Including damage to private prntroriy resulting therefrom.' approved May 16, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety one, enabling municipal corporations to lay out, open, widen, extend and vacato streets or al loys upon petition or without potltlon of property owners;" Approved May 22, A. I). 195. Tho following ordinance was upon the 2nd day of June, KNI.i, Introduced and presented at a mooting of tho town council of said borough. Attest : L. J. MrENTlRE, Clerk of Council. An ordinance authorizing the open In of Charles Street, or Kighth Streot, from Its present northern terminus to Main street nnd tho assessment of dam ages caused thereby and the grade of the samu, Section 1. Do It ordained and enact ed by the town counoll of the borough of Reynoldsvllle In council assembled, and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same, that Charle or Eighth street shall be oticned to tho uniform width of fifty (50) feet through theproporty now occupied by LymanW. Bcott, and others as tho samn now ap pears on plot or map of R. C. Bohultz's addition to said borough, recorded In deed book 25, page fiutl, commencing at the south or west Ride of the line of Main street to a point two hundred and sixty-four (204) feet from said South or westllneof said Main st. to the present northoro terminus of said Charles or 8th street, now opened, which northern terminus Is about slxty-sevon and one half (H71) feot from the north or cast side of Jackson street, according to ao oompanylng plan, which Is made part hereof. The damages thereby and the damages caused by the grade thereof and the benefits to pay the same to bo assessed and collected In accordance with tho provisions of the Aots of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania relating tberotn and regulating thesatno. Section 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance he and tho samo Is hereby repealed so far as the same affocts this ordinance. Monarch shirts at Mllllrens. J. K. Mitchell, merchant tailor, In Btoke building, above department store. Soe Mllllrens para-ols. IirnnolH and Umbrellas MILLIRENS Greatest Department Store in JefferBon Co. Hoy's Wash able Suits 50 and 75 cent values, at 35 cents. ' Oil EAT JUNE SALE OF SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE UNDE It PRICED TIIIS is thc timc of tllc year wholesale houses are so willing to exchange One Dollar's worth of Merchandise for Seventy-Five Cents in CASH. We made a few elegant purchases in the last thirty days. Combined with these purchases are our own selected stocks, which go in this sale underpriced. Read this carefully ; it points to economy on summer time goods that every one wants. The June Sale Otters Superb Values in Muslin Wear. All our Defender mado muslin underwear goes In this sale at cost. GOWNS All the $2.48 Gowns go In sale at All tho 2.1I) Gowns All tho $1.89 Gowns " All tho $1.. 'Ill Gowns ' All tho tl. ill Gowns " All tho W.00 Gowns " All thu .8!Go-ns All tho .(iU Gowns ' " All the .48 Gowns " tl.im 1.7(1 l.:t8 1.12 .811 .73 .67 .45 .35 All the tl All the 1 All the All tho All tho . DRAWERS 48 Drawors . .24 Drawors . U8 Drawers . H3 Drawers . ,30 Drawors . $1.12 .81) .71 .38 .19 MUSLIN SKIRTS All Uiu $1 58 and 5.(10 Skirts go $3.4 All thu 3.19 and 3.48 Skirt go 2.75 All the 2.48 and 2.08 Skirts go 1.98 All thu 1 (IM Ulrl-I.. .... ... . . .... ...v ' ' una. be, H w nu J.-JI7 All the 1. til) Skirts go at All thu 2.24 Skirts gout All the .98 Skirts go at All thu .89 Skirts go at 1.24 .98 .74 .54 CORSET COVERS All $1.19 Corset Covors go in salo .89 All .89 Corset Covers ' .64 All .54 Corset Covers " .38 All .39 Corset Cover " .19 All .19 Corset Cover " ,07 Sale of Skirts, Tailored Suits and Silk TF YOU are In need of a scrvloouhln skirt., stvltuh milt. n. it nm, m , - . . , . . 1 J V U . UUIU J, HI jaunty silk juckut, this June sale presents an opportunity to cave from 25 ..u uviil. L...n, t. i.uu niiu ciu.w ouus j(o iq in is nixie at ItlS.UU. Tailor mado Venotiun, broadcloth or homespun, $18.00 and $20.00 suits $15.00 All the $12.50 und $15.00 suits go at $10.00. All the fu.ii.ous $10.50 suits go at $8.00. Skirts made up In all the luteal styles, cut to flare well at tho bottom, finish. wl U'tt.h ..trull, unit riluut.. Ill hint. Vilu..lr tan An -A All lA Silk Jackets mude up elegantly of tho finest talTetta. lined throughout, all out with blouse effect. $7.00, $8.00 values all go in this grout June sale at $5.00. Men's Clothing JP IT IS A SUIT for these warm days, wo havo thorn In abundance. Wool Crash. Flannel or Homespun In two-piece suits. Coats Cut round corner sack or square cut-$5 00, $7.00, or $9.00. Or, If you want a business suit of a pure wool cheviot, worsted, or casidraer, you can have it In sack or squure cut, mudo up elegantly; each coat has shaped cotlur and lapel und every suit Is guaranteed to hold Its shape,$3. 50 to if 20. 00 Jackets. .::'Stf to ! m rw Straw Hat Month All the good straw hats of the yoar will be sold this month, hence our assortment Is complete from tho 5o straw aim hat to tho genuine Panama at $6.00. We ask your sj-oclttl attention to our dress Btraws,$l, 1.50, 2. Children's Straw and Cloth Hats All shapes, trimmed, plain, or lu colors, the full assortment. 25 cent, 40 cent, and 50 cent values go in this salo at 19 cents Shoes . . Oxfords . . Shoes. Bed SpreadB at Cut Price Our $3.00 Bed Spreuds go at $1.00. Our 2.50 Bod Spreads go at 1.7(1. Our 2 00 Bed Spreads go at 1.35. Our 1.50 Bed Spreads go at 1.10. Our 1.25 Bed Spreads go at .98. Our 1.00 Bed Spreuds go at .73. Our .89 Bud Spreads go at .03. For summer wear. MEN'S OXFORDS, for thesu warm days. Douglass Patent Corona, all stylos in toes ; some have fancy foxed tops others are plain i all widths, $3.00 and $3.50 WOMEN'S OXFORDS, vlcl patent kid : some have plain heel, others have Louis XIV heel. Como to und see them. $1.00 to $3.00. CHILDREN'S patent sanduls and oxfords hero in all sizes : some havg buckles, others are fastened with straps. Small size 05 oents larger onos 90o J largest size $1.25. Shoes of every description for the whole famlfy. Soft solo shoe for babies, 25o, to 11 nest patent kid, $5.00, $0.0o! Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Hags MILLIRENS Visit us for anything re liable to wear