The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 06, 1903, Image 4

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Iie Star.
HiibtcriiUion $1.1)0 r r wntr in mfninrs
A. MTKPHKXIMOIN, tiriltnr and Puk
AnInriiMH'nftiMitliirnI pner.pultMheipviry
Wmlne,t,ty nd Kevnnlihvllle, JelTermni t'o.
!'.. ilKvniml t tin' liiti'H'atu of lt,yaillvlllt
iniUefToromcoiiiity. Nun-iHillili'iil, will t reat
all with fnlrne. nml will liopxptH'liilly friend
I lownnl lln lntrlnK flans.
UomrmiiiliMUIoitfl Inlemlfil for mibtlrstlon
tMiini tw arfntmmntf it by the writer's namr,
not for punlttMinoii, tint nn a gtmrnniep of
R'jod fnlth. Ititoreailnit mw ltt nmsolli'ltiMt.
AilvertHliiii riui'n imtilu nowii on Hiillca
Hon at thtsofflrr.
Innlily rotnmtinlrntlntiii unit finings of
l.lTorllmMni'nm nhniild ronfh tills tiflloe by
Monitnr mim.
nlMrlitliiii prlerll.miviorycnr.ln nrlvanrp.
A (litre nil eouimon lent ton to O. A. Steph
enson, Knynoliliv I He, l'.
Baptist Aileo Stabbed Frank Carpi
Murderer in Jail,
An Italian was murdered at Walston
last Saturday by a fellow-countryman.
Baptlsta Allco, aged about twenty-one
years, stabbed Frank Cnrafa, aired
thlrty-flvc years. Ailoo plunged tlio
knife into Carafa's heart and bad his
hand raised for tlio gecori thrust when
some of the bystanders caught his arm,
but tho first stab wo futal. Monday
CoDstablo O. P. Walker brought Ailco
to Reynoldsvllle on tlio trolley cars on
his way to county jail at Brookvllle.
Ailoo has been in, this country
about one. month. Ho went to Walnton
the first of lost week. The troublo
arose over some Italians giving a littlo
Iko somo tobacco and Cniafa was trying
to stop tho janglo when Aileo, who was
not personally Interested In tho affair,
stepped up and stabbed him.
Birthday Surprise Party.
Sunday, May ,'trd, was Mrs. Jamos M.
Binney's birthday and during her ab
sence from homo Monday forenoon, be
twecn 35 and 40 lady friends and neigh
bors assembled at her home on Jackson
street. When sho returned home about
noon she was very much surprised to
find her house full of women. It
was a complcto surprise to Mrs. Binnoy,
as the preparations had all been made
at home of hor daughter, Mrs. Richard
Bone, on Worth street. After congrat
ulations all sat down to a sumptuous
dinner. Mrs. Blnney whs presented
with a handsome leather covered an
tique oak rocking chair, a set of silver
spoons and many other useful articles.
The afternoon was pleasantly spent
with music, games, Ac, and at a lato
hour the guests returned to their homos
wishing Mrs. Binnoy many happy re
turns of her birthday.
Notice to Comsumers of Natural Gas
Supplied by this Company at
Reynoldsvllle and Vicinity.
For all gas furnished for gas engines
and domestic use alter the regular
reading of the meters in the month 0(
May, our rates will bo 22 cents per
thousand foot, subject to the usual dis
count of 2 cents per thousand feet If
paid on or before the 10th day of the
month following that In which the gas
li used, making the not rale 20 cents
per thousand feet.
Oil City Fukl Supply Co.
Attention is hereby called to an ordi
nance prohibiting the throwing of
waste paper, poolings, skins, hulls or
sholls of any kind on tho pavements,
streets or alleys of the borough. Any
and all persons found guilty of violating
this ordnance will be dealt with the
provision of said ordinance.
