The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 06, 1903, Image 7

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Th old, lararltbl virtu 0
St. Jacobs Oil
make It th king cur for
Price, 25c. end SOc
Ambitious Machinists Wanted
to wort on th Prtmtum Plan In th mannftrtnr
01 Blctm KntrlncA. Hut. anil rWr.arw
w to rhara'tr and sMUtjr. fin. opportunity for
Aralnbl man. f AY NL CO.. Box l. fclmtra. N. V.
Stone are "Alive."
The most curious specimens of vege
table or plant life In existence are the
called "living stones" of the Falk
land Islands. Thcwo Islands are among
ho most cheerless Knots in the world,
feeing constantly Mibjected to a strong
polar wind. In such a climate it is im
possible for trees to grow erect, as
hoy do in other countries, but nature
as made amends by furnishing a sup
ply of wood In-tho most curious shape
imaginable. The visitor to the Fal It
lands sees scattered here and there
singular shaped 1 locks of what appear
to be weather beaten and moss covered
bowlders, In various sizes. Attempt to
turn one of these "bowlders" over and
you will meet with a surprise, because
the stone Is actually anchored by roots
of great strength: in fact, you will find
that you are fooling with one of the
native trees. No other country in the
world has suA a peculiar "forest"
growth, and it Is said to be next to
impossiblo to work the odd shaped
blocks Into fuel, because the wood is
perfectly devoid of "grain," and ap
pears to be a twisted mass of woody
Agriculture in Northwest Canada.
The Canadian government has Issued
a census bulletin, which gives statis-L
tics as to agriculture in Alberta, Assln
lboia and Saskatchewan, which united
compose the Northwest territories. The
total area of these territories is 190,
963,117 acres, and only 6,509,064 acres
are occupied as farms. Of this area,
75.99 percent is unimproved. Field
crops, exclusive of hay, occupy 63 per
cent, of the improved land, but only a
fair beginning baa been made with
fruit trees and vegetables. The area
ot land In wheat, tuts, barley, rye. corn,
peas, potatoes and ether field roots in
1891 was 194.773 acres. The Increase
at the end of the last decade was 694,-
078 acres, or 333 per cent The pro
duction of homemade butter Is nearly
twice as much a ten years ago, and
In the interval 10 factories have been
put In operation.
jf Robins are here A
$( Hires W
l Rootbeer f, I
'M ri Tb greatest snrlrtar tnnlr. J j
1 14 l rtrnnkfllv. al 1 J
I 1 ft -j ' lun. Hold I'vervwhf r. I I 3
I ! ' r or by mull for 'A cms. J tT 4
I nusissi. mtr. Mtj9
Evtcrett, Mass. I received the
sample ot Doan's Pills and they stop
ped all my trouble ot pain in the back,
, from which 1 have suffered for two
years. I am a sole-leather cutter, and
being on my feet and lifting heavy
dies all day, appreciate the help
Posn's Pills have given me. I feci
like a new man. Quo. A. Burgess,
188 Belmont Street.
St. Locis, Mo. Received sample,
and am on my first boltlo from the
' druggist -they helped me wonder
fully. I had a feeling of wanting to
urinate all the time, and troublo in
.. passing, burning and Itching. That la
all gone now, and I feel thankful.
. K. Btcvkkbon, 6851 Easton Ave.
Aspen, Colo., April 10, 1003.
Doan's Kidney Pills accomplished
the desired result in my case relief
came the second day after I com
menced taking them. I was troubled
with retention and dribbling of the
urine. Now it Is natural and free as
over in my life. D. L. Stai-fobd.
.' TAKE .
ft Iter tint day1 tn ot Dr. Kiln' Or;
ir. B.H. Kum, Ltd., Ml Arch Bt.. Palla., r.
Wt are told that it takes two to ntak
t quarrel, and lo that man and wife are
one. It's hard to reconcile the state
ments. i
Row' Tb.ll?
W offer On Hundred Dollar Reward fo
any raa ot Catarrh that cannot b eared if
1111' Catarrh I'nre.
F. J. tnrrrt A To., Toledn.O.
W, th nndenirmeil, ba known F. J.
