I Me An independent journal devoted to the interests of Rcynoldsville. Published weekly. Oni Dollar per year strictly in advance. VOLUME 12. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1903. NUMBEH 5. TUG KGWclilGO Air-Pressure Tank ... Is the modern system of water supply anu fire protection For farms, public ImiiJ Ingrt and homos. liuoMs Ins than ho elevated tank or tower, never freezes or blows over and will last until tho nails in your house crumble away. : : : : With a windmill Hliucht-d you can have a constant water pressure equal to city wator supply. For further information ask ALBRIGHT THE PLUMBER Sola Agent, Boynoldnvillo, Pa. Prove it, She will understand why we sell so many of them. They have all the style, comfort and durability of shoes costing 50 cents more. ROBINSON'S ONE THIRD OF. OUR LIFE ISSPENT IN BED ' The bedroom should be cozy, cheerful, and full of comfort. J J. K. HILLIS & CO. NEXT DOOR TO NATIONAL HOTEL. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA. - You Auto See- That your eyes aren't Btralned by wear ing imperfect glasses. See , O. A. JENNER, The eye specialist, as he ha? fitted over 40 pair of glasses in Reynolds ville that give satisfaction. '.... CITY HOTEL Parlors, Roynoldssvlllo. Fm. - Visiting Cards Artistically Print ed at The Star office. We nre selling McCormick Binders, Reapers, Mowers and Rakes, Universal Plows, Conklin and Champion Wagons, Oats Straw, Oak Boards. Special to close out A car of No. 1 Spring wheat Flour at $1.10 per sack. KINO & CO. Dealers in General Merchandise. Ladies ! If a woman will put her feet into a pair of our 83.00 Shoes ou orit $2.50 Oxfords For $18.00 we sella chamber suit which is a perfect beauty. The wood is nicely finished and each piece is well put together, strong and firm. We also have springs, mattresses, etc., at lowest prices. Come and see our stock. Will .make you feel Good. Celery King la ootnposed of nature's ionic Skillfully blended, iiiuke ttie gauvleat and al LhA sum time tlie luotft uuteut of lttxuLlvM and tlie srelat cur fur ouusUpaUun anil tim 111m It MJUllUttL OeUry King l uot aoathartle. It 1 a tools laxaUva, It will make your blood pure. It WUl uuuu you leei kuuu. Two amoti ous herbs, tbt other tablet. Trout Run. J. M. Sheosloy was In RoynoldsvlUo Sunday, Mrs. Lewis Ludwlck Is numbered with the sick. John Cathors mado a flying trip to Wishaw Saturday. G. H. Hollenbaugh visited friends near Panic last week. Walter Sprague hud business In Uuynoldsvllle on Saturday. Westover Little has gone to Arm strong Co. for a load of pig. Watch for him. C. E. Keller says he don't get time to eat his meals, business is so brisk In his blacksmith shop. Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony In great quantity Is constantlyi coming in, declaring Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to bo Unequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFar land, Bentorvllle, Va., serves as ex ample. D Ho writes : "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's Now Discov ery, and a few bottles wholly cured mo." Equally effective In curing all Lung and Throat troubles, Consump tion, Pneumonia and Grip. Guaran teed by H. Alex Stoko's, Druggist. Trial bottles free, regular size 50c, and 81.00. Reduced Rates to Baltimore. For the benefit of those doslrlng to attend the Twentieth Triennial Nation al Sn'ngorfeet of the Northeastern Samgerbund, at Dultimore, Md., June 15 to 20, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell round-trip tickets to Baltimore from all stations on Its lines, except Woodberry, Harrlsburg, and In termediate stations, Columbia, Frede rick, and intermediate stations on the Northern Contral Railway, Lancaster, Harrlsburg, and Intermediate stations, and stations on the Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington Railroad (ex clusive of stations south of Townsond, Del., from which tickets will be sold,) on June 13, 14, and 15, good for return passage until June 22, inclusive, at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus one dollar. Side-trip tickets from Baltimore to Washington and return will be sold and good going June 18 and 19, at rate of $1.60 for the round trip. These tickets will be good to return within two days, date of sale Included, and will be valid on all trains except the Congressional Limited. ' Worst of All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will be your last ? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. II. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years" she wrltos, "I endured Insuffer able pain from indigostlon, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seomed in evitable when doctors and all remedlos failed. At lensrtli I was Induced to trv Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I Improved at once and now I'm completely recovered." For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel trouble Electric Bitters la the only mediolno. Only 50o. It's guaranteed by H. Alex Stoke, Druggist. Driven to Desperation. Living at an out of the way place, re mote from civilization, a family is often driven to desperation in case of acci dent, resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Buck- Ion's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 25o, at H. Alex Stake's druar store. Valuable Real Estate for Sale in Rcyn oldsville Borough. The undersigned executor -of W. -M. Foster, deoeased, bavins- been bv the will of said deceased duly proved and recorded, vested with the authority to sell his real estate at private sale to the highest bidder, therefore, in pursuanoe oi said power I now offer said real es tate for sale, reserving the right to re ject any or all bids. F. S. Hoffman, Executor. Notice to Consumer of Natural Gas Supplied by this Company at Reynoldsvllle and Vicinity. For all gas furnished for gas engines and domestic use alter the regular reading of the meters in the month of May, our rates will be 22 cents per thousand feet, subject to the usual dls oount of 2 cents per thousand foot if paid on or before the 10th day of the month following that in which the gas is used, making the net rate 20 cents per thousand feet. Oil City Fuel Supply Co. Shoes for the whole family at Mil' llrens. Just reoelvod a new lino of alklnsr i skirts at Mllllrens. Child Stadr. The study of child psychology It at tracting ever Increasing' Interest and enthusiasm. Problems In crime and Insanity are becoming solvable. The right of the child to proper treatment, bodily and mental, Is making a strong er appeal. It Is coming to be better known just what treatment fosters a bain need development and Just what physical conditions preclude the possi bility of Midi development. Parent will know that the nervous, fractious child needs the services of a bruin ex pert, possibly afterward of a skilled surgeon. It will be understood that stubbornness can be cured If ration ally dealt with or made a nucleus of crime If murderously fulsnuiniiKed. Mny every educated parent aid In this beneficent work by studying bis own rhild fairly and impartially and col lecting materials from his neighbor hood that will give the students a broader outlookl Fair, honest state ments from varying environments are of Value. Itend, study along this line and see what wonderful avenues of thought open up. Health. Carina; an Ottrr tkla. A full grown sea otter Is from four to five feet long and perhaps a foot or more wide. When a hunter secures one he loosens tho hide from the nose and head, and, without cutting It length wise at all, he pulls the skin down over the body, the hide being so elastic that this is not a difficult job. It la then stretched over a smooth board six and a half feet long, nine Inches wide at one end and ten at the other end. Each end of this board is tnpered to a point. Another board exactly the tame size Is then inserted, and the skin Is stretched a foot or eighteen inches longer than Us original length. A third board half the length of the other Is wedged In and the skin lightly tacked at tho ends to hold it in place. If any flesh adheres to the skin it is then cut off, and the bide Is cured and dried In this condition. In a few days It Is taken off the boards and turned fur side out, when it is ready for mar ket. Emerson the American. In Emerson as an American, as a pa triot, we of the new world have an in heritance peculiarly our own which will grow richer with the spending, for the spending of such an inheritance means that we ourselves be spent for the republic. Far as we may go be yond our present failures, beyond what Morley calls this our corrupt pe riod, far as we may go on the line of our nobler natlonnl accomplishments (and amid all our discouragements we must not forget these nobler accom plishments), far as we may travel up the pathway of our true ideals, still before us and ever higher on that pathway will be seen the beckoning figure, will be heard the urging and