L. M. Simmons, Chief Burgess.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in post offioe at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for
the week ending May 2. 1903 :
C. J. Henry.
Foreign Andras Geletep.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns. P. M.
Notice to Taxables.
All taxes remaining unpaid 'on my
duplicates in Wlnslow township mud
be paid pn or before the first day of
'June, 1903, or the Bume will positively
be collocted according to law.
Amos Stkouse, Collector.
Where You Can Got Them.
A number of our lady subscribers
have Inquired where they can get pat
terns of the high grade designs that are
illustrated in THE STAR each week,
and for Information of our lady readers
we will state that the patterns can be
secured from "May Manton" Pattern
Co., 132 East 23rd St., New York City.
Parties having goods left with us can
get same at residence of D. H. North
amer, Third street, between Hill and
Grant. And all parties Indebted to the
firm will please call and settle at once.
Clam and turtle soup and other good
eatables at the City Hotel restaurant. '
For good eye work see Gibson.
Visit' MlUlrens shoe department for
Typewriters for sale or rent. Inquire
Reynoldsvllle Business College.
54 loch crevanett suitings 11.00 ta
' 03rau, middlings and corn chops at
wholesale at Reynoldsvllle Mills. .. ; ' .
Just received a new Una of walking
skirt at MUlireoi.' ' '
A Pleasant Surprise.
Friday, May 1st, was a very pleasant
day for Mrs. J. E. Dean, of Wlnslow
township, and some of her friends. ' On
that day Mrs. Dean was 73 years old
and some of her friends planned, and
successfully oarrled out, a very pleasant
surprise. About 10 o'clock the follow
ing ladles from Roynoldsvllle drove out
to tho home of Rev. Dean i Mrs. Han
nah Prescott, Mrs. J. H. Corbett, Mrs.
M. C. Coleman, Mrs. Dr. J. C. King,
Mrs. R. 8. Williams, Mrs. Dr. A. H.
Bowser, Mrs. J. M. Davis, Mrs. J. A.
Whltmore, Mrs. L. G. Lldle, Mrs. E.
Barton, Mrs. H. E. Phillips, Mrs. A.
K no, Mrs. J. Booth, Mrs. Dr. Meek.
G. G. Williams, Mrs. O. W.
- i Mrs. R. H. Wilson, Mrs, J.
-i i.i t. ' Mr. Woodford. The fol
. ,r. 'nl nil were also present : Mrs.
-. .'. I . Mrs. N. T. Dean, Mrs. G.
Y - . .ilissMa'ide Rea and Mrs. iC.
(I. 1 '
Mrs. Dean know nothing of tholr
coming until they opened the door and
walked in. The ladles oarae with woll
filled baskets and at the noon 'hour the
large dining room presented a pleasant
sight. Two largo tables were heaped
with good things and all enjoyed the
The afternoon was spent in pleasant
conversation and singing. After sing
ing some of the good old hymns that
we all lovo, Rev. Dean read tho 23rd
Psalm and lead In prayer, after which
Mrs. Dean told her guests how glad she
was to welcome them to her homo, and
how grateful she felt for their friend
ship and rorocmbranco. Many of the
ladies sho had known for 25 years and
tholr rotations had always been the
most pleasant. The guests presented
Mrs. Dean with a handsome summer
dress as a token of their friendship for
her. About 4 p. m. the ludlos loft for
their homes, all feeling that the day
had been pleasantly spent and that sun
shine and bapplnoss had been left in
tho homo from which they bad depart
ed, as a result of tholr pleasant surprise
A Friend.
The Crowning.
The Crowning, or opening of Msy
devotions, was held in the Catbolio
church Sunday evening. The church
was crowded and number of peoplo
were unable to get into the church.
One hundred girls dressed In white,
carrying Rowers and wearing wreaths,
took part in the services. The altar
was beautifully decorated with flowers.
The girls marched up and down tte
aisles and then stood In front of altar.