Cbanay for the laat IS run, and bellnr him
perftiotly hnnorahl in all bnilnem transac
tions and financially ahl to carry out any
obligation mado by their Arm.
Wm 4 l'aiiix W'uolrsal Drntglstt, Toledo,
Wildiko, Kixss A Matrix, Wholesale
Drnnjle t. Toledo, Ohio.
Kali' Catarrh inre la taken internally, ant
ing airectly upon the blood and tnucotia snr
lace of the ivitem. Testimonials lent free,
l rirs, 75o. per bottle. Hold by all Druggist.
Hall' Family Pule are the belt.
lie" are never uied in Mohammedan
mosque. The Moslem race deteit bell
undr th rieluiion that they cause the
tcinblge of evil mint.
TJie Allen' Foot-Km.
It Is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting
Tired, Achlr.R, Hot. SweatlnR Foot, Corn n(
Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-F.nvi, apowdxr
to be ahrtken Into the shoes. Cures while ) ou
walk. At all Druggist and Shoe Stores,
Don't accept anv substitute. Hamplo sent
Fats. Addrcss.Al'len H. Ulmsted, Leltoy, N. Y.
The forests of South Africa are com
posed principally of stunted and gnarled
native trees, fit only for wagon making and
fence building.
''The Klertn, Kool Kltehen Kind" of stove
keep yon clean and cool. Economical end
always ready. Bold at good stove stores.
The bigger the man the harder it is for
him to squeeze out of a tight place.
You ran do your dyeing in half so
hour with Pl-thau Fadeless Dyes.
It may be cowardly to show the white
feather, unleas you are a milliner.
do not believe Plso's Cure for Consamn.
llonhasaneqoalforeoaghsand eolds Joa
S. Boris, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1WM.
It's a physical impossibility for some
people to live within their income, because
they haven't any.
Tired Out
" I was very poorly and could
hardly get about the house. I was
tired out all the time. Then I tried
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only
took two bottles to make me feel
perfectly well." Mrs. N. S. Swin
ney, Princeton, Mo.
Tired when you go to
bed, tired when you get
up, tired all the time.
Why? Your blood is im
pure, that's the reason.
Vbu are living on the
border line of nerve ex
haustion. Take Ayer's
Sarsaparilla and be
quickly cured. ffigSSL
Ask Tonr doctor wrist he think, of Arer'l
F irtlpariltn. He ki.-w nil .liitthUarBtit
old fnmilv inrH'-li. fuilun h.. advice and
w will b BMUri"'.
J. C. ATE Co., Lowell, Mai.
Escapes from Death.
Fantastic escapes from dratn were
by no means uncommon features of the
Boor war. There was exhibited somo
time ago in the museum of the Royal
United Service Institution one of
Queen Victoria's chocolate boxes, tn
the lid of which Is still deeply imbed
ded a Mauser bullet. To that amo
collection there has just been added
an even more remarkable relic. This
Is a stiver cigarette-holder case, which
was struck by a bullet at a distance of
1,200 yards while it was in the pocket
of a Captain of the Imperial Yeomanry,
The curious part about it Is that the
officer was not aware until afterward
that, he had been struck, although
the bullet also pierced the sovereign
purse and cigarette case which he was
carrying in the same pocket.
Aching bocks are eased. Tltp. back, and loin pains,
limb swellings and dropsy signs vanUh.
They correct urine with brick dust sediment, high
colored, pain in pssaing, drihliling, frequency, bed
wetting. Donna Kidney Pills remove calculi and
gravel. Relieve heart palpitation, sleeplessness,
dizziness, Deauacue, A . ncrvousuaes,
X VAMia att to rosTc-jiLCT5-j
lift o. riAviSf vjfol? co
V fMTif yQ
5&Vo v&
7VCfs5TT" " 7T r
Consult our Physician by mail; medical advice
Hew the Indiana Secure Venison for
Their Larder.