Inspiring voice, of Emerson. Century. Blood Covpaaclea. The war between the white corpus cles of the blood and the microbes of disease was first described by the Rus sian pathologist, Metchnlkoff. While dovotlng himself to the study of In flammations be in each case noted the presence of white cells In the blood currents in abnormal numbers. In side these white cells he Invariably found the specific microbe of the dis ease under consideration. It seemed that the big corpuscles were devouring the poisonous microbes. Sometimes tho number taken up by a corpuscle was too great, and it died as a result, If this overcoming of the white cor puscles by the microbes was general the patient died. A Common Color. The elder Dumas once was wearing the ribbon of a certain order, having rceently been made a commandant, andean envious friend remarked upon It "My dear fellow," he said, "that cordon is a wretched color! One would think it was your woolen vest that was showing!" "Oh, no, my dear d'E ," replied Dumas with a smile. "You're mlstak en. It's not a bad color; It is exactly the ahude of the sour grapes In the fable." Wis Wearing- Varr Old. The ancient Egyptians all wore wigs, and the early Christians from A. D. 427 to A. D. 917 considered a false head covering a badge of distinction. This, too, in direct opposition to TertulUan, who in vain declared them devices and Inventions of tho devil, and Clement of Alexandria, who warned his bearers that when the sacred hands of tbe cler gy were laid on their heads the bless ing would not penetrate through the false hair. ' Limited Opportunity. "Did you call at Roxley's house?" inquired the young doctor's wife. "Yes, and I wish he bad sent for roe sooner." "Gracious! Is he seriously ill?" "Quite tbe reverse. I'm afraid he'll be all right again before I get in a half dozen visits." Philadelphia Ledger. Ula "Better Halt." A newly married man told us a tale of woe the other day which happens to every newly married man. When he got man-led his wife gave him half the clothos cupboard, but in only three Weeks all his clothes were hanging on .kails arisen Into the wall. Exchange. Bing-Htoke Company FRIDAY SPECIALS 12.49 BIG-STOKE Where there's everything that people wear and moat things people want. liing-Stoke Company From each department we offer you special low prices on seasonable mer chandise. As this is a "Special Low" Price sale it means more than a saving of J 5 to 35 per cent to you, FRIDAY DRY GOODS SPECIALS 5c Dimities, Friday Special - - 3c -10c Zephyr Dimities, Friday Special, Gc lGc Organdies, " " 8c 18c Silk Swiss, ' "10c 18c Corded Batistes ' " 10c 20c Dotted Swiss " " 10c 25c Satin Rhoda " " 13c 20c Mercerized goods, lace effect, 12c 35c Leno Etamines, Friday Special, 18c 15c Raye Dcntcllis " " 10c 50c Silk Tissue ". 25c We guarantoe you a'savlng of 50 por cent on above goods. They, are all new spring styles and right up to date. Ladies' $10 Suits, Friday Special, $6.75 Ladies' $12 Suits, Ladies' $15 Suits, Ladies' $18 Suits, Ladies $20 Suits, FRIDAY SHOE DEPARTM'T SPECIALS We have a special counter on which you will find Ladies Shoes and Oxfords, Boys' Shoes, Misses' Shoes, Men's Shoes, which are good values at $1.50, go in this Friday special at $1.19. Old Wabash Snag Proof Gum Boots . . 12.50 FRIDAY CLOTHING SPECIALS. LITTLE BOY'S SUITS from 3 to 8 years. 11.40 Suits, Friday Special, 08 cents 12.25 and 2.40 Suits, Friday Special, 11.40 3.50 and 3.75 Suits, " " 2.50 $4.50, 4,75, and 6.00 Suits, " " 3.00 BOY'S SUITS, 0 to 10 years. (1.4!) Suits, Friday Special, 08 cents Suits, $3.75 Suits, 14.50, 4.75 and 15.00 Suits, Y O U T IPS $3.40 Suits, $0.00 Suits, $7.50 Suits, " " " SUITS Friday Special, " " " " " $8.50 Suits, MEN'S SUITS Friday Special, $8.00 Suits. $8.50 Suits, $9.50 Suits, $10.00 Suits, $12.00 Suits, Those suits are mostly light colored, suitable for this season, and are well worth double what wo are asking for them. FRIDAY SPECIALS IN OUR BIG BUSY BASEMENT. 35 cent Dinner palls, Friday Special, 23 cents 50 cent Tubular Lantern, " " 39 cents 30 cent Window Shade " " 19 cento 40 oent Sot Cups and Saucers " 29 cents 35 cent Jim's Toaster, Friday Special, 19 cents 25 cent Fruit Press, " " 19oenU 10 cent Gas Mantlo, " . " 7 cents This cut in Basomont goods from our regular low prices, means more than a saving of 15 to 35 por cent. Main and Fifth StreetB Bing-Stoke Company 7.50 10.00 12.00 13.00 $1.40 $2.50 $3.00 $1.75 $3.00 $3.50 $4.25 $4.00 4.25 4.75 5.00 6.00 ran