Following are the names of the girls
who took part In the Crowning :
First Angel, Rose Black ; second
angol, Nellie Degnan ; six assistants
Marjorle Bowen, Lucllla O'Hare, Alice
Degnan, Rose Degnan, Ella MoDonald,
Eleen Nolan.
Tho flowers Opening address, Joan
Gelsler ; Rose, Elizabeth Taafe ; Lily,
Margaret Phaloo ; Violet, Dorothy
Scbultzo ; Mignonette, Mazle Burgoon;
Lllao, Marie Arnold ; For-got-me-not,
Susie McKornan ! Eglatlne, Lena Bren
nan ; Myrtle, Sarah Shannon ; Star of
Bethlehem, Mary Bolger; Lily of the
Valley, Frances McCartney ; Hearts
ease, Rosetta Montgomery; Heliotrope,
Francos Flynn.
The wreath of Bowers was presented
to the Blessed Mother by Frances
Incense, Alice Haodyside.
Lamp, Josephine Finnell.
Immaculate Conception, Kate Deg
nan. Emerlckvllle.
E. E. Snyder, of Reynoldsvllle, was in
our village Sunday.
Mrs. John Mowory, of Reynoldsvlle,
visited here last week.
Miss Emma Crawford, of Eleanors,
visited friends here last week.
Al Cable moved from this plaoe to
Sandy Valley the latter part of last
Emery Keys and wife, of Pittsburg,
are visiting the former's parents. John
Keys and wife.
Mr. and Mrs. James Carrier, of Sum
mervllle, visited at the home of E.
Scbugars Sunday
Mrs. Salome Mowery and Mrs, Jos.
Mottern are visiting the former's sis
ter, Mrs. Lizzie Andres, at Brookvllle.
MUse Edna Baum, Rose Cathera and
Anna Dempsey, of Reynoldsvllle, are
visiting relatives here at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. William Moore attend
ed a birthday surprise party at DuBols
Friday given in honor of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Mai Baugbman.
C. E. Mumford and wife, of DuBols,
and J. H. Baum and wife and daughter,
Helen, of Reynoldsvllle, spent Sunday
at the borne of Peter Baum.
We are very glad to note the fact that
Charlie Mlnlch is rapidly recovering
from tbe severe burns he received by
the explosion of powder in Fuller mine
March 25th.
Copying and letter written from
dictation at Reynoldsvllle Business Col
lege offioe. (
Grass seed at A. G. Mlilirens.
Hard shell crab and shrimp at City
Hotel restaurant.
See the new white goods at MlUlrens,
Visit Mlilirens for orevanett suiting.
Ladle' tailor made suit at Mlilirens.
Forest Fires Raged.
A great amount of damage was done
over this section of Pennsylvania last
week by forest fires. Thursday Reyn
oldsvllle was surrounded by fire and In
the afternoon the air was full of wood
moke. There was a strong wind blow
ing all day. It looked for a time Thurs
day afternoon a If the Are on the hill
back of West Reynoldsvllle would
swoop down upon the town and do great
damage, but the wind changed and
drove the fire back over the hill.
At Hopkins mill the fire crept down
to the creek bank on opposite side of
mill, but no serious damage was done
at Hopkins, although one dwelling
house was on fire and a number of small
fires started In the lumber yard, but
men with buckets wore stationed
through the lumber yard and prevented
the fire getting a start. The littlo
village was covered with dense volumes
of smoke. A number of men from this
plaee went down to Hopkins to assist In
saving property.
The fire swept ovor sixty acres of
young tlmberowncd by William Dough
erty and fifty acres owned by John
Dougherty In Paradise. William
Dougherty places hi loss at 11,000.
John Dougherty' tract wasnotso badly
damaged. Mrs. John North's born was
burned. Henderson Upllngor's houBO
and his mother' house, near Panic,
were both burned.
Popular Resorts.