A New Yorker who lives a small
fraction ot the time in the city, being
usually long distance away in pursuit
of grime, tells the methods pursued by
the Indians of British Columbia In tak
ing deer. They have evolved a sys
tem, the huntsmnn says, thit shows
practical skill and sympathy and know
ledge of natural conditions. He says:
"The Indians, to begin with, do not
hunt deor for the pleasure of hunting.
They go for deer as a housekeeper
goes to market for beef. And, what's
more, In British Columbia, at any rate,
they don't go often. Salmon are plen
tiful In the rivers and easily caught.
8o, why chase animals when they can
secure fish? It Is something, as it is
In Now Foundland, where I went a
couple of seasons ago. 1 hero the pre
vailing fish, as you might say, is cod.
And, though there Is no end to the
variety ot edible llsh that can be taken,
the natives never think of eating any
thing else. Cod is plentiful, and they
form the hnblt I suppose. This Is so
Ingrained that they call eodflsh "fish"
simply. The genus Is divided Into rod
Bnd the rest of fish. Well, when the
British Columbia Indian makes up his
mind for venison he goes at it sys
tematically and without sentiment. A
group of half a dozen or 12 men split
and take cither end of a valley. Then
they proceed along the mountain slope
from the two ends to the center. They
choose the sheltered side of the valley,
which the deer seek to escape the
wind. Bach pa;-ty covers the nioun
talnsldo, somo near the foot, and some
at the top. and others between the line,
keeping abreast by an Imitated owl
hoot. The decT on 'winding' pursuit
have a trick of leaping away down the
slope, unlike goats, which go up, and
thus between the two approaching par
ties they are swept together at the
middle of the valley. A good-sized
herd will thus be killed off, and the
Indians are supplied for many weeks
by two or three days' exertion."
The Alr-and-Draft Cure.
An American-English duchess re
cently boasted to me of the good which
had been done to her by a course
which was not only new to me, but was
so strange as to be almost comical.
The "alr-and-drat't cure" is what she
praised, and It was a remedy for cold
hands and feet. This cure Is taken at
a tiny place in the Ardennes mountains
In a single building there, a sanitar
ium. As I understood it, this building
Is bereft of bedroom windows, and
has great apertures in the walls In
stead. The patient retires to a well
bestowed bed, but leaves uncovered
and exposed her feet and hands;
Strong winds make the Ardennes their
playground, and those blow through
the bedrooms an 1 over the extremities
of the patients, and, in some mysteri
ous way, their members develop a
strong circulation and are presently
able to resist cold, and to guarantee
to themselves uninterrupted warmth
for all time to come. Cosmopolitan.
Slippers Made of Paper.
Some of the European hotels are In
troducing a novelty by furnishing each
guest on his arrWal with a pair of pa
per slippers, and the plan is expected
to contribute largely toward the clean
liness of the ho3telrles. The slippers
arc cheap. They are made wholly of
pdiicr, according to the Detroit Free
Press. The soles are of pasteboard
and the rent is made of white or brown
paper, stitched with heavy cotton to
prevent tearing. There are various
qualities. The most expensive Is made
of an extra good quality of white paper.
The cheapest is made of common
brown straw paper. These paper slip
pers are so cheap that new ones can
he furniHhed to each guest. An at
tempt Is being made also to introduce
them In hospitals and public institu
tions, its they would add much to clean
liness and form another preventive ot
contagion, since each pair could be
thrown away or destroyed as soon as
the wearer has done with them.
The Northern of France Railway
Company, it Is stated, baa decided to
install wireless telegraphy on its Do
ver-Calais cross-channel steamships.
received sample of Douu's Pills and
they are all that is claimed, thry re
lieved a pntn In my back, nnd did all
mat was represented. V. V. HAY,
it . u. Jo. 1.
Tatlorsvillk, Miss. No man can
tell the good of Doan's Kidney Pills
until he tries tlicm for a weak back.
I tried everything and got no relief
until I used Doan's Pills. J, N.
Wbst Branch, Mich., April 11th.
Many thanks for the sample ot Doan's
Kidney mis. we had tried many
remedies with little benefit but found
Doan s act promptly, and hit the case.
which was an unusual desire to urinate
had to get up Ave and six times of
a night. I think Diabetes was well
under way, the feet and ankles
swelled. There was an intense pain in
the back, the heat of which would
feel like putting one's band up to
lamp chimney. I have used the free
trial and two full boxes of Doan's Pills
with the satisfaction of feeling that I
am cured. They aro the remedy par
excellence. a. jr. uallakd.
Genuine stamped C C C Never sold hi balk,
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"something Jast as good."
V 1 u s
ami m'litf and eurM worat
Hook of tMlimonta'a and IO dnya' lntmDI
Pre. Br
a. a. aaua su,.a. Mi,iiiim oa
P. N. U. ID, 03.
w.'r.iTJlt Thcmpicn's Eyi Watir !
That Is Menellk's Title, and He Is a !e
aeendent of Solomon.
And who is the Emperor of Ethloplat
Those who happen to know may con
alder It an absurdly enny question to
answer. But such la the Ignorance of
things most necessary to know in
which our people ars sunk, that only a
few are aware that Wnetlk II. ot
Abyssinia has borne that title since
1880. He used to be cnlled the negus,
his full title being negus negnstl, menn
Ing king ot kings. The Abyssinian
monarch used to be ft mere King of
Chon. But now he rules the united
kingdoms of Choa, Godjnm, DJImma,
KatTa and Watamo, with some other
provinces. Consequently he la an em
peror. Ancient blood Is expected In nn em
peror, nnd It Is remarkable that he of
Abyssinia, the most obscure of the Im
perial band. Is of the oldest stock of all.
At least, that Is his claim. Allu, his
father, came of the old royal family of
Ethiopia tbot traced Its descent to
Menallk I., son of Solomon by the
Queen of Shcba. Allu was eldest son
of a great chief named Sclla-Svlossie,
tinder whom the kingdom of Choa at
tained to its highest pitch of power.
Now Selln-Seiasste'a own name had
formerly been Menellk, but he bnd
been wnrnetl by a monk to change it,
otherwise he would suffer great misfor
tune. Be should, however, said the
monk, call the son of his first born by
the name of Menellk, and the child ao
christened would one day be the con
queror of nil Ethiopia nnd the greatest
of her rulers since the days of Menellk
I.,' son of Solomon. As soon, therefore,
as the grandson was born ho was
named Menellk. The really curious
tiling about this story Is tlint it was
certainly told and retailed by nn Italian
traveler some rears beforo Menellk
"conquered Ethiopia" and consolidated
his realm. London News.
Crane and the Peanut.
Can it be that the hot roasted pea
nut Is destined to be to France what
the baked bean Is to Boston? Stnfnge
things have been unearthed by the
State Department, but none stranger
than that the Yankee's pet fruit 1
rapidly becoming the Frenchman's per
petual delight.
The American "goober" hns already
stormed the French vaudeville theatres
and opera houses, nnd the latest nd
vices declare that It Is successfully
holding the fort agnlnst all comcrr
The floors of popular restaurants are
carpeted with the shells, and the walks
In the public grounds are speckled with
the shucks.
Marseilles alone consumed 10,000
bags of the American dainty and loud
ly called for more. The merry note of
the rooster's whistle Is heard on the
street corner, and every day la circus
day over there.
It seems, however, that a plebeian
product from Africa is having the
audalclty to question America's su
premacy ns the peanut country of the
world. It is cheap, this African pea'
nut, and on that score it appeals to a
frugal and Indlscrlinlnatlng public.
But cultivated taste dqclares unre
servedly for the American nut. re
gardless of expense. Score another tri
umph for our glorious institutions!
New York News.
The Fenny Slt tTpi
We are ahead of London in somo
things, for behind in others. A you 113
artist, who styles himself a "nntuve
student," made a study of the slums ot
London while abroad recently nnd
spent a nlgbt in what is known as the
"Penny Sit-Up." His description is
vividly pathetic. This institution Is for
men only. It consists mainly of a large
shed, with row after row of benches
having high backs. The inmates pay a
penny each, for which, sum they bare
the privilege of sitting np all night and
sleeping with their heads resting on
their folded arms, which are supported
In turn by the backs of the benches In
front of them. At midnight the place
Is crowded almost to suffocation. Each
sitter la allowed sixteen Inches cf
bench. It must indeed be horrible 10
sleep in that posture night after nlgbt.