The management of the Wlshaw
Park Pavilion wUhes to Inform the
patrons of this popular rosort that be
ginning on Monday, May 11, 1903. tlio
series of dances now being given by the
management will bo hold weekly on
successive Mondays, the balanco of tho
week we will reserve for social dances.
clubs or parties.
In this connection wo would state
that having taken over the manaire-
mont of the Mitchell Park Pavilion,
located on Traction line noar Punxsu
tawney, we extend a general Invitation
to our Reynoldsvllle, Wlshaw and
bloanora friends to favor us with their
patronage at the series of dances to ha
conducted this season at this beautiful
resort. The standard of excellency In
music and order, and all that goes to
Insure a good time, will be maintained.
Partios wishing terms or open dates
apply to T. J. Newoomk,
Wlshaw, Pa.
PostofAces and Pensions.
From Congressman W. O. Smith, of
Punxsutawney, we received the follow
ing notice of recent postoffloe changes
and increase of pensions in the 27th
Congressional District :
. Armstrong County F. T. MoKoe has
been appointed postmostor at Cochran
Mill. Tbe postofilco at Adams to bo
Clarion County A. W. Neeley has
been appointed postmaster at Alum
Rock and W. H. Sand rock at Jobnlow
or. Jacob L. Byers, of East Brady, has
been granted Increase of pension from
$8 to $12 per month.
Jefferson County T. L. Cooloy has
been appointed postmaster at Camp
Run. Free dollvory ha been estab
lished at Punxsutawney to take effect
Sept. 1st. Benjamin F. Haranker has
been granted Increaso of ponsUm from
112 to 117 per month.
Indiana County D. I. Sluildon has
been appointed postmaster at Glen
' Lott-Henneman.
On Thursday, April 30, 1903, nl 11.30
a. m., a very pretty wedding took piano
at tho residence of Mr. Henry llenni
man, near Big Run. The contracting
parties were S. F. Lott, of Troutville,
aud Miss Cecelia Henneman. Rev.
S. Charles Stover, of Troutville, officia
ted upon this occasion. W. F. Bucb
belt, of Sykesvllle, and Miss Florence
London,' of Big Run, attended them.
More than fifty guests witnessed the
ceremony. The climax was reached
when the guests went Into the dining
room, and none were sent away empty.
Valuable Real Estate for Sals in Reyn
oldsvllle Borough.
The undersigned executor of W. M.
Foster, deceased, having been by the
will of Mild deceased duly proved and
recorded, vested will) Hid authority to
sell his real estute at private sale to the
highest bidder, therefore, In pursuanoe
of said power I now offer said real es
tate for sale, reserving the right to re
ject any or all bids.
F. S. HOFFMAN, Executor.
See Mlilirens 11.50 solid leather shoe
for men.
See tbe line of new shirt waists at
MlUlrens. -
J. E. Mitchell, morchant tailor, in
Stoke building, above department store.
Douglass shoe for men at MlUlrens.
Grass seed at A, G. MlUlrens.
Shoo for the whole family at Mli
lirens. Mitchell, tbe merchant tailor, ' In
Stoke building.
Jno. Kelley' shoes for women at
al fur well-etablUtiiMl liouao lu a fuw couu
lieu calllusoii retail iiim-eliaui and airmita.
Lubal territory. Salary turn a year and ex
peuMM, payable Iks. 0 a twill In ousb aud
fmitmm advauueu. Ponltloo ueriiiaueiit. Hua
dmb sucoaaalul mid . mulling. HlauiWrd
Houim. Hat ItowUuru St. Cliluaao,
Want Column. .-
Hutoe: Ono cent pnr word for eneh nnd
avory Inaprt lon.
For Sale Good Jersey cow i fmh.
Inquire of Lewis Ludwlck or at STAR
FoR Bat.E-FIvo homes and lots In
Sykesvllle. "Blaay terms. Inquire of
V. R. Ilolman, Hykcvlllo, Pa.
For Sain Half Jersey cow ; fresh. O.