I do not see bow one could obtain any
actual rest or relaxation. As a matter
of fact, there can be no rest without
relaxation. Many persons have a heart
affection that would surely kill tbera
if they slept in an upright position,
while others suffer from shortness ot
breath whenever they He down. It is a
queer old humanity. New York Tress.
Found Him On.
"Mind, I was la a strange town, deal
ing with a strange man, and I tried
not to act strange, and still the fellow
found me out," said the newly married
man. "My Intended! wlfo and I had a
sentimentabout spending our wedding
nlgbt In our own home. The honey
moon trip was not to begin, till the fol
lowing morning. That required laying
in a stock of provisions for breakfast
"On the morning of the wedding day
I called at the nearest grocery store
and ordered a supply. There was but.
tcr nud salt and eggs and 'sugar and
well, everybody knows the string!
Understand, I did everything a bride
groom is not expected to do to throw
the follow off tho track. I ordorcJ
things offhand, not from a fool slip of
paper, but from memory. I talked to
the pretty cashier and ate an appls
out of a barrel as If I had been born lo
the place, like the store cat. Every
thing conceivable I did and thought
I had the grocer completely fooled
when, on handing me the packages, he
said: ,
"Well, sir, I hope you'll give us your
trade when you get settled." Netr
York Times.
Be; and Our Ttklon.
If a bull may be permitted: There
are many beautiful things In life that
we never see until they are out of sighs;
-New York Kens.
Women Made Strong and Happy
Cc'irrh otthe Pelvic Organs la a Fre
quent Cause of Barrenness.
Pe-ru-na Eradicates Catarib From
the System.
TO the
e woman of ancient Israel not to
become a mother was regarded as the
arcatcat of earthly ca. amities. lo
become a mother more especially the
mother of a ifronir. licnlthv bur aa the
height of glory for the faithful wonmn of
the Bond Hiolc dnvs. l.ven now. when
maternity is not eotcemcd as ot yore, the
mother of honllby children is an object
of admiration, and sometimes envy, by her
nciehhora. As comtmred with ancient
peoples, the average American woman has
a low appreciation of motherhood. There
are, however, a great many exceptions to
this statement. v
The accntfipanying letters from grateful
women who huvu lircn made strong,
hea thy and happy mothers need no added
woraa ot ours to make them convincing;
('nlarrh had weakened and impaired their
entire systems, reruns niaile them sound
and we, I.
Mrs. I.. M. OilTith. Arm, Malm. wrlte
"lour medicine did me a wonderful
amount of good. It cured me of barren
ties. I am 'JO years old nnd never hsd
any children; nut since beginning your
medicine 1 gave birth to a 10 pound baby
Mrs. W.
writes to
Doctor & J!, fit tf ill nn, Cn!i(ibu,
Dear Sir: "I eel perfectly tre.'t of catarrh.' I dlr! at van direct
ed me to and took J'erima and Munalln. The third of March I gave
birth toa 10-pound baby girl anU tte are bnth well ai happy. 1 am
t ry thankful lo you, and Peruna saved my tle. 1 recommend it to
evcrtoe and can't pralee it enough.
"I tend iou mi; oitn and my biby't picture. ' She it to tweet and
flood, ais fa a Peruna baby. I have such good health now. I do all
my homework and take care of my baby, and eel to good.
' There are three or four of my neighbors uttng Peruna note,
mince ltd Id ma so much pood. They were Jutt run down, and they
Ihtnk It it fine. It it to good to give ttrength."-' M rt. IF. McRobertt.
girl. She is now six months old and
weigh '25 pounds. My friends were all
surprised, home would not believe it until
they enme to see me.
"My hushand says he never sow such a
change in any one ns there was in me after
I had taken tlireo or four bottles of
i'eruna. 1 am stronger than I have been
since 1 was quite young. (Jod bices you
and your medicine forever. I cannot tell
you all. My letter is too long already;
nut I will say I'eruna cured me. I never
(aw or heard of anything half so good.
I can never thank you enough for your
kindness. In tnies of la grippe it works
like a chnrm. It cured my baby when
other medicines failed. She was real bad
with la grippe." Mrs. L. M. Oriffith.
Mrs. t. K. Thomas, Alpha, Mo., writes:
"I have used your i'eruna and Manalin.
I had been doctoring for several yeara, but
A New El Dorado.
If experience shall confirm the re
ports made by experts of International
reputation concerning the richness of
a new gold-bearing dletrlct in Alaska,
ve are more likely to. experience a glut
than a scarcity of the yellow metal
for sometime" to come. The more con
fidence Is attached to the reports be
cause the public has not been invited
to take part In tne exploitation of the
placer-mines to which we refer, as it
is said that they have been purchasd
by an Anglo-America syndicate, In
which the Rothschilds are represented.
If It be true that over a very extensive
area tho gravel yields on an average
two dollars In gold to the cubic yard,
thero Is nothing extravagant in tho es
timate that something liko an annual
output of $50,(iUO,ntiO may he expected
fcir 10 years to come. As the cost of
extracting the gold from the gravel Is
computed at only CO cents per cubic
yard, the proportion of profit should bo
large. Nor Is this the only quarter
from which large additions to the an
nual flow of gold from the Klondike
and tho South African Rand may be
looked for. Extensive deposits of gold
are known to exist in Mexico, and it Is
only a question of tlmo when the min
ing energies of that country, hitherto
concentrated upon silver, will be devot
ed to an exhaustive research for the
yellow metal. The more the world's
stock ot gold Is Increased the more
desperate, of course, appear the pros
pects of bimetalinm.
Swedish Marriage Customs.
The Scandinavian bridegroom pre
sents to his betrothed a prayerbook
nnd many other gifts, which usuolly in-
(i 1 1 1 .1 1, m aruiuA Uha In turn el vuu him
especially In Sweden, a shirt, and this
he wears on his weddlna
day. Afterward he puts it away, and
In no circumstances will he wear It
again while alive. But he wears it In
his grave, and there are Swedes who
earnestly believe not only In the res
urrection of tho body, but In the ver
itable resurrection of the betrothal
shirts of such husbands as have never
broken any of thoir marriage vows.
Tho Swedish widower must destroy on
the eve of his second marriage the
bridal shirt his iirct wife gave him.
A Valuable Discovery.
An optical screen used In Tyndall's
experiments was transparent only
th heat rays of the spectrum cutting
out ultra-vlolt as well as all visible
rays. For a third of a century phys
icists have been seeking a similar
screen that would pass only ultra-violet
rays, cutting off all others. This
discovery stated to be of great scien
tific value has boon made at last by
Prof. R. W. Wood, who has been aware
for some time that nitroso-dlraethyl-anlline
would exclude all rays except
the ultra-violet and some red and vio
let, but has only succeeded In obtain
ing the desired effect by combining
this substance with cobalt glass. A
remarkablo peculiarity of the chemi
cal named Is that It gives a spectrum
SO times as broad as that yielded by
ordinary quartz. '
Native feelings In India have' been
hurt by the new rupee because the
King appears on it without his crown.
Tb be hare-headed Is repugnant to the
Orlontal. ; ' ' ;
Writes Mrs. W. McRoberts.
Dr. Ilartman from Delano, Miss., the
Delano, Mint.
kept getting worse. One day a neighbor
woman brought me your book, the 'Ills
of Life,' and wanted me to take your
medicine. I told her that I had given up
all hope of ever getting well. I had tried
so much medicine. My neighbors thought
1 was nearly dead with consumption.
"Finally I concluded that I would msjfe
a last trial. So my liiikhand got me a bottle
of I'eruna and Mnnalin. I commenc.-d
taking them according to directions. That
was two years ago. A year ago last No
vember I gave birth to a 10-pound baby
hay, who is well and hearty: and I am
doing my own housework. I can never
give reruns too great praise. 1 think it
is the bert medicine 1 ever heard of."