Toube, Rathmol.
For gule Pair pedigreed Belgian
hares. Address Keystone Food Co.
Wantkd Boarders In tho Murray
building, up Ktnirs. Rates reasonable.
Mrs. Lavinu Baum.
For sale A good team of mules, har
ness and wagon, also a new Myrncuse
left handed plow. Fred Higgle, Ileyn
ohlsvllla, Pa.
For Salk Six room hi lek hoiisn on
Grant street! reasonable terms. IH ban
K. Stewart.
For salo A lot. and 9-room house In
West Ueynol(lvllle. For particulars
Inquire at StnulTor's grocery store.
For SALE Good hnusn und lot on
Jackson Bt.. near coal company olllco.
Inquire at Till? Star office.
For Salk limine ami lot mi Fifth
st. Inquirii of Martin I 'ly lor.
For Sulo Two driving horses. In
quire of G. T. Woodford, tho pop man,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
For Sale Lot on Main street. In
quire of L. J. McKnlfre.
For Salo or Kent A good property,
Including a store room, on Worth street.
Inquire at. TIIKSTAR olllen.
Wanted I want, to wHveorsell you
a carpet very clieiip. Toefeel IVMay.
Wanted Intelligent girls for cloth
picking. Apply to Enterprise Silk Co.
For Salo A very lino organ, oak
case: must be seen to be appreciated
Inquire of Gustavo Herald, Hopkins.
For Sale A seven room house, lot
AO by HO foet, in West Uo noldsvillu.
M. E. Weed.
NOTICE Employees of tho silk mil!
using electric ears yolng to and from
work cau purchase ear tickets at lower
For Sale Brown and white single
comb Ijeghorn ami Plymouth Rock
cif!K for hutching in season. Inquire of
J. .1. Hoffman.
Made Yuung Again.
"One of Dr. King's New Llfo Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my 'teens' again" writes D. II. Turner
of Dompseytown, Pa. Thoy're the best
in the world for Liver, Stomach and
Bowols. Purely vegetable. Never
grlpo. Only 2"o at II. Alex Stoke's
drug store
Soo tho fit of a Hart SchalTner &
Murx suit al Mlilirens.
Douglass patent corona shoes at
Men's Spring Hats,
50c to $3.00.
See the 1903 Howard
Greatest Department Store in Jefferson Count
& Mux
b i fef
lust rBceivBil-new line of ilress trimminffs
all the new things brot out by the manufacturers since shipments curly
in teason.
a strong line of Neckwear and Lace Collars for ladies. -stock collars,
fancy turnovers and masOots.
Ruffs in black, black and white, white nnd black, and white. they range
in price from $1. r0 to $15.00.
stamped Shirt Wnist patterns, in linen, vestings and canton voiles.
lints, Caps, Coats and Drespes for infants and children.
n line of Fancy Chnlys, for which there is a great demand for shirt wnist
a line of Silks nnd Ribbons in all the new productions.
we have procured all the new and novelty things in the New York mar
ket. -nmotiR many other things we want to call your attention especially
to our Kufls, Cluny Lnccs and Fancy Neckwear. we have secured a very
8trongline of these but there is a very great demand for this, therefore we ad
vise looking the line over before it is broken.
we have provided ourselves with all the requirements that go with and
follow house cleaning. We arc showing a very strong line of
lace curtains
nt prices that defy competition. we have made a special preparation where
by we can furnish the window complete for the price of a single pair of lace
curtains. we charge no more for the curtains and give with each pair of
curtains a curtain pole and a window shade. we do not limit this to any
price curtain as we give a curtain pole or window shade with a 30 cent or a
50 cent curtain as cheerfully with the higher priced curtains. remember all
you buy is the curtain and we give you the curtain pole and window shade free.
next door to postoffice Reynoldsville, Pa.
Visit our Store for anything
Men's and Boys' Spring
UR CLOTHING all men: To the fax tld loin dresser because t ho
tailor are not ono iotu sweller. ttiev can't hold th'iir shuoe sdv bdLUir. thev
these suits of ours at one-bulf tho oost. To tho mail who does not care to buy ono of our bettor suits, because
tbe wearer of a Milllrun suit or lop coat, is always well dressed. (No saKgloir or tll-fl Ulnar trousers.)
Tho spring suit most In favor Is our fumous VARSITY, with pood broad shoulder effect. It has tho
bluntly rounded corners. Como In 'Mil sue the style and lit. $5.00, 7.60, 10.00. 12.00, 15.00. 1(1.00, tiH.OO.
TOP COATS Every warm ovonlntr now frowns on your lonu heavy overcout. Liht uolored r oxford
gray oovert coats, positively all wool 4S.00, 910.00.
BOYS' SPUING ATTIRE Brlnu hlra here for it nobby outfit. Boy' Knee Pants Suits in round corner
ed, with or without vests.or the po nilardoublo-ltreitsied uoitt ; In any color you cun think of; mode up ele
gantly of cheviot, serge, worsted, in fancies or plain or the cool suoiuier suit of flannel. 11.25. 1.50. 2 (HI. 2.50.
3,00. 3 50, 4.50, $5.00.
Spring Footwear for the whole family
TOHN KELLY'S Shoe for women in oxfords or full cut nhoV. All 'tlio latest
spring toes in patent. ki(. vlci kid. All qual in wear, stylo nnd fit to higher
priced sliutts. $1 :,. I ",u. 2 lo. 2.50 3.00, :i.50.
We -tr them al 1.5;i filr tlj.. .
2.50, 3.00, 3.50 and $5.00 for V n,b i
plain. ,
In tho yoiiiijjer cIhbh wb hive 0io
to the finest utu-til cult for ml-ses b
Ladies' Tailoii
rADE OP excellent quality V.). licionx, Cheviots. Homespuns. Broadcloths and
L noVHlty elTeola by tlie coteedi d Iv't milk ii'H in this counti-v. An nlnmnt
assortment of stylo. Including uoilarless blou... ulTeut with pouch sleeve in
jackuu. Skirls ui-o uarcfuliy tl)or d ; Honni have panel front viih rim ..earns
Speolal attention hut. been glviju to the finish Gf tQeg0 garments. Some are
finished Id braid, others with medallions, while we have them trimmed with
Perslun galloons. Como In and see them, try them on and see the fit : examine
tho lining $10.50, 12.50, 15.00. 18.00, 20.00, 22.00, 25.00.
WOMEN'S SILK JACKETS Made of rich Peau do Sole and imported
Taffetta, trimmed with tho popular black and white braid and medallions. 95 60
$0.60, 10.00, 12.00. '
Unprecedented Lace Curtain Selling
Has forced us into the market the second time ibis season to keep our stock com
plete. We havu the now one In at a price range of 4Uo to $10.00. and with every
pair above $1.00 we atlll give the pole to you free of charge.
We ask your special attention to our single curtain at $3,50.
COME IN AND SEE our nuw Shirts, Sljlrt Waist, Fancy Walstlog
Beautiful Novelties, Trunks, Neckwear, Fanoy Gingham, Suit Case, White'
Vests, Fancy Hosiery, Cluny Lace, Umbrella.
illircns Dopartmont jStoro
Th big storg
0 '
Reliable and Stylish to wear.
mil is week
earn tie
- .el oh rated solid leather Patupsco shoes. $2.00
o : tlno-l iiatoi.:, kid with funcy foxed topor
soft soled Infant-.' shoes, all colors, 25o up
t $2.00.
M;ade Suits and Skirts
Yard-wide guaran
teed Taffetta,
$1.20 per yard.
garments turned out by the
don't (it imii'e rtHrfent. thitn