Mrs. K. E. Thomas.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of I'eruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
Ther is no satisfaction keener
than being dry and comfortable
when out in the hardest atorm,
lowu unaui v c6.uriiTi ViuutiN rb.trVM,
, O r T J H ova 1bs. K..
If he will not Mjoply you
tVr ourfrrf cMnl"yi n QBrrnmt. nnd hat
1H buiiu NHtnt all ust Tails.
bsh 1 uuv n Bjrup. 'i air uuuu )w
In time. 8.lrl ti drucBintii.
Mosquito War In Washington.
The Marine Hospital service through
General Wyman has Issued circulars
to all assistant surgeons on duty at
pons at which fruit Is received from
South America and West Indian porta
to guard against yellow fever being
spread by mosqultos coming in the car
goes of fruit. The local health author
ities of Washington have made efforts
to drain all stagnant pools of water In
or near the city or so cover them with
oil that the mosquito will not be able
to got In or out of them. All property
owners and occupants of houses will
be obliged to cover or drain off all
I wate' 0I their premises and observe all
other J precautions to prevent the breed-
ing of the pests. All physicians will
be obliged to report all cases of ma
laria to the Health Bureau, and by this
means the authorities hope to locate at
once all colonies of malaria-carry mos
qultos. The Potato Planter.
Potato planter of to-day would make
a farmer of generation ago sit up and
rub his eyes. ' It requires that the po
tatoes be supplied, but will do all the
rest on its own initiative. It picks the
potato up and look It over or seems
to cuts It Into halves, quarters or any
desired number of parts, separates the
eyes and removes the seed ends. It
plants whole potatoes or parts thereof,
as desired, as near together or as far
apart as the Judgment of the farmer
on the driving part suggests. Having
dropped the seed it covers It, fertilizes
it. tucks It in like a child put to bed
and paces off the. next row with mathe
matical accuracy.
Railway System In Hungary.
Consul F. D. Chester reports from
Budapest that there has been an ex
tension of the railway-zone system in
force on the Hungarian State railways,
within which zonas stop-over privileges
are allowed. The supervision of the
prlvllego is more strict than formerly,
passengers being required to obtain a
certificate from the conductor of the
first train. American tourists, he adds,
will have to be careful not to purchase
In West European ticket offices old
Hungarian coupons, lacking the stop
over validity of the new tickets.
I 41
"I Do All My House
work and Take
Care of My Baby
full statement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable, advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus. Oliio .
Automatic Stands Being Placed
Publio Halls In England..
There has been shown recently an
automatic machine for supplying um
brellas. It is described as a fan-shaped
device, with glass front, so that the
purchaser can make bis selection of
th'j contents. Before doing so, how
ever, it will be necessary to drop two
shillings In the blot, and thereby. gain
access to the compartment in which
his prospective purchase stands. In
tasa tho machine fails to respond to
the clink of silver, as frequently hap
pens, says the London Engineer, with
the "pOTiny-ln-the-sIot" automatics,
thero is likely to be trouble.
Four hundred and fifty-six acres of
!and have bean obtained at Blairgow
rie, Perthshire, Scotland, to enable
Scottish peasants to try the IrlBb
scheme of Bmall holdings, but without
aid from taxation. Fruit growing and
fowl raising are to be insisted on.
An ideal Woman's Mela
So says Mrs. Josie Irwin, of
325 So. College St., Nashville,
Tenn., of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Never in the history of medicine has
the demand for one particular remedy
for female diseases equalled that at
tained by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and never
during the lifetime of this. wonderful
medicine has the demand for it been
ao great as it is to-day.
From the Atlantio to the Pacifla,
and throughout the length and breadth
of this great continent come the glad
tidings of woman's sufferings relieved
by it. and thousands upon thousands
of letters are pouring in from grateful
women saying that 11 will and posi
tively does cure the worst forms of
fumaio compluiats.
Mrs. Pinkham Invites all wo
men who are puzzled, about
their health to write her at Lynn
Mass., for advice. Such corro.
spoudence is seen by women only
and no charge Is made
. . .. ..,
U 1 yt-w